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Open-loop and Closed-loop high-end accelerometer

platforms for high demanding applications

P. Zwahlen, D. Balmain, S. Habibi, P.Etter, Ph. Ullah, V. Ragot

F.Rudolf, R. Brisson Sagem
Colibrys SA Argenteuil, France
Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland

Abstract—This article reviews the two accelerometer Colibrys has developed two high performance
platforms Colibrys has developed: open-loop and closed- accelerometer platforms: one based on open-loop
loop platforms. Both of them are set to be best-in-class in operation and the other based on closed-loop.
their respective markets. With these two platforms
Colibrys is further strengthening its market leader A. Open-loop platform
position into the high performance applications. A full
review of the MEMS, the packaging, the electronics and A second generation of the open-loop platform has
control loop principle that have made possible a new been revisited, using the same basic concept of charge
endeavor into the high-end market is provided. balancing loop developed in the 1st generation [1],
which was instrumental to Colibrys’ accelerometer line
Keywords—accelerometer; open-loop; closed-loop; (MS9000 & VS9000) success. Identified room for
Sigma-Delta; high performance
improvement were the following:
• Bias stability: A low leakage technology has
While most of the MEMS developments have been been chosen, together with a differential topology
focused on low cost and low performance markets, robust to parasitics, which leads to enhanced
driven by the automotive, consumer electronics and stability.
smartphone businesses, Colibrys has taken up the
• Noise: Noise of the 1st generation ASIC can in
challenge to develop medium cost and high
some cases be a limiting factor especially for
performance MEMS inertial sensors dedicated to high
seismic, structural health monitoring and drilling
reliability, harsh environment applications. In order to
applications. The second version went through a
address the different high demanding market
thorough noise analysis, resulting in the
applications, two different accelerometer technological
implementation of an improved topology based
platforms have been brought to their highest-level of
on a pseudo differential amplification chain and
performance: Open-loop capacitive pendulous mass
thus improving immunity to analog ground noise.
accelerometer and closed-loop capacitive pendulous
mass accelerometer. These two platforms are the • Linearity: Although the concepts of the charge
basis for serving a large panel of demanding balancing developed within the first generation
applications. were strong, further improvements have been
identified and implemented.
This article reviews the key parameters that are
required for various demanding applications and relate • Bandwidth: Larger bandwidth (1.5 kHz at 5% or
them to MEMS design and technology, the packaging 5 kHz at -3 dB) has been enabled by faster
integration, the electronic interface and control operating sequencing rate of the schematic
principles that have allowed to achieve the high thanks to design adjustments made at circuit
performances on the open-loop and closed-loop level. The MEMS frequency response has been
platforms. After highlighting the performances reached, accordingly adapted and allows tuning based on
the different applications that can be addressed by the final application need.
these 2 platforms will be reviewed.
These performance improvements allow to further
II. TECHNOLOGICAL PLATFORMS VS. strengthen Colibrys’ position in the vibration market
MARKET SEGMENTATION with the VS1000 product targeted at applications like

Amended publication from IEEE/ION PLANS 2016 Conference in Savannah, GA, April 11th – 14th 2016
train bogie monitoring and structural health monitoring. force (which is quadratic with voltage) is
Leveraging on these same basic concepts, an linearized thanks to the time averaging effect of
extended operating temperature range [-40, +150]°C the Sigma-Delta servo principle (calibrated
with intermittent survivability up to 175°C product pulse train). Extremely high linearity can thus
be achieved with closed-loop operation.
version has been developed: the new TS1000T is set
to serve markets in the oil & gas industry such as down-  Signal bandwidth: Operating in servo mode
hole drilling and measurement while drilling. The guarantees inherently large signal bandwidth
inertial tactical grade application will be addressed with (above 10 kHz). This is of specific interest in
inertial navigation and guidance applications
the MS1000 product which is under development,
where precise time stamp of position data is
using the same electronics but with an improved required. Additionally, vibration monitoring
MEMS design reducing its sensitivity to mounting application could also benefit from this large
stress, thus further improving bias stability. signal bandwidth.
These benefits are traded off with additional
computing power at high sampling frequency yielding
B. Closed-loop platform to increased power consumption compared to open-
loop operated accelerometer. This complexity also
Although pushed to its performance limit, the open-loop affects the cost and size of the sensor.
platform is not able to address the very high-end
(navigation grade inertial) market where very high bias The closed-loop platform has presently been tuned for
stability, high linearity, low noise and large signal the inertial navigation applications with key focus on
bandwidth are required. Such high-demanding bias stability. Its potential goes far beyond the sole
technical specifications can no more be met with an inertial market, but could in principle serve the seismic
open-loop concept. Indeed the underlying governing monitoring, structural health monitoring, geoseismic
models are too constraint, yielding to contradictory imaging or even large bandwidth, high linearity
design trade-offs and ultimately not enough design vibration applications.
variables. On the other hand, the beauty of the closed-
loop approach is that it allows to unlock these design
trade-offs thus decoupling each specification Some market segments like AHRS for heavy
requirements. The design latitude offered by the closed- helicopters require fast start-up time. This puts heavy
loop platform for the key bias stability, noise, linearity design constraints on the device performance under
and signal bandwidth specifications are listed below: warm-up. Indeed, guaranteeing signal stability output
 Bias stability: Commonly a large contributor to under thermal transient requires to minimize thermal
bias instability comes from the MEMS spatial gradient inside the MEMS and between the
mechanics and is thus scaled by the MEMS and the temperature sensor. This point has
mechanical spring constant (as determined by been tackled both at the MEMS design level and at
the maximum allowed mass displacement). the packaging level (see below dedicated sub-section
While the open-loop concept requires trade- III and IV).
offs between linearity and bias stability, these C. Market survey
constraints are decoupled in the closed-loop
approach. The MEMS accelerometer can thus Excellent product performance level for both open-
be designed with a lower spring constant loop and closed loop MEMS platforms has been
compared to the open-loop platform, thus reached and is further confirmed through a DARPA
making a performance differentiator. The published survey [3] on accelerometers signal stability
closed loop concept has however additional performance vs. SWaP-C (a figure of merit compiling
terms that will degrade the bias stability. Size x Weight x Power x Cost) and illustrated in Fig.
Significant design effort on the electronics and 1. In this survey an old generation open-loop platform
control loop have been focused at reducing (i.e. MS9000) was already well positioned compared
these bias instability contributors (voltage to MEMS competing products. As a forward looking
reference, detection circuit and parasitic product performance, the new MS1000 inertial
capacitance offset) to negligible value as products under development, based on the new open-
described in Error! Reference source not loop platform has been positioned in this diagram. The
found.. performance potential demonstrated by the new
open-loop platforms reaches that of published MEMS
 Noise: fundamental resonance mode damping closed-loop accelerometer and approaches that of
does no more need to be provided by gas quartz servo accelerometer. In parallel, in a joint
pressure inside the accelerometer sealed Colibrys – Sagem development, a new class of high-
cavity but is achieved by the actuator motor. end closed-loop MEMS accelerometer platform (Aida)
Brownian noise can thus be minimized and has been established that reaches the best quartz
made a non-dominant noise source. servo accelerometers on the market (see dark green
marker in the plot of Fig. 1).
 Linearity: Closed-loop operation guarantees
minimal mass excursion around its servo
position. In addition, the electrostatic actuation
Amended publication from IEEE/ION PLANS 2016 Conference in Savannah, GA, April 11th – 14th 2016
III. MEMS DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY implemented to reduce transmitted stress from the die
attach to the sensitive cell. In addition, well-thought
Presently, all MEMS accelerometers manufactured at heat flow through the structure allows to reduce
Colibrys are based on out-of-plane spring-mass spatial thermal gradients. All these design features
capacitive technology. Out-of-plane is a baseline put together resulted in a very high bias stability (300
choice because it offers large signal-to-noise ratio μg end of life) and is the baseline for the high-end
(SNR) compared to the in-plane counterparts. Some navigation grade closed-loop accelerometer. This
have nevertheless attempted to design in- design not only offers improved raw bias cancellation,
but also reduces bias temperature dependency
whether under steady-state condition or transient
regime as is the case under warm-up.
Both of these MEMS platforms can further be tuned
for market specific needs (inertial, vibration or
seismic) such as Vibration Rectification Error (VRE or
non-linearity even orders), bandwidth or Brownian
noise by controlling the gas damping and its squeeze
film effect. For inertial market applications, even
orders non-linearity needs to be minimized as it
generates offset shift (the so-called Vibration
Rectification Error) under high vibration environment.
Reducing even orders non-linearity (or VRE) requires
to tune the accelerometer transfer function such that
it behaves as a pure spring mass damped system.
However, at low inter-electrode gaps the gas damping
is not operating in purely linear regime vs. gas
squeezing. Gas escape path have thus been added
on both MEMS platforms. For the vibration market,
Fig. 1. Accelerometer signal stability vs. SWaP-C. large bandwidth is desired, and is similarly addressed
The Colibrys accelerometer used in this survey is by designing gas escape path. For the seismic
a MS9000. Next generation Colibrys open-loop application, Brownian noise can also be tuned to
and closed-loop accelerometer have been added some extent by acting on pressure but needs to be
in this plot.
traded off against modal damping. This trade-off can,
as already discussed, be fully unlocked by operating
in closed-loop.
plane accelerometer into complicated technology
process flow to bring SNR values closer to that of out-
of-plane [4]. Because of the out-of-plane basic design
choice, bulk silicon micromachining on full thickness IV. PACKAGING
silicon wafer is deployed, resorting to both DRIE and
A. Open-loop platform
wet anisotropic etching alternatives. In addition, the
electrode capping relies on Silicon Fusion Bonding The packaging for the new open-loop platform
(SFB) technology thus ensuring a hermetic seal. This (VS1000 & TS1000T series) has been designed with
technological choice which requires high temperature the aim to maintain Form-Fit with the VS9000 &
process is motivated by 2 reasons: it ensures MS9000 series. This package is further illustrated in
excellent parasitic capacitance stability (thanks to Fig. 2.
stress relaxation occurring at high temperature and
B. Closed-loop platform
the sealing material limited to silicon and its oxidized
state) and low level of humidity (thanks to the high For the closed-loop platform, the packaging has been
temperature process of SFB) offering excellent designed, by putting all performance critical and
immunity against common stiction issues in MEMS humidity sensitive components inside a hermetically
manufacturing. sealed package. Furthermore, it has been designed
to meet the stringent warm-up specification, which
puts tight constraint on minimizing thermal spatial
Two MEMS design platforms have been developed gradient. This can be achieved in two ways: one
thus offering product design flexibility depending on approach is by working with high thermal conductivity
the markets to be addressed. The first one ceramic material like AlN and another approach is to
(nicknamed SPAC) is based on wet anisotropic work at the design level to create thermal iso-
etching. It is a robust and well mastered process potential. For ease of integration the second design
offering high shock resistance and excellent cross- approach has been favored. An illustration of the final
axis sensitivity rejection. The second platform package integration is given in Fig. 3.
(nicknamed AIDA_SENS) is based on DRIE etching.
It offers the benefit of compact and improved design
flexibility. Furthermore, mechanical decoupling V. ELECTRONIC INTERFACE
technique together with soft die attach have been
Amended publication from IEEE/ION PLANS 2016 Conference in Savannah, GA, April 11th – 14th 2016
A. Open-loop platform The signal output delivered is inherently digital due to
the Sigma-Delta control principle, thus simplifying the
The electronic of the open-loop platform has been system level integration.
developed with special emphasis on bandwidth, noise
and linearity and offering a version with extended VI. CONTROL PRINCIPLE
temperature operating range [-40, 150]°C with 175°C
intermittent survivability depending on the final For its closed-loop platform, Colibrys jointly with
product customization. The full amplification chain is Sagem has implemented a Sigma-Delta control
based on differential circuitry with the first stage principle. This topology has been chosen as it allows
implementing a charge balancing loop concept, a to substitute amplitude quantization with temporal
second stage implementing a programmable gain quantization. This concept overcomes the difficulty
amplifier and associated with high resolution amplitude data
converters. In this case, high frequency sampling is
required, which is easily implemented in modern
electronic circuits. Furthermore Sigma-Delta principle
is well adapted to low-frequency signals like
acceleration. In addition, the MEMS topology with its
shared electrode for sensing and actuation is well
suited to time-multiplexed systems. Working with a
train of fixed pulse width actuation force intrinsically
guarantees linearization of the electrostatic force
(which is quadratic with voltage).
Fig 2. Open-loop (VS1000 & TS1000T) platform in its VII. TEST RESULTS
LCC-20 package
A. Open-loop platform
The open-loop platform has reached excellent
performances relative to its class. The open-loop
electronic circuit has been fully redesigned with
special focus on linearity, bias stability and noise. The
electronic alone provides excellent signal output
stability as is illustrated in Fig. 4, demonstrating
electronic offset stability in the class of 75 ppm. This
measurement is done with a fixed capacitance input
bench, corresponding to a non-moving seismic mass
accelerometer. The plot shows the differential output
residues over the full temperature range [-40, +150]°C
Fig 3. Aida closed-loop accelerometer platform in its and after 3rd order polynomial temperature
LCC-44 package. compensation.
Based on this open-loop ASIC electronic, product
a final low-pass filter efficiently eliminating all high performance is further reported here for a 2g full
frequency contents from the time sequencing inherent scale accelerometer (here the TS1002T). The bias
to the charge balancing loop. The differential topology temperature slope is below 100 g/°C and bias
allows to efficiently reject common-mode noise
sources and interferences. It increases at no cost the residues (after 3rd order polynomial fit) below 600 g
dynamic range by a factor of 2. The signal output is or 300 ppm FS (Full Scale) over the full temperature
thus provided in a differential format. In addition, it range of [-40; 150]°C as illustrated in Fig.5
implements safety critical routine with overload
detection and recovery after shock.

B. Closed-loop platform
The electronic of the closed-loop platform has been
developed to minimize offset contributors. This is
done by double sampling techniques, thus eliminating
the source of short-term correlated offset contributors
inherent to the electronic circuits like charge injection,
by directing all signal samples through the same
operational amplifiers and by analyzing the circuit
behavior to a known signal perturbation as is
described in [5]. All these actions have resulted in
excellent offset stability and good 1/f noise rejection.
Indeed 1/f noise corner frequency has been brought
Fig 4. Open-loop ASIC voltage differential output
down to values below 0.1Hz. residues after 3rd order temperature
Amended publication from IEEE/ION PLANS 2016 Conference in Savannah, GA, April 11th – 14th 2016
Compared to the bias stability of the electronic alone
(75 ppm FS), a large portion of the accelerometer bias
stability is to be attributed to mounting stress of the
MEMS itself. We will further improve the bias stability
attributed to the sensitivity of the MEMS mounting
stress, in our next generation accelerometers
(MS1000) targeted at tactical-grade inertial market
Scale factor values measured for this same 2g high
temperature tilt sensor gives temperature slope of
<120 ppm/°C, while thermal residues after 3rd order
temperature polynomial fit gives values < 300 ppm
as illustrated in Fig. 6.
Non-linearity measurements performed on the
Fig 7. IEEE non-linearity of the TS1002T product
TS1002T results in typical value within +/-0.3% when
expressed in the IEEE standard as illustrated in Fig.


Performance (Typical) Tested values
Full scale 2g
Noise 7 g/√Hz
Bias temperature residues 300 g (rms)
Long term bias stability 1800 g
Scale factor temperature
300 ppm (rms)
Misalignment 1 mrad
Linearity (IEEE) 0.3 % FS

Long term bias stability represents the residual error defined after
applying following environmental conditions: powered life test
500h@150°C, 60 temp cycling – 50 to 150°C, random vibration @
130°C (20grms/10-2’000 Hz); shock @ 130°C (100g / 2 ms / 12’000
Fig 5. Bias stability performance reached by the new open- shocks).
loop MEMS accelerometer (here TS1002T of 2g FS) over
an extended temperature range.

The overall performance of the open-loop platform in

case of the TS1002T product is given in Table I.
Further development are pushing this open-loop
concept to its ultimate limit: thermal bias residues < 60
ppm FS are reachable with an improved MEMS
sensor, while noise levels of sub 1 g/√Hz is
envisioned with an ASIC re-design. These new
developments will set new product standards serving
the mid-range market such as tactical-grade inertial
mission, AHRS, flight control, north finding, platform
Stabilization and UAV autopilot and class-B seismic
B. Closed-loop platform
The closed-loop accelerometer platform has been
brought to navigation-grade performances featuring
the following excellent results (and published at the
ISS 2015 conference [2]) in case of an acceleration
Fig 6. Scale factor performance reached by the new open-loop range of 15g: Bias performance is illustrated in Fig. 8
MEMS accelerometer (here a TS1002T of 2g FS) over
an extended temperature range
Amended publication from IEEE/ION PLANS 2016 Conference in Savannah, GA, April 11th – 14th 2016
and features bias temperature slope < 30 g/°C and These performances open up a wide spectrum of
bias residues <20 g (rms). applications ranging from INS targeted at both civilian
and military aeronautic navigation, and seismic
Scale Factor performance for the closed-loop imaging for oil and gas exploration.
platform is also excellent featuring scale factor
temperature slope < 20 ppm/°C and scale factor
residues < 30 ppm (rms) as is illustrated in Fig. 9.

Uncompensated After thermal calibration

2000 100



Bias error (µg)

Bias error (µg)

0 0


-1000 MEMS1 - 11 µg RMS
MEMS2 - 8 µg RMS
MEMS3 - 5 µg RMS
MEMS4 - 16 µg RMS
MEMS5 - 13 µg RMS
-2000 -100
MEMS6 - 12 µg RMS
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 -40 - 9 µg-20
MEMS7 RMS 0 20 40 60 80
Temperature (°C) MEMS8 - 13 µg RMS Temperature (°C)

Fig 8. Bias stability performance reached for the Aida closed-loop MEMS accelerometer. Left figure is for
uncompensated bias signal and right figure are the bias residues after 3rd order polynomial fit.

Uncompensated After thermal calibration

2000 100


Scale factor error (ppm)

Scale factor error (ppm)



0 0


-1000 MEMS1 - 7 ppm RMS
-60- 12 ppm RMS
MEMS3 - 20 ppm RMS
-80- 16 ppm RMS
MEMS5 - 17 ppm RMS
-2000 -100- 19 ppm RMS
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
MEMS7 - 7 ppm RMS
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)
MEMS8 - 7 ppm RMS

Fig 9. Scale factor performance reached for the Aida closed-loop MEMS accelerometer. Left figure is for
uncompensated scale factor and right figure are the scale factor residues after 3rd order polynomial fit.

The long-term signal output stability, captured
through accelerated aging and corresponding to a 4 Achieved performances with the open-loop platform
year operational life assuming an Arrhenius law with show the potential of outperforming existing MEMS
energy activation of 1eV/mol, is kept below 80 g, closed-loop accelerometer and approaching that of
as is illustrated in Fig. 10. quartz servo accelerometer. On the other hand, the
closed-loop platform is establishing itself as a best-in-
The overall performance of the Aida closed-loop class accelerometer for inertial navigation.
platform is listed in Table II.
Amended publication from IEEE/ION PLANS 2016 Conference in Savannah, GA, April 11th – 14th 2016
With this article, Colibrys is demonstrating its further
renewed position into the high-end market, ideally TABLE II. AIDA PERFORMANCES
positioned to serve demanding applications in terms
of high reliability under harsh environment. Performance (Typical) Tested values
Full scale 15 g
Noise 2 g/√Hz
The developed platforms are now the basis for new
derivative products tuned to meet the specificity of Bias temperature residues 20 g (rms)
each applications. This ground work and the credibility Long term bias stability (4
Colibrys has acquired over the years in the 120 g
accelerometer business, sets-up a new milestone for Scale factor temperature
future MEMS development sensors. 20 ppm (rms)
Misalignment 25 rad (rms)
Warm-up 2 g/min
Vibration Rectification Error 1 g/g2
Bandwidth 10 kHz

Fig 10. Accelerated ageing test. Ageing is performed under 1g

orientation at 90°C for 15 days

[1] US Patent Number US5821421, Device for measuring a
force with the aid of a capacitive sensor using charge transfer, CSEM,
[2] Ph. Ullah, V. Ragot, P. Zwahlen, F. Rudolf, „A new high
performance Sigma-Delta MEMS accelerometer for inertial
navigation,“ Inertial Sensors and Systems Symposium, Karlsruhe,
September 2015.
[3] R. Lutwak, „Precise robust inertial guidance for munitions:
navigation-grade inertial measurement unit (PRIGM:NGIMU),“
Proposers Day Workshop, Arlington, VA, April 2015
[4] J. Chae, H. Kulah, K. Najafi, „An in-plane high sensitivity,
low-noise micro-g silicon accelerometer with CMOS readout circuitry,
JMEMS, Vol. 13, No. 4, August 2004.
[5] US Patent Number US2016003865, Sensor with
electrostatic pendular accelerometer and method of controlling such
a sensor, Sagem Défense Sécurité, 2016-01-07

Amended publication from IEEE/ION PLANS 2016 Conference in Savannah, GA, April 11th – 14th 2016

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