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Health & Safety Safety Alert Orange Stripe: 18/FY-23

Tata Steel Meramandali

Incident : LTI incident of Contractor Employee

Date of Incident : 28.05.2022 Time: 10:45 AM
Department : Blast Furnace #1 Mechanical
Location : BF-1 Slag Granulation Plant (SGP)
Injury : Crack observed in Right leg Knee

What happened?
At around 10:45 AM, Injured Person (IP) was engaged in installation of hydro motor of SGP dewatering
wheel. The job was being carried out using crane. The hydro motor was stuck with a grating near to the
assembly area and IP was trying to release the hydro motor. In this process, the hydro motor got a jerk when
it was released from the grating and hit the IP on his right-leg knee. IP was taken to First Aid Center where,
after X-ray a hair line crack was observed. Doctor advised him for orthopaedic consultation.

Risk Type : C3, L2

Name of the vendor : M/s. M-Tech
Current Star Rating of the vendor :3
Last date of incident (LTI) of the vendor : NA
Contractor employee’s Competency : NA
Skill Certification : Yes
(Proficiency (Platinum/Gold/Silver) : NA
Last date of incident (LTI) of the department :12.02.2022
Incident (LTI) free days of the department :104
Under camera surveillance : No
Health & Safety Safety Alert Orange Stripe: 18/ FY-23
Photograph of the incident site:

Preliminary Findings:

1. Work permit for the job and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was available. Risk Matrix was also
included in the SOP. Hazard was identified in the SOP (MM-BF-1/HYD/SOP, Page No-5).
2. Toolbox Talk was conducted before the job. SOP was discussed in the Toolbox Talk.
3. IP was engaged in positioning the hydro motor along with another team member.
4. A fitting mounted with the hydro motor hit IP’s leg.
5. Material got stuck while approaching the dewatering wheel. IP, being a gas cutter, was engaged to
clear the stuck-up portion.
6. IP has an experience of more than 10 years. He has participated in skill assessment test.
7. Vendor Supervisor is having more than 15 years of experience. Also attended skill assessment test.
8. Overhead crane was being used and there was no direct visibility for crane operator. Crane operator
was following the signal as given by the supervisor who was supervising the job.
9. Line manager was present adjacent to the incident place and was reviewing the progress of other

Immediate actions taken:

1. Informed to shift safety and all concerned officers.

2. Job was stopped and IP was sent to First Aid Centre.
3. Job started after reassessment of risk and along with Toolbox Talk.


1. Installation of pointer at overhead crane for proper positioning of hydro motor. This will reduce man
machine interface.
2. Using a safety guard in the working position of hydro motor. It will keep the working person at a safe
distance from hydro motor.

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