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Cambridge English Empower B1+ READING PLUS

n i t 6
UWhere shall we eat?
1 SPEAKING c This provides practice in scanning (students find the
numbers or keywords in the questions in the text) and
a To introduce the topic of the lesson, tell students that reading for detail (students read a particular sentence or
this lesson is about eating/dining out. Ask the class if they sentences more carefully to check the answer).
sometimes eat out and how often (every day/once a week/
month). You could ask for a show of hands. Put students
1 Monica’s
into groups and direct them to exercise 1a. Students 2 Kuba’s
discuss the questions in groups. Ask students to share their 3 Kuba’s
views as a class afterwards.
d Ask students to read the options, and answer the questions
2 READING individually before checking as a class. Remind students
that they need to look for paraphrase, as the exact words
BETTER READING: READING FOR GIST in the text and questions may differ.
This section helps students read more quickly and with more
confidence. Often students read slowly, trying to understand
1 c  2 a  3 b  4 c  5 c  6 c
every word before moving on to the next. They can be
dependent on a dictionary when they read too. As a result, a
e Explain that a testimonial is like a review or
reading task becomes partly a vocabulary learning/checking
recommendation. Elicit from students any websites where
task. It is a good idea for students to develop a tolerance for
they may have seen similar comments, e.g. TripAdvisor.
ambiguity instead. Ask students to read the testimonials and underline the
Explain that the best way to improve reading is by reading, key points. Then they should match the customer to the
not by trying to understand every word. Add that in many testimonial. Check answers as a whole class.
situations it is important to read quickly to get the general Answers
idea. 1 Ahmed
Set a time limit so that students can’t read too slowly. 2 Sanjit
Remind them of the time limit halfway through, so they keep 3 Aiko
reading at the right speed.
Students check their answers in pairs before whole class
feedback. Ask students how they found reading quickly
for gist, and remind them that it something they need to a/b Students work in groups and create their own place
practise in order to improve at it. and menu to go on the website. Write the following
categories on the board:
1 People who are travelling and/or would like to try local
authentic food in someone’s home. Duration:
2 Choose a menu from the city you are visiting and book a meal
on a specific date. Cuisine:
Group size:
a/b This also practices reading for gist. Ask students to apply
the same tips as they did in the previous task. Set a time Location:
limit again and remind them of it halfway through. Ask Menu:
students to share their ideas as a class afterwards.
Ask students for an example of each to make it clear what
Answers they have to do. Put students in groups and tell them they
Students’ own answers have to agree on each of the points on the board. Add that
the place can be real or imaginary.
Ask each group to present their ideas to the class. The
class can then vote for their favourite with a show of

Cambridge English Empower B1+ © Cambridge University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

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