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Cambridge English Empower B1+ READING PLUS

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UGet a job! 2
a Before starting, ask students if any of them have a Set a brief time limit and ask students to skim through the
ever had a job interview. Ask them what job it was for, text checking the ideas in 1a. Elicit from the class whether
and where the interview took place. Ask them how many this changes their views.
people were at the interview, and some of the common
questions people are asked. If students don’t have job BETTER READING: PRONOUNS
interview experience, provide an example from your own Pronouns can confuse students when reading. The aim of this
experiences, or elicit general ideas about job interviews exercise is to help them understand the pronoun they better
and the questions asked. For example: What are your and thus improve their reading overall.
strengths and weaknesses? Do you enjoy being part of team?
1 Write these lines of the text on the board:
Where do you see yourself in five years’ time? Explain that in
the reading students are going to look at less traditional At online retail specialist Summit, the candidate paints a mural
approaches to job interviews. Explain that some of these in their interview. Everyone decides if they get the job, not just the
are listed below, 1–5. Ask students to read through the boss.
items, checking any vocabulary. Set a short time limit and Underline they and ask students what it refers back to,
ask students to rank the ideas from best to worst, giving establishing clearly that it refers to the candidate. You could
reasons for their choices. draw an arrow from ‘they’ to ‘the candidate’ to help clarify this.
This could be done as a ‘pyramid discussion’. Students Tell students that they can refer to a person when the gender is
agree on the order in pairs rather than groups. Then pairs unknown or unspecified.
are put into groups of four and agree on the same order.
Explain that pronouns can be confusing when reading and this
They are then put in groups of eight, and so on, until they
exercise provides help with this. Tell students to decide if the
whole class is discussing the order.
remaining examples of they in the text refer to A, B, C or D.
b Put two groups together, and ask them to share their
ideas. Monitor, noting down any interesting reasons given. Answers
Present these to the class in a feedback stage. Ask the class Paragraph 1: A, B    Paragraph 2: C    Paragraph 5: D
as a whole if they agree on the order. 2 This encourages students to notice uses of they outside
this lesson’s text. Students work in pairs. Monitor closely and
2VOCABULARY: Words connected to answer any questions as needed.
work and employment b Direct students to read the magazine article again and
a Tell students to work individually, matching the words to answer the questions individually. Ask for volunteers to
the definitions before comparing in pairs. Go over answers give answers and explanations, and see if the class agrees.
with the class and monitor for correct pronunciation. Answers
Answers 1 He wanted a recruitment exercise which was fun and creative
1 f  2 a  3 d  4 b  5 c  6 e and involved candidates and staff.
2 He had an interview in a coffee shop, but it was too busy, so they
b Give students two minutes to think of three other went for a walk.
3 The interview went well, so they continued.
words they know connected to work and employment.
4 It can predict personality and IQ with 50% accuracy.
Help them to use dictionaries to check spelling and 5 Because it’s harder to build a team than it is to recruit an
pronunciation if necessary. Students test each other in individual, so they do both together.
pairs. 6 number of phone calls, number of breaks and customer ratings
for each call

a This gives students a chance to respond to the topic
of the lesson and have some speaking practice. Students
discuss the questions in groups. In feedback, ask two or
three students to share their ideas.

Cambridge English Empower B1+ © Cambridge University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

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