Professional English in General Medicine

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Liver Damage

The liver supports almost every organ in the body and is vital for survival.,..
Because of its strategic location and multidimensional functions, the liver is alsQ/
prone to many diseases. The most common include: infections such as hepatitis.:'.'.
A, B, C, E, alcohol damage, fatty liver, cinhosis, cancer, drng damage. Mant
diseases of the liver are accompanied by jaundice caused by increased levels of;
bilimbin in the system. The bilirubin results from the breakup of the haemoglobi
of dead red blood cells; nonnally, the liver removes bilirubin from the blood!
and excretes it through bile. Diseases that interfere with liver function will lemf
to derangement of these processes. However, the liver has a great capacity t<{
regenerate and has a large reserve capacity. In most cases, the liver only produces.
symptoms after extensive damage. Liver diseases may be diagnosed by liver".
function tests, for example, by production of acute phase proteins.
The classic symptoms of liver damage include the following:
.,, .rif rure :
(0 occu i.-Pale stools occur when _§!:erco��,; a brown pigment, is abs.en::
to tend from the stool. Stercobilin is derived from bilimbin metabolites produced:-''
.:. ·at¢nt in the liver.
" - '. .i, ·,,,...

.crS�C!t 9_, Dark urine occurs when bilirubin mixes with urine.
$ Jaundice (yellow skin and/or whites of the eyes). This is whe
I\ bilirnbin deposits in skin, causing an intense itch. Itching is the m
. •4111dS common complaint by people who have liver failure. Often this it
-. :rri.�lli cannot be relieved by drugs.

·. I1
� Swelling of the abdomen, ankles and feet occurs because the liv --
fails t9,-,1nake albumin. ,:.
;Excessive fatfghe occurs from a generalized loss of nutrien ::
minerals and vitamins.
C, Bruising and easy bleeding are other features of liver disease.
liver makes substances which help prevent bleeding. When liver dam
occurs, these substances are no longer present and severe bleeding
The diagnosis of liver function is made by blood tests. Liver function te
can readily pinpoint the extent of liver damage. If infection is suspected, t
other serological tests are done. Sometimes, one may require an ultrasound or··:·
CT scan to produce an image of the liver. Physical examination of the liver is
accurate in detennining the extent of liver damage. It can only reveal presence
tenderness or the size of liver, but in all cases, some type of radiological study::'..
required to examine it.


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