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<style> body {background:#F52AEB} </style> <title> Detail </title> </head> <body> <h2 align="center"> Healing the minds </h2> <p align="center"> <img src="" </p> <br><br> How could a world live without psychologists? Psychologists help people in this world with mental needs such as depression. Psychology is the study of the mind and whenever somebody is facing issues, they can turn to a psychologist. To me, I am very thankful to have psychologist who actually know your disabilities and understand you. I love to surf the internet about psychology and disabilities such as Obsessively Compulsive disorder and gain more knowledge. I think that there is nothing wrong with visiting a psychologist, and that whenever people feel down, they should visit a psychologist to talk about stuff. Whenever I surf the internet about Psychology it helps me expand my knowledge and i can help my friends more with my knowledge as if I am treating a patient. Inspire <html> <head> <ink rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="format.css"/> <style> body {background: #F52A96: margin: 200px 100px} </style> <title? Inspire </title> </head> <body> <h2 align="center"> Psychologists that have inspired me </h2> <p align="center"> <img src= <html> <head> <title> Inspire </title> </head> <body> <p align="center"> <img src="images/wordle.png" width="1000" Height="500" usemap="#people">

<map id="people" name="people"> <area shape="rect" coords="0,200,800,270" alt="wordlenames" href="#skinner"> <area shape="rect" "161,76,958,224" alot= "wordlenames" hred="#Allport"> <area shape="rect coords="282,335, 838,438" alt=wordlenames" href=# "#wolpe"> <area shape="circle" coords="400,400,150" alt="wordlenames" href="index.html"> <br><br><br><br><br><br> <img src="> <br><br><br><br><br> <b> <a name="skinner"> B.F Skinner </a> </b> <br> He is an inspiration to me because he studied human behavior (verbal) and succeed. It is very hard to succeed in these categories. He even discovered the rate of response, cumulative recorder and more. He has written many books and he is very logical. Also, he took interests in what I had interests in such as measuring responses of organism and studying verbal and response of human beings. <br><br> <img src=""> <br> <b> <a name="Allport"> Gordon Allport </a> </b> <br> He is an American psychologist, who was one of the first psychologists who studied about the personality. He did the Values Scales and behavioral approach. It is said that part of his influence was by his teachings which made a result of deep and lasting impressions he showed to the students. <br><br> <img src= " /therapists/images/Joseph_Wolpe.jpg"> <a name"Wolpe"> Joseph Wolpe

</a> </b> <br> Joseph Wolpe studied behavior. It is recorded that he is one of the most influential figures in behavior therapy. Wolpe found different reciprocal inhibition techniques. Wolpe s first experiment was on cats. Wolpe would give food to cats while exhibiting a conditioned fear stimulus. </body> </html> Banner <html> <head> <link re="stylesheet"type"=text/css" href="format.css"/> <style> body {background:#F52AEB;} </style> <title> Ashley's hobby: listening and giving advice about problems </title> </head> <body> <p align="center"> <img src="images/psychologist.png"> </p> </align> </body> </html> Developed <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="format.css"/> <style> body {background: #F52A96} </style> <title> Develop </title> </head> <body> <a href="#past"> Past </a> l <a href="#present"> Present </a> l <a href="#future"> Future </a></b>

<br> </br> <img src="images/LOL.png"> <b> <br> </br> <a name="sat"> Past </a> <br> </br> My interest in psychology started when I was in middle school. I loved researching about the mind and I even went to this place called "Brain Respiration," which helped us use parts in our brain we never used. I first began to search about dreaming, and brain disorders. Later, I found more interest in the mind <br><br> Present <br><br> I am currently teaching kids that cannot hear without a hearing aid how to play the clarinet. Also, some of them have brain disorders. I began to notice that as they speak, the gave the tint that they were always separated and bullied at school. <br><br> </br> <a name="future"> Future </a> <br> I hope to become a psychologist that everyone could rely on. I hope to be a good listener, give good advice, encourage, and much more. Although I do not know a cure for depression, I would later want to try to find cures that could cure depression, that works for everyone. </body> </html> Links <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="format.css"/> <Style> body {background: #F52A96} </style> <title> Links </title> </head> <body> <h3> <a href="home.html"target="home.html"> Home </a> <br>

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