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A brief biography of Hazrat Khaja Syed Umar Khaliq

Sahab Hyderabad

Mausoleum of Hazrat Khaja Mahboob Allah Sahab Hyderabad

A brief biography of Hazrat Khaja Syed Umar Khaliq
Sahab Hyderabad

A brief biography of Hazrat Khaja Syed Umar Khaliq

Sahab Hyderabad
A brief biography of Hazrat Khaja Syed Umar Khaliq
Sahab Hyderabad

Hazrat was born in the year 1282 Hijri corresponding to the year
1866 A.D. in Hyderabad and he has left this mortal world in the
year 1330 Hijiri corresponding to the year 1912 A.D.
The genealogical link is as follows.
     Syed Mohammed Umar bin Mir Parvarish Ali well known as
Badasha Hussaini bin Mir Haider Ali bin Syed Auliya bin Syed
Moinuddin bin Syed Mohiuddin bub Syed Auliya bin Syed
Hussain bin Syed Raj Mohammed bin Syed Mohammed bin
Syed Abdul Jabbar bin Syed Abdul Ghaffar bin Syed Abu Taleb
bin Syed Noor bin Syed Hasan bin Syed Yahiah bin Syed
Mohammed bin Syed Ahmed bin Syed Saleh bin Syed Sad bin
Syed Musa bin Albarqa bin Hazrat Syed Imam Mohammed Taqi
R.A. And who was the son of 8th Imam Hazrat Syed Imam
Musa Raza R.A. And he was born on 10th Rajab in the year 195
Hijri in Madina on Friday. And he has left this mortal world on
the 6th Zil Hajj in the year 220 Hijri on Tuesday and he was
buried in Kazmin in Baghdad. And Hazrat’s patronymic name is
Abu Jafar. In spite of his young age, he was famous for
excellence and knowledge as well as his abstinence and
perfection which was seen by the caliph of Baghdad and married
his daughter to him and her name was Ume Fadhel. 
   And Hazrat’s grandfather Syed Mohammed Umar migrated to
Hyderabad from Burhanpur during the ruling period of Mir
Nizam Ali Khan Asif Jah Second (1175-1218 Hijiri). He was
famous and well known for his knowledge and excellence and
for abstinence and God-fearing and he was courageous and
brave as well as perfect in the arts of soldierly. And for these
qualities, he was given the title of Khani, official grants,
and palanquin (Palki) and which were granted by the court of
the Nizam of the Hyderabad.

 He was born on the 17th in the month of Rabbil Thani in the
year 1282 Hijri corresponding to the year 1866 A.D. in
Hyderabad in his younger age his father has died so he has come
under the guardianship and care of his elder brother Syed
Mohammed Siddiq well known as Khaja Miya Sahib. And from
him, he has obtained primary education and memorized the Holy
Quran. And he was a pledge on the hand of his brother in the
Sufi chain of Chsitia, Quaderia, and Bahistia and he has
obtained a caliphate from him. But he has much interest in the
Sufi chain of Quaderia and he used to accept the pledge of his
disciples in the Sufi chain of Quaderia.
Education: He obtained knowledge of the exegesis of the
Quran, Hadith, and literature and logic from Hazrat Amir
Ahmed Kohati. And in the knowledge of recitation of the Quran,
he was the disciple of Hazrat Syed Tunisi.He was perfect in the
marksmanship and club fighting learned by Syed Qadar
Badasha. And he learned the art of wrestling from his own
younger brother.
Physical features: His height was medium and color was
wheatish and his face was oblong and his nose was the delicate
type. And his forehead was big and his eyes color was
intoxicated. And wide eyebrows and a wide chest. And the body
was in the good shape. On his head, there were ringlets and a
thick beard. And on his face, there was found light and he used
to wear an ordinary type of dress on his body. And used to wear
a shirt of four armpits made of khadi and used a khadi round cap
on his head. He used to wear a tahbund (sheet used as a
garment) and on his feet, Hazrat used to wear slippers.
Manners and ettiques: His manners and etiquettes were good
and his temperament was fine. He was a learned man who acted
upon his knowledge. He was the author and compiler of the
books and he was much interested in poetry and literature. And
his poetic name was Khaliq. In the art of the recitation of the
Holy Quran has translated Shati as such that he was ended each
and every couplet upon couplet. The exegesis of 15 parts of the
Holy Quran he has finished during his sermons in Makkah
mosque in Hyderabad orally. An exegesis of other parts of the
Quran from 16 to 30 was published by name of Tafsir Quaderi
for many years in the shape of a monthly magazine. Hazrat has
published the book Taj Urus of Tajuddin Ibn Atta Allah
Iskandari who died in the year 707 Hijri and was given its title
Rahbar Tariqat. And about the issues of inheritance, he was
written in simple Urdu language and in poetry and was given its
title as Faraiz Quaderi.
Death: Hazrat left this mortal world on 20 of the month of Safar
in the year 1330 Hijri corresponding to the year 1912 A.D. after
the middle of the night at age of 49 years due to illness of plague
disease. And his funeral prayer was performed in the Makkah
mosque in Hyderabad. And he was buried in his own Patta land
which he obtained in the area of the Fulknuma and which is
known as Quaderi Chamanand his chronological date of the
death is found in the words Iftakar Auliya.
Marriage: Hazerat’s marriage was held in the year 1304 Hijiri
with the younger daughter of Hazrat Syed Shah Asad Allah
Hussaini Juneri resident of Puna and her name was Umatal
Majid Begum in Secunderabad. And from her, there were born
two boys and two daughters.
1. Hazrat Syed Mohammed Badasha Laiq 2. Hazrat Syed Zain
1. Umatal Fatima who was the wife of Hazrat Syed Fazal
Rahman Shuttari 2. Umatal Mohamadi who was the wife of
Hazrat Mufti Mir Ashraf Ali.
So upon the death of Hazrat his elder son Hazrat Mohammed
Badasha Hussaini was become his successor and he sat on the
seat of teaching and instruction see book Guldasta Tajilliat page
Location: Hazrat's tomb is situated in the locality of Falaknuma
in the Quaderi Chaman. And the tomb is situated on a wide
platform in the open Chaukhandi.  The platform is from east 
to west sides is 50 feet in length and in north and south 38 feet 9
inches in width and its height is 2 feet 9 inches high from
ground level. And on the platform, there is full work of stones is
found. And its north and south sides there are found seven
arches and on the east and west sides, there are found five
arches. In this way, on this wide platform, there are found a total
of 24 arches on it. And on the east and west sides, there are
found 3 halls. The hall which is found in the middle of the halls
is not having a roof on it. And in this portion, Hazrat's grave is
found in the open Chaukhandi and there are also found three
other graves. And attached to the platform there is found a
jasmine tree and which spread on the Chaukhandi. And near this
tree, the water tap is found.
Chavkhandi : This is a strong and open Chaukhandi
(Chaukhandi (a walled enclosure is called a Chaukhandi, which
is constructed out of respect around the grave of a revered
person.) is found in the middle of the hall on the platform. The
Chaukhandi’s square area is 14 feet with closed stone and there
is found stonework on the Choukhandi floor. On its north and
south side, there are found three poles and on them, there was a
canopy of vines and flowers the jasmine flower. And there is an
arrangement of electricity inside the Chaukhandi and in it, there
are found two graves. And at the left side on the eastern side, the
grave of Hazrat’s wife is found there.

Grave: The grave of Hazrat is available there in Chaukhandi

and the dimension is as follows.9 feet 5 inches in length and 2
inches in width and I feet 8 inches in height. The middle locket
of the grave is made of simple soil on it there is found verdure.
At the side of the grave, there are found slabs of the black

Sama Khana : Sama is not an entertaining game but is the

secret of the Almighty. The Murshid of Hazrat Khwaja Garib
Nawaz, Hazrat Khwaja Usman-e-Harooni Chishti says: “Sama is
one of the secrets of the Almighty”.During the highest state of
Sama, there is no intermediary between God & his slave. Just as
grains, fruits & vegetables are food for the body, so good
fragrance, good thoughts & good sound are food for the soul.

Abdar Khana (a room to keep drinks and drinking water.) and

water reservoir: at the head side of the grave at some distance
from the platform there is found a permanent drinking water
house in which are kept earthen bowls and earthen jars during
the time of the annual death anniversary. On the western side of
the grave, there is found Sama Khana (The house or room in
which the hearing is held.) For the convenience of visitors and
for the persons coming of the prayers there was always the
arrangement of water in the water reservoir. Due to the
arrangement of water supply and electricity, there will be found
good comfort to the visitors and general persons. In the shrine,
there is not found the tablet.
Residential buildings: On the southern side of Sama khana and
Abdar khana there are found many private buildings in which
there are living relatives of the custodian of the shrine building.
Urs or annual death anniversary: Urs will be held every from
19 to 21 Safar on regular basis And there will be held three days
celebrations of Sandal, lighting, and recitation of the Holy
Quran. And which will be held in a decent way. at that time
there will be the progress of the Sama meeting. There will be a
rush and attendance of a large number of disciples and devotees
at the shrine building. In the shrine, there is not found the tablet.
due to the celebration of the Urs, it looks very good and found
decency there. On the last day of urs, there will be ladies' day in
the shrine building in which there will be found ladies bazaar.
Grave: In the tomb, on the platform of marble there is one grave
of Hazrat available there and the dimension of the platform is as
8 feet 5 inches in length and 5 feet 2 inches in width and I feet 2
inches in height. Hazrat’s grave is made of mortar and is made
strong and on a permanent basis. And which is in good
condition. And its dimensions are as follows.
6 feet 5 inches in length and 3 feet 4 inches in width and one
foot 7 inches in height and around the grave is the arrangement
of the wooden frame. And which is 8 feet 10 inches in length
and 6 feet 3 inches in width and one foot and 6 feet in height.
Mosque and shrine building: in the eastern side of the tomb
there is found one small shrine building and a mosque there. In
the mosque, there is held five times prayer calls and
congregational prayers. 

 On the occasion of Urs or the annual death anniversary, there

will be held a meeting of Sama and recitation of the Holy

Urs or annual death anniversary: Urs will be held every on the

death date of Hazrat on the 9th of Ramadan on regular basis
there will be a rush and attendance of a large number of
disciples and devotees on the shrine building. And there will be
fair on this occasion on small bais. the caretaker and custodian
of the shrine are Hazrat Syed Shah Wali Allah Hussaini Sahab.
And who is residing in the shrine area building. Due to the
arrangement of water supply and electricity, there will be found
good comfort to the visitors and general persons. in the shrine,
there is not found the tablet.

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Reference book :
Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez
Translator ‘ Muslim Saints and Mystics’
(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid Eldin Attar
Hyderabad, India

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