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Process Integration, business-to-business add-on

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1 SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.1 Configuring Adapters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Configuring the Communication Channels with the AS2 Adapter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Configuring the Communication Channels with the OFTP Adapter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Configuring the Communication Channels with the X.400 Adapter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Configuring the Communication Channel with EDI Separator Adapter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75

1.2 Configuring Adapter Modules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

Configuring the Archiver Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

Configuring the Number Range Objects (NRO) Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119

Configuring the ANSI ASC X12-XML Converter Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

Configuring the EDIFACT-XML Converter Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124

Configuring the EANCOM-XML Converter Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

Configuring the Generic Converter Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

Configuring the ODETTE-XML Converter Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

Configuring the PLAIN-XML Converter Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

Configuring the TRADACOMS-XML Converter Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

Configuring the VDA-XML Converter Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130

Configuring the EDI Search Parameter Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

Configuring the EDI Security Module (AUTACK). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

Configuring the Converter Module Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

1.3 Importing User Defined Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

1.4 B2B Integration Cockpit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

Log Viewer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156

Scheduling Log Clean-up Job. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159

Configuring the EDI Content Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159

Maintaining Number Range Objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208

Trading Partner Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209

1.5 Monitoring B2B Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252

Searching EDI Messages Using Correlation ID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .253

Status Codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .253

B2B Alerts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258

Archiving B2B Acknowledgements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

2 PUBLIC Content
1 SAP Process Integration, business-to-
business add-on Configuration


This section provides you with information on configuring various components of SAP Process Integration,
business-to-business add-on 2.0 release.

For more information, see :

● Configuring Adapters [page 3]

● Configuring Adapter Modules [page 115]
● Importing User Defined Functions [page 141]
● B2B Integration Cockpit [page 155]
● Monitoring B2B Messages [page 252]

1.1 Configuring Adapters


This section provides you with information on configuring the adapters of the SAP Process Integration,
business-to-business add-on.

For more information, see:

● Configuring the Communication Channels with the AS2 Adapter [page 3]

● Configuring the Communication Channels with the OFTP Adapter [page 23]
● Configuring the Communication Channels with the X.400 Adapter [page 47]
● Configuring the Communication Channel with EDI Separator Adapter [page 75]

1.1.1 Configuring the Communication Channels with the AS2



● You have logged on to the Integration Directory in the SAP Process Integration environment.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 3
● You have deployed the AS2 adapter in the SAP Process Integration environment.
● You have created the business component and communication channels.
● You have generated and stored your private keys in the SAP NetWeaver Administrator keystore.
● You have received and stored the partner's public keys in the SAP NetWeaver Administrator keystore.


You configure communication channels with the Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) adapter to transmit business
documents over the Internet securely using the HTTP and S/MIME protocols. It also ensures non-repudiation
of the business document exchange by transmitting an acknowledgment receipt known as a Message
Disposition Notification (MDN). The AS2 adapter specifies a comprehensive set of data security features,
specifically data confidentiality and data authenticity, which are aimed at the B2B commerce environment.

You use Multiple Attachment (MA) in AS2 adapter to transfer multiple documents within a single AS2 message.
In some transactions, multiple attachments are interpreted and stored in a single message. Multiple
documents, including non-EDI payloads, can be attached and transmitted in a single EDI message. These
attachments are stored within the MIME Multipart/Related structure.

AS2 adapter can switch between two security providers, that is BC (Bouncy castle) and IAIK. By default, the
security provider of AS2 adapter is IAIK.


1. Configure the sender channel with the AS2 adapter to process the inbound messages.

For more information, see Configuring the AS2 Sender Channel [page 5].
2. Configure the receiver channel with the AS2 adapter to process the outbound messages.

For more information, see Configuring the AS2 Receiver Channel [page 14].
3. To view the technical logs generated by the AS2 adapter, refer Scheduling Log Clean-up Job [page 159]
4. To configure alerts for AS2 adapter, refer B2B Alerts [page 258]
5. If you want to change the default security provider from IAIK to BC, perform the following substeps:
a. Navigate to the URL, http://<host>:<port>/nwa/sys-config.
b. Choose the Applications tab page.
c. Filter
d. In the Extended Details section, select the parameter.
e. Choose Modify, and update the value as BC.
f. Save the changes.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

4 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration Configuring the AS2 Sender Channel


You use this procedure to configure the sender channel settings in the AS2 adapter.


1. Configure the sender channel with the AS2 adapter to process the inbound messages.

For more information, see Configuring AS2 Sender Channel for Inbound Message Processing [page 5].
2. Configure the sender channel with the AS2 adapter to create a new XI message for the received MDN.

For more information, see Creating New XI Message for the Received MDN [page 13]. Configuring AS2 Sender Channel for Inbound

Message Processing


You use this procedure to configure the sender channel settings in the AS2 adapter.


1. On the Display Configuration Scenario screen, choose the Objects tab page.
2. In the Type column, double-click the Communication Channel.

3. Choose to configure the adapter.

4. In the Edit Communication Channel screen area, enter the channel parameters.
5. In the Display Language field, select the required application UI language.
6. Choose the Identifiers tab page and enter the parameters that identify the sender and receiver agencies.
7. Choose the Module tab page and enter the parameters that specify generic modules for the adapters
based on the business scenario.
8. Choose the Parameters tab page.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 5
9. In the Adapter Type field, select the AS2 adapter.
10. Select the Sender radio button for the AS2 adapter to perform inbound message processing.
11. In the Transport Protocol field, select the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
12. In the Message Protocol field, select AS2.
13. In the Adapter Engine field, select Central Adapter Engine.
14. Choose the General tab page and enter the values in the respective fields based on the description of the
parameters in the table below:

Component Parameter Description

Server Expected URL Path Provide the <path> mentioned in the

AS2 URL from which you receive the

The format used to define AS2 URL is


 Note
The UME action AS2Deliverage
must be assigned to the J2EE
user created for the purpose of
sending messages to the adapt­
er’s public HTTP URL. The au­
thentication credentials are pro­
vided to the partner in order to
call the adapter using HTTP(s).

Message Expected MessageID Left This parameter determines the left

side of the AS2 message ID. The name
to the left of the “@” symbol is consid­
ered as Message ID left.

Expected MessageID Right This parameter determines the right

side of the AS2 message ID. The name
to the right of the “@” symbol is con­
sidered as Message ID right. It must
be something unique that represents
the host environment, for example, a
host name.

Expected Sender's AS2 Name This parameter determines the part­

ner's unique AS2 name.

Expected Own AS2 Name This parameter determines the com­

pany's (using PI) unique AS2 name.

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6 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Component Parameter Description

Expected Subject This parameter defines the message

header of the incoming AS2 message.

Send Negative MDN if Filename is not This parameter enables the AS2
present adapter to check for the filename of
an inbound AS2 message. If the
adapter receives an AS2 message
without a filename, then it dispatches
a negative MDN to the trading partner.

Charset Charset Conversion This parameter enables you to encode

the characters in the message.

Source Encoding This parameter defines the encoding

format used at the source.

Destination Encoding This parameter defines the encoding

format used the destination.

Ambivalent Configuration Alert on messages in channels with This parameter enables the adapter to
ambivalent configuration set adapter-specific message attrib­
utes for the PI message, from the in­
coming AS2 message.

You are alerted if multiple sender

channels receive similar sets of mes­

Duplicate Handling Enable Duplicate Handling This parameter enables the duplicate-
handling feature. It determines if the
current file received by the sender
channel is a duplicate of an already
processed file. If the message is a du­
plicate, then it ignores it and creates
an alert based on the configuration.

Duplicate Message Threshold This parameter defines the threshold

for processing the given number of
duplicate messages. If the duplicate
count exceeds the threshold value,
the subsequent message is ignored
and you are alerted.

Disable channel if threshold exceeded This parameter enables the sender

channel to become inactive if the du­
plicate threshold is exceeded.

Time Period for Duplicate Check This parameter defines the interval for
checking the duplicate messages.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 7
Component Parameter Description

Time Period for Duplicate Check (Unit) This parameter determines the unit of
the interval for checking for duplicate
message. The units available are given

○ Hour
○ Day

Enable Duplicate Filename Handling This parameter enables the adapter to

check an inbound AS2 message for
duplicate filenames. If identical file-
name is found in the PI server, then an
MDN is dispatched to the trading part­

Time Period for Duplicate Filename This parameter defines the interval in
Check (Minutes) minutes for checking the duplicate

Type of MDN for Duplicate Filename Define the type of MDN to be dis­
patched to the trading partner. The
following options are available:

○ Send Warning MDN

○ Send Error MDN

Message Configuration Set Dynamic Parameters This parameter enables the adapter to
use the adapter-specific message at­
tributes from the PI message instead
of the configured values.

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8 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Component Parameter Description

Quality of Service This parameter determines the man­

ner in which the recipients receive the
messages from the Integration En­

The following types of quality of serv­

ice are available:

○ Exactly Once (asynchronous) :

The sender does not wait for a re­
sponse before continuing the
process. This quality-of-service
option ensures that the mes­
sages are delivered and proc­
essed exactly once.
○ Exactly Once In Order
(asynchronous) : The messages
with an identical queue name are
delivered to the recipient. This
quality-of-service option ensures
that the messages are in the
same sequence as they are sent
by the sender.
○ Better effort (synchronous) : The
sender waits for a response from
the recipient before continuing
the process.

Archiving Archive Messages and MDN This parameter archives AS2 and
MDN messages on the PI server.

The adapter archives both synchro­

nous and asynchronous MDN mes­

Incoming Wired Message This parameter archives incoming

AS2 message on the PI server.

Payload after Charset Conversion This parameter archives payload at­

tached to an incoming AS2 message
on the PI server. The coded data in the
payload is converted and archived.

Payload after Decryption This parameter archives payload at­

tached to an incoming AS2 message
on the PI server. The payload is first
decoded and archived. This option is
available only if you choose to Decrypt
the AS2 message.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 9
Component Parameter Description

Archive Error Message This parameter archives AS2 error

messages on the PI server. Error mes­
sages occur when the validation of the
AS2 message fails.

Archive Positive MDN This parameter archives positive MDN

acknowledgements on the PI server. If
the AS2 transaction is successful,
then receiver of AS2 messages trans­
mits a positive MDN receipt to the

Archive Negative MDN This parameter archives negative

MDN acknowledgements on the PI
server. If the AS2 transaction is un­
successful, then receiver of AS2 mes­
sages transmits a negative MDN re­
ceipt to the sender.

Archive Name The Archive Name defines the location

of the target folder for archiving. Use
the archiving parameters to specify
and define the file path of the archive

Adapter Status Adapter Status This parameter has two options:

○ Active: Enables the adapter to ex­

change messages.
○ Inactive: Disables the exchange of

 Note

Archiving: This feature enables you to save messages transmitted from a source or destination
database "in original format" on your file system. It is the first task practiced after receiving messages
with regard to sender channel and the final task practiced before sending messages with regard to
receiver channel. The location of the archived files are shown in the Archive name text box. The file
path of the archiving location can contain the substitution parameters to ensure uniqueness of the
archived file.

The archiving parameters used in the Integration Engine are as follows:

○ %SEQNUM: A sequence number, starting with 1
○ %RTSEQNUM: A server wide sequence number, starting with 1
○ %START: The start time of the adapter
○ %TIME: The archiving period in milliseconds
○ %MSGID: The XI message ID

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10 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
For example, the archiving parameters used to define a file path to an archive location are shown as

15. Choose the Signature and Encryption tab page and enter the values in the respective fields based on the
description of the parameters in the table below:

Component Parameter Description

Signature Verify Signature This parameter enables you to verify

the signature of the partner.

View to sender’s public key certificate This parameter determines the send­
er's public key certificate from the
NetWeaver Administrator keystore.

Alias of sender’s public key certificate This parameter determines the pseu­
donym file of the sender's public key
certificate from the NetWeaver Ad­
ministrator keystore.

Decryption Decrypt This parameter enables you to de­

crypt the received message.

View to own private key This parameter determines your pri­

vate key certificate from the NetWea­
ver Administrator keystore.

Alias of own private key This parameter determines the pseu­

donym file of your private key certifi-
cate from the NetWeaver Administra­
tor keystore.

 Note

The following are the signing algorithms supported by the sender channel:
○ MD5
○ SHA-1
○ SHA-2

The following are the encrypting algorithms supported by the sender channel:
○ AES 128
○ AES 192
○ AES 256
○ 3DES
○ RC2

16. Choose the MDN tab page and enter the values in the respective fields based on the description of the
parameters in the table below:

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 11
Component Parameter Description

Signature Sign MDN This parameter enables you to sign

the Message Delivery Notification
(MDN) receipt to notify the sender of
the message upon successful delivery.

View to own public key certificate This parameter determines your pub­
lic key certificate from the NetWeaver
Administrator keystore.

Alias of own public key certificate This parameter determines the pseu­
donym file of your public key certifi-
cate from the NetWeaver Administra­
tor keystore.

View to own private key This parameter determines your pri­

vate key certificate from the NetWea­
ver Administrator keystore.

Alias of own private key This parameter determines the pseu­

donym file of your private key certifi-
cate from the NetWeaver Administra­
tor keystore.

Asynchronous Message Disposition Send Options This parameter delivers an asynchro­

Notification nous MDN receipt either immediately
or after receiving an acknowledge­
ment from the recipient's application.
After receiving a permanent applica­
tion acknowledgement (app ack) from
the receiver channel do not use this
option when the corresponding re­
ceiving channel in the PI message flow
does not support app ack.

Override URL for MDN This parameter allows you to change

the URL of the MDN.

Async MDN URL This parameter defines the URL of an

asynchronous MDN.

Basic HTTP Authentication This parameter provides authentica­

tion to the Web server that uses HTTP
to deliver an Async MDN over the net­

Username This parameter authenticates the Web

server using a valid user name.

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12 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Component Parameter Description

Password This parameter authenticates the Web

server using a valid password.

Proxy Server This parameter determines the proxy

server that is used to deliver an Async
MDN over the network.

Host This parameter determines the

TCP/IP address or the host name of
the proxy server that establishes con­
nection with the proxy server on the

Port This parameter identifies the port of

the proxy server.

Basic Proxy Authentication This parameter provides authentica­

tion to the proxy server.

Username This parameter authenticates the

proxy server using a valid user name.

Password This parameter authenticates the

proxy server using a valid password.

 Note

Monitoring Acknowledgment

○ The local message monitor has been enhanced to monitor acknowledgments. For more
information, refer SAP Note 1815991 .
○ You can view the acknowledgements in communication channel logs and also in audit logs.
○ You can also enable the channel archiving option to archive inbound and outbound MDN receipts.

17. To set the channel status and to add additional parameters, choose the Advanced tab page.
18. Save the settings. Creating New XI Message for the Received MDN


You configure the sender channel of the AS2 adapter to create a new XI message for the received Message
Delivery Notification (MDN). The purpose of the MDN is to acknowledge the receipt of a payload message
delivered successfully and to ensure the message has been transferred without modifications. The sender
MDN channel should be created under the same party and communication component that are used in the

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 13
receiver agreement of the receiver AS2 channel. This feature is currently available for asynchronous
acknowledgment only.


1. On the Display Configuration Scenario screen, choose the Objects tab page.
2. In the Type column, double-click the Communication Channel.

3. Choose to configure the adapter.

4. In the Edit Communication Channel screen area, enter the channel parameters.

 Note

The channel parameters entered must map with the AS2 receiver channel.

5. In the Adapter Type field, select the AS2 adapter.

6. Select the Sender radio button for the AS2 adapter to perform inbound message processing.
7. In the Transport Protocol field, select AS2 MDN.
8. In the Message Protocol field, select AS2 MDN XML.
9. In the Adapter Engine field, select Central Adapter Engine.
10. From the Adapter Status dropdown list, select Active if you want to enable the adapter to exchange
messages; otherwise select Inactive.
11. Save the changes.

 Note

The enhanced version of the local message monitor has been introduced with Related Messages to find
related acknowledgments. Configuring the AS2 Receiver Channel


You use this procedure to configure the receiver channel settings in the AS2 adapter.


1. On the Display Configuration Scenario screen, choose the Objects tab page.
2. Double-click the Communication Channel, in the Type column.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

14 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
3. Choose to configure the adapter.
4. In the Edit Communication Channel screen area, enter the channel parameters.
5. In the Display Language field, select the required application UI language.
6. Choose the Identifiers tab page and enter the parameters that identify the sender and receiver agencies.
7. Choose the Module tab page and enter the parameters that specify generic modules for the adapters
based on the business scenario.
8. Choose the Parameters tab page.
9. In the Adapter Type field, select the AS2 adapter.
10. Select the Sender radio button for the AS2 adapter to perform inbound message processing.
11. In the Transport Protocol field, select the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.
12. In the Message Protocol field, select AS2.
13. In the Adapter Engine field, select Central Adapter Engine.
14. Choose the General tab page and enter the values in the respective fields based on the description of the
parameters in the table below:

Component Parameter Description

Recipient Recipient URL This parameter determines the URL of

the partner's AS2 server.

The format used to define the part­

ner's AS2 URL is http://

 Note
If you use the HTTPS protocol to
access the target partner's URL,
the public key certificate of the
HTTP server of that remote sta­
tion must be deposited in the key­
store view Trusted CAs of the
J2EE engine.

Basic HTTP Authentication This parameter provides authentica­

tion to the Web server that uses HTTP
to deliver the AS2 message over the

Username This parameter authenticates the Web

server using a valid user name.

Password This parameter authenticates the Web

server using a valid password.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 15
Component Parameter Description

Configure Client Certificate This parameter allows client and

Authentication server based authentication on mes­

Proxy Server This parameter determines the proxy

server that is used to deliver the AS2
message over the network.

Host This parameter determines the

TCP/IP address or the host name of
the proxy server that establishes con­
nection with the proxy server on the

Port This parameter identifies the port of

the proxy server.

Basic Proxy Authentication This parameter provides authentica­

tion to the proxy server.

Username This parameter authenticates the

proxy server using a valid user name.

Password This parameter authenticates the

proxy server using a valid password.

Message File Name This parameter determines the file

name of the encrypted message that
is transmitted.

MessageID Left This parameter determines the left

side of the AS2 message ID. The name
to the left of the “@” symbol is consid­
ered as Message ID left. If this field is
empty, then the XI MessageID is used.

MessageID Right This parameter determines the right

side of the AS2 message ID. The name
to the right of the “@” symbol is con­
sidered as Message ID right. It must
be something unique that represents
the host environment, for example, a
host name.

Use Compatible Message ID (shorter) This parameter enables you to

shorten the entire MessageID to a
maximum of 255 characters.

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16 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Component Parameter Description

Own AS2 Name This parameter specifies the compa­

ny's unique AS2 name.

Recipient‘s AS2 Name This parameter specifies the partner's

unique AS2 name.

Own E-mail Address This parameter specifies the e-mail

address obtained from the sender for
transmitting the MDN receipt.

Message Subject This parameter determines the sub­

ject of the message, which helps to
identify the transmitted message.

Content-Type This parameter specifies the content

type that the message is marked with.

For example, EDIFACT files are

marked withapplication/edi-x12.

Enable AS2 Attachments This parameter enables the receiver

channel to transmit AS2 messages
with attachments. By default, this
functionality remains disabled.

Charset Charset Conversion This parameter enables to encode the

characters in the message.

Source Encoding This parameter defines the encoding

algorithm at the source.

Destination Encoding This parameter defines the encoding

algorithm at the destination.

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Component Parameter Description

Dynamic Configuration Respect Parameters This parameter enables you to over­

write various AS2 message parame­
ters with the content of the dynamic
parameters in the XI message, instead
of using the values from the channel.

The following parameters exist in the

namespace http://

○ AS2URL: URL of the server

○ AS2Subject: Subject
○ AS2From: Sender name
○ AS2To: Recipient name
○ AS2FromEmail: E-mail Address of
the sender
○ AS2MessageId: Complete Messa­
○ AS2MessageIdLeft: Left part of
the MessageID
○ AS2MessageIdRight: Right part
of the MessageID
○ AS2ContentType: Content type of
the message
○ AS2Filename: XI Message ID

Archiving Archive Messages and MDN This parameter archives AS2 and
MDN messages on the PI server. The
adapter archives both synchronous
and asynchronous MDN messages.

Incoming Payload to Channel This parameter archives incoming

payload attached to the AS2 message
on the PI server.

Payload after Charset Conversion This parameter archives payload at­

tached to an incoming AS2 message
on the PI server. The coded data in the
payload is converted and archived.

Outgoing Wired Message This parameter archives outgoing AS2

message on the PI server.

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18 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Component Parameter Description

Archive Positive MDN This parameter archives positive MDN

acknowledgements on the PI server. If
the AS2 transaction is successful,
then receiver of AS2 messages trans­
mits a positive MDN receipt to the

Archive Negative MDN This parameter archives negative

MDN acknowledgements on the PI
server. If the AS2 transaction is un­
successful, then receiver of AS2 mes­
sages transmits a negative MDN re­
ceipt to the sender.

Archive Name The Archive Name defines the location

of the target folder for archiving. Use
the archiving parameters to specify
and define the file path of the archive

Adapter Status Adapter Status This parameter has two options:

○ Active: Enables the adapter to ex­

change messages.
○ Inactive: Disables the exchange of

 Note

Archiving: This feature enables you to save messages transmitted from a source or destination
database "in original format" on your file system. It is the first task practiced after receiving messages
with regard to sender channel and the final task practiced before sending messages with regard to
receiver channel. The location of the archived files are shown in the Archive name text box. The file
path of the archiving location can contain the substitution parameters to ensure uniqueness of the
archived file.

The archiving parameters used in the Integration Engine are as follows:

○ %SEQNUM: A sequence number, starting with 1
○ %RTSEQNUM: A server wide sequence number, starting with 1
○ %START: The start time of the adapter
○ %TIME: The archiving period in milliseconds
○ %MSGID: The XI message ID

For example, the archiving parameters used to define a file path to an archive location are shown as

15. Choose the Signature and Encryption tab page and enter the values in the respective fields based on the
description of the parameters in the table below:

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 19
Component Parameter Description

Compression Compress Message This parameter enables you to com­

press the message before sending.

Signature Sign Message This parameter authenticates the AS2

message with a digital signature.

Algorithm This parameter defines the algorithm

for signing the AS2 message. The fol­
lowing algorithms are available in the
AS2 adapter:

○ SHA 1
○ SHA 224
○ SHA 256
○ SHA 384
○ SHA 512

View to own public key certificate This parameter determines your pub­
lic key certificate from the NetWeaver
Administrator key store.

Alias of own public key certificate This parameter determines the pseu­
donym file of your public key certifi-
cate from the NetWeaver Administra­
tor keystore.

View to Own Private Key This parameter determines your pri­

vate key certificate from the NetWea­
ver Administrator keystore.

Alias to Own Private Key This parameter determines the pseu­

donym file of your private key certifi-
cate from the NetWeaver Administra­
tor keystore.

Encryption Encrypt Message This parameter enables you to en­

crypt the message before sending it.

Algorithm This parameter defines the algorithm

for encrypting the AS2 message. The
following algorithms are available in
the AS2 adapter:

○ AES 128
○ AES 192
○ AES 256
○ 3DES
○ RC2

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20 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Component Parameter Description

Key Length This parameter defines the length of

the RC2 key.

View to recipients public key certificate This parameter determines the recipi­
ent's public key certificate from the
NetWeaver Administrator keystore.

Alias of Recipients Certificate This parameter determines the pseu­

donym file of the recipient's public key
certificate from the NetWeaver Ad­
ministrator keystore.

16. Choose the MDN tab page and enter the values in the respective fields based on the description of the
parameters in the table below:

Component Parameter Description

MDN Message Delivery Notification This parameter determines the appro­

priate Message Delivery Notification
(MDN) type.

Two types of MDN are available:

○ Synchronous: This type of AS2

MDN uses the same URL to de­
liver the receipt.
○ Asynchronous: This type of AS2
MDN uses a separate URL to de­
liver the receipt. You must pro­
vide the target URL in the MDN
Target-URL field.
The URL format used to define
AS2 MDN http://

Request Message Integrity Check This parameter enables the adapter to

(MIC) request the partner for MIC.

Verify MIC This parameter enables the adapter to

verify the received MIC from the part­

Request Signing This parameter enables you to sign

the message before sending it.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 21
Component Parameter Description

Algorithm This parameter defines the algorithm

for signing the AS2 message. The fol­
lowing algorithms are available in the
AS2 adapter:

○ SHA 1
○ SHA 224
○ SHA 256
○ SHA 384
○ SHA 512
○ Same as Signed Message

Verify Signature This parameter enables you to verify

the signature of the message.

Choose the public key certificate from

the NW administrator keystore.

Choose the certificate file from the


View to signer's public key certificate This parameter determines the sign­
er's public key certificate from the
NetWeaver Administrator keystore.

Alias of signer's public key certificate This parameter determines the pseu­
donym file of the signer's public key
certificate from the NetWeaver Ad­
ministrator keystore.

Creating New XI message for received This parameter allows the adapter to
MDN create acknowledgement for the re­
ceived MDN. The types of content of
the XI message are given below:

○ Both Positive and Negative MDN:

This acknowledgement contains
details on both successful and
unsuccessful interchange.
○ Negative MDN Only: This ac­
knowledgement contain details
on unsuccessful interchange.

Communication Channel This parameter specify the channel

that maps the AS2 sender channel
configured with AS2 MDN as the
transport protocol.

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22 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Component Parameter Description

Party This parameter determines the

TCP/IP address or the host name of
the partner system, which establishes
connection to the partner system on
the network.

Communication Component This parameter specify the communi­

cation component of the AS2 sender
channel configured with AS2 MDN as
the transport protocol.

17. To set the channel status and to add additional parameters, choose the Advanced tab page.
18. Save the settings.

1.1.2 Configuring the Communication Channels with the

OFTP Adapter


● You have logged on to the Integration Directory in the SAP Process Integration environment.
● You have deployed the OFTP adapter in the SAP Process Integration environment.
● You have created business component and communication channels.
● You have generated SSL key pair and stored it in the SAP NetWeaver Administrator Key Store.
● You have generated CMS key pair, only if you are using OFTP 2.0 version, and stored it in the SAP
NetWeaver Administrator Key Store.


You configure the communication channels with the Odette File Transfer Protocol (OFTP) adapter to enable
secure and reliable data exchange, either by direct point-to-point, or indirectly via VAN, between computer
systems within industries such as Automotive, Engineering, Transport and so on. It is an add-on that runs on
the SAP Process Integration Adapter Framework. The OFTP protocol enables secure authentication by using
unique Odette ID, SSL protocol, message encrypting and digital signing algorithm, and these parameters are
supported both at the sender and receiver side in an OFTP adapter. If the OFTP communication channels are
configured with TCP/IP transport protocol, then the data is exchanged over the Internet or private networks. If
the OFTP channels are configured with ISDN transport protocol, then the data is exchanged over dedicated
communication links.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 23
The features of the OFTP adapter are given below:

● It encrypts the messages

● It digitally signs the message to establish the origin of the message
● It establishes the proof of data integrity
● It provides enhanced data compression
● It establishes the proof of identity
● It can switch between two security providers, that is BC (Bouncy castle) and IAIK. By default, the security
provider of OFTP adapter is IAIK.


1. Configure the sender channel with the OFTP adapter to process inbound messages.

For more information, see Configuring the OFTP Sender Channel [page 24].
2. Configure the receiver channel with the OFTP adapter to process outbound messages.

For more information, see Configuring the OFTP Receiver Channel [page 38].
3. To view the technical logs generated by the OFTP adapter. For more information, see Filtering OFTP Logs
[page 156].
4. If you want to change the default security provider from IAIK to BC, perform the following substeps:
a. Navigate to the URL, http://<host>:<port>/nwa/sys-config.
b. Choose the Applications tab page.
c. Filter
d. In the Extended Details section, select the parameter.
e. Choose Modify, and update the value as BC.
f. Save the changes. Configuring the OFTP Sender Channel


You use this procedure to configure the sender channel settings in the OFTP adapter.


1. Configure the sender channel with the OFTP adapter to process inbound messages.

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24 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
For more information, see Configuring OFTP Sender Channel for Inbound Message Processing [page 25].
2. Configure the sender channel with the OFTP adapter to create a dedicated channel for delivering reports.

For more information, see Creating New XI Message for Received ERP [page 37]. Configuring OFTP Sender Channel for Inbound

Message Processing


You use this procedure to configure the sender channel with OFTP adapter to receive and decrypt an Odette
message from the business partner.

The OFTP 2.0 version supports Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS. See IETF RFC 3852, RFC 3274) that is a
standard developed by the IETF to ensure secure message exchange. It is capable of encrypting, signing and
compressing messages sent by OFTP.


1. On the Display Configuration Scenario screen, choose the Objects tab page.
2. In the Type column, double-click the Communication Channel.

3. Choose to configure the adapter.

4. In the Edit Communication Channel screen area, enter the channel parameters.
5. On the Displayed Language field, select the applications UI language.
6. Choose the Identifiers tab page and enter the parameters that identify the sender and receiver agencies.
7. Choose the Module tab page and enter the parameters that specify generic modules for adapters.
8. Select the Sender radio button.
9. In the Message Protocol dropdown, select either OFTP 2.0 or OFTP 1.4.

 Note

If you select the OFTP 2.0 version, then the CMS tab page appears to allow you to configure then
encrypt and decrypt files.

10. In the Adapter Engine, select Central Adapter Engine.

11. In the Transport Protocol dropdown, select TCP/IP or ISDN.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 25
1. If you have selected the transport protocol as TCP/IP, then provide the parameters in the General tab
page as described in the following table:

Component Parameter Description

TCP/IP settings Local Hostname This parameter determines the

TCP/IP address or Fully Qualified
Domain Name (FQDN) of the local
machine that allows the OFTP
adapter to connect to the address of
the network interface.

Local SSL Port This parameter defines the local the

port number that allows the OFTP
adapter to bind with the local sys­
tem. The default port number is

If the partner is using SSL protocol

then provide the SSL port number.
The default SSL port number is

SSL Use SSL This parameter provides secure

communication over the Internet us­
ing SSL protocol.

Use client authentication This parameter performs client au­

thentication by validating the secur­
ity certificates.

View containing SSL Keypair This parameter enables the process

of uploading the SSL Keypair from
the SAP NetWeaver Administrator
Key Store.

View containing trusted certificates This parameter enables the process

of uploading the security certificates
from the SAP NetWeaver Adminis­
trator Key Store. The security certifi-
cate helps to authenticate the client.

If SSL protocol is chosen, then the

certificate of the host must be
added to the view of the J2EE en­

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26 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
2. If you have selected the transport protocol as TCP/IP Poll to connect to the partner system and
retrieve the messages during a specified polling interval, then provide the parameters in the General
tab page based on the description mentioned in the table below:

Component Parameter Description

TCP/IP Settings Partner Host This parameter determines the

TCP/IP address or Fully Qualified
Domain Name (FQDN) of the remote
machine that allows the OFTP
adapter to connect to the address of
the partner system.

Port This parameter defines the local the

port number that allows the OFTP
adapter to bind with the local sys­
tem. The default port number is

SSL Port If the partner is using SSL protocol

then provide the SSL port number.
The default SSL port number is

Specify Local Host This parameter determines the spe­

cific TCP/IP address or Fully Quali­
fied Domain Name (FQDN) of the lo­
cal machine.

Local Host The OFTP adapter acts as an initia­

tor and sends a connection request
to the partner system. The “”
address is used for binding to one of
the available local interfaces.

Use SSL This parameter provides secure

communication over the Internet us­
ing SSL protocol.

Verify hostname This parameter determines the

TCP/IP address or Fully Qualified
Domain Name (FQDN) of the web

Use client authentication This parameter performs client au­

thentication by validating the secur­
ity certificates.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 27
View containing SSL Keypair This parameter enables the process
of uploading the SSL Keypair from
the SAP NetWeaver Administrator
Key Store.

View containing trusted certificates This parameter enables the process

of uploading the security certificates
from the SAP NetWeaver Adminis­
trator Key Store. The security certifi-
cate helps to authenticate the client.

If SSL protocol is chosen, then the

certificate of the host must be
added to the view of the J2EE en­

Interval Poll Interval (min.) This parameter determines the re­

sponse time of the adapter to check
for stored files in the source direc­
tory of the partners system.

3. If you have selected the transport protocol as ISDN to enable digital transmission of either voice or
data communication between two users for the duration of a call, then provide the parameters in the
General tab page based on the description mentioned in the table below:

Component Parameter Description

ISDN Router Settings Router Address This parameter determines the IP

address or Fully Qualified Domain
Name (FQDN) of the ISDN router.

Router Port This parameter determines the

RCAPI server on the ISDN router.

The default port number is 2662.

Router User This parameter authenticates the

ISDN router's administration con­
sole using a valid user name. The au­
thentication credentials are associ­
ated with the router's RCAPI access

Router Password This parameter authenticates the

ISDN router's administration con­
sole using a valid password.

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28 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Use Additional Routers This parameter enables you to spec­
ify an additional router in case the
primary router is unavailable. Once
you enable this checkbox, provide
the necessary details in the fields
that appear.

General ISDN Settings Enable Multiple Controller numbers This parameter enables you to spec­
ify multiple controller numbers using
comma separators.

Controller Number (1 ‑ 255) / This parameter determines a valid

Controller Number (1 ‑ 255, 1 - ISDN controller number. The con­
255, ...) troller represents a physical connec­
tion to ISDN router. Contact your
ISDN router administrator to obtain
the controller number.

Own Number This parameter defines your ISDN


4. If you have selected the transport protocol as ISDN Poll to enable the digital transmission of either
voice or data communications between two users for the duration of a call, then provide the
parameters in the General tab page based on the description mentioned in the table below:

Component Parameter Description

ISDN Router Settings Router Address This parameter determines the IP

address or Fully Qualified Domain
Name (FQDN) of the ISDN router.

Router Port This parameter determines the

RCAPI server on the ISDN router.

The default port number is 2662.

Router User This parameter authenticates the

ISDN router's administration con­
sole using a valid user name. The au­
thentication credentials are associ­
ated with the router's RCAPI access

Router Password This parameter authenticates the

ISDN router's administration con­
sole using a valid password.

General ISDN Settings Remote Number This parameter determines the re­
cipients ISDN number.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 29
Own Number This parameter defines your ISDN

Controller Number (1 ‑ 255) This parameter determines a valid

ISDN controller number. The con­
troller represents a physical connec­
tion to ISDN router. Contact your
ISDN router administrator to obtain
the controller number.

12. In the General tab page, provide values for the remaining parameters based on the description mentioned
in the table below:

Component Parameter Description

Partner Password (Sender) Own Odette-ID This parameter determines a unique

Odette-ID of the sender. It helps to
identify the inbound messages.

Final File Destination (SFIDDEST) This parameter determines the desti­

nation of the final recipient of the vir­
tual file. This is also the location that
analyzes the virtual file content and
performs the mapping functions. The
End-to-End Response (EERP) com­
mand for the received files are found
at this location.

Partner Odette-ID This parameter determines a unique

Odette-ID of the partner. It helps to
identify the outbound message.

File Originator (SFIDORIG) This parameter determines the origi­

nator of the virtual file.

Enable Clear Text for Passpharse This parameter allows the user to en­
ter password in plain text.

Own Password (Receiver) This parameter authenticates the re­

ceiver with a valid password.

Partner Password (Sender) This parameter authenticates the

sender with a valid password.

File Settings Expected Virtual File Dataset Name This parameter determines the data­
set name of the virtual file being

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30 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Encoding This parameter defines the format to
encode the file before transmission.
The available file encoding formats
are given below:

○ ISO-8859-1

Duplicate Handling Enable Duplicate Handling This parameter enables duplicate

handling feature. It determines if the
current file received by the sender
channel is a duplicate of an already
processed file. If the message is dupli­
cate, then it ignores and creates an
alert based on the configuration.

Duplicate Message Threshold This parameter defines the threshold

for processing the given number of
duplicate messages. If the duplicate
count exceeds the threshold value,
the subsequent message is ignored
and you are alerted.

Disable Channel if Threshold Exceeded This parameter enables the sender

channel to become inactive if the du­
plicate threshold is exceeded.

Time Period for Duplicate Check This parameter defines the interval to
check for duplicate messages.

Time Period for Duplicate Check (Unit) This parameter determines the unit of
the interval to check for duplicate
message. The units available are given

○ Hour
○ Day

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 31
Quality of Service Quality of Service This parameter determines the man­
ner in which the recipient’s receive the
messages from the Integration En­

The following types of Quality of Serv­

ice are available:

○ Exactly Once (asynchronous):

The sender does not wait for a re­
sponse before continuing the
process. This Quality of Service
option ensures that the mes­
sages are delivered and proc­
essed exactly once.
○ Exactly Once In Order
(asynchronous): The messages
with the identical queue name
are delivered to the recipient.
This Quality of Service option en­
sures that the messages are in
the same sequence as they are
sent by the sender.
○ Better effort (synchronous): The
sender waits for a response from
the recipient before continuing
the process.

Archiving Archiving Messages This parameter archives the OFTP

messages on the PI server.

The archiving options are available

only in OFTP 2.0 message protocol.

Incoming Wired Message This parameter enables you to archive

the incoming OFTP messages to a lo­
cation provided in the Filename field.

Payload After Decryption This parameter archives payload at­

tached to an incoming message on
the PI server. The payload is first de­
coded and then archived. This option
is available only if you choose
theDecrypt files option available in
CMS tab page.

Incoming EERP This option archives incoming EERP

messages to a location provided in the
Filename field.

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32 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Incoming NERP This option archives incoming NERP
messages to a location provided in the
Filename field.

Archive Error Messages This parameter enables you to archive

error messages to a location provided
in the Filename field.

13. Choose the Technical Settings tab page and based on the Transport Protocol you have specified, follow the
sub-steps below:
1. If you select the transport protocol as TCP/IP or ISDN, enter the values of the parameters as described
in the table below:

Component Parameter Description

Technical Settings Allow Compression (1.X RLE) This parameter enables the adapter
to compress the data as per the Run
Length Encoding (RLE) compression

Version Negotiable This parameter enables the adapter

to negotiate the OFTP version with
the partner.

Send / Receive Capabilities This parameter allows you to specify

the send/receive capabilities of the
location (whether receive only or
both send and receive).

Max Credit Count This parameter determines the max­

imum credit limit available for the
data exchange buffers sent to the lis­
tener. The credit count value de­
pends on the router.

Max Exchange Buffer Size This parameter determines the max­

imum exchange buffer size that can
be accepted by this location. The
value of this size depends on the

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 33
Userfield SSID This parameter defines the Service
Set Identifier (SSID), which is a
unique ID used for establishing con­
nection with the wireless network.
There must exist a bilateral agree­
ment between two FTPs for realizing
this service.

If this field is unused then initialize it

to spaces.

Userfield SFID This parameter defines the Service

Flow Identifier (SFID), which is a
unique ID defined by DOCSIS and it
represents either an upstream or a
downstream flow of data. There
must exist a bilateral agreement be­
tween two FTPs for realizing this

If this field is unused, then initialize it

to spaces.

2. If you select the transport protocol as TCP/IP Poll, enter the values of the parameters as described in
the table below in addition to the technical setting parameters that are available for TCP/IP:

Component Parameter Description

Associate with same SSID and Polling Channel This parameter allows you to asso­
password ciate the polling channel with the
same SSID and password for ses­
sion negotiation.

Sender Channel This parameter allows you to asso­

ciate the sender channel with the
same SSID and password for ses­
sion negotiation.

3. If you select the transport protocol as ISDN Poll, enter the values of the parameters as described in the
table below in addition to the technical setting parameters that are available for ISDN:

Component Parameter Description

Associate with same SSID and Polling Channel This parameter allows you to asso­
password ciate the polling channel with the
same SSID and password for ses­
sion negotiation.

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34 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Sender Channel This parameter allows you to asso­
ciate the sender channel with the
same SSID and password for ses­
sion negotiation.

X.25 Settings Use X.25 This parameter allows you to use the
X.25 protocol for electronic data ex­
change over the network.

Called Number This parameter defines the destina­

tion number of the partner without
the area code.

Calling Number This parameter defines the senders

number without the area code.

Packet size This parameter determines the size

of data used in the X.25 interchange.
Retain the default values.

Window Size This parameter determines the max­

imum number of data packets that
are exchanged. Retain the default

14. Choose the ERP tab page and enter the values in the respective fields based on the description of the
parameters mentioned in the table below:

Component Parameter Description

ERP Settings Suppress End Response (EERP/NERP) This parameter initiates the sender
channel not to send an end-to-end re­
sponse to the originator of a file.

Asynchronous ERP Settings Send Asynchronous ERP This parameter allows you to sends
asynchronous ERP receipt to the part­

Partner Host This parameter determines the

TCP/IP address or the host name of
the partner system, which establishes
connection to the partner system on
the network.

Port This parameter identifies the part­

ner's port number.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 35
Send Options This parameter delivers an Asynchro­
nous ERP receipt either immediately
or after receiving an application ac­
knowledgment from the receiver. The
On Application Acknowledgement op­
tion is an acknowledgment requested
by the sender after the message was
processed by the receiver success­

 Note

Monitoring Acknowledgment

○ The local message monitor has been enhanced to monitor acknowledgments. For more
information, refer SAP Note 1815991 .
○ You can view the acknowledgments in communication channel logs and also in audit logs.

15. If you select the Message Protocol as OFTP 2.0, choose the CMS tab page and enter the values in the
respective fields based on the description of the parameters mentioned in the table below:

 Note

All CMS features are supported by OFTP Version 2.0 and above. If you have chosen a version prior to
2.0, then the CMS tab page is unavailable.

Component Parameter Description

CMS Parameters Key store containing own certificates This parameter allows you to view and
and keys use your certificates and keys from
the SAP NetWeaver Administrator key

Key store containing partner This parameter allows you to view and
certificates use partners certificates and keys
from the SAP NetWeaver Administra­
tor key store.

Decrypt Files This parameter enables you to de­

crypt the received messages. There
must exist a bilateral agreement be­
tween two FTPs for activating this

Verify Signature This parameter enables you to verify

the signature of the received files.
There must exist a bilateral agree­
ment between two FTPs for activating
this service.

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36 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Use Secure Handshake This parameter allows the sender
channel to identify the originator of
the message before opening a ses­

Use Compression This parameter indicates the algo­

rithm used to compress the incoming

Send Signed ERP This parameter enables the adapter to

send signed EERP/NERP response.

 Note

The CMS option does not negotiate between the FTP systems. If the CMS options in the sender and
receiver channels do not correspond with each other, then the file transfer fails.

16. To configure the channel status and to add additional parameters, choose the Advanced tab page.
17. Save the changes. Creating New XI Message for Received ERP


You configure the sender channel of the OFTP adapter to create a new XI message for the received End-to-End
Response (ERP). The content in the XI message gives you details about the delivery status of the OFTP


1. On the Display Configuration Scenario screen, choose the Objects tab page.
2. In the Type column, double-click the Communication Channel.

3. Choose to configure the adapter.

4. In the Edit Communication Channel screen area, enter the channel parameters.

 Note

The channel parameters must be referred to OFTP receiver communication channel.

5. In the Adapter Type field, select the OFTP adapter.

6. Select the Sender radio button for the OFTP adapter to perform inbound message processing.
7. In the Transport Protocol field, select OFTP ERP.
8. In the Message Protocol field, select OFTP ERP XML.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 37
9. In the Adapter Engine field, select Central Adapter Engine.
10. In the Adapter Status dropdown list, if you select Active, this enables the adapter to exchange messages;
choose Inactive.
11. Save the changes.

 Note

The enhanced version of the local message monitor has been introduced with Related Messages to find
related acknowledgments. Configuring the OFTP Receiver Channel


You use this procedure to configure the receiver channel with OFTP adapter to send and encrypt an Odette
message from the business partner. The OFTP 2.0 version supports Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS. See
IETF RFC 3852, RFC 3274) that is a standard developed by the IETF to ensure secure message exchange. It is
capable of encrypting, signing and compressing messages sent by OFTP.


1. On the Display Configuration Scenario screen, choose the Objects tab page.
2. In the Type column, double-click the communication channel.

3. Choose to configure the adapter.

4. In the Edit Communication Channel screen area, enter the channel parameters.
5. On the Displayed Language field, select the application UI language.
6. Choose the Identifiers tab page and enter the parameters that identify the sender and receiver agencies.
7. Choose the Module tab page and enter the parameters that specify generic modules for adapters.
8. Select the Receiver radio button.
9. In the Message Protocol dropdown, select either OFTP 2.0 or OFTP 1.4.

 Note

If you select the OFTP 2.0 version, the CMS tab page appears to allow you to configure then encrypt
and decrypt files.

10. In the Adapter Engine, select Central Adapter Engine.

11. In the Transport Protocol dropdown, select either TCP/IP or ISDN.

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38 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
1. If you select the transport protocol as TCP/IP, then provide the parameters in the General tab page
based on the description mentioned in the table below:

Component Parameter Description

TCP/IP settings Partner Host This parameter determines the

TCP/IP address or Fully Qualified
Domain Name (FQDN) of the part­
ner system that allows the OFTP
adapter to connect to the address of
the network interface.

SSL Port / Port This parameter determines the port

number of the partner system. The
default port number is 3305.

If the partner is using SSL protocol,

then provide the SSL port number in
the SSL port field. The default SSL
port number is 6619.

Specify local host This parameter enables you to spec­

ify the TCP/IP address of the local
system. Provide the TCP/IP address
in the Local Host field.

SSL Use SSL This parameter provides secure

communication over the Internet us­
ing SSL protocol.

Use Additional Destination This parameter enables you to con­

nect to the required partner using an
additional destination in case the
primary destination is unavailable.
Once you enable this checkbox, pro­
vide the Partner Host and SSL Port /
Port details.

Verify Hostname This parameter enables the adapter

to verify the hostname of the sys­
tem, from which the message origi­

Use Client Authentication This parameter performs client au­

thentication by validating the secur­
ity certificates.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 39
View containing SSL Keypair This parameter enables the process
of uploading the SSL Keypair from
the SAP NetWeaver Administrator
key store.

View containing trusted certificates This parameter enables the process

of uploading the security certificates
from the SAP NetWeaver Adminis­
trator key store. The security certifi-
cate helps to authenticate the client.

If SSL protocol is chosen, then the

certificate of the host must be
added to the view of the J2EE en­

2. If you select the transport protocol as ISDN to connect to the partner system and retrieve the
messages during a specified polling interval, then provide the parameters in the General tab page
based on the description mentioned in the table below:

Component Parameter Description

ISDN Router Settings Router Address This parameter determines the IP

address or Fully Qualified Domain
Name (FQDN) of the ISDN router.

Router Port This parameter determines the

RCAPI server on the ISDN router.

The default port number is 2662.

Router User This parameter authenticates the

ISDN router's administration con­
sole using a valid user name. The au­
thentication credentials are associ­
ated with the router's RCAPI access

Router Password This parameter authenticates the

ISDN router's administration con­
sole using a valid password.

Enable Multiple Controller numbers This parameter enables you to spec­

ify multiple controller numbers using
comma separators.

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40 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Controller Number (1 ‑ 255) / This parameter determines a valid
Controller Number (1 ‑ 255, 1 - ISDN controller number. The con­
255, ...) troller represents a physical connec­
tion to ISDN router. Contact your
ISDN router administrator to obtain
the controller number.

Use Additional Routers This parameter enables you to spec­

ify an additional router to connect to
the partner in case the primary
router is unavailable. Once you ena­
ble this checkbox, provide the nec­
essary details in the fields that ap­

General ISDN Settings Remote Number This parameter defines the partners
ISDN number.

Own Number This parameter defines your ISDN


Use Additional Destination This parameter enables you to spec­

ify an additional remote number to
connect to the partner in case the
primary remote number is unavaila­
ble. Once you enable this checkbox,
provide the Remote Number.

12. In the General tab page, provide values for the remaining parameters based on the description mentioned
in the table below:

Component Parameter Description

Partner Password (Receiver) Own Odette-ID This parameter determines a unique

Odette-ID of the receiver. It helps to
identify the outbound messages.

File Originator (SFIDORIG) This parameter determines the origi­

nator of the virtual file. In case the dy­
namic parameter
con.partner.SFIDORIG is set in the PI
message, then the receiver channel
uses this parameter.

Partner Odette-ID This parameter determines a unique

Odette-ID of the partner. It helps to
identify the outbound message.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 41
Final File Destination (SFIDDEST) This parameter determines the desti­
nation of the final recipient of the vir­
tual file. In addition, this location ana­
lyzes the virtual file content and per­
forms the mapping functions. The
End-to-end Response (EERP) com­
mand for the received files is found at
this location.

In case the dynamic parameter

con.partner.SFIDDEST is set in the PI
message, then the receiver channel
uses this parameter.

Enable Clear Text for Passpharse This parameter allows the user to en­
ter password in plain text.

Own Password (Sender) This parameter authenticates the

sender with a valid password.

Partner Password (Receiver) This parameter authenticates the re­

ceiver with a valid password.

File Settings Outgoing Virtual File Dataset Name This parameter determines the data­
set name of the outgoing virtual file.

File Format This parameter determines the for­

mat of the outgoing file. The options
available are given below:

○ Fixed Length
○ Text
○ Variable
○ Unstructured

Encoding This parameter defines the format to

encode the file before transmission.
The available file encoding formats
are given below:

○ ISO-8859-1

Description This parameter allows you to describe

the outgoing file.

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42 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Quality of Service Quality of Service This parameter determines the man­
ner in which the recipient’s receive the
messages from the Integration En­

The following types of Quality of Serv­

ice are available:

○ Exactly Once (asynchronous) :

The sender does not wait for a re­
sponse before continuing the
process. This Quality of Service
option ensures that the mes­
sages are delivered and proc­
essed exactly once.
○ Exactly Once In Order
(asynchronous) : The messages
with the identical queue name
are delivered to the recipient.
This Quality of Service option en­
sures that the messages are in
the same sequence as they are
sent by the sender.
○ Better effort (synchronous) : The
sender waits for a response from
the recipient before continuing
the process.

Archiving Archiving Messages This parameter archives the OFTP

messages on the PI server.

Incoming Payload to the Channel This parameter enables you to archive

the incoming OFTP messages to a lo­
cation provided in the Filename field.

Outgoing Wired Message This parameter enables you to archive

the outgoing OFTP messages to a lo­
cation provided in the Filename field.

Incoming EERP This option archives incoming EERP

messages to a location provided in the
Filename field.

Incoming NERP This option archives incoming NERP

messages to a location provided in the
Filename field.

13. Choose the Technical Settings tab page and based on the Transport Protocol you have specified, follow the
sub-steps below:

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 43
1. If you select the transport protocol as TCP/IP, enter the values of the parameters as described in the
table below:

Component Parameter Description

Technical Settings Allow Compression (1.X RLE) This parameter enables the adapter
to compress the data as per the Run
Length Encoding (RLE) compression

Version Negotiable This parameter enables the adapter

to negotiate the OFTP version with
the partner.

Send / Receive Capabilities This parameter allows you to specify

the send/receive capabilities of the
location (whether send only or both
send and receive).

Max Credit Count This parameter determines the max­

imum credit limit available for the
data exchange buffers sent to the lis­
tener. The credit count value de­
pends on the router.

Max Exchange Buffer Size This parameter determines the max­

imum exchange buffer size that can
be accepted by this location. The
value of this size depends on the

Userfield SSID This parameter defines the Service

Set Identifier (SSID), which is a
unique ID used for establishing con­
nection with the wireless network.
There must exist a bilateral agree­
ment between two FTPs for realizing
this service.

If this field is unused then initialize it

to spaces.

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44 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Userfield SFID This parameter defines the Service
Flow Identifier (SFID), which is a
unique ID defined by DOCSIS and it
represents either an upstream or a
downstream flow of data. There
must exist a bilateral agreement be­
tween two FTPs for realizing this

If this field is unused then initialize it

to spaces.

2. If you select the transport protocol as ISDN, enter the values of the parameters as described in the
table below in addition to the technical setting parameters that are available for TCP/IP:

Component Parameter Description

X.25 Settings Use X.25 This parameter allows you to use the
X.25 protocol for electronic data ex­
change over the network.

Called Number This parameter defines the destina­

tion number of the partner without
the area code.

Calling Number This parameter defines the senders

number without the area code.

Packet Size This parameter determines the size

of data used in the X.25 interchange.
Retain the default values.

Window Size This parameter determines the max­

imum number of data packets that
are exchanged. Retain the default

14. Choose the ERP tab page and enter the values in the fields based on the description of the parameters
mentioned in the table below:

Component Parameter Description

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 45
ERP Create New XI Message for received This parameter allows the adapter to
ERP create acknowledgment for the re­
ceived ERP. The types of content of
the XI message are given below:

○ Both Positive and Negative ERP:

This acknowledgment contains
details on both successful and
unsuccessful interchange.
○ Negative ERP Only: This acknowl­
edgment contains details on un­
successful interchange.

Referenced ERP Channel Communication Channel This parameter specify the channel
that maps the OFTP sender channel
configured with OFTP ERP as the
transport protocol.

Party This parameter determines the

TCP/IP address or the host name of
the partner system, which establishes
connection to the partner system on
the network.

Communication Component This parameter specify the communi­

cation component of the OFTP sender
channel configured with OFTP ERP as
the transport protocol.

15. Choose the CMS tab page and enter the values in the fields based on the description of the parameters
mentioned in the table below:

 Note

All CMS features are supported by OFTP Version 2.0 and above. If you have chosen a version prior to
2.0, then the CMS tab page is unavailable.

Component Parameter Description

OFTP 2.0 Parameters Key store containing own certificates This parameter allows you to view and
and keys use your certificates and keys from
the SAP NetWeaver Administrator key

Key store containing partner This parameter allows you to view and
certificates use partners certificates and keys
from the SAP NetWeaver Administra­
tor key store.

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46 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Encrypt Files This parameter defines the algorithm
for encrypting the received messages.
There must exist a bilateral agree­
ment between two FTPs for activating
this service. You use the appropriate
algorithm from the Encryption
Algorithm field.

Sign Files This parameter defines the algorithm

for signing the OFTP message. There
must exist a bilateral agreement be­
tween two FTPs for activating this
service. You use the appropriate algo­
rithm from the Signing Algorithm field.

Use Secure Handshake This parameter allows both the com­

munication channels to identify them­
selves before opening a session.

Use Compression This parameter enables the adapter to

compress the file before sending it.

Request Signed ERP This parameter enables the adapter to

sends a request to the partner for
signed End-to-End Responses.

 Note

The CMS options does not negotiate between the FTP systems. If the CMS options in the sender and
receiver channels do not correspond with each other, then the file transfer fails.

16. To set the channel status and to add additional parameters, choose the Advanced tab page.
17. Save the changes.

1.1.3 Configuring the Communication Channels with the X.

400 Adapter


You configure communication channels with the X.400 adapter to enable the exchange of electronic mails for
commercial communication. The X.400 mailing system is used in business environments that focus on a highly
reliable messaging system for routine data exchange between trading partners. For example, a mail or message
can contain a bill or invoice that is exchanged between end users. The X.400 message consists of several
addressing elements that are user specific.

Consider X.400 adapter as an e-mail client that is used to access and manage the messages stored on a mail
server based on the attributes defined in the adapter. The X.400 adapter communicates with systems specific

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 47
to a domain through the X.400 Message Store (MS). It is implemented using the P7 protocol, which enables
the adapter to connect to mailboxes.

For more information on what is supported, please refer to the following topics:

● Configuring X.400 Sender Channel [page 53]

● Configuring X.400 Receiver Channel [page 64]


● You have logged on to the Integration Directory in the SAP Process Integration environment.
● You have deployed the X.400 adapter in the SAP Process Integration environment.
● You have created Business Component and Communication channels.
● You have obtained the latest BusinessMail X.400 or MTA certificates, and imported them to the trusted
● You have chosen and imported the Root CA or the Intermediate CA certificate of the host MTA.
● You have obtained all the User Data and Recipient parameters of the X.400 mailbox.


1. Configure the sender channel with the X.400 adapter to process inbound messages and to read the
delivery reports from the X.400 mailbox.
For more information, see Configuring X400 Sender Channel [page 53].
2. Configure the receiver channel with the X.400 adapter to process outbound messages.
For more information, see Configuring X400 Receiver Channel [page 64].

 Note

Do not configure sender or receiver channels in development, test and production landscapes with the
same mailbox. The X.400 adapter does not support sharing the same mailbox between distinct PI systems.
You use different mailboxes for individual PI system. Multiplexing Mode for Telebox Connections in

Cluster Environment

The X.400 Sender and/or Receiver Channels support the following four types of connections to communicate
with X.400 Servers:

● Singleton (The default one): Opens and closes the connection to the X.400 mailbox account. You can use it
if the X.400 server supports multiple connections or the expected load is very low. For example, one
message at a time and no parallel processing.

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48 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
● Shared: Shared for all sender and receiver X.400 communication channels for the same X.400 mailbox
account, and can be relocated between the server nodes of a multi-node/cluster PI system. You should use
it in cluster environment with one java application server node.
● Multiplexing all channels: Recommended connection type in cluster environment with more than one java
application server node.
● Multiplexing single channel: Use this connection if you want to have single connection to the Telebox Server
per channel instead of per X.400 Account.

Multiplexing connections type uses X.400 Multiplex Proxy where XI messages on all server nodes are
processed in parallel. There is no relocation of the connection between the server nodes. This increases the
overall transmission performance and avoids the message processing errors due to connection relocation

Our recommendation is to use the Shared connection mode in case of single-node/cluster PI environments,
and Multiplexing connection mode in case of multi-node/cluster PI environments.

In order to enable the new connection type, you should change the property "connection.type" of application
"". Additional optional parameters are provided for tuning the new connection

You can configure the below mentioned parameters by navigating to http://host:port/nwa/sys-config

Applications tab Filter for "" .

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 49
Parameter name Type/Possible values Default value Description

connection.type LONG 16 The type of the connection to be used for one

X400 mailbox account.
2 - Multiplexing All Channel connection is reused
by all X.400 channels on all server nodes to one
8 X.400 mailbox account. In one moment only one
connection to the X.400 mailbox account exists
in the whole cluster and all server nodes can
share that connection through the X.400 proxy.
This means that all server nodes can send/
receive X.400 messages in parallel. There is no
cluster locking to obtain the connection, and
therefore no timeout for the same. The proxy
used for the communication is started on re­
quest on the server node that has first initiated
the connection and on the port specified with
the property X.400.proxy.port (see below). Once
the proxy is started, the entire communication to
the X.400 servers is routed through that proxy.
The proxy is relocated only in case the server
node on which it was started is stopped due to
some reason. The requests from all X.400 com­
munication channels configured for the same X.
400 mailbox account are placed in first-in-first-
out queue for inbound connections of the X.400
proxy. The proxy then reuses the single out­
bound connection to the X.400 mailbox account
for each request.

4 - Multiplexing Channel is similar to the

Multiplexing All Channels connection type. The
only difference is that the single connection is
not per X.400 mailbox account but per X.400
communication channel.

8 - Shared connection is reused for all communi­

cation to one X.400 mailbox account and is relo­
cated between the server nodes. This means
that in one moment only one connection to the
X.400 mailbox account exists in the whole clus­
ter and is shared between all sender and receiver
X.400 channels connected to that X.400 mail­
box account. The connection is opened on re­
quest (i.e. sending/receiving X.400 messages)
and is closed either after a specified idle time, or
if it needs to be relocated to another server
node. Before relocating the connection to an­
other server node first it disconnects from the X.

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50 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Parameter name Type/Possible values Default value Description

400 server on the currently processing node

(when no channels are using it) and connects
again to the X.400 server on the waiting server
node. If more than one server nodes are waiting
for the connection then only one will "lock" the
connection and use it and the rest will continue
to wait till the connection is being relocated to

16 - Singleton connection is opened and closed

each time a call to the X.400 mailbox account is
performed. This means that there could be as
many connections to one X.400 mailbox ac­
count as many parallel channels/XI messages
are executing/being processed at the same
time. The connection will be disconnected each
time the channel processing is completed.

X400.proxy.hosts STRING Comma separated list of the IP Addresses of all

Java Instances of the PI system. This parameter
IP addresses
is optional and must be used only if the auto­
matic resolve of the IP Addresses is not possible.
Used in case of Multiplexing connection type.

X400.proxy.check.client BOOLEAN true Option to verify the IP Address of the caller to

the proxy in case of Multiplexing connection
Caller's IP address
type. If enabled, the X.400 proxy will check if the
IP Address of the caller is one of the IP Ad­
dresses of the Java Instances of that SAP Sys­
tem. If it is not part of that list, then the call is re­

X400.proxy.port LONG 59973 Option to specify the port number on which the
X400 proxy will listen for incoming connections
X400 proxy listening
(connections from X.400 Channels)

X400.proxy.debug BOOLEAN false Option to enable tracing of the content passing

through the X.400 proxy. If enabled, the content
tracing of content
will be written in the default traces in case of
through the proxy
tracing severity set to DEBUG for tracing loca­

connection.idle.time LONG 30 The maximum time (in seconds), for which a

Shared connection can stay idle after which the
number of seconds
connection will be closed.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 51
Parameter name Type/Possible values Default value Description

connection.ttl LONG 3600 Time to live - the maximum time (in seconds),
for which a Shared connection can stay opened.
number of seconds

connection.try.lock.time LONG 60 The maximum time (in seconds) a server node

tries to get a lock to open a Shared connection. A
number of seconds
server node cannot open a connection to the X.
400 mailbox account unless it has already ac­
quired the enqueue lock for that connection. If a
server node has acquired the enqueue lock for
the X.400 mailbox account connection then it is
either connecting or already connected to the X.
400 mailbox account.

If the lock cannot be obtained within the speci­

fied time, a ConnectionTimeoutException ap­
pears. You may consider increasing the lock wait
time in case you experience the ConnectionTi­
meoutException often and your performance re­
quirements allow so. Increasing this value will
mean that messages can wait up to the specified
time in seconds until they are processed or
marked as failed. LONG 5 The maximum number of attempts a Shared

unt connection tries to connect to the X.400 mailbox
number of connect at­
account once a connection lock is acquired (see
connection.try.lock.time). The several connect
attempts support the case in which the X.400
server requires some time between a discon­
nect-connect sequence of operations, this value
can be increased accordingly.

Each attempt is executed in 1 second interval.

This property should be increased in case the X.

400 mailbox account needs more time to re­
cover from a disconnect event before a connec­
tion can be established again.

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52 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Parameter name Type/Possible values Default value Description

sender.blockingDelete BOOLEAN false An option to enable blocking delete from the

X400 mailbox account in case of Shared connec­
tion type.

If this option is not enabled, the delete operation

will allow parallel communication through that
connection (for example, the receiver channels
can take the connection and send messages to
the same X.400 mailbox account) on the same
server node. This can significantly slow down the
delete operation and therefore the whole poll ex­

If the option is enabled, the bulk delete per­

formed by a polling sender channel will block all
other communication through that connection
on the same server node. However, the delete
operation will require less time compared to a
non blocking delete.

The properties “connection.type” and "sender.blockingDelete” can also be configured on channel level as
additional property in Advanced Mode. Configuring X.400 Sender Channel


You use this procedure to configure the sender channel settings in the X.400 adapter.


1. Configure the sender channel with the X.400 adapter to process inbound messages.

For more information, see Configuring X.400 Sender Channel for Inbound Message Processing [page 54].
2. Configure the sender channel with the X.400 adapter to read the delivery reports from the X.400 mailbox.

For more information, see Configuring X.400 Sender Channel with X.400 Delivery Report XML [page 61].

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 53 Configuring X.400 Sender Channel for Inbound
Message Processing


You use this procedure to configure the sender channel with X.400 Message Transfer Agent (MTA) to retrieve
messages from the mailbox.


1. On the Display Configuration Scenario screen, choose the Objects tab page.
2. In the Type column, double-click the Communication Channel.

3. Choose to configure the adapter.

4. In the Edit Communication Channel screen area, enter the channel parameters.
5. In the Display Language field, select the required application UI language.
6. Choose the Identifiers tab page and enter the parameters that identify the sender and receiver agencies.
7. Choose the Module tab page and enter the parameters that specify generic modules for adapters.
8. Choose the Parameters tab page and select the Sender radio button for the X.400 adapter to perform
inbound message processing.
9. Choose the Mailbox tab page and enter the values in the respective fields based on the description of the
parameters given in the table below:

Component Parameter Description

Telebox Server Host This parameter determines the host

name of the X.400 Message Store.
The X.400 adapter supports only
TCP/IP-based network connectivity.
The host name of the mail server,
which uses SSL protocol, must match
the host name specified in the certifi-

Contact your “Message Store” pro­

vider to obtain the host name of the
mail server.

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54 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Server Port This parameter identifies the port
number of the mail server. Contact
your “Message Store” provider to ob­
tain the port number of the mail

Presentation Selector This parameter addresses a layer in

the Open Systems Interconnection
(OSI) framework configured on an
MTA. The default value is “OMSPSAP.”

Session Selector This parameter addresses a layer in

the OSI framework configured on an

The default value is


Transport Selector This parameter addresses a layer in

the OSI framework configured on an

The default value is


SSL Use SSL This parameter allows the adapter to

connect to the X.400 Message Store
host using SSL encryption.

To access the X.400 Message Store

using SSL protocol, you must import
the public key certificate of the mes­
sage store and deposit them in the
trusted keystore of the PI system.

Contact your “Message Store” pro­

vider to obtain the certificates and
also ensure the validity of the certifi-
cates as it is updated at regular inter­

SOCKS Proxy Use SOCKS Proxy This parameter allows the adapter to
establish connection with the mail
server using a proxy server. The X.400
adapter supports SOCKS proxy, but it
does not support user authentication
SOCKS proxy.

Host This parameter determines the

SOCKS proxy host name.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 55
Port This parameter identifies the SOCKS
proxy port number.

User Data Common Name (CN) This parameter describes the user's
name created in the mailbox.

Contact the “Message Store” provider

to obtain details about the mailbox.

Surname (S) This parameter describes the user's

surname created in the mailbox.

Contact the “Message Store” provider

to obtain details about the mailbox.

Administrative Domain (A) This parameter describes the network

connection that identifies the sender’s
location within the organization. The
domain can usually be a public mail
service provider.

Contact the “Message Store” provider

to obtain details about the mailbox.

Country (C) This parameter describes the name of

the country that is specific to the Ad­
ministrative Domain.

Contact the “Message Store” provider

to obtain details about the mailbox.

Organization Name (O) This parameter describes an organi­

zation to which the sender belongs.

Contact the “Message Store” provider

to obtain details about the mailbox.

Organization Unit Name (OU) This parameter describes a specific

division or department in an organiza­
tion, to which the sender belongs.

Contact the “Message Store” provider

to obtain details about the mailbox.

Private Domain Name (P) This parameter describes the private

network connection within an organi­

Contact the “Message Store” provider

to obtain details about the mailbox.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

56 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Password This parameter authenticates the
sender message using a valid pass­

Contact the “Message Store” provider

to obtain details about the mailbox.

Period Poll Interval (min) This parameter defines that the

adapter checks for mails in the mes­
sage store.

Maximum number of messages per This parameter specifies the maxi­

poll mum number of messages that is re­
trieved during each polling interval.

10. Choose the Processing tab page and enter the values in the respective fields based on the description of
the parameters given in the table below:

 Note

The parameters on the Processing tab page allow you to define the message transfer process in an

Component Parameter Description

Message Do not delete messages from server This parameter defines that the
adapter retains the messages after
reading. According to the values in the
Period component, the adapter re­
trieves the same set of messages
from the message store. Tip: You can
test the connectivity of the server by
checking this option.

Discard empty body parts This parameter defines that the

adapter rejects messages with empty

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 57
Multiple Body Parts This parameter determines the proc­
essing of EDI documents based on the
two options given below:

○ Create one PI message per X.400

message: Allows you to create
one EDI document, and then at­
taches the remaining body parts
as an additional attachment.
○ Create one PI message per X.400
body Part: Allows you to create
one EDI document, without any

Quality of Service This parameter determines the man­

ner in which the recipients receive the
messages from the Integration En­
gine, based on the two options:

○ Exactly Once (asynchronous):

The sender does not wait for a re­
sponse before continuing the
process. This Quality of Service
option ensures that the mes­
sages are delivered and proc­
essed exactly once.
○ Exactly Once In Order
(asynchronous): Messages with
the identical queue name are de­
livered to the recipient. This
Quality of Service option ensures
that the messages are in the
same sequence as they are sent
by the sender.
○ Better effort (synchronous): The
sender waits for a response from
the recipient before continuing
the process.

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58 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Content based Sender Determination Enable This parameter enables the Content-
based Sender Determination option to
deliver the message to the sender on
the basis of the content in the mes­
sage. The description for each column
in the table is given below:

○ Attachment Number: This col­

umn determines the body part
number; the number starts from
zero. According to the rule of the
content search, the value in the
column applies only to the body
○ Contains: This column defines a
list of values that are separated
by commas. These values em­
bedded in the message identify
the partner’s message by match­
ing the parameters.
○ S Party: This column determines
the sender party of the PI mes­
sage created by the X.400
adapter. The message content is
identified by the attachment
○ R Party: This column determines
the receiver party of the PI mes­
sage created by the X.400
adapter. The message content is
identified by the attachment
○ S Service: This column deter­
mines the sender service of the
PI message created by the X.400
adapter. The message content is
identified by the attachment
○ R Service: This column deter­
mines the receiver service of the
PI message created by the X.400
adapter. The message content is
identified by the attachment
○ Action/Interface: This column de­
termines the sender interface of
the PI message created by the X.
400 adapter. The message con­

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 59
tent is identified by the attach­
ment number.
○ Namespace: This column deter­
mines the sender interface
namespace of the PI message
created by the X.400 adapter.
The message content is identified
by the attachment number.

Use Matching Sender Agreement This parameter determines a particu­

lar sender agreement that matches
the security attributes of the mes­
sage. A sender agreement defines
that the Integration Engine processes
the messages. We recommend that
you enable this option.

 Note

Monitoring Acknowledgment

○ The local message monitor has been enhanced to monitor acknowledgments. For more
information, refer SAP Note 1815991 .
○ You can view the acknowledgements in communication channel logs and also in audit logs.

11. Choose the Advanced tab page and enter the values in the respective fields based on the description of the
parameters given in the table below:

Component Parameter Description

Archiving Archive X.400 Messages This parameter archives X.400 mes­

sages on any file server. The location
of the target folder is provided in the
Archive name field.

Archive Payload of Messages This parameter archives X.400 mes­

sages with a payload on any file
server. A payload can be an additional
file such as a PDF document that is at­
tached to the message. The location
of the target folder is provided in the
Archive name field.

Adapter Status Adapter Status This parameter has two options:

○ Active: Enables the adapter to ex­

change messages.
○ Inactive: Disables the exchange of

12. Save the changes.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

60 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
 Note

Archiving: This feature enables you to save messages transmitted from a source or destination
database "in original format" on your file system. It is the first task practiced after receiving messages
with regard to sender channel and the final task practiced before sending messages with regard to
receiver channel. The location of the archived files are shown in the Archive name text box. The file
path of the archiving location can contain the substitution parameters to ensure uniqueness of the
archived file.

The archiving parameters used in the Integration Engine are as follows:

○ %SEQNUM: A sequence number, starting with 1
○ %RTSEQNUM: A server wide sequence number, starting with 1
○ %START: The start time of the adapter
○ %TIME: The archiving period in milliseconds
○ %MSGID: The XI message ID

For example, the archiving parameters used to define a file path to an archive location are shown as
"D:/x400Archiv/%TIME_%SEQNUM.msg". Configuring X.400 Sender Channel with X.400

Delivery Report XML


You configure the communication channels to process and retrieve Delivery Reports generated in X.400
mailbox. The communication channel retrieves the delivery report as per the polling interval set in the referred
X.400 sender channel configured with X.400 Message Content. The referencing channel creates the PI
message as per the Integrated Configuration.

You use this procedure to configure the X.400 sender channel with the X.400 Delivery Report XML type
message protocol to read the delivery reports from the X.400 mailbox in line with the polling interval of the
referred channel.


● You have created dedicated Communication Channels for retrieving Delivery Reports in the same
configuration scenario where X.400 communication channels are created.


1. On the Display Configuration Scenario screen, choose the Objects tab page.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 61
2. In the Type column, double-click the communication channel.
3. In the Display Communication Channel screen area, enter the channel parameters.

4. Choose to configure the adapter.

5. In the Display Language field, select the required application UI language.
6. Choose the Identifiers tab page and enter the parameters that identify the sender and receiver agencies.
7. Choose the Module tab page and enter the parameters that specify generic modules for adapters.
8. Choose the Parameters tab page and select the Sender radio button.
9. In the Adapter Type field, select X400.
10. In the Transport Protocol field, select TCP/IP.
11. In the Message Protocol field, select X.400 Delivery Report XML.
12. In the Adapter Engine dropdown list, select Central Adapter Engine.
13. In the Referenced Polling Channel section, enter the values in the fields based on the description of the
parameters in the table below:

Component Parameter Description

Referenced Polling Channel Communication Channel This parameter determines to polls

the X.400 sender communication

Party This parameter defines a business

partner or an organization of the

Communication Component This parameter represents a technical

or business entity that addresses the
sender of the message.

14. Save the changes.

 Note

The enhanced version of the local message monitor has been introduced with Related Messages to find
related acknowledgments. Configuring the X.400 Sender Polling Channels

for Automatic Deletion of Duplicate Entries

You can configure the X.400 sender polling channels to automatically delete duplicate entries.


You have applied SAP Note 2357976 and you have enabled the sender.duplicateCheck on global or channel

In case of failed delete operation (for example, due to connection/network issues), you need to manually delete
the corresponding X.400 messages from the X.400 mailbox account.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

62 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

You can configure this option by the following steps:

1. Navigate to http://host:port/nwa/sys-config Applications tab Filter for

"" property sender.deleteDuplicates
2. You can also configure t he property on sender channel level as additional property in Advanced Mode.
By default, the value of the property sender.deleteDuplicates is false.

 Note

If you want to activate the automatic deletion of messages recognized as duplicates by a polling X.400
sender channel, you need to enable this option manually as described above.

If an X.400 message is read and processed successfully, but the delete operation failed, on the next poll the
message will be recognized as duplicate and will not be processed. If the option sender.deleteDuplicates is
enabled the polling channel will try to delete the duplicate message.

For more information about the duplicate check, see 2357976 Configuring the X.400 Sender Polling Channels

for Duplicate Check

You can configure a default duplicate check for the sender X.400 sender polling channels.


If an X.400 message is read and processed but the delete operation fails, on the next poll the message will be
recognized as duplicate and will not be processed.

 Note

Please, note that the X.400 adapter will not make a second attempt to delete the message from the

Therefore, the message should be deleted manually or by activating automatic deletion using the property


The duplicate check for delivery and non-delivery reports assumes that either one delivery or non-delivery
report can be received for a sent message.

You can enable/disable the duplicate check on global and channel level.

● You can make the global configuration via the property sender.duplicateCheck of the application
● You can add the channel configuration can sender polling channels as additional property
sender.duplicateCheck in Advanced mode. The duplicate check data will be kept for a default period of time
that is one day.
● You can change the duplicate check persist time on global level via the
application property duplicateCheckPersist.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 63
 Note

Please, note that the duplicate check should not be enabled in case the sender polling channels are
configured with the option Do not delete Messages from Server. Configuring X.400 Receiver Channel


You use this procedure to configure the receiver channel with the X.400 adapter to transmit the message to the


1. On the Display Configuration Scenario screen, choose the Objects tab page.
2. In the Type column, double-click the Communication Channel.

3. Choose to configure the adapter.

4. In the Edit Communication Channel screen area, enter the channel parameters.
5. In the Display Language field, select the required application UI language.
6. Choose the Identifiers tab page and enter the parameters that identify the sender and receiver agencies.
7. Choose the Module tab page and enter the parameters that specify generic modules for adapters.
8. Choose the Parameters tab page and select the Receiver radio button for the X.400 adapter to perform
outbound message processing.
9. Choose the Mailbox tab page and enter the values in the respective fields based on the description of the
parameters in the table below:

Component Parameter Description

Telebox Server Host This parameter determines the host

name of the X.400 Message Store.
The X.400 adapter supports only
TCP/IP-based network connectivity.
The host name of the mail server,
which uses SSL protocol, must match
with the host name specified in the

Contact your “Message Store” pro­

vider to obtain the host name of the
mail server.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

64 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Server Port This parameter identifies the port
number of the mail server.

Contact your “Message Store” pro­

vider to obtain the port number of the
mail server.

Presentation Selector This parameter addresses a layer in

the Open Systems Interconnection
(OSI) framework configured on an

The default value is “OMSPSAP.”

Session selector This parameter addresses a layer in

the OSI framework configured on an

The default value is


Transport selector This parameter addresses a layer in

the OSI framework configured on an

The default value is


SOCKS Proxy Use SOCKS Proxy This parameter allows the adapter to
establish connection with the mail
server via a proxy server. The adapter
does not support SOCKS proxy au­

Host This parameter determines the

SOCKS proxy host name.

Port This parameter identifies the SOCKS

proxy port number.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 65
SSL Use SSL This parameter allows the adapter to
connect to the X.400 Message Store
host using SSL encryption.

To access the X.400 Message Store

using SSL protocol, you must import
the public key certificate of the mes­
sage store and deposit it in the trusted
keystore of the PI system.

Contact your “Message Store” pro­

vider to obtain the certificates and
also ensure the validity of the certifi-
cates, as they are updated at regular

10. Choose the Processing tab page and enter the values in the respective fields based on the description of
the parameters in the table below:

 Note

The parameters on the Processing tab page allow you to define the message transfer process in an

Component Parameter Description

Userdata Common Name (CN) This parameter describes the user's

name created in the mailbox.

Contact the “Message Store” provider

to obtain details about the mailbox.

Surname (S) This parameter describes the user's

surname created in the mailbox.

Contact the “Message Store” provider

to obtain details about the mailbox.

Administrative Domain (A) This parameter describes the network

connection that identifies the sender’s
location within the organization. The
domain can be usually a public mail
service provider.

Contact the “Message Store” provider

to obtain details about the mailbox.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

66 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Country (C) This parameter describes the name of
the country that is specific to the Ad­
ministrative Domain.

Contact the “Message Store” provider

to obtain details about the mailbox.

Organization Name (O) This parameter describes an organi­

zation to which the sender belongs.

Contact the “Message Store” provider

to obtain details about the mailbox.

Organization Unit Name (OU) This parameter describes a specific

division or department in an organiza­
tion to which the sender belongs.

Contact the “Message Store” provider

to obtain details about the mailbox.

Private Domain Name (P) This parameter describes the private

network connection within an organi­

Contact the “Message Store” provider

to obtain details about the mailbox.

Password This parameter authenticates the

sender message using a valid pass­

Contact the “Message Store” provider

to obtain details about the mailbox.

Recipient Common Name (CN) This parameter describes the name of

the recipient’s address.

Contact the “Message Store” provider

to obtain details about the recipient’s

Given Name (G) This parameter describes the name

that precedes the surname of the re­
cipient’s address.

Contact the “Message Store” provider

to obtain details about the recipient’s

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 67
Surname (S) This parameter describes the sur­
name of the recipient’s address.

Contact the “Message Store” provider

to obtain details about the recipient’s

Administrative Domain (A) This parameter describes the network

connection that identifies the recipi­
ent’s location within the organization.
The domain can usually be a public
mail service provider.

Contact the “Message Store” provider

to obtain details about the recipient.

Country (C) This parameter describes the name of

the country that is specific to the Ad­
ministrative Domain.

Contact the “Message Store” provider

to obtain details about the recipient.

Organization Name (O) This parameter describes an organi­

zation to which the recipient belongs.

Contact the “Message Store” provider

to obtain details about the recipient.

Organization Unit Name (OU) This parameter describes a specific

division or department in an organiza­
tion to which the recipient belongs.

Contact the “Message Store” provider

to obtain details about the recipient.

Private Domain Name (P) This parameter describes the private

network connection within an organi­

Contact the “Message Store” provider

to obtain details about the recipient.

Domain Defined Attributes This parameter defines the attributes

that are not found in the standard X.
400 message envelope. These addi­
tional attributes are provided by the
recipient’s organization.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

68 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Message Configuration Content Type This parameter determines the stand­
ard of the content or payload in the
business document. Only
Interpersonal Message type is availa­

Subject This parameter defines the subject of

the message.

Delivery Report This parameter requests an acknowl­

edgement if the message delivery is
successful. For more information, see
Configuring Delivery Report Message
Protocol [page 75].

Non-Delivery Report This parameter requests an acknowl­

edgement if the message delivery is
not successful. For more information,
see Configuring Delivery Report Mes­
sage Protocol [page 75].

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 69
Bodypart Type This parameter determines the type
of information interchange format
used in parts of a multipart message.

The available types of the body part

are given below:

○ IA5 text: This allows 7 bit ASCII

○ Bilaterally defined: This is defined
for binary data and allows the
character set conversion in a
message received by the recipi­
ent. This scenario arises when
the message at the source has
characters encoded by a unique
data format that is different from
the data format when the mes­
sage is decoded at the destina­
tion. For example, consider a
message that contains signs that
are not supported by the data
format available at the destina­
tion. These unmatched or un­
mappable characters can be re­
placed, ignored, or reported. The
Replace option in the
Unmappable Characters field al­
lows you to replace the charac­
ters in the message. You can de­
fine the replaceable character in
the Replacement Character field.

 Note
Please, note that when an
adapter receives a UTF-8
document from PI and this
document is converted to 7-
bit ASCII format, then you
lose the information in the

General text: This type of body can

use any number of character sets and
announces them in the encoded infor­
mation types of the X.400 envelope
and the parameters of the body part.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

70 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
 Note
Please, note that X.400 Receiver
channels cannot generate and
sent such body parts.

More information about this body

type and its features is given in the fol­
lowing specification: https://

11. Choose the Advanced tab page and enter the values in the respective fields based on the description of the
parameters in the table below:

Component Parameter Description

Message Submission Report Send submission result to HTTP This parameter submits a report
adapter about a message to the HTTP
adapter. The report contains meta­
data about the submission of a mes­
sage to the mailbox such as address,
time, identifiers, and so on.

Use this parameter to store the X.400

message according to the message
delivery time.

Host This parameter determines the

TCP/IP or host name of the mail

Port This parameter identifies the port of

the mail server.

Path This parameter identifies the address

path of the mail server.

Sender Namespace This parameter determines the con­

text of the message in abstract. For
example, the namespace can be tech­
nical terms or words specific to the

You find this information in the mes­

sage header.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 71
Sender Interface This parameter determines the inter­
face to communicate with the sender

You find this information in the mes­

sage header.

Sender Service This parameter determines the type

of sender service.

You find this information in the mes­

sage header.

Sender Party This parameter determines the com­

munication party, which helps you to
address the sender message.

You find this information in the mes­

sage header.

Sender Agency This parameter determines the

agency, which recommends the mes­
sage format.

You find this information in the mes­

sage header.

Sender Scheme This parameter identifies the scheme

based on a value specified by the
Sender Agency.

Quality of Service This parameter determines the man­

ner in which the individual recipients
receive the message from the Integra­
tion Engine based on two options:

○ Exactly Once: The message is

sent and processed exactly once.
○ Exactly Once in Order: The recipi­
ent receives the messages in the
same sequence as they are sent
by the mail server. This sequenc­
ing of messages is known as Ex­
actly Once In Order (EOIO).

Queue ID This parameter is available only if the

quality of service is EOIO. It deter­
mines the conversation ID of the mes­
sage in the queue, whose length is 16

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

72 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
SAP User This parameter authenticates the SAP
user with a valid user name.

SAP Password This parameter authenticates the SAP

user with a valid password.

SAP Client This parameter determines the num­

ber of SAP clients.

SAP Language This parameter defines the language

of the report.

Priority This parameter defines the priority of

the messages and has the following


Normal (default)

Non Urgent

Probe Submission This is different type of message argu­

ment. Its purpose is to check whether
a message can get from one User
Agent to the Message Store, then to
the desired recipient of the message,
and back to the originator of the mes­
sage. This functionality is imple­
mented in the channel ping.

Deferred Delivery Time This parameter defines when the

message store (not the X400
Adapter) have to send the message to
the target user agent (the recipient).
The configuration is in minutes. This
means that the time will be set ac­
cording to the time that the X400
starts to process the message the mi­
nutes set in the channel. The default
time is 60 min.

 Note
Please, note that there is no way
to cancel deferred delivery mes­
sages neither from the X.400
Adapter, nor from the B2B Inte­
gration Cockpit.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 73
Archiving Archive X.400 Messages This parameter archives X.400 mes­
sages on any file server. The location
of the target folder is provided in the
Archive name field.

Archive payload of messages This parameter archives X.400 mes­

sages with a payload on any file
server. A payload can be an additional
file such as a PDF document that is at­
tached to the message. The location
of the target folder is provided in the
Archive name field.

Adapter Status Adapter Status This parameter has two options:

○ Active: Enables the adapter to ex­

change messages.
○ Inactive: Disables the exchange of

12. Save the changes.

 Note

Archiving: This feature enables you to save messages transmitted from a source or destination database
"in original format" on your file system. It is the first task practiced after receiving messages with regard to
sender channel and the final task practiced before sending messages with regard to receiver channel. The
location of the archived files are shown in the Archive name text box. The file path of the archiving location
can contain the substitution parameters to ensure uniqueness of the archived file.

The archiving parameters used in the Integration Engine are as follows:

● %SEQNUM: A sequence number, starting with 1

● %RTSEQNUM: A server wide sequence number, starting with 1
● %START: The start time of the adapter
● %TIME: The archiving period in milliseconds
● %MSGID: The XI message ID

For example, the archiving parameters used to define a file path to an archive location are shown as "D:/

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

74 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration Configuring Delivery Report Message Protocol


You have created dedicated Communication Channels for retrieving Delivery Reports in the same configuration
scenario where X.400 communication channels are created.


You configure the communication channels to process and retrieve Delivery Reports generated in X.400
mailbox. The communication channel retrieves the delivery report as per the polling interval set in the referred
X.400 sender channel configured with X.400 Message Content. The referencing channel creates the PI
message as per the Integrated Configuration.


1. Configure the X.400 sender channel with the X.400 delivery report XML. For more information, see
Configuring X.400 Sender Channel with X.400 Delivery Report XML [page 61].
2. Configure receiver channel with the File adapter to access and retrieve the delivery reports from the X.400
mail server.

1.1.4 Configuring the Communication Channel with EDI

Separator Adapter


● You have logged on to the Integration Directory in the SAP Process Integration environment.
● You have deployed the EDI separator adapter in the SAP Process Integration environment.
● You have created business component and communication channels.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 75

You configure the communication channels with the EDI separator adapter to split the incoming batch EDI
messages into individual EDI messages. The messages are split based on the content of the business
document and the partner type.

The batch EDI message contains specific EDI formats for each of the message types that represent various
business documents or transactions such as Purchase Order, Invoice, Delivery Forecast, and so on. The SAP
Process Integration I EDI separator adapter supports the following EDI formats:


● Odette
● Custom Format


1. Configure the sender channel to allow the Integration Engine to process inbound messages.

For more information, see Configuring the EDI Separator Sender Channel [page 76].
2. Configure the receiver channel to allow the Integration Engine to process outbound messages.

For more information, see Configuring the EDI Separator Receiver Channel [page 91].
3. To configure alerts for EDI Separator adapter, see B2B Alerts [page 258] Configuring the EDI Separator Sender Channel


You use this procedure to configure the sender channel with EDI separator adapter based on the message


1. On the Display Configuration Scenario screen, choose the Objects tab page.
2. In the Type column, double-click the Communication Channel.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

76 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
3. Choose to configure the adapter.
4. In the Edit Communication Channel screen area, enter the channel parameters.
5. Display Language field, select the required application UI language.
6. Choose the In the Identifiers tab page and enter the parameters that identifies the sender and receiver
7. Choose the Module tab page and enter the parameters that specifies generic modules for the adapters
based on the business scenario.
8. Choose the Parameters tab page and select the Sender radio button to enable the EDI separator adapter to
perform inbound message processing.
9. In the Transport Protocol field, select PI.
10. In the Message Protocol dropdown, select the required message protocols and follow substeps given below:
1. If you select the message protocol as ANSI X12, enter the values for the filter parameters as described
in the table below:

Component Parameter Description

Receive Split ISA In the When a message contains

more than one interchange (ISA/
IEA), the EDI Separator Adapter
splits the messages on ISA level and
sends the child ISA/IEA inter­
changes to an appropriate EDI Sepa­
rator Sender channel with this op­
tion enabled.

Receive Bulk message When a batch X12 message is being

processed and the parameter Keep
Bulk message is enabled in the EDI
Separator Receiver channel, the
Adapter does not split the bulk X12
message into child messages and
sends the whole message to an ap­
plicable EDI Separator Sender
channel with this option enabled.

Filter Version/Release/Industry Identifier This parameter allows you to deter­

Code mine the appropriate predefined
ANSI ASC X12 standards.

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Other Code This parameter allows you to define

a suitable ANSI ASC X12 standard in
the Version/Release/Industry
Identifier Code field.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 77
Component Parameter Description

Receive Splitted Group This parameter enables the adapter

to receive

group message after splitting.

Transaction Set Identifier Code This parameter determines the

transaction set number of the mes­
sage. The number helps to identify
the transmission of the transaction
from the sender channel.

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Interchange Sender ID This parameter identifies the sender

of the interchange. The identification
of the sender must be same as the
values in the ISA segment of the in­
coming message.

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Interchange Sender ID Qualifier Provide the EDI qualifier ID for iden­

tifying the sender party’s inter­

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Interchange Receiver ID This parameter identifies the re­

ceiver of the interchange. The identi­
fication of the receiver must be
same as the values in the ISA seg­
ment of the incoming message.

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Interchange Receiver ID Qualifier Provide the EDI qualifier ID for iden­

tifying the receiver party’s inter­

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Interchange Application Sender ID Define the interchange ID of the

sender party.

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78 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Component Parameter Description

Interchange Application Receiver ID Define the interchange ID of the re­

ceiver party.

2. If you select message protocol as EDIFACT, enter the values for the filter parameters as described in
the table below:

Component Parameter Description

Receive Split UNB When a message contains more

than one interchange (UNB/UNZ),
the EDI Separator Adapter splits the
messages on UNB level and sends
the child UNB/UNZ interchanges to
an appropriate EDI Separator
Sender channel with this option ena­

Receive Bulk message When a batch Edifact message is be­

ing processed and the parameter
Keep Bulk message is enabled in the
EDI Separator Receiver channel, the
Adapter does not split the bulk Edi­
fact message into child messages
and sends the whole message to an
applicable EDI Separator Sender
channel with this option enabled.

Filter Enter the Message type using free This parameter allows you to enter
text free text in the message type field.

Enter Message Release Number This parameter allows you to enter

using free text free text in the message release
number field.

Enter Message Version Number This parameter allows you to enter

using free text free text in the message version
number field.

Message type This parameter allows you to deter­

mine the appropriate predefined ED­
IFACT message types.

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 79
Message version number This parameter allows you to deter­
mine the appropriate predefined ED­
IFACT version number.

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Message release number This parameter determines the re­

lease number of the message. The
number helps to identify the trans­
mission of the transaction from the
sender channel.

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Message Subversion This parameter allows you to deter­

mine the appropriate predefined ED­
IFACT subversion (association as­
signed code).

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Interchange sender identification This parameter identifies the sender

of the interchange. The identification
of the sender must be same as the
values in the UNB segment of the in­
coming message.

Interchange sender identification This parameter allows you to deter­

code qualifier mine the appropriate standard code
qualifier for the sender.

Interchange recipient identification This parameter identifies the re­

ceiver of the interchange. The identi­
fication of the receiver must be
same as the values in the UNB seg­
ment of the incoming message.

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Interchange recipient identification This parameter allows you to deter­

code qualifier mine the appropriate standard code
qualifier for the receiver.

3. If you select message protocol as EANCOM, enter the values for the filter parameters as described in
the table below:

Component Parameter Description

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

80 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Receive Split UNB When a message contains more
than one interchange (UNB/UNZ),
the EDI Separator Adapter splits the
messages on UNB level and sends
the child UNB/UNZ interchanges to
an appropriate EDI Separator
Sender channel with this option ena­

Filter Enter Message Version Number This parameter allows you to enter
using free text free text in the message version
number field.

Message type This parameter allows you to deter­

mine the appropriate predefined
EANCOM message types.

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Message version number This parameter allows you to deter­

mine the appropriate predefined
EANCOM version number.

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Message release number This parameter determines the re­

lease number of the message. The
number helps to identify the trans­
mission of the transaction from the
sender channel.

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Message Subversion This parameter allows you to deter­

mine the appropriate predefined
EANCOM subversion (association
assigned code).

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Interchange sender identification This parameter identifies the sender

of the interchange. The identification
of the sender must be same as the
values in the UNB segment of the in­
coming message.

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 81
Interchange sender identification This parameter allows you to deter­
code qualifier mine the appropriate standard code
qualifier for the sender.

Interchange recipient identification This parameter identifies the re­

ceiver of the interchange. The identi­
fication of the receiver must be
same as the values in the UNB seg­
ment of the incoming message.

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Interchange recipient identification This parameter allows you to deter­

code qualifier mine the appropriate standard code
qualifier for the receiver.

4. If you select message protocol as Odette, enter the values for the filter parameters as described in the
table below:

Component Parameter Description

None Receive Bulk message When a batch Odette message is be­

ing processed and the parameter
'Keep Bulk message' is enabled in
the EDI Separator Receiver channel,
the Adapter does not split the bulk
Odette message into child messages
and sends the whole message to an
applicable EDI Separator Sender
channel with this option enabled.

Filter Enter the Message type using free This parameter allows you to enter
text free text in the message type field.

Enter Message Version Number This parameter allows you to enter

using free text free text in the message version
number field.

Message type This parameter allows you to deter­

mine the appropriate predefined
Odette message types.

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

82 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Message version number This parameter allows you to deter­
mine the appropriate predefined
Odette version number.

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Interchange sender identification This parameter identifies the sender

of the interchange.

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Interchange sender identification This parameter allows you to deter­

code qualifier mine the appropriate standard code
qualifier for the sender.

Interchange recipient identification This parameter identifies the re­

ceiver of the interchange.

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Interchange recipient identification This parameter allows you to deter­

code qualifier mine the appropriate standard code
qualifier for the receiver.

5. If you select message protocol as VDA, enter the values for the filter parameters as described in the
table below:

Component Parameter Description

None Receive Bulk message When a batch VDA message is being

processed and the parameter 'Keep
Bulk message' is enabled in the EDI
Separator Receiver channel, the
Adapter does not split the bulk VDA
message into child messages and
sends the whole message to an ap­
plicable EDI Separator Sender chan­
nel with this option enabled.

Filter Enter the Message type using free This parameter allows you to enter
text free text in the message type field.

Message type This parameter allows you to deter­

mine the appropriate predefined
VDA message types.

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 83
Customer number This parameter determines the cus­
tomers' identification number.

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Vendor number This parameter determines the ven­

dors' identification number.

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

6. If you select message protocol as Tradacom, enter the values for the filter parameters as described in
the table below:

Component Parameter Description

None Receive Bulk message When a batch Tradacom message is

being processed and the parameter
'Keep Bulk message' is enabled in
the EDI Separator Receiver channel,
the Adapter does not split the bulk
Tradacom message into child mes­
sages and sends the whole message
to an applicable EDI Separator
Sender channel with this option ena­

Filter Enter the Message type using free This parameter allows you to enter
text free text in the message type field.

Message Version This parameter allows you to provide

the appropriate tradacom version

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Message type This parameter allows you to deter­

mine the appropriate predefined tra­
dacom message types.

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Sender Code This parameter determines the iden­

tification code of the message

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

84 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Sender Name This parameter determines the
name of the sender.

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Receiver Code This parameter determines the iden­

tification code of the message re­

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

Receiver Name This parameter determines the

name of the receiver.

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

7. If you select message protocol as Plain, enter the values for the filter parameters as described in the
table below:

Component Parameter Description

None Receive Bulk message When a batch Plain message is be­

ing processed and the parameter
'Keep Bulk message' is enabled in
the EDI Separator Receiver channel,
the Adapter does not split the bulk
Plain message into child messages
and sends the whole message to an
applicable EDI Separator Sender
channel with this option enabled.

Filter Message Type This parameter allows you to define

appropriate plain message type. The
adapter without splitting the mes­
sage dispatches it to the appropriate

You can define a parameter using

regular expressions in the field.

8. If you select message protocol as XML, enter the values for the filter parameters as described in the
table below:

Component Parameter Description

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 85
Filter Enter XPath using free text You can define the path of the in­
coming XML document, at which the
message is split. Using free text de­
fine a parameter in the Split XPath
Expression field.

XPath This parameter finds specific infor­

mation in an XML document. You de­
fine a value that searches through el­
ements and attributes for the re­
quired information. For example, //
<root element>//<child element>

Condition This parameter defines logic for an

XPath Value to perform the valida­
tion. The options available in this
field are as follows:
○ Equals
○ Not Equals
○ Exists
○ Does Not Exists
If you select Exists or Does Not
Exists option, then the XPath Value
field does not appear.

XPath Value This parameter defines the string

used in the XML document. The
string validates the value present in
the XPath. The result of the valida­
tion depends on criteria set in the
condition field.

XML handling options Split XML This parameter splits the XML docu­
ment at a specific node defined in
the split expression.

XML Split Path This parameter defines a path that

navigates to a node in the source
XML document, at which the mes­
sage is split. If the node contains
multiple elements with the same
string, then the message is split into
several XML documents.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

86 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
 Note

In the Advanced tab page provide the edi.xml.includeheader parameter to publishes only the
specific node in the source XML document as defined in the XML Split Path. You have to add this
parameter in name column of the Additional Parameters table and set the value to True.

9. If you select message protocol as Default, then the adapter detects messages that of unknown EDI
format and dispatches them to a appropriate sender channel without splitting.

11. Dynamic Configuration Routing enables the EDISeparator Adapter to support message routing based on a
configurable Dynamic Configuration header

Component Parameter Description

Dynamic Configuration Filter Use Dynamic Configuration Filter This parameter enables the Adapter
to use Dynamic Configuration based
routing. To use this option, you need
to enable Use Dynamic Configuration
Routing in the EDI Separator Receiver
channel and define the parameters
Dynamic Configuration Header Name
and Dynamic Configuration Header
Namespace, as well.

Dynamic Configuration Header Name This parameter determines the

Dynamic Configuration header name
used for the message routing.

 Note
You cannot define this parameter
using regular expressions in the

Dynamic Configuration Header This parameter determines the

Namespace Dynamic Configuration header
namespace used for the message

 Note
You cannot define this parameter
using regular expressions in the

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 87
Dynamic Configuration Header Value This parameter determines the
Dynamic Configuration header value
used for the message routing.

 Note
You can define a parameter using
regular expressions in the field.

12. Enter the values for the parameters under Encoding, QoS, and Adapter Status sections based on the
description mentioned below:

Component Parameter Description

Encoding Character encoding This parameter determines to encode

the message with specific character
encoding formats. The character en­
coding supports EDIFACT, ANSI X12,
VDA, and Odette message types.
Given below are character encoding
formats that are available in the EDI
separator adapter:

○ UTF-8
○ ISO-8859-15

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88 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
QoS Quality of Service This parameter determines the man­
ner in which the recipient's receive the
messages from the Integration En­
gine. The following types of Quality of
Service are available:

○ Exactly Once (asynchronous):

The sender does not wait for a re­
sponse before continuing the
process. This Quality of Service
option ensures that the mes­
sages are delivered and proc­
essed exactly once.
○ Exactly Once In Order
(asynchronous): The messages
with the identical queue name
are delivered to the recipient.
This Quality of Service option en­
sures that the messages are in
the same sequence as they are
sent by the sender.
○ Better effort (synchronous): The
sender waits for a response from
the recipient before continuing
the process.

Adapter status Adapter status This parameter has two options,

which are given below:

○ Active: Enables the adapter to ex­

change messages.
○ Inactive: Disables the adapter to
exchange messages.

13. Enter the values for the Routing additional settings based on the description below:

Component Parameter Description

Routing Create Copy and Route Will create a copy of the bulk message
and will send it to an EDI Separator
Sender channel with Message Proto­
col Copy.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 89
Routing Route on Error Whenever an error occurs, a copy of
the bulk message will be created and
will be sent to an EDI Separator
Sender channel with Message Proto­
col 'Error'.

This means that you need an addi­

tional ICO with EDI Separator Sender
channel with Message Protocol Copy
or Error, and a receiver channel that
will process the message - either send
it to the Partner, or keep it somewhere
on a file system.

14. Save the changes. EDI Sender Channel Detection

The EDI Separator adapter now detects and dispatches incoming split EDI messages to the relevant EDI sender
channels. In this context, an EDI receiver channel processes each incoming split EDI message by matching
specific message parameters with the EDI sender channel parameters. If the parameters match according to
their priority, the EDI receiver channel dispatches the EDI message to the relevant EDI sender channel.

The following list contains message parameters by priority:

● Sender ID
● Receiver ID
● Message Version
● Message Type

If any of the above-mentioned channel parameters contains “.*” as a value, the receiver channel checks the
next channel for the appropriate matching value based on the priorities.

If the option Use Dynamic Configuration Routing the match parameters priority changes. The following list
contains the parameters by priority:

● Dynamic Configuration Header Value

● Sender ID
● Receiver ID
● Message Version
● Message Type

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

90 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration Configuring the EDI Separator Receiver Channel


You use this procedure to configure the receiver channel with the EDI separator adapter to split incoming batch
EDI messages into individual messages, and notify the recipient by transmitting an acknowledgment once the
EDI messages have been processed.

 Note

When an EDI message is split and sent to different ICOs, system must pass the dynamic headers to these
ICOs. The system passes all the dynamic headers except the three TPM namespaces:



1. On the Display Configuration Scenario screen, choose the Objects tab page.
2. In the Type column, double-click the Communication Channel.

3. Choose to configure the adapter.

4. In the Edit Communication Channel screen area, enter the channel parameters.
5. In the Display Language field, select the required application UI language.
6. Choose the Identifiers tab page and enter the parameters that identify the sender and receiver agencies.
7. Choose the Module tab page and enter the parameters that specify generic modules for the adapters
based on the business scenario.
8. Choose the Parameters tab page and select the Receiver radio button to enable the EDI separator adapter
to perform outbound message processing.
9. In the Transport Protocol field, select PI.
10. In the Message Protocol field, select Electronic Document Interchange.
11. To transmit an acknowledgment for incoming message formats, choose the General tab page and enter the
values in the respective fields based on the description of the parameters mentioned below:

Component Parameter Description

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 91
Splitting Keep Bulk message This option enables the adapter not to
split the incoming batch EDI mes­
sages. To use this option, you need to
enable Receive Bulk message in the
EDI separator sender channel.

Trading Partner Management (TPM) Read from Dynamic Headers This option enables the adapter to
Configuration read data from the message dynamic
headers such as the TPM Sender and
Receiver Partner information, TPM
agreement, etc. To use this option,
you need to add the
TPMContentAccessModule in
the Communication Channel module
sequence. The module takes the infor­
mation from the TPM database and
adds it as dynamic headers to the

Formatting Indent messages This parameter defines whether to in­

dent the message payload.

Enable Plain This enables the adapter to process

plain messages.

Enable XML This enables the adapter to process

XML messages.

Enable Default This enables the adapter to process

default messages.

Routing Route on Error When an error occurs, a copy of the

bulk message is created and is sent to
an EDI Separator Sender channel with
Message Protocol 'Error'.

This means that you need an addi­

tional ICO with EDI Separator Sender
channel with Message Protocol Error
and a receiver channel that will deal
with the message - either send it to
the Partner or keep it somewhere on
the file system.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

92 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Create a copy and route This creates a copy of the bulk mes­
sage and sends it to an EDI Separator
Sender channel with Message Proto­
col Copy.

This means that you need an addi­

tional ICO with EDI Separator Sender
channel with Message Protocol Copy
and a receiver channel that will deal
with the message - either send it to
the Partner or keep it somewhere on
the file system.

Use Dynamic Configuration Routing This enables the adapter to route the
messages based on a configurable
Dynamic Configuration header.

Dynamic Configuration Header Name This parameter defines the Dynamic

Configuration header name that the
message will be routed based on. To
use this option you need to enable pa­
rameter Use Dynamic Configuration

 Note
You cannot define this parameter
using regular expressions in the

Dynamic Configuration Header This parameter defines the Dynamic

Namespace Configuration header namespace that
the message will be routed based on.
To use this option you need to enable
parameter Use Dynamic Configuration

 Note
You cannot define this parameter
using regular expressions in the

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 93
Fail if Dynamic Configuration is This enables the adapter to fail the in­
missing coming message if the Dynamic
Header specified in the previous two
parameters is missing. If this parame­
ter is not enabled the adapter will
process messages with the header
and without it successfully. If the
header is missing, the Adapter will
search for EDI separator sender chan­
nels that haven't enabled the parame­
ter Use Dynamic Configuration Filter
and find the most suitable channel
based on the Message Filter values
only. If the header is present, the
adapter will search for EDI separator
sender channels that have enabled
Use Dynamic Configuration Filter pa­
rameter and match the message
based on the Dynamic Configuration
Filter and the Message Filter values. To
use this option you need to enable pa­
rameter Use Dynamic Configuration

12. To transmit the 997 acknowledgment for ANSI ASC X12 messages, choose the ANSI X12 tab page and
enter the values in the respective fields based on the description of the parameters mentioned below:

 Note

For more information about ANSI ASC X.12 997 FA, see Introduction to ANSI ASC X12 997 FA [page

Component Parameter Description

ANSI X12 Enable Group Based Splitting This parameter allows splitting of in­
coming batch X12 EDI messages in
different groups, which makes proc­
essing of X12 messages easier.

TA1 Acknowledgment Required Not Required This parameter does not create and
transmit TA1 interchange acknowledg­
ment receipt.

Read from envelop segment This parameter enables the adapter to

read the ISA segment of an EDI docu­
ment. If adapter detects that the part­
ner has requested TA1, then it trans­
mits the TA1.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

94 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Required This parameter creates and transmits
a TA1 receipt.

 Note
For more information, see
2534916 .

Acknowledgment Required Not Required This parameter does not create and
transmit a 997 FA receipt.

Required This parameter creates and transmits

a 997 FA receipt.

 Note
For more information, see Config-
uring the ANSI ASC X12 997
Functional Acknowledgement
[page 99].

Read from envelop segment This parameter enables the adapter to

read the ISA segment of an EDI docu­
ment. If adapter detects that the part­
ner has requested an FA, then it trans­
mits the FA.

Duplicate Check Enable Duplicate Check This parameter allows the receiver
channel to check whether any incom­
ing messages are duplicate. You can
enable the duplicate check at either
group level or message level. If you de­
fine the check at group level, then in
case of a duplicate group, you can
specify whether the group or inter­
change of the group needs to be dis­
carded. On the other hand, if you de­
fine the check at message level, then
in case of a duplicate message, you
can specify whether the message,
group of the message, or interchange
of the message needs to be discarded.

Validity (Days) Defines the number of days for which

the adapter checks for and processes
duplicate messages.

13. To transmit the CONTRL acknowledgment for EDIFACT messages, choose the EDIFACT tab page and enter
the values in the respective fields based on the description of the parameters mentioned below:

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 95
Component Parameter Description

Acknowledgment Required Not Required This parameter does not create and
transmit CONTRL acknowledgment.

Required This parameter creates and transmits

CONTRL acknowledgment.

 Note
For more information, see Intro­
Message [page 103].

Read from envelop segment This parameter enables the adapter to

read the UNB segment of an EDI
document. If adapter detects that the
partner has requested an acknowl­
edgment, then it transmits the

Duplicate Check Enable Duplicate Check The duplicate check is performed on

the Correlation ID, which is made by
the following elements:
○ Interchange Number
○ Sender Identifier
○ Sender Qualifier
○ Receiver Identifier
○ Receiver Qualifier

Validity (Days) Defines the number of days for which

the adapter checks for and processes
duplicate messages.

14. To transmit the CONTRL acknowledgment for EANCOM messages, choose the EANCOM tab page and
enter the values in the respective fields based on the description of the parameters mentioned below:

Component Parameter Description

Acknowledgment Required Not Required This parameter does not create and
transmit CONTRL acknowledgment.

Required This parameter creates and transmits

CONTRL acknowledgment.

 Note
For more information, see Config-
uring the EANCOM CONTRL Mes­
sage [page 111].

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

96 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Read from envelop segment This parameter enables the adapter to
read the UNB segment of an EDI
document. If adapter detects that the
partner has requested an acknowl­
edgment, then it transmits the

Duplicate Check Enable Duplicate Check The duplicate check is performed on

the Correlation ID, which is made by
the following elements:
○ Interchange Number
○ Sender Identifier
○ Sender Qualifier
○ Receiver Identifier
○ Receiver Qualifier

Validity (Days) Defines the number of days for which

the adapter checks for and processes
duplicate messages.

15. To set the channel status and to add additional parameters, choose the Advanced tab page and select the
Advanced Mode checkbox. You can use the following additional parameters:

Additional Parameter Name Description

edi.xml.includeheader Publishes only the specific node in the source XML

document as defined in the XML Split Path. To enable it,
set its value to true.

edi.recv.input.encoding Defines the encoding of the input message. If you do not

use this parameter, the adapter will use encoding

edi.recv.keep.attachments Enables the EDI Separator Adapter to add attachments of

the bulk message to newly created messages when
processing XI messages with attachments. To activate it,
set its value to true.

edi.x12.disable.cache Disables the converter cache for EDI Separator Receiver

validation of X12 and X12ConverterModule. To enable it,
set its value to true.

edi.remove.linebreaks Removes the line breaks of the EDIFACT or EANCOM

messages that are being processed by the EDI Separator
Receiver channel. To enable it, set its value to true.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 97 Introduction to ANSI ASC X12 997 FA


This document helps you to understand how ANSI ASC X12 997 FA functions in the SAP NW PI environment.

The 997 transaction set is known as functional acknowledgment or FA, and is an electronic confirmation
receipt sent to the client in response to a received EDI transaction. The received message can contain either
single or multiple EDI transaction set. The EDI separator is a PI adapter that is responsible for splitting
incoming batch EDI message into individual message components. The message is split based on the type of
business document.

You can configure the EDI separator to send the 997 FA message to the business partner for both incoming
single message as well as batch EDI message. The 997 FA message contains the acceptance or rejection status
of individual messages that are received by the EDI separator. The status contained in the 997 FA message is
based on the processing of the original single or split batch message and the delivery or non-delivery of an
individual message to the SAP NW PI receiver. The 997 FA publishes the message status by validating the
syntactical correctness of the message, which is an optional feature.

The figure below illustrates a typical business communication scenario between business partners. In this
scenario, the business partner transmits business documents in a batch EDI message, which contains 810,
853, and 860 transactions. On the PI side, the batch messages are processed at the sender channel configured
on a business-to-business adapter, for example, the AS2 adapter. The messages are then forwarded to the EDI

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

98 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
separator receiver channel by the PI messaging system. The EDI separator splits the batch EDI message into
individual transaction sets and then creates an XI message for each individual messages. These XI messages
are dispatched to the respective EDI separator sender channels, which are configured to receive the
transaction set from the EDI separator receiver channel.

The receiver channel of an EDI separator is configured to generate the 997 FA receipt. The EDI separator
adapter generates a 997 FA message receipt after processing the EDI messages, and then transmits the 997 FA
receipt to the business partner through the receiver channel of a business-to-business adapter. Configuring the ANSI ASC X12 997 Functional



You use this procedure to configure the receiver channel of the EDI separator with ANSI ASC X12 997 FA, to
transmit an 997 acknowledgement for the processed EDI documents.

The content of the ANSI ASC X12 997 FA message depends on the following:

● The processing of the interchange or individual split messages

● The syntactic validation of the message (optional)
● The delivery (or non-delivery) of the message to the receiver

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 99

To enable message transmission between channels:

● You have to successfully deployed the EDI separator.

● You also have to specify additional adapter-specific parameters.


You use this procedure to create and transmit an ANSI ASC X12 997 FA message receipt.

1. Choose the ANSI X12 tab page.

2. In the Acknowledgement Required field, select Required.

 Note

If you select the Not Required option, the ANSI ASC X12 997 FA receipt is not created or transmitted.

3. Enter the values in the respective fields based on the description of the parameters in the table below:

The table below provides information on the Acknowledgment Required filtering parameters of 997
acknowledgments found on the ANSI X12 tab page.

Component Parameter Description

Acknowledgment Required Required This parameter allows the EDI separa­

tor to generate and transmit a 997 FA
receipt to the sender of the original

Transaction Mode All This parameter defines the transaction

mode in which the EDI separator treats
all individual transaction sets as a single
related entity.

 Note
If an individual EDI transaction set
fails, then all the transactions will
be rolled back, and all transaction
sets in the 997 FA receipt will ap­
pear Rejected (R). If you choose
both the Negative Acknowledge­
ment not required and Positive Ac­
knowledgement not required , then
the business partner does not re­
ceive a 997 FA message related to
the status of the EDI transactions.

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100 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Negative Acknowledgement not This parameter notifies the adapter not
required to transmit the 997 FA message when a
transaction set is Rejected (R). When
the adapter does not transmit a 997 FA
in an event of a message rejection the
administrator has an option for retriev­
ing the details from the channel status
and correcting the errors by editing the
messages in “Red”. If the message goes
into a “Waiting” state due to an error,
then it can be retried after rectifying the
announced errors. If a message goes
into the “Failed” state only after it has
been automatically retried by the mes­
saging system ‘n’ number of times,
where ‘n’ is configurable. It can also be
edited and restarted.

Positive Acknowledgement not required This parameter notifies the adapter not
to transmit a 997 FA message when all
transaction sets are Accepted (A).

The 997 FA receipt contains only Re­

jected (R) transaction sets.

Transaction Mode Individual This parameter defines the transaction

mode, in which the EDI separator treats
each individual transaction set as an in­
dependent entity.

If an individual transaction set fails, only

the failed transaction is rolled back and
the code appears in the 997 FA receipt
as Rejected (R).

Exclude “Partially Accepted” This parameter defines that partially

acknowledgement code accepted transactions appears as re­
jected or accepted. The field level code
of a functional group indicating Partially
Accepted (P) appears as Rejected (R)
or Accepted (A) in the 997 FA receipt.

Execution Mode Receipt Only This parameter notifies the adapter

only about the status of the EDI dis­
patch. It does not to validate the syntax
of the EDI transaction. The separator
transmits the 997 FA receipt, which
contains either Rejected (R) or Ac­
cepted (A) acknowledgement on the
basis of successful dispatch.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 101
Receipt and Validation This parameter notifies the adapter to
validate the syntax of the transaction
sets and also transmits the 997 FA re­
ceipt as per the validation results.

Exclude AK3 and AK4 This parameter notifies the adapter to

exclude the AK3 and AK4 segments
from the 997 FA message. But it retains
the details of AK1, AK2, AK5, and AK9
segments in the 997 FA message.

Enable NRO for Interchange Number This parameter enables the NRO tool to
generate interchange number for func­
tional acknowledgments. In the NRO
Name field enter the NRO name.

For more information on the 997 FA error codes, see Error Codes of 997 FA Message [page 102]. Error Codes of 997 FA Message


The table below gives information about AK3 and AK4 segment syntax error codes in the 997 FA message.

Error Code Error Name Supported

1 Unrecognized Segment ID Yes

2 Unexpected Segment Yes

3 Mandatory Segment Missing Yes

4 Loop Occurs Over Maximum Times Yes

5 Segment Exceeds Maximum Use Yes

6 Segment not found in defined transac­ Yes

tion set

8 Segment has Data Element Errors Yes

Error Code Error Name Supported

1 Mandatory Data Element Missing Yes

3 Too Many Data Elements Yes

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

102 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
4 Data Element Too Short Yes

5 Data Element Too Long Yes Introduction to EDIFACT CONTRL Message


This document helps you to understand how EDIFACT syntax and service report messages (CONTRL) function
in the SAP NW PI environment, and also explains how to configure the EDI separator to create an EDIFACT
CONTRL message.

The EDIFACT CONTRL is a message syntactically acknowledging or rejecting, with an error indication, a
received interchange, functional group, or message. A CONTRL message is used to do the following:

1. Acknowledge or reject a received interchange, functional group, or message and list any internal errors
2. Indicate only the receipt of an interchange

The figure below explains a typical business communication scenario between trading partners. In this
scenario, the business partner transmits business documents in batch EDI messages, which contain ORDERS,

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 103
INVOIC, and DESADV messages. On the PI side, the batch messages are processed at the sender channel
configured on a business-to-business adapter, for example, the AS2 adapter. The messages are then forwarded
to the EDI separator receiver channel by the PI messaging system. The EDI separator splits the batch EDI
messages into individual messages and then creates an XI message for each individual message. These XI
messages are dispatched to the respective EDI separator sender channels.

The receiver channel of an EDI separator is configured to generate an EDIFACT CONTRL message. The EDI
separator adapter generates an EDIFACT CONTRL message receipt after processing the messages, and then
transmits the receipt to the business partner through the receiver channel of a business-to-business adapter.

For more information on the document structure of the EDIFACT CONTRL message, see EDIFACT CONTRL
Message Format [page 105].

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

104 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration EDIFACT CONTRL Message Format


The table below describes the different segments of an EDIFACT CONTRL message:

Tag Name Description

UNH, Message header This mandatory start segment identifies and specifies a

UCI, Interchange response This mandatory segment identifies the subject interchange
and indicates the status interchange receipt, and contains
references of the received interchange. The UCI segment
has a max occurrence of 1; as a result, it reports the first er­
ror encountered in one of the control segments.

UCM, Message response This mandatory segment identifies the message or package
in the subject interchange, indicates the action taken by the
message, and also identifies errors related to USA, USC,
USD, USH, USR, UST, or USU security segments.

UCS, Segment error indication This mandatory segment identifies either an error segment
or a missing segment, and any error related to the complete

UCD, Data element error indication This conditional segment identifies an incorrect stand-alone,
composite, or component data element, and the nature of
the error.

UCF, Functional group response This mandatory segment identifies the message in the group
segment and indicates the nature of any error.

UNT, Message trailer This mandatory end segment checks the completeness of a

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 105
Below is the document format of an EDIFACT CONTRL message: Configuring the EDIFACT CONTRL Message


The EDI separator is a PI adapter that is responsible for splitting incoming batch EDI messages into their
individual message components. The messages are split according to the values in envelope segments and
individual messages.

You configure the EDI separator to transmit the CONTRL message to the recipient for both single or batch EDI
messages. The CONTRL message contains the acceptance or rejection status of either the entire interchange
or the individual messages that are processed by the EDI separator.

The content of the CONTRL message depends on the following:

● The processing of the interchange or individual split messages

● The syntactic validation of the message (optional)
● The delivery (or non-delivery) of the message to the receiver

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106 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

To configure the EDIFACT CONTRL service, you must do the following:

● You have to successfully deployed the EDI separator.

● You also have to specify additional adapter-specific parameters.


You use this procedure to create and transmit the EDIFACT CONTRL message receipt.

1. Choose the EDIFACT tab page.

2. In the Acknowledgement Required field, select Required.

 Note

If you select the Not Required option, the EDIFACT CONTRL receipt is not created or transmitted.

3. The following table describes the CONTRL message parameters; you must enter the values in the
respective fields:

Component Parameter Description

Acknowledgement Required Required This parameter allows the EDI separa­

tor to transmit a CONTRL message to
the recipient.

EDIFACT CONTRL Message Version and Version D, Release 3 This parameter determines the product
Release release and version.

Directory Version of EDI message This parameter determines the product

release and version of the EDI message
from the EDI directory.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 107
Component Parameter Description

Transaction Mode All This parameter defines the transaction

mode in which the EDI separator treats
all individual messages as a single re­
lated entity.

If an individual EDI message fails, then

all the transactions will be rolled back
and the information of all messages in
the CONTRL receipt appears Rejected

For more information, see “EDIFACT

Action Codes” in the same page.

 Note
If you select both of these options,
the recipient will not receive any
CONTRL message related to the
status of the EDI transactions.

Negative Acknowledgement Not This parameter determines that no

Required CONTRL receipt is generated when a
message is Rejected (4).

For more information, see “EDIFACT

Action Codes” in this document.

 Note
Since this option does not generate
a CONTRL message in the event of
a failure, the administrator has the
option to retrieve the failure details
from the channel status and cor­
rect the errors by editing the mes­
sage in “Red”. If the message goes
into the“Waiting” state due to an
error, it can be retried once the an­
nounced errors have been cor­
rected. A message only goes into
the “Failed” state after it has been
automatically retried by the mes­
saging system ‘n’ number of times
(‘n’ is configurable).

The CONTRL message contains Ac­

knowledged (7) messages only.

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108 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Component Parameter Description

Positive Acknowledgement Not This parameter determines that the ED­

Required IFACT messages has been successfully

For more information, see “EDIFACT

Action Codes” in this document.

Transaction Mode Individual This parameter defines the transaction

mode in which the EDI separator treats
each individual message as an inde­
pendent entity.

If an individual message fails, only the

failed transaction is rolled back and it
appears in the CONTRL message as Re­
jected (4). All successfully validated
messages appear as accepted.

For more information, see “EDIFACT

Action Codes” in this document.

Execution Mode Receipt Only This parameter defines that the separa­
tor does not validate the content of the
messages. The separator transmits the
CONTRL receipt according to the split
and dispatch of individual messages.

Receipt and Validation This parameter defines that the separa­

tor does not validate the content of the
messages and transmits the CONTRL
receipt according to the validation re­

UNA Segment Required This parameter defines special charac­

ters, such as separators and indicators
used in the interchange. If the UNA seg­
ments are not included, then the de­
fault characters are used.

Enable NRO for Interchange Number This parameter enables the NRO tool to
generate interchange number for func­
tional acknowledgments. In the NRO
Name field enter the NRO name.

For more information on the EDIFACT CONTRL error codes, see Error Codes of EDIFACT CONTRL Message
[page 110].
EDIFACT Action Codes

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 109
The table below describes the action codes used in the EDIFACT document:

Code Description

4 Rejection: This indicates the corresponding messages at the referenced level, and all its
lower referenced levels are rejected.

7 Acknowledgement: This indicates that the messages or functional groups are acknowl­
edged, except those explicitly reported as rejected at the next lower reporting level in this
CONTRL message.

8 Interchange received: This indicates that the recipient of the message has received the in­
terchange. Error Codes of EDIFACT CONTRL Message


The table below gives description about the errors notifications that are supported by the EDIFACT CONTRL:

Error Code Error Name Supported

2 Syntax Version or Level Not Supported Yes

13 Missing Yes

15 Not Supported in This Position Yes

16 Too Many Constituents Yes

17 No Agreement Yes

18 Unspecified Error Yes

19 Invalid decimal notation Yes

28 References do not match Yes

29 Control count does not match number Yes

of instances received

30 Functional groups and messages mixed Yes

31 More than one message type in group Yes

32 Lower Level Empty Yes

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110 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Error Code Error Name Supported

33 Invalid occurrence outside message, Yes

package, or group

35 Too many data element or segment Yes


36 Too many segment group repetitions Yes

37 Invalid type of characters Yes

38 Missing digit in front of decimal sign Yes Configuring the EANCOM CONTRL Message


The EDI separator is a PI adapter that is responsible for splitting incoming batch EDI messages into their
individual message components. The messages are split according to the values in envelope segments and
individual messages.

You configure the EDI separator to transmit the CONTRL message to the recipient for both single or batch EDI
messages. The CONTRL message contains the acceptance or rejection status of either the entire interchange
or the individual messages that are processed by the EDI separator.

The content of the CONTRL message depends on the following:

● The processing of the interchange or individual split messages

● The syntactic validation of the message (optional)
● The delivery (or non-delivery) of the message to the receiver


To configure the EANCOM CONTRL service, you must do the following:

● You have to successfully deployed the EDI separator.

● You also have to specify additional adapter-specific parameters.


You use this procedure to create and transmit the EANCOM CONTRL message receipt.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 111
1. Choose the EANCOM tab page.
2. In the Acknowledgement Required field, select Required.

 Note

If you select the Not Required option, the EANCOM CONTRL receipt is not created or transmitted.

3. The following table describes the CONTRL message parameters; you must enter the values in the
respective fields:

Component Parameter Description

Acknowledgement Required Required This parameter allows the EDI separa­

tor to transmit a CONTRL message to
the recipient.

EANCOM CONTRL Message Version Version D, Release 3 This parameter determines the product
and Release release and version.

Directory Version of EDI message This parameter determines the product

release and version of the EDI message
from the EDI directory.

Transaction Mode All This parameter defines the transaction

mode in which the EDI separator treats
all individual messages as a single re­
lated entity.

If an individual EDI message fails, then

all the transactions will be rolled back
and the information of all messages in
the CONTRL receipt appears Rejected

For more information, see “EANCOM

Action Codes” in the same page.

 Note
If you select both of these options,
the recipient will not receive any
CONTRL message related to the
status of the EDI transactions.

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112 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Component Parameter Description

Negative Acknowledgement Not This parameter determines that no

Required CONTRL receipt is generated when a
message is Rejected (4).

For more information, see “EANCOM

Action Codes” in this document.

 Note
Since this option does not generate
a CONTRL message in the event of
a failure, the administrator has the
option to retrieve the failure details
from the channel status and cor­
rect the errors by editing the mes­
sage in “Red”. If the message goes
into the“Waiting” state due to an
error, it can be retried once the an­
nounced errors have been cor­
rected. A message only goes into
the “Failed” state after it has been
automatically retried by the mes­
saging system ‘n’ number of times
(‘n’ is configurable).

The CONTRL message contains Ac­

knowledged (7) messages only.

Positive Acknowledgement Not This parameter determines that the

Required EANCOM messages has been success­
fully validated.

For more information, see “EANCOM

Action Codes” in this document.

Transaction Mode Individual This parameter defines the transaction

mode in which the EDI separator treats
each individual message as an inde­
pendent entity.

If an individual message fails, only the

failed transaction is rolled back and it
appears in the CONTRL message as Re­
jected (4). All successfully validated
messages appear as accepted.

For more information, see “EANCOM

Action Codes” in this document.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 113
Component Parameter Description

Execution Mode Receipt Only This parameter defines that the separa­
tor does not validate the content of the
messages. The separator transmits the
CONTRL receipt according to the split
and dispatch of individual messages.

Receipt and Validation This parameter defines that the separa­

tor does not validate the content of the
messages and transmits the CONTRL
receipt according to the validation re­

UNA Segment Required This parameter defines special charac­

ters, such as separators and indicators
used in the interchange. If the UNA seg­
ments are not included, then the de­
fault characters are used.

Enable NRO for Interchange Number This parameter enables the NRO tool to
generate interchange number for func­
tional acknowledgments. In the NRO
Name field enter the NRO name.

For more information on the EANCOM CONTRL error codes you can refer EDIFACT error codes, see Error
Codes of EDIFACT CONTRL Message [page 110].
EANCOM Action Codes

The table below describes the action codes used in the EANCOM document:

Code Description

4 Rejection: This indicates the corresponding messages at the referenced level, and all its
lower referenced levels are rejected.

7 Acknowledgement: This indicates that the messages or functional groups are acknowl­
edged, except those explicitly reported as rejected at the next lower reporting level in this
CONTRL message.

8 Interchange received: This indicates that the recipient of the message has received the in­

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114 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
1.2 Configuring Adapter Modules


This section provides you with information on configuring the business-to-business add-on adapter modules.

For more information, see:

● Configuring the Archiver Module [page 115]

● Configuring the NRO Module [page 119]
● Configuring the ANSI ASC X12-XML Converter Module [page 123]
● Configuring the EDIFACT-XML Converter Module [page 124]
● Configuring the EANCOM-XML Converter Module [page 125]
● Configuring the Generic Converter Module [page 126]
● Configuring the ODETTE-XML Converter Module [page 127]
● Configuring the PLAIN-XML Converter Module [page 128]
● Configuring the TRADACOMS-XML Converter Module [page 129]
● Configuring the VDA-XML Converter Module [page 130]
● Configuring the EDI Search Parameter Module [page 131]
● Configuring the Module Configuration Parameters [page 135]

1.2.1 Configuring the Archiver Module


● You have imported the archiver mapping (JAR) file to the Enterprise Services Builder.


The SAP NW PI adapter is configured with an archiver module to archive the business message interchange on
the file system. It also performs the correlation of the EDI documents with an IDoc number.

You use this procedure to configure the archiver module in the SAP NW PI adapters.


1. Configure the receiver channel to enable archiving of messages in the sender and receiver channels.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 115
For more information, see Configuring the Communication Channel with Archiver Module [page 116].
2. Configure the Archiver Java Mapping to ensure that either the original message or the final message is

For more information, see Mapping and Archiving Messages [page 118]. Configuring the Communication Channel with

Archiver Module


You use this procedure to configure the communication channel of the business-to-business adapter with the
archiver module for archiving messages from the sender and receiver channels.


1. On the Display Configuration Scenario screen, choose the Objects tab page.
2. In the Type column, double-click the Communication Channel.

3. Choose to configure the adapter.

4. In the Edit Communication Channel screen area, enter the channel parameters.
5. Choose the Module tab page.
6. In the Module Name column, enter the module name as localejbs/ArchiverModuleBean.

 Note

The module name keywords are case-sensitive.

7. In the Type column, select the type as Local Enterprise Bean.

8. In the Module Configuration screen area, enter the appropriate parameter name as described in the table

 Note

An error is reported if an incorrect parameter name is entered.

Parameter Name Description

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116 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
archiveBaseDir This parameter archives messages to a base directory on
the PI server.

Enter the directory name in the parameter value text box.

If the directory does not exist, it is created when the first
file is archived.

archiveFile This parameter archives messages to a directory on the PI

server and also describes the file name of the archived

Enter the directory name in the parameter value text box.

removeErroneous This parameter, when set to true, removes the archived

files created by a faulty archiver module or archive map­

A faulty archiver module or archive mapping means that

you have used the combination more that once.

If the remove erroneous flag is set to false, the faulty com­

binations are ignored, and the files are archived for all the

9. The parameter values may contain substitution patterns. Enter the appropriate substitution patterns
based on the description given in the table below:

Substitution Pattern Description

%id This pattern is a substitution of the message ID.

%TS This pattern is a substitution of the time stamp in the for­

mat yyyy.MM.dd_HH-mm- ss.SSS.

%fp This pattern is a substitution of the sending party.

%tp This pattern is a substitution of the receiving party.

%fs This pattern is a substitution of the sending service.

%ts This pattern is a substitution of the receiving service.

[…] The values in square brackets must be dynamic; if no con­

figuration value with the given name is found, the value is
left empty.

For example, if you want to place an IDoc-number set by

the archiver Java mapping, then place it as "[http://]".

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 117
{…} The curly brackets are parsed by the "Java SimpleDateFor­
mat" function. Hence, before applying the expression
make sure that it is parsable. For an overview, see the Java
SimpleDateFormat documentation. Note that erroneous
expressions lead to errors in message processing. Further­
more, all white spaces are interpreted.

10. Save the settings. Mapping and Archiving Messages


This document gives an overview of operation mapping and archiving of inbound or outbound messages using
the Archiver Java Mapping.
Importing the Archiving Mapping JAR file

Importing the archiving mapping JAR file is mandatory for the Java Mapping to run with the Archive Module.

● Archive mapping JAR is available in the PIB2BCONTENT02_*.zip file

● is the Archive mapping JAR file
● com/sap/aii/archiver/mapping/ArchiverMapping is the mapping class required to be imported in the ESR

To import the archiving mapping JAR file, proceed as follows:

1. Import the JAR file by going to ESR Create Object Mapping Objects Imported Archive
2. Choose Create
3. From the Imported Archive screen, choose Folder, and
4. From its Choose Folderdrop-down menu, search for the B2B MAPPING KIT 2.0
5. Then choose the JAR file for importing.

Operation Mapping

The Archiver Java Mapping has to be added to the Operation Mapping list (called 'Mapping Program') in the
integrated configuration that defines the order of the called mappings.

The order of the Archiver Java Mapping is explained below:

● Adding this mapping first guarantees that the original version of a message is archived.
● Adding this mapping last guarantees that the final version of a message is archived.

 Note

The dynamic configuration has to be defined in the Archiver module to persist the message to a custom
path and name.

 Note

If there are modules that alter the message, the final version is not present at any time during the mapping
execution steps. To capture such messages, the archiving module must be used.

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118 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Archiving of Inbound Messages

The Archiver Java Mapping checks if the message has been archived by the Archiver module before. If this is
the case, the Archiver mapping archives the message"s main payload to the same path with the file extension

If the message has not been archived by the module before, the mapping saves the message to the Java temp
directory. The path of the file is attached to the dynamic configuration parameters. If a "DOCNUM" tag is
detected within the message payload, the corresponding number is saved as a dynamic configuration
Archiving of Outbound Messages

When a message arrives in the Archiver module, it checks if the message has been archived by the Archiver
Java Mapping before. If this is the case, the temp file created by the Archiver Java mapping is archived to the
destination configured in the module. The current message is archived to the same location with the file
extension ".arc.1". This is to save both message versions to the same directory with corresponding file names.

If the message has not been archied before, it is archived to the configured location. The path is stored in the
message header as a dynamic configuration.

1.2.2 Configuring the Number Range Objects (NRO) Module


● You have access to the NRO maintenance tool.


The Number Range Objects (NRO) module provides the option of automatically inserting continuous counters
into outgoing messages. You create these numbers and assign them to the respective objects for defined

You use this document to configure the NRO (Number Range Objects) module in the SAP Process Integration


1. Configure the NRO maintenance user interface to generate the number intervals and to perform a few
additional functions.

For more information, see Maintaining Number Range Objects [page 120].

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 119
2. Configure the communication channels by adding the NRO module to automatically insert continuous
counters into the outgoing message.

For more information, see Configuring the Communication Channels with NRO Module [page 121].
3. Configure the SAP NetWeaver Administrator to clean up NRO database. For more information, see
Cleaning NRO Database [page 122].
4. A new API has been introduced for NRO module that help you to provide the configuration values
dynamically. For more information, refer SAP Note 1769055 . Maintaining Number Range Objects


The Number Range Objects (NRO) module provides options to automatically insert continuous counters into
the outgoing messages. These numbers are created using Number Range Objects and are assigned to the
defined intervals in the respective objects. You create new values and maintain them on the NRO maintenance
user interface.

You use this procedure to define the NRO values.


1. To access NRO maintenance, enter the URL format as http:<localhost:port>b2bic in the Web browser.
2. On the B2B Integration Cockpit Web page, choose NRO Maintenance.
3. In the Number Range Objects screen area, choose Create new number range object to define new NRO
values. The following table describes the parameters for creating the NRO values:

Parameter Description

Number Range Object Name This parameter defines the name of the NRO.

Description This parameter allows you to describe the NRO.

Minimum Value This parameter allows you to calculate the minimum value
for the NRO.

Maximum Value This parameter allows you to calculate the maximum

value for the NRO.

Formatted Value Length This parameter allows you to calculate the length of the
NRO value.

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120 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Warn Level (%) This parameter allows you to calculate and specify an inte­
ger at which an warning is issued. The integer value must
lie between 0 and 100.

You can disable the Warn Level (%) field by selecting the
Rotate checkbox.

4. Choose Save and create to save the settings and to create the NRO values.
5. To generate the successive number for the given NRO value, select an NRO from the number range object
table and choose Get next number.
6. To edit values in an existing NRO, select an NRO from the number range object table and choose Edit
number range object.
7. Save the changes. Configuring the Communication Channels with NRO



1. On the Display Configuration Scenario screen, choose the Objects tab page.
2. In the Type column, double-click the Communication Channel.

3. Choose to configure the adapter.

4. In the Edit Communication Channel screen area, enter the channel parameters.
5. Choose the Module tab page.
6. In the Module Name column, enter the module name as localejbs/TransmissionNumberModule.

The number range object adapter module can be called via localejbs/TransmissionNumberModule. It
replaces all occurrences in the PI message payload of the character sequences $B2B_UEBNR<nroName>
$B2B_END_UEBNR with the next number of the number range object /B2B/<nroName>.

Instead of getting the next number of a range object, you can also get the last number again by using the
placeholder $B2B_UEBNR_BEFORE<nroName>$B2B_END_UEBNR.

The integration developer has to add the character sequences as described above into the message using
the PI mapping.

 Example

If the "/B2B/<nroName>" is "/B2B/Partner", then "$B2B_UEBNR_BEFORE<nroName>


 Note

The module name key words are case-sensitive.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 121
7. In the Type column, select the type as Local Enterprise Bean.
8. In the Module Configuration screen area enter the appropriate parameter name as mentioned in the table

Parameter Name Description

multipleNumbersPerMessage If you want to insert multiple continuous numbers in a

message, then use this parameter.

useLocalLock If you want to aquire lock on the individual NRO that is be­
ing used instead of global lock, then use this parameter.
Its default value is true.

sourceEncoding Defines the encoding of the input message. If not specified

the default value is ISO-8859-15.

destinationEncoding Defines the encoding of the output file. If not specified the
default value is ISO-8859-15.

9. Save the settings. Cleaning NRO Database


The number range module stores every XI-Message the provided values in an database table, to get the same
number when the same message is processed again.

You use this procedure to execute the clean up job.


1. To login to the to the SAP NetWeaver Administrator, enter the URL http://server:port/nwa/jobs in the
Web browser.
2. Choose Tasks and then choose Add.
3. On the Job field, select AssignedNumbersCleanUp and then choose Next.
4. Enter the Task Details and choose Next.
5. On the messageIDLifetime field enter the parameters and choose Next.

 Note

The parameter messageIDLifetime defines the time in hours for a value that should be stored in the

6. To configure the execution time, choose the Cron and then choose the time of the old entries that should
be deleted.

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122 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
7. Choose Add and then choose Finish.

 Recommendation

Check if the Task "AssignedNumbersCleanUp" is configured and active.

1.2.3 Configuring the ANSI ASC X12-XML Converter Module


● You have logged on to the Integration Directory in the SAPProcess Integration environment.
● You have deployed the ANSI ASC X12-XML converter module in the SAP Process Integration environment.


You configure the communication channels of any Process Integration adapter with the ANSI ASC X12-XML
converter module to convert business documents encoded in ANSI ASC X12 message standards into XML and
the other way round. It must be configured in the sender and receiver channels based on the business scenario.
The ANSI ASC X12-XML converter module runs on the SAP Process Integration Adapter framework.

You use this procedure to configure the parameters of the ANSI ASC X12-XML converter module.


1. On the Display Configuration Scenario screen, choose the Objects tab page.
2. In the Type column, double-click the Communication Channel.

3. Choose to configure the adapter.

4. In the Edit Communication Channel screen area, enter the channel parameters.
5. Choose the Module tab page.
6. In the Processing Sequence table, enter the appropriate converter module parameters.
7. In the Module Name column, enter the module name as localejbs/X12ConverterModule.

 Note

The module name key words are case-sensitive.

8. In the Type column, select the type as Local Enterprise Bean.

9. In the Module Configuration table, enter the appropriate converter module parameters. For more
information, see Configuring the Module Configuration Parameters [page 135].

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 123
10. Save the changes.

1.2.4 Configuring the EDIFACT-XML Converter Module


 Note

Please, note that the SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on supports UN/EDIFACT Message
Standard up to UN/EDIFACT Syntax Version 3.

● You have logged on to the Integration Directory in the SAP Process Integration environment.
● You have deployed the EDIFACT-XML converter module in the SAP Process Integration environment.


You configure the communication channels of any Process Integration adapter with the EDIFACT-XML
converter module to convert business documents encoded in EDIFACT message standards into XML and the
other way round. It must be configured in the sender and receiver channels based on the business scenario.
The EDIFACT-XML converter module runs on the SAP Process Integration Adapter framework.

You use this procedure to configure the parameters of the EDIFACT-XML converter module.


1. On the Display Configuration Scenario screen, choose the Objects tab page.
2. In the Type column, double-click the Communication Channel.

3. Choose to configure the adapter.

4. In the Edit Communication Channel screen area, enter the channel parameters.
5. Choose the Module tab page.
6. In the Processing Sequence table, enter the appropriate converter module parameters.
7. In the Module Name column, enter the module name as localejbs/EdifactConverterModule.

 Note

The module name key words are case-sensitive.

8. In the Type column, select the type as Local Enterprise Bean.

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124 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
9. In the Module Configuration table, enter the appropriate converter module parameters. For more
information, see Configuring the Module Configuration Parameters [page 135].
10. Save the changes.

1.2.5 Configuring the EANCOM-XML Converter Module


● You have logged on to the Integration Directory in the SAP Process Integration environment.
● You have deployed the EANCOM-XML converter module in the SAP Process Integration environment.


You configure the communication channels of any Process Integration adapter with the EANCOM-XML
converter module to convert business documents encoded in EANCOM message standards into XML and the
other way round. It must be configured in the sender and receiver channels based on the business scenario.
The EANCOM-XML converter module runs on the SAP Process Integration Adapter framework.

You use this procedure to configure the parameters of the EANCOM-XML converter module.


1. On the Display Configuration Scenario screen, choose the Objects tab page.
2. In the Type column, double-click the Communication Channel.

3. Choose , to configure the adapter.

4. In the Edit Communication Channel screen area, enter the channel parameters.
5. Choose the Module tab page.
6. In the Processing Sequence table, enter the appropriate converter module parameters.
7. In the Module Name column, enter the module name as localejbs/EdifactConverterModule.

 Note

The module name key words are case-sensitive.

8. In the Type column, select the type as Local Enterprise Bean.

9. Save the changes.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 125
1.2.6 Configuring the Generic Converter Module


● You have logged on to the Integration Directory in the SAP Process Integration environment.
● You have deployed the Generic converter module in the SAP Process Integration environment.


You configure the communication channels of any SAP Process Integration adapter with the generic converter
module that helps to detect unknown EDI messages and automatically map the messages to the
corresponding converter module. It must be configured in the sender or receiver channels based on the
business scenario.

You use this procedure to configure the parameters of the generic converter module.


1. On the Display Configuration Scenario screen, choose the Objects tab page.
2. In the Type column, double-click the Communication Channel.

3. Choose , to configure the adapter.

4. In the Edit Communication Channel screen area, enter the channel parameters.
5. Choose the Module tab page.
6. In the Processing Sequence table, enter the appropriate converter module parameters.
7. In the Module Name column, enter the module name as localejbs/GenericConverterModule.

 Note

The module name key words are case-sensitive.

8. In the Type column, select the type as Local Enterprise Bean.

9. In the Module Configuration table, enter the appropriate converter module parameters. For more
information, see Configuring the Module Configuration Parameters [page 135].

 Note

If you receive a message in an unknown EDI format, then enter all module configuration parameters for
accessing the suitability of the message.

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126 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
 Example

If you receive an unknown EDI message, which might contain ANSI ASC X12, VDA and Odette of EDI
formats, then do as given below:
○ Enter "x12.encoding" as the parameter name and specify "ISO-8859-1" as the parameter value.
○ Enter "vda.encoding" as the parameter name and specify "ISO-8859-1" as the parameter value.
○ Enter "odette.encoding" as the parameter name and specify "ISO-8859-1" as the parameter value.

10. Save the changes.

1.2.7 Configuring the ODETTE-XML Converter Module


● You have logged on to the Integration Directory in the SAP Process Integration environment.
● You have deployed the ODETTE-XML converter module in the SAP Process Integration environment.


You configure the communication channels of any Process Integration adapter with the ODETTE-XML
converter module to convert business documents encoded in ODETTE message standards into XML and the
other way round. It must be configured in the sender and receiver channels based on the business scenario.
The ODETTE-XML converter module runs on the SAP Process Integration Adapter Framework.

You use this procedure to configure the parameters of the ODETTE-XML converter module.


1. On the Display Configuration Scenario screen, choose the Objects tab page.
2. In the Type column, double-click the Communication Channel.

3. Choose to configure the adapter.

4. In the Edit Communication Channel screen area, enter the channel parameters.
5. Choose the Module tab page.
6. In the Processing Sequence table, enter the appropriate converter module parameters.
7. In the Module Name column, enter the module name as localejbs/OdetteConverterModule.

 Note

The module name key words are case-sensitive.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 127
8. In the Type column, select the type as Local Enterprise Bean.
9. In the Module Configuration table, enter the appropriate converter module parameters. For more
information, see Configuring the Module Configuration Parameters [page 135].
10. Save the changes.

1.2.8 Configuring the PLAIN-XML Converter Module


● You have logged on to the Integration Directory in the SAP Process Integration environment.
● You have deployed the PLAIN-XML converter module in the SAP Process Integration environment.


You configure the communication channels of any Process Integration adapter with the PLAIN-XML converter
module to convert business documents encoded in EDIFACT message standards into XML and the other way
round. It must be configured in the sender and receiver channels based on the business scenario. The PLAIN-
XML converter module runs on the SAP Process Integration Adapter framework.

You use this procedure to configure the parameters of the PLAIN-XML converter module.


1. On the Display Configuration Scenario screen, choose the Objects tab page.
2. In the Type column, double-click the Communication Channel.

3. Choose to configure the adapter.

4. In the Edit Communication Channel screen area, enter the channel parameters.
5. Choose the Module tab page.
6. In the Processing Sequence table, enter the appropriate converter module parameters.
7. In the Module Name column, enter the module name as localejbs/PlainConverterModule.

 Note

The module name key words are case-sensitive.

8. In the Type column, select the type as Local Enterprise Bean.

9. In the Module Configuration table, enter the appropriate converter module parameters. For more
information, see Configuring the Module Configuration Parameters [page 135].

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128 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
10. Save the changes.

1.2.9 Configuring the TRADACOMS-XML Converter Module


● You have logged on to the Integration Directory in the SAP Process Integration environment.
● You have deployed the TRADACOMS-XML converter module in the SAP Process Integration environment.


You configure the communication channels of any Process Integration adapter with the TRADACOMS-XML
converter module to convert business documents encoded in TRADACOMS message standards into XML and
the other way round. It must be configured in the sender and receiver channels based on the business scenario.
The TRADACOMS-XML converter module runs on the SAP Process Integration Adapter framework.

You use this procedure to configure the parameters of the TRADACOMS-XML converter module.


1. On the Display Configuration Scenario screen, choose the Objects tab page.
2. In the Type column, double-click the Communication Channel.

3. Choose to configure the adapter.

4. In the Edit Communication Channel screen area, enter the channel parameters.
5. Choose the Module tab page.
6. In the Processing Sequence table, enter the appropriate converter module parameters.
7. In the Module Name column, enter the module name as localejbs/TradacomsConverterModule.

 Note

The module name key words are case-sensitive.

8. In the Type column, select the type as Local Enterprise Bean.

9. In the Module Configuration table, enter the appropriate converter module parameters. For more
information, see Configuring the Module Configuration Parameters [page 135].
10. Save the changes.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 129
1.2.10 Configuring the VDA-XML Converter Module


● You have logged on to the Integration Directory in the SAP NetWeaver Process Integration environment.
● You have deployed the VDA-XML converter module in the SAP NetWeaver Process Integration


You configure the communication channels of any Process Integration adapter with the VDA-XML converter
module to convert business documents encoded in VDA message standards into XML and the other way
round. It must be configured in the sender and receiver channels based on the business scenario. The VDA-
XML converter module runs on the SAP NetWeaver Process Integration Adapter Framework.

You use this procedure to configure the parameters of the VDA-XML converter module.


1. On the Display Configuration Scenario screen, choose the Objects tab page.
2. In the Type column, double-click the Communication Channel.

3. Choose to configure the adapter.

4. In the Edit Communication Channel screen area, enter the channel parameters.
5. Choose the Module tab page.
6. In the Processing Sequence table, enter the appropriate converter module parameters.
7. In the Module Name column, enter the module name as localejbs/VdaConverterModule.

 Note

The module name key words are case-sensitive.

8. In the Type column, select the type as Local Enterprise Bean.

9. In the Module Configuration table, enter the appropriate converter module parameters. For more
information, see Configuring the Module Configuration Parameters [page 135].
10. Save the changes.

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130 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
1.2.11 Configuring the EDI Search Parameter Module

You use this procedure to configure the EDI search parameters module with the EDI Separator Receiver
Channel. This module automatically assigns correlation ID and dynamic parameters on detecting any format of
EDI messages such as EDIFACT, EANCOM, X12, TRADACOMS and Odette.


EDI Search Parameter module publishes the parameters described in the following table to local PI message
monitoring. This enhances the monitoring with EDI specific capabilities.

The module will also publish part of the parameters as XI Dynamic Headers (with namespace http://

You can set these parameters externally, either via message mapping or by a custom adapter module. If the
parameters are not set externally, this module attempts to parse the payload to read these parameters.
Currently, EDI payloads of message formats ANSI X12, EDIFACT, ODETTE, and EANCOM are recognized.

Name Description

SenderId EDI Sender ID and Qualifier (for example, ‘123455678:01’)

ReceiverId EDI Receiver ID and Qualifier (for example, ‘123455678:02’)

InterchangeControlNumber EDI message unique identification number (or control


CorrelationId Correlation ID that identifies all EDI messages that are part
of an EDI transaction

MessageType EDI message type or transaction set ID (for example,

‘ORDERS’ or ‘850’)

MessageVersion EDI message version

MessageRelease EDI message release

EDIDirection EDI message direction (‘Inbound’ or ‘Outbound’)

EDIMessageSize EDI payload size (in bytes)

MessageFormat EDI message format (for example, ‘EDIFACT’ or ‘X12’)

/EDI/IdocNumber Identification number of the corresponding IDoc message.

You must set this parameter externally.

/EDI/DocumentNumber Identification number of the document (such as Purchase

order ID or Invoice number). You must set this parameter

/EDI/DocumentType Type of EDI document (such as ‘Purchase Order’ or

‘Invoice’). You must set this parameter externally.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 131

1. On the Display Configuration Scenario screen, choose the Objects tab page.
2. In the Type column, double-click the Communication Channel.

3. Choose to configure the adapter.

4. In the Edit Communication Channel screen area, enter the channel parameters.
5. Choose the Module tab page.
6. In the Processing Sequence table, enter the appropriate converter module parameters.
7. In the Module Name column, enter the module name as localejbs/ EDISearchParametersModule.

 Note

The module name key words are case-sensitive.

Parameter Name Description

encoding Defines the encoding of the input message. If not

specified, the default value is ISO-8859-1.

msg.direction Defines the message direction. The possible values are:

INBOUND and/or OUTBOUND. For more information see:

publishAllEDIParams This parameter, if set to true, will publish all of the

extracted parameters to XI header. The default value is

8. Save the changes.

1.2.12 Configuring the EDI Security Module (AUTACK)

AUTACK is a secure authentication and acknowledgement message, which you can use for content integrity,
message authentication, and non repudiation by sender/receiver.


In case of outbound scenarios, we recommend to attach the EDI security module on the sender adapter of the
Integrated Configuration (ICO), which calls the partner. If you use mapping in this ICO, then you must attach
the module on the receiver channels (such as AS2 and OFTP receiver channels) that calls the partner.

In case of inbound scenarios, we recommend you to attach the EDI security module to the EDI separator
receiver channel.

 Note

For various usecase related to EDI security module, see SAP note 2071830.

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132 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

1. On the Display Configuration Scenario screen, choose the Objects tab page.
2. In the Type column, double-click the Communication Channel.
3. Choose Edit to configure the adapter.
4. In the Edit Communication Channel screen area, enter the channel parameters.
5. Choose the Module tab page.
6. In the Processing Sequence table, enter the appropriate converter module parameters.
7. In the Module Name column, enter the module name as EdiSecurityModule.
8. In the Module Configuration table, enter secureMsgDirection in the Parameter Name column and specify
Inbound / Outbound in the Parameter Value column.
The table below describes different parameters of AUTACK.

Parameter Direction Description

ownPrivateKeyView Inbound / Outbound This parameter is the owner's private-

key view of the NWA key storage.

ownPrivateKeyAlias Inbound / Outbound This parameter is the owner's private-

key alias of the NWA key storage.

ownCertificateView Inbound / Outbound This parameter is the owner's

certificate view of the NWA key

ownCertificateAlias Inbound / Outbound This parameter is the owner's

certificate alias of the NWA key

partnerCertificateView Inbound This parameter is the partner's

certificate view of the NWA key

partnerCertificateAlias Inbound This parameter is the partner's

certificate alias of the NWA key

encodingType Inbound / Outbound This parameter is used for encoding

the messages; supported encodings
are UTF-8 and US- ASCII.

filterAlgorithm Inbound / Outbound This parameter is the name of the

filtering algorithm to be used;
supported algorithms are EDC, EDA,
and BASE64.

securityScope Inbound / Outbound This parameter is used to indicate

whether the security functions are
applied at interchange (UNB) or
message level (UNH).

includeOwnCertificate Inbound / Outbound This parameter specifies whether to

include the certificate in the payload;
possible options are YES and NO.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 133
Parameter Direction Description

generateAutAck Inbound This parameter specifies whether to

generate AUTACK message for
acknowledgment; possible options
are YES and NO.

requireAUTACK Outbound This parameter requests the partner

to send AUTACK message as
acknowledgment; possible options
are YES and NO.

usePartnerCertFromNWA Inbound This parameter indicates whether to

consider partner's certificate from
NWA key storage or from the
message payload.

verifyMsgSignature Inbound This parameter indicates whether to

verify the signature or not.

autackVersion Inbound This parameter specifies the version

and release of the AUTACK message
type; possible values are 1:1 and DIR.
If the value is DIR, the security
module considers the version and
release of the incoming payload, and
if the value is 1:1, the security module
considers release as 1 and version as

edi.sec.service Inbound This parameter specifies the security

service applied to the message.

9. Save the changes.

 Note

You can also configure the AUTACK from TPM. For more information, see Adding Trading Partner
Profile [page 211]. AUTACK Message

The AUTACK message is a B2B module that is applied to have secure exchange of EDIFACT messages.


You use AUTACK message to ensure:

● Integrity of the payload

● Non-repudiation of receipt and origin of the EDIFACT message
● Authentication of an interchange

You use edi.ack.direction in the Parameter Name column while configuring the module in EDI Separator
adapter receiver channel to implement AUTACK requests and provide the parameter value as Outbound.

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134 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
 Note

Please, note that you can verify the message status in SAP NetWeaver Administrator Channel Monitor tool
by choosing B2B Acknowledgement tab page.

1.2.13 Configuring the Converter Module Parameters


This document helps you to understand the module configuration parameters for configuring the EDI-XML
converter modules. For more information, refer SAP Note 1800802 .


1. Enter the parameters for the appropriate converter modules as described in the table below:

EDI-XML Converter Module Name Parameter Name Description

EDIFACT edifact.encoding This parameter specifies the encoding

of the EDI message (not of the XML).
The default value is ISO-8859-1.

edifact.copy This parameter adds the source mes­

sage as an attachment to the PI mes­
sage before the actual conversion
starts. The default value is false.

edifact.namespace This parameter specifies the name­

space of the XML document.

edifact.indent This parameter formats the messages

with CRLFs and tabs. The default
value is false.

edifact.audit This parameter logs all the processes

carried out by the converter module.

edifact.trace This parameter tracks all the proc­

esses involving the converter module.

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EDI-XML Converter Module Name Parameter Name Description

edifact.monitor.ackstatus This parameter enables the acknowl­

edgment logging in the converter

edifact.disable.correlationID This parameter removes Correlatio­

nID and ConversationID headers.

edifact.useXMLDecimalMark This parameter, if set to true, replaces

the Delimiter Mark used in the mes­
sage with the point '.' symbol in the
present numbers.

edifact.rootElementTag This parameter specifies the root ele­

ment name of the XML document. Its
value should be custom root element
name wanted.

For more information, see 3018503


EANCOM eancom.encoding This parameter specifies the encoding

of the EDI message (not of the XML).
The default value is ISO-8859-1.

eancom.subversion.prefix This parameter allows you to define

the subversion name either as EAN or

eancom.indent This parameter formats the messages

with CRLFs and tabs. The default
value is false.

eancom.copy This parameter adds the source mes­

sage as an attachment to the PI mes­
sage before the actual conversion
starts. The default value is false.

eancom.namespace This parameter specifies the name­

space of the XML document.

eancom.audit This parameter logs all the processes

carried out by the converter module.

eancom.trace This parameter tracks all the proc­

esses involving the converter module.

eancom.disable.correlationID This parameter removes Correlatio­

nID and ConversationID headers.

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136 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
EDI-XML Converter Module Name Parameter Name Description

eancom.useXMLDecimalMark This parameter, if set to true, replaces

the Delimiter Mark used in the mes­
sage with the point '.' symbol in the
present numbers.

eancom.rootElementTag This parameter specifies the root ele­

ment name of the XML document. Its
value should be custom root element
name wanted.

For more information, see 3018503


ODETTE odette.encoding This parameter specifies the encoding

of the EDI message (not of the XML).
The default value is ISO-8859-1.

odette.copy This parameter adds the source mes­

sage as an attachment to the PI mes­
sage before the actual conversion
starts. The default value is false.

odette.indent This parameter formats the messages

with CRLFs and tabs. The default
value is false.

ANSI ASC X12 x12.encoding This parameter specifies the encoding

of the EDI message (not of the XML).
The default value is ISO-8859-1.

x12.copy This parameter adds the source mes­

sage as an attachment to the PI mes­
sage before the actual conversion
starts. The default value is false.

x12.indent This parameter formats the messages

with CRLFs and tabs. The default
value is false.

x12.monitor.ackstatus This parameter enables the acknowl­

edgment logging in the converter

x12.audit This parameter logs all processes car­

ried out by the converter module.

x12.trace This parameter tracks all the proc­

esses involving the converter module.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 137
EDI-XML Converter Module Name Parameter Name Description

x12.disable.cache This parameter disables the B2B EDI

Cache while converting an X12 mes­

ANSI X12 to XML x12.default.segmentseparator Default segment separator in case of

invalid XML character.

x12.default.dataseparator Default data separator in case of inva­

lid XML character.

x12.default.compositeseparator Default composite separator in case

of invalid XML character.

x12.default.repetitionseparator Default repetition separator in case of

invalid XML character.

TRADACOMS tradacoms.encoding This parameter specifies the encoding

of the EDI message (not of the XML).
The default value is ISO-8859-1.

tradacoms.copy This parameter adds the source mes­

sage as an attachment to the PI mes­
sage before the actual conversion
starts. The default value is false.

tradacoms.indent This parameter formats the messages

with CRLFs and tabs. The default
value is false.

VDA vda.encoding This parameter specifies the encoding

of the EDI message (not of the XML).
Default value is ISO-8859-1.

vda.copy This parameter adds the source mes­

sage as an attachment to the PI mes­
sage before the actual conversion
starts. The default value is false.

vda.indent This parameter formats the messages

with CRLFs and tabs. The default
value is false.

vda.trimWhitespaces This parameter removes all the white

spaces from various fields of the out­
put. The default value is false.

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138 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
EDI-XML Converter Module Name Parameter Name Description

PLAIN plain.copy This parameter adds the source mes­

sage as an attachment to the PI mes­
sage before the actual conversion
starts. The default value is false.

plain.indent This parameter formats the messages

with CRLFs and tabs. The default
value is false.

XML - EDI Converter Module Name Parameter Name Description

EDIFACT edifact.handleNumberFormat This parameter handles the number

format (truncating leading and trailing
zeroes) for numeric data elements
with variable length in EDIFACT. As a
decimal mark, a dot “.” has to be used,
as per the XML specification.

EANCOM eancom.handleNumberFormat This parameter handles the number

format (truncating leading and trailing
zeroes) for numeric data elements
with variable length in EANCOM. As a
decimal mark, a dot “.” has to be used,
as per the XML specification.

ANSI ASC X12 x12.checkOfValueMinLength This parameter ensures that the con­
verter checks whether all data fields
fulfill the minimal length restriction. If
the minimal length restriction is vio­
lated, an error will occur. The default
value is false.

x12.fillUpToMinlength This parameter ensures that the con­

verter automatically fills up the data
fields with whitespace characters until
the minimal length restriction has
been reached. This parameter is use­
ful only if x12.checkOfValueMinLength
is activated.

xml.x12.segmentseparator Modified segment separator for XML

to X12 conversion.

xml.x12.dataseparator Modified data element separator for

XML to X12 conversion.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 139
XML - EDI Converter Module Name Parameter Name Description

xml.x12.compositeseparator Modified composite separator for

XML to X12 conversion.

xml.x12.repetitionseparator Modified repetition separator for XML

to X12 conversion.

PLAIN plain.handleNumberFormat This parameter handles the number

format to truncate leading and trailing
zeroes during XML to Plain Conver­

2. To use the TPM in the B2B Converter Modules, add the following parameters to each converter module:

Parameter Name Description

tpm.enable This parameter will fetch the TPM Agreement properties

as Control Key and other module parameters, and will use
them for the conversion of the message. To use it, you
need to add the TPMContentAccessModule module
in the Communication Channel module sequence.

tpm.disableControlKeyFromTPM This parameter is used along with the tpm.enable

parameter and disables the option to fetch the Control
Key from the TPM Agreement. The Control Key will be
taken from the Scenario Association Table.

3. You can use the following common parameters for all converter modules:

Parameter Name Description

edi.copy This parameter adds the source message as an

attachment to the PI message before the actual
conversion starts. The source message can be a
supported EDI format. The default value is false.

If you are using SAP NetWeaver 7.31 provide localejbs/

AF_Modules/MessageLoggerBean as the module name,
and then define the parameter name as log.condition and
log.location to ensure persistence for outbound

For more information, refer SAP Note 1815991 .

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140 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
1.3 Importing User Defined Functions


The SAP NW PI User Defined Functions (UDF) are used for graphical mapping. The UDFs are compatible with
Java version 1.5 or higher, and additional SLD settings or deployments are required.

You use this procedure to import UDFs into the SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Services Repository.

 Note

All UDFs and generic content such as external definitions (of XSDs) and Java mappings are part of the
"B2BMAPPINGKIT1000 patch #0 (SP-level #00)" software component.


1. To import the B2B file, open the Enterprise Service Builder, go to the menu and choose 'Tools' -> 'Import
Design Objects'. In the import window, select your B2B file from the file system and choose OK.
2. Refresh the software component tree until you can view the new software component.
3. To use a UDF inside your mapping, you have to connect your software component to the BASIS
component. Double-click your software component version (SCV) and choose Details. Add the BASIS
component as an underlying SCV. Save and activate your changes.
4. Now you can import the required function into a message mapping. If any unexpected errors occur,
contact your technical consultant.

 Note

Before you can use any library, you have to save the mapping first. Otherwise, the graphical mapping
does not process nodes correctly.

User Defined Functions

FunctionLibrary: UDFArithmeticsPool

Function Name Description Sl No Description of Input Return Value


bigDecimalAdd Adds two values 1 First value of addition The result of the addi­

2 Second value of addi­


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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 141
Function Name Description Sl No Description of Input Return Value

bigDecimalSubtract Subtracts the second 1 The minuend The result of the sub­
value from the first traction
2 The subtrahend

bigDecimalMultiply Multiplies two values 1 First factor The result of the multi­

2 Second factor

bigDecimalDivide Divides the first value 1 The dividend The result of the divi­
by the second value, sion
rounding to the num­ 2 The divisor
ber of decimal places
3 Number of results dec­
given by the third value
imal places

bigDecimalRound Rounds the first value 1 The value to be The rounded value
to the number of deci­ rounded
mal places given by the
second value 2 Number of results dec­
imal places

bigDecimalRoundUp Rounds up the first 1 The value to be The rounded value

value to the number of rounded
decimal places given
by the second value 2 Number of results dec­
imal places

bigDecimalSum Calculates the sum of 1 A context of values to The sum of the context
all context values be added values

bigDecimalMod Returns the remainder 1 The dividend The remainder

of dividing the first
value by the second 2 The divisor

bigDecimalFormat­ Inserts a decimal point 1 The number to be for­ The formatted number
Num at given index if possi­ matted
ble (if index is out of
range, it simply returns
the number)

2 The index of the deci­

mal point to be set

FunctionLibrary: UDFDateTimePool

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142 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Function Name Description Sl No Description of Input Return Value

getDate Creates a YYYYMMDD 1 Date values to be for­ Formatted first argu­

date from the first ar­ matted ments date values
gument using the sec­
ond argument (an EDI­ 2 EDIFACT-F2379- com­
FACT- F2379-compli­ pliant qualifier
ant qualifier). The third
argument has one of
the values constant­
Date, constantDate­
From, or constantDa­
teTo provided by this
function library

getTime Creates a HHMM time 1 Date values to be for­ Formatted first argu­
value from the first ar­ matted ment date values
gument using the sec­
ond argument (an EDI­ 2 EDIFACT-F2379- com­
FACT- F2379-compli­ pliant qualifier
ant qualifier). If the
3 (constant) values:
third argument has the
"true" (dateformat:
value TRUE, the time
HHMM) or "false" (da­
format is HHMMSS
teformat: HHMMSS)

constantDate Use this generated 1 No arguments, func­

constant as an input tion represents a con­
for UDF getDate: indi­ stant
cates a single date

constantDateFrom Use this generated 1 No arguments, func­

constant as an input tion represents a con­
for UDF getDate: indi­ stant
cates the beginning of
a time period

constantDateTo Use this generated 1 No arguments, func­

constant as an input tion represents a con­
for UDF getDate: indi­ stant
cates the end of a time

getDateDifference Gets the number of 1 Beginning of the time The number of days
days between two interval
dates with YYYYMMDD
format. The first argu­
ment marks the begin­

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 143
Function Name Description Sl No Description of Input Return Value

ning of the time inter­ 2 End of the time interval


getMonthDifference Gets the number of 1 Beginning of the time The number of months
months between two interval
dates with YYYYMMDD
format. Dates within a 2 End of the time interval
calendar month yield a
0. The first argument
marks the beginning of
the time interval.

getDateAfterDays Gets the date after the 1 A date The date after the
date of the first argu­ specified days
ment (YYYYMMDD) by
adding a number of 2 Number of days to be
days contained in the added to the date
second argument

getFirstOfMonthAfter­ Gets the first of month 1 A date The date of the first
Months date after the date of day in the specified
the first argument month
(YYYYMMDD) by add­
ing a number of 2 Number of months to
months contained in be added to the date
the second argument

getDateFormat Returns an EDIFACT- 1 A date The format of the date

F2379- compliant
qualifier describing the
date’s format.

getEndDateOfTime­ Generates the last day 1 A date The date of the last
Period of the week (Argument day of the week/month
2: "W") or month ("M")
for a given date in Ar­ 2 (constant) values: "W"
gument 1 (last day of week) or
"M" (last day of

getStartOfOneOrTwo­ Gets the older date of 1 A context of one or two

Dates two dates (if there is dates The older date
only one date, then it is

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

144 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Function Name Description Sl No Description of Input Return Value

getStartDateOfTime­ Generates the first day 1 A date The date of the

Period of the week (Argument first day of the week/
2: "W") or month ("M") month
for a given date in Ar­
gument 1 2 (constant) values: "W"
(first day of week) or
"M" (first day of

FunctionLibrary: UDFGlobalsPool

Function Name Description Sl No Description of Input Return Value


initGlobalCounter Creates a global pa­ 1 Name of the global ""

rameter with name counter
given by the first argu­
ment. The initial value
is set to "0".

increaseGlobalCounter Increments the value 1 Name of the global ""

of a global counter counter
(identified by the first
argument) by "1"

getGlobalCounterValue Gets the value of global 1 Name of the global The current counter
counter identified by counter value
the first argument

setParameter Sets a global parame­ 1 Name of the global pa­ The value of the pa­
ter; first value defines rameter rameter that has been
the name, the second set
one sets the value
2 Value of the global pa­

getParameter Returns the value of a 1 Name of the global pa­ The value of the pa­
global parameter, iden­ rameter rameter
tified by the argument

increaseOrCreateGlo­ Increments the value 1 Context of boolean val­ The current counter
balCounterIfTrue of a global counter ues value
(identified by the sec­
ond argument) by "1" 2 Name of the global
for every value con­ counter
taining "true" in the

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 145
Function Name Description Sl No Description of Input Return Value

first argument; if nec­ 3 Initial value for counter

essary the counter is
initialized with the ar­

hasGlobalCounter Returns "true" if a 1 Name of the global

counter (identified by counter "true" or
the first argument) al­ "false"
ready exists, otherwise

FunctionLibrary: UDFNodePool

Function Name Description Sl No Description of Input Return Value


createIfHasValue Produces empty value 1 A context of values Context with values ""
if argument is not or SUPPRESS
empty; ResultList.
SUPPRESS otherwise

createIfExistsAndHas­ Produces empty value 1 A context of values Context with values ""
Value if argument is not or SUPPRESS
empty and exists; Re­
sultList. SUPPRESS

createIfHasOneOf­ Produces empty value 1 A context of values Context with values ""
SuchValues when the first argu­ or SUPPRESS
ment has one of the 2 (constant) Values to be
values passed as a checked; separated by
constant in the second semicolon (e.g.
argument (separated "AG;BY")
by a semicolon); Re­
sultList. SUPPRESS

passIfHasValue Passes all context val­ 1 A context of values Input context with
ues and empty values empty values replaced
are replaced by Result­ by SUPPRESS

assignValueByCondi­ Passes a value from 1 A context of condition Third argument con­

tion the third argument values text with values not
when the correspond­ matching the condition
ing value from the first

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

146 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Function Name Description Sl No Description of Input Return Value

argument has one of 2 (constant) Values to be replaced by SUP­

the values contained in checked; separated by PRESS
the second value semicolon (e.g.
(these conditions are "AG;BY")
separated by a semico­
lon); passes ResultList. 3 A context of values
SUPPRESS otherwise

simpleUseOneAsMa­ Uses the first argu­ 1 A context containing A number of contexts

nyAndSplitByEach­ ment (the context one value (containing one value)
Value should have exactly defined by 2.argu­
one value) as often as 2 A context of values ments length
the length of the sec­
ond context indicates
and splits the result by
each value.

simpleUseOneAsMany Uses the first argu­ 1 A context containing The second context fil-
ment (the context one value led with the value from
should have exactly the first argument
one value) as often as
the length of the sec­
ond context indicates

deleteSuppress Maps every context 1 A context of values Input context reduced

value to itself when not in length by number of
null and not ResultList. SUPPRESS fields
SUPPRESS - maybe
the context queue is

getFirstContextValue Returns the first non- 1 A context of values A value or SUPPRESS

empty context value or
ResultList. SUPPRESS
if no such value exists.

existsAndHasValue Produces "true" if the 1 A context of values Context with boolean

argument is not values
empty; "false" other­

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 147
Function Name Description Sl No Description of Input Return Value

existsAndHasOneOf­ Produces "true" if the 1 (constant) Values to be Context with boolean

SuchValues first argument has one checked; separated by values
of the values passed as semicolon (e.g.
a constant in the sec­ "AG;BY")
ond argument (sepa­
rated by a semicolon);
otherwise "false"

contextHasOneOf­ Produces a single 1 A context of values Boolean value

SuchValues "true" if the first argu­
ment (a context 2 (constant) Values to be
queue) contains one of checked; separated by
the values passed as a semicolon (e.g.
constant in the second "AG;BY")
argument (separated
by a semicolon); other­
wise "false"

useOneContextAs­ Uses the first argu­ 1 A context of values A number of contexts

Many ment context as often defined by 2.argu­
as values exist in the 2 A context of values ments length
second argument con­

concatToOneQueue Puts all arguments se­ 1 A context of values A context (length de­
quentially into one fined by sum of all in­
queue 2 A context of values puts length)

3 A context of values

4 A context of values

5 A context of values

deleteMultipleContext­ Removes all multiple 1 A context of values A context reduced in

Values values from the con­ size by number of dou­
text, leaving only the ble values

concatContextValues Concatenates all val­ 1 A context of values One string value

ues of a context sepa­
rated by second argu­ 2 Separator

formatByContextEx­ Format contexts in first 1 Queue (input queue) Queue (with first argu­
ample queue (input queue) ments length and for­
by values (represent­

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

148 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Function Name Description Sl No Description of Input Return Value

ing contexts) in second 2 Queue (example matted by second ar­

queue (example queue) guments format)
queue); requirement:
number of contexts in
inputQueue = number
of values in example

createMultipleCopies Duplicates first argu­ 1 A context of values to A context of values

ment's value as often be duplicated (equal or enlarged in
as value in second ar­ size to first arguments
gument indicates; con­ 2 A context of values in­ size)
texts must have the dicating the number of
same size duplications

fragmentSingleValue Fragments the first ar­ 1 The value to be frag­ Context containing
gument into a max. mented fragments as values
number of pieces
(given by the second 2 Maximum number of
argument) of length fragments
from the third; the last
3 Fragment length
one may be shorter. All
arguments are treated
like constants.

concatTwoQueues­ Puts all arguments se­ 1 A context of values A context contains

ToOne quentially into one both input arguments
queue 2 A context of values

rearrangeByKey Rearranges the third 1 Context of values rep­ A context of rear­

argument by the corre­ resenting the rear­ ranged values
sponding key set in the ranged key set
second argument for­
matted by the first ar­ 2 Context of values rep­
gument resenting the key set

3 Context of values to be

getValueByIndex Returns a value from a 1 A context of values Value at given index

context(arg1) by given
index(arg2) (starting 2 Index
at 1)

createNumberRange Creates an empty 1 Start value Context with values ""

string for each number
missing between first

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 149
Function Name Description Sl No Description of Input Return Value

and second argument 2 End value


createContextsForFix­ Splits context in first 1 A context of values Split context

edBlockSize argument into blocks
defined in size by pa­ 2 (parameter) Block size

buildBlocksAndGetVa­ Splits context in first 1 A context of values Value at given index

lueByIndex argument into blocks
defined in size by pa­ 2 Index
rameter and returns
3 (parameter) Block size
value at index given by
second argument

createContextsForFix­ Splits context in first 1 A context of values Split context

edBlockSize001 argument into blocks
defined in size by sec­ 2 Block size
ond argument

FunctionLibrary: UDFUtilsPool

Function Name Description Sl No Description of Input Return Value


hasValue Returns "true" if the 1 Empty or non-empty Boolean value

first argument is not value
empty; "false" other­

hasOneOfSuchValues Returns "true" when 1 A value Boolean value

the first argument has
one of the values 2 (constant) Values to be
passed as a constant checked; separated by
in the second argu­ semicolon (e.g.
ment (separated by a "AG;BY")
semicolon); "false"

trimZeroLeft Removes leading ze­ 1 Value representing a Input number without

ros. number leading zeros

trimRight Removes trailing white 1 A value Input value without

spaces (leading white trailing white spaces
spaces may be signifi-

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

150 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Function Name Description Sl No Description of Input Return Value

splitToIndex Splits the first argu­ 1 A value Part of input value

ment by a delimiter
(third argument) and 2 Index
returns the partial
3 Delimiter
string requested by the
second argument (or
an empty string if no
such partial string ex­

formatValueByZero Creates a new string 1 A value Formatted input value

from a non-empty first
argument with length 2 Length of new value
given by the second as
3 "left" or "right" end cut
follows: cut at left or
right end (the third ar­
4 Boolean ("true" = fill)
gument) or fill with "0"
(if the fourth says 5 "left" or "right" end fill
"true") at left or right
side (defined by the

headString Removes the trailing 1 A value Head string of input

characters of the first value
argument leaving the 2 Length of new value
number of characters
given by the second ar­
gument. Attention:
white spaces are sig­
nificant, no trim is in

tailString Removes the leading 1 A value Tail string of input

characters of the first value
argument leaving the 2 Length of new value
number of characters
given by the second ar­
gument. Leading or
trailing white spaces
do not count.

isNumber Returns "true" if the ar­ 1 A value Boolean value

gument is a number,
"false" otherwise

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 151
Function Name Description Sl No Description of Input Return Value

toNumber Formats a string like a 1 A value A number

number (removes +
sign and leading/trail­
ing zeros)

minusFromBegin­ Sets the minus sign 1 A value Modified input value

ToEnd from the beginning to
the end

minusFromEndToBe­ Sets the minus sign 1 A value Modified input value

gin from the end to the be­

isNumberEqualZero Returns "true" if the ar­ 1 A value Boolean value

gument is the number
zero, "false" otherwise

isNumberNotEqual­ Returns "true" if the ar­ 1 A value Boolean value

Zero gument is a number
but not zero, "false"

FunctionLibrary: UDFVdaPool

Function Name Description Sl Description of In­ Return Value

N put Arguments

setVDADecimalSepara­ Sets a decimal point so that the last digits (their 1 A value represent­ Input value in deci­
tor number is contained in the second argument) of ing a VDA number mal number for­
the first argument become decimal places mat
2 Number of deci­
mal places

formatToVDAValue Transfers a (decimal) number (the first argument) 1 A value represent­ Input value in VDA
into an integer considering the last digits (their ing a decimal number format
number is contained in the second argument) as number
decimal places
2 Number of deci­
mal places

isValidVDADate Checks if a date is a valid VDA date (a YYMMDD 1 A date Boolean value
date string)

transformFromVDADate Transforms a valid VDA date (the argument) to for­ 1 A VDA date A date (format
mat YYYYYMMDD; an invalid VDA date produces a YYYYMMDD)

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

152 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Function Name Description Sl Description of In­ Return Value
N put Arguments

transformToVDADate Transforms a YYYYYMMDD date (the argument) to 1 A date (format A VDA date

trimVDAZeroRight Convenience when removing unnecessary VDA 1 A value Input value short­
decimal places: removes a number of zeros from ened by number of
the tail of a value. Pay attention: There is no check 2 Number of zeros zeros
on whether the last number of zero characters
really are all zero.

User Defined Functions: Trading Partner Management

Function Name Description Sl Input Argu­ Description

No ment

getParty Gets the party name for the given 1 agency Agency Name
agency, scheme and party identifier as
maintained in the PI party identifiers. 2 scheme Scheme name

3 partyIdentifier Party Identifier for Agency

addDynamicHeader Adds the dynamic header with the given 1 headerNS Dynamic header namespace
header key, header namespace, and
header value. It passes the given header 2 headerKey Dynamic header key
value as output.
3 headerValue Dynamic header value

getPartyID Gets the party ID for the given party­ 1 partyName Name of the party as mentioned
Name, agency, scheme as maintained in in the Integration Directory.
the PI party identifiers.
2 agency Agency Name for which the iden­
tifier is required.

3 scheme Scheme name for which the

identifier is required.

getAgreementID Gets the agreement ID for the given set 1 senderParty Sender ID as configured in TPM
of PI Message context maintained in Partner Profile.
TPM. If more than 1 agreements are re­
trieved, then most matching agreement 2 senderQual Sender Qual as configured in
is retrieved. TPM Partner Profile.

3 receiverParty Receiver ID as configured in TPM

partner profile.

4 receiverQual Receiver Qual as configured in

TPM partner profile.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 153
Function Name Description Sl Input Argu­ Description
No ment

5 senderService Sender service as configured in

TPM agreement.

6 receiverSer­ Receiver service as configured in

vice TPM agreement.

7 interf Interface name as configured in

TPM agreement.

8 namespace Interface Namespace as config-

ured in TPM agreement.

getAgreementID Use this UDF to retrieve parameters 1 senderID Sender partner identifier as con­
such as message format, message re­ figured in TPM Partner Profile.
lease, and so on. It fetches the agree­
ment ID for the given EDI message con­ 2 senderIDQual Sender partner agency qualifier
text maintained in TPM. If more than 1 code as configured in TPM Part­
agreements are retrieved, then most ner Profile.
matching agreement will be retrieved.
3 receiverID Receiver partner identifier as
configured in TPM partner pro­

4 receiverIDQ­ Receiver partner agency qualifier

ual code as configured in TPM part­
ner profile.

5 msg_protc Message Protocol

6 msg_type Message Type

7 msg_ver Message version

8 msg_subver Message Sub version

9 msg_rel Message release

10 msg_agency Message agency

11 direction Message direction

getAgreementID Returns the TPM agreement ID for given 1 senderProfi- Sender Partner name
Partner Parameters. The values should leID
match exactly as defined in agreement
2 receiverProfi- Receiver Partner Name

3 msg_protc Message format

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

154 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Function Name Description Sl Input Argu­ Description
No ment

4 msg_type Message type

5 msg_ver Message version

6 msg_subver Message subversion

7 msg_rel message release

8 msg_agency Message Agency

9 direction Message direction

getFunctionalProfile- Gets the functional profile name for the 1 agreementID Agreement ID for which the
Name given agreement ID. Functional Profile name needs to
be retrieved.

getSystemEnviron­ Returns the current activated system

environment test or production from

getIdentity Returns the required identity for the 1 sourceID Partner Identifier
given partner ID and Qualifier code
2 sourceQual Source partner qualifier agency

3 targetQual Target partner qualifier agency


getFunctionalProfile- Gets the functional profile property 1 profileName Functional profile name.
Property value for the given Functional profile
name. 2 keyName Property Name for which the
property needs to be extracted.

1.4 B2B Integration Cockpit


The B2B integration cockpit is a central application that allows you to monitor and access business-to-
business add-on from SAP NW PI environment. You can use the B2B integration cockpit:

● For more information about technical logs generated by the OFTP adapter, see Log Viewer [page 156].
● For more information about configuring the EDI documents, see Configuring the EDI Content Manager
[page 159].

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 155
● For more information about defining and maintaining NRO values, see Maintaining Number Range Objects
[page 120].
● For more information about defining and maintaining partner specific data, see Trading Partner
Management [page 209].
● For more information about securely storing PGP keys, refer Secure Connectivity add-on
Configuration Guide Configuring PGP Module Maintaining PGP Keys
● For more information about logs generated by the AS2 adapter, see Scheduling Log Clean-up Job [page
● For more information about generating X12 content, see

1.4.1 Log Viewer


You use this document to understand the filtering criteria for viewing the list of log events that are generated by
the OFTP and AS2 adapters. The OFTP log viewer provides the following information:

● The date and time details of the log

● The communication channel of the message
● The status of the communication channel
● The message ID and its description
● The IP address of the communication system
● The nature of the message that is represented with an icon
● The Partner Odette ID
● The virtual FDSN
● The direction of the message

 Note

Enter the URL format as http:<localhost:port>/b2bic in the Web browser and then choose OFTP Log

The filtering criteria available in the OFTP and AS2 log viewer are described in the table below:

Filter criteria Description

From Determines the starting date and time from, which the query
has to be executed

To Determines the end date and time until, which the query has
to be executed

Maximal number of rows to read Reads and displays the number of logs according to the
given number of rows

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

156 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Number of rows to display Displays the logs according to the given number of rows

Wrap text Wraps long text displayed in the table

The advanced filtering criteria available in the OFTP and AS2 log viewer are described in the table below:

Filter Criteria AS2 / OFTP Description

AS2 URL (Local / Remote) AS2 URL of AS2 sender

AS2 Message Subject AS2 Subject of the AS2 message

Partner AS2 Name AS2 Partner's unique AS2 name

Own AS2 Name AS2 Company's (using PI) unique AS2


AS2 Message ID AS2 Unique ID of the AS2 message

Local Address OFTP TCP/IP address or Fully Qualified

Domain Name (FQDN) of the machine
that allows the OFTP adapter to
connect to the partner system

Remote Address OFTP TCP/IP address or Fully Qualified

Domain Name (FQDN) of the remote
machine that allows the OFTP adapter
to connect to the partner system

Partner Odette ID OFTP Unique Odette-ID of the partner, which

helps to identify the outbound

Own Odette ID OFTP Unique Odette-ID of the sender, which

helps to identify the inbound messages

Virtual FDSN OFTP Dataset name of the virtual file being


Channel AS2 / OFTP Channel name which can be selected

based on protocol type

PI Party AS2 / OFTP Name of the PI party

Business Component AS2 / OFTP Name of the business component

Direction AS2 / OFTP Direction of the message, whether

outbound or inbound

Status AS2 / OFTP Status of the message

 Note

You can export the table content as an XML file by choosing the Export button.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 157 Configuring Java System Properties


You use this procedure to configure the Java System Properties tool to enable the application to store AS2 and
OFTP logs in the B2B database


1. To access SAP NetWeaver Administrator, enter the URL format as http:<localhost:port>/nwa

2. Choose Configuration Infrastructure Java System Properties .

3. Choose the Applications tab page, and enter AS2 or OFTP in the filter field.
4. From the application details table, select or
5. From the Extended Details table, select the b2b.log.level and then choose Modify to set the custom
calculated value to log AS2 and OFTP transaction instances.

 Note

WARN is the default value for this parameter

6. Enter one of the following log levels in the Modify Property Value dialog box:

Log Levels Description

ALL All level of log entries are stored

FATAL Stores severe errors

ERROR Stores transaction errors and fatal log entries

WARN Stores warnings encountered by the transactions as well

as error and fatal log entries

INFO Stores information about the transactions as well as warn­

ings, errors, and fatal log entries

OFF This value turns off the process of storing the logs during
the transaction

7. Save the changes.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

158 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
1.4.2 Scheduling Log Clean-up Job

You have to schedule a predefined job LogViewerCleanJob in the Java Scheduler to clean up log entries. Set the
interval to clean up the entries by defining the maximum age in days (maxAgeDays) and with reference to the
scheduled interval it deletes logs that older than the interval.

 Note

You can schedule LogViewerCleanJob under Java Scheduler menu in SAP NetWeaver Administrator


Consider you have provided the maxAgeDays parameter as 31; the job deletes all the log entries that are older
than 31 days.

1.4.3 Configuring the EDI Content Manager


The EDI content manager is an application that allows you to do the following:

● Create or edit different components of EDI messages

 Note

You can create or update the different message components in an EDI document only if you have
defined a customized "control key."

● Generate XSD files

● Export or import EDI documents
● Convert EDI documents to XML and the other way round
● Test the conversion of EDI messages
● Assign user roles to manage EDI content manager. The table below provides information on user roles
privileges to be assigned to users.
For more information about assigning roles to users for managing EDI content manager, refer B2B Security
Guide (Assigning user roles for managing the EDI content manager application).

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 159
You use this procedure to configure the settings of different EDI message formats in the EDI content manager.


1. To access the EDI content manager, enter the URL format as http:<localhost:port>/b2bic in the Web
2. On the B2B Integration Cockpit Web page, choose EDI Content Manager.
3. To configure the EDIFACT message settings, choose Edifact.

 Note

For more information, see Configuring the EDIFACT Message Format [page 161].

4. To configure EANCOM message settings, choose EANCOM.

 Note

For more information, see Configuring the EANCOM Message Format [page 171].

5. To configure ANSI X12 message settings, choose Ansi X12.

 Note

For more information, see Configuring the ANSI X12 Message Format [page 182].

6. To configure Odette message settings, choose Odette.

 Note

For more information, see Configuring the Odette Message Format [page 191].

7. To configure Tradacoms message settings, choose Tradacoms.

 Note

For more information, see Configuring the Tradacoms Message Format [page 196].

8. To configure VDA message settings, choose VDA.

 Note

For more information, see Configuring the VDA Message Format [page 199].

9. To configure Plain message settings, choose Plain.

 Note

For more information, see Configuring the Plain Message Format [page 200].

10. To compare the message contents of two similar EDI messages, choose Compare Messages.

 Note

For more information, see Comparing EDI Messages [page 206].

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

160 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration Configuring the EDIFACT Message Format


 Note

Please, note that the SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on supports UN/EDIFACT Message
Standard up to UN/EDIFACT Syntax Version 3.


1. For more information on importing or exporting EDIFACT message content, see Importing or Exporting
Message Content [page 161].
2. For more information on creating or editing message components of EDIFACT, see Editing EDIFACT
Message [page 162].
3. For more information on conversion of EDIFACT to XML and vise versa, see Converting EDIFACT Message
[page 166].
4. For more information on generating XSD files, see Generating XSD Files [page 166].
5. For more information on editing tables, see Editing Tables [page 167]. Importing or Exporting Message Content


1. To browse and import the "b2b" file contents , choose Edifact Import/Export Content Import .

2. To export selected EDIFACT message types, choose Edifact Import/Export Content Export .

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 161 Editing EDIFACT Message


You use this procedure to create, edit, or delete message components in an EDIFACT document. These
features are available only for user defined control keys.

 Note

When editing or creating an EDIFACT message always follow bottom-up approach that begins with editing
or creating data elements and progress hierarchically.


1. To create or edit an EDIFACT message, choose Edifact Editor Message Editor .

1. To edit or create EDIFACT message components, select the appropriate component link from the name
column and enter the parameters as described in the table below:

Component Parameter Description

Edit Message Message Format This parameter specifies the mes­

sage format of the EDI document.

Create Messages This parameter allows you to create

a new EDIFACT message. This fea­
ture is available only for user defined
control key.

Update Messages This parameter allows you to add,

edit or delete segment or segment

Remove Messages This parameter allows you to remove

selected messages from the trans­

Control Key This parameter defines the type of

control key used.

For more information on control key,

see the note below.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

162 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Component Parameter Description

Version This parameter determines the ver­

sion of the EDI message.

Message This parameter determines the EDI

message type.

Copy Control Key This parameter allows you to copy

EDI message contents from SAP de­
fined control key to a new control
key or an existing control key.

Delete Control Key This parameter allows you to delete

control keys other than SAP defined
control key.

Edit This parameter allows you to edit

segments or segment groups that
are defined for user specific control

Add This parameter allows you to add

segments or segment groups that
are defined for user specific control

Delete This parameter allows you to delete

segment or segment group that are
defined for user specific control key.

Segment Details Show Segment This parameter displays only those

segments that are defined for user
specific control key.

Move Index This parameter allows you to move

the segment from the current posi­
tion to a new position. This feature is
available only for user defined con­
trol key.

Create Segment This parameter allows you to create

a new EDIFACT segment. This fea­
ture is available only for user defined
control key.

Update Segment This parameter allows you to update

the segments in the table with new
values. This feature is available only
for user defined control key.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 163
Component Parameter Description

Remove Selected Segment Fields This parameter allows you to remove

the selected segments from the ta­
ble. This feature is available only for
user defined control key.

Description This parameter allows you to provide

a short description on the segment.

Note This parameter allows you to provide

a brief remark on the segment.

Available Composite and Data This section contains features to

Elements add selected composites and data
elements to the segment.

Create/Edit Composites Composites This parameter determines the

batch of composite elements that
are defined for user specific control

Move To Index This parameter allows you to move

the composite element from the cur­
rent position to a new position. This
feature is available only for user de­
fined control key.

Create Composite This parameter allows you to create

a new composite element. This fea­
ture is available only for user defined
control key.

Update Composite This parameter allows you to update

the composite elements in the table
with new values. This feature is avail­
able only for user defined control

Remove Selected Fields This parameter allows you to remove

the selected composite elements
from the table. This feature is availa­
ble only for user defined control key.

Description This parameter allows you to provide

a short description on the composite

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

164 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Component Parameter Description

Note This parameter allows you to provide

a brief remark on the composite ele­

Available Data Elements This section contains features to

add selected data elements to the
composite elements.

Create/Edit Data Element Create Data Element This parameter allows you to create
new data element. This feature is
available only for user defined con­
trol key.

Edit Data Element This section contains parameter to

edit and update the different values
in an existing data element.

 Note

The control key represents a version of an EDI message definition. You can maintain different
control keys for a single EDI message for customizing the EDI message definitions. The standard
EDI content for individual transaction sets are delivered by SAP in the control key label "SAP". The
SAP defined control key cannot be edited or modified. This is to ensure that you never lose the
original version and receive new updates for SAP delivered control key. However, you can modify or
customize the message definitions by making an additional copy of the SAP defined control key
and include selected message type and versions required for your business scenarios. You save the
newly created control key with a unique name, which allows alphanumeric characters, reflecting
the business context.

2. To edit and map the control key as per the required business scenario, choose Edifact Editor
Control Key Scenario Association .
1. To define a new mapping scenario for a control key and to insert it into a row as per the specified index
value, choose Insert.

 Caution

Do not define identical mapping scenarios for any two control keys.

2. To delete a mapping scenario from the table, select a control key name and then choose Delete.
3. To edit an existing mapping scenario in the table, select a control key name and then choose Edit.
4. To refresh the contents in the table, choose Refresh.

3. To describe the purpose of a control key, choose Edifact Editor Control Key Description Editor .
1. To describe a control key, click on the Description column and enter the details.
2. To save the changes, choose the Save Button.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 165 Converting EDIFACT Message


You use this procedure to test the conversion from EDIFACT to XML message and vise versa.


1. To test the conversion of an EDIFACT message to XML message format, choose Edifact Edifact - XML -
Converter Edifact to XML .

2. To test the conversion an XML message to EDIFACT message format, choose Edifact Edifact - XML -
Converter XML to Edifact . Generating XSD Files


You use this procedure to generate XSD file for a specific EDIFACT message type and version.


1. To generate an XSD file, choose Edifact XSD Generator .

2. On the Edifact XSD Generator page, enter the parameters as described in the following table:

Component Parameter Description

Edifact XSD Generator XML-Namespace Define the path of XML file.

Target Namespace Define the path of the target file.

Control Key Name Define the specific control key at­

tached to the Edifact message.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

166 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Component Parameter Description

Include Notes Attach notes to the XSD file.

Restrict Charset to UNOB The character set that is used to vali­

date the Edifact interchange is limited
to UNOB character set.

Enable Batch Message Support Allows you to add requirement spe­

cific Edifact message types.

Define the name of the XSD root ele­


Maintain Compatibility to Previous This parameter allows to maintain the

Releases compatibility with previous Edifact re­

Type Define the Edifact message type.

Version Define the Edifact message version.

Add UNG Segment Allows you to add UNG segment to

the XSD file.

All Versions Allows you to include all version of Ed­

ifact standards to the XSD file.

3. To generate an XSD file, choose Start. Editing Tables


1. To perform actions such as editing the table, inserting a new row, deleting selected rows, or exporting
selected rows from the table of an EDIFACT message type, choose Edifact Tables .
2. Select the appropriate table to be edited. For more information on EDIFACT tables, refer the EDIFACT
Tables section below.
3. To display the number of rows in a table, enter the numerical value in the Rows displayed field.
4. To update the contents of the table, choose Refresh.
5. To export the selected rows of a table in "*.b2b" file format, choose Export selected rows.
6. To edit the selected table, choose Edit.
7. Select the appropriate column to be edited and enter the parameters.
8. To insert a new row in the table, choose Insert new row.
9. To delete selected rows from the table, choose Delete selected rows.
10. Save the changes.


Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 167
The EDIFACT module uses two different types of tables:

● The control tables ("B2B_EDI_CTRL_*") contain rules for creating the nesting structure for the conversion
of the messages.
○ B2B_EDI_CTRL_IF: This control table manages single interfaces, with which the key (EDI_CTRL_KEY)
to be used can be determined.
○ B2B_EDI_CTRL_MSG: This control table contains corresponding instructions for every message type
and every version, which is used to interpret and construct the structural description of an EDIFACT
message. The single states and state transitions of the "Mealy machine" have to be specified here.

Field Description

CTRL_KEY "Control Key" for predefined interface from


MESSAGETYP Message type

MESSAGEVERSION Directory version

STATUS_CURRENT Current status - Context to which the table entry refers

SEGMENT Segment that was found

STATUS_NEW New status

SEG_ACTION Action to be performed for building the segment struc­

ture. The letter C representing the Segment-XML-Struc­

○ B2B_EDI_CTRL_SEG : This table contains the structural description for the segments. As these
segments are structured in the same way for all messages of a specific version, the reference to the
message type is no longer required. The structure of the composites is managed in a separate table.

Field Description

CTRL_KEY "Control Key" for predefined interface from


MESSAGEVERSION Directory version

SEGMENT Segment to which the entry refers

IDX Index of the composites in the segment

COMP Name of the composites that can be found under the

corresponding segment and index

○ B2B_EDI_CTRL_CMP: This table is used to manage the data objects of the composites. This and the
previous table are used to build the Segment-XML-Structure.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

168 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Field Description

CTRL_KEY "Control Key" for predefined interface from


MESSAGEVERSION Directory version

COMP Composite to which the entry refers

IDX Index of the element in the composite

EDI_ELEMENT Name of the element that can be found under the corre­
sponding composite and index

● The definition tables ("B2B_EDI_DEF_*") manage information for generating the XML Definition Schemes
○ B2B_EDI_DEF_MSG: This table is used to define the message structure on the highest level. It
determines, depending on the message type and directory version, the number of segments and their
order according to an index.

Field Description

MESSAGETYPE Message version

MESSAGEVERSION Directory version

MSG_INDEX Position of the segment in the message

MSG_SG Message segment

○ B2B_EDI_DEF_MSG_SG : This table is used for a more precise definition of the arrangement of the
segments, and segment groups in terms of message type, directory version and segment.

Field Description

MESSAGETYPE Message version

MESSAGEVERSION Directory version

ID Message segment. Defined in previous table (MSG_SG)

STATUS Comment whether it is a mandatory segment or not

○ C: Optional ( Conditional, " Can")

○ M: Mandatory ( Mandatory, " Must")

REPETITION Possible occurrence of the segment

NAME Name of the segment

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 169
DESCRIPTION Description for the segment

SEGTYPE Segment type:

○ S: Segment
○ G: Segment group

PARENT Reference to the superordinate segment in regard to

segments within one segment group

PARENT_INDEX Index of the segment with regard to Parent

○ B2B_EDI_DEF_SEG : This table provides names and arrangement of the composites in a segment.

Field Description

MESSAGEVERSION Directory version

SEGMENT Name of the segment

SEG_INDEX Position of the composite in the segment

FIELD Name of the composite

STATUS Comment whether it is a mandatory segment or not

○ C: Optional ( Conditional, " Can")

○ M: Mandatory ( Mandatory, " Must")

OCCURRENCES Possible occurrence of the composite


SEG_NOTE Description for the segment

○ B2B_EDI_DEF_CMP : This table contains the description on the arrangement of the single fields within
the composites.

Field Description

MESSAGEVERSION Directory version

COMPOSITE Name of the composite

COMP_INDEX Position of the field in the composite

FIELD Identifier for the field

STATUS Comment whether it is a mandatory segment or not

○ C: Optional ( Conditional, " Can")

○ M: Mandatory ( Mandatory, " Must")

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

170 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
DESCRIPTION Description about the content of the composite

NOTE Notes

○ B2B_EDI_DEF_ELE : Analogous to the previous tables this table contains a more precise description
for the single fields.

Field Description

MESSAGEVERSION Directory version

IDENTIFIER Identifier of the field. Defined in previous table (FIELD)

NAME Name of the field

REPR Value formats

○ a: alphabetical
○ n: numerical
○ an: alphanumerical
○ ..xy: Number (=xy) of valid characters

DESCRIPTION Description about the content of the field

NOTE Notes Configuring the EANCOM Message Format


1. For more information on importing or exporting EANCOM message content, see Importing or Exporting
Message Content [page 172].
2. For more information on creating or editing message components of EANCOM, see Editing EANCOM
Message [page 172].
3. For more information on conversion of EANCOM to XML and vise versa, see Converting EANCOM Message
[page 176].
4. For more information on generating XSD files, see Generating XSD Files [page 176].
5. For more information on editing tables, see Editing Tables [page 178].

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 171 Importing or Exporting Message Content


1. To browse and import the "b2b" file contents , choose EANCOM Import/Export Content Import .

2. To export selected EANCOM message types, choose EANCOM Import/Export Content Export . Modifying EANCOM Message


You use this procedure to create, edit, or delete message components in an EANCOM document. These
features are available only for user defined control keys.

 Note

When editing or creating an EANCOM message always follow bottom-up approach that begins with editing
or creating data elements and progress hierarchically.


1. To create or edit an EANCOM message, choose EANCOM Editor Message Editor .

1. To edit or create EANCOM message components, select the appropriate component link from the
name column and enter the parameters as described in the table below:

Component Parameter Description

Edit Message Message Format This parameter specifies the mes­

sage format of the EDI document.

Create Messages This parameter allows you to create

a new EANCOM message. This fea­
ture is available only for user defined
control key.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

172 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Component Parameter Description

Update Messages This parameter allows you to add,

edit or delete segment or segment

Remove Messages This parameter allows you to remove

selected messages from the trans­

Control Key This parameter defines the type of

control key used.

For more information on control key,

see the note below.

Version This parameter determines the ver­

sion of the EDI message.

Message This parameter determines the EDI

message type.

Copy Control Key This parameter allows you to copy

EDI message contents from SAP de­
fined control key to a new control
key or an existing control key.

Delete Control Key This parameter allows you to delete

control keys other than SAP defined
control key.

Edit This parameter allows you to edit

segments or segment groups that
are defined for user specific control

Add This parameter allows you to add

segments or segment groups that
are defined for user specific control

Delete This parameter allows you to delete

segment or segment group that are
defined for user specific control key.

Segment Details Show Segment This parameter displays only those

segments that are defined for user
specific control key.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 173
Component Parameter Description

Move Index This parameter allows you to move

the segment from the current posi­
tion to a new position. This feature is
available only for user defined con­
trol key.

Create Segment This parameter allows you to create

a new EANCOM segment. This fea­
ture is available only for user defined
control key.

Update Segment This parameter allows you to update

the segments in the table with new
values. This feature is available only
for user defined control key.

Remove Selected Segment Fields This parameter allows you to remove

the selected segments from the ta­
ble. This feature is available only for
user defined control key.

Description This parameter allows you to provide

a short description on the segment.

Note This parameter allows you to provide

a brief remark on the segment.

Available Composite and Data This section contains features to

Elements add selected composites and data
elements to the segment.

Create/Edit Composites Composites This parameter determines the

batch of composite elements that
are defined for user specific control

Move To Index This parameter allows you to move

the composite element from the cur­
rent position to a new position. This
feature is available only for user de­
fined control key.

Create Composite This parameter allows you to create

a new composite element. This fea­
ture is available only for user defined
control key.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

174 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Component Parameter Description

Update Composite This parameter allows you to update

the composite elements in the table
with new values. This feature is avail­
able only for user defined control

Remove Selected Fields This parameter allows you to remove

the selected composite elements
from the table. This feature is availa­
ble only for user defined control key.

Description This parameter allows you to provide

a short description on the composite

Note This parameter allows you to provide

a brief remark on the composite ele­

Available Data Elements This section contains features to

add selected data elements to the
composite elements.

Create/Edit Data Element Create Data Element This parameter allows you to create
new data element. This feature is
available only for user defined con­
trol key.

Edit Data Element This section contains parameter to

edit and update the different values
in an existing data element.

 Note

The control key represents a version of an EDI message definition. You can maintain different
control keys for a single EDI message for customizing the EDI message definitions. The standard
EDI content for individual transaction sets are delivered by SAP in the control key label "SAP". The
SAP defined control key cannot be edited or modified. This is to ensure that you never lose the
original version and receive new updates for SAP delivered control key. However, you can modify or
customize the message definitions by making an additional copy of the SAP defined control key
and include selected message type and versions required for your business scenarios. You save the
newly created control key with a unique name, which allows alphanumeric characters, reflecting
the business context.

2. To edit and map the control key as per the required business scenario, choose EANCOM Editor
Control Key Scenario Association .

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 175
1. To define a new mapping scenario for a control key and to insert it into a row as per the specified index
value, choose Insert.

 Caution

Do not define identical mapping scenarios for any two control keys.

2. To delete a mapping scenario from the table, select a control key name and then choose Delete.
3. To edit an existing mapping scenario in the table, select a control key name and then choose Edit.
4. To refresh the contents in the table, choose Refresh.

3. To describe the purpose of a control key, choose EANCOM Editor Control Key Description Editor .
1. To describe a control key, click on the Description column and enter the details.
2. To save the changes, choose the Save Button. Converting EANCOM Message


You use this procedure to test the conversion from EANCOM to XML message and vise versa.


1. To test the conversion of an EANCOM message to XML message format, choose EANCOM EANCOM -
XML - Converter EANCOM to XML .

2. To test the conversion an XML message to EANCOM message format, choose EANCOM EANCOM -
XML - Converter XML to EANCOM . Generating XSD Files


You use this procedure to generate XSD file for a specific EANCOM message type and version.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

176 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

1. To generate an XSD file, choose EANCOM XSD Generator .

2. On the EANCOM XSD Generator page, enter the parameters as described in the following table:

Component Parameter Description

EANCOM XSD Generator XML-Namespace Define the path of XML file.

Target Namespace Define the path of the target file.

Control Key Name Define the specific control key at­

tached to the EANCOM message.

Include Notes Attach notes to the XSD file.

Restrict Charset to UNOB The character set that is used to vali­

date the EANCOM interchange is lim­
ited to UNOB character set.

Enable Batch Message Support Allows you to add requirement spe­

cific EANCOM message types.

Define the name of the XSD root ele­


Maintain Compatibility to Previous This parameter allows to maintain the

Releases compatibility with previous EANCOM

Type Define the EANCOM message type.

Version Define the EANCOM message version.

Subversion Define the EANCOM message subver­


Add UNG Segment Allows you to add UNG segment to

the XSD file.

All Versions Allows you to include all version of

EANCOM standards to the XSD file.

3. To generate an XSD file, choose Start.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 177 Editing Tables


1. To perform actions such as editing the table, inserting a new row, deleting selected rows, or exporting
selected rows from the table of an EANCOM message type, choose EANCOM Tables .
2. Select the appropriate table to be edited. For more information on EANCOM tables, refer the EANCOM
Tables section below.
3. To display the number of rows in a table, enter the numerical value in the Rows displayed field.
4. To update the contents of the table, choose Refresh.
5. To export the selected rows of a table in "*.b2b" file format, choose Export selected rows.
6. To edit the selected table, choose Edit.
7. Select the appropriate column to be edited and enter the parameters.
8. To insert a new row in the table, choose Insert new row.
9. To delete selected rows from the table, choose Delete selected rows.
10. Save the changes.


The EANCOM module uses two different types of tables:

● The control tables ("B2B_EDI_CTRL_*") contain rules for creating the nesting structure for the conversion
of the messages.
○ B2B_EDI_CTRL_CMP: This table is used to manage the data objects of the composites. This and the
previous table are used to build the Segment-XML-Structure.

Field Description

CTRL_KEY "Control Key" for predefined interface from


MESSAGEVERSION Directory version

COMP Composite to which the entry refers

IDX Index of the element in the composite

EDI_ELEMENT Name of the element that can be found under the corre­
sponding composite and index

○ B2B_EDI_CTRL_IF: This control table manages single interfaces, with which the key (EDI_CTRL_KEY)
to be used can be determined.
○ B2B_EDI_CTRL_MSG: This control table contains corresponding instructions for every message type
and every version, which is used to interpret and construct the structural description of an EANCOM
message. The single states and state transitions of the "Mealy machine" have to be specified here.

Field Description

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

178 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
CTRL_KEY "Control Key" for predefined interface from

MESSAGETYP Message type

MESSAGEVERSION Directory version

STATUS_CURRENT Current status - Context to which the table entry refers

SEGMENT Segment that was found

STATUS_NEW New status

SEG_ACTION Action to be performed for building the segment struc­

ture. The letter C representing the Segment-XML-Struc­

○ B2B_EDI_CTRL_SEG : This table contains the structural description for the segments. As these
segments are structured in the same way for all messages of a specific version, the reference to the
message type is no longer required. The structure of the composites is managed in a separate table.

Field Description

CTRL_KEY "Control Key" for predefined interface from


MESSAGEVERSION Directory version

SEGMENT Segment to which the entry refers

IDX Index of the composites in the segment

COMP Name of the composites that can be found under the

corresponding segment and index

● The definition tables ("B2B_EDI_DEF_*") manage information for generating the XML Definition Schemes
○ B2B_EDI_DEF_CMP : This table contains the description on the arrangement of the single fields within
the composites.

Field Description

MESSAGEVERSION Directory version

COMPOSITE Name of the composite

COMP_INDEX Position of the field in the composite

FIELD Identifier for the field

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 179
STATUS Comment whether it is a mandatory segment or not

○ C: Optional ( Conditional, " Can")

○ M: Mandatory ( Mandatory, " Must")

DESCRIPTION Description about the content of the composite

NOTE Notes

○ B2B_EDI_DEF_ELE : Analogous to the previous tables this table contains a more precise description
for the single fields.

Field Description

MESSAGEVERSION Directory version

IDENTIFIER Identifier of the field. Defined in previous table (FIELD)

NAME Name of the field

REPR Value formats

○ a: alphabetical
○ n: numerical
○ an: alphanumerical
○ ..xy: Number (=xy) of valid characters

DESCRIPTION Description about the content of the field

NOTE Notes

○ B2B_EDI_DEF_MSG: This table is used to define the message structure on the highest level. It
determines, depending on the message type and directory version, the number of segments and their
order according to an index.

Field Description

MESSAGETYPE Message version

MESSAGEVERSION Directory version

MSG_INDEX Position of the segment in the message

MSG_SG Message segment

○ B2B_EDI_DEF_MSG_SG : This table is used for a more precise definition of the arrangement of the
segments, and segment groups in terms of message type, directory version and segment.

Field Description

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

180 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
MESSAGETYPE Message version

MESSAGEVERSION Directory version

ID Message segment. Defined in previous table (MSG_SG)

STATUS Comment whether it is a mandatory segment or not

○ C: Optional ( Conditional, " Can")

○ M: Mandatory ( Mandatory, " Must")

REPETITION Possible occurrence of the segment

NAME Name of the segment

DESCRIPTION Description for the segment

SEGTYPE Segment type:

○ S: Segment
○ G: Segment group

PARENT Reference to the superordinate segment in regard to

segments within one segment group

PARENT_INDEX Index of the segment with regard to Parent

○ B2B_EDI_DEF_SEG : This table provides names and arrangement of the composites in a segment.

Field Description

MESSAGEVERSION Directory version

SEGMENT Name of the segment

SEG_INDEX Position of the composite in the segment

FIELD Name of the composite

STATUS Comment whether it is a mandatory segment or not

○ C: Optional ( Conditional, " Can")

○ M: Mandatory ( Mandatory, " Must")

OCCURRENCES Possible occurrence of the composite


SEG_NOTE Description for the segment

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 181 Configuring the ANSI X12 Message Format


1. For more information on importing or exporting ANSI X12 message content, see Importing or Exporting
Message Content [page 182].
2. For more information on creating or editing message components of ANSI X12, see Editing ANSI X12
Message [page 182].
3. For more information on conversion of ANSI X12 to XML and the other way round, see Converting ANSI X12
Message [page 186].
4. For more information on generating XSD files, see Generating XSD Files [page 187].
5. For more information on editing tables, see Editing Tables [page 188]. Importing or Exporting Message Content


1. To browse and import contents in ANSI X12 message, choose ANSI X12 Import/Export Content
Import .

2. To export selected ANSI X12 message types, choose ANSI X12 Import/Export Content Export . Modifying ANSI X12 Message


You use this procedure to create, edit, or delete message components in an ANSI X12 document. These
features are available only for user defined control keys.

 Note

When editing or creating an ANSI X12 message always follow bottom-up approach that begins with editing
or creating data elements and progress hierarchically.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

182 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

1. To create or edit an ANSI X12 message, choose ANSI X12 Editor Message Editor .
1. To edit or create ANSI X12 message components, select the appropriate component from the Edit drop
down and enter the parameters as mentioned in the table below:

Component Parameter Description

Edit Message Message Format This parameter specifies the mes­

sage format of the EDI document.

Create Messages This parameter allows you to create

a new ANSI X12 message. This fea­
ture is available only for user defined
control key.

Update Messages This parameter allows you to add,

edit or delete segment or loop.

Remove Messages This parameter allows you to remove

selected messages from the trans­

Control Key This parameter defines the type of

control key used.

For more information on control key,

see the note below.

Version This parameter determines the ver­

sion of the EDI message.

Message This parameter determines the EDI

message type.

Copy Control Key This parameter allows you to copy

EDI message contents from SAP de­
fined control key to a new control
key or an existing control key.

Delete Control Key This parameter allows you to delete

control keys other than SAP defined
control key.

Edit This parameter allows you to edit

segments or segment groups that
are defined for user specific control

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 183
Add This parameter allows you to add
segments or segment groups that
are defined for user specific control

Delete This parameter allows you to delete

segment or segment group that are
defined for user specific control key.

Segment Details Show Segment This parameter displays only those

segments that are defined for user
specific control key.

Move Index This parameter allows you to move

the segment from the current posi­
tion to a new position. This feature is
available only for user defined con­
trol key.

Create Segment This parameter allows you to create

a new ANSI X12 segment. This fea­
ture is available only for user defined
control key.

Update Segment This parameter allows you to update

the segments in the table with new
values. This feature is available only
for user defined control key.

Remove Selected Segment Fields This parameter allows you to remove

the selected segments from the ta­
ble. This feature is available only for
user defined control key.

Description This parameter allows you to provide

a short description on the segment.

Note This parameter allows you to provide

a brief remark on the segment.

Available Composite and Data This section contains features to

Elements add selected composites and data
elements to the segment.

Create/Edit Composites Composites This parameter determines the

batch of composite elements that
are defined for user specific control

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

184 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Move To Index This parameter allows you to move
the composite element from the cur­
rent position to a new position. This
feature is available only for user de­
fined control key.

Create Composite This parameter allows you to create

a new composite element. This fea­
ture is available only for user defined
control key.

Update Composite This parameter allows you to update

the composite elements in the table
with new values. This feature is avail­
able only for user defined control

Remove Selected Fields This parameter allows you to remove

the selected composite elements
from the table. This feature is availa­
ble only for user defined control key.

Description This parameter allows you to provide

a short description on the composite

Note This parameter allows you to provide

a brief remark on the composite ele­

Available Data Elements This section contains features to

add selected data elements to the
composite elements.

Create/Edit Data Element Create Data Element This parameter allows you to create
new data element. This feature is
available only for user defined con­
trol key.

Edit Data Element This section contains parameter to

edit and update the different values
in an existing data element.

 Note

The control key represents a version of an EDI message definition. You can maintain different
control keys for a single EDI message for customizing the EDI message definitions. The standard
EDI content for individual transaction sets are delivered by SAP in the control key label "SAP". The
SAP defined control key cannot be edited or modified. This is to ensure that you never lose the

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 185
original version and receive new updates for SAP delivered control key. However, you can modify or
customize the message definitions by making an additional copy of the SAP defined control key
and include selected message type and versions required for your business scenarios. You save the
newly created control key with a unique name, which allows alphanumeric characters, reflecting
the business context.

2. To edit and map the control key as per the required business scenario, choose ANSI X12 Editor
Control Key Scenario Association .
1. To define a new mapping scenario for a control key and to insert it into a row as per the specified index
value, choose Insert.

 Caution

Do not define identical mapping scenarios for any two control keys.

2. To delete a mapping scenario from the table, select a control key name and then choose Delete.
3. To edit an existing mapping scenario in the table, select a control key name and then choose Edit.
4. To refresh the contents in the table, choose Refresh.

3. To describe the purpose of a control key, choose ANSI X12 Editor Control Key Description Editor .
1. To describe a control key, click on the Description column and enter the details.
2. To save the changes, choose the Save Button. Converting ANSI X12 Message


You use this procedure to test the conversion from ANSI X12 to XML and other way round.


1. To test the conversion of an ANSI X12 message to XML message format, choose ANSI X12 ANSI X12 -
XML - Converter ANSI X12 to XML .

2. To test the conversion of an XML message to ANSI X12 message format, choose ANSI X12 ANSI X12 -
XML - Converter XML to ANSI X12 .

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186 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration Generating XSD Files


You use this procedure to generate XSD file for a specific ANSI X12 message type and version.


1. To generate an XSD file, choose ANSI X12 XSD Generator .

2. On the XSD Generator page, enter the parameters as described in the following table:

Component Parameter Description

XSD Generator Include Syntax Notes The XSD file comprises of syntax
notes that defines the meaning and
relationship of the data elements.

Include Semantic Notes The XSD file comprises of semantic

notes that defines the structure of X12

Include Comments Attaches comments related to the X12


Namespace Provide the URL path of the X12 inter­


Control Key Name Define the specific control key at­

tached to the ANSI X12 message.

Enable Batch Message Support Allows you to add requirement spe­

cific ANSI X12 message types.

Define the name of the XSD root ele­


Maintain Compatibility to Previous This parameter allows to maintain the

Releases compatibility with previous ANSI X12

Set Define the ANSI X12 message type.

Version Define the ANSI X12 message version.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 187
Component Parameter Description

All Versions Allows you to include all version of

ANSI X12 standards to the XSD file.

3. To generate an XSD file, choose Start. Editing Tables


1. To perform actions such as editing the table, inserting a new row, deleting selected rows, or exporting
selected rows from the table of an ANSI X12 message type, choose ANSI X12 Tables .
2. Select the appropriate table to be edited. For more information on ANSI X12 tables, refer the ANSI X12
Tables section below.
3. To display the number of rows in a table, enter the numerical value in the Rows displayed field.
4. To update the contents of the table, choose Refresh.
5. To export the selected rows of a table in "*.b2b" file format, choose Export selected rows.
6. To edit the selected table, choose Edit.
7. Select the appropriate column to be edited and enter the parameters.
8. To insert a new row in the table, choose Insert new row.
9. To delete selected rows from the table, choose Delete selected rows.

ANSI X12 Tables

The ANSI X12 module uses two different types of tables:

● The control tables ("B2B_EDI_CTRL_*") contain rules for creating the nesting structure for the conversion
of the messages.
○ B2B_X12_CTRL_IF: This control table manages single interfaces, with which the key (X12_CTRL_KEY)
to be used can be determined.
● The definition tables ("B2B_EDI_DEF_*") manage information for generating the XML Definition Schemes
○ B2B_X12_DEF_MSG : This table is used to define the message structure on the highest level. It is
determined depending on the message type and directory version, the number of segments and their
order according to the index.

Field Description

VERSION Directory version

SET_NAME Name of the message

SEGMENT Segment name

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188 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
PARENT Hierarchically superordinate segment

PARENT_INDEX Index of the sub-segments within the superordinate


MANDATORY Mandatory field indicator



○ B2B_X12_DEF_SEG: This table provides the description texts of a segment.

Field Description

VERSION Directory version

NAME Name of the segment

DESCRIPTION Description of the segment

○ B2B_X12_DEF_SEG_CM: This table provides the composites within a segment.

Field Description

VERSION Directory version

SEGMENT_NAME Name of the segment

SEGMENT_INDEX Index in the segment

COMPOSITE_NAME Name of the composite

REPETITION Repetition of the composite

DATA_REQUIREMENT Requirement of the composite

SYNTAX_NOTES Additional syntactic information

SEMANTIC_NOTES Additional semantic information


○ B2B_X12_DEF_SEG_FL: This table provides the data fields within a segment.

Field Description

VERSION Directory version

SEGMENT_NAME Name of the segment

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SEGMENT_INDEX Index in the segment

FIELD_NAME Name of the field

DATA_REQUIREMENT Requirement of the field

SYNTAX_NOTES Additional syntactic information

SEMANTIC_NOTES Additional semantic information


○ B2B_X12_DEF_FIELD: This table contains the description of the data fields.

Field Description

VERSION Directory version

NAME Name of the field

MINLENGTH Minimum length of the field

MAXLENGTH Maximum length of the field

DESCRIPTION Description text of the field

○ B2B_X12_DEF_COMP: This table contains the description of the composites.

Field Description

VERSION Directory version

NAME Name of the composite

DATATYPE Data type

DESCRIPTION Description of the composite

○ B2B_X12_DEF_COM_FL: This table provides the data fields within a composite.

Field Description

VERSION Directory version

COMPOSITE_NAME Name of the composite

COMPOSITE_INDEX Index of the field within the composite

FIELD_NAME Name of the field

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DATA_REQUIREMENT Requirement of the field

SYNTAX_NOTES Additional syntactic information

SEMANTIC_NOTES Additional semantic information

COMMENTS Comments Configuring the Odette Message Format


Editing Tables

1. To perform actions such as editing the table, inserting a new row, deleting selected rows, or exporting
selected rows from the table of an Odette message type, choose Odette Tables .
2. To browse and import contents in Odette message, choose Odette Import/Export Content Import .
3. To export selected Odette message types, choose Odette Import/Export Content Export .

Odette Tables

The Odette module uses two different types of tables:

● The control tables ("B2B_ODE_CTRL_*") contain rules for creating the nesting structure for the conversion
of the messages.
○ B2B_ODE_CTRL_IF : The control table manages single interfaces, with which the key
(ODE_CTRL_KEY) to be used can be determined.
○ B2B_ODE_CTRL_MSG: This control table contains corresponding instructions for every message type
and every version for the interpretation and for the construction of the structural description of an
ODETTE message. The single states and state transitions of the "Mealy machine" have to be specified

Field Description

CTRL_KEY "Control Key" for predefined interface from


MESSAGETYPE Message type

MESSAGEVERSION Directory version

STATUS_CURRENT Current status - Context to which the table entry refers

SEGMENT Segment that was found

STATUS_NEW New status

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 191
SEG_ACTION Action to be performed for building the segment struc­
ture. The letter C representing the Segment-XML-Struc­

○ B2B_ODE_CTRL_SEG: This table contains the structural description for the segments. As these
segments are structured in the same way for all messages of a specific version, the reference to the
message type is no longer required. The structure of the composites is managed in a separate table.

Field Description

CTRL_KEY "Control Key" for predefined interface from


MESSAGEVERSION Value for this field is directory version for Ctrl_key 1, and
* for Ctrl_Key 2, because segments have segment ver­
sion and not message version any more

SEGMENTVERSION Value for this field is segment version for Ctrl key2, and
value is * for Ctrl key1

SEGMENT Segment, to which the entry refers

IDX Index of the composites in the segment

COMP Name of the composites that can be found under the

corresponding segment and index

○ B2B_ODE_CTRL_CMP :This table is used to manage the data objects of the composites. This and the
previous table are used to build the Segment-XML-Structure.

Field Description

CTRL_KEY "Control Key" for predefined interface from


MESSAGETYPE Value for this field is message type to which the CMP
belongs, in case of Ctrl_key 2 . Value for this field is * in
case of Ctrl_Key 1, because Composites are common
for all message types

MESSAGEVERSION Value for this field is directory version for Ctrl_key 1, and
* for Ctrl_Key 2, because segments have segment ver­
sion and not message version any more

SEGMENTVERSION Value for this field is segment version for Ctrl key2, and
value is * for Ctrl key1

COMP Composite, to which the entry refers

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IDX Index of the element in the composite

EDI_ELEMENT Name of the element that can be found under the corre­
sponding composite and index

● The definition tables ("B2B_ODE_DEF_*") manage information for generating the XML Definition Schemes
○ B2B_ODE_DEF_MSG: This table is used to define the message structure on the highest level. It
determines, depending on the message type and directory version, the number of segments and their
order according to an index.

Field Description

CTRL_KEY "Control Key" for predefined interface from


MESSAGETYPE Message version

MESSAGEVERSION Directory version

MSG_INDEX Position of the segment in the message

MSG_SG Message segment

○ B2B_ODE_DEF_MSG_SG: This table is used for a more precise definition of the arrangement of the
segments and segment groups in terms of message type, directory version and segment.

Field Description

CTRL_KEY "Control Key" for predefined interface from


MESSAGETYPE Message version

MESSAGEVERSION Directory version

SEGMENTVERSION Value is segment version of the segment. In case of

Ctrl_Key 1, the value is ‘*’ as segments for ctrl_key car­
ries message version only and no segment version

ID Message segment. Defined in previous table (MSG_SG)

STATUS Comment whether it is a mandatory segment or not

○ C: Optional ( Conditional, " Can")

○ M: Mandatory ( Mandatory, " Must")

REPETITION Possible occurrence of the segment

NAME Name of the segment

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 193
DESCRIPTION Description for the segment

SEGTYPE Segment type

○ S: Segment
○ G: Segment group

PARENT Reference to the superordinate segment in regard to

segments within one segment group

PARENT_INDEX Index of the segment with regard to Parent

○ B2B_ODE_DEF_SEG : This table provides names and arrangement of the composites in a segment.

Field Description

CTRL_KEY "Control Key" for predefined interface from


MESSAGEVERSION Directory Version for Ctrl_key 1. The value for this in

Ctrl_Key 2 is ‘*’, as segments have segment version but
not message version

SEGMENTVERSION Segment Version for Ctrl_key 2. Value for this in

Ctrl_Key 1 is ‘*’, as segments for ctrl_key carries mes­
sage version only but not segment version

SEGMENT Name of the segment

SEG_INDEX Position of the composite in the segment

FIELD Name of the composite

STATUS Comment whether it is a mandatory segment or not

○ C: Optional ( Conditional, " Can")

○ M: Mandatory ( Mandatory, " Must")

OCCURENCES Possible occurrence of the composite

SEG_FUNCTION Description about the function the segment has to per­



○ B2B_ODE_DEF_CMP : This table contains the description on the arrangement of the single fields
within the composites.

Field Description

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194 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
CRTL_KEY "Control Key" for predefined interface from

MESSAGETYPE Value for Ctrl_key 2 is Message Type to which the CMP

belongs, and value for Ctrl_Key 1 is ‘*’, as composites
are common for all message types

MESSAGEVERSION Value for Ctrl_key 1 is Directory Version, and value for

Ctrl_Key 2 is ‘*’, as segments have segment version but
not message version

SEGMENTVERSION Value for Ctrl_key 2 is Segment Version of the segment,

and value for Ctrl_Key 1 is ‘*’, as segments for ctrl_key
carries message version only but not segment version

COMPOSITE Name of the composite

COMP_INDEX Position of the field in the composite

FIELD Identifier for the field

STATUS Comment whether it is a mandatory segment or not

○ C: Optional ( Conditional, " Can")

○ M: Mandatory ( Mandatory, " Must")

DESCRIPTION Description about the content of the composite

NOTE Notes

○ B2B_ODE_DEF_ELE : Analogous to the previous tables this table contains a more precise description
for the single fields.

Field Description

CTRL_KEY "Control Key" for predefined interface from


MESSAGEVERSION Value. for Ctrl_key 1 is Directory Version, and value for

Ctrl_Key 2 is ‘*’, as segments have segment version but
not message version

SEGMENTVERSION Value for Ctrl_key 2 is Segment Version of the segment,

and value for Ctrl_Key 1 is ‘*’, as segments for ctrl_key
carries message version only but not segment version

IDENTIFIER Identifier of the field. Defined in previous table (FIELD)

NAME Name of the field

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 195
REPR Value formats

○ a: alphabetical
○ n: numerical
○ an: alphanumerical
○ ..xy: Number (=xy) of valid characters

DESCRIPTION Description about the content of the field

NOTE Notes

Importing or Exporting Message Content

 Note

If you want to enable the system to use the message types of control key SAPExt for conversion
(processing), you must configure the control key scenario association.

● To browse and import contents of Odette message, choose Odette Import/Export Content Import .
● To export selected Odette message types, choose Odette Import/Export Content Export .

Converting Odette Message

1. To convert a Odette message to XML message format, choose Odette Odette - XML - Converter
Odette to XML .
2. To convert an XML message to Odette message format, choose Odette Odette - XML - Converter
XML to Odette .

Generating XSD Files

1. To generate an XSD file, choose Odette XSD Generator .

2. On the XSD Generator screen page, enter the mandatory parameters.
3. To generate an XSD file, choose Start. Configuring the Tradacoms Message Format


Editing Tables

1. To perform actions such as editing the table, inserting a new row, deleting selected rows, or exporting
selected rows from the table of a Tradacoms message type, choose Tradacoms Tables .
2. To browse and import contents in Tradacoms message, choose Tradacoms Import/Export Content
Import .
3. To export selected Tradacoms message types, choose Tradacoms Import/Export Content Export .

Tradacoms Tables

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196 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
The Tradacoms module uses two different types of tables:

● B2B_TRA_CTRL_IF : The control table manages single interfaces with which the key (TRA_CTRL_KEY) to
be used can be determined.
● B2B_TRA_DEF_MSG : Table used to define the message structure on the highest level. It determines,
depending on the message type and directory version, the number of segments and their order according
to an index.

Field Description

VERSION Directory version

SET_NAME Name of the message

SEGMENT Segment name

PARENT Hierarchically superordinate segment

PARENT_INDEX Index of the sub-segments within the superordinate seg­


MANDATORY Mandatory field indicator



● B2B_TRA_DEF_SEG: This table provides the description texts of a segment.

Field Description

VERSION Directory version

NAME Name of the segment

DESCRIPTION Description of the segment

● B2B_TRA_DEF_SEG_CM : This table provides the composites within a segment.

Field Description

VERSION Directory version

SEGMENT_NAME Name of the segment

SEGMENT_INDEX Index in the segment

COMPOSITE_NAME Name of the composite

● B2B_TRA_DEF_SEG_FL: This table provides the data fields within a segment.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 197
Field Description

VERSION Directory version

SEGMENT_NAME Name of the segment

SEGMENT_INDEX Index in the segment

FIELD_NAME Name of the field

● B2B_TRA_DEF_FIELD: This table contains the description of the data fields.

Field Description

VERSION Directory version

NAME Name of the field

MANDATORY Mandatory field flag

MINLENGTH Minimum length of the field

MAXLENGTH Maximum length of the field

DESCRIPTION Description text of the field

● B2B_TRA_DEF_COMP : This table contains the description of the composites.

Field Description

VERSION Directory version

NAME Name of the composite

DATATYPE Data type

DESCRIPTION Description text of the field

● B2B_TRA_DEF_COM_FL : This table provides the data fields within a composite.

Field Description

VERSION Directory version

COMPOSITE_NAME Name of the composite

COMPOSITE_INDEX Index of the field within the composite

FIELD_NAME Name of the field

Importing or Exporting Message Content

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198 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
● To browse and import contents of Tradacoms message, choose Tradacoms Import/Export Content
Import .
● To export selected Tradacoms message types, choose Tradacoms Import/Export Content Export .

Converting Tradacoms Message

1. To convert a Tradacoms message to XML message format, choose Tradacoms Tradacoms - XML -
Converter Tradacoms to XML .
2. To convert an XML message to Tradacoms message format, choose Tradacoms Tradacoms - XML -
Converter XML to Tradacoms .

Generating XSD Files

1. To generate an XSD file, choose Tradacoms XSD Generator . Configuring the VDA Message Format


Editing Tables

1. To perform actions such as editing the table, inserting a new row, deleting selected rows, or exporting
selected rows from the table of a VDA message type, choose VDA Tables .
2. To browse and import contents in VDA message, choose VDA Import/Export Content Import .
3. To export selected VDA message types, choose VDA Import/Export Content Export .

VDA Tables

● B2B_VDA_CTRL_IF : The control table manages the single interfaces with which the key (VDA_CTRL_KEY)
to be used can be determined.
● B2B_VDA_CTRL_FIELD: This table contains the structural description for the segments. As these
segments are structured in the same way for all messages of a specific version, the reference to the
message type is no longer required.

Field Description

CTRL_KEY Control Key for predefined interface from


SET_NAME Record type

VERSION Directory version

FIELD_NAME Name of the field in the record type

FIELD_INDEX Index of the field in the record type

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 199
FIELD_LENGTH Field length in native format

DATATYPE Data type (numeric or alphanumeric)

● B2B_VDA_CTRL_MSG : For the construction of the structural description of a VDA message, this control
table contains corresponding instructions for every message type and every version for the interpretation.
The single states and state transitions of the "Mealy machine" have to be specified here.

Field Description

CTRL_KEY "Control Key" for predefined interface from


MESSAGETYPE Message type

STATUS_CURRENT Current status - context the table entry refers to

SET_NAME Name of the record type

STATUS_NEW New status

SET_ACTION Action to be performed for building the segment struc­

ture. The letter C representing the Segment-XML-Struc­

Importing or Exporting Message Content

● To browse and import contents of VDA message, choose VDA Import/Export Content Import .
● To export selected VDA message types, choose VDA Import/Export Content Export .

Converting VDA Message

1. To convert a VDA message to XML message format, choose VDA VDA - XML - Converter VDA to
2. To convert an XML message to VDA message format, choose VDA VDA - XML - Converter XML to
VDA . Configuring the Plain Message Format


Editing Tables

1. To perform actions such as editing the table, inserting a new row, deleting selected rows, or exporting
selected rows from the table of a Plain message type, choose Plain Tables .
2. To browse and import contents in Plain message, choose Plain Import/Export Content Import .
3. To export selected Plain message types, choose Plain Import/Export Content Export .

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200 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Plain Tables

Plain Java accesses tables with different functions.

● The control table (B2B_PLA_CTRL_MSG) contains rules for creating the nesting structure for the
conversion of the messages.
○ B2B_PLA_CTRL_IF : This table manages single interfaces via which the key to be used
(PLA_CTRL_KEY) is determined. This key can also be used to develop, in addition to cross-interface
standard conversion rules, interface-specific versions of conversion rules.

Field Description

IF_INDEX Index of a line

S_PARTY Sender partner, can also be filled with wildcard charac­

ter (.*)

S_SERVICE Sender service can also be filled with wildcard character


R_PARTY Receiver partner, can also be filled with wildcard charac­

ter (.*)

R_SERVICE Receiver service can also be filled with wildcard charac­

ter (.*)

ACTION_NAMESPACE Namespace of the adapter

ACTION_NAME Name of the converter

DIRECTION Direction of the channel

PATTERN Beginning of the message structure (can be filled with a

regular expression)

MESSAGE_TYPE Message type

NEWLINE Line separator of the record types

STRICT_LENGTH Fixed field length, "Y" or "N"

CHARSET Character set

PLA_CTRL_KEY Table key for the dependent Plain conversion tables and
the default is "1"

DOCUMENTSTART Starting line of the converted document (inserted dur­

ing conversion)

DOCUMENTEND End line of the converted document (inserted during


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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 201
○ B2B_PLA_CTRL_SETID: This table is required for identifying the message record type through use of
the pattern. The content of the tables will only be accessed when converting Plain-Text to XML.

Field Description

MESSAGETYP Message type

INDEX Sequence of the occurring record types in the message

PATTERN Starting character of the record type, which can be used

to clearly determine the record type

SET_NAME Name of the record type

SET_TYPE Type of the record type "CS" (character-separated re­

cord type) "FF" (record type with fixed field length)

FIELDSEPERATOR Field separator for CS record types

○ B2B_PLA_CTRL_MSG: This table is used to control the message conversion.

Field Description

MESSAGETYPE Message type

STATUS_CURRENT Current status - context the table entry refers to

SET_NAME Name of the record type

STATUS_NEW New status

SET_ACTION Action for forming the record structure. "C" stands for
the field structure.

○ B2B_PLA_CTRL_FIELD :This table describes the structure of the record types and the fields.

Field Description

MESSAGETYPE Message type

SETTYPE Set type

FIELD_NAME Field name

FIELD_INDEX Sequence of the fields in the record type

FIELD_LENGTH Length of the field

FILL_CHAR Fill character for the field (#20 corresponds to a blank

character or #30 to a zero)

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202 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
ORIENTATION Orientation of the field ("L" = left-aligned, "R" = right-

Importing or Exporting Message Content

● To browse and import contents of Plain message, choose Plain Import/Export Content Import .
● To export selected Plain message types, choose Plain Import/Export Content Export .

Converting Plain Message

1. To convert a Plain message to XML message format, choose Plain Plain - XML - Converter Plain to
2. To convert an XML message to Plain message format, choose Plain Plain - XML - Converter XML to
Plain .

For more information about plain messages, refer SAP Note 2010221 Editing Plain Message

You use this procedure to create, edit, or delete message components in a plain document.


1. To create or edit a plain message, choose Plain Editor Message Editor .

2. To create a control key, proceed as follows:

a. Choose Create Control Key .

b. In the Create Control Key dialog, enter a name and description.
c. Choose Create.
3. To create message types under a control key, proceed as follows:
a. In the Control Key dropdown, select the required control key.
b. Choose Create Message .
c. Enter the details based the table below:

Parameter Description

Name Name of the message type

Starts With Start string of the message type that will be appended
between ^ and .*

New Line Type of new line character

Enable Customized New Line Option to enable user-defined new line character

Customized New Line Hexadecimal character of user-defined new line

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 203
Parameter Description

Strict Length Option to specify if the message follows strict length

Char Set Encoding of the message

Document Start XML tag for the document start. For example,

Document End XML tag for the document end. For example, </

 Note

You can also create a message type by using an existing XSD file:
1. Choose Import.
2. In the Import XSD screen, provide the XSD file name and other necessary details.
3. Choose Import.
The property values that are not part of the XSD file have the best match values, by default. If
required, you can edit them. Also, the structure of the XSD file must match the file generated
using plain XSD generator.

d. Choose Create.

4. To update message types, proceed as follows:

a. Choose Update Edit Message .

b. In the Update Message dialog, update the required parameter values.
c. Choose Update.
5. To create a set under a message type, proceed as follows:
a. In the Message Type dropdown, select the required message type.
b. Choose Create .
c. Enter the details based the table below:

Parameter Description

Name Name of the set

Starts With Start string of the set that will be appended between ^
and .*

Set Type Type of the set, fixed or CSV format

Field Separator Option to set the field separator character

Comment Set Option to specify a set without any fields inside

d. Choose Create.
e. To create a subset within a set, select the required set from the table tree.
f. Choose Update Inner Set .
g. Choose one of the following options:
○ New – if you want to create a new sub set under the selected set
○ Existing – if you want to use an existing set
h. Specify the required details.

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204 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
i. Choose Create.

6. To update set, proceed as follows:

a. Select the required set from the table tree.
b. In the Details section, choose Edit.
c. Update the required parameter values.
d. Save the changes.
7. To create field, proceed as follows:
a. Select the required set other than comment set, from the table tree.
b. Choose Update Add Field .
c. In the Create Field dialog, enter the details based on the table below:

Parameter Description

Name Name of the field

Length Length of the field

Orientation Reading orientation, whether from left or right

Fill Character Type of fill character

Enable Customized Fill Char Option to enable user-defined fill character

Customized Fill Character Hexadecimal fill character

d. Choose Create.

 Note

If you want to add a field above or below a selected field, use the Add Field Above and Add Field
Below options from Update.

8. To update field, proceed as follows:

a. Select the required field from the table tree.
b. In the Details section, choose Edit.
c. Update the required parameter values.
d. Save the changes. Generating XSD Files for Plain Converter

You use this procedure to generate XSD files for plain message types.


1. To generate an XSD file, choose Plain XSD Generator .

2. On the XSD Generator page, enter the parameters as described in the following table:

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 205
Parameter Description

Control Key Name Define the specific control key attached to the plain

Plain Message Types Define the plain message type.

Namespace Define the namespace of the adapter.

XSD root element name Provide a name for the root element to be defined in the
XSD schema.

3. 3. To generate an XSD file, choose Generate XSD.

 Note

You can verify the correctness of the XSD file by importing it into the ESR. Comparing EDI Messages


The message comparison feature allows you to analyze the contents of two similar EDI message formats. The
content of the message consist of segments, composites, and data elements. The following scenarios describe
the use case of message comparison tool:

● If you have copied a control key, and choose to compare its content with the original control key.
● If you have edited the message content, and choose to compare its content with the original message

The message table displays the contents in the message and placing these tables adjacent to each other
makes the analysis easier. Specific colors highlight the rows to show the difference between the message
contents. The following table describes the colors used to highlight the rows:

Color Description

Green The values in the all columns are identical

Red The values in the all columns are different. However, if the
corresponding row contains no values, then Blue color high­
lights the row.

Yellow The values in second, third or both the columns are different.

You can compare the content of the following EDI message formats:


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206 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

 Note

You can compare messages of same EDI formats.

You use this procedure to configure the parameters for comparing EDI messages.


1. If you select EDIFACT as the message format, then select the parameter value as described in the following

EDI Message Format Parameter Description

EDIFACT Control Key This parameter represents a version

of an EDIFACT message definition. You
can maintain different control keys for
a single EDIFACT message and cus­
tomize it by defining new message

Version This parameter defines the version of

the EDIFACT message.

Message This parameter defines the EDIFACT

message type.

2. If you select EANCOM as the message format, then select the parameter value as described in the
following table:

EDI Message Format Parameter Description

EANCOM Control Key This parameter represents a version

of an EANCOM message definition.
You can maintain different control
keys for a single EANCOM message
and customize it by defining new mes­
sage definitions.

Version This parameter defines the version of

the EANCOM message.

Message This parameter defines the EANCOM

message type.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 207
EDI Message Format Parameter Description

Subversion This parameter determines EANCON

subversion type.

3. If you select ANSI as the message format, then select the parameter value as described in the following

EDI Message Format Parameter Description

ANSI Control Key This parameter represents a version

of an ANSI message definition. You
can maintain different control keys for
a single ANSI message and customize
it by defining new message defini-

Version This parameter defines the version of

the ANSI message.

Message This parameter defines the ANSI mes­

sage type.

4. To displays all segments embedded in the message, select the Include Segment Details checkbox.
5. In the Show field, select one of the following options for displaying the message content:
○ Complete Message: Displays all the message contents.
○ Only Differences: Displays the content of messages that are not same.
6. To display the content of the compared messages, choose Compare.

1.4.4 Maintaining Number Range Objects


The Number Range Objects (NRO) module provides options to automatically insert continuous counters into
the outgoing messages. These numbers are created using Number Range Objects and are assigned to the
defined intervals in the respective objects. You create new values and maintain them on the NRO maintenance
user interface.

You use this procedure to define the NRO values.

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208 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

1. To access NRO maintenance, enter the URL format as http:<localhost:port>b2bic in the Web browser.
2. On the B2B Integration Cockpit Web page, choose NRO Maintenance.
3. In the Number Range Objects screen area, choose Create new number range object to define new NRO
values. The following table describes the parameters for creating the NRO values:

Parameter Description

Number Range Object Name This parameter defines the name of the NRO.

Description This parameter allows you to describe the NRO.

Minimum Value This parameter allows you to calculate the minimum value
for the NRO.

Maximum Value This parameter allows you to calculate the maximum

value for the NRO.

Formatted Value Length This parameter allows you to calculate the length of the
NRO value.

Warn Level (%) This parameter allows you to calculate and specify an inte­
ger at which an warning is issued. The integer value must
lie between 0 and 100.

You can disable the Warn Level (%) field by selecting the
Rotate checkbox.

4. Choose Save and create to save the settings and to create the NRO values.
5. To generate the successive number for the given NRO value, select an NRO from the number range object
table and choose Get next number.
6. To edit values in an existing NRO, select an NRO from the number range object table and choose Edit
number range object.
7. Save the changes.

1.4.5 Trading Partner Management


SAP B2B Trading Partner Management (TPM) is a centralized application that meets the needs of B2B
commerce in EDI environment. B2B users have different levels of EDI requirements for data exchange over the
Internet. The TPM application helps you manage EDI business relationships with multiple trading partners. The
easy-to-use user interface solves the complexity of B2B communication between trading partners.

SAP B2B TPM application helps you to:

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 209
● Maintain centralized partner information
● Create agreements between partners
● Define certificate rollover
● Configure functional profiles for custom value maps

TPM is divided into the following functional areas:

● For more information about trading partner profiles, see Managing Trading Partner Profiles [page 210].
● For more information about the different types of TPM profiles, see Overview of TPM Profiles [page 226].
● For more information about trading partner agreements, see Managing Trading Partner Agreements [page
● For more information about configuring TPM system settings, see Configuring TPM Settings [page 247].
● For more information about importing TPM files into a TPM database, see Importing TPM Data [page 249].
● For more information about exporting TPM data as a TPM file, see Exporting TPM Data [page 249]. Managing Trading Partner Profiles


You use trading partner profiles to store business information about trading partners that helps you to enhance
EDI business communication with them. The TPM application centrally manages and maintains partner
specific profiles. You create profiles of trading partners to store information such as partner name, partner
type, industry, region, agreements, documents, and so on. This partner-specific information helps to identify
the binding definitions required to conduct the EDI business transaction.

You use the following procedure to perform actions such as adding, copying, editing, and finding trading
partner profiles.


1. To access trading partner profiles, choose Trading Partner Management Partners .

2. For more information about creating new partner profiles, see Adding Trading Partner Profile [page 211].
3. For more information about copying data from an existing partner profile and creating a new partner
profile, see Copying Trading Partner Profile [page 215].
4. For more information about editing partner profiles, see Modifying Trading Partner Profile [page 220].
5. To search and view logs related to changes made to partner profiles by users, choose Change Log.
6. For more information about basic and advanced search options, see Finding Trading Partner Profiles [page

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210 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration Adding Trading Partner Profile


You use this procedure to create and add a trading partner profile to the TPM database.


1. To create a new trading partner profile, choose Add.

2. On the Partner Profile screen, enter the parameter values as described in the following table:

Component Parameter Description

General Partner Name Define the name of the partner. This

field is mandatory.

Description Provide a short description about the

partner profile.

Partner Type Determine the type of the partner en­

gaged in business. The following op­
tions are available:
○ Customer
○ Supplier
○ Others
○ VAN Provider
○ Self

Classification Industry Determine the type of industry by se­

lecting industry-specific codes.

Region Determine the country by selecting

country-specific codes.

Parent Group Company Determine the parent group company

by selecting the appropriate business
organization as defined in TPM.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 211
Component Parameter Description

Integration Directory Association Party Name Define the communication party de­
ployed on the Integration Directory
that is configured to exchange EDI in­
terchanges according to the required
business scenario. This field is man­

Trading Partner Status Partner Status This parameter determines the cur­
rent status of the trading partner.

3. To add partner contact details such as First Name, E-mail, Address, and so on, choose the Contacts tab
page and then choose Add.
4. To store document details and to specify its location, choose the Documents tab page and then choose
5. To add details such as partner ID, partner agency, and so on for identifying business partners, choose the
Identities tab page and then choose Add.
6. To store EDI message details such as message format, message type, control key, and so on, choose the
Messages tab page and then choose Add.
7. To enable the processing of EDI acknowledgements, such as EDIFACT, EANCOM and ANSI X12, for inbound
and outbound EDI communications, choose EDI Acknowledgements tab page and then select either
Required or Read from Envelop Segment.

 Note

During runtime EDI Separator adapter uses these parameters.

The following table describes inbound message parameters in EDIFACT and EANCOM tab pages:

Advance Properties Parameters for EDIFACT and EANCOM Description

EDIFACT CONTRL Message Version and Release This parameter determines the details of the CONTRL
message version and release.

Transaction Mode This parameter defines the mode of transaction that

allows the EDI separator to process incoming message as
All (all individual transactions as single entity) or
Individual (each individual transactions as independent

Negative Acknowledgment Not Required This parameter notifies the adapter not to transmit the
CONTRL message when a transaction set is Rejected (R).

Positive Acknowledgement Not Required This parameter notifies the adapter not to transmit a
CONTRL message when all transaction sets are Accepted

Execution Mode This parameter defines the mode of execution for the
adapter to validate, acknowledge or do both activities for

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

212 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Advance Properties Parameters for EDIFACT and EANCOM Description

an incoming message.The modes of execution are as

○ Receipt Only
○ Receipt and Validation

UNA Segment Required This segment defines special characters, such as

separators and indicators used in the EDI interchange. If
UNA segments are not included, then default characters
are used.

Enable NRO for Interchange Number This parameter enables the NRO tool to generate
interchange number for functional acknowledgments. In
the NRO Name field select the NRO name.

The following table describes inbound message parameters in ANSI X12 tab page:

Advance Properties Parameters for ANSI X12 Description

Enable Group Based Splitting This parameter allows splitting of incoming batch X12 EDI
messages in different groups, which makes processing of
X12 messages easier.

Transaction Mode This parameter defines the mode of transaction that

allows the EDI separator to process incoming message as
All (all individual transactions as single entity) or
Individual (each individual transactions as independent

Negative Acknowledgment Not Required This parameter notifies the adapter not to transmit the
997 FA message when a transaction set is Rejected (R).

Positive Acknowledgement Not Required This parameter notifies the adapter not to transmit a 997
FA message when all transaction sets are Accepted (A).

Execution Mode This parameter defines the mode of execution for the
adapter to validate, acknowledge or do both activities for
an incoming message.The modes of execution are as
○ Receipt Only
○ Receipt and Validation

Exclude AK3 and AK4 This parameter notifies the adapter to exclude the AK3
and AK4 segments from the 997 FA message. But it
retains the details of AK1, AK2, AK5, and AK9 segments
in the 997 FA message.

Enable NRO for Interchange Number This parameter enables the NRO tool to generate
interchange number for functional acknowledgments. In
the NRO Name field select the NRO name.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 213
The following table describes message parameters in AUTACK tab page:

Parameter Direction Description

Use Certificate from NWA Key Storage Inbound This parameter indicates whether to
consider partner's certificate from
NWA key storage or from the
message payload.

Partner Certificate View Inbound This parameter is the partner's

certificate view of the NWA key

Partner Certificate Alias Inbound This parameter is the partner's

certificate alias of the NWA key

Acknowledgment Required Inbound This parameter specifies whether to

generate an AUTACK message as

AUTACK Message Version and Inbound This parameter specifies the version
Release and release of the AUTACK message
type; possible values are 1:1 and DIR.
If the value is DIR, the security
module considers the version and
release of the incoming payload, and
if the value is 1:1, the security module
considers release as 1 and version as

Own Certificate View Inbound / Outbound This parameter is the owner's

certificate view of the NWA key

Own Certificate Alias Inbound / Outbound This parameter is the owner's

certificate alias of the NWA key

Own Private Key View Inbound / Outbound This parameter is the owner's private-
key view of the NWA key storage.

Own Private Key Alias Inbound / Outbound This parameter is the owner's private-
key alias of the NWA key storage.

Signing Algorithm Inbound / Outbound This parameter specifies the signing

algorithm; currently RSA is

Hashing Algorithm Inbound / Outbound This parameter specifies the hashing

algorithm; currently SHA1 is

Filtering Algorithm Inbound / Outbound This parameter is the name of the

filtering algorithm to be used;
supported algorithms are EDC, EDA,
and BASE64.

Encoding Inbound / Outbound This parameter is used for encoding

the messages; supported encodings
are UTF-8 and ASCII.

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214 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Parameter Direction Description

Signature Scope Inbound / Outbound This parameter is used to indicate

whether the security functions are
applied at interchange (UNB) or
message level (UNH).

Enable NRO for Interchange Number Inbound This parameter helps in assigning
NRO number in the place of the NRO
name, which is used for generating
interchange control number.

Sign EDI Message Outbound This parameter digitally signs the

outgoing EDI message.

Request AUTACK Outbound This parameter requests the partner

to send an AUTACK message as

8. To add functional profiles that are specific to a trading partner, choose the Functional Profiles tab page and
then choose Add.
9. To create partner-specific agreements, choose the Agreements tab page.
10. To view details of partner-specific certificates such as certificate profile, rollover time and so on, choose the
Certificates tab page.
11. To define SLAs as per the partner for inbound and outbound functional acknowledgments, choose the
SLAs tab page. You can notify SLA violations through alerts. For more information about configuring alerts,
see B2B Alerts [page 258]
12. Save the changes. Copying Trading Partner Profile


You use this procedure to copy the data from an existing trading partner profile for creating a new trading
partner profile.


1. To create a copy of an existing trading partner profile select the appropriate profile from the table, and
choose Copy.
2. On the Partner Profile screen, enter the parameter values as described in the following table:

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 215
Component Parameter Description

General Partner Name Define the name of the partner. This

field is mandatory.

Description Provide a short description about the

partner profile.

Partner Type Determine the type of the partner en­

gaged in business. The following op­
tions are available:
○ Customer
○ Supplier
○ Others
○ VAN Provider
○ Self

Classification Industry Determine the type of industry by se­

lecting industry-specific codes.

Region Determine the country by selecting

country-specific codes.

Parent Group Company Determine the parent group company

by selecting the appropriate business
organization as defined in TPM.

Integration Directory Association Party Name Define the communication party de­
ployed on the Integration Directory
that is configured to exchange EDI in­
terchanges according to the required
business scenario. This field is man­

Trading Partner Status Partner Status This parameter determines the cur­
rent status of the trading partner.

3. To edit existing partner contact details such as First Name, E-mail, Address, and so on, choose the Contacts
tab page and then choose Add.
4. To edit existing document details and to specify its location, choose the Documents tab page and then
choose Add.
5. To edit existing details such as partner ID, partner agency, and so on for identifying business partners,
choose the Identities tab page and then choose Add.
6. To edit existing EDI message details such as message format, message type, control key, and so on, choose
the Messages tab page and then choose Add.
7. To enable the processing of EDI acknowledgements, such as EDIFACT, EANCOM and ANSI X12, for inbound
and outbound EDI communications, choose EDI Acknowledgements tab page and then select either
Required or Read from Envelop Segment.

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216 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
 Note

During runtime EDI Separator adapter uses these parameters.

The following table describes inbound message parameters in EDIFACT and EANCOM tab pages:

Advance Properties Parameters for EDIFACT and EANCOM Description

EDIFACT CONTRL Message Version and Release This parameter determines the details of the CONTRL
message version and release.

Transaction Mode This parameter defines the mode of transaction that

allows the EDI separator to process incoming message as
All (all individual transactions as single entity) or
Individual (each individual transactions as independent

Negative Acknowledgment Not Required This parameter notifies the adapter not to transmit the
CONTRL message when a transaction set is Rejected (R).

Positive Acknowledgement Not Required This parameter notifies the adapter not to transmit a
CONTRL message when all transaction sets are Accepted

Execution Mode This parameter defines the mode of execution for the
adapter to validate, acknowledge or do both activities for
an incoming message.The modes of execution are as
○ Receipt Only
○ Receipt and Validation

UNA Segment Required This segment defines special characters, such as

separators and indicators used in the EDI interchange. If
UNA segments are not included, then default characters
are used.

Enable NRO for Interchange Number This parameter enables the NRO tool to generate
interchange number for functional acknowledgments. In
the NRO Name field select the NRO name.

The following table describes inbound message parameters in ANSI X12 tab page:

Advance Properties Parameters for ANSI X12 Description

Enable Group Based Splitting This parameter allows splitting of incoming batch X12 EDI
messages in different groups, which makes processing of
X12 messages easier.

Transaction Mode This parameter defines the mode of transaction that

allows the EDI separator to process incoming message as
All (all individual transactions as single entity) or

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 217
Advance Properties Parameters for ANSI X12 Description

Individual (each individual transactions as independent


Negative Acknowledgment Not Required This parameter notifies the adapter not to transmit the
997 FA message when a transaction set is Rejected (R).

Positive Acknowledgement Not Required This parameter notifies the adapter not to transmit a 997
FA message when all transaction sets are Accepted (A).

Execution Mode This parameter defines the mode of execution for the
adapter to validate, acknowledge or do both activities for
an incoming message.The modes of execution are as
○ Receipt Only
○ Receipt and Validation

Exclude AK3 and AK4 This parameter notifies the adapter to exclude the AK3
and AK4 segments from the 997 FA message. But it
retains the details of AK1, AK2, AK5, and AK9 segments
in the 997 FA message.

Enable NRO for Interchange Number This parameter enables the NRO tool to generate
interchange number for functional acknowledgments. In
the NRO Name field select the NRO name.

The following table describes message parameters in AUTACK tab page:

Parameter Direction Description

Use Certificate from NWA Key Storage Inbound This parameter indicates whether to
consider partner's certificate from
NWA key storage or from the
message payload.

Partner Certificate View Inbound This parameter is the partner's

certificate view of the NWA key

Partner Certificate Alias Inbound This parameter is the partner's

certificate alias of the NWA key

Acknowledgment Required Inbound This parameter specifies whether to

generate an AUTACK message as

AUTACK Message Version and Inbound This parameter specifies the version
Release and release of the AUTACK message
type; possible values are 1:1 and DIR.
If the value is DIR, the security
module considers the version and
release of the incoming payload, and
if the value is 1:1, the security module

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

218 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Parameter Direction Description

considers release as 1 and version as


Own Certificate View Inbound / Outbound This parameter is the owner's

certificate view of the NWA key

Own Certificate Alias Inbound / Outbound This parameter is the owner's

certificate alias of the NWA key

Own Private Key View Inbound / Outbound This parameter is the owner's private-
key view of the NWA key storage.

Own Private Key Alias Inbound / Outbound This parameter is the owner's private-
key alias of the NWA key storage.

Signing Algorithm Inbound / Outbound This parameter specifies the signing

algorithm; currently RSA is

Hashing Algorithm Inbound / Outbound This parameter specifies the hashing

algorithm; currently SHA1 is

Filtering Algorithm Inbound / Outbound This parameter is the name of the

filtering algorithm to be used;
supported algorithms are EDC, EDA,
and BASE64.

Encoding Inbound / Outbound This parameter is used for encoding

the messages; supported encodings
are UTF-8 and ASCII.

Signature Scope Inbound / Outbound This parameter is used to indicate

whether the security functions are
applied at interchange (UNB) or
message level (UNH).

Enable NRO for Interchange Number Inbound This parameter helps in assigning
NRO number in the place of the NRO
name, which is used for generating
interchange control number.

Sign EDI Message Outbound This parameter digitally signs the

outgoing EDI message.

Request AUTACK Outbound This parameter requests the partner

to send an AUTACK message as

The following table describes message parameters in AUTACK tab page:

8. To edit existing functional profiles that are specific to a trading partner, choose the Functional Profiles tab
page and then choose Add.
9. To edit existing partner-specific agreements, choose the Agreements tab page.
10. To edit existing details of partner-specific certificates such as certificate profile, rollover time and so on,
choose the Certificates tab page.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 219
11. To define SLAs as per the partner for inbound and outbound functional acknowledgments, choose the
SLAs tab page. You can notify SLA violations through alerts. For more information about configuring alerts,
see B2B Alerts [page 258]
12. Save the changes. Modifying Trading Partner Profile


You use this procedure to edit trading partner profile to the TPM database.


1. To create a new trading partner profile, choose Add.

2. On the Partner Profile screen, enter the parameter values as described in the following table:

Component Parameter Description

General Partner Name Define the name of the partner. This

field is mandatory.

Description Provide a short description about the

partner profile.

Partner Type Determine the type of the partner en­

gaged in business. The following op­
tions are available:
○ Customer
○ Supplier
○ Others
○ VAN Provider
○ Self

Classification Industry Determine the type of industry by se­

lecting industry-specific codes.

Region Determine the country by selecting

country-specific codes.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

220 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Component Parameter Description

Parent Group Company Determine the parent group company

by selecting the appropriate business
organization as defined in TPM.

Integration Directory Association Party Name Define the communication party de­
ployed on the Integration Directory
that is configured to exchange EDI in­
terchanges according to the required
business scenario. This field is man­

Trading Partner Status Partner Status This parameter determines the cur­
rent status of the trading partner.

3. To add partner contact details such as First Name, E-mail, Address, and so on, choose the Contacts tab
page and then choose Add.
4. To store document details and to specify its location, choose the Documents tab page and then choose
5. To add details such as partner ID, partner agency, and so on for identifying business partners, choose the
Identities tab page and then choose Add.
6. To store EDI message details such as message format, message type, control key, and so on, choose the
Messages tab page and then choose Add.
7. To enable the processing of EDI acknowledgements, such as EDIFACT, EANCOM and ANSI X12, for inbound
and outbound EDI communications, choose EDI Acknowledgements tab page and then select either
Required or Read from Envelop Segment.

 Note

During runtime EDI Separator adapter uses these parameters.

The following table describes inbound message parameters in EDIFACT and EANCOM tab pages:

Advance Properties Parameters for EDIFACT and EANCOM Description

EDIFACT CONTRL Message Version and Release This parameter determines the details of the CONTRL
message version and release.

Transaction Mode This parameter defines the mode of transaction that

allows the EDI separator to process incoming message as
All (all individual transactions as single entity) or
Individual (each individual transactions as independent

Negative Acknowledgment Not Required This parameter notifies the adapter not to transmit the
CONTRL message when a transaction set is Rejected (R).

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 221
Advance Properties Parameters for EDIFACT and EANCOM Description

Positive Acknowledgement Not Required This parameter notifies the adapter not to transmit a
CONTRL message when all transaction sets are Accepted

Execution Mode This parameter defines the mode of execution for the
adapter to validate, acknowledge or do both activities for
an incoming message.The modes of execution are as
○ Receipt Only
○ Receipt and Validation

UNA Segment Required This segment defines special characters, such as

separators and indicators used in the EDI interchange. If
UNA segments are not included, then default characters
are used.

Enable NRO for Interchange Number This parameter enables the NRO tool to generate
interchange number for functional acknowledgments. In
the NRO Name field select the NRO name.

The following table describes inbound message parameters in ANSI X12 tab page:

Advance Properties Parameters for ANSI X12 Description

Enable Group Based Splitting This parameter allows splitting of incoming batch X12 EDI
messages in different groups, which makes processing of
X12 messages easier.

Transaction Mode This parameter defines the mode of transaction that

allows the EDI separator to process incoming message as
All (all individual transactions as single entity) or
Individual (each individual transactions as independent

Negative Acknowledgment Not Required This parameter notifies the adapter not to transmit the
997 FA message when a transaction set is Rejected (R).

Positive Acknowledgement Not Required This parameter notifies the adapter not to transmit a 997
FA message when all transaction sets are Accepted (A).

Execution Mode This parameter defines the mode of execution for the
adapter to validate, acknowledge or do both activities for
an incoming message.The modes of execution are as
○ Receipt Only
○ Receipt and Validation

Exclude AK3 and AK4 This parameter notifies the adapter to exclude the AK3
and AK4 segments from the 997 FA message. But it

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

222 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Advance Properties Parameters for ANSI X12 Description

retains the details of AK1, AK2, AK5, and AK9 segments

in the 997 FA message.

Enable NRO for Interchange Number This parameter enables the NRO tool to generate
interchange number for functional acknowledgments. In
the NRO Name field select the NRO name.

The following table describes message parameters in AUTACK tab page:

Parameter Direction Description

Use Certificate from NWA Key Storage Inbound This parameter indicates whether to
consider partner's certificate from
NWA key storage or from the
message payload.

Partner Certificate View Inbound This parameter is the partner's

certificate view of the NWA key

Partner Certificate Alias Inbound This parameter is the partner's

certificate alias of the NWA key

Acknowledgment Required Inbound This parameter specifies whether to

generate an AUTACK message as

AUTACK Message Version and Inbound This parameter specifies the version
Release and release of the AUTACK message
type; possible values are 1:1 and DIR.
If the value is DIR, the security
module considers the version and
release of the incoming payload, and
if the value is 1:1, the security module
considers release as 1 and version as

Own Certificate View Inbound / Outbound This parameter is the owner's

certificate view of the NWA key

Own Certificate Alias Inbound / Outbound This parameter is the owner's

certificate alias of the NWA key

Own Private Key View Inbound / Outbound This parameter is the owner's private-
key view of the NWA key storage.

Own Private Key Alias Inbound / Outbound This parameter is the owner's private-
key alias of the NWA key storage.

Signing Algorithm Inbound / Outbound This parameter specifies the signing

algorithm; currently RSA is

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 223
Parameter Direction Description

Hashing Algorithm Inbound / Outbound This parameter specifies the hashing

algorithm; currently SHA1 is

Filtering Algorithm Inbound / Outbound This parameter is the name of the

filtering algorithm to be used;
supported algorithms are EDC, EDA,
and BASE64.

Encoding Inbound / Outbound This parameter is used for encoding

the messages; supported encodings
are UTF-8 and ASCII.

Signature Scope Inbound / Outbound This parameter is used to indicate

whether the security functions are
applied at interchange (UNB) or
message level (UNH).

Enable NRO for Interchange Number Inbound This parameter helps in assigning
NRO number in the place of the NRO
name, which is used for generating
interchange control number.

Sign EDI Message Outbound This parameter digitally signs the

outgoing EDI message.

Request AUTACK Outbound This parameter requests the partner

to send an AUTACK message as

8. To add functional profiles that are specific to a trading partner, choose the Functional Profiles tab page and
then choose Add.
9. To create partner-specific agreements, choose the Agreements tab page.
10. To view details of partner-specific certificates such as certificate profile, rollover time and so on, choose the
Certificates tab page.
11. To define SLAs as per the partner for inbound and outbound functional acknowledgments, choose the
SLAs tab page. You can notify SLA violations through alerts. For more information about configuring alerts,
see B2B Alerts [page 258]
12. Save the changes.

Related Information

Modifying Multiple Partner Properties [page 225]

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

224 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration Modifying Multiple Partner Properties

You can select multiple partners and update their properties.


1. In the Partner Profile overview screen, select the required partners.

2. Choose Mass Update.
3. In the Mass Update screen, select the type of the mass update template.
4. Select the Enable for Mass Update checkbox next to the properties you want to update.
5. Specify the values for the properties.
6. Choose Apply. Finding Trading Partner Profiles


You use this procedure to find and display partner profiles by entering appropriate parameters.


1. To find profiles in basic mode, enter the partner profile name in the Find field and choose Go.
2. To expand the search criteria, choose Advanced Search.
3. Enter the known parameters and choose Go.

The following table provides descriptions of the advanced search parameters:

Parameter Description

Industry Define the type of industry that the profile belongs to.

Region Define a country.

Parent Group Company Determine the parent group company by selecting the
appropriate business organization as defined in TPM.

Partner Type Define the type of the business partner.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 225
Parameter Description

Party Name Define the communication party deployed on the

Integration Directory that is configured to exchange EDI
interchanges according to the required business
scenario. Overview of TPM Profiles


Trading Partner Management (TPM) profiles consist of a template containing runtime parameters (keys) that
are used to configure B2B adapters. The template stores SAP-defined and user-defined runtime parameters
that are specific to an adapter. TPM profiles are defined based on the EDI communication environment
established between the trading partners. You can create multiple profiles based on the trading partners'
business requirements. By defining and managing profiles, you improve the performance of information
exchange between trading partners.

The communication channels of an adapter provide an option to retrieve keys from the TPM profiles that are
defined for inbound or outbound scenarios. You can use this operation to automate the process for configuring
an adapter.

● For more information about functional profiles, see Managing Functional Profiles [page 226].
● For more information about TPM templates, see Managing TPM Templates [page 231].
● For more information about TPM code lists, see Managing TPM Code Lists [page 234].
● For more information about security certificates associated with trading partners, see Managing
Certificates [page 237]. Managing Functional Profiles


Functional profile is a collection of TPM templates that store custom key values. It can be independent or can
be attached to a trading partner agreement. During runtime based on the conditions in an agreement, the
functional profiles values can be used for messages mapping.

You can access functional profile during runtime by calling an agreement or a functional profile name by using
predefined UDF’s. The Details view pane provides summary about the profile, and it displays the where-used
details and the number of templates added to the profile.

You use the following procedure to perform actions such as adding, copying, editing, and finding functional

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226 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

1. To access functional profiles, choose Trading Partner Management Profiles Functional Profiles .
2. For more information about creating new functional profiles for EDI separator adapters, see Adding
Functional Profile [page 227].
3. For more information about copying data from existing functional profiles and creating a functional profile,
see Copying Functional Profile [page 228].
4. For more information about editing functional profiles, see Modifying Functional Profile [page 229].
5. To search and view logs related to changes made to profiles by users, choose Change Log.
6. For more information about basic and advanced search options, see Finding Functional Profiles [page 230]. Adding Functional Profile


You use this procedure to create and add a functional profile to the TPM database.


1. To create a new functional profile, choose Add.

2. On the Functional Profile screen, enter the parameter values as described in the following table:

Component Parameter Description

Template Add Allows you to add multiple functional


Remove Deletes existing functional templates.

Apply Templates Apply template parameters to the


Header Name Define the name for a functional pro­

file. This is a mandatory field.

Description Provide a short description of the

functional profile.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 227
Properties Mass Update Property This parameter updates the common
keys associated with other functional
profiles. A Mass Update confirmation
dialog box appears, which allows you
to select the profiles and update them

3. Save the changes. Copying Functional Profile


You use this procedure to replicate the data from an existing functional profile to create a new functional


1. To copy a functional profile, select a functional profile from the table and choose Copy.
2. On the Functional Profile screen, enter the parameter values as described in the following table:

Component Parameter Description

Template Add Allows you to add multiple functional


Remove Deletes existing functional templates.

Apply Templates Apply template parameters to the


Header Name Define the name for a functional pro­

file. This is a mandatory field.

Description Provide a short description of the

functional profile.

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228 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Properties Mass Update Property This parameter updates the common
keys associated with other functional
profiles. A Mass Update confirmation
dialog box appears, which allows you
to select the profiles and update them

3. Save the changes. Modifying Functional Profile


You use this procedure to edit a functional profile.


1. To edit a functional profile, choose the appropriate profile link from the name column of the Functional
Profiles table.
2. On the Functional Profile screen, choose Edit and enter the parameter values as described in the following

Component Parameter Description

Template Add Allows you to add multiple functional


Remove Deletes existing functional templates.

Apply Templates Apply template parameters to the


Header Name Define the name for a functional pro­

file. This is a mandatory field.

Description Provide a short description of the

functional profile.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 229
Properties Mass Update Property This parameter updates the common
keys associated with other functional
profiles. A Mass Update confirmation
dialog box appears, which allows you
to select the profiles and update them

3. Save the changes. Finding Functional Profiles


You use this procedure to find and display profiles by entering appropriate parameters.


1. To find profiles in basic mode, enter the functional profile name in the Find field and choose Go.
2. To expand the search criteria, choose Advanced.
3. Enter the known parameters and choose Go.

The following table provides descriptions of the advanced search parameters.

Component Parameter Description

Advanced Name Define the name of the functional pro­


Last Modified Date Define the last date of modification.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

230 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration Managing TPM Templates


TPM template is a form that consists of unique set of referential values that is defined as per the business
transaction. These custom build forms stores generic data which can be reusable with different profiles. Each
TPM template is made up of key-pair values.

You define the values for specific business requirements and must be noted that the custom values are case
sensitive. You can attach a template to multiple functional profiles and use them during message mapping
runtime. For example you can create templates for Material Code Mapping, status Indicator fields and so on.

You use the following procedure to perform actions such as adding, copying, editing, and finding TPM


1. To access TPM templates, choose Trading Partner Management Profiles Templates .

2. For more information about creating new TPM templates, see Adding TPM Template [page 231].
3. For more information about copying data from existing TPM templates and creating a template, see
Copying TPM Template [page 232].
4. For more information about editing TPM templates, see Modifying TPM Template [page 233].
5. To search and view logs related to changes made to templates by users, choose Change Log.
6. For more information about basic and advanced search options, see Finding TPM Templates [page 233]. Adding TPM Template


You use this procedure to create and add a TPM template to the TPM database.


1. To create a new TPM template, choose Add.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 231
2. On the Template screen, enter the parameter values as described in the following table:

Component Parameter Description

General Name Define the name for a TPM template.

This is a mandatory field.

Description Provide a short description of the TPM


3. To enter custom values, choose Add and then define the appropriate values.

 Note

You can define custom values in the following formats:


4. Save the changes. Copying TPM Template


You use this procedure to replicate the adapter-specific parameters from an existing TPM template to create a
new TPM template.


1. To create a new TPM template, choose Copy.

2. On the Template screen, enter the parameter values as described in the following table:

Component Parameter Description

General Name Define the name for a TPM template.

This is a mandatory field.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

232 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Description Provide a short description of the TPM

3. To edit custom values, choose Add and then define the appropriate values.
4. Save the changes. Modifying TPM Template


You use this procedure to edit a template.


1. To edit a TPM template, choose the appropriate link from the name column in the Template table.
2. On the Template screen, choose Edit and enter the parameter values as described in the following table:

Component Parameter Description

General Name Define the name for a TPM template.

This is a mandatory field.

Description Provide a short description of the TPM


3. Save the changes. Finding TPM Templates


You use this procedure to find and display TPM templates by entering appropriate parameters.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 233

1. To find templates in basic mode, enter the template name in the Find field and choose Go.
2. To expand the search criteria, choose Advanced.
3. Enter the known parameters and choose Go.

The following table provides descriptions of the advanced search parameters:

Component Parameter Description

Advanced Name Define the name of the template.

Last Modified Date Define the last date of modification. Managing TPM Code Lists


You use code lists to define runtime parameters with specific values. You use the following procedure to
perform actions such as adding, copying, editing, and finding TPM code lists.


1. To access functional profiles, choose Trading Partner Management Profiles Code Lists .
2. For more information about creating new code lists, see Adding TPM Code List [page 235].
3. For more information about copying data from an existing code list and creating a new code list, see
Copying TPM Code List [page 235].
4. For more information about editing code lists, see Modifying TPM Code List [page 236].
5. To search and view logs related to changes made to profiles by users, choose Change Log.
6. For more information about basic and advanced search options, see Finding TPM Code Lists [page 237].

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

234 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration Adding TPM Code List


You use this procedure to create and add a new TPM code list to the TPM database.


1. To create a new code list, choose Add.

2. On the Code List screen, enter the parameter values as described in the following table:

Component Parameter Description

Header Name Define the name for a code list. This is

a mandatory field.

Description Provide a short description of the

code list.

3. To enter parameters, choose Add and then define the appropriate values.
4. Save the changes. Copying TPM Code List


You use this procedure to replicate the parameters from an existing code list to create a new code list.


1. To create a new code list, choose Copy.

2. On the Code List screen, enter the parameter values as described in the following table:

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 235
Component Parameter Description

Header Name Define the name for a code list. This is

a mandatory field.

Description Provide a short description of the

code list.

3. To enter parameters, choose Add and then define the appropriate values.
4. Save the changes. Modifying TPM Code List


You use this procedure to edit the properties of a code list.


1. To edit a code list, choose the appropriate link from the name column in the Code Lists table.
2. On the Code List screen, choose Edit and enter the parameter values as described in the following table:

Component Parameter Description

Header Name Define the name for a code list. This is

a mandatory field.

Description Provide a short description of the

code list.

3. Save the changes.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

236 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration Finding TPM Code Lists


You use this procedure to find and display TPM code lists by entering appropriate parameters.


1. To find a code list in basic mode, enter the code list name in the Find field and choose Go.
2. To expand the search criteria, choose Advanced.
3. Enter the known parameters and choose Go.

The following table provides descriptions of the advanced search parameters:

Component Parameter Description

Advanced Name Define the name of the code list.

Last Modified Date Define the last date of modification. Managing Certificates


You use this feature in TPM to store security certificates associated with the trading partner. Use the following
procedure to perform actions such as adding and editing certificates.


1. To access partner-specific security certificates, choose Trading Partner Management Profiles

Certificate Rollover Profiles .
2. For more information about creating new certificates, see Adding Certificate [page 238].
3. For more information about editing certificates, see Editing Certificate [page 239].

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 237 Adding Certificate


You use this procedure to create a new certificate profile for a selected trading partner.


1. To create a new certificate, choose Add.

2. On the Certificate Profile screen, enter the parameter values as described in the following table:

Component Parameter Description

Header Name Define the name of the certificate.

This is a mandatory field.

Description Provide a short description of the cer­


Partner Name Define the partner using the certifi-

cate. This is a mandatory field.

Adapter Engine Select the adapter engine for certifi-

cate rollover.

Certificate Rollover Settings Activate Certificate View Displays name of the certificate.

Activate Certificate Name Define the certificate to be activated

from the certificate store. This is a
mandatory field.

Activate Certificate Expiry Time Displays the expiry details of the acti­
vated certificate, for example,
17/07/2036 01:59:59 GMT + 01:00.

Rollover Certificate Rollover Certificate View Displays information about the view of
the certificate store.

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238 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Rollover Certificate Name Define automatic certificate rollovers
for NWA certificates. After rollover,
new certificate replaces the old active
certificate. You can also define the
backup view to archive the replaced

Rollover Rollover Date Define a date to perform replacement

of the certificate after the expiration

Rollover Time Define a time to perform certificate


 Note
Please, note that if the specified
Rollover Time is in the next 24
hours, the Certificate Rollover
may not be executed.

Backup View Define a view to store expired certifi-


3. Save the changes. Editing Certificate


You use this procedure to edit a certificate.


1. To edit a certificate, choose the appropriate link from the name column in the Certificate Profiles table.
2. On the Certificate Profile screen, choose Edit enter the parameter values as described in the following table:

Component Parameter Description

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 239
Header Description Provide a short description of the cer­

Certificate Rollover Settings Activate Certificate Name Define the certificate to be activated
from the certificate store. This is a
mandatory field.

Rollover Certificate Rollover Certificate Name Define automatic certificate rollovers

for NWA certificates. After rollover,
new certificate replaces the old active
certificate. You can also define the
backup view to archive the replaced

Rollover Rollover Date Define a date to perform replacement

of the certificate after the expiration

Rollover Time Define a time to perform certificate


 Note
Please, note that if the specified
Rollover Time is in the next 24
hours, the Certificate Rollover
may not be executed.

Backup View Define a view to store expired certifi-


3. Save the changes. Managing Trading Partner Agreements


You use a trading partner agreement between two trading partners to regulate the exchange of EDI documents
and to define the communication scenario for participating in a specific business transaction.

You use the following procedure to perform actions such as adding, copying, and editing of trading partner

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240 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

1. To access trading partner agreements, choose Trading Partner Management Agreements .

2. For more information about adding agreements, see Adding Trading Partner Agreement [page 241].
3. For more information about copying agreements, see Copying Trading Partner Agreement [page 243].
4. For more information about editing agreements, see Editing Trading Partner Agreement [page 245].
5. To search and view logs related to changes made to agreements by users, choose Change Log. Adding Trading Partner Agreement


You use this procedure to create and add a trading partner agreement to the TPM database.


1. To create a new trading partner agreement, choose Add.

2. On the Trading Partner Agreement screen, enter the parameter values as described in the following table:

Component Parameter Description

Header Message Direction Determine the direction of the mes­

sage flow. This is a mandatory field.

Description Provide a short description of the

agreement. This is a mandatory field.

Partners Partner Name (Sender Partner) Define the sender partner profile.

Identifier Define a unique ID assigned to the

sender party.

Agency Code Define the appropriate standard code

qualifier of the sender party agency.

Partners Partner Name (Receiver Partner) Define the receiver partner profile.

Identifier Define a unique ID assigned to the re­

ceiver party.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 241
Agency Code Define the appropriate standard code
qualifier of the receiver party agency.

Messages Message Format Determine the format of the EDI mes­


Message Type Determine the type of the EDI mes­

sage format.

Message Release Provide the release details of the EDI


Message Version Provide the version of the EDI mes­


Message Agency Provide the details of the message

agency that develops and maintains
the message types.

Message Sub-version Provide the subversion of the EDI


Control Key Name Determine the control key assigned to

the EDI transaction.

Directory Parameters (Optional) Interface This parameter defines the interface

for communication between sender
and receiver systems.

Namespace Define the service interface of the EDI


For example,

Sender Business Component Define the sender party’s communica­

tion component.

Receiver Business Component Define the receiver party’s communi­

cation component.

3. Save the changes.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

242 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration Copying Trading Partner Agreement


You use this procedure to replicate the parameters from an existing trading partner agreement to create a new
trading partner agreement.


1. To copy and create a new trading partner agreement, choose Copy.

2. On the Trading Partner Agreement screen, enter the parameter values as described in the following table:

Component Parameter Description

Header Message Direction Determine the direction of the mes­

sage flow. This is a mandatory field.

Description Provide a short description of the

agreement. This is a mandatory field.

Partners Partner Name (Sender Partner) Define the sender partner profile.

Identifier Define a unique ID assigned to the

sender party.

Agency Code Define the appropriate standard code

qualifier of the sender party agency.

Partners Partner Name (Receiver Partner) Define the receiver partner profile.

Identifier Define a unique ID assigned to the re­

ceiver party.

Agency Code Define the appropriate standard code

qualifier of the receiver party agency.

Messages Message Format Determine the format of the EDI mes­


Message Type Determine the type of the EDI mes­

sage format.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 243
Message Release Provide the release details of the EDI

Message Version Provide the version of the EDI mes­


Message Agency Provide the details of the message

agency that develops and maintains
the message types.

Message Sub-version Provide the subversion of the EDI


Control Key Name Determine the control key assigned to

the EDI transaction.

Directory Parameters (Optional) Interface This parameter defines the interface

for communication between sender
and receiver systems.

Namespace Define the service interface of the EDI


For example,

Sender Business Component Define the sender party’s communica­

tion component.

Receiver Business Component Define the receiver party’s communi­

cation component.

Parameters Functional Profiles Allows to change the functional profile

assigned to the partner.

EDI Parameters Displays converter module based on

EDI message type. If the values are
blank, then the converter module re­
places the value as defined by the
module in the integration directory or
default values are assigned during

Generate Autack For inbound direction, a checkbox ap­

pears if the message type is selected
as EDIFACT or EANCOM. Enable this
checkbox if you need AUTACK for EDI
messages mentioned in above sec­

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244 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Sign EDI Message For outbound direction, a checkbox
appears if the message type is se­
lected as EDIFACT or EANCOM. Ena­
ble this checkbox if you need to digi­
tally sign the EDI message mentioned
in above section.

3. Save the changes. Editing Trading Partner Agreement


1. To edit a trading partner agreement, choose the appropriate link from the agreement column in the Partner
Agreements table.
2. On the Trading Partner Agreement screen, choose Edit and enter the parameter values as described in the
following table:

Component Parameter Description

Header Message Direction Determine the direction of the mes­

sage flow. This is a mandatory field.

Description Provide a short description of the

agreement. This is a mandatory field.

Partners Partner Name (Sender Partner) Define the sender partner profile.

Identifier Define a unique ID assigned to the

sender party.

Agency Code Define the appropriate standard code

qualifier of the sender party agency.

Partners Partner Name (Receiver Partner) Define the receiver partner profile.

Identifier Define a unique ID assigned to the re­

ceiver party.

Agency Code Define the appropriate standard code

qualifier of the receiver party agency.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 245
Messages Message Format Determine the format of the EDI mes­

Message Type Determine the type of the EDI mes­

sage format.

Message Release Provide the release details of the EDI


Message Version Provide the version of the EDI mes­


Message Agency Provide the details of the message

agency that develops and maintains
the message types.

Message Sub-version Provide the subversion of the EDI


Control Key Name Determine the control key assigned to

the EDI transaction.

Directory Parameters (Optional) Interface This parameter defines the interface

for communication between sender
and receiver systems.

Namespace Define the service interface of the EDI


For example,

Sender Business Component Define the sender party’s communica­

tion component.

Receiver Business Component Define the receiver party’s communi­

cation component.

Parameters Functional Profiles Allows to change the functional profile

assigned to the partner.

EDI Parameters Displays converter module based on

EDI message type. If the values are
blank, then the converter module re­
places the value as defined by the
module in the integration directory or
default values are assigned during

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246 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Generate Autack For inbound direction, a checkbox ap­
pears if the message type is selected
as EDIFACT or EANCOM. Enable this
checkbox if you need AUTACK for EDI
messages mentioned in above sec­

Sign EDI Message For outbound direction, a checkbox

appears if the message type is se­
lected as EDIFACT or EANCOM. Ena­
ble this checkbox if you need to digi­
tally sign the EDI message mentioned
in above section.

3. Save the changes. Configuring TPM Settings


You use this procedure to configure the change log settings for the TPM execution system.


1. To configure the change log settings, choose Trading Partner Management Administration .
2. To enable the change log settings for a specific execution system, select the Enable Change Log checkbox.
3. To specify the execution environment of the TPM system, enter Test or Production.
4. Save the changes.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 247 Configuring Alerts for Certificates

You use the alerting feature in Trading Partner Management (TPM) to create alerts for certificates stored in the
PI system.


You use the alerting feature in Trading Partner Management (TPM) to create alerts for certificates stored in the
PI system. The user receives alerts as an e-mail containing the following details:

● Certificate rollover
● Certificate expiration

You use this procedure to configure alerts for certificates in TPM.


1. Choose Trading Partner Management Administration .

2. To enable the alerts for certificate rollover and certificate expiration, select the Enable Alert checkbox.

 Note

The system generates alerts for either TPM Certificate Profiles or NWA KeyStore.

3. To receive alerts upon certificate rollover, select the Enable Rollover Alerts checkbox and use the
appropriate parameters, as described below:

Parameter Description

Generate Alerts for Certificate Rollover This parameter allows the system to generate alerts
based on the certificate rollover statuses. You can receive
alerts on the following statuses:
○ Success
○ Error
○ Both
For example, if you select the Success option, the system
generates alerts only for successful rollovers.

Enable Reminder Alerts This parameter generates and dispatches alerts to

remind the user about the scheduled rollover.

Generate Reminder Alert for Rollover (Days Before) This parameter allows the user to enter a specific period
(in days), which enables the system to dispatch alerts
until the scheduled rollover day.

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248 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Parameter Description

 Note
You must enter a day that is before the planned
rollover day.

4. To receive alerts before the certificate expiration, select the Enable Expiry Alert checkbox and use the
appropriate parameters, as described below:

Parameter Description

Generate Alerts for Certificates Expiring In This parameter generates alerts upon certificate
expiration in TPM Certificate Profiles or NWA KeyStore.

Generate Alert for Expiry (Days Before) This parameter allows the user to enter a specific period
(in days), which enables the system to dispatch alerts
until the expiration day.

 Note
You must enter a day that is before the certificate
expiration day. Importing TPM Data


1. Choose Trading Partner Management Administration Mass Import .

2. Choose Browse and select the appropriate .ZIP file that contains the .TPM and .TPZ files.
3. Choose Import. Exporting TPM Data


1. Choose Trading Partner Management Administration Mass Export .

2. Choose Create Export File.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 249
3. To download the TPM data to the local system, choose Download Exported File. Importing Specific TPM Data

You can import partner profiles, functional profiles, templates, or codelists to TPM.


In case of CSV file import, you have created the required files on the server system. For more information about
the files, naming convention, and structure, refer to the SAP Note 2072376 .


 Note

Import of templates and codelists is supported for CSV formats only.


1. To import the partner data to the TPM database, choose Import.

2. On the dialog that appears, perform the following substeps:
a. From the table, select the required type.
b. Provide the file name (in case of TPM content type) or directory path (in case of CSV file).

 Note

The directory path you provide in this step must be existing on the server system.

c. In case of CSV format, if the file contains the header row, select the Consider Header Information
3. To overwrite the selected file in an existing partner data, select Overwrite.
4. Choose Import.

Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration

250 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration Exporting Specific TPM Data

You can export partner profiles, functional profiles, templates, or codelists from TPM.


 Note

Export of templates and codelists is supported for CSV formats only.


1. From the table, select the required partner data and then choose Export.
2. On the dialog that appears, perform the following substeps:
a. In the Select Type field, select the required file type.
b. Provide the directory path (in case of CSV file), and if you want to export the header information, select
the Add Header Information checkbox.

 Note

The directory path you provide in this step must be existing on the server system.

a. In case of TPM content, specify the required partner data you want to export, by selecting the relevant
3. Choose Export.

System exports the relevant data to the server system.

4. To download the data onto your local machine, choose Download. TPM Web Service APIs

TPM Web service APIs enable you to manage TPM objects programatically.

The following are the TPM Web services:

Web Service Name WSDL URL Description

TPMPartnerService http://<host>:<port>/ Used to create, update, delete, and get

TPMPartnerService/ partner profiles.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 251
Web Service Name WSDL URL Description

TPMAgreementService http://<host>:<port>/ Used to create, update, delete, and get

TPMAgreementService/ partner agreements.

TPMFunctionalProfileService http://<host>:<port>/ Used to create, update, delete, and get

TPMFunctionalProfileService/ functional profiles.

TPMTemplate2Service http://<host>:<port>/ Used to create, update, delete, and get

TPMTemplate2Service/ templates.

TPMCodelistService http://<host>:<port>/ Used to create, update, delete, and get

TPMCodelistService/ codelists.

TPMCertificateProfileService http://<host>:<port>/ Used to create, update, delete, and get

TPMCertificateProfileService/ certificate rollover profiles.

For more information, refer to the SAP Note 2072577 .

1.5 Monitoring B2B Messages


The message monitoring in SAP Process Integration, helps to monitor the processing of EDI messages that are
exchanged to different trading partners using B2B adapters in your system landscape.

You can obtain an overview of the message processing based on the different intervals. You can search for
messages that were sent or received by the trading partners based on the message correlation ID. For more
information about correlation ID, see Searching EDI Messages Using Correlation ID [page 253]

This monitoring application provides information about B2B acknowledgments that are transmitted by the
trading partner. It contains different columns such as type of functional or technical acknowledgments, status
indicator, status code, correlation ID, and etc. For more information about status codes related to functional
and technical acknowledgments, see Status Codes [page 253].

 Note

The local message monitor has been enhanced in specific SAP Process Integration releases. For more
information, refer SAP Note 1815991 .

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252 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
1.5.1 Searching EDI Messages Using Correlation ID


The correlation ID also referred to as a conversation ID, included in the header segment of an XI message
consists of interchange control number, sender and receiver identifiers.

In the message monitoring application, you can use the correlation ID as a search criterion to identify and track
the outgoing and incoming EDI transactions. It also helps you to understand the correlation between the EDI
message and the corresponding EDI payload.

The table below defines the formats of correlation ID:

Message Flow Correlation ID format

Outbound message flow interchangeid_senderidentifier_receiveridentifier

Inbound message flow

 Note

The local message monitor has been enhanced to include B2B usecases in SAP NW PI releases. For more
information, refer SAP Note 1815991 .

B2B Acknowledgements

This tab page provides information about acknowledgements that are exchanged between the trading
partners. Two new columns have been introduced for viewing technical and functional acknowledgment status.
It also contains different columns such as status indicator, status code, correlation ID and so on.

1.5.2 Status Codes


The following tables describe the different status codes of functional and technical acknowledgements that are
generated during an EDI message flow.

Status Codes of Functional Acknowledgement

Status Codes Description

PARTIALLY_ACCEPTED_RECV Outgoing EDI message was partially accepted by the partner.

PARTIALLY_ACCEPTED_SENT Incoming EDI message is partially accepted and an acknowl­

edgement is sent to the partner.

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SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration PUBLIC 253
Status Codes Description

PARTIALLY_ACCEPTED_NOT_SENT Incoming EDI message is partially accepted and an acknowl­

edgement is not sent to the partner.

PARTIALLY_ACCEPTED_GENERATED Incoming EDI message is partially accepted and an acknowl­

edgement is generated.

REJECTED_RECV Outgoing EDI message was rejected by the partner.

REJECTED_SENT Outgoing EDI message is rejected and an acknowledgement

sent to the partner.

REJECTED_NOT_SENT Outgoing EDI message is rejected and an acknowledgement

not sent to the partner.

REJECTED_GENERATED Outgoing EDI message is rejected and an acknowledgement

is generated.

ACCEPTED_RECV Outgoing EDI message was accepted by the partner.

ACCEPTED_SENT Incoming EDI message is accepted and an acknowledge­

ment sent to the partner.

ACCEPTED_NOT_SENT Incoming EDI message is accepted and an acknowledge­

ment not sent to the partner.

ACCEPTED_GENERATED Incoming EDI message is accepted and an acknowledge­

ment is generated.

RECEIPT_PEINDING EDI message was sent to the partner and an acknowledge­

ment was solicited from the partner.

ACK_NOT_REQUESTED EDI message was sent by the partner and an acknowledge­

ment was not requested by the partner.

ACK_NOT_SOLICITED EDI message was sent to the partner and an acknowledge­

ment was not solicited from the partner.

ACK_SOLICITED EDI message was sent to the partner and an acknowledge­

ment was solicited from the partner.

ACK_RECEIVED EDI message was sent to the partner and an acknowledge­

ment was received from the partner.

ACK_REQUESTED EDI message was sent to the partner and an acknowledge­

ment is requested from the partner.

Status Codes Technical Acknowledgement (MDN)

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254 PUBLIC SAP Process Integration, business-to-business add-on Configuration
Status Codes Description

POSITIVE_MDN_GENERATED Incoming AS2 message is accepted and a positive MDN is


NEGATIVE_MDN_GENERATED Incoming AS2 message is rejected and a negative MDN is


SUCCESSFULLY_SENT Incoming AS2 message accepted and MDN successfully

sent to the partner.

SUCCESSFULLY_RECEIVED Incoming AS2 message accepted and acknowledgement

successfully received from the partner.

SUCCESSFULLY_PROCESSED Incoming AS2 message accepted and processed success­


GEN_ASYNC_POS Incoming AS2 message accepted and a positive asynchro­

nous MDN is generated as requested by the partner.

GEN_ASYNC_NEG Incoming AS2 message rejected and a negative asynchro­

nous MDN is generated as requested by the partner.

GEN_SYNC_POS Incoming AS2 message accepted and a positive synchro­

nous MDN is generated as requested by the partner.

GEN_SYNC_NEG Incoming AS2 message rejected and a negative synchronous

MDN is generated as requested by the partner.

SENT_ASYNC_POS Incoming AS2 message accepted and a positive asynchro­

nous MDN is sent to the partner.

SENT_ASYNC_NEG Incoming AS2 message rejected and a negative asynchro­

nous MDN is sent to the partner.

SENT_SYNC_POS Incoming AS2 message accepted and a positive synchro­

nous MDN is sent to the partner.

SENT_SYNC_NEG Incoming AS2 message rejected and a negative synchronous

MDN is sent to the partner.

RECV_ASYNC_POS The positive asynchronous MDN sent to the partner was ac­

RECV_ASYNC_NEG The negative asynchronous MDN sent to the partner was ac­

RECV_SYNC_POS The positive synchronous MDN sent to the partner was ac­

RECV_SYNC_NEG The negative synchronous MDN sent to the partner was ac­

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Status Codes Description

VALIDATED_ASYNC_POS The asynchronous positive MDN was validated at the part­

ners side.

VALIDATED_ASYNC_NEG The asynchronous negative MDN was validated at the part­

ners side.

VALIDATED_SYNC_POS The synchronous positive MDN was validated at the partners


VALIDATED_SYNC_NEG The synchronous negative MDN was validated at the part­

ners side.

VALIDATION_FAILED_ASYNC_POS Validation of the asynchronous positive MDN failed at the

partners side.

VALIDATION_FAILED_ASYNC_NEG Validation of the asynchronous negative MDN failed at the

partners side.

VALIDATION_FAILED_SYNC_POS Validation of the synchronous positive MDN failed at the

partners side.

VALIDATION_FAILED_SYNC_NEG Validation of the synchronous negative MDN failed at the

partners side.

ACK_REQUESTED AS2 message was sent to the partner and an acknowledge­

ment is requested from the partner.

ACK_SOLICITED AS2 message was sent to the partner and an acknowledge­

ment was solicited from the partner.

ACK_NOT_SOLICITED AS2 message was sent to the partner and an acknowledge­

ment was not solicited from the partner.

ACK_NOT_SENT Acknowledgement not sent successfully to the partner.

ACK_NOT_GENERATED Acknowledgement generation is not successful.

Status Codes Technical Acknowledgement (ERP)

Status Codes Description

SUCCESSFULLY_RECEIVED Incoming OFTP message accepted and acknowledgement

successfully received from the partner.

SUCCESSFULLY_PROCESSED Incoming OFTP message accepted and processed success­


SUCCESSFULLY_SENT Incoming OFTP message accepted and ERP successfully

sent to the partner.

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Status Codes Description

EERP_GENERATED Incoming OFTP message is accepted and a EERP is gener­


NERP_GENERATED Incoming OFTP message is rejected and a NERP is gener­


ACK_REQUESTED OFTP message was sent to the partner and an acknowledge­

ment is requested from the partner.

ACK_SOLICITED OFTP message was sent to the partner and an acknowledge­

ment was solicited from the partner.

ACK_NOT_SOLICITED OFTP message was sent to the partner and an acknowledge­

ment was not solicited from the partner.

GEN_ASYNC_POS Incoming OFTP message accepted and a positive asynchro­

nous ERP is generated as requested by the partner.

GEN_ASYNC_NEG Incoming OFTP message rejected and a negative asynchro­

nous ERP is generated as requested by the partner.

GEN_SYNC_POS Incoming OFTP message accepted and a positive synchro­

nous ERP is generated as requested by the partner.

GEN_SYNC_NEG Incoming OFTP message rejected and a negative synchro­

nous ERP is generated as requested by the partner.

ACK_NOT_GENERATED Acknowledgement generation is not successful.

ACK_NOT_SENT Acknowledgement not sent successfully to the partner.

SENT_ASYNC_POS Incoming OFTP message accepted and a positive asynchro­

nous ERP is sent to the partner.

SENT_ASYNC_NEG Incoming OFTP message rejected and a negative asynchro­

nous ERP is sent to the partner.

SENT_SYNC_POS Incoming OFTP message accepted and a positive synchro­

nous ERP is sent to the partner.

SENT_SYNC_NEG Incoming OFTP message rejected and a negative synchro­

nous ERP is sent to the partner.

RECV_ASYNC_POS The positive asynchronous ERP sent to the partner was ac­

RECV_ASYNC_NEG The negative asynchronous ERP sent to the partner was ac­

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Status Codes Description

RECV_SYNC_POS The positive synchronous ERP sent to the partner was ac­

RECV_SYNC_NEG The negative asynchronous ERP sent to the partner was ac­

VALIDATED_ASYNC_POS The asynchronous positive ERP was validated at the part­

ners side

VALIDATED_ASYNC_NEG The asynchronous negative ERP was validated at the part­

ners side

VALIDATED_SYNC_POS The synchronous positive ERP was validated at the partners


VALIDATED_SYNC_NEG The synchronous negative ERP was validated at the partners


VALIDATION_FAILED_ASYNC_POS Validation of the asynchronous positive ERP failed at the

partners side

VALIDATION_FAILED_ASYNC_NEG Validation of the asynchronous negative ERP failed at the

partners side

VALIDATION_FAILED_SYNC_POS Validation of the synchronous positive ERP failed at the part­

ners side

VALIDATION_FAILED_SYNC_NEG Validation of the synchronous negative ERP failed at the

partners side

UNKNOWN_ERROR Unknown error occurred either at sender or receiver side

1.5.3 B2B Alerts

You configure alerts in B2B landscape to handle exceptional situation occurred during B2B communication.
Alerts report about the EDI Service Level Agreement (SLA) violations, EDI acknowledgement statuses, AS2
negative MDNs (inbound and outbound), and duplicate interchange check.


Consider an EDI communication between two trading partners using SAP B2B add-on. In this scenario partner
A transmits an EDI document to partner B. As per the Service Level Agreement (SLA) defined for the EDI
scenario partner B must dispatch an acknowledgement within a stipulated time. If partner B violates the SLA,

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then the system issues an alert. In this way, you can configure an alert to monitor the SLA violations and notify
you through an e-mail.

 Note

You must add TPMContentAccessModule parameter in EDI communication channel to monitor SLA’s.

You can configure alerts for B2B add-on in the following ways:

● To configuring alerts using Integration Builder, see Alert Configuration in Integration Builder
● To configuring alerts using SAP NetWeaver Administrator (SAP NWA), see Alert Configuration in SAP
NetWeaver Administrator

 Note

If you need to run the B2B integration scenarios on a Decentral Adapter Engine (DAE), you must perform
additional configuration on DAE. For more information, refer SAP Note 2072353 .

 Note

Configuring alerts using SAP NWA is based on specific SAP NW PI releases. For more information, refer
SAP Note 1815991 .

1.5.4 Archiving B2B Acknowledgements

You use this procedure to archive B2B acknowledgements along with the PI message.

The system stores the achived acknowledgements under the folder xi_af_ack_msg. You can configure the
archiving by adding a new homepath with the name as /<SYSID>/xi_af_ack_msg.

For more information about configuring the homepath, for example see Configuring Message Archiving for the
Advanced Adapter Engine.

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