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Lesson 23 Topic: Science and Technology WID:

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- Vocabulary: information and technology ...... pts/10
- Reading: the Internet
...... pts/10
- IELTS Writing: Trends- Language for trends

Exercise 1. [Vocabulary] Match the sentence halves.

Exercise 2. [Vocabulary] Circle the correct answer.

1. My brother (stores/streams) his files on his computer but doesn’t back them up.

2. You can connect a series of computers together on a (network/website).

3. I prefer to use a (desktop/laptop) computer as I can work from anywhere.

4. Stop playing games! (Crash/Shut down) your computer right now!

5. I don’t like paying a lot of money for (apps/attachments), but it can cause problems if you
only (backup/download)  them for free.

Exercise 3. [IELTS Writing: Tenses] Read the paragraph describing the chart. Choose the correct form
of the verbs to complete the sentences.

The chart (shows/ is going to show/ will show) the changing ways that adults will get news between 2015 and
2030. The results are for radio, newspapers, television and the internet. The way that people get their news (are
going to/going to/is going to) change a lot in the future.

In 2015, most adults (prefer/preferred/will prefer) watching the news on television and reading newspapers.
However, we can see from the chart that these ways of getting the news are going to
(become/becoming/became) less popular in the future. Furthermore, the chart suggests that the number of adults
who listen to the news on the radio (falling/fell/will fall) between now and 2030. By 2030, listening to the radio
will (be/being/is) the least popular way for adults to get the news.

The biggest change that we can see in the chart is online news becoming a lot more popular in the future.
Firstly, we can see that in 2015, online news (is/was/will be) less popular than radio, newspapers and television.
We can also see that only 50% of adults (uses/used/will use) the internet for their news at that time. However,
the number of adults who read the news online (increase/increased/is going to increase) a lot between now and
2030. By 2030, 90% of adults will get their news online and this will be the most popular way for adults to get
their news.

Exercise 4. [Language for trend] Look at the chart below. Complete the sentences with the correct

1. The number of teenagers who watched television ___________ (fell/went up) between 2000 and 2010.

2. There was a ___________ (big increase/big decrease) in the number of teenagers who used mobile phones
for entertainment between 2005 and 2010.

3. The number of teenagers who used computers for entertainment ___________ (grew/decreased) a little
between 2010 and 2015.

4. There was a ___________ (fall/rise) in the number of teenagers who listened to the radio between 2000 and

5. In 2000, the most popular devices for entertainment were television and radio. However, these
numbers ___________ (rose/went down) between 2000 and 2015.

6. The use of mobile phones for entertainment by teenagers ___________ (fell/went up) a lot between 2000 and
Exercise 5: [Language for trends- Line graph]

A. Look at Line A of the graph. Match the sentence halves.

B. Look at Line B of the graph. Complete the description of the changes to Line B with the words in the

2005 2020 55% fall increased rise started went

After it _________ from 30% in _________ to _________ in 2010, line B _________ up by another 20%
between 2010 and 2015. This was its highest point. It _________ to decrease in 2015, going down to 40% in
_________. It will _________ to 50% in 2025, and then will _________ to 45% in 2030.

Exercise 6. [Language for trends]

A. Look at the graph below, and complete sentences 1-8 with words and phrases from the box. There are
two words and phrases from the box. There are two words or phrases that you do not need.

decreased slightly downward trend fell again fluctuations number

increased slightly rose sharply peaked upward trend steady trend

B. Complete the second sentence in each pair, replacing the words and phrases in bold with words from
the box. You will need to use some words more than once.

about another decrease fall fluctuated gives

increase information peak reached rise sharp slight

1. The graph shows the number of customers visiting a bookshop over a six-month period.

 E.g. The graph gives information about the number of customers visiting a bookshop over a six-month

2. Customer numbers increased slightly in May.

=> There was a ________________ in customer numbers in May.

3. Customer numbers decreased slightly the following month.

 There was a ________________ in customer numbers in the following month,

4. Customer numbers rose sharply in July.

 There was a ________________ in customer numbers in July.

5. Customer numbers fell again in August.

 There was ________________ in customer numbers in August.

6. Customer numbers peaked in September.

 Customer numbers ________________ a ________________ in September.

7. There were fluctuations in customer numbers during the six-month period.

 Customer numbers ________________ during the six-month period.


The graph shows the percentage of Internet users in three countries from 1999 to 2009.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.


 Look for the overall trend from left to right on the graphs. Is there a change from the first year to the last
 Do the lines on the graphs follow a similar trend, or can you see any differences?


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