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 Derby City Council

o Advice and benefits
o Benefits
o Benefits - fraud investigation
o Single Discretionary Award Scheme
o Housing benefit - appeals
o Housing benefit - backdated claims
o Housing benefit - change of circumstances
o Housing benefit and Council tax support - new claim
o Housing benefit - information for landlords
o Housing benefit - overpayments
o Local housing allowance
o Welfare Reform - changes to benefits
o Benefits - temporary absence
o Universal Credit
o Council Tax
o Council Tax - account enquiries
o Council Tax - annual notification
o Council Tax - appeals
o Council Tax - band reductions
o Council Tax - change of address/change of circumstances
o Council Tax - charges
o Council Tax - discounts
o Council Tax - exemptions
o Changes to Council Tax discounts and exemptions - FAQs
o Council Tax Support - new claim
o Council Tax Support
o Council Tax Support Scheme - FAQs
o Emergencies
o Emergency planning
o Helping you protect yourself
o Business continuity planning
o Is your business prepared if the UK leaves the EU?
o What is the Community Risk Register?
o Welfare rights and money advice
o Universal Credit
o Budgeting tools and tips
o Budget planner
o Savings calculator
o Baby cost calculator
o Health effects of money worries
o Money Manager for Universal Credit claimants
o Derby Advice
o Money Advice team: Derby Homes residents
o Welfare Rights team: Benefits advice for all Derby residents
o Derby Advice training courses
o Reporting fraud
o Business
o Advertise in Derby
o About Council House Promotions
o Our products
o What our customers say
o Advertising FAQs
o Business rates
o Business rates - information and advice
o Business rates - account enquiries
o Business rates - annual notification
o Business rates - reductions
o Business rates - additional support to local businesses during the
coronavirus outbreak
o Business support and advice
o Business advice
o Derby Enterprise Growth Fund
o European and other funding
o International trade
o Support for your business
o Paid for Business Searches
o Commercial property
o Commercial property - searches
o Property and land lettings
o Commercial waste and recycling
o Markets
o Markets - information and advice
o Markets - ‘Be Your Own Boss'
o Allenton Market Consultation
o Venues
o Venue for civil marriage and civil partnership
o Outdoor space hire
o Tenders and contracts
o Procurement - contract management
o Procurement - contracts list
o Procurement - policy
o Supplying to Derby City Council
o Town centre management
o Night time economy - Purple Flag
o Town centres - closed circuit television
o Brexit
o Preparing for Brexit
o Community and living
o Births
o Birth - certificate amendments
o Birth - historical searches
o Birth - registering
o Naming ceremonies
o Childcare
o Funded early learning for two year olds
o Baby-sitting service
o Funded early learning for three to four year olds
o Childcare - information for parents
o Latest news
o Childcare availability during COVID-19
o Stay at home activities
o Childcare providers webpages
o Childcare providers funding page
o Preparing for Brexit
o Childcare Providers Business Support
o Childminders
o Group providers
o Childcare Sufficiency and Market Management
o Latest news and COVID-19
o Childcare brokerage
o Childcare for school aged children
o Family Service Directory
o Reducing the costs of childcare
o Children's centres
o Becket
o Rosehill
o Become a childcare provider
o Community advice
o Armed Forces Community Covenant
o Streetpride Champions
o Voluntary organisations - compact
o Volunteering - information and advice
o Voluntary organisations - funding
o Armed Forces Community Covenant grant scheme
o Community centres and facilities
o Community centres
o Assets of Community Value and the Community Right to Bid
o Crime prevention and community safety
o Anti social behaviour and nuisance
o Hate crime
o Stalking and harassment
o Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements
o Stay safe online
o Child safety online
o Online advice for parents
o Cyber crime - lock up online
o Scam savvy
o Holiday scams
o Romance fraud
o Lock-up your life
o Lock-up and back-up
o Lock-up your life
o Lock-up on the move
o Community Trigger - dealing with anti-social behaviour
o Prevent
o Project Zao - Stand Up To Knife Crime
o Public Space Protection Orders
o Modern Slavery Statement
o Deaths, funerals and cremations
o Death - bereavement - advice and support
o Death - registering
o Death - historical searches
o Funeral - burials
o Funeral - cremations
o Stillbirth - registering
o Funeral - cemetery and crematorium charges 2020
o Covid-19 impact on services
o Equality and diversity
o Our equality commitment
o Equality impact assessments
o Equality impact assessments - 2007-12
o Equality Act and Public Sector Equality Duty
o Access for disabled people
o Celebrating equality and diversity in Derby
o Deaf and hearing impaired people’s commitment
o Schools Accessibility Strategy
o Marriages
o Civil partnerships
o Marriage - arrangement and ceremonies
o Marriage - registering a building of worship
o Registration - copy certificates
o Marriage - renewal ceremonies
o Marriage - historical searches
o Safety
o Dangerous structures and public safety
o Pavements - personal injury
o Support groups
o Youth offending
o Bail - information and advice
o Parenting orders
o Preventative services - young children
o Youth Justice – Police Cautions and Youth Conditional Cautions
o Victims of youth crime
o Parenting support
o Youth justice system - attending court
o Youth support
o Language and cultural support
o Young people - information and advice
o Council and democracy
o Your council
o Leadership of the Council
o Strategy and Policy
o Regeneration, Planning and Transportation
o Governance and Licensing
o Finance and Procurement
o Adults, Health and Housing
o Children and Young People
o Communities, Neighbourhoods and Streetpride
o Leisure, Culture and Tourism
o Find your local councillor
o Council departments
o Councillors, democracy and elections
o Council constitution
o Council - minutes, agendas and reports
o Questions at Council meetings – Questions by the public
o Citizen panels
o Citizenship ceremonies
o Councillors - allowances
o Councillors - declaration of interest
o Councillors - information and advice
o Councillors - surgeries
o Decision making in Derby
o Mayor of Derby
o Who is the Mayor of Derby?
o The Mayor's charities
o Role of the Mayor
o Rules of the Mayorship
o Protocol for meeting the Mayor
o How to invite the Mayor to an event
o Derby's Youth Mayor
o Elections - Guide to voting in Derby
o Individual Electoral Registration FAQ
o Elections - results
o 2017 General Election Results
o 2015 General Election Results
o 2011 Local Council Election results
o 2010 Local Council Election results
o 2010 General Election Results
o 2008 Local Council Election results
o 2019 General Election Results
o Reporting electoral fraud
o Election information
o Voter ID
o Policies and plans
o Housing - strategies and policies
o Working in partnership in Derby
o Metro Strategy
o Annual Electoral Canvass 2020
o Referenda - information and advice
o Derby's Youth Mayor
o Review of polling districts and polling places 2019
o Consultations
o Consultation - overview
o Your City Your Say - latest consultations
o Budget Consultation 2019-20
o Draft Housing Strategy 2020-2029
o Licensing Policy Review
o Medium Term Financial Plan 2020/21 – 2022/23: Budget
o Public Space Protection Order Consultation 2020
o School Admissions Arrangements 2021-2022
o The future of Allestree Golf Course consultation
o Your Life Your Choice Strategy
o Forums - how you can take part
o Petitions
o Your City Your Say - closed consultations
o Special Needs and Disabilities Vision
o Home to School Transport Consultation
o Future of Carers Services
o Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document
o Gambling Statement of Principles Consultation
o Condition of licensed vehicles survey
o School admissions arrangements Consultation
o Youth Council - Voices in Action (VIA)
o You Said We Did
o Your voice: Children and young people
o Your voice!
o Your future!
o Youth Council: Voices in Action (ViA)
o Derby's Youth Mayor
o Why listen to the voice of children and young people?
o Children and Young People’s Participation Network
o Participation evidence
o Voice Of The Child toolkit
o Special Educational Needs and Disability: Voice of the child toolkit
o How to contact us
o Neighbourhood partnerships
o Neighbourhood working - information
o Neighbourhood forums - meetings
o Neighbourhood ward - Abbey
o Neighbourhood ward - Allestree
o Neighbourhood ward - Alvaston
o Neighbourhood ward - Arboretum
o Neighbourhood ward - Blagreaves
o Neighbourhood ward - Boulton
o Neighbourhood ward - Chaddesden
o Neighbourhood ward - Chellaston and Shelton Lock
o Neighbourhood ward - Darley
o Neighbourhood ward - Derwent
o Neighbourhood ward - Littleover
o Neighbourhood ward - Mackworth
o Neighbourhood ward - Mickleover
o Neighbourhood ward - Normanton
o Neighbourhood ward - Oakwood
o Neighbourhood ward - Sinfin
o Neighbourhood ward - Spondon
o Council budgets, spending and performance
o Annual accounts
o How are we performing?
o Scrutiny
o Executive Scrutiny Board
o Corporate Services Scrutiny Review Board
o Regeneration and Housing Scrutiny Review Board
o Children and Young People Scrutiny Review Board
o Communities Scrutiny Review Board
o Adults and Health Scrutiny Review Board
o Committees
o External assessments
o Annual report
o Awards
o Medium-term financial plan 2020/21 - 2022/23: Budget Consultation
o Budget Consultation 2019/20
o Customer services
o Customer services standards
o Customer complaints
o Adult Social Care Complaints
o Complaints procedure - local councillors
o Media and communications
o Press Office
o News about the Council
o Social media
o Statistics and census information
o Census information
o Derby's population
o Neighbourhood Profiles
o Open data and freedom of information
o View Freedom of Information requests
o Open data and transparency
o Business rates and council tax data
o CCTV camera locations
o Council contracts
o Counter fraud work
o Empty residential properties data
o Government Procurement Card (GPC) Transactions
o How we are preparing for Brexit
o Pay policy statements
o Payment of undisputed invoices
o Public health funerals
o Senior Management Salaries
o Supplier payments over £500
o Trade Union Act
o Trade union facility time
o Voluntary and community sector funding
o Waste management contracts
o Sinfin waste management contract 2014
o Sinfin waste management contract 2019
o Freedom of Information & Environmental Information Regulations
o Publication scheme - guide to information
o Publication scheme - who we are and what we do
o Publication scheme - what we spend and how we spend it
o Publication scheme - what our priorities are and how we are
o Publication scheme - how we make decisions
o Publication scheme - our policies and procedures
o Publication scheme - lists and registers
o Publication scheme - the services we offer
o Re-use of Public Sector Information (RPSI)
o Data Protection
o Data Protection Act
o Requesting access to CCTV
o Retention schedule
o Information Security
o National Fraud Initiative
o View Freedom of Information requests
o What's happening in Derby
o Education and learning
o A new primary school for Derby
o Adult and community education
o Adult education courses
o Derby Virtual School
o About Derby Virtual School
o Information for social workers and foster carers
o The role of a foster carer
o The role of a social worker
o Tests and assessments
o Information about schools
o Key stages explained
o Designated teachers
o Pupil Premium Plus (PP+)
o Personal Education Plan (PEP)
o School admissions for Looked After Children
o Special educational needs
o Attachment theory
o School leaving age
o Exclusions
o Ofsted
o Information for previously looked after children
o Support for previously looked after children
o Frequently asked questions
o Information for schools
o Personal Education Plan (PEP)
o Pupil Premium Plus (PP+)
o Training
o Welfare Call
o Legal definitions
o Pupil Voice
o Educational resources
o Extra-curricular activities
o Darley Barn
o Canoeing
o Caving
o Environmental activities
o Indoor or outdoor climbing
o Low and high rope challenge courses
o Orienteering
o Team Building
o Team Building - corporate
o Two Day Adventure Course
o Can I hire Darley Barn?
o How much does it cost to use Darley Barn?
o Licence - child employment
o School holiday activities
o Derby Active
o Cycle Derby
o Museums
o The Movement
o Young people's drop-in activities
o Allestree
o Alvaston
o Breadsall
o Chaddesden
o Darley
o Derwent
o Derby
o Littleover
o Mackworth
o Mickleover
o Oakwood
o Sinfin
o Spondon
o Sunnyhill
o Essential Life Skills Culture and Leisure Large Grant Fund
o Family Services Directory
o Learning choices at 16
o Leaving school
o Post-16 learning options
o Parental support
o Resources for schools
o Schools and colleges
o Schools - terms and holiday dates
o Free school meals
o Schools - admissions
o Primary schools admissions
o Apply for a reception or junior transfer place at primary
o Apply for an in-year transfer at primary school
o Schools transport
o Secondary schools admissions
o Apply for year 7 at secondary school
o Apply for a university technical college
o Apply for an in-year transfer at secondary school
o Schools admissions appeals
o Admission arrangements and policies
o Derby SEND Information Advice and Support Service
o Children Missing Education (CME)
o Education Welfare Service (EWS)
o Schools - closures
o Schools - financial information
o Previous Years S251 Budget Statement
o Previous Years S251 Outturn Statement
o Previous Years School Budgets
o Schools - governors
o Schools - home schooling
o Schools - information and contact details
o Schools - transport for 16 to 19 year olds
o Schools - travel support
o Schools' forum
o Archived documents
o Bullying and harassment policy
o Schools - truancy
o Schools - exclusion of pupils
o SEND information - Local Offer
o A-Z of Local Offer
o Activities
o Becoming an adult and preparing for the future
o Early years 0-5 and childcare
o Education
o EHC assessments and plans
o Get involved, have your say
o Health and wellbeing
o Roles of health professionals
o More help and news
o Ofsted and CQC information updates and reports
o Parent carer support
o Community Short Breaks
o Professionals zone
o SEND Local Offer Disclaimer
o Travel
o Special educational needs - transport
o Independent travel training
o Understanding your child's needs
o Autism
o Hearing impairment
o Mental health and wellbeing
o Speech and language
o What is the Local Offer?
o Young people's hub
o Environment and planning
o Building control
o Building Control (DBCP)
o Business energy efficiency advice
o Demolition form (DBCP)
o Licence - scaffolding and hoarding
o Online Building Control Register
o Skip permits
o Climate change and energy management
o Climate change
o Home energy information, advice and help
o Current projects
o Home Energy Conservation Act report 2017
o Derby's Climate Change Strategy
o D2 Energy Efficiency Audits and Grants
o D2 Energy Efficiency frequently asked questions
o D2 Energy Efficiency Case Studies
o Tidyco Case Study
o Sumed International Case Study
o Penny Hydraulics Case Study
o D2EE eligibility criteria
o Scott Property Case Study
o TDP Case Study
o Integrex Case Study
o DE-Carbonise your business
o DE-Carbonise Eligibility Criteria
o Conservation
o Archaeology
o Conservation areas
o Listed buildings register
o Tree management
o Tree preservation orders
o Derby Townscape Heritage Initiative
o Derby Townscape Heritage Initiative FAQs
o Peregrine Falcons in Derby
o Peregrine Webcam Page 1
o Peregrine Webcam Page 2
o Peregrine Webcam Page 3
o Peregrine Webcam Page 4
o Derby Skyline Work - Heritage evidence
o Planning
o Chellaston Neighbourhood Plan
o Common land and town and village greens
o Local plan - minerals
o Local plan - waste
o Call for Sites
o Self Build and Custom Housebuilding Register
o Local Plan, Part 1 Core Strategy Examination
o Local Plan, Part 1 Core Strategy Examination Library
o Neighbourhood planning
o Online Planning Register
o Online Planning Downtime
o Planning - high hedges
o Local Plan Evidence Base
o Pre-application advice for businesses
o Pre-application advice for residents
o Planning applications forms and guidance
o Planning constraints
o Planning enforcement
o Planning policy
o Planning procedures and performance
o Self Build and Custom Housebuilding Register
o Derby City Local Plan Part 2
o Derby City Brownfield Land Register
o Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment
o Retail and Centres Study
o Recycling and waste - bins
o Blue recycling bin
o Brown garden and food recycling bin
o Black waste bin
o When is my bin day?
o Missed bins
o Household waste - bulky waste
o Washable nappies
o Household waste - clinical waste
o Composting at home
o Raynesway Household Waste and Recycling Centre (HWRC)
o Commercial waste - duty of care
o Reducing waste
o Reducing food waste
o How does it get recycled?
o Education
o A-Z of recycling and rubbish
o Regeneration
o Economic growth
o Economic information and analysis
o Economic strategy
o Local economy - development
o Regeneration Projects
o City Centre Masterplan 2030
o City Living
o City Living FAQ's
o Connected Cycle City and Placemaking
o The Spot
o Derby Market Hall Transformation Programme
o High quality city centre offices
o Made in Derby
o New Assembly Rooms
o Silk Mill Renovation
o Castleward Urban Village
o Community and Place Regeneration
o Access Osmaston
o Osmaston housing
o Infinity Park Derby
o Urban design - information and advice
o Connect Derby
o Our City Our River
o Our City Our River project overview
o Find out what's happening now
o Community benefits
o The Munio projects
o Munio project overview
o Munio I: Advisory updates
o Community engagement
o What's happening at Alvaston Park?
o What's happening at Darley and Nutwood Local Nature
o What's happening at Sowter Road?
o What's happening at the Riverside Gardens?
o Package 1: Darley Abbey to The Silk Mill
o Future works
o Street care and cleaning
o Dead animal removal
o Dog and animal fouling
o Drainage - help and advice
o Flyposting - reporting and removal
o Graffiti - reporting and removal
o Grass Cutting
o Fly-tipping
o Street Cleaning Programme
o Syringe disposal
o Flooding and Land Drainage
o Flooding - Emergency Contacts
o Sources of Flooding
o Fluvial (Main River) Flooding
o Fluvial (Ordinary Watercourse) Flooding
o Surface Water Flooding
o Sewer Flooding
o Highway Flooding
o Groundwater Flooding
o Reservoir Flooding
o Reporting Flooding
o Flood and Water Management Act 2010
o The Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA)
o Local Flood Risk Management Strategy
o Flood Risk Asset Register
o SuDS Approval Body (SAB)
o Section 19 Flooding Investigations
o Our City, Our River
o Planning and Flood Risk Management
o Achieving Sustainable Development in Derby
o Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)
o SuDS Adoption in Derby
o SuDS Design and Adoption Guidance
o Land Drainage Consent
o Resident's Role in Flood Risk Management
o Sandbag Policy
o Riparian Landownership
o Flooding Data Requests
o Before, During and After a Flood
o Report Flooding or Request Advice
o European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Blue Green
Infrastructure Projects
o Health and social care
o Fostering and adoption
o Children and family care
o Children in Care
o Care Leavers and Children in Care
o Children in Care Council
o Childrens Rights Service
o Placing a child in Derby? – Out of Authority placements
o The Pledge
o Early Help Assessment
o Priority Families
o Priority Families criteria
o Additional support for Priority Families
o Mediation
o Mentoring Services
o Family Support Services
o Counselling
o Other support
o Befriending
o Group Programmes
o Therapeutic
o Child and Family Poverty
o Children and Young Peoples Mental Health
o Disabilities
o Activities for disabled people
o Advocacy service - Someone to speak on your behalf
o Aids and equipment to support independent living
o Carelink
o How does it work?
o Pricing
o Contact Us
o Changing Places toilets for disabled people
o Disabled children and young people - The Light House
o Residential breaks
o Community short breaks
o Community and home support
o Disabled parking bays
o Disabled parking permits - blue badge
o Meeting the housing needs of people with physical disabilities
o Occupational therapy
o Support for people with Autism
o Support for people with visual impairment
o Disabled People’s Parking Bay outside your home
o Support for people who are Deaf
o Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
o Key Documents and Publications
o Pre School Age Children
o Best Start
o Children in Care, Adoption and Care Leavers
o Children in Need
o Children with Disabilities and Learning Difficulties
o Speech, Language and Communication Needs
o Early Years Development
o Healthwatch
o Housing
o Lifestyle
o Adolescence
o Mental Health
o Future in Mind
o Priority Families
o Safeguarding and Child Protection Plans
o Child Death
o School Age Children
o Attainment
o Children in Care, Adoption and Care Leavers
o Children in Need
o Children with Disabilities and Learning Difficulties
o Speech, Language and Communication Needs
o Developing Well
o Healthwatch
o Healthy Settings
o LGBT Community
o Lifestyle
o Adolescence
o Mental Health
o Future in Mind
o Priority Families
o Safeguarding and Child Protection Plans
o Child Death
o Sexual Health
o Violence Prevention
o Community Offenders
o Working Age Adults
o Cancer
o Carers
o Health Protection
o Bowel Cancer Screening
o Healthwatch
o Housing
o Learning Disabilities
o LGBT Community
o Lifestyle
o Long-term Conditions
o Mental Health
o Co-existing Substance Misuse and Mental Health Issues
o Physical and Sensory Impairment
o Eye Health
o Safeguarding
o Sexual Health
o Social Care
o Substance Misuse
o Violence Prevention
o Community Offenders
o Older Adults
o Cancer
o Bowel Cancer Screening
o Carers
o End of Life Care
o Falls
o Healthwatch
o Housing
o Learning Disabilities
o Local Area Coordination
o Mental Health
o Co-existing Substance Misuse and Mental Health Issues
o Physical and Sensory Impairment
o Eye Health
o Safeguarding
o Social Care
o Short Term Care - Home First and Discharge to Assess
o Urgent Care
o Public Health
o About Public Health in Derby
o Health and Wellbeing Board
o Hot weather guidance
o Cold weather guidance
o Safeguarding adults
o Advocacy service - Someone to speak on your behalf
o Deprivation of liberty safeguards
o Information for customers, families, friends and carers
o Information for care homes and hospitals
o Information for professionals
o Mental Capacity Act 2005
o Safeguarding adults training
o Safeguarding vulnerable adults
o Safeguarding children
o Allegations against staff and volunteers who work with children
o Child Protection and Information Sharing System
o Child sexual exploitation
o Children's Centres
o Early Help
o Safeguarding children board
o Worried about a child?
o Substance misuse
o Alcohol, drugs and substance misuse
o Alcohol - advice and support
o Drugs - advice and support
o Adult social care - Your Life Your Choice
o Paying for your own care
o Activities for disabled people
o Activities for older people
o Aids and Equipment
o Care Arrangements Service
o Carelink
o How does it work?
o Pricing
o Contact Us
o Choices and types of support available locally
o Independent Financial Advice
o Meals provided for you
o Personal assistants - information and advice
o Respite care for adults
o Support for people with Autism
o Support for people with Dementia
o Support for people with visual impairment
o Living independently at home
o Aids and Equipment
o Carelink
o How does it work?
o Pricing
o Contact Us
o Choices and types of support available locally
o Meals provided for you
o Occupational therapy
o Personal assistants - information and advice
o Short term care in your home
o Support for people with Autism
o Support for people with Dementia
o Support for people with visual impairment
o Support for people who are Deaf
o Finding support in your community - Local Area Coordination
o Support from adult social care
o Adult Social Care - What is it?
o Advocacy service - Someone to speak on your behalf
o Assessment for adult social care
o Customer Stories
o Dementia Friends
o Dignity in care
o Financial assessment for adult social care
o Health and Wellbeing
o Information for people moving house and moving care
o Improving adult social care
o Information for adult social care organisations
o Personal budgets
o Prepaid Cards for Direct Payments
o Social care - out of hours support
o Support plans
o Talking Points
o Training services - Adult Social Care
o Care Act Training Resource
o Being active in your community
o Activities for disabled people
o Activities for older people
o Changing Places toilets for disabled people
o Choices and types of support available locally
o Disabled people - parking permits - blue badge
o Finding support in your community - Local Area Coordination
o Information for Carers
o Advocacy service - Someone to speak on your behalf
o Carers
o Aids and Equipment
o Challenging behaviour - Support for Parents and Carers
o Changing Places toilets for disabled people
o Choices and types of support available locally
o Respite care for adults
o Shared lives
o Young carers - support and advice
o Safeguarding adults
o Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme
o Promoting a breastfeeding-friendly Derby
o Why choose to breastfeed
o How to become a Breastfeeding Welcome Here venue
o Breastfeeding support
o Housing
o Adapting homes
o Disabled people home adaptations and aids
o Home improvements - disability facility grants
o Meeting the housing needs of people with physical disabilities
o Council housing
o Building new homes
o Aida Bliss site
o Council housing - information and advice
o Council tenants - advice and support
o Right to Buy
o Housing advice
o Garages - lettings
o Housing - information and advice
o Housing advice - older people
o Housing advice - young people
o Improvements and repairs
o The Handyperson Service
o The Healthy Housing Hub
o City Energy Saving Programme
o Land and premises
o Corporate Asset Management Plan
o Local land charges - personal search
o Local Land Charges search
o Property and land - ownership enquiries
o Property and land - sales
o Empty homes
o Empty Homes Strategy
o Research and intelligence
o Residential and extra care
o Residential care homes
o Residential Care Homes managed by Derby City Council
o Extra care housing
o Gypsy and travellers' sites
o Accelerated housing
o Priority housing sites
o Working with developers
o Jobs and careers
o Leisure and culture
o Arts and entertainment
o Arts - development
o Arts - information and advice
o Arts - partnerships
o Derby Live
o Derby Public Art
o Derby Libraries
o Alvaston Library
o Allenton Library
o Allestree Library
o Blagreaves Library
o Riverside Library
o Chaddesden Park Library
o Chellaston Library
o Local Studies Library
o Derwent Community Library
o Home Library Service
o Mackworth Library
o Mickleover Library
o Normanton Library
o Sinfin Library
o Spondon Library
o Springwood Library
o Parks
o Events
o Our parks and open spaces
o Markeaton Park
o Allestree Park
o Bass' Recreation Ground
o Chaddesden Park
o Chellaston Park
o Darley Park
o Derby Arboretum
o King George V Park
o Normanton Park
o Osmaston Park
o Racecourse Playing Fields
o Sinfin Moor Park
o Sunnydale Park
o Local Parks
o Local Nature Reserves
o Allotments
o Derby Active
o Badminton
o Golf
o Gyms
o Football
o Swimming pools
o Squash
o Table Tennis
o Tennis
o Volleyball
o Our sport and leisure facilities
o Memberships
o Learn to swim
o Health and wellbeing
o Tourism and travel
o Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site
o Derby Sales and Information Centre
o Tourism - support for business
o Town twinning
o Visit Derby website
o Museums and galleries
o Derby Active
o Sports Facilities
o Swimming
o Health and fitness memberships
o Gyms
o Join the library
o Library catalogue
o eLibrary - ebook, eAudiobook and eMagazine loans
o Things to do on our parks
o Our libraries
o Our museums
o Events
o Collections
o Learning
o Derby Live
o What's on
o Offers
o Family shows
o Our venues and spaces
o Environmental Health, Licensing and Trading Standards
o Environmental Health
o Environmental protection
o Air quality
o Abandoned vehicles
o Contaminated land
o Japanese knotweed
o Environmental permitting
o Noise nuisance
o Odour nuisance
o Public health burials
o Report dog fouling
o Report fly-posting
o Report fly-tipping
o Report littering
o Smoke nuisance
o Stray dogs
o Food hygiene and food safety
o Food hygiene and food safety: Advice for businesses
o Register a food business
o Food manufacturers and approved premises
o What to consider when opening a new food business
o Food hygiene inspections
o Food Hygiene Rating Scheme
o Food safety advice
o E.Coli O157 guidance
o Primary Authority Partnership Scheme
o Food and Feed Law Enforcement Plan
o COVID-19 Business Information
o Food hygiene and food safety: Advice for customers
o Food hygiene and safety within Derby for customers
o Food poisoning
o How can I complain about a food business?
o Food safety advice at home
o Recent food businesses with a 5 hygiene rating
o Frequently asked questions for food safety customers
o Health and safety
o Health and safety - businesses
o Who enforces health and safety at my business?
o Health and safety advice for businesses
o Current health and safety topic areas
o Accident and ill health reporting
o Health and Safety Law Enforcement Plan
o Health and Safety During the Coronavirus Pandemic
o Health and safety - employees and public
o Who enforces health and safety at a business?
o Health and safety responsibilities
o Health and safety: How do I make a complaint?
o What happens if I have an accident in a business?
o Frequently asked questions about health and safety
o Coronavirus (COVID-19)
o Coronavirus - Business responsibilities
o Housing standards
o Housing standards in the private rented sector
o Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS)
o The Derby City Council Landlord's Charter
o Houses in multiple occupation (HMO)
o Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms
o Smokefree
o How do the smokefree regulations affect me?
o Smoking shelters
o How can I complain about smoking in a smokefree area?
o Frequently asked questions about smokefree
o Licensing
o Gambling
o Gambling premises
o Gambling premises information
o Adult gaming centre licence
o Betting licences
o Bingo licence and bingo
o Casinos
o Family entertainment centre licence
o Pool betting licence
o Gambling permits
o Gambling permits
o Club gaming and machine permits
o Gaming machine categories and restrictions
o Licensed premises gambling machine permits
o Prize gaming permit
o Occasional and temporary use notices
o Unlicensed family entertainment centre machine permit
o Lottery registration
o Gambling terms and frequently asked questions (FAQs)
o Alcohol licences
o Alcohol and entertainment
o Club premises certificates
o Premises licences
o Premises licence and club premises certificate
o Objecting to licensing conditions and applications
o Minor variations to premises licences and club premises
o Temporary event notice
o Personal licences
o Taxis
o Taxi issues not dealt with by Licensing Team
o Taxi customer information and advice
o Taxi drivers
o Taxi vehicles
o Taxi operators
o Animal licences
o Animal Welfare Charter
o Dangerous animals licence
o Animal activity licence
o Other licences
o Caravan site licence
o Cooling tower notification
o Free literature distribution permit
o House to house collections permit
o Scrap metal dealer licence
o Sex shop licence
o Stage hypnotism licence
o Street collection permit
o Tattoos, skin piercing, electrolysis, acupuncture and
microblading registration
o Licences issued by other services
o Counter Service
o Trading Standards
o Pest control
o Pest Management Services
o Pest control charges: Businesses and landlords
o Pest control charges: Derby householders
o Pest control: Frequently asked questions
o Rats: Information and advice
o Mice: Information and advice
o Bed bugs: Information and advice
o Wasps: Information and advice
o Cluster flies: Information and advice
o Cockroaches: Information and advice
o Carpet beetles: Information and advice
o Ants: Information and advice
o Fleas: Information and advice
o Pigeons: Information and advice
o Squirrels: Information and advice
o Transport and streets
o Abandoned vehicles
o Abandoned vehicles - reporting and procedures
o Cycling
o Cycling - information and advice
o Ascot Drive Cycle Lane Consultation
o eBikes Derby
o Public transport
o Gold Card bus pass - disabled people
o Gold Card bus pass - older people
o Public transport - information and advice
o Covid 19 - impact on public transport
o Bus Service Operators Grant - BSOG
o Clean Bus Technology Fund
o Concessionary Fares Consultation
o Spectrum
o Roads, highways and pavements
o A52 Wyvern Transport Improvements
o Latest news
o Timeline
o Replacement Footbridge Designs
o A52 Transport Improvement Scheme Internal Audit
o Meadow Lane footbridge closure and demolition
o FAQs - Footbridge closure and demolition
o Meadow Lane Footbridge Demolition in pictures
o Question and Answers
o Tree planting
o Speed limit changes
o Match Day Travel
o Photographs
o Pedestrian Diversions
o Abnormal loads - notification
o Gating Orders
o Gritting
o Hospital traffic
o Hospital Traffic FAQs
o Kingsway Retail Park Junction
o Lighting - street lights
o Lighting - traffic lights
o Nottingham Road Improvement Works
o Latest news and updates
o Nuisance vehicles
o Pavements - obstructions
o Roads - bridge strengthening
o Roads - bridges
o Roads - closures and diversions
o Roads - enforcement
o Roads - flooding - drains and gullies
o Roads - funding of maintenance
o Roads - maintenance
o Roads - obstructions
o Roadworks
o Street parking - pavements
o Traffic Regulation Orders
o Chapel Street, Spondon
o Brick Street and Friar Gate
o Vehicle access - kerbs
o Transport policy
o Planning - transport policy
o Local sustainable transport fund
o National Productivity Investment Fund for the Local Road Network
o Transforming Cities Fund
o Future Mobility Zones
o Travel plans
o Travel plan toolkit
o Workplace travel planning
o Walking
o Rights of way - maintenance and enforcement
o Rights of way - information and advice
o Walking in Derby
o Road Safety
o Early Years and Nursery Education
o Road Safety Films
o Car Seat Videos - Introduction
o Car Seat Guide - Group 0
o Car Seat Guide – Group 1
o Car Seat Guide – Group 2/3
o Combination Seats – Birth to 18kg, Rear Facing
o Combination Seats – Birth to 18kg, Forward Facing
o Combination Seats – 9kg to 36kg
o Fitting Tips – Buckle Crunch
o Fitting Tips – Bad and Negative Anchor Points
o Fitting Tips – Position of Child’s Harness
o Fitting Tips – Tightening Seat Belt – Rear Facing
o Fitting Tips – Tightening Seat Belt - Front Facing
o Law in Brief
o Can I use a child seat if air bags are fitted?
o When is it time for the next stage seat?
o What is the safest seat position?
o Moving my child into a booster seat/cushion
o Adult seat belt on a child’s body
o Child over limit in size and age but the seatbelt is okay?
o My child can't get their arms out of a harness
o Using second hand seats
o Using a car seat after an accident
o If a seat has 'Universal' on it, what does this mean?
o ISOFIX and its benefits
o Using a car seat from abroad
o My car manufacturer’s own child seat or built in seat
o Sitting my child in the front seat
o Primary school education
o Secondary school education
o Managing our highway assets
o Policy and strategy for highways
o Commercial services
o Cleansing and waste
o Cleaning
o Clearances
o Chewing gum removal
o Graffiti removal
o Pressure washing
o Mechanical sweeping
o Window cleaning
o Carpet and upholstery cleaning
o Hard floor strip and seal
o Waste and recycling
o Highways
o General civil engineering works
o Winter maintenance services
o Drainage cleaning
o Memorial maintenance
o Pest control
o About commercial services
o Air Quality in Derby
o Tackling poor air quality
o Air Quality Plan FAQs
o Stakeholder engagement
o Air Quality and Public Health
o Previous public consultations
o The proposals
o Option One
o Option two
o Option three
o Preferred Option Announcement
o The Business Case
o News articles and announcements
o Commonly used acronyms
o Outline Business Case
o Roadside NO2 Overview
o Supporting projects
o Current Consultation
o Upcoming works
o Air quality and public health
o Latest Information
o Parking in Derby
o Parking and permits
o On street parking
o Prices
o Inner city parking
o Outer city parking
o Season tickets
o Motorcycles
o Car parks
o Markeaton Park
o Mundy Play Centre
o Assembly Rooms
o Bold Lane (Parksafe)
o Chapel Street
o Council House
o Surface level car parks
o Ford Street
o Little City
o Wilmot Street
o Abbey Street
o Abbey Street East
o Drewry Lane
o Darwin Place
o Grove street
o Season tickets
o Residential permits
o Zones
o Resident-only permits
o Visitor permits
o Business permits
o Frequently asked questions
o How do I get a parking permit?
o How do I renew my permit?
o I have a new car; do I need to buy another permit?
o I have moved house, do I need another permit?
o I own a motorcycle; do I need a parking permit?
o I have a Blue Badge; do I need a parking permit?
o I am a care worker, do I need a permit?
o How do I get resident-only parking in my area?
o I think someone is abusing the use of their permit,
what can I do?
o I am a landlord, how do I get a permit?
o Cashless parking
o Contractor permits
o Blue Badge parking
o Penalty charge notices
o Pay a PCN
o Challenge a PCN
o Appeal a PCN
o Frequently asked questions
o What is the difference between a challenge,
representation or appeal?
o What are the acceptable grounds for challenging?
o How do I pay a PCN?
o How do I challenge a PCN?
o How do I appeal a PCN?
o How do I avoid getting a Penalty Charge Notice?
o What happens if I ignore the letters sent to me?
o I have lost my penalty charge notice, what should I do?
o I have received a Notice to Owner in the post
o This is the first I know about the Penalty Charge Notice
o School enforcement
o Frequently asked questions
o What is the issue outside of schools?
o Which schools have a Traffic Regulation Order?
o Bus lanes and bus stops
o Frequently asked questions
o What is the issue with bus lanes?
o Where are the city's bus lanes?
o What is the issue with bus stops?
o Why do you use CCTV cameras for enforcement?
o What is the penalty for breaching one of the regulations?
o Access to bus lanes
o Frequently asked questions
o What are Penalty Charge Notices?
o What parking enforcement is the Council responsible for?
o Am I exempt from any waiting restrictions?
o I need my vehicle to be close by because I need to carry out
essential work - what do I do?
o What are 'general exemptions'?
o Are there other car park operators in Derby?
o Where are the Park and Ride services in Derby?
o What is a protective entrance marking and how do I get one?
o What is it like to be a Civil Enforcement Officer?
o What can I do if an Enforcement Agent or Bailiff contacts me?
o Are parking restrictions enforced on bank holidays?
o Are Civil Enforcement Officers set targets for issuing penalty
charge notices?
o How can I request a new residential parking scheme or a new
parking restriction?
o Who can use the bicycle loops located on the pavement?
o Can I pay by card?
o Further information
o Park and Ride
o Public transport
o Gold Card bus pass - disabled people
o Gold Card bus pass - older people
o Public transport - information and advice
o Bus Service Operators Grant - BSOG
o Clean Bus Technology Fund
o Concessionary Fares Consultation
o Spectrum

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