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(1) T(4th Sm.


Paper : CC-10
Full Marks : 65

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words

as far as practicable.

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T(4th Sm.)-History-H/CC-10/CBCS (2)

[ English Version ]
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

1. Answer the following questions : 1×15

(a) Name the autobiography of Jahangir.
(b) Who wrote Futuhat-i-Alamgiri?
(c) Which Mughal Emperor suppressed the Portuguese in Bengal?
(d) Name the Sufi saint who laid the foundation of the Golden Temple at Amritsar.
(e) When did Aurangzeb incorporate Bijapur within the Mughal Empire?
(f) Who introduced Du Aspa and Sih Aspa?
(g) What is meant by jama in Mughal revenue system?
(h) Name a famous painter during the reign of Jahangir.
(i) Who was the chief architect of Taj Mahal?
(j) When did Aurangzeb sign the treaty with Mewar?
(k) In which year did Shivaji ascend the throne?
(l) Which Sikh leader was killed by the order of Aurangzeb?
(m) Who was the first Nawab of Bengal?
(n) By which name the gold coins were called in the Mughal period?
(o) Which was the main product of export trade during the Mughal period?
(3) T(4th Sm.)-History-H/CC-10/CBCS

2. Answer any four questions (within 250 words) : 5×4

(a) What was Nurjahan junta?
(b) What was the difference between Tankhwa jagir and Watan jagir?
(c) Write a short note on Satnami revolt.
(d) What was the contribution of Jahangir to the Mughal painting?
(e) When and between whom was the treaty of Purandar signed? What were the terms of the treaty?
(f) How did Awadh emerge as a regional power during the last phase of the Mughal rule?
(g) What is meant by karkhana in Mughal India?
(h) What was the role played by the Dutch traders in the Indian Ocean trade?

3. Answer any three questions (within 500 words) : 10×3

(a) Discuss the Central-Asian policy pursued by Shahjahan.
(b) How would you explain the religious policy of Aurangzeb?
(c) What was the role played by caste and religion in the peasant revolts during the Mughal period?
(d) How far was the crisis of Jagirdari system responsible for the decline of the Mughal Empire?
(e) Do you think that the 18th century was a dark age in Indian history?
(f) Write an essay on the banking system in Mughal India.

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