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NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class: …………………..

The topics of writing

Exercise 1: Write a short paragraph (50-60 words) about your place. Your writing should
- Your name ( tên)
- Your address (địa chỉ của bạn)
- Characteristics of your place (đặc điểm nơi ở của bạn)
- Who you live with (em sống với ai)
- Do you like your place? Why? Or why not? (em có thích nơi ở của mình không, tại sao?)
- Hướng dẫn:
Giới thiệu tên: My name is…./ I am….
Tuổi: I am 10 years old.
Your address (địa chỉ của bạn): My address is Thuong village…. I live in Thuong…
- Characteristics of your place (đặc điểm nơi ở của bạn): big and busy, far and quiet, large
and crowded, small and pretty, beautiful, peaceful….
It is/ My village(town) is…..
- Who you live with (em sống với ai): I live with my family, my parents and my sister….
- Do you like your place? Why? Or why not? (em có thích nơi ở của mình không, tại sao?)
- I love my village very much because it is peaceful/crowded… people here are kind and
friendly. We often help each other whenever someone needs.
NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class: …………………..

Exercise 2: Write a short paragraph ( 50-60 words) about your daily activities.

Your writing should include:

- Your name ( tên)

- What you often do in the morning (bạn thường làm gì vào buổi sáng?)
- What you often do in the afternoon (bạn thường làm gì vào buổi chiều?)
- What you often do in the evening (bạn thường làm gì vào buổi tối?)
- What you often do before bed time (bạn thường làm gì trước khi đi ngủ?)
Hướng dẫn:
Your name:………..
- What you often do in the morning (bạn thường làm gì vào buổi sáng?)
Get up at…, do morning exercise, brush my teeth……
Have breakfast with fried rice/ noodles…. Have fried rice for breakfast…
Go to school….
(thường dùng các trạng từ chỉ tần suất: always, usually, often, sometimes, never))
- What you often do in the afternoon (bạn thường làm gì vào buổi chiều?)
After school: do my homework, watch films/ cartoons on Tv, go to the swimming pool
with my friends, go swimming, go to the sports centre, play football….., cook dinner…
- What you often do in the evening (bạn thường làm gì vào buổi tối?)
Do my homework, watch Tv…, play with my sisters/ brothers
- What you often do before bed time (bạn thường làm gì trước khi đi ngủ?)
Brush my teeth, read comic books/ fairy tales….
NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class: …………………..
Go to bed at 10 o’clock.


Exercise 3: Write a short paragraph ( 50-60 words) about your last holiday.

Your writing should include:

- Your name ( tên)

- Where you went (bạn đã đi đâu)
- When did you go?
- who did you go with?
- How did you get there (bạn đến đó bằng phương tiện gì)
NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class: …………………..
- How far is it from your house to there?( Khoang cach bao xa)
- How long did it take you to get there?(mat bao thoi gian de den do) – I took me...
- What you did (bạn đã làm gì)
- What you saw (bạn đã nhìn thấy gì) I SAW
- What you ate (bạn đã ăn gì)
- Do you want to come back there? Why or why : not?(bạn có muốn quay lại đó không?, tại
sao, tại sao không?) I want to come back there because it .....
NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class: …………………..
Exercise 4: Write a short paragraph ( 50-60 words) about your plan for weekend.
Your writing should include:

- Where you will go (bạn sẽ đi đâu)

- What you will do (bạn sẽ làm gì)
- What you will eat (bạn sẽ ăn gì)
- Who will you go with (bạn sẽ đi với ai)
- What you will bring (bạn sẽ mang theo cái gì)
- Where you will go
- ……… Where you will go: I will be in the city/ in the mountains/by the sea/ in the
I will go to Dalat/Nha trang/Ha long….
- What you will do
Visit the museum, go to the park/zoo/ supermarket…buy some books….
Climb the mountains, go sightseeing (ngắm cảnh),take photos, go camping…
Go fishing/ swim in the river, fly kites, visit my grandparents, help do the gardening….
Swim, stay in the hotels, watch tv,
What you will eat
eat seafood…./salad/
- Who will you go with
My family/friends/ neighbours/classmates….
- What you will bring
Clothes, swimsuits, suncream, sunglasses, camera, ……
- I hope I will have a nice trip at weekend.

Exercise 5: Write a short paragraph ( 50-60 words) about your own way of learning English.
Your writing should include:

- How you learn vocabularly

- How do you learn listening
NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class: …………………..
- How do you learn speaking
- How do you learn reading
- How do you learn writing
- Why do you learn English?
Hướng dẫn chi tiết:
- Giới thiệu tên, tuổi của mình.
Giới thiệu môn học yêu thích của em là môn Tiếng Anh.
At school, I study many subjects but I like English the most/ my favourite subject is
- How you learn vocabularly (Em học từ vựng như thế nào? )
Write new words in my notebook and read them aloud.
Write new words many times and make sentences with them
- How do you learn listening (Em luyện nghe như thế nào?)
Watch English cartoons on Tv.
Listen to English CDs/ English songs.
- How do you learn speaking (Em luyện nói như thế nào?)
Speak English every day.
Talk with my foreign friends/ teacher
- How do you learn reading (Em luyện đọc như thế nào?)
Read English short stories/ comic books
- How do you learn writing (Em luyện viết như thế nào?)
Write emails to my friends in English.
- Why do you learn English?
I want to learn English because I want to travel around the world./
I want to talk with foreign friends
- Câu kết bài là: “ That’s all about my own way of learning English.”
NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class: …………………..
Hi. My name is .................. I’m eleven years old. I’m in grade 5, class 5A.
My favourite subject is English. I learn new words by writing words
in my notebook. I practice listening by listening to English songs.
I practice speaking by speaking English with my friends. I practice reading
by reading English comic books. I practice writing by writing emails to
my friends.
That’s all about my own (của riêng mình) way of learning English.
Exercise 6: Write a short paragraph ( 50-60 words) about your favourite story. Your
writing should include:

- What kind of book/story you like

- The name of the book/ story you like
- Who is the main character
NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class: …………………..
- What is he/she like
- What do you think of the characters
- Do you like reading that book/story? Why/why not?
Hướng dẫn chi tiết:
- Giới thiệu tên, tuổi của mình.
- Giới thiệu em thích đọc truyện vào thời gian rảnh rỗi.
I like reading books in my free time. I often read books in my free time.
- What kind of book/story you like (loại chuyện mà em thích)
Fairy tales(chuyện cổ tích), short stories (chuyện ngắn), comic books (chuyện tranh),
detective stories (chuyện chinh thám)….
- The name of the book/ story you like ( tên cuốn chuyện mà em thích)
Doreamon, The story of Mai An Tiem, Tam and Cam, The Fox and the Crow, Aladdin
and the magic lamp, Snow White and the seven dwarfs, The star fruit tree…..
- Who is the main character (Nhân vật chính là ai?)
The main character is MAT….
The main characters are the two brothers/ the Fox and the Crow
- What is he/she like?(nhân vật như thế nào?)
He/ she /it is clever, hard-working, lazy, kind, intelligent, beautiful, mean, gentle, funny,
bad, greedy, generous, …..
They are kind…
- What do you think of the characters? (bạn nghĩ gì về nhân vật đó, bạn có thích nhân vật đó
không và tại sao?)
I like MATh very much because he is intelligent and hard-working…
Kết luận: I like reading fairy tales / comic books….because I can learn many lessons
from those. So that I know how to behave well and live better.
NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class: …………………..

Hi. My name is .................. I’m eleven years old. I’m in grade 5, class 5A.
I like reading stories in my free time.
I like reading comic books. The name of my favourite story is Doraemon. The main
character is Doraemon. He is short, fat but intelligent.
I like Doraemon because he is clever and kind. I love comic books because they
are interesting and funny. I can learn many lessons from those. So that I know how to
behave well and live better.

Exercise 7: Write a short paragraph (50-60 words) about your visiting the zoo. Your
writing should include:

- When you went to the zoo: bạn đến thăm vườn khi nào
- Who you went to the zoo with: Bạn đi với ai
NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class: …………………..
- What animals you saw at the zoo: em nhìn thấy những vật nào
- What animals did when you were there?: chúng làm gì khi em ở đó
- Do you like visiting the zoo? Why or why not?: em có thích đi thăm vườn bách thú không,
tại sao, tại sao không

+ When you went to the zoo?

- I went to the zoo last week/Sunday….

- + Who you went to the zoo with

I went to the zoo with my family/friends/ classmates

+What animals you saw at the zoo

I saw many animals such as: monkeys, tigers, crocodiles, peacocks…
- What animals did when you were there?
First, I saw the monkeys, they jumped up and down quickly, they ate bananas.
Then. I saw….
Next, I saw…..
Finally, I
- Do you like visiting the zoo? Why or why not?
I like visiting the zoo because there are many animals. They are…….. I love animals.
NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class: …………………..

Hi. My name is .................. I’m eleven years old. I’m in grade 5, class 5A.
I went to the zoo with my family last Sunday. I saw monkeys and
peacocks. The monkeys were funny. The peacocks were beautiful. I had a good
time there.
That’s all about my last visit to the zoo
Exercise 8: Write a short paragraph ( 50-60 words) about your plan on Teachers’ Day.
Your writing should include:

- When the Teachers’ Day will be

- Who your head teacher is
- What are you going to do on Teachers’ Day
- What present are you going to give your teachers
- Do you love your teacher? Why or why not?
Phần hướng dẫn chi tiết:
Tên, tuổi, lớp
- When the Teachers’ Day will be (khi nào diễn ra)
The teachers’ Day will be on next Sunday/Saturday, November 20th
NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class: …………………..
- Who your head teacher is (cô giáo chủ nhiệm là ai)
Our head teacher is Mrs…, She teaches us Maths…/ She is a Maths teacher.
She is kind and friendly…
- What are you going to do on Teachers’ Day(bạn dự định làm gì vào ngày 20/11)
I am going to /We are going to/ My classmates are going to…play badminton/football/
play tug of war(kéo co)….
Take part in the singing contest/running competition/ music festival…
We are practicing hard for this event now.
- What present are you going to give your teachers(các bạn sẽ tặng quà gì cho cô)
I am/We are going to give our teacher a bunch of flowers, cards, cake and sweets.
- Do you love your teacher? Why or why not?
We love our teacher because she gives us many lessons about behavior, kindness and
interesting things around us.
NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class: …………………..
Exercise 9: Write a short paragraph ( 50-60 words) about your future job.
Your writing should include:
- How old you are
- What the name of your school is
- What your favourite subject is
- What would you like to be in the future
- Where would you like to work?
- Who would you like to work with?
- Why you would like to do this job? Why?
- Giới thiệu em đang học tập chăm chỉ ở trường. Em hi vọng ước mơ của em sẽ trở thành
hiện thực trong tương lai.
Hướng dẫn chi tiết:
Tên, tuổi, lớp
- What the name of your school is (TÊN TRƯỜNG CỦA BẠN)
I study at BS Primary school./I am a student at…..
It is a big and nice school.
- What your favourite subject is
I study many subjects such as…. But my favourite subjects are…
- What would you like to be in the future
I would like to be a/an…/I want to be a/an..artist,writer, pilot, engineer, teacher, nurse,
doctor, architect
NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class: …………………..
Because I would like to fly planes, look after patients, design buildings, write stories,
teach young children…
- Where would you like to work?
I would like to work in a school, a hospital, a plane…
- Who would you like to work with?
I would like to work with other teachers, nurses, pilots…
- Why you would like to do this job? Why?
I would like to be a/an…because it is an interesting/a meaningful (có ý nghĩa) job. I can
help many people/meet many people around the world.
- Giới thiệu em đang học tập chăm chỉ ở trường. Em hi vọng ước mơ của em sẽ trở thành
hiện thực trong tương lai.
- I am studying hard at school now, I hope my dream job ( ước mơ) will become (trở
thành) true ( đúng, hiện thực) in the future.
NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class: …………………..
- Hi. My name is .................. I’m eleven years old. I’m in grade 5, class 5A. I study at BS
Primary school.
- I would like to be a pilot in the future because I would like to fly a plane . I
would like to work in a big plane with other pilots. I see, a pilot is an interesting job. It
needs brave. I’m studying hard at school. I hope my dream will become true
in the future.
Topic 10: Write a paragraph/ passage (50-60 words) about your favourite season and
Viết 1 đoạn văn (50-60 từ) về mùa và thời tiết yêu thích của em
* Nội dung cần viết:
- Giới thiệu tên, tuổi của mình.
- Giới thiệu em sống ở đâu?
I live in Bac Giang. It is in the North of Vietnam.
- Có mấy mùa nơi em sống?
There are four seasons in my country.
They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
- Mùa yêu thích của em là gì?
My favourite season is summer. /autumn/winter/ spring
Thời tiết như thế nào? Có điều gì vào mùa đó?
The weather/It is usually hot and sunny/cool/cold. There are a lot of flowers and green
trees…../There is a lot of rain/snow/wind
- Em thường làm gì vào mùa đó?
I love summer/autumn… because I can play many sports such as badminton, football,
swimming, flying a kite…I like swimming very much. I also have a summer holiday. I can visit
some beautiful places with my family. It is really interesting.
NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class: …………………..
- Câu kết bài là: “ That’s all about my favourite season.”

Hi. My name is .................. I’m eleven years old. I’m in grade 5, class 5A.
I live in Bac Giang. It’s in the north of Viet Nam. There are four
seasons in Bac Giang. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. My
favourite season is summer. It’s hot and sunny. There are a lot of flowers.
I often go swimming in summer.
That’s all about my favourite season.
NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class: …………………..
Topic 11 (Chủ đề 1): Write a paragraph/ passage (50-60 words) about you and your family.
Viết 1 đoạn văn (50-60 từ) về em và gia đình của em.
* Nội dung cần viết:
- Giới thiệu tên, tuổi của mình.
- Giới thiệu có mấy người trong gia đình em.
There are four members/ people in my family/My family has four….
They are my father, my mother, my sister and me
- Giới thiệu tên, tuổi, nghề nghiệp, nơi làm việc của bố.
My father’s name is Tuan. He is 40 years old. He is a teacher. He works in a school….
- Giới thiệu tên, tuổi, nghề nghiệp, nơi làm việc của mẹ.
My mother’s name is Lan. She is….
- Giới thiệu tên, tuổi, nghề nghiệp, nơi làm việc của anh em trai/ chị em gái.
My sister is Hoa. She is a student at BS primary school. She is 8 years old.
- Câu kết bài là: “ We are a happy family. I love my family so much.
NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class: …………………..

Hi, my name is..................... I’m eleven years old. I’m a student in grade 5, class 5A.
There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister/
brother and me. My father is a worker. He is Tuan. He is 36 years old. He works in a
factory. My mother is a teacher. She is Lan.
She is 32 years old. She works in a school.
My sister/ brother is a student. She/He is 8 years old.
We are a happy family. I love my family so much.
Topic 12: Write a paragraph/ passage (50-60 words) about what your family members do in
their free time.
Viết 1 đoạn văn (50-60 từ) về những việc các thành viên trong gia đình em thường làm vào
thời gian rảnh rỗi .
* Nội dung cần viết:
- Giới thiệu tên, tuổi của mình.
- Giới thiệu em thường làm gì, với ai vào thời gian rảnh rỗi.
Watch Tv, play chess/badminton/football…, read comic books, go swimming, go shopping, ride
a bike, fly a kite…
I often watch Tv and help my mum with housework in my free time. Sometimes, I ride a bike in
the park with my friends….
- Giới thiệu bố em thường làm gì vào thời gian rảnh rỗi.
My father often surfs the internet/ watches Tv…in his free time./ sometimes helps my mother
cook meals
- Giới thiệu mẹ em thường làm gì vào thời gian rảnh rỗi.
NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class: …………………..
My mother usually goes shopping/talks with her friends/ in her free time
- Giới thiệu chị em gái/ anh em trai của em thường làm gì vào thời gian rảnh rỗi.
My sister sometimes reads short stories/ plays with toys in her free time.
- Câu kết bài là: We often do different things in the free time because we have different hobbies.
I love free time, I can do anything I like”
That’s all about what my family members do in the free time.

Hi. My name is .................. I’m eleven years old. I’m in grade 5, class 5A.
NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class: …………………..
I often play football/ play badminton with my sister in my free time. My
father usually goes fishing in his free time. My mother often goes shopping
in her free time.
My sister/ brother often watches TV in her/ his free time.
That’s all about what my family members do in the free time.

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