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First of all we will like to thank ‘The Almighty’ for giving us the time, courage, patience and
determination of doing the project. Without the passionate help of our Advisor Mr. Dawit K. Our
work couldn’t pass all the up and downs with such ease.
So, we will like to express our deepest gratitude to Mr. Dawit K who was there with dedication,
enthusiasm and generosity (time) in all steps of our work. Last but not least we like to appreciate
our unity and coordination in working as a group.

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chapter one.......................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Specifications.........................................................................................................................1
CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................3
ROOF DESIGN...............................................................................................................................3
2.1Wind Pressure on the roof......................................................................................................3
2.2. Analysis & Design of Lattice Purlin.....................................................................................8
2.2.1Loads on Lattice purlin....................................................................................................8
2.2.2Analysisof Lattice purlin...............................................................................................12
2.2.3Design of Members of Lattice Purlin............................................................................14
2.3 Analysis & Design of truss..................................................................................................18
2.3.1Loads on truss................................................................................................................18
2.3.2 Design of the truss members.........................................................................................20
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................25
SLAB DESIGN.............................................................................................................................25
3.1 Depth of slab for deflection requirement.............................................................................25
3.2 Load Calculation..................................................................................................................26
3.2.1 Design loads for first floor slabs...................................................................................27
3.2.2. Design of solid slab by using Coefficient Method......................................................29
3.2.3 Analysis of individual panels........................................................................................31
3.2.4. Adjustment of span and support moment....................................................................33
3.2.5. Support moment’s adjustment.....................................................................................34
3.2.6. Check adequacy of slab thickness for flexure.............................................................39
3.2.7. Design strength of concrete and steel..........................................................................40
CHAPTER FOUR.........................................................................................................................45
Stair Case Design...........................................................................................................................45
4.1Depth for deflection for the inclined slab.............................................................................46
4.2 Load computation................................................................................................................46
4.3 Moment Analysis.................................................................................................................49
4.4 Shear Force computation.....................................................................................................51

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CHAPTER FIVE...........................................................................................................................55
DESIGN OF BEAMS....................................................................................................................55
5.1 Style of beam reinforcement................................................................................................55
5.2. Doubly reinforced cross section.........................................................................................56
5.3. Depth Determination..........................................................................................................56
5.4. Design for Flexure Reinforcement.....................................................................................58
5.5. SHEAR REINFORCEMENT DESIGN.............................................................................61
CHAPER SIX................................................................................................................................64
DESIGN OF COLUMN................................................................................................................64
6.1 Column Design Procedure...................................................................................................64
6.2. Check for Sway Mode........................................................................................................65
6.3 Design of the shear..............................................................................................................69
GROUND FLOOOR COLUMN C1.....................................................................................73
Column Axis 3- B-C1 First Floor Column............................................................................74
CHAPTER SEVEN.......................................................................................................................79
Foundation Design.........................................................................................................................79
7.1. Determination of Bearing Capacity....................................................................................79
7.2. Design of Isolated Footing..................................................................................................79
Thickness of Footing.............................................................................................................80
Structural Design of Footing.................................................................................................82
Check for Depth.....................................................................................................................82

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In this integrated project we designed a G+2, commercial building located in hosanna Town. In
our design we included the lateral load analysis (wind load) and detailed structural design of
roof, slab, beam, column, and a typical foundation design.
All the structural members are designed as per the specification of Ethiopian Building code of
Standards, EBCS and We used Limit state design method. The frame and truss analysis is done
using ETABS and SAP software.
1.1 Specifications
Purpose – residential building, Approach – limit state design method Materials

Concrete c-25, class I work.

Steel s-300 deformed bars

Partial safety factor – concrete γc = 1.5, Steel γs= 1.15

Partial safety factor for loads DL=1.3, LL=1.6


Where DL=dead load, LL=live load, Pd =designed load

Design Data and Materials.


Characteristic strength of the concrete

Fck =0.8*25=20N/mm²

Fctk =0.21fck^2/3=1.547Mpa

Design strength of the concrete

Fcd =0.85fck/γc=0.85*20/1.5=11.33Mpa

Fctd =fctk/ γc=1.547/1.5=1.031Mpa

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Characteristic strength of the steel

Fyk =300N/mm²

Design strength of the steel

Fyd =Fyk/γs=300/1.15=260.87N/mm²

Unit weight of the materials which are used in our project from EBCS-2, 1995

Unit weight of concrete γc = 25KN/m3

Unit weight of marble = 27KN/m3

Unit weight of PVC tile = 16KN/m3

Unit weight of cement screed = 23KN/m3

Unit weight of hollow block (HCB) = 14KN/m3

Unit weight of ceramic tile = 23KN/m3

Live load from EBCS-2, 1995

Bed room =2KN/m²

Bath room=2 KN/m²

Corridor=4 KN/m²

Stair case=3 KN/m², Balcony=4KN/m²

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2.1Wind Pressure on the roof
The roof of our building is a duo-pitch type.


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α=Tan-1(1.3/8.4) =8.8

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Wind direction =0°, perpendicular to ridge.

Area of each zone

Zone F G H I J

Area (m2) 4.9 9.9 215 215 19.7

Cpe=Cpe, 10, A≥10 m2
Cpe=Cpe, 1 + (Cpe, 10-Cpe, 1) logA10 1≤A≤10m2, EBCS-1, 1995, Page69
Cpe=Cpe, 10
For zone, H, I & J,
Cpe=Cpe, 10
For Zone F and G,
Cpe=Cpe,1 + (Cpe,10-Cpe,1)log4.910 ,= Cpe,1 + (Cpe,10-Cpe,1)0.75
For Zone F,
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Cpe=Cpe, 1 + (Cpe, 10-Cpe, 1) log4.910, = Cpe, 1 + (Cpe, 10-Cpe, 1)0.75
Zone F, G, H, I, J are located at the located at the roof wing where α
1=8.8°, then linear interpolation b/n α=15°&α=5°, using table A.4 from EBCS-1 1995, is
Let, 5°=a, where a& b are the Cpe, 1 or Cpe, 10 value from table A.45.3°=Cpe15°=b
Then interpolating,
(15°-5°) / (b-a)= (5.3°-5°) / (Cpe-a).Cpe=a+0.03(b-a)
Let, 5°=a, where a &b are the Cpe,1 or Cpe,10 value from table A.4
Then interpolating,
(15°-5°) / (b-a) = (6.4°-5°) / (Cpe-a).
Solving the interpolation in a tabular form...
N.B At =0° the pressure changes rapidly b/n positive & negative values on the windward face
around pitch angle of +15°to +30°, but our pitch angles are 5.3° & 6.4°i.e not around 15°, so we
use the negative values of 15°for interpolation.

Zone F G H
Cpe,10 Cpe,1 Cpe,10 Cpe,1 Cpe,10 Cpe,10 Cpe,10
b, 15° -0.9 -2.0 -0.8 -0.3 -0.4 -0.1 -0.8
a, 5° -1.7 -2.5 -1.2 -0.6 -0.3 -0.3 -0.7
Cpe=a+0.03(b-a) -1.67 -2.48 -1.18 -0.59 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5

For zone F & G, area is b/n 1m2& 10m2, thus

Cpe= Cpe,1 + (Cpe,10-Cpe,1)0.75
Cpe = -2.48 + (-1.67-(-2.45))*0.75
Cpe= -1.895

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Internal Pressure Coefficient, Cpi
For closed building with internal partition wall & opening windows EBCS-1, 1995 83
recommends to use the extreme values as Cpi=+0.8, for pressure= -0.5, for suction
Net Pressure, Wnet
Wnet=We ± Wi=(0.384 Cpe ± 0.384 Cpi) KN/m2=0.384 (Cpe ± Cpi) KN/m2
Case I: pressure case, taking Cpi=+0.8,
Wnet=0.384 (Cpe-Cpi)

Zone F G H I J
Cpe -1.895 -1.18 -0.59 -0.303 -0.32
Cpi +0.8 +0.8 +0.8 +0.8 +0.8
Cpe10-Cpi -2.695 -1.98 -1.39 -1.103 -1.12
Wnet=0.384(Cpe- -1.035 -0.76 -0.534 -0.424 -0.43

Case II: suction case, taking Cpi= -0.5

Wnet=0.384 (Cpe-Cpi)

Zone F G H I J
Cpe -1.895 -1.18 -0.59 -0.303 -0.32
Cpi -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5
Cpe10-Cpi -1.395 -0.68 -0.09 +0.107 +0.18
Wnet=0.384(Cpe- -0.536 -0.261 0.035 0.076 0.069

From case I & II

: Wnet Critical Positive= 0.069 KN/m2
.Wnet Critical Negative= 1.035 KN/m2.

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2.2. Analysis & Design of Lattice Purlin
2.2.1Loads on Lattice purlin
Critical Wnet positive=0.069 KN/m2
.Wnet negative= -1.035 KN/m2.
Determination of purlin spacing by looking the wind pressure and referring “Manual of cold
formed welded structural and furniture steel tubing” from kaliti steel industry. We have selected
EGA-300 with thickness of 0.4mm.
Load on the purlin
a) Self-weight of EGA sheet-From the previous manual self-weight of EGA-300 of
thickness 0.4mm is 3.14
Kg/m or 0.0314 KN/m-
To determine the dead load per area the weight should be divided by width of the sheet.
D.L (KN/m2)=(0.0314 KN/m)/0.823m=0.0382 KN/m2
b) Live load, qk& Qk-The characteristics value Qk & qk are given EBCS-1 1995, table 2.13
&2.14.-For a roof which is not accessible for normal maintenance repairs, painting &minor
repairs, the category is H.-

For sloping category H, qk=0.25 KN/m2

Qk=1 KN (point load).
c) Wind Load

Case I : positive pressure.-Since we have two pitch angles α1=8.8°

&α2=8.8°, to get a maximum cosine-value we used α1=5.23°for the transfer.-WL=0.069 KN/m2,
perpendicular to the roof-To make it a vertical load. WL=0.069 KN/m2*
Case II: negative pressure.
WL= -`1.035 KN/m2, perpendicular to the roof
To make it a vertical load. WL= -1.035 KN/m2* COS8.8°=-1.023 KN/m2
Load combination
Pd=1.3D.L + 1.6L.L + W.L
Case I: positive pressure
Pd=(1.3*(0.03) + 1.6*(0.25) + 0.0687) KN/m2.

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Pd(+ve)=0.518 KN/m2.
Using this load and thickness of EGA, the purlin spacing is found to 2m from the previous kaliti
Case II: negative pressure
Pd= (1.3*0.0382 + 1.6*0.25 + (-1.031)) KN/m2.
Pd(-ve)=-0.581 KN/m2.
Using this load and thickness of EGA, the purlin spacing is found to be 1.9 m from the pervious
kaliti manual.
Therefore the governing purlin spacing is = min (1.9m, 2m) =1.9 m
Total design load on the purlin
According to ESCP-1, 1983 section 3.3.22 for ultimate limit state, we have the following
possible combination.
N.B: we used the ultimate limit state for the purpose of safety. I.e, serviceability limit state have
only two combination (Pd=1.25 D.L + L.L & Pd=D.L + 0.8 W.L)
Combination 1
: Dead load + Live load
Pd=1.3 D.L= 1.6 L.L
a) Concentrated live load
Pd=1.3*(0.038*cos 8.8°) KN/m + 1.6*1*cos 8.8°KN=0.049 KN/m + 1.593 KN
We have considered only the component of the EGA sheet dead load & the live load which is
perpendicular to the EGA sheet for the design and we neglect the parallel component of the EGA
sheet dead load since its effect is negligible.
b) Uniform live load
Pd=1.3*(0.038*cos 8.8°) KN/m + 1.6*0.25*cos 8.8°) KN/m=0.049 KN/m + 0.398 KN/m=0.447
Combination 2: dead load + wind load Pd=0.9 D.L + 1.3 W.L

a) Positive wind load

Pd=0.9*0.038*cos 8.8°KN/m + 1.3*0.069 KN/m=0.034 KN/m + 0.089 KN/m=0.123 KN/m
c) Negative wind load Pd(-ve)=0.9*0.038*cos 8.8°KN/m + 1.3*(-1.035) KN/m=0.031
KN/m –1.355 KN/m= -1.311 KN/m

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Combination 3
: Dead Load + Live Load + Wind Load
Pd=0.8*(1.3*D.L + 1.6*L.L + 1.6*W.L)
A) Concentrated live load
i) Positive wind load
Pd (+ve)=0.8*(1.3*0.038*cos 8.8°KN/m + 1.6*1KN*cos 8.8°+1.6*(0.069) KN/m)
=0.127 KN/m + 1.275 KN
ii) Negative wind load Pd(-ve)=0.8*(1.3*0.038*cos 8.8°KN/m+1.6*cos 8.8°*1KN+1.6*-1.035 =
-1.285 KN/m + 1.275 KN
b) Uniform live load
i)Positive wind load Pd(+ve)=0.8*(1.3*0.038*cos 8.8°KN/m+1.6*0.25*cos 8.8°KN/m +
1.6*0.069 KN/m)=0.446 KN/m
ii) Negative wind load
Pd(-ve)=0.8*(1.3*0.038*cos 8.8°KN/m + 1.6*0.25*cos 8.8°KN/m + 1.6*(-1.035)KN/m= -0.966
Determination of reaction for all of the combinations for selecting the critical combination
Applying the combined loads on the purlin with the length, L=1.9m b/n two purlins.
Combination 1-aPd=0.049 KN/m + 1.593 KN

2R=0.049 KN/m*1.9m + 1.593 KN

Combination 3-ai
Pd=0.127 KN/m + 1.275 KN

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2R=0.127 KN/m*1.9m + 1.275 KN
Combination 3-aii
Pd= -1.285 KN/m + 1.275 KN

2R+1.285 KN/m*1.9m=1.275 KNR= -0.583 KN

Combination 1-b, Pd=0.447 KN/m
Combination 2-a, Pd=0.123 KN/m
Combination 3-bi, Pd=0.446 KN/m
Max Pd=0.447 KN/m.
For combination 1-b, Pd=0.447 KN/m

2R=0.447 KN/m*1.9m
R=0.425 KN

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Combination 2-b, Pd= -1.311 KN/m
Combination 3-bii, Pd= -0.966 KN/m
Max, Pd= -1.311 KN/m
For combination 2-b, Pd= -1.311 KN/m

2R= -1.311 KN/m*1.9m

R= -1.245 KN
Then, governing R(+ve)=max{0.843 KN, 0.76KN, 0.425 KN}=0.843 KN
Therefore critical combination for positive reaction is combination 1-a, D.L+L.L (concentrate)
with R(+ve)=0.843 KN
 Governing R(-ve)=max{-0.583 KN, -1.25 KN}= -1.245 KN
Therefore critical combination for negative reaction is combination 2-b, D.L + W.L (suction),
with R(+ve)= -1.245 KN.

2.2.2Analysisof Lattice purlin

 The analysis done for both of the positive and negative reaction case.
The critical reaction calculated above are applied as UDL on the purlin
Then, the UDL is turned to concentrated load at center by multiplying It by the length of the
The concentrated load on each node is then determined by dividing the concentrated load at
center by the no of nodes.
The effect of self-weight of the purlin is included in the SAP analysis by defining the section.
We use a lattice purlin having a length, L=3.26 m which is the critical length of design.

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Since the purlin carries the load from adjacent EGA sheet section, the reaction from the critical
loading should be multiplied by two
A) Positive reaction, R(+ve)
R(+ve)=0.843 KN/m-2R(+ve)=1.686 KN/m-L=3.26 m
R concentrated=1.686 KN/m*3.26=5.496 KN
R on each node=R concentrate/no of node=5.496 KN/9=0.61 KN SAP analysis -R on the
node=0.61 KN-Self weight of purlin is included by defining the section-RHS 20x20x1 (ST-20)
with t=1mm for top & bottom chord-RHS 12x12x0.8 (ST-12) with t=0.8mm, for diagonal

Use comb=1(R) + 1.3 (D.L of purlin)

SAP output-values are in KN.

Maximum Outputs
Top= -8.77 KN
Bottom=9.21 KN
Diagonal Comp= -2.89 KN
Diagonal tens=3.54 KN
Reaction=3.1 KN
B) Negative reaction, R(-ve) R(-ve)=-1.245 KN/m-2R(-ve)= -2.49 KN/,-L=3.26m
R concentrated at the center= -2.49 KN/m*3.2m=-8.117 KN

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R on each node=R concentrated/No of node
= -8.117 KN/9
= -0.9 KN
SAP analysis-R on the node=0.9 KN-Self weight of purlin, the section for positive case is used
Use the comb=1(R) + (1.3)(D.L of purlin)
SAP output-Values are in KN

Maximum Result
Top=6.23 KN
Diagonal tension=1.98 KN
Diagonal compression= -2.68 KN
Bottom= -6.47
Reaction= 1.2 KN
Critical output from the two cases
Top= -8.77 KN
Diagonal tension= -2.89 KN
Diagonal compression= 3.54 KN
Bottom= 9.21
Reaction= 3.1 KN

2.2.3Design of Members of Lattice Purlin

Top and Bottom Members-For both we calculated (designed) same design and we used
maximum tension and compression load from top and bottom members.
Nsd=9.21 KN , For Tension.
Nsd=8.77 KN, For compression.
Design for compression
Fe=430 MPa
Fy=275 MPa-

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Determination of buckling length since we have pin connection at each ends of members we
have the following buckling length
-Buckling= Actual length of member=0.4m
-Assume trial value of reduction factor x=0.5Nbrd =X*BA
*A*fy /M1, BA=1 for class 1, 2 and 3 Assuming class I up to3 BA=1
8.77 KN=0.5*1*A*275 MPa/1.1
A=70.16 mm2
-Trial section use ST
-20 with thickness t=1mm
Sectional Property

A=0.73 cm2
I=0.4 cm4
r=0.77 cm
t=1 mm
Since our section is web where all section is subjected to compression for rolled section.
d=h-3tw, EBCS 3
=20mm-3*1mmD=17mmD/L=17mm/3mm=5.67 < 39*12=39
Our member is class-I compression member
Thus, no problem of local buckling therefore BA=1

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Determination of –λ
= (x/1)*(BA)0.51=93.9*(235/fy)0.5 ,fy=275 MPa=90.28 Since the section is square
-Thus λ= (x/1)*(BA)0.5= (51.94/90.28)*(1)0.5=0.575
-Determination of buckling curve Using table 4.11 EBC-3, 1995 for cold formed RHS we use
curve c and the value of reduction factor X is interpolated and X=0.799
-Design buckling resistance Nbrd=X*BA*A*fy/M1 =0.799*1*73mm2*275 MPa/1.1=14.58
KN>8.77 KN , OK! Safe!
-Design for tension
Nsd=9.41 KN
-Use the same trial section ST
-20 with thickness t=1mm
Sectional property A=0.73 cm2,
I=0.4 cm4
-Class I member from compression design
-NURD=0.9 Aeff Fy/M2=0.9*73mm2*275MPa/1.25=14.45 KN>9.21 KN, OK! Safe!
-Design of diagonal members
Loads, Nsd=2.89 Compression.
Fy=275 MPa
Nsd=3.54 for tension.
Determination of buckling length
Buckling length=Actual length (for pin connected members)=0.32m
Assume a reduction factor x=0.4
Nbrd=X*BA*A*fy/M1=0.4*1*A*275 MPa/1.1= 2.89MPa
-Use trial section ST
-12 with thickness t=0.8 mm

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A=34 mm2
I=0.07 cm4
r=0.45 cm
t=0.8 mm
Class of cross section
-The section is web all section subjected to compression for rolled section.
-d/t≤39 E2, where d=h
-3*0.8mm=9.6 mm
-d/t=9.6 mm/0.8mm≤39*12
Our member is class-I compression member thus no problem
Therefore BA=1
-Determination of -λ= (x/1)*(BA)0.51=93.9*(235/fy)0.5 , fy=275 MPa
Since the section is square
-Thus λ= (x/1)*(BA)0.5= (71.1/90.28)*(1)0.5=0.787
-Determination of buckling curve

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Using table 4.11 EBCS-3, 1995 for cold formed RHS we use curve c and the value of reduction
factor X is interpolated and X=0.663
-Design buckling resistance Nbrd=X*BA*A*Fy/M1=0.663*1*34mm2*275 MPa/1.1=5.63
KN>2.89 KN, OK! Safe!
-Design for tension
-Use the same trial section ST
-12 with thickness t=0.8 mm
Sectional property A=34 mm2, I=0.07 cm4,r= 0.45 cm , t=0.8 mm
-Class I member from compression design
-NURD=0.9 Aeff Fy/M2=0.9*34mm2*275MPa/1.25=6.73 KN>3.54 KN, OK! Safe!
2.3 Analysis & Design of truss
2.3.1Loads on truss
a) the reaction from purlin
-the reaction from the purlin should be multiplied by two since a single truss carries the reaction
from adjacent purlins.
R on the nodes of the truss=2*3.1 KN
=6.2 KN (perpendicular to purlin)2
Resolving the reaction into X&Y component

Ry1=R*cos α1= 6.2*cos 8.8°=6.12 KN

-Rx1=R*sin α1= 6.2*sin 8.8°=0.95 KN
-Ry2=R*cos α2=6.2*cos 8.8°=6.12 KN
-Rx2=R*sin α2=6.2 sin 8.8°=0.95 KN
The reactions are applied at each node. i.e., intersection b/n purlin & truss.

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b) Self weight of truss
-Is included by defining a trial section
-ST-40 with thickness 1.5mm for all top, bottom & diagonal members.
-Use comb=R+1.3(D.L truss)

SAP out put

-Values are in KN

Maximum out puts

-Top(comp)= -8.43 KN
-Vertical (comp)= -21.32 KN
-Diagonal (comp)= -8.10 KN
-Bottom (comp)= -10.81 KN
-Top (tens)= 8.41 KN
-Vertical (tens)= 2.96 KN
-Diagonal (tens)= 13.14 KN
-Bottom (tens)= 5.74 KN
Since the top, bottom, vertical, & diagonal members have the same section, the section will be
designed for the critical compression & tension from all the members.

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Critical axial force for design
 Compression= -21.32 KN
 Tension=13.14 KN

2.3.2 Design of the truss members

-Nsd=21.32 KN, for compression.
-Nsd=13.14 KN, for tension.
Design for compression
Using Fe-430 Fy=275
Determination of buckling length
. I.e. critical length L=√12+1.822=2.08m
-Assuming trial value of reduction factor X=0.3
A=207.74 mm2
-Use trial section ST-40 with thickness t=1.5mm

Sectional Property
A=225 mm2
I=5.49 cm4
r=1.56 cm
-determination of class of cross section
d/t≤39E2, where d=h

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=35.5 mm
Our member is class-1 compression member thus, no problem of local buckling.
Therefore, BA=1
-Determination of -λ= (x/1)*(BA)0.5=93.9*(235/fy)0.5 , fy=275 Mpa
Since the section is square y=x=z=L/r=2.08m/0.0156m=135.33
-Thus λ= (x/1)*(BA)0.5= (135.33/90.28)*(1)0.5=1.48
Determination of buckling curve
Using table 4.11 EBCS-3, 1995 for cold formed RHS we use curve c and the value of reduction
factor X is interpolated and X=0.308
-Check for tension
Nsd= -25.53 KN
Using the same trial section we have the following NURD
.NURD=0.9 Aeff Fy/M2=0.9*225mm2*275MPa/1.25
=44.55 KN>21.32 KN, OK! Safe!
Load transfer from the roof to top ties beam
-Transfer is done using the loads from the critical combination that gives the maximum reaction,
I.e. D.L+L.L (concentrated)
Load transfer from roof to purlin
Unfactored load from roof
D.L of EGA=0.038 KN/m
L.L concentrated=1KN* cos 8.8°=0.988 KN
L of purlins=1.9m (purlin spacing)
D.L transfer

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2RD=0.038KN/m*1.9m, RD=0.0361 KN
L.L transfer

RL=0.497 KN
Then, this reaction are transferred as UDL on the purlin after multiplying by two since the load is
from adjacent sheet

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 22


Change the UDL to a concentrated load at the center

D.Lc=0.0722 KN/m*3.26m=0.2353 KN
L.Lc=4.0 KN/m*3.26m=3.24 KN
-Change the concentrated load at the center to a concentrated load at each node.
of nodes L.Lp=L.Lc/n of nodes=0.2353 KN/9
=3.24 KN/9
=0.03 KN
-L.Lp=0.036 KN
-Then this node concentrated loads are applied on the nodes of the purlin.
-Load transfer from purlin to truss.
SAP analysis
SAP input
-D.Lp=0.03 KN
-L.Lp=0.036 KN
-Self weight of purlin by defining the section
-SAP output, reaction on the truss
Due to D.Lp=0.15 KN
Due to L.Lp=1.62 KN
Due to self-weight=0.26 KN
Total reaction on the truss from adjacent purlin

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 23

-Due to D.Lp=2*(RD.Lp+ RD.L self-weight)=2*(0.15 KN+0.26 KN)=0.82 KN (perpendicular to
to L.L=2*R
=2*1.62 KN
=3.24 KN (perpendicular to purlin)
Resolving the reaction into vertical & horizontal component
-Vertical component of the reaction
Due to D.L;
=0.82*cos 8.8°=0.81 KN, for left side of truss.=0.82*cos 8.8°=0.81 KN, for right side of the
Due to L.L;=3.24*cos 8.8°=3.2 KN, for left side of truss.=3.24*cos 8.8°=3.2 KN, for right side
of the truss
-Horizontal component of the reaction
Due to D.L;
=0.82*sin 8.8°=0.125 KN, for left side of truss.=0.82*sin 8.8°=0.125 KN, for right side of the
Due ot L.L;
=3.24*cos 8.8°=3.2 KN, for left side of truss.=3.24*cos 8.8°=3.2 KN, for right side of the truss
SAP analysis
Using the above reaction and self-weight of the truss the SAP output will be.

D.Lx=5.84 KN D.Lx= -3.85 KN D.Lx=1.42 KN D.Lx=0.11 KN

D.Ly=0.67 KN D.Ly=7.22 KN D.Ly=5.52 KN D.Ly=3.64 KN
L.Lx= -1.31 KN L.Lx= -1.31 KN L.Lx= 0.96KN L.Lx= 1.62 KN
L.Ly=9.45 KN L.Ly=7.46KN L.Ly=5.93 KN L.Ly=6.77 KN

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 24



3.1 Depth of slab for deflection requirement

Effective slab depth for deflection requirement can be
d ≥ (0.4 +0.6fyk) le
400 βα
Where: -fyk= characteristics strength of the reinforcement (Mpa)
le= the effective span, shorter span in the case of two way slab
βα=The appropriate constant for different support conditions
Using C-25 and S300: fyk=300Mpa

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 25

Table 3.1 Effective slab depth for deflection

For first floor

Panel Support condition Ly(m) Lx(m) Ly/lx Βα d(mm)

S1 End span 5 4.6 1.086 39.14 99.89
S2 End span 5 4.6 1.086 44.14 88.6
S3 End span 5 4.6 1.086 39.14 99.89
S4 End span 4.6 4 1.15 38.5 88.3
S5 End span 4.6 4 1.15 38.5 88.3
S6 End span 4.6 4 1.15 38.5 88.3

C1 Cantilever 4 2 2 12 141.67
C2 Cantilever 4 2 2 12 141.67
C3 Cantilever 4 2 2 12 141.67
C4 Cantilever 4 2 2 12 141.67

For second floor

Panel Support condition Ly(m) Lx(m) Ly/lx Βα d(mm)

S1 End span 5 4.6 1.086 39.14 99.89
S2 End span 5 4.6 1.086 44.14 88.6
S3 End span 5 4.6 1.086 39.14 99.89
S4 End span 4.6 4 1.15 38.5 88.3
S5 End span 4.6 4 1.15 38.5 88.3
S6 End span 4.6 4 1.15 38.5 88.3

C1 Cantilever 4 2 2 12 141.67
C2 Cantilever 4 2 2 12 141.67
C3 Cantilever 4 2 2 12 141.67
C4 Cantilever 4 2 2 12 141.67

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 26

Take max of d= 141.67mm
Assuming Φ12mm reinforcement bars and 15mm concrete cover,
Dmin= d + cover + ∅/2
Dmin= 141.67+ 15+ 12/2 = 162.67mm
Take D = 165mm
3.2 Load Calculation
Sectional (detail) elevation of floor slabs

Table 3. 5 first floor unit weight of finishing material

For first floor

Panel Function Finishing Thickness Unit wt (KN/M3)

S1 Church Ceramic 2cm 21
S2 Church Ceramic 2cm 21
S3 Church Ceramic 2cm 21
S4 Church Ceramic 2cm 21
S5 Church Ceramic 2cm 21
S6 Church Ceramic 2cm 21
C1 Church Ceramic 2cm 21
C2 Church Ceramic 2cm 21
C3 Church Ceramic 2cm 21
C4 Church Ceramic 2cm 21

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 27

For second floor
Panel Function Finishing Thickness Unit wt (KN/M3)
S1 Church Ceramic 2cm 21
S2 Church Ceramic 2cm 21
S3 Church Ceramic 2cm 21
S4 Church Ceramic 2cm 21
S5 Church Ceramic 2cm 21
S6 Church Ceramic 2cm 21
C1 Church Ceramic 2cm 21
C2 Church Ceramic 2cm 21
C3 Church Ceramic 2cm 21
C4 Church Ceramic 2cm 21

Note: Unit weight for RC slabs ranges from 20-28 KN/m 3, we use the average; γ
=25KN/m3 for C-25 Concrete.
Table 3.3 live load of each panel

Function Category Live load (KN/M2)

Church C2 4

Verandah A 2

3.2.1 Design loads for first floor slabs

Design panel S1
: Its dimension is 5m x4.6m
This panel is Church
Total area = 22.3m2
Dead load of slab
A.Concrete slab = 0.165*25=4.125KN/m2
B .cement screed = 0.03*23=0.69 KN/m2
C .Plastering & painting = 0.02 * 23 = 0.46KN/m2
D .ceramic tile = 0.02*21 = 0.42KN/m2
Total dead load =6.57KN/m2
Live load = 4KN/m2 (for general) .......EBCS-1, 1995 Table 2.1
Factored design load: W = 1.3DL + 1.6LL
W = 1.3*6.57+ 1.6*4= 14.9KN/m2

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 28

W = 14.9KN/m2 .It is similar to panel S2 &S3,
Design panel S4
: Its dimension is 4.6 x4m
This panel is church
Total area = 18.4m2
Dead load of slab
A.Concrete slab = 0.165*25=4.125KN/m2
B .cement screed = 0.03*23=0.69 KN/m2
C .Plastering & painting = 0.02 * 23 = 0.46KN/m2
D .ceramic tile = 0.02*21 = 0.42KN/m2
Total dead load =6.57KN/m2
Live load = 4KN/m2 (for general) .......EBCS-1, 1995 Table 2.1
Factored design load: W = 1.3DL + 1.6LL
W = 1.3*6.57+ 1.6*4= 14.9KN/m2
W = 14.9KN/ is similar to panel s5 and s6
Design panel S7
: Its dimension is 4.6m x2.65m/2
This panel is verandah
Total area = 6.095m2
Dead load of slab
A.Concrete slab = 0.165*25=4.125KN/m2
B .cement screed = 0.03*23=0.69 KN/m2
C .Plastering & painting = 0.02 * 23 = 0.46KN/m2
D .marble tile = 0.03*27 = 0.81KN/m2
Total dead load =6.085KN/m2
Live load = 2KN/m2 (for general) .......EBCS-1, 1995 Table 2.1
Factored design load: W = 1.3DL + 1.6LL
W = 1.3*6.085+ 1.6*2= 11.11KN/m2
W = 11.11KN/m2 it is similar to panel s9
Design panel S8
: Its dimension is 4.6m x2.65m
This panel is church
Total area = 12.19m2
Dead load of slab
A.Concrete slab = 0.2*25=5KN/m2
B .cement screed = 0.03*23=0.69 KN/m2
C .Plastering & painting = 0.02 * 23 = 0.46KN/m2
D .ceramic tile = 0.02*21 = 0.42KN/m2
Total dead load =6.57KN/m2
Live load = 4KN/m2 (for general) .......EBCS-1, 1995 Table 2.1
Factored design load: W = 1.3DL + 1.6LL
W = 1.3*6.57+ 1.6*4= 14.9KN/m2
W = 14.9KN/m2
Design cantilever c1

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 29

: Its dimension is 4 x2m
This panel is church
Total area = 8m2
Dead load of slab
A.Concrete slab = 0.165*25=5KN/m2
B .cement screed = 0.03*23=0.69 KN/m2
C .Plastering & painting = 0.02 * 23 = 0.46KN/m2
D .ceramic tile = 0.02*21= 0.42KN/m2
Total dead load =6.57KN/m2
Live load = 4KN/m2 (for general) .......EBCS-1, 1995 Table 2.1
Factored design load: W = 1.3DL + 1.6LL
W = 1.3*6.57+ 1.6*4= 14.9KN/m2
W = 14.9KN/m2 it is similar to c2,c3, c4, c5 and c6

3.2.2. Design of solid slab by using Coefficient Method

The coefficient method discussed here is the method described in EBCS
Appendix 1. This method is limited to rectangular slabs supported on both edges and with no
holes. It should also be noted here that the method is only applicable for slabs supported on walls
or beams rigid enough that the slab can be analyzed separately. To this effect EBCS 2, 1995
A.3.1 (1) states that the relative rigidity of the beam may be assumed to be satisfied provided the
ratio of the depth of the beam with its span are as follows:

The coefficients used in this method are based on inelastic analysis (yield line analysis), rather
than elastic theory. This analysis is based on the following assumptions:
 The bottom steel in either direction is uniformly distributed over the ‘middle strip’ which
spreads over 75 percent of the span;
 The ‘edge strip’ lies on either side of the middle strip, and has a width equal to lx/8 or ly/8;

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 30

 Top steel is provided in the edge strip adjoining a continuous edge (and at right angles to the
edge) such that the corresponding flexural strength (ultimate ‘negative’ moment capacity) is 4/3
times the corresponding ultimate ‘positive’ moment capacity due to the bottom steel provided in
the middle strip in the direction under consideration;
The corner reinforcement provided is sufficient to prevent the formation of ‘corner levers’, i.e.,
forking of diagonal yield lines near the corners
The resulting moment coefficients
Mi=αi (gd+qd) Lx2
Where: αi is the appropriate coefficient.
gd & qd are the design dead and live loads
Lx is the length of the shortest edge

The coefficients can be determined from a general formula provided in the code or table also
provided in the code.
Once all support and field moments for the required panels are determined the support moments
need to be adjusted as different moments arise two sides of a common support. EBCS for
Adjustment of this moment involves two methods.
Method one is used when differences between initial support moments are less than 20 percent of
the larger moment and only for internal structures where the live load does not exceed 2.5 times
the permanent load (qk< 2.5gk) or 0.8 times the dead load for external structures (qk< 0.8gk).
This method simply involves selecting the average moment of the two support moments.
In other cases, either Method II or other more accurate methods shall be used. Which involves
using elastic stiffness of the two adjacent panels at the support to balance the support moments.
The second method proved to be questionable to the authors of this paper as it involves balancing
plastically derived moments with elastic distribution.
In the book, Reinforced concrete design (Pillai and Menon 2009), Pillai and
Menon, while referring to the coefficient method state (p.p. 434) “... it may be argued that the
design moments should be obtained through some kind of moment distribution procedure.
However, this is not meaningful in design by LSM. Moreover, the basis of the Code moment
coefficients is inelastic analysis, and not elastic analysis.” As in-depth investigation in the

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 31

validity of such an application is outside the scope of this paper it is not further pursued but
future research may be conducted on such matters.
Moment Calculation The following Bending moment coefficient for regular Panel supports on
the side with provision for torsion at corner.[EBCS 2, 1995 Table A-1]

3.2.3 Analysis of individual panels

The first stage of design is to determine support and span moments for all panels individually by
treating their edges as simply supported (external edges) or fully fixed (continuous edges).
The support and span moments are calculated as:

Mi =αipdlx2
Where: Mi -the design moment per unit width at the point of reference
Pd-the uniformly distributed design load
αi-the coefficient ratio Ly/Lx and support condition
Lx-shorter span of the panel
Ly-longer span of the panel

Moment calculation
For S1
Pd= 14.9KN/m2, Ly/Lx=5/4.5=1.086, by interpolation αxs=0.048, αxf = 0.042, αys =0.047,
αyf =0.036and Lx=4.56
Bending moment, Mi =αipdlx2

Mxs= 0.048*13.34*4.52= 12.97KNm

Mxf= 0.042*13.34*4.52=11.35KNm
Mys= 0.047*13.34*4.52= 12.7KNm
Myf= 0.036*13.34*4.52=9.8KNm
Table 3. 4 Summary of support and field moment

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 32

For first floor
Panel no Support Lx(m) Pd Ly/lx Moment Bending moment
condition (KN/M2) coefficient
Mi =αipdlx2

S1 4.5 13.34 1.11 αxs = 0.048 Mxs=12.97

αxf = 0.042
αys =0.047
αyf =0.036 Mys=12.7

S2 4.56 11.61 1.096 αxs = 0.049 Mxs=11.83

αxf = 0.036
αys =0.039 Mxf=8.7

αyf =0.03 Mys=9.42


4.56 11.61 1.096 αxs = 0.049 Mxs=11.83

αxf = 0.036
S3 αys =0.039 Mxf=8.7

αyf =0.03 Mys=9.42

S4 4.56 16.41 1.096 αxs = 0.048 Mxs=16.4
αxf = 0.042
αys =0.047
αyf =0.036 Mys=16.04

4.56` 16.41 1.096 αxs = 0.048 Mxs=16.4

αxf = 0.042
S5 Mxf=14.3
αys =0.047
αyf =0.036 Mys=16.04

S6 4.56 16.41 1.096 αxs = 0.049 Mxs=16.72

αxf = 0.036
αys =0.039
αyf =0.03

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 33

For cantilevers
Mxs = wl2/2=14.9*22/2=29.8KNm
For second floor
Panel no Support Lx(m) Pd Ly/lx Moment Bending moment
condition (KN/M2) coefficient
Mi =αipdlx2

S1 4.5 13.34 1.11 αxs = 0.048 Mxs=12.97

αxf = 0.042
αys =0.047
αyf =0.036 Mys=12.7

S2 4.56 11.61 1.096 αxs = 0.049 Mxs=11.83

αxf = 0.036
αys =0.039 Mxf=8.7

αyf =0.03 Mys=9.42


4.56 11.61 1.096 αxs = 0.049 Mxs=11.83

αxf = 0.036
S3 αys =0.039 Mxf=8.7

αyf =0.03 Mys=9.42

S4 4.56 16.41 1.096 αxs = 0.048 Mxs=16.4
αxf = 0.042
αys =0.047
αyf =0.036 Mys=16.04

4.56` 16.41 1.096 αxs = 0.048 Mxs=16.4

αxf = 0.042
S5 Mxf=14.3
αys =0.047
αyf =0.036 Mys=16.04

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 34

S6 4.56 16.41 1.096 αxs = 0.049 Mxs=16.72
αxf = 0.036
αys =0.039
αyf =0.03

For cantilevers
Mxs = wl2/2=14.9*22/2=29.8KNm

3.2.4. Adjustment of span and support moment

a) Support moment
For each support over which the slab is continuous there will thus generally be two different
support moments. The difference may be distributed between panels on either side of the support
to equalize their moments, as in moment distribution method for frames.
There are two cases
1) If the difference of support moments on both sides of the support is less than 20% of the larger
moment the take the average moment.
Let ML = moment on left side
MR= moment on the right side
Let MR> ML
If (MR -ML)/MR*100 ≤ 20%, the design moment, Md = (MR+ ML)/2
Otherwise distribute the unbalanced moment ∆M = MR –ML based on their relative stiffness.
The relative stiffness of each panel shall be taken proportional to its gross moment of inertia
divided by the smaller span.
Thus, Md = MR -KR/ (KR + KL)* ∆M (considering the right)
Md = ML + KL/ (KL + KR)* ∆M (considering the left), Where K=I/Lx
b) Span adjustment
If the support moment is decreased, the span moments Mxf and Myf are then increased to allow
for the changes of support moments.
Mxd = Mxf + Cx∆m
Myd = Myf + Cy∆m,
Where, ∆m=MR-Md (on all the supports)
Cy, Cx =coefficient for adjusting span moments given in table A-2 of Appendix A ,EBCS-2 ,
1995 shall be made to the span moment.

3.2.5. Support moment’s adjustment

Support moments between S1 and S3 are 11.6KNm and 11.83KN.m, respectively.
∆mx=11.83-11.6 /11.83*100 =1.9< 20% so, we can take average of them
=11.83+11.6/2=11.72KNm adjusted moment
Support moment between S1and S9 are 11.35KNm and 2.77KNm, respectively.
∆mx= (11.35-2.77)/11.35*100=75.6%>20% needs adjustment by using Kian method
Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 35
KS1=3/ (4*5) =0.15
KS9 =3/ (4*5) =0.15
Distribution factor
DFS1=0.15/ (0.15+0.15) =0.5
DFS9=0.15/ (0.15+0.15) =0.5

Table 3. 5 summary of adjusted support moment

Panel MLARGE MSMALL ∆m Adjusted moment

S1&S2 11.83 11.6 0.23 11.2

S1&S3 11.35 2.77 8.58 7.06

S2&c3 11.83 11.83 0 11.83

S3&S4 9.42 2.27 7.15 5.85

S2&S5 16.4 11.83 4.57 14.2

S4&S6 9.42 2.77 7.15 5.85

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 36

S4&c2 16.04 2.83 13.21 9.44

S5&S6 16.72 16.4 0.32 16.56

S5&C1 16.04 2.83 13.21 9.44

S5&S6 16.72 16.72 0 16.72

S5&C4 13.3 2.83 10.47 8.07

Pane -S1

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 37

Since the support moment Mxs =11.6KNm is greater than the adjusted moment 11.2KNm and
MYS=11.35KNm is greater than the adjusted moment 7.06KNm , it needs moment adjustment in
the longer and shorter side
From EBCS-2, 1995, table A-2
By using interpolation
Mxfadj=mxf+cx1*∆mXS+ Cx2∆mys
Mxfadj = 10.14+0.357*0.4+0.313*4.29
Mxfadj = 11.63KNm
Myadj=myf+* Cy1∆mXS + Cy2*∆myS
Pane –S2
Since the support moment Mxs =11.83KNm is equal to adjusted moment 11.83KNm,
Mys=9.42KNm is greater than the adjusted moment 5.85KNm it needs moment adjustment in
the longer side
From EBCS-2, 1995, table A-2
∆mys =9.42-5.85=3.57KNm
Mxfadj= mxf+cx*∆myS
Myfadj= mYf+ CY *∆myS
Pane –S3
Since the support moment Mxs =11.83KNm is equal to adjusted moment 11.83KNm,
Mys=9.42KNm is greater than the adjusted moment 5.85KNm it needs moment adjustment in
the longer side
From EBCS-2, 1995, table A-2
∆mys =9.42-5.85=3.57KNm
Mxfadj= mxf+cx*∆myS
Myfadj= mYf+ CY *∆myS
Pane –S4

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 38

Since the support moment Mxs =16.4KNm is greater than the adjusted moment 14.2KNm and
MYS=16.04KNm is greater than the adjusted moment 9.44KNm , it needs moment adjustment in
the longer and shorter side
From EBCS-2, 1995, table A-2
By using interpolation
Mxfadj=mxf+cx1*∆mXS+ Cx2∆mys
Mxfadj = 14.3+0.357*2.2+0.313*6.6
Mxfadj = 17.2KNm
Myadj=myf+* Cy1∆mXS + Cy2*∆myS
Pane –S5
Since the support moment mys =16.04KNm is greater than the adjusted moment 9.44KNm, it
needs moment adjustment in the longer side
From EBCS-2, 1995, table A-2
Pane –S6
Since the support moment mys =13.3KNm is greater than the adjusted moment 8.07KNm, it needs
moment adjustment in the longer side
From EBCS-2, 1995, table A-2
Pane –S7

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 39

Since the support moment Mxs =16.72KNm is greater than the adjusted moment 14.96KNm and
MYS=13.3KNm is greater than the adjusted moment 8.07KNm , it needs moment adjustment in
the longer and shorter side
From EBCS-2, 1995, table A-2
By using interpolation
Mxfadj=mxf+cx1*∆mXS+ Cx2∆mys
Mxfadj = 12.3+0.357*1.76+0.313*5.23
Mxfadj = 14.6KNm
Myadj=myf+* Cy1∆mXS + Cy2*∆myS
Pane –S8
Since the support moment mys =12.9KNm is greater than the adjusted moment 8.17KNm, it needs
moment adjustment in the longer side
From EBCS-2, 1995, table A-2
For panel-S9 no need of adjustment of moment because both Mxs =4.76KNm and MYS=2.77KNm
is less than the adjusted moment 6.74KNm and 4.61KNm, respectively.

3.2.6. Check adequacy of slab thickness for flexure

Depth required for maximum moment from EBCS-2, 1995
Characteristic strength of material
fck = 0.8fcu=0.8*25Mpa=20Mpa
fyk =300Mpa
Design strength of material
fyd =fyk/s =300/1.15=260.87Mpa
£yd =fyd/ Es=260.87/ (200*103) =0.0013
ECU= 0.0035
m =fyd/0.8fcd=260.87/ (0.8*11.33) =28.78
Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 40
ρb=0.8 ECU *fcd/fyd =0.8*0.0035*11.33 = 0.0253
(Eyd+Euc) 0.0013+0.0035 260.87
Maximum moment from all panels
Mmax =16.72KNm
d =√ Mmax/0.8 fcdpm(1−0.4 pm)
d=√ 16.72∗106 /¿

3.2.7. Design strength of concrete and steel

Using c-25 concrete, for class I works.
fcd =11.33Mpa
Using s-300, fyd =260.87N/mm2
Minimum reinforcement
ρmin= 0.5/fyk =0.5/300=0.0017…………{EBCS-2, 1995}
Effective depth of the section
Longer direction
dx=D-Ǿ/2-concrete cover =125-12/2-15=104mm
Shorter direction
dy =D-ø/2-ø-concrete cover
dy =125-12/2-12-15=92mm
The spacing between main bars for slabs shall not exceed the smaller of 2D or 350mm and for
secondary reinforcement it does not exceed 400mm [EBCS-2, 1995 sec]
Sample flexural reinforcement calculation for slab
Panel -1
Positive (bottom) reinforcement
In short direction Mxf=11.63KNm
dx =104mm
µ x=¿Mxf =11.63*10^6 = 0.095<µmax=0.295
fcd*b*d 2
11.33*1000*104 2

zx =dx*{1+√ 1−2 µ}
zx =104*{1+√ 1−2∗0.095} =94.13mm
Then, the rigid area of tension steel
As =Mxf =11.63*10^6 =453.4mm2 >Asmin
fyd*zx 260.87*98.33
Hence provide As=453.4mm2 and ø12 bar
Spacing of ø12 bar
Sb=as*b =113.04*1000 =249.3mm
As 453.4

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 41

Smax= {2D=2*125=250mm
Smin>= {20mm
Diameter of bar
Diameter of larger aggregate +5mm
Then provide diameter 12 bar at 250mm c/c at the bottom in shorter direction.
Negative (top) reinforcement
In longer direction
Myf =10.33KNm
µ x =Myf = 10.33*10^6 =0.107< µmax=0.295
fcd*b*d 2
11.33*1000*92 2

zx =92*{1+√ 1−2∗0.107} =82.09mm

Then, the rigid area of tension steel
As=Myf =10.33*10^6 = 482.4mm2>Asmin
fyd*zx 260.87*82.09
Hence, provide As=482.4mm2 and ø12 bar
Spacing of ø12 bar
Sb =as*b = 113.04*1000 =234.4mm
AS 482.4
Smax = {2D =2*125=250mm
Smin >={20mm
Diameter of bar
Diameter of largest aggregate +5mm
The provide diameter 12 bar at c/c 230mm at the top in the longer direction.
The provision of the reinforcement is calculated at the next page in the table form.
Reinforcement design of slab
Table 3. 6 summary of reinforcement
Panel Mome value dx B µ Z Ascal Asmin Aspro ø as spaci SProvide
nt or ng
Mxs 11.2 104 1000 0.10 99.8 190 176. 190 12 113.0 595 12c/c230
7 8 4
Mys 7.06 92 1000 0.1 82.2 476 156. 476 10 78.5 235 12c/c230

Mxf 11.6 104 1000 0.05 98.3 291 176. 291 12 113.0 388 12c/c230
3 5 8 4

Myf 10.3 92 1000 0.04 87.9 185 156. 185 10 78.5 611 12c/c230

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 42

3 4 4
Mxs 11.8 104 1000 0.04 99.8 191 176. 191 12 113.0 592 12c/c230
3 8 4
Mys 5.85 92 1000 0.1 82.2 465 156. 465 10 78.5 240 12c/c230

Mxf 9.8 104 1000 0.04 98.9 231 176. 231 12 113.0 490 12c/c230
9 8 4

Myf 8.43 92 1000 0.04 88.4 164 156. 164 10 78.5 690 12c/c230

Mxs 14.4 104 1000 0.06 97.3 309 176. 309 12 113.0 365 12c/c230
4 8 4

S3 Mys 9.8 92 1000 0.09 83.4 403 156. 403 10 78.5 280 12c/c230

Mxf 5.85 104 1000 0.07 96.7 343 176. 343 12 113.0 330 12c/c250
8 4

Myf 8.43 92 1000 0.05 86.9 234 156. 234 10 78.5 483 12c/c250
5 4
S4 Mxs 14.4 104 1000 0.06 97.3 309 176. 309 12 113.0 365 12c/c250
4 8 4

Mys 9.44 92 1000 0.12 80.9 546 156. 546 10 78.5 200 12c/c200

Mxf 17.2 104 1000 0.1 93 530 176. 530 12 113.0 210 12c/c200
8 4

Myf 15.2 92 1000 0.07 85 328 156. 328 10 78.5 345 12c/c250
6 4
Mxs 16.7 104 1000 0.05 98.7 242 176. 242 12 113.0 467 12c/c250
2 8 4
Mys 9.44 92 1000 0.07 85 327 156. 327 10 78.5 345 12c/c250
6 4

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 43

Mxf 16.7 104 1000 0.01 102.2 89 176. 89 12 113.0 1270 12c/c250
2 7 8 4

Myf 14.7 92 1000 0.01 90.8 54 156. 54 10 78.5 2093 12c/c250

3 4

Mxs 16.7 104 1000 0.01 100 67 168 67 12 113.0 1360 12c/c230
2 9 4

S6 Mys 8.07 92 1000 0.01 99.2 68 172 68 10 78.5 1390 12c/c230


Mxf 13.9 104 1000 0.01 99.2 72 162 72 12 113.0 1420 12c/c230
8 4

Myf 12.2 92 1000 0.01 100.4 85 182 85 10 78.5 1270 12c/c230


Mxs 104 1000 0.01 99.3 82 174 82 12 113.0 1320 12c/c230

1 4
S7 Mys 92 1000 0.01 92 87 178 83 10 78.5 1280 12c/c230

Mxf 14.6 104 1000 0.01 99.2 72 162 72 12 113.0 1420 12c/c230
8 4

Myf 12.5 92 1000 0.01 100 67 168 67 10 78.5 1360 12c/c230


Mxs 14.9 104 1000 0.01 99.2 68 172 68 12 113.0 1390 12c/c230
6 7 4

Mys 8.17 92 1000 99.2 72 162 72 10 78.5 1420 12c/c230

S8 0.01
13 104 1000 0.01 100 67 168 67 12 113.0 1360 12c/c230
3 4

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 44

Myf 11.6 92 1000 0.01 99.3 65 172 65 10 78.5 1320 12c/c230

Mxs 4.48 104 1000 0.01 99.2 72 168 72 12 113.0 1420 12c/c230
8 4

6.74 92 1000 0.01 100 67 174 67 10 78.5 1360 12c/c230

S9 Mys
Mxf 4.34 104 1000 0.01 100.4 68 172 68 12 113.0 1280 12c/c230
3 4

Myf 2.06 92 1000 0.01 92 65 168 65 10 113.0 1270 12c/c230

8 4

C1,C Mxs 3.84 104 1000 0.03 100.7 146 176. 146 12 113.0 774 12c/c250
2,C3, 8 4
5 and
Mxf 1.28 92 1000 0.04 100.9 145 178 145 10 78.5 787 10c/c250

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 45



We have one kinds of stair, based on their modeling.

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Height of Riser= Height of Stair =2m-0m =15.38cm
No of goining 13
Therefore we use riser height 16 cm for the design.

Material C-25 S-300

4.1Depth for deflection for the inclined slab
d≥(0.4+0.6fyk) × Le
400 βa
.3.26> 2 (one way)
-For end span, Ba=30
⟹ d≥(0.4+0.6*300) × 4.73
400 30
Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 47
d≥134 mm
Depth for deflection for the Landing
d≥(0.4+0.6fyk) × Le
400 βa
-Ly/Lx=3m/1.45m=2.06 > 2 (one way)
-For Cantilever, Ba=12
d≥(0.4+0.6*300) × 1.45
400 12
dmax=max (134mm, 102.7mm)
dmax=134 mm
Overall depth
D=d+ cover+∅/2, assume ∅14=134 mm+15 mm+14mm/2=156 mm
Use D=160 mm
4.2 Load computation
Material Data
 Unit weight of marble=27 KN/m3
 Unit weight of cement screed=23 KN/m3
 Unit weight of concrete=24 KN/m3
 Unit weight of plastering=23 KN/m3
 Thickness of cement screed=2cm
 Thickness of plastering=2cm
 Thickness of marble=3cm
 Take 1m width strip
Step dead load

 D.L of cement screed=tsc* unit weight sc=0.02*23 KN/m3=0.46 KN/m

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 48

 D.L of finishing=tfin* unit weight fin=0.03*27 KN/m3=0.81 KN/m
 D.L of Concrete=1/2*h* unit weight conc=1/2*0.16m*24 KN/m3=1.92 KN/m
 Therefore DL of step=0.46 KN/m + 0.81 KN/m + 1.92 KN/m=3.226 KN/m
Riser Dead Load

D.L of cement screed=No of riser (hcs*tcs*γsc) =14(0.16m*0.02*23KN/m3) =0.264KN/m

Projected length (13*30 cm) 3.9
D.L of Finishing =No of riser (hcs*tcs*γsc) =14(0.16m*0.02*27KN/m3) =0.31KN/m
Projected length (13*30 cm) 3.9
Therefore D.L of riser (16cm)= 0.264 KN/m + 0.31 KN/m
= 0.574 KN/m

Waist Dead Load

Tan Ø =2/3.9
Sin Ø=2/Linc

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 49

=2m/sin27.14°=4.38 m
D.L of concrete =D*L inc*γconc =0.16m*4.38m*24 KN/m3
Lprojected 3.9
=4.3 KN/m
D.L of Plastering =tpl*Linc*γpl =0.02m*4.38m*23 KN/m3
Lprojected 3.9
=0.516 KN/m
Therefore D.L of waist = 4.3KN/m + 0.516 KN.m
=4.816 KN/m
Landing Dead Load

D.L of landing=D.L of finishing + D.L of cement screed + D.L of concrete + D.L of plastering
=tfin*unit weight fin+tcs* unit weight cs+tc unit weight c+tpl* unit weight pl
=0.03m*27 KN/m3+0.02*23 KN/m3+ 0.15m*24 KN/m3+0.02m*23 KN/m3=5.33 KN/m
Therefore D.L of
Landing=5.33 KN/m
Total Dead Load and design load
For the inclined slab
Total D.L=D.L of Step+D.L of riser+D.L of waist=3.226 KN/m+0.501 KN/m+4.725 KN/m
=8.452 KN/m
Live load=5 KN/m2
*1m=5 KN/m

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 50

Design Load, pd=1.3 D.L + 1.6 L.L=1.3*8.45 KN/m + 1.6*5 KN/m=18.98 KN/m
For the landing
D.L=5.33 KN/m
L.L=5 KN/m2
* 1m=5KN/m
Design load, Pd=1.3 D.L + 1.6 L.L=1.3*5.33 KN/m + 1.6*5 KN/m=14.93 KN/m

4.3 Moment Analysis

+ΣM at 1=0
R2*4.19m=247.025 KN.m
R2=58.95 KN
ΣFy=0 ( +)
R1+R2=14.93 KN/m*0.83 m+18.98 KN/m*3.9 m+14.93 KN/m*1.45m
R1=-58.95 KN+93.33 KN
R1=34.38 KN
Analyzing using the method of section
For Z=0, to Z=0.83m (Z in measured from support 1)

M(x)+14.93 KN/m + x2/2=34.38x

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 51

M(x)=34.38x-7.465 x2
At Z=0, X=0
At Z=0.83, x=0.83
M(0.83)=23.39 KN.m
For Z=0.83 to Z=4.19m

M(x)+18.98 KN/m*x2/2+14.93 KN/m*0.83 m*(x+0.83/2)=34.38 KN (x+0.83)

At Z=0.83m, x=0
M(0)=23.389 KN.m
At Z=4.19m, X=3.36m
M(3,36)=-9.896 KN.m
For Z=4.19 to Z=5.34m

M(x)=-14.93 x2/2=-7.465 x2
At Z=5.34m, x=0
At Z=4.93m, x=1.15m
M(1.15)=-9.896 KN.m
Mmax (+ve) is b/n Z=0.83 to Z=4.19m
M(x)=-9.49 x2+21.98x+23.389

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 52

M is max at V=0, dm(x)/dx=0
dM(x)/dx=d/dx(9.49 x2+21.98x+23.389=0=-8.98x+21.98=0, x=1.178m , Z=1.988m
M(1.158m)=36.116 KN.m
Bending Moment Diagram

4.4 Shear Force computation

For Z=0 to Z=0.83m
dM(x)/dx=V(x)=-14.93x+34.8at Z=0, x=)
At Z=0.88m, x=0.83m
V(0.83)=21.98 KN
For Z=0.83m to Z=4.19m
dM(x)/dx=V(x)=18.98x+21.98 at Z=0.83m, x=0
V(0)=21.98 KN
At Z=4.19m, x=3.36m
V(3.36)= -41.79 KN
For Z=4.19m to Z=5.34m
M(x)= -7.465x2
dM(x)/dx= -14.93xat Z=4.19m, x=1.15m

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Check depth for flexure
-M is Mmax of all the stair moment
-Mmax=42.72 KN.m
-Km=57.83 (without moment distribution)
-cover-∅/2, assuming ∅=14mm=160mm-15mm-14mm/2=128mm
d≥113.02 mm
128mm≥113.02 mm OK!
Reinforcement Design
For the given Material Data, C-25, S-300
Effective depth, d=128mm
Width, b=1000mm
Moments calculated for each panels
-Using design charts
Km=(√m/b)/d, Ks
-To calculate spacing by selecting diameter of bar as

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 54

S=1000as/A whereas=area of single bar
As=calculated area of steel
Compare the above result with minimum provision given by our code.
Smax ≤ {2D 2*160=320
Development Length
Lbnet=alb Ascal/ Aspro a=0.7 for hook, a=1 for straight
lb=∅/4*fyd/fbdfbd=2fctd,for deformed bar.

fyd=fyk/ =300Mpa/1.15=260.8 MPa

fctd=0.21(fck)2/3/ =0.21(30/1.25)2/3/1.5=1.165 Mpa
lb=∅/8*260.87 Mpa/1.165 MPa=∅*223.86
Stair case reinforcement design
Panel moment km ks As Asmin Scalculated Sprovided Remark
Stair 36.116 46.23 4.31 1197.3 216.6 94.46 90.00 ∅12c/c90
case 8
9.896 24.20 3.98 302.97 216.6 373.30 300 ∅12c/c300

Development Length
moment Ascal Aspro ∅ lb. Lbnet(mm)

For a=0.7 For a=1

36.116 1197.38 1256.6 12 2686.3 1791.875 2559.821
9.896 302.97 376.97 12 2686.3 1511.305 2159.008
42.72 1449.19 1615.6 12 2686.3 1686.771 2409.673

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 55




Beams are flexural members which are used to transfer the loads from slab to columns. Basically
beams should be designed for flexure (moment). Furthermore it is essential to check and design
the beam sections for torsion and shear. Beams may be designed for flexural moment depending
on the magnitude of the moment and the X- sectional dimensions. On the other hand the beam
can be singly reinforced, doubly reinforced T or x section.
5.1 Style of beam reinforcement
Singly reinforced cross section

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 56

The moment capacity of a given singly reinforced beam is given
by M=ρbd2fyd (1-0.4ρm)
ρ is taken to be 0.75 ρb to re assure ductility of the material. Afterward for the given sectional
dimensions and material data, the total area of reinforcement required for the applied moment M
is given by As=ρbd
4 md
ρ=0.5(c 1−√ c 1 −
b d2 c 2
M=moment m=fyd/ (0.8fcd)
d=effective depth
5.2. Doubly reinforced cross section
In case when the dimension of the section is limited, the concrete may be subjected to higher
compression stress. Thus additional steel bars are placed in the compression zone of the
section. Hence the design moment, Md is obtained by
Md = Mu+M2
Mu=the moment resisted by concrete and partial steel As
M2= the moment resisted by steel in compression, As’, and the left over steel As2
M1 can be computed via in the manner of singly reinforced section
Mu=0.8ρbd2 fcd*m(1-0.4ρm), ρ is stated above.
As1= ρbd but since M2=M-Mu
At yielding the compression steel both area of steel becomes equal
As’=As2= (M-Mu)/ (fyd (d-dc’) = (M-Mu)/ (fs’ (d-dc’)
Design for Flexural Reinforcement
(Longitudinal Reinforcement), by EBCS -2 1995 (Art the geometrical ratio of
reinforcement ρ at any section of a beam where positive reinforcement is requires by analysis
shall not be less than:
ρ= 0.6/ Fyk= 0.6 /300=0.002
5.3. Depth Determination
The effective depth requirement for deflection can be calculated using the following formulae
(EBCS .2-1995 Art 3.2.3)

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 57

0.6 fyk
d ≥(0.4+ )≤¿ ß a
Where fyk – is the characteristics strength of the reinforcement Le –
is the effective length of beams
ßa – is the appropriate constants from table 5.1
For end span beam
For interior span beam
Therefore all deflection depth is less than the assumed cross section
Top tie beam=300*250mm
1st beam=500*400mm
Grade beam=500*400mm
The maximum moment is occurred at the axis C from top to grade beam.
Longer Direction of the Structure
Bending moment diagram for top tie beam from ETABS OUT PUT

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 58

Bending moment diagram


D=300mm bw=250mm
fcd =11.33MPa fyd=260.87Mpa
Assume-concrete cover=25mm

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 59

Reinforced bar=ø16
Stirrup= ø8
5.4. Design for Flexure Reinforcement
Design of this beam is done using design table EBCS-2,1995 for 0% redistribution elastic
moment assumed μmax=0.295
Support Moment
Check the depth for flexure

√ Md

√ 16.95∗106

d provide =300-25-8-8=259mm
Md 16.95∗10
μ= = =0.089< 0.295, single reinforced.
b∗d ²∗fcd 250∗259²∗11.33
No need for compression reinforcement
From design chart
Then N.A is at the flange, so design the section as the rectangular.
Zmin=0.5∗d ¿ = 0.5∗259(1+ √ 1−2∗0.089) =246.91mm
Md 16.95∗10
As= = =263.152mm²
Zmin∗fyd 246.91∗260.87
No of bar 16mm=AS/as=263.152/201=2
Use 2ø16 bar @top
Span Moment
Check the depth for flexure

√ 9.68∗106

d provide =300-25-8-8=259mm
Md 9.68∗106
μ= = =0.006< 0.295, single reinforced.
b∗d ²∗fcd 250∗259²∗11.33
Zmin=0.5∗d ¿ = 0.5∗259(1+ √ 1−2∗0.006) =258.22mm

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 60


Md 9.68∗106
= =143.7mm²
Zmin∗fyd 258.22∗260.87
No of bar 16mm=AS/as=143.7/201=2
Use 2ø16 bar @bottom
Bending Moment Diagram for Beam of 1st Floor
On axis 2

Support Moment
Check the depth for flexure

√ 49.49∗106

d provide =500-25-8-8=459mm
Md 49.49∗106
μ= = =0.05< 0.295, single reinforced.
b∗d ²∗fcd 400∗459²∗11.33

Zmin=0.5∗d ¿ = 0.5∗459(1+ √1−2∗0.05) =446.78mm

Md 49.49∗106
= =424.62mm²
Zmin∗fyd 446.78∗260.87
No of bar 16mm=AS/as=424.62/201=2.11
Use 3ø16 bar @bottom
Span Moment
Check the depth for flexure

d= 32.29∗10 =155.41mm<459mm...........ok

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 61

d provide =500-25-8-8=459mm

Md 32.29∗106
= =0.03< 0.295, single reinforced.
b∗d ²∗fcd 400∗459²∗11.33
Zmin=0.5∗d ¿ = 0.5∗459(1+ √1−2∗0.03) =451.1mm

Md 32.29∗106
= =274.39mm²
Zmin∗fyd 451.1∗260.87
No of bar 16mm=AS/as=274.39/201=1.37=2
Use 2ø16 bar @bottom
Axis -3

Type moment location b D Μ z Asmin AS ø of bar

Support 35.56 top tie 400 459 0.037 450.29 367.2 302.72 2ø20
Span 24.19 top tie 400 459 0.025 453.11 367.2 204.65 2ø20
Support 22.82 1st 350 259 0.086 247.37 181.3 353.63 2ø20
Span 10.96 1st 350 259 0.041 253.55 181.3 165.70 2ø20
Support 16.83 G beam 250 259 0.089 246.97 129.5 261.22 2ø20
Span 9.69 G beam 250 259 0.051 252.22 129.5 147.27 2ø20
Axis -4
Type t location b D Μ z Asmin AS ø of bar
Support 17.67 top tie 250 259 0.093 254.82 129.5 90.71 2ø20
Span 9.88 top tie 250 259 0.052 254.5 129.5 97.75 2ø20
Support 23.52 1st 300 259 0.103 252.09 155.4 180.04 2ø20
Span 11.7 1st 300 259 0.051 252.9 155.4 158.85 2ø20
Support 36.24 G beam 400 459 0.038 456.38 367.2 91.05 2ø20
Span 25.69 G beam 400 459 0.027 456.78 367.2 77.04 2ø20

Axis -B

Type moment location b D Μ z Asmin AS ø of bar

Support 8.86 top tie 250 259 0.047 252.81 229.5 134.34 2ø20
Span 4.98 top tie 250 259 0.026 255.56 229.5 74.70 2ø20
Support 16.67 1st 300 259 0.073 249.16 155.4 256.47 2ø20
Span 15.45 1st 300 259 0.068 249.91 155.4 236.99 2ø20
Support 14.1 G beam 400 459 0.015 455.59 367.2 118.64 2ø20
Span 12.31 G beam 400 459 0.013 456.02 367.2 103.48 2ø20

Axis -C

Type moment location b D Μ z Asmin AS ø of bar

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 62

Support 6.2 top tie 250 259 0.033 254.70 129.5 93.31 2ø20
Span 5.74 top tie 250 259 0.030 255.03 129.5 86.28 2ø20
Support 12.07 1st 300 259 0.053 251.95 155.4 183.64 2ø20
Span 10.41 1st 300 259 0.046 252.95 155.4 157.76 2ø20
Support 11.61 G beam 400 459 0.012 456.19 367.2 97.56 2ø20
Span 9.94 G beam 400 459 0.010 456.60 367.2 83.45 2ø20

Axis -6

Type Moment location b D Μ z Asmin AS ø of bar

Support 10.91 top tie 0 259 0.057 25.341 129.5 166.40 2ø20
Span 9.58 top tie 0 259 0.050 252.30 129.5 145.56 2ø20
Support 23.55 1st 0 259 0.103 244.85 155.4 368.69 2ø20
Span 12.42 1st 0 259 0.054 251.74 155.4 189.12 2ø20
Support 37.15 G beam 0 459 0.039 449.89 367.2 316.54 2ø20
Span 25.93 G beam 0 459 0.027 452.68 367.2 219.58 2ø20


Beam sections are subjected to shear forces in addition to flexural
actions. Shear is resisted by the combined actions of the following
Shear resistance of concrete in compression zone
Shear reinforcements or stirrups
Dowel action in tension bars across crack
Aggregate interlocking across the inclined crack in tension zone
Nominal reinforcement
The shear force VC carried by the concrete in members without significant axial forces shall be
taken as
VC = 0.25fctdK1K2bwd
Where K1= (1+50ρ) < 2.0
K2= 1.6-d > 1.0 (d in meters). For members where more than 50%of the bottom
reinforcement is curtailed, K2 = 1
The ultimate limit state in shear is characterized by either diagonal compression failure of
concrete or failure of shear reinforcement due to diagonal tension.
Diagonal compression failure of concrete
To avoid compression failure of concrete the shear resistance of the section, V RD shall not be less
than the applied shear force Vd.

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 63

VRD=0.25 *fcd *bw *d
If VRD< Vd ………….increase the concrete section
Diagonal Tension failure of web reinforcement
If the applied shear force Vd< VRD> the shear resistance of the section Vc Shear reinforcement
need be provided. The spacing in this case is given by
S = (d-d’)Asv*fyk/(Vd-Vc) ( section 4.5 EBCS-2,1995)
The shear between the critical section which is at a distance d from the face of the support, and
the point beyond which maximum spacing is used is reinforced by the difference of shear
capacity of concrete. The region beyond this is reinforced with maximum spacing. (Section
4.5-6, EBCS-2, 1995)

Axis 2 (longer direction)

Top tie beam

VRD=0.25*fcd*bw *d=0.25*11.33*250*259=183.404KN.
VRD>Vsd........ok, no need of the revising the section
Shear force developed by the concrete
VC =0.25fctd*k1*k2*bw*d
K1=1+50ρ, where ρ=As/b*d=263.152 /300*259=0.004
K2=1.6-d>1, K2 =1.6-0.259=1.341
fctd =1.031Mpa
VC =0.25*1.341*1.031*1.21*250*259=15.08KN
VSA=Vsd –VC =22.7-15.08=7.62KN
Shear reinforcement is required
Vertical stirrups required to resist the excess shear force at this spacing is
Av∗fyd∗d 2∗10²∗3.14∗260.87∗259
s= = =1392.8mm>150mm………not ok!
VSA 4∗7.62∗10³
Maximum spacing on the stirrups
Av , min
smax= , use ø10 stirrup, ρmin=0.04/fyk=0.04/300=0.0013

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 64

= =483.322mm
Maximum spacing of the stirrups in the longitudinal direction when shear reinforcement is
smax=0.3 d< 300 mmif Vsd >
smax=0.5 d< 300 mmif Vsd <2/3 V
Vsd <2/3 VRD
Since, use s = 120mm

First floor beam

Axis 3 (longer direction)

VRD=0.25*fcd*bw *d=0.25*11.33*500*459=650.059KN.
VRD>Vsd........ok, no need of the revising the section
Shear force developed by the concrete
VC =0.25fctd*k1*k2*bw*d
K1=1+50ρ, where ρ=As/b*d=367.2 /500*459=0.002
K2=1.6-d>1, K2 =1.6-0.459=1.141
fctd =1.031Mpa
VC =0.25*1.141*1.031*1.08*250*459=145.788KN
VSA=Vsd –VC =49.69-145.788=-96.098KN. The capacity of the concrete is enough
Shear reinforcement is required
Vertical stirrups required to resist the excess shear force at this spacing is
Av∗fyd∗d 2∗10²∗3.14∗260.87∗459
s= = =195.624mm<150mm……… ok!
VSA 4∗96.098∗10³
Maximum spacing on the stirrups
Use ø10 stirrup, c/c 190mm

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 65


6.1 Column Design Procedure
A column is a vertical structural member transmitting axial compression loads with or without
moments. The cross sectional dimensions of a column are generally considerably less than its
height. Column support mainly vertical loads from the floors and roof and transmit these loads to
the foundation.

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 66

Axial force diagram

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 67

Output of axial load
6.2. Check for Sway Mode
A frame may be classified as non-sway for a given load case if the critical load ration for that
load case satisfies the criterion:
N sd
≤ 0.1Where: N sd is the design value of the total vertical load
N cr
N cr Is the critical value for failure in sway mode?
Design of Column
For buildings, a design method may be used which assumes the compression members to be
isolated. The additional eccentricity induced in the column by its deflection is then calculated as
a function of slenderness ratio and curvature at the critical section.
Total Eccentricity
The total eccentricity to be used for the design of columns of constant cross section at the critical
section is given by e total=e e + e a+ e2
Where:e e−¿¿ is equivalent constant first – order eccentricity of the design axial load
e a−¿ Is the additional eccentricity allowance for imperfection?

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 68

e 2−¿ Is the second order eccentricity

0.6 e02 +0.4 e01 M2 M1
ee ≥ : e02= , e01 =
0.4 e 02 P P
e 02−¿being positive and greater in magnitude. e 01is positive if the column bents in single
curvature and negative if the column bends in double curvature.
For different eccentricities at the two ends, the critical end section shall be checked for first order
moments e total=e 02+ e a

Le 2
e a ≥ 300 e2=
20 mm
K 1 Le 1
10 r ()
Where: Le is the effective buckling lenght of the beam
K 1= −0.75 for 15 ≤ λ ≤ 35
K 1=1.0 for λ>35

() ()
1 5 M
=K 2 10−3 :d isthe effective depth , K 2= d
r d Mb
Where d is thedesign momont at the critical section including second order effects
M b isthe balanced moment capacity of the column
Check for Slenderness Ratio
The slenderness ratio of concrete columns shall not exceed 140.
λ= I
I = the minimum radius of gyration
l e = effective length
L 1  08 * m  1.15L
= for Sway mode
α m +0 . 4
L>0 .7 L
α +0. 8
= m for Non-sway mode

k 1+kc a 1+a 2 k 2+ kc
a 1= am= a2=
kb 1+ kb 1 2 kb 2+kb 2
The second order effect is not taken into account in the following cases,
For Sway frame,
λ<25 √ νd
For Non-sway frames,

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 69

Where M1 and M2 are the first-order (calculated) moments at the ends, M2 being always
positive t
And greater in magnitude than Ml' and M] being positive if member is bent in f
single curvature and negative if bent in double curvature
Check for Sway and Non-Sway Mode
Material properties
Concrete – Grade C-25 Steel Grade S300

fck 20Mpa EBCS-2 Table fyk 300,000


fctk 1.5Mpa EBCS-2 Table PSF 1.15


PSF 1.5 EBCS-2 Table fyd 260.87Mpa


fcd 11.33Mpa Es 210Gpa

fctd 1.03Mpa As(min) 0.0008Ac EBCS-2

Ecm 209Gpa EBCS-2 Table As(max) 0.008Ac EBCS-2


Check for Sway or non-sway mode

Assuming a sway mode we can calculate Le in order to determine the type of the frame
According to EBCS-2 section 4.4.12 the story buckling Load 𝑁𝑐𝑟 can be determined as follows
COLUMN AXIS 2-A (C1) 400mm*350mm
𝐼𝑐=𝑏∗𝑑³/12=350*400³/12=1.8667*109 mm4
Assuming 6 ∅=20𝑚𝑚𝑏𝑎𝑟 , 𝑎𝑠= 𝜋d^2/4=314𝑚𝑚2
𝐼𝑠=6(𝜋𝐷4/64+𝑎𝑠𝑑2) = 6(𝜋*202/64+314×3572) =2.4016×108𝑚𝑚4

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 70

𝑁𝑐𝑟=𝜋2*𝐸𝐼𝑒/𝐿𝑒² =3.142*55.09×10^3/2.7=201172.36KN
Table 6.1.Check for sway or non-sway mode
Storey Le Ncr (KN) Nsd(KN) Nsd/Ncr Type

Second 2.9 201172.36 34,422 4210.23 Non-sway

1st 2.9 201172.36 51.316 3920.3 Non-sway

Ground 2.9 201172.36 178.667 1125.96 Non-sway

From Corner Column-C1

Column Axis 2A-C1 second Floor Column
The ETABS outputs are;
M2=105.696KN.m v2=51.316KN
M1=0KN.m v1=0KN
Dimension of the column 400mm*350mm
Diameter of bar=20mm
Concrete cover =25mm
Stirrup =8mm
Limiting value of reinforcement
Inertia of column and beam
1.8667∗10 9
2700 5.322+1.161
a 1= =¿5.322am= =3.242
( 0.5625 )∗10 9

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 71

(1.8667+ 4.166)∗10
a 2= 9
Effective buckling length
Le= { }
α +0.4
α +0.8 {
∗lu >0.7 l u= }
3.242+ 0.8

1. accidental eccentricity
ea > 300 =2432.47/300=8.1mm or 20mm
ea. =20mm
2. 2nd order eccentricity

√ √
i= = 1.8667∗10 =115.471mm
A 400∗350
For non-sway
λ cr=50-25M1/M2=50-25*0/105.696=50>20.71, it is short column.
Therefore no need of 2nd order eccentricity
3. Equivalent 1st order eccentricity
e >{0.6 eo 2+0.4 eo 1 or 0.6eo1
eo2=M2/Nsd=105.696KN /81.12=1.303
ee =0.782
Total eccentricity
etot =ee+ea+e2=0.782+0.02+0=0.802mm
Final design parameter
Msd,h =Nsd*etot=81.12*0.802=65.04KN.m
Msd,h =Msd,b
μsd,h,b =65.04*10^6/11.33*400²*350=0.103
Using bi-axial chart number 9, for Vsd=0.05, ɷ=0.19
Total area steel,
ɷ∗Ac∗fcd 0.19∗400∗350∗11.33
As= = =1155.28mm²
fyd 260.87
Astot=6A, A=1155.28/6=192.55mm²
Number of the bar = =1, provide 6ø16
6.3 Design of the shear
Shear force carried by the concrete
Vc =0.25fctd*k1*k2*bw*d+0.1*bwdNsd/Ac
Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 72
K1=1+50ρ, ρ=As/bh=192.55/400*350=0.001
Design shear forces are:
V=√ 0²+51.316² =51.316KN >49.715
According to EBCS-2, 1995 Art the shear reinforcement bar shall be
Øs >ø6mm or
ø/4 of the main bar
Spacing < 12ø or dimension of the column,
12*16=192mm, 300mm
Provide ø8 c/c 190mm
The ETABS outputs are;
M1=187.74KN.m v1=148.74KN
M2=224.72KN.m v2=178.814KN
Dimension of the column 500mm*400mm
Diameter of bar=20mm
Concrete cover =25mm
Stirrup =8mm
Limiting value of reinforcement
Inertia of column and beam
2700 1.604+1.604
a 1= =¿ 1.604am= =1.604
( 4.1667∗2 )∗10 9
2∗4.1667∗10 9
a 2= 9
Effective buckling length

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 73

Le= { }
α +0.4
α +0.8 {
∗lu >0.7 lu = }
1.604+ 0.4
1.604 +0.8
∗2.7 =2.251m

1. accidental eccentricity
ea > 300 =2250.749/300=7.502mm or 20mm
2. 2nd order eccentricity

√ √
i= = 4.1667∗10 =144.33mm
Ac 500∗400
For non sway
λ cr=50-25M1/M2=50-25*187.74/224.72=29.114>15.596, it is short column.
Therefore no need of 2nd order eccentricity
3. Equivalent 1st order eccentricity
e >{0.6 eo 2+0.4 eo 1 or 0.6eo1
ee =0.672
Total eccentricity
etot =ee+ea+e2=0.672+0.02+0=0.692mm
Final design parameter
Msd,h =Nsd*etot=312.63*0.692=216.34KN.m
Msd,h =Msd,b
μsd,h =216.34*10^6/11.33*500²*400=0.191
Using bi-axial chart number 9, for Vsd=0.13, ɷ=0.18
Total area steel,
ɷ∗Ac∗fcd 0.18∗500∗400∗11.33
As= = =1563.54mm²
fyd 260.87
Astot=6A, A=1563.54/6=260.59mm²
Number of the bar = =1.2, provide 6ø16
Design of the shear
Shear force carried by the concrete
Vc =0.25fctd*k1*k2*bw*d+0.1*bwdNsd/Ac
K1=1+50ρ, ρ=As/bh=260.59/500*400=0.001
Design shear forces are:

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 74

V=√ 148.667²+178.814² =232.54KN > 91.0KN
According to EBCS-2, 1995 Art the shear reinforcement bar shall be
Spacing < 12ø or dimension of the column,
12*16=192mm, 300mm
Provide ø8 c/c 190mm
The ETABS outputs are;
M1=195.12KN.m v1=124.77KN
M2=213.36KN.m v2=151.289KN
Dimension of the column 500mm*400mm
Diameter of bar=20mm
Concrete cover =25mm
Stirrup =8mm
Limiting value of reinforcement
Inertia of column and beam
2700 1.604+1.604
a 1= =¿ 1.604 am= =1.604
( 4.1667∗2 )∗10 9
2∗4.1667∗10 9
a 2= 9
Effective buckling length
Le={ }
α +0.4
α +0.8 {
∗lu >0.7 lu = }
1.604+ 0.4
1.604 +0.8
∗2.7 =2.251m

4. accidental eccentricity
ea > 300 =2250.749/300=7.502mm or 20mm
5. 2nd order eccentricity

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 75

√ √
i= = 4.1667∗10 =144.33mm
Ac 500∗400
For non-sway
λ cr=50-25M1/M2=50-25*195.12/312.36=34.383>15.596, it is short column.
Therefore no need of 2nd order eccentricity
1. Equivalent 1st order eccentricity
e >{0.6 eo 2+0.4 eo 1 or 0.6eo1
ee =0.468
Total eccentricity
etot =ee+ea+e2=0.468+0.02+0=0.488mm
Final design parameter
Msd,h =Nsd*etot=568*0.488=276.957KN.m
Msd,h =Msd,b
μsd,h =276.957*10^6/11.33*500²*400=0.244
Using bi-axial chart number 9, for Vsd=0.251, ɷ=0.21
Total area steel,
ɷ∗Ac∗fcd 0.21∗500∗400∗11.33
As= = =1824.127mm²
fyd 260.87
Astot=6A, A=1824.127/6=304.021mm²
Number of the bar = =1.512, provide 6ø16
Design of the shear
Shear force carried by the concrete
Vc =0.25fctd*k1*k2*bw*d+0.1*bwdNsd/Ac
K1=1+50ρ, ρ=As/bh=568/500*400=0.003
Design shear forces are:
V=√ 124.77²+151.289² =196.102KN > 111.102KN
According to EBCS-2, 1995 Art the shear reinforcement bar shall be
Øs >ø6mm or

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 76

ø/4 of the main bar.
Spacing < 12ø or dimension of the column,
12*16=192mm, 300mm
Provide ø8 c/c 190mm


The ETABS outputs are;
M1=369.86KN.m v1=184.056KN
M2=385.23KN.m v2=202KN
Dimension of the column 500mm*400mm
Diameter of bar=20mm
Concrete cover =25mm
Stirrup =8mm
Limiting value of reinforcement
Inertia of column and beam
2700 1.604+1.604
a 1= =¿ 1.604 am= =1.604
( 4.1667∗2 )∗10 9
a 2= 9
Effective buckling length
Le={ }
α +0.4
α +0.8 {
∗lu >0.7 lu = }
1.604+ 0.4
1.604 +0.8
∗2.7 =2.251m

2. accidental eccentricity
ea > 300 =2250.749/300=7.502mm or 20mm
3. 2nd order eccentricity

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 77

√ √
i= = 4.1667∗10 =144.33mm
Ac 500∗400
For non-sway
λ cr=50-25M1/M2=50-25*369.86/385.23=25.997>15.997, it is short column.
Therefore no need of 2nd order eccentricity
1. Equivalent 1st order eccentricity
e >{0.6 eo 2+0.4 eo 1 or 0.6eo1
eo2=M2/Nsd=385.23/803.888 =0.479
ee =0.468
Total eccentricity
etot =ee+ea+e2=0.468+0.02+0=0.488mm
Final design parameter
Msd,h =Nsd*etot=803.888*0.488=392.043KN.m
Msd,h =Msd,b
μsd,h =392.024*10^6/11.33*500²*400=0.346
Using bi-axial chart number 9, for Vsd=0.355, ɷ=0.34
Total area steel,
ɷ∗Ac∗fcd 0.34∗500∗400∗11.33
As= = =2953.348mm²
fyd 260.87
Astot=6A, A=2953.348/6=492.225mm²
Number of the bar = =1.568, provide 6ø20
Design of the shear
Shear force carried by the concrete
Vc =0.25fctd*k1*k2*bw*d+0.1*bwdNsd/Ac
K1=1+50ρ, ρ=As/bh=803.88/500*400=0.004
Design shear forces are:
V1= v1=184.056KN
V=√ 184.056²+202² =273.27KN >135.66KN
According to EBCS-2, 1995 Art the shear reinforcement bar shall be
Øs >ø6mm or
ø/4 of the main bar.
Spacing < 12ø or dimension of the column,

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 78

12*16=192mm, 300mm
Provide ø8 c/c 190mm
From Middle Column-C1

Column Axis 3- B-C1 First Floor Column

The ETABS outputs are;
M2=394.76KN.m v2=-290.633KN
M1=-389.944KN.m v1=-286.892KN
Dimension of the column 400mm*500mm
Diameter of bar=20mm
Concrete cover =25mm
Stirrup =8mm
Limiting value of reinforcement
Inertia of column and beam
2700 1.604+1.604
a 1= =¿ 1.604 am= =1.604
( 4.1667∗2 )∗10 9
2∗4.1667∗10 9
a 2= =1.604
2∗4.1667∗10 9
Effective buckling length
Le= { }
α +0.4
α +0.8 {
∗lu >0.7 lu = }
1.604+ 0.4
1.604 +0.8
∗2.7 =2.251m

1. accidental eccentricity
ea > 300 =2250.749/300=7.502mm or 20mm
2. 2nd order eccentricity

√ √
i= = 4.1667∗10 =144.33mm
Ac 500∗400
For non sway

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 79

λ cr=50-25M1/M2=50-25*389.944/394.76=25.305>15.596, it is short column.
Therefore no need of 2nd order eccentricity
3. Equivalent 1st order eccentricity
e >{0.6 eo 2+0.4 eo 1 or 0.6eo1
ee =1.16
Total eccentricity
etot =ee+ea+e2=1.16+0.02+0=1.18mm
Final design parameter
Msd,h =Nsd*etot=338.75*1.18=399.591KN.m
Msd,h =Msd,b
μsd,h =399.591*10^6/11.33*500²*400=0.299
Using bi-axial chart number 9, for Vsd=0.14, ɷ=0.14
Total area steel,
ɷ∗Ac∗fcd 0.14∗500∗400∗11.33
As= = =1216.085mm²
fyd 260.87
Astot=6A, A=1216.085/6=202.68mm²
Number of the bar = =1, provide 6ø16
Design of the shear
Shear force carried by the concrete
Vc =0.25fctd*k1*k2*bw*d+0.1*bwd*Nsd/Ac
K1=1+50ρ, ρ=As/bh=1216.085/500*400=0.0056
Design shear forces are:
V=√ 260.63²+286.892² =387.6KN > 86.045KN
According to EBCS-2, 1995 Art the shear reinforcement bar shall be
Spacing < 12ø or dimension of the column,
12*16=192mm, 300mm
Provide ø8 c/c 190mm
From Middle Column-C1
Column Axis 3- B-C1 Ground Floor Column
Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 80
The sap outputs are;
M2=154.99KN.m v2=-90.14KN
M1=-154.7KN.m v1=-89.848KN
Dimension of the column 400mm*500mm
Diameter of bar=20mm
Concrete cover =25mm
Stirrup =8mm
Limiting value of reinforcement
Inertia of column and beam
2∗4.1667∗10 9
2700 1.604+1.604
a 1= =¿ 1.604 am= =1.604
( 4.1667∗2 )∗10 9
2∗4.1667∗10 9
a 2= 9
Effective buckling length
Le= { }
α +0.4
α +0.8 {
∗lu >0.7 lu = }
1.604+ 0.4
1.604 +0.8
∗2.7 =2.251m

2. accidental eccentricity
ea > 300 =2250.749/300=7.502mm or 20mm
4. 2nd order eccentricity

√ √
i= = 4.1667∗10 =144.33mm
Ac 500∗400
For non sway
λ cr=50-25M1/M2=50-25*154.7/154.99=25.047>15.596, it is short column.
Therefore no need of 2nd order eccentricity
5. Equivalent 1st order eccentricity
e >{0.6 eo 2+0.4 eo 1 or 0.6eo1

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 81

ee =0.334
Total eccentricity
etot =ee+ea+e2=0.334+0.02+0=0.534mm
Final design parameter
Msd,h =Nsd*etot=462.913*0.534=247.196KN.m
Msd,h =Msd,b
μsd,h =247.196*10^6/11.33*500²*400=0.218
Using bi-axial chart number 9, for Vsd=0.109, ɷ=0.14
Total area steel,
ɷ∗Ac∗fcd 0.14∗500∗400∗11.33
As= = =1216.085mm²
fyd 260.87
Astot=6A, A=1216.085/6=202.68mm²
Number of the bar = =1, provide 6ø16
Design of the shear
Shear force carried by the concrete
Vc =0.25fctd*k1*k2*bw*d+0.1*bwd*Nsd/Ac
K1=1+50ρ, ρ=As/bh=1216.085/500*400=0.0056
Design shear forces are:
V=√ 90.141²+89.849² =127.272KN > 86.045KN
According to EBCS-2, 1995 Art the shear reinforcement bar shall be
Spacing < 12ø or dimension of the column,
12*16=192mm, 300mm
Provide ø8 c/c 190mm


7.1. Determination of Bearing Capacity
To insure stability, foundations must provide an adequate factor of safety against shear or
bearing failure of the underlying soil and the structure must be capable of withstanding the
settlements that will result, in particular the differential settlements. Thus, the criteria for the
Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 82
stability of the foundation, the design value of the safe bearing capacity would be the smaller of
the two values, obtained from the two criteria:
1. Shear failure criteria
2. Settlement criteria
The soils limiting shear resistance is referred as the ultimate bearing capacity, q ult , of the soil.
For design, one uses the ultimate bearing capacity, q ult , if the all the loads acting on the
foundations are factored by a suitable factor of safety. Otherwise, one uses an allowable bearing
capacity, q all , obtained by dividing the ultimate bearing capacity by a suitable factor of safety.
For our particular case, all the loads acting are factored loads. So, we used the ultimate bearing
capacity of soil.
7.2. Design of Isolated Footing
An isolated footing is a footing that carries a single column. The function of an isolated footing
is to spread the column load laterally to the soil so that the stress intensity is reduced to a value
that the soil can safely carry. Theory of elasticity analysis and observations indicate that the
stress distribution beneath symmetrically loaded footings is not uniform. The actual stress
distribution depends on the rigidity of the footing and the stiffness of the soil. However, linear
pressure distribution is assumed for design purpose. Also the few field measurements reported
indicate this assumption is adequate. The approximate contact pressure under a given
symmetrical foundation can be obtained from the flexural formula, provided that the considered
load lies within the corner of the footing

σ max=
BL (
6e 6e
1± x ± y
L L )
My Mx
Where :e x = ;e y =
If we want to know when we will have negative contact pressure (separation), we proceed as
6 ex 6 ey

L )≥0 ¿

Thus as long as the load is in the corner, there will be no separation. The thickness of a given
footing that determined by checking the thickness needed for punching shear criteria and wide
beam shear criteria. The greater of the two governs the depth of the footing.

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 83

Thickness of Footing

Punching Shear: The punching shear resistance according to EBCS-2 is given by at 1.5d
distance from face of column

Figure 1 punching shear of footing

Vr=0.25 fctd∗k 1∗k 2∗u∗d
Acting punching shear :V a=σ ave ( ab−( à+3 d ) ( b̀+3 d ) )
Resisting punching shear :V r =υup ×U × d
where U isthe perimeter of the footing∧υ up is givenby the formula:
υ up=0.25 f ctd × ( 1+50 ρe )∗1

0.35∗√ fcu 0.35∗√ 25

f cu=25 MPa : f ctd = = =1.17 MPa
1.5 1.5
f yk =300 MPa : f yd =260.87 KPa
ρmin =0.0017=0.5 /300
υ up=0.25 ×1.17 × (1+50 × 0.0017 )∗1=317.3 kPa

Thickness for Wide Beam Shear at D Distance from the Face of Column

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 84

Figure 4.20 wide beam shear of footing

Acting wide beam Shear : V wa =σ ave a×(
−d ) )
Resisting wide beam shear :V wr =υ uw × a ×d
υ up=0.25 f ctd ×(1+50 ρe )
υ up=0.25 ×1.17 × (1+50 × 0.0017 )=317.3 KPa
Design for Flexure

M max =
2 [ ]
σ ave a− à 2
× b [ KNm ]

√ M
bd ²∗fcd
z=0.5 d ¿)

M a b
A s= : S= s .
z∗fyd As
Design of Footing-F1(Edge Footing)
ETABS Output
P=803.88KN vx =-184.1KN
Mx=369.86KNm vy =202KN
Given Soil Data
The building is going to be built on non-cohesive soil. Qult =420kpa
Depth of foundation=1.5m
Area Proportioning
Take an initial footing dimension of square footing 2m× 2m and initial depth of 0.5m
Effective Width and Length
M 385.23 M 369.86
ex= y = =0.48 m:e y = x = =0.46m
P 803.88 P 803.88
Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 85
L=L−2 e y =2−( 2 ×0.46 ) =1.08 m
B=B−2 e x =2−( 2 ×0.48 )=1.04 m

Structural Design of Footing

Total designload =Q+ own weight of footing+ weight of soil above footing
Weight of footing=1.3 ×2 ×2 ×0.5 ×25=65.0 KN
Weight of soil above footing=1.3 ×2² × 18× 3=280.0 KN
Total designload ( P )=803.88+ 65.0+ 280.0=1149.68 KN
The contact pressure at the 4-corners is:

σ max=
BL (1±
6 ex 6 e y
L )
σ max=
2 ×2
1± (
6(0.48) 6(0.46)
2 )
σ max=287.42(1±(1.44)±(1.38)¿
σ 1=287.42 ( 1+1.44−1.38 ) =304.67 2
σ 2=287.42 ( 1−1.44−1.38 )=−523.10 2
σ 3=287.42 (1−1.44+1.38 ) =270.17 2
σ 4=287.42 ( 1+1.44+1.38 )=1097.94 2
σ max=287.42 ≤ 420 2 … … … OK !

Check for Depth

Depth for Punching Shear
Acting Punching Shear

V a =287.42 ( 2 −( 0.5+2∗0.5 ) (0.4+ 2∗0.5)) =546.1 KN


V r =317.3 ( 2×( ( 0.5+ 2∗0.5 ) + ( 0.4 +2∗0.5 )) ×0.5 )

Vr=920.17 KN ≥V a=546.1 … … … OK !

Depth for Wide Beam Shear

V wa =287.42 ×2 −
2 ( (
2 0.5
2 ))
+0.5 =143.71 KN

V wr =317.3 × (2 × 0.5 )=317.3 KN ≥ V wa … … … OK !

A s ,min =ρmin × b ×d =0.0017×1000 ×500=850 mm

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 86

M max =
2 (
287.42 2−0.5 2
2 )

√ √
M 80.84∗10 =0.17
μsds= μsds=
bd ²∗fcd 1000∗500²∗11.33
z=0.5 d ¿), z=0.5∗500 ¿) =415mm
M as b
A s= : S=
z∗fyd As
A s= =746.71< A s , min We take the largest value i.e A s ,min =850 mm 2/m
π × 122
S= =133.06 mm
Maximum spacing =2d=2*0.5m=1000mm or 350mm
Provide ∅ 12 C/C 130mm in both directions
Development Length
∅ f yd 12 260.87
l b , needed = = × =668.89 mm
4 f bd 4 1.17
2−0.5 C
l b , available= − =750−50=700 mm
2 C
l b , needed ≤l b ,available :no need of bent−up bars

For safety, it is better to use bent-up bars as the ends

Design of Footing-F2 (Middle Footing)
ETABS Output
P=626.9KN vx =-213.387KN
Mx=352.5KNm vy =202KN
Given Soil Data
The building is going to be built on non-cohesive soil. Qult =420kpa
Depth of foundation=1.5m
Area Proportioning
Take an initial footing dimension of square footing 2m× 2m and initial depth of 0.5m
Effective Width and Length
M y 356.78 M x 352.5
ex= = =0.57 m:e y = = =0.56m
P 626.9 P 626.9
L=L−2 e y =2−( 2 ×0.56 ) =0.88 m
B=B−2 e x =2−( 2 ×0.57 )=0.86 m
Structural Design of Footing
Total designload ( P )=Q+ ownweight of footing +weight of soil above footing
Weight of footing=1.3 ×2 ×2 ×0.5 ×25=65.0 KN
Weight of soil above footing=1.3 ×2² × 18× 3=280.0 KN

Integrated project design 2014 E.C Page 87

Total designload ( P )=626.9+65.0+ 280.0=971.9 KN
The contact pressure at the 4-corners is:

σ max=
BL (

6 ex 6 e y
L )
σ max=
2 ×2
1± (6( 0.57) 6 (0.56)
2 )
σ max=242.98(1±(1.71)±(1.68)¿
σ 1=242.98 (1+1.71−1.68 )=250.27 2
σ 2=242.98 ( 1−1.71−1.68 ) =−580.72 2
σ 3=242.98 ( 1−1.71+1.68 )=235.69 2
σ 4=242.98 ( 1+1.71+1.68 )=1066.68 2
σ av =242.98≤ 420 2
… … … OK !
Check for Depth
Depth for Punching Shear
Acting Punching Shear
V a =242.98 ( 22−( 0.5+2∗0.5 ) (0.4 +2∗0.5)) =461.66 KN
V r =317.3 ( 2×( ( 0.5+ 2∗0.5 ) + ( 0.4 +2∗0.5 )) ×0.5 )=920.17
Vr=920.17 KN ≥V a=461.66 … … … OK !
.Depth for Wide Beam Shear
V wa =242.98 ×2 −
2 ( (
2 0.5
2 ))
+0.5 =121.49 KN

V wr =317.3 × (2 × 0.5 )=317.3 KN ≥ V wa … … … OK !

A s ,min =ρmin × b ×d =0.0017×1000 ×500=850 mm

( )
242.98 2−0.5 KNm
M max = =68.34
2 2 m

√ √
M 68.34∗10 =0.16
μsds= μsds=
bd ²∗fcd 1000∗500²∗11.33
z=0.5 d ¿),
z=0.5∗500 ¿=456.16mm
M as b
A s= : S=
z∗fyd As
A s= =574.29< A s ,min we take the largest value i.e A s ,min =850 mm 2/m

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π ×12
=133.06 mm
Maximum spacing =2d=2*0.5m=1000mm or 350mm
Provide ∅ 12 C/C 130mm in both directions
Development Length
∅ f yd 12 260.87
l b , needed = = × =674.66 mm
4 f bd 4 1.16
2−0.5 C
l b , available= − =750−50=700 mm
2 C
l b , needed ≤l b ,available :no need of bent−up bars
For safety, it is better to use bent-up bars as the ends


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