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Types of Proteins According to Function

There are different processes in the body that are influenced by different types of
proteins. Some of these proteins are structural proteins, transport proteins, regulatory
proteins, enzymes, antibodies, and hormones.

1. Structural proteins like collagen form cell parts. Collagen which is the most
abundant protein found in the human body is a type of structural protein that is fibruous
in nature. It gives strength and support to tissues that undergo continual wear and tear
such as skin and bone.

2. Transport proteins carry other substances around cells or from cell to cell.

3. Regulatory proteins control numerous cell processes. There are proteins that bind
to segments of DNA and bring about gene regulation.

4. Enzymes facilitate many chemical reactions. They do this by lowering the amount of
energy needed to start the reaction while not being permanently altered in the process.
The induced fit model describes how enzymes work. There is an active site in the
enzyme with which specific molecules called substrates, interact. This interaction
causes the enzyme to change shape, which favors a chemical reaction. Enzyme
function is affected by different facots such as pH temperature, and the concentration of
its substrates.

5. Antibodies are highly specific proteins that are responsible for detecting a foreign
substance or “antigen”. The body produces a specific antibody to respond to an antigen
to inactivate it.

6. Hormones serve as chemical messengers.

Fluid balance is also regulated by proteins, primarily albumin in blood plasma.

Proteins exert oncotic pressure on capillary pores and through the process of osmosis,
pull fluid from the intersitial space back into the intravascular space to prevent
significant loss of fluid volume. When protein levels are low, fluid escapes the blood
vessels and collects in the lungs (pulmonary edema), abdomen (ascites), or in other
parts of the body.

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