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IS 210: 2009

are poured. Mould s for the te st bars shall be

9.1.1 Unless otherwise specified. the graphite structure
approximat el y at room temperature when poured .
shall be primarily Distribution A in accordance with
More than one test bar ma y be ca st in a s ing le mould.
IS 7754. but each bar in the mould sha ll be s urro und ed by a
10 FREEDOM FROM DEFECTS thickness o f sa nd which is no t les s than the diameter
of the bar.
10.1 The castings shall be sound , clean and free
from porosity. blow holes, hard spots. cracks. hot 12 FREQUENCY OF TESTING
tears. coldshuts, distortion , sand and slag inc lusio ns
12.1 The number of test s requ ired for eac h melt or
and other harmful defects . The y shall be well-
dressed and fettled, and shall be readil y machinable. batch of ca stings shall be as laid down in Table I,
various clas ses of ca stings being divided into five
10.2 No welding or repairs shall be carried out representative groups according to mass.
without the prior permission of the purchase r.
Welding referred to here includes fusion welding in 12.2 In the case of large tonnage o f castings being
accordance with the common foundry practice. The produced continuously. the min imum number of test
method of repair by welding (see IS 513Y) and bars to be provided s ha ll be one ten sile test
subsequent stress-relieving shall be as agreed to representing every two hours of production from
between the purchaser and the manufacturer. melting furnace.


11.1 All test bars shall be cast separately in sand A te st bar from wh ich the tensile test piece is
moulds and the number of test bars required shall be machined shall be cast as a uniform cylindrical bar of
as specified in 11.2. They shall be cast at the same 30 mm diameter. The tolerance on the diameter shall
time and from the same melt as the castings the y be + 5mm . The m in imum length of the test bar shall
represent. be230mm.
11.2 The test bar material shall be identifiable with 14 TENSIL.E TEST
that of the castings represented.
The tensile test shall be carried out in accordance
11.3 When castings are subjected to heat treatment, with IS 1608 . using a test piece conforming to the
the test bars shall be heat-treated together with the dimens ions in Fig. 1 read with Table 2. The test piece
cast ings they represent. shall be accurately machined, with a good surface
11.4 The test bars shall be cast in dried, baked or fin ish . The transition between the ends and the
chemically bonded moulds made mainly of an parallel length shall be smooth, without undercutting
aggregate of siliceous sand with appropriate binders. or a sudden step down in diameter.
The average grain size of the sand shall be NOTE - Self-aligning grips are recommended to ensure
approximate to that of the sand in which the castings axial loading.

Table I NumberorTests
(Clause 12.\ )

Group :\1:155 of Individ••1 Ca stings Test Rftluinmtnts

(II (2) (3)

I" Up to 12.5 kg One test for each of 5 kg of castings or part thereof

Over 12.5 kg and up 10 50 kg One test for every I tonne of castings or part thereof

3" Over 50 kg and up to 500 kg One lest for every 2 tonnes of castings or part thereof
-t', Over 500 kg and up to I tonne One test for every 3 tonnes of castings or part thereof

5 Over I tonne One test for every 4 tonnes of cast ings or part thereof
or one test for every casting weighing 4 tonnes or more
t•In addition Groups 1.2. 3 and -t all castings represented by one test shall be poured from the same ladle or same heat as the bar or
bars provide lor the test .

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