Nelson Mandela

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Cecilie Borup Jespersen


Nelson Mandela - de sortes hb og de hvides dilemma.

Den indfdte befolkning i Sydafrika havde lnge vret undertrykt. Kun det hvide mindretal - p under 20 % af den samlede befolkning - havde valg- og stemmeret til parlamentet. Efter Anden Verdenskrig blev situationen endda yderligere forvrret for de ikke-hvide borgere. I 1948 kom det nationalistiske parti til magten med et program, der erklrede apartheid, hvilket ville sige adskillelse. I de efterflgende r blev de sortes, selv helt grundlggende borger rettigheder, indskrnket til mindre end det minimale. Jord og ejendom blev frataget dem. Dem, der var uenige med styrets politik, blev bandlyst. Det ville sig, at de kun mtte frdes p et meget begrnset omrde og aldrig mtte optrde i forsamlinger. Med tiden blev der desuden vedtaget undtagelseslove, der gjorde, at politiet dybest set kunne arrestere folk helt uden grund. It was called the Rainbownation fordi at landet var delt op i skin-collour. For eksempel var der bestemte steder hvor de sorte mtte vre, og hvor de ikke mtte vre. Og dette var their skincollour som bestemte hvilken gruppe de tilhrte. Alt dette kmpede Mandela imod. Han kmpede for at afskaffe apartheid, og for ligestilling blandt sorte og hvide. Han kmpede for at alle skulle have samme rettigheder, og at der ingen forskel skulle vre p folk, uanset hvilken hudfarve man har. Jeg synes at Nelson Mandela var en stor mand. Det han udrettede var fantastisk. Han kmpede, ikke kun for ham selv, men for alle de sorte. Han kmpede ikke kun for egne rettigheder, men for at alle sorte skulle f deres rettigheder tilbage. Jeg synes han var en god mand, der gjorde alt for at folk skulle have det godt. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela var hans fulde navn. Navnet Rolihlahla betyder uromager p sproget Xhosa. Mandela blev fdt d.18. juli 1918 i Qunu, i Transkei, som sn af hvding Henry Mandela fra den Xhosa talende Tembu stamme. Opvksten foregik i landlige omgivelser, hvor han blev opdraget til at vre rdgiver for en lokal konge. Inden Mandela blev indsat i det embede, han var udset til, stak han imidlertid af og rejste til storbyen Johannesburg, ogs kaldt the city of gold. Der uddannede han sig til advokat, hvilket var en ganske usdvanlig beskftigelse for en afrikaner p det det tidspunkt. I Johannesburg mdte han ogs en mand, ved navn, Walter Sisulu, der sikrede ham et kontorjob hos Witkin, Sidelsky and Eidelman, t af de strste advokatfirmaer i Johannesburg. I en alder af 7 r, blev Rolihlahla den frste, i sin familie, som startede i skole. I skolen, ville de hvide ikke kalde de sorte folk, ved deres afrikanske navne, s hans lrer Mrs Mdingane, skulle i stedet give ham et engelsk navn. Hun opkaldte ham Nelson, efter den bermte English admiral, Lord Nelson. Og efter det, var han kendt som Nelson Mandela. Da Nelson var 9 r gammel, dde hans far af sygdom og hvding Jongintaba Dalindyebo blev hans vrge, som sendte Mandela p college og senere p universitetet.

Cecilie Borup Jespersen


Lidt efter lidt blev Nelson mere og mere politisk involveret. Eftersom, at der kun var en organisation (ANC) til at kmpe for den sorte befolkning, blev Nelson medlem. African National Congress forkortet ANC. The ANC er et politisk parti i Sydafrika. Partiet blev stiftet i 1912. ANC havde 3 hovedml. De ville gre s alle sorte havde ret til at kbe land, stte en stopper for forskelsbehandling, og fuldt borgerskab til alle afrikanere. Nelson Mandela sluttede sig til the ANC i 1944. I 1949 blev han en af bevgelsens ledere. I denne organisation var han med til at arrangere ikke-voldelige protestaktioner som strejker og demonstrationer. I 1952 the ANC startede en fredelig Defiance Campaign. For 6 months its members deliberately broke the law, in order to fill the jails and give publicity to their cause. The campaign was a success. Africans and Indians worked together and went to jail together even few whites were arrested. In 1948 the political repression became the law of the land, when the national party (whites only, mostly afrikaners) won the general election (for whites only) they became the new government with a policy known as apartheid. Apartheid betyder adskillelse afrikanerne kaldte det separate development. Apartheid havde eksisteret i mange r, men nu blev det the law of the land. De afrikanske churchmen troede p, at Gud havde skabt mennesker til at herske, og andre til at tjene herskerne. Dette var Guds vilje for Afrika, mente de. Der var regler for, hvor de sorte, mtte vre, hvornr de mtte g p gaderne, hvor de mtte arbejde ect. De sorte blev hele tiden set ned p. Der var lavet regler for de sorte, om alting, der var intet de kunne gre, uden at der var regler de skulle overholde, overholdt de ikke reglerne, blev de bandlyst. 1948-1994 led et stort flertal i Sydafrika med undertrykkelse, diskriminering og ikke mindst racisme. Al magt blev givet til de hvide. Nu var det de hvide der styrede. For eksempel, hvis de hvide ville have et stykke jord eller omrde hvor de sorte boede, tog de bare en bulldozer og soldater og sendte over, og overtog stedet. One of the most famous African townships to be destroyed was Sophiatown in Johannesburg, where 50.000 people with the wrong skin colour were removed in 1955. The whites took over the area and called it triumf. In the course of the next 30 years over 3 million Africans, Coloureds and Indians lost their home in this way. Afrikanerne var nd til at medbringe en Pass Book, hvori der stod, hvor i gaderne de mtte frdes. Afrikanerne mtte ikke vre i gaderne efter klokken 11 om aftenen. Blev de opdaget i gaderne efter klokken 11 om aftenen, blev de anholdt. Robben Island er en i Table bay, ud for kysten, fra Cape Town, Sydafrika. en er isr blevet kendt, eftersom at det var her Nelson Mandela sad fngslet i 18 r. You will never get your freedom. You are nothing, just a kaffir. The white here to rule and this is his country. You are here to serve the white people of this country. A kaffir is a dog and you are a dog. You are a number. You are nothing. Disse ord, var den velkomst hilsen Nelson Mandela fik, da han kom til Robben Island.

Cecilie Borup Jespersen


rerne p Robben Island var meget hrde. Skldsord var en del af hverdagen. Fangerne blev vkket hver morgen 5.30, og blev sat til at sidde i grden, med en hammer i hnden, lnke omkring sig, og s skulle de sidde der, det samme sted hele dagen og knokle i bagende solskin. Nelson mtte f besg af sin kone, Winnie, hver 2 r. Dette foregik, hvor de sad p hver sin side af en tyk glasrude, og kunne snakke gennem en telefon, p engelsk, mens en af fangevogterne lyttede med. De mtte hjest tale sammen i en halv time. Breve mtte de skrive en gang hver sjette mned, og brevet mtte kun indeholde 500 ord. Og hvert brev blev lst igennem af en fangevogter. Efter nogle mneder mtte fangerne forlade fngslet, for at komme ud og arbejde i en by der l nr fngslet. Der arbejdede de fra klokken 7 om morgenen til 4 om eftermiddagen, med kun 1 times pause. Det var hrdt arbejde, men ogs meget kedeligt. I vintertiden nr det regnede, var det rigtigt koldt, og i sommertiden, nr den bagende sol skinnede p dem dagen lang, kunne det var brndende varmt. Fangerne bad om solbriller 3 r efter, fik de det. Da hans mor dde i 1968 mtte han ikke engang komme til begravelsen. Ikke engang da hans sn blev drbt i et biluheld mtte han komme til begravelsen. Dette tog meget hrdt p Mandela. in 1976 the minister of justice, Jimmy, twice visited Nelson and said that if he supported the government's policy on apartheid, he could go free. Nelson refused. in the same year the children of Soweto began protesting at their poor education. on june 16th the police opened fire without warning, killing 13-year-old Hector Peterson and many others. the news filtered through to robben island, and 3 months after the uprising a number of young Soweto prisoners arrived. Den 2. februar 1990, i sin bningstale til det Sydafrikanske parlament, prsident, De Klerk sagde, at han ville gre en ende p apartheid og tillade alle politiske partier deres frihed. P samme tid ville alle politiske fanger blive sat fri. Og Nelson Mandela ville blive en fri mand! I 1994 blev Mandela valgt som prsident. Over 60 % havde stemt p ham. Til viceprsident valgte han Frederik De Klerk, som var en hvid mand. De Klerk sad som viceprsident i rerne indtil 1996, hvorefter han trak sig tilbage. T.R.C True-reconciliation Lederen var Desmond Tu Tu. Han blev fdt 7. oktober 1931 i Klerksdorp, Transvaal. Han var en sydafrikansk rkebiskop og menneskerettighedsaktivist, som op gennem 1970'erne og 80'erne blev verdenskendt for sin ikke-voldelige modstand mod Apartheid. I 1986 blev han udnvnt til Sydafrikas frste sorte rkebiskop og dermed verste leder for Sydafrikas anglikanske kirkesamfund.

Cecilie Borup Jespersen


Nelson Mandela - The hope of black people and the dilemma of white.
The indigenous people of South Africa had long been suppressed. Only the white minority - less than 20% of the total population - has election and vote rights for parliament. After the Second World War, the situation deteriorated even further for non-white citizens. In 1948 the nationalist party came to power with a program which declared apartheid, which means segregation. In the following years, even very basic civil rights, of black people, were reduced to less than the minimum. They were denied the right to own Land and property. Those who disagreed with government policy were banned. It meant that they could only move on a very limited area and never appear in assemblies. Over time exemption laws were also adopted that meant that the police basically could arrest people without reason. It was called the "Rainbow Nation" because the country was divided according to skin color. For example, there were certain places where the black people could and could not go. And it was their skin color that specified which group they belonged to. Mandela fought against all this. He fought to abolish apartheid, and for equality among black and white people. He believed that all should have the same rights and that there should be no difference between people, whether you are white or black. I think that Nelson Mandela was a great man. What he achieved was fantastic. He fought not only for himself but for all black people. He fought not only for his own rights, but for all black people to get their rights back. I think he was a good man who did everything to make people feel good. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was his full name. The name Rolihlahla means troublemaker in the language Xhosa. Mandela was born 18th July 1918 in Qunu, in Transkei. He was the son of Chief Henry Mandela of the Xhosa-speaking Tembu tribe. His upbringing took place in rural surroundings, where he was brought up to be an adviser for a local king. Before Mandela was introduced to this office, he ran off, and traveled to the city Johannesburg, also known as the city of gold. He became an attorney, which was a quite unusual employment of an African at that time. In Johannesburg, he met a man by the name of Walter Sisulu, who helped him to an office job by Witkin, Sidelsky and Eidelman, one of the largest law firms in Johannesburg. At the age of 7 years, Rolihlahla was the first in his family, who started in school. At school, the white people would not call the black people by their African names, so his teacher Mrs. Mdingane would rather give him an English name. She called him Nelson, after the famous English Admiral Lord Nelson. And after that, he was known as Nelson Mandela. When Nelson was 9 years old, his father died of a disease and Chief Jongintaba Dalindyebo became his guardian, who sent Mandela to college and later university. Little by little Nelson was more and more politically involved. Given that there was only one

Cecilie Borup Jespersen


organization (the ANC) to fight for the black population, Nelson became a member. African National Congress - ANC abbreviated. The ANC is a political party in South Africa. The party was founded in 1912. ANC had 3 main objectives. They would fight for all blacks to have the right to buy land, put an end to discrimination and full citizenship for all Africans. Nelson Mandela joined forces with the ANC in 1944. In 1949 he was one of the movement's leaders. In this organization he helped organize non-violent protests like strikes and demonstrations. In 1952 the ANC began a peaceful Defiance Campaign. For 6 months its members deliberately broke the law, in order to fill the jails and make publicity for their cause. The campaign was a success. Africans and Indians worked together and went to jail together - even few whites were arrested. In 1948 the political repression became the law of the land when the national party (whites only, mostly Africans) won the general election (for whites only). They became the new government with a policy known as apartheid. Apartheid means segregation - Africans called it "separate development". Apartheid had existed for many years, but now it was the law of the land. African churchmen believed that God had created man to rule and others to serve the rulers. This was God's will for Africa, they said. There were rules telling the black people where to walk in the streets, where they could work etc. The black people were looked down upon. There were rules made for the black people on everything. If they did not comply with the rules, they were banned. Between 1948 and1994 a large majority in South Africa lived with oppression, discrimination and, not least racism. All authority was given to white people, and they controlled everything. For example, if the white would have a piece of land or area where the blacks lived, they just took a bulldozer and some soldiers and took over the place. One of the most famous African townships to be destroyed was Sophia Town in Johannesburg, where 50,000 people with the "wrong" skin color were removed in 1955. The whites took over the area and called it a triumph. In the course of the next 30 years more than 3 million Africans, Colored and Indians lost their home this way. Africans were forced to carry a passbook. Africans could not be in the streets after 11 o'clock in the evening. If they were discovered in the streets after 11 o'clock at night, they were arrested. Robben Island is an island in Table Bay, of the coast from Cape Town, South Africa. The island is especially known because it was here that Nelson Mandela was jailed for 18 years. "You will never get your freedom. You are nothing, just a Kaffir. The white people are here to rule and this is his country. You are here to serve the white people of this country. A Kaffir is a dog and you are a dog. You are a number. You are nothing". These words were the greeting Nelson Mandela was given when he came to Robben Island. Veins on Robben Island were very hard. Abuse was a part of everyday life. Prisoners were roused each morning at 5:30, and went to sit in the courtyard, with a hammer in the hand. They had to sit there, the same place all day and work very hard in the strong sunshine.

Cecilie Borup Jespersen


Nelsons wife, Winnie, could only visit him, every second year. During the visits they would have a thick glass plate between them, and could only talk, in English, through a telephone, while one of the guards listened in. They could only talk for an half an hour. They could only write letters once every six months, and the letter could maximum have 500 words. And each letter was read over by a guard. After some months the prisoners leave the prison to get out and work in the city near the jail. There they worked from 7 o'clock in the morning to 4 oclock in the afternoon, with only 1 hour break. It was hard work but also very boring. In the winter time when it rained, it was really cold and in summer time it could be burning hot. The prisoners asked for sunglasses - 3 years after they got it. When his mother died in 1968 he was not even allowed to go to the funeral. Not even when his son was killed in a car accident was he allowed to come to the funeral. This was very hard to accept for Mandela. In 1976 the minister of justice, Jimmy, visited Nelson twice and said that if he supported the government's policy on apartheid, he could go free. Nelson refused. In the same year the children of Soweto began protesting against their poor education. On June 16th the police opened fire without warning, killing 13-year-old boy, Hector Peterson, and many others. The news filtered through to Robben Island, and 3 months after the uprising a number of young Soweto prisoners arrived. On 2 February 1990, in his opening speech to the South African parliament, President, De Klerk said he would put an end to apartheid and to allow all political parties their freedom. At the same time, all political prisoners were set free, and Nelson Mandela was again a free man! In 1994 Mandela was elected president. Over 60% had voted for him. For vice president, he chose Frederick "De Klerk, who was a white man. "De Klerk" worked as vice president until 1996, when he resigned. TRC "True reconciliation," The leader was Desmond Tu Tu. He was born 7th October 1931 in Klerksdorp, Transvaal. He was a South African Archbishop and human rights activist, who through the 1970s and 80s became world famous for his non-violent resistance to apartheid. In 1986 he was appointed South Africa's first black archbishop, and also Head of the South African Anglican churches. I think it makes no difference whether you are black or white. We should all be equal regardless of skin color, country and religion. There should be no discrimination. That the black people were treated this way is absolutely terrible I think. I wish that we could live in a peaceful world without racism, without terror and without violence. If we live in a country, where all would agree, then war and racism would not exist. A world of equality would be a much better world.

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