Name: - Grade 7

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Schools Division of Cotabato
Bulakanon, Makilala, Cotabato


Name: ________________________________________ Grade 7 - __________________


INSTRUCTION: Complete each analogy by choosing the correct words from the choices.

_____1. Lion : flesh :: cow : _____

a. snake b. grass c. worm d. animal

_____2. Volume : Liter :: Area : _____

a. Hectare b. Degree c. Radian d. Newton

_____3. Chicken : feather :: Dog : _____

a. skin b. scales c. fur d. leather

_____4. Doctor : hospital :: teacher : _____

a. office b. school c. house d. field

_____5. Pen : author :: sword : _____

a. carpenter b. tailor c. farmer d. warrior

INSTRUCTION: Analyze the relationship in each analogy and identify its type from the choices

_____6. Nice is to kind as mean is to rude.

a. synonym c. part to whole
b. antonym d. cause and effect

_____7. Nail is to finger as lace is to sneaker.

a. synonym c. part to whole
b. antonym d. cause and effect

_____8. Drought is to dryness as rain is to humidity.

a. synonym c. part to whole
b. antonym d. cause and effect

_____9. If I run everyday, then I will beat my best time. The bolded words in the sentence show...
a. synonym c. cause and effect
b. part to whole d. member of category

_____10. Since I haven't seen that movie, I therefore cannot critique it. The bolded words show...
a. part to whole c. cause and effects
b. antonyms d. object to function

Parent’s Name & Signature
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Schools Division of Cotabato
Bulakanon, Makilala, Cotabato


Name: ________________________________________ Grade 7 - __________________


INSTRUCTION: Choose a TV Program from your favorite TV Channel. Critique the TV Program of
your choice using the following guide questions. Write your answer below.
1. What is the material all about?
2. What is the genre used in the material viewed?
3. What significant information did you get from the material?
4. Are these information essential to you as a student? Why?
Title of TV Program Genre Used


Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Needs Improvement (1)
Introduction made use of a
Introduction’s strategy produced The introduction’s strategy The introduction’s strategy
Introductio creative strategy to produce a
some desire on the reader to made the reader indifferent to actually made the reader stop
n strong desire on the reader to
read further. the text. reading the text.
read further.
All details connected well to the Some details are not connected Most details are not well-
Focus and All the details connect well to the
topic, but some are not well- well to the topic or to each connected to the topic or to
Coherence topic and to each other.
connected to each other. other. each other.
Details were more than enough Details were enough to elaborate Details were barely enough to
Elaboration Details were clearly lacking.
to elaborate the main idea. the main idea. elaborate the main idea.
The conclusion provided a good The conclusion was adequate to The conclusion was actually
The conclusion left the text
Conclusion dosing that made the text dose the text but not make it Inappropriate to the ending of
somewhat hanging.
notable. notable. the text.
Two or more elements of
Spelling, grammar, and Spelling, grammar, and One element of convention is
Convention conventions are not done
punctuations are all excellent. punctuations are all good. not done well.

Parent’s Name & Signature

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