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My deepest Purpose in life is to manifest the Gift of Patience.

To realise my Purpose I need to transform the Shadow of Impatience.

In relationships my greatest challenge is to transform the Shadow of Control

Love into the Gift of Authority.
The highest expression of my heart is Intoxication.

I unlock my prosperity through my Gift of Patience.

Prosperity I undermine my prosperity through the Shadow of Impatience.
I thrive best in a position of leadership or influence.

A journey of self illumination

Iuyiufh - MY GENIUS

My Life's Work - what I’m here to do - Gene Key 40

You can never follow the path of another. Whatever your passion may be, you will have to walk the path
alone. Your greatest strength lies in the nobility of your aloneness. This does not mean that you should
isolate yourself from others — on the contrary, you will thrive even more with the right support — but you
must maintain strong boundaries in all your relationships. If you allow anyone to take advantage of you, you
will pay the price of exhaustion. It is because of the very strength of your aloneness that you are designed to
work with people in teams, communities, businesses, and/or families. You are the rock within every group,
and your role is to remind people when they have overstepped some boundary.

My Evolution - what I’m here to learn - Gene Key 37

The counterbalance to your deep love of being alone is your need to be a part of a living, growing
community. You are here to redefine the meaning of the word community. Your great strength is to remind
individuals that community is supposed to serve both the individual and the group. Wherever you go, you are
likely to find individuals who use the community as a way to escape themselves. These are the people you
can be of the greatest service to, because your inner strength can be a mirror for them of something they are
missing. Until a community, group, family, team, or business can absolutely respect the rights of the
individual, it will always fail in some respect. You have been given your strength for a reason: to transform the
dynamics of groups by giving them a new vision where neither the group goal nor the individual's creativity is

My Radiance - what keeps me healthy - Gene Key 35

You are a person who needs to travel the world, internally and outwardly. The more you explore the diversity
of inner consciousness, the more doors will open for you. You must never allow yourself to be trapped into
any single system or mode of thinking. Your very lifeblood is connected to the feeling that anything is
possible at any moment, and if you ever lose this sense of inner freedom, your spirit will begin to wilt. Your
body is at its happiest when it is exploring a new place with a new set of people, and the more you can
explore the world, the happier and more powerful you will become. You are an explorer of the frontiers of
consciousness, so you need to create a home environment that frees you rather than stifles you — that
opens your eyes to ever wider and richer possibilities and horizons.

My Purpose - what deeply fulfils me - Gene Key 5

Your life purpose is to become so immersed in your life that you forget yourself entirely. This is the true
meaning of Timelessness, the highest aspect of your life purpose. Over time, you will see that life has so
many hidden rhythms and patterns. As long as you do not interfere with this natural timing, everything comes
in its own time just as it is intended. Your ability to let go into your life and accept every changing moment
brings you a huge feeling of being a part of everything. As you follow the course of your life on the surface,
deep down you will realise that the very ground of your nature is your gift of patience. It is a gift both for you
and for everyone you meet.

© Gene Keys Publishing 2022 My Hologenetic Profile Page 2


Divine Will Birth City: Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires F.D.,

Life's Work
Resolve Argentina
Line 5 - Fixer 40.5 Birth Date: 3 Sep 2007

Birth Time: 03:08

Pearl Determination
9.6 Line 6 - Nature

Valor Vocation Culture Timelessness

Authority Patience
Line 5 - Management (responsibility) 21.5 5.5 Impatience
Line 5 - Society

Boundlessness Intoxication Tenderness

Radiance SQ Evolution
Adventure Enrichment Equality
Line 2 - Marriage 35.2 Distraction
Line 2 - Freedom (wildness and boundaries) 56.2 37.5 Weakness
Line 5 - Power & Projection

Virtue IQ EQ Boundlessness
Guidance Adventure
Line 5 - The Practical mind (defensive)
7.5 35.6 Hunger
Line 6 - Reverence/Alienation

Attraction Vitality
58.6 Line 6 - Disappointment/Innocence

Purpose Timelessness
5.2 Impatience
Line 2 - Posture (fluids)

The Siddhi - my essence Genius

The Gift - my creativity
The Shadow - my challenge


is an amazing journey of self discovery
into your Genius, Love and Prosperity

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© Gene Keys Publishing 2022 My Hologenetic Profile Page 3

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