Innovation and Competitiveness

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Second International Scientific Conference

Innovation and Competitiveness

The world through the Prism of the COVID-19



First Name Last Name1, First Name Last Name2

University ......., Department ……., country

University ......., Department …………., country,

Summary. Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary
Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary
Summary Summary Summary Summary (7-9 lines)
Keywords: (5-6 words) keyword, keyword, keyword, keyword, keyword.


First Name Last Name1 , First Name Last Name2


University ......., Department ……., country

University ......., Department …………., country,

Summary. Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary
Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary Summary
Summary Summary Summary Summary (7-9 lines)
Keywords: (5-6 words) keyword, keyword, keyword, keyword, keyword.
1.  Introduction
2.  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

When entering a table:
Table 1: Table name
Source: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
3. хххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххх
When entering a figure:

FIG. 1 Name of the figure

Source: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
4. Conclusion
1. Alred, GJ, Brusaw, CT, & Oliu, WE (2009). The business writer's handbook. New
York, NY: St Martin's Press.
Note: Non-compliant papers will not be included in the conference.
Reports must be submitted in a printable format.
General. Conference reports must be written in one of the official
languages (Bulgarian, Russian or English). The text of the report
should be in A5 format, left, right, top - 15 mm, bottom - 20 mm.
The full text of the report should be up to 10 pages, including
figures, photos, tables, etc. Pages are not numbered. The reports are
sent as attached .doc files to the e-mail address:
or through the registration form on the website:

Structure of the report. The report should contain the following

parts: title, name and surname of the author (authors), specialty,
department, university, country, e-mail address, abstract, keywords,
introduction (subject and purpose of the research, methods used,
literature review and analyzes, etc.), exposition, conclusion, list of
used literature.

Layout of the report

1. Title of the report. It must be written in the language in which the

report is written and in English, starting with the language in which
the report is written. If the text of the report is in Bulgarian (Russian
or English), the title is written in Bulgarian (Russian or English) and
in English. The title of the report should be written in capital Bold
letters and centered (Center, Times New Roman 12 pt, Bold). Leave a
space one line between the title and the author's name.

2. The name and surname of the author or co-authors (in English)

must be written in Bold letters and centered (Center, Times New
Roman 11 pt, Bold). Under the name and surname of the author (co-
authors) a line is left and the name of the institution and the country
of origin of the author (co-authors) is written in lowercase letters (in
English) and their e-mail address (Center, Times New Roman 10 pt,
Italic). The information about the next author is written on a new

3. The abstract and key words must be written in English and in the
language in which the report is written and must be in Times New
Roman 9 pt font size. They must be written after the institution, the
state and the e-mail address and start at the beginning of the line. The
words Summary and Keywords are Bold. The summary should be
of 600-800 printed characters (7-9 lines) - single-space. There should
be no line spacing between the abstract and keywords. Keywords
should be 5 - 6, separated by commas. A full stop is placed after the
word Abstract, followed by a colon after Keywords.

4. The introduction, statement and conclusion should be written in

Times New Roman 10 pt. Row spacing - single-space. They must be
aligned on both sides. The last page of the report must be at least
70% complete.

5. Formulas and other symbols must be written in Equation Editor

3, Italic 10 pt, indexes - by 7 pt, their sub-indexes - by 6 pt. The
matrices must be written in square brackets, the vectors in Bold-
Regular 10 pt. All digits, including index numbers, are presented in
Regular. Formulas must be centered. They are numbered with Arabic
numerals in parentheses and should be aligned to the right. There
must be a line spacing between the formula and the text.

6. The figures and tables must be placed where they appear,

centered, and numbered consecutively and inscribed. The numbers of
the figures and inscriptions should be below them with Center, Times
New Roman 9 pt, and on the tables - above them with Right, Times
New Roman 9 pt (for example Fig. 1, Table 1). Figures and tables must
be separated from the text by one blank line.
7. The introduction, the titles of the parts and the conclusion should
be written in Times New Roman 10 pt, Bold and begin at the
beginning of the line. The introduction, the titles of the chapters and
the conclusion must be numbered with one Arabic numeral and the
subheadings of the parts with two Arabic numerals separated by a
period. The introduction, the titles of the parts and subsections must
be separated from the above text by one blank line.

8. References must be cited in the text according to APA style

(Authors must include at least 10 citation sources, of which at least 5
are not older than 2014). Please follow the link for citation
The list of used literature sources should be written after the
conclusion. The word Literature should be written in lower case in
Times New Roman 10pt, Bold. The list of used literature sources
should be written in Times New Roman 9 pt according to the example
below, and only the authors - in capital letters.
IMPORTANT: It is necessary to transliterate the literature
used in the reports, which is in Cyrillic or in a non-Latin alphabet,
into Latin using the program
TODOROV, K. (2011) Bulgarskoto predpriemachestvo po vreme na krizata i kato
dvigatel na postkrizisnoto razvitie, godisnik na UNSS.
Creating a list of used literature
A book
Rule: Author (year) Title of publication, publisher.
Example: Alred, GJ, Brusaw, CT, & Oliu, WE (2009). The business writer's handbook.
New York, NY: St Martin's Press.

Chapter from a book with several authors

Rule: Author (year) Title of the chapter. In Compiler (s) of the book, Title of the book
(page-on-head), Publisher.
Example: Nurumov, D. and Vaschanka, V. (2019). Effective Participation of National
Minorities in the Electoral Process, In William Romans, Iryna Ulasiuk and Anton Petrenko
Thomsen (eds), Effective Participation of National Minorities and Conflict Prevention (pp.
197 -214), Leiden: Brill Nijhoff.

Rule: Author (year) Article title, Journal issue, page-page, DOI
Example: Norris, P. (1997). Choosing Electoral Systems: Proportional, Majoritarian and
Mixed Systems. International Political Science Review, 18 (3), 297–312.
Online resource
Rule: Author / Organization / Platform (year) Title, Date of last visit, link
Example:Strahilova, E (2019). Noise pollution affects many animal species according to
a new study, Last visited on January 11, 2020,
vliyae-mnogo-jivotinski-vidove-spored- new/

1. VASILIAUSKAS, A., (2013) Strategic Management., Vilnius: Enciklopedija,
235 p.

2. SCHULTZ, D., (2012) Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public

Policy, Facts on File, Inc., 526 p.
3. Administration of Public Sector Institutions, Vilnius: LTU, 2012, 292 p.
4. CALLAHAN, K., BROOKS, L. (2012) Essentials of Strategic Project
Management. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 209 p.

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