Listening Test: General Instructions

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Ministerio de Educación Pública

Dirección Regional De Sarapiquí

Liceo Rural Las Marías
Circuito 05
II Examen
Institution : Liceo Rural Las Marías Total points : 10
Teacher: Gabriela Alvarado Sarraga Total de porcentage: 10 %
Point obtained: _____________
Students name :____________________________
Porcentage obtained: ____________
Parent´s sing : _________________________________
Score :_____________
Date apply : Thursday 23rd June, 2022
Assigment time: 80 minutes
Level: Ninth grade
Group: 9-1
 This test will be divided in two sections listening and oral
 It is going to individually and you are going to be scored by rubrics.
 The test will be answer it just with ink either blue or black, avoid use pencil or correction fluid. If
you use them, your complaints will not be admitted.
 It is an individual test.
 Avoid the use of correction fluid or pencil
 Any kind of dictionary or electronic device is NOT allowed while applying this test


 You must to be silence and pay a lot attention.
 You are going to listen three times teacher instructions and three times each practice.

Listen and read to the audio called ¨Top 10 social media apps among teens¨3. Then write the name of
the app under the description given. Use the word box. Top 10 social media apps among teens - Most
Popular Social Media Apps for Kid - YouTube
Facebook WhatsApp Pinterest Quora YouTube
Twitter Linkdln Google Tumblr Instagram

1. _____________________________
Started in 2004, it is on top of our list as it unites people from all around the world for friendship. This
is the greatest platform for connecting with youngsters or people of your kind!
2. _____________________________
This one is for teens who want to follow their favorite celebrity and stay updated about their lives!
3. _____________________________
Over the years, it has gained immense popularity, and it’s the best platform for teens interested in
fashion, travel, or photography
4. _____________________________
Time for the most popular and easy app for chatting! Almost every teenager uses the most
convenient instant messaging chat for exchanging chats and homework as well!
5. _____________________________
Another entertainment app for sharing fun content is YouTube! Whether it is a comedy sitcom or a
newly released music video, teens are the first to grab their first look!
6. _____________________________
It’s perfect for teens who get professional a little early and connect with successful entrepreneurs all
over the world. It’s for freshly graduated and talented students to get hired and recognized for their
7. _____________________________
Yes, we are shocked it’s not in the first position! Almost everything is on _______________, and
teens don’t waste a minute to type it on the search if they want to learn something!
8. _____________________________
Another exclusive app for sharing high-quality images! You get ideas, DIY tips, and almost any kind
of images on this app, making it perfect for teens to spend time.
9. _____________________________
The excellent platform for teens who want to get started as a blogger! They can post images and
funny content that attracts people among billions of users.
10. _____________________________
Teenage is a confusing time, and we need perfect answers! It is a platform that gives
teenagers a chance to get answers from the specialist! No wonder it made it through the list
Ministerio de Educación Pública
Dirección Regional De Sarapiquí
Liceo Rural Las Marías
Circuito 05
II Examen
Institution : Liceo Rural Las Marías Total points : 30
Teacher: Gabriela Alvarado Sarraga Total de porcentage: 7 %
Point obtained: _____________
Students name :____________________________
Porcentage obtained: ____________
Parent´s sing : _________________________________
Score :_____________
Date apply : Thursday 23rd June, 2022
Assigment time:
Level: Ninth grade
Group: 9-1
 This test will be divided in two sections listening and oral
 It is going to individually and you are going to be scored by rubrics.
 Any kind of dictionary or electronic device is NOT allowed while applying this test


 Create 10 sentences making comparison between electrical devices or social networks


Sentences NA Outstanding Satisfactory Poor

Observations 3 2 1










Total points Gained %: Gained Score:

Indicators: Communication, Pronunciation, Vocabulary, Fluency.


Outstanding: Communicates ideas clearly In appropriate, sophisticated and original way to audience, able to
respond to questions and expand on ideas, presents complex accurate, sustantive ideas and information
clearly. Pronunciation is accurate, with correct inflections, numbers of syllables and other correct nuances of
pronunciation. Vocabulary is sufficient to be understood during the assessment strategy and words are used
with their correct meaning. On fluency, the student doesn’t hesitate and masters the topic.

.Satisfactory:. Communicates clearly in appropriate and original way to audience, able to respond to
questions and expand somewhat on ideas, presents accurate, sustantive ideas and information clearly.
Pronunciation is satisfactory; some words have incorrect inflections or a few words are hard to understand.
Vocabulary is moderate to be understood during the assessment strategy, most words are used with their
correct meaning. On fluency the student hesitates rarely or has minor doubts about the topic.

Poor: Neither clear nor appropriate communication to audience, cannot respond well to questions, does not
present clear ideas or information. Pronunciation is very hard or impossible to understand. Vocabulary is very
limited and/or incorrect words are often used. On fluency, the student hesitates or stops frequently or shows
poor knowledge of the topic.
Ministerio de Educación Pública
Dirección Regional De Sarapiquí
Circuito 05
Second Test I Semester
Listening and Oral

Institution : Liceo Rural Las Marías Total Point: 40

Teacher: Gabriela Alvarado Sarraga Numbers of lessons: 20
Term: II Test – I Period Constant: 20 % 20 = 2
Level: Ninth grade Percentage: 17%
Number of Points Built Response
lessons SU SA ID
Indicators Multiple Short identify
Choice Answer

L.2.1 Recognizes the topic of audio 5 10 10

texts about media, virtual communities,
apps and media safety by using
pictures or drawings.
SI.1.2.1 Plans a set of sentences to 15 30 30
give opinions about the latest media,
virtual communities, and apps
20 40 30 10

Ministerio de Educación Pública

Dirección Regional De Sarapiquí
Liceo Rural Las Marías
Circuito 05
II Examen
Institution : Liceo Rural Las Marías
Teacher: Gabriela Alvarado Sarraga
Students name :____________________________
Parent´s sing : _________________________________
Date apply : Thursday 23rd June, 2022
Level: Ninth grade
Indicators CONTENT
L.2.1 Recognizes the topic of audio texts about media, Facebook,WhatsApp,Pinterest, Quora, YouTube
virtual communities, apps and media safety by using Twitter, Linkdln, Google, Tumblr, Instagram
pictures or drawings.
SI.1.2.1 Plans a set of sentences to give opinions Create setences using comparative
about the latest media, virtual communities, and apps Example
Facebook is more puplar than Hi 5
Funnier than /Smaller than/ Bigger than / Cleaver
than /More trender than /More beatiful than /More
useful than
Ministerio de Educación Pública
Dirección Regional De Sarapiquí
Liceo Rural Las Marías
Circuito 05
II Examen
Institution : Liceo Rural Las Marías
Teacher: Gabriela Alvarado Sarraga
Students name :____________________________
Parent´s sing : _________________________________
Date apply : Thursday 23rd June, 2022
Level: Ninth grade
Indicators CONTENT
L.2.1 Recognizes the topic of audio texts about media, Facebook,WhatsApp,Pinterest, Quora, YouTube
virtual communities, apps and media safety by using Twitter, Linkdln, Google, Tumblr, Instagram
pictures or drawings.
SI.1.2.1 Plans a set of sentences to give opinions Create setences using comparative
about the latest media, virtual communities, and apps Example
Facebook is more puplar than Hi 5
Funnier than /Smaller than/ Bigger than / Cleaver
than /More trender than /More beatiful than /More
useful than

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