Portfolio Nicky Torres AG1

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STUDENT: Nicky Alberto Torres Calvo

TEACHER: Carolyn Villasante

COURSE: Advanced Grammar 1 (AG1)

SCHEDULE: 14:15 – 15:45

My Experience

In 2018, my parents decided to enroll me in ICPNA because English is an important

language to get a job in the future, but before entering I would need to accommodate

my school schedule with ICPNA, as I needed to balance my time. Anyway, I managed to

accommodate my schedule. So I studied at ICPNA for quite some time.

Once at ICPNA, it was very easy for me to pass the basic courses, because it was very

easy to pass certain subjects, plus I used to stand out in my school because of my

grades in English. But there were also certain difficulties the further I advanced in the

cycle, the projects became a bit tedious because I had to work with two people, and

sometimes my project partners did not help me. Still, I studied hard so that my grades

wouldn't drop too much.

In 2020, I was finishing my last course of the school year, just when covid-19 and

quarantine happened. I was worried about what my classes would be like at that time,

but fortunately I was able to continue them through virtual classes. It was a little weird

at first but it didn't complicate my schedule too much.

I am currently a high school graduate and I am continuing my language courses in

English and French. And with finishing ICPNA this year, I know that I will be able to

prosper in the very near future with some jobs.

The hexagon of Saturn

This hexagon that adorns Saturn's north pole is both enigmatic and spectacular. As far

as we know, Saturn's hexagon has been present for more than 30 Earth years. Given

the planet's remoteness and the apparent nature of the event, the inquiry is

complicated, which is why computer models are being used to learn more about it.

The hexagon is formed as a result of events that occur in the upper and lower

atmospheres, respectively. Near Saturn's north pole, a massive air flow curves

eastward through the upper atmosphere, while below (where the wind speed is

lowered), a hexagonal structure emerges from the collision of crosswinds with the

initial air flow.

We know it's a wind cluster, but we don't know what it's made of, how it formed, or

how old it is.

From triangles through octagons which should be from triangles to octagons, with the

hexagon being the most prevalent. Formations formed in a turbulent flow area

involving two fluids spinning at different speeds. They were not generated at Saturn's

south pole or in other gas giants if the viscosity of the velocity did not surpass a

particular amount, which would explain why they were not formed there.

We still don't know a lot about the hexagon; its composition, structure, creation, and

age are all a complete or partial mystery to scientists. But,

because of this, and because our space debris continues to

improve, the desire to understand more about it never

fades. Neither, thankfully, do the minds that are fed by

solving mysteries using the scientific method.

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