Fuzzy Logic GIS Based (Encontrar Articulo)

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Vol. 11 No.

4 2006 875-881

Article ID. 1007-1202(2006)04-0875-07

Using Fuzzy Relations and GIS Method to

Evaluate Debris Flow Hazard

0 Introduction
[ ] SONG Shujun 1'=, ZHANG Baolei 1'=,
FENG Wenlan 1'2 , ZHOU Wancun it ebris flows are a kind of common natural phe-
1. Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy
of Sciences,Chengdu 610041 ,Sichuan,China;
2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
D nomenon with hazard potential in mountainous
areas. They are characteristic of sudden occurrences,
100049, China short duration and strongly destructive power. In
China,the majority of debris flows distribute in the
Abstract= The study area, located in the southeast of Tibet along the western mountainous area and the fringe o{ plat-
Sichuan-Tibet highway, is a part of Palongzangbu River basin where eaus[17. Debris flows in these regions occur frequent-
mountain hazards take place frequently. On the ground of field surveying, ly, threaten the safety of life and property and retard
historical data and previous research, a total of 31 debris flow gullies are
identified in the study area and 5 factors are chosen as main parameters economic development seriously. Therefore, debris
for evaluating the hazard of debris flows in this study. Spatial analyst flow hazard assessments have become an important
functions of geographic information system (GIS) are utilized to produce
topic for different disciplines such as administration,
debris flow inventory and parameter maps. All data are built into a spatial
database for evaluating debris flow hazard. Integrated with GIS tech- local government, engineering geologists and gee-
niques,the fuzzy relation method is used to calculate the strength of rela- morphologists, etc.
tionship between debris flow inventory and parameters of the database.
For hazard evaluation of natural disaster like
With this methodology,a hazard map of debris flows is produced. Accord-
ing to this m a p , 6 . 6 ~ of the study area is classified as very high hazard, debris flows, many research works have been done
7.3~ as high hazard,8.4o//00 as moderate hazard,32.1~ as low hazard by previous research, and many methods, such as
and 4 5 . 6 ~ as very low hazard or non-hazard areas. After validating the
field geomorphic analysis[el , heuristic approach[a] ,
results, this methodology is ultimately confirmed to be available.
K e y w o r d s = fuzzy relations; geographic information system ( G I S ) ;
deterministic or probabilistic modelsc4] , logical ana-
debris flows; hazard evaluation lytical models[~] , bivariate or multivariate statistical
CLC number= X 43 analyses[6'7] , are accordingly produced and summa-
rized. These methods considered for debris flow haz-
ard assessments can be divided into two groups=
qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative
methods,such as geomorphologic mapping, heuristic
approaches, etc., were very popular at the end o{
Received date: 2005-11-20
Foundation item: Supported by the Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese
1970s among the communities of engineering geolo-
Academy of Sciences (KZCX2-SW-319-01) gists and geomorphologists, while the quantitative
Biography= SONG Shujun (1978-), male, Ph.D. candidate, research direction: ap-
plication and development of geographic information system and remote sensing.
methods have become popular in the last decades de-
E-mail: fisherssj@ 126. corn pending on the developments of computer techniques
t To whom correspondence should be addressed. Dmail=zhwc@imde. ac. cn
and the uses of more mathematical models. General-

ly, qualitative methods are highly based on personal ing natural hazards such as debris flows E13'142. A GIS
knowledge or experience and can be considered mainly as software namely ArcGIS was used to process the data com-
subjective. Contrary, the quantitative methods, such as posed of topographical maps and satellite images. These da-
statistical methods (either bivariate or multivariate), de- ta were used to produce debris flows distribution map
terministic models and so forth, can be considered as more where a total of 31 debris flow gullies were identified and
objective due to analyzing the fact that data-based charac- to obtain parameter maps for evaluating hazard of debris
ter. However, the form mechanism and running process of flows. Then, a spatial database was built with the debris
debris flows cannot be described quantificationally be- flows distribution map and the parameter maps. The fuzzy
cause the occurrence of debris flows is extremely complex relation integrated with GIS methodology was utilized to
in the time and the space. The process of debris flows make hazard map of debris flow of the study area. The pre-
with lots of fuzzy phenomena and matters is a nonlinear diction performance of the hazard map was checked by con-
and uncertain system. For this character, it is difficult to sidering actual debris flows in the study area. In a word,the
evaluate the hazard of debris flows by only using purely purpose of the present work is to discuss and build a new
mathematical methods such as analysis of variance, multi- approach which includes fuzzy relation and GIS methods for
ple regression analysis, clustering analysis and so forth. evaluating hazard of debris flows.
These methods have some characters of limitations and
errors El?. Meanwhile, these methods require the collec- 1 Study Area
tion of large amounts of data to produce reliable results.
Therefore,to cope with these problems, some new tech- The study area is located between latitude 95033 '
niques such as fuzzy logicE~-1~ neural networkE1]'12~, and 97007' N, longitude 29~ and 31003' E, which is in
etc. ,have been successfully applied to assess the hazard the middle and upper reaches of Palongzangbu River ba-
of debris flows in recent years. Utilization of these tech- sin whose length is 266 km in the southeast part of Tibet
niques can be considered as an effective approach to solve (Fig. 1). The study area crosses Nyingchi and Qamdo re-
the problems of nonlinearities and uncertainties in the gions of Tibet,and from an administrative point of view,
running process of debris flows when insufficient data ex- the area belongs to Bomi and Basu counties. The area of
ist statistically or when it is difficult to evaluate the haz- the study region is 5 642.1 km2 and the length is 200. 4
ard of debris flows by mathematical models. km. The average fall and gradient are 3 360 m and 12.6 ~
The geographic information system (GIS) has been respectively. The Sichuan-Tibet highway goes through
recognized as a strong and useful tool to process, analyze the main river of the study area that is disturbed by many
and display spatial data, and to aid in a decision analysis. kinds of mountainous disasters such as avalanches,glacier
So far GIS technology has been applied to many research lake outburst floods, debris flows and landslides, etc.,
fields by lots of scientists in the world. The GIS-based wherein the most serious disasters are debris flows and
approaches are also used widely in analyzing and assess- landslides.

Fig. 1 Location map of the study area


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