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JULY 2020 |


What if your plant were
Five questions to ask regarding
JULY 2020 | Volume 99 Number 7




27 What if your plant were truly digital? 4 Industry Perspectives
F. Martins 8 Business Trends
31 Define operational roles for industrial digital transformation 77 Innovations
E. C. Cosman 79 People
35 Productivity gains through digital turnaround management 80 Advertiser Index
A. Radach 81 Marketplace

37 How AI can better serve the chemical process industry 82 Events

H. H. Lou and H. Gai
41 Ergon Refining: A digital transformation story
S. Elwart and M. Carugo 7 Editorial Comment
A heartfelt thanks
45 Calculating petroleum quantities in the 21st century
L. S. Tanner
13 Reliability
Finding a maintenance cost optimum

ENVIRONMENT AND SAFETY 15 Executive Viewpoint

49 Improve refinery furnace control with burner management systems Digital twin—Today’s disruptive
and model predictive control technology leader
Y. Aktaş and H. Ç. Şanli 17 Executive Viewpoint
Digital transformation and how it is
PROCESS ENGINEERING advancing the processing industries
55 Flare system design for a refinery mega-complex—front end and beyond
21 Digital
S. Chadhuri and R. B. Singh Restricted site access shines a new light
on the benefits of remote operations
59 Digitally enabled sustainability in process manufacturing 23 Digital
Data security and privacy:
V. Krishnan The five questions energy
company boards need to ask
65 Black swans and gray rhinos: Building future resilience
P. Morse

67 IMO 2020: Keeping ships at sea while meeting sustainability targets

K. Müller

69 Cooling water microbiological control
R. Post, R. Kalakodimi and B. Buecker


73 U.S. modularization—Keep an eye toward the most economical approach
C. Rentschler and G. Shahani

Cover Image: Air Liquide monitors pipeline operations and industrial gas production facilities
within its leading-edge operations control center. Photo courtesy of Air Liquide.
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PUBLISHER Catherine Watkins

Industry Perspectives EDITOR-IN-CHIEF/

Lee Nichols

Executive Editor Adrienne Blume
HP reader poll: Free time during Managing Editor
Digital Editor
Mike Rhodes
Stephanie Bartels
work-from-home Technical Editor
Reliability/Equipment Editor
Sumedha Sharma
Heinz P. Bloch
Contributing Editor Alissa Leeton
In the May issue of Hydrocarbon Processing, the editors pro- Contributing Editor ARC Advisory Group
posed a two-part question to gauge how our readers were ad- Contributing Editor Anthony Sofronas
justing to “work-from-home” initiatives put in place due to the MAGAZINE PRODUCTION / +1 (713) 525-4633
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construction project sites. Artist/Illustrator David Weeks
The two questions proposed were aimed at discovering ADVERTISING SALES
how our subscribers were functioning professionally during See Sales Offices, page 80.
this unprecedented shift in working conditions. In addition to
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4 JULY 2020 |
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A heartfelt thanks
Each year, Hydrocarbon Processing how busy and hectic downstream profes- INSIDE THIS ISSUE
hosts events to bring together profession- sionals’ work can be, so we wanted to ex-
als in the oil and gas industry to share
ideas and knowledge on the latest ad-
tend a heartfelt thanks for their time and
effort in working with the IRPC coordi- 23 HP Digital. For the past
several years, hydrocarbon
processing industry companies have
vancements in processing technologies nators to prepare for the event.
and operations. The flagship event is the Due to the conversion to an online been forced to navigate volatile
International Refining and Petrochemi- format, IRPC EurAsia was able to be held conditions, including unstable economics,
cal Conference (IRPC). IRPC provides on its intended dates, June 3–4. Since increased sustainability concerns and
a valuable forum for refining and petro- the event’s timetable stayed on the origi- knowledge transfer gaps. However, these
chemical innovators and practitioners to nally planned Rotterdam time, several issues have overshadowed the crucial
share their knowledge and expertise with presenters had to present at odd hours of area of data security and privacy. This
industry peers, as well as to hear current the day/night. Again, we sincerely thank article explores the five questions energy
company boards need to ask regarding
and future business strategies from lead- those individuals who cordially adjusted
their company’s data.
ing industry professionals. their schedules and workflows to present

17 Executive Viewpoint.
IRPC consists of two different techni- crucial technology advancements in the
cal conferences: IRPC EurAsia and IRPC hydrocarbon processing industry. Hydrocarbon Processing was
Americas. This year, IRPC EurAsia was The online technical event began with pleased to speak with executives of
scheduled to be held in Rotterdam, the two insightful keynote presentations: The Schneider Electric on their insights
Netherlands in early June. However, as goals of the Cracker of the Future consor- into the oil and gas industry’s digital
most of you know, the COVID-19 pan- tium and the commissioning and startup transformation and how it is advancing
demic significantly impacted global travel of Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Indus- automation, sustainability and future
and the ability to gather in one place. tries Co.’s 615,000-bpd Al-Zour refinery. operations.
Therefore, the IRPC staff and advisory Day 2’s keynote presentations focused on
board made the decision to convert the
event to an online format. This conversion
led to a complete revision of event logis-
the future of the European refining sec-
tor and the challenges and benefits of the
global energy transition and the future of
26 The Digital Plant.
New digital technologies
are enabling operators to enhance
tics—IRPC EurAisa ONLINE was born. the circular economy. operations and increase reliability,
The keynote presentations were fol- safety and profitability. This month’s
A heartfelt thanks. Unlike an in-person lowed by a host of breakout sessions. Special Focus examines the benefits
conference where speakers present their These sessions included presentations of the processing industry’s digital
PowerPoint presentations in a room with on the latest advancements in process transformation.
an audience, IRPC EurAsia ONLINE’s optimization, materials science, emerging
format called for coordinating dozens of
speakers in different time zones to pres-
technologies, sustainability, clean fuels/
biofuels, digital transformation, refining 49 Environment and Safety.
A burner management system
(BMS) includes several pieces dedicated
ent in an online platform to hundreds of and petrochemical integration and main-
to combustion safety and operator
conference registrants from around the tenance and reliability.
assistance in the starting/stopping of
world. The process was ensured through Advancing ideas can be facilitated and
burning equipment. This case study
several practice runs, at different hours of expedited during industry events. Any
examines the application of a BMS at the
the day and night, between our event co- time that the industry can come together
lube oil plant at Tüpraş’ İzmir refinery.
ordinators and speakers. and share knowledge on best practices

59 Sustainability.
These practice runs were necessary to and technological advancements pro-
inform the speakers on the usability of the vides a significant catalyst for increasing Many companies around the
online platform and to ensure, with a little plant efficiency, profitability and safety. world are investing in new technologies
luck, a smooth flow of the conference ma- to increase sustainable operations.
terial to a global audience of nearly 600. IRPC Americas. In late September, This includes utilizing new digital
Since several of these practice runs Hydrocarbon Processing will host IRPC technologies for energy efficiency,
were outside normal working hours, we Americas in Houston, Texas. Details can new processing methods for clean fuels
sincerely thank the presenters for being be found at www.HydrocarbonProcessing. production and incorporating renewable
flexible with their time. We understand com/events. technologies into existing operations.

Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 20207

| Business Trends
Blockchain is defined as a system in which a record of
transactions is maintained across several computers
linked in a peer-to-peer network. The application of
blockchain technology in the petrochemical industry
is a system integration approach through engineering,
procurement, construction management and other key
service supplier relationships. It enables automated
business transactions to become more sophisticated,
enabling industry networks to evolve into self-governing
cognitive business networks economically. The expected
outcomes are increases in profitability and improvements
in key performance indicators. This month’s Business
Trends introduces the core theory of blockchain
technology, along with opportunities, challenges and
risks within the petrochemical industry.

Columns of the central gas fractionation unit at Sibur’s Tobolsk

polymer plant. Photo courtesy of Sibur.
A. A. EZZAT, Pharos University,
Alexandria, Egypt

Business Trends

Application of blockchain technology

in the petrochemical industry
The petrochemical industry relies on partners, distributers and customers Decentralization. This feature clari-
an extensive supply chain system to bring across different geographic locations. fies that the blockchain-based system
products and services to competitive The application of blockchain tech- is no longer dependent on the central
markets. Each supplier maintains a sepa- nology in the petrochemical industry is processing node, which realizes the dis-
rate ledger in compliance with its policies a system integration approach through tributed recording, storage, and data
and procedures. As a result, most busi- engineering, procurement, construction updates. The status of each node is the
ness transactions are inefficient, expen- management and other key service sup- same, and the data blocks are maintained
sive and vulnerable. Inefficiencies result plier relationships. It allows automated by the nodes with the maintenance func-
from the duplication of a single contract business transactions to become more tion in the entire system.
by each participant in the supply chain. sophisticated, enabling industry net- Immutability. Information cannot
The time it takes for each participant to works to evolve into self-governing cog- be changed after being verified and add-
record and reconcile transactions can nitive business networks economically. ed to the blockchain.
slow down the flow of capital and rev- The expected outcomes are increases in Transparency. Transparency is the
enue throughout the entire supply chain. profitability and improvements in key basis for blockchain to be trusted since
Therefore, strategy modification is performance indicators (KPIs). recorded data and updates are transpar-
needed in how companies conduct busi- ent to the nodes of the entire network.
ness transactions economically and effi- The concept of blockchain. Essen- Therefore, network-wide nodes, with
ciently. Blockchain technology has been tially, blockchain is a mode to manage high transparency, can be used to review
developed to deal with strategy modi- transaction processing through transpar- and track data records and operations.
fications and help companies conduct ent rules to construct non-tampering and Efficiency. The blockchain technol-
business transactions and data security traceable blockchain data structure. It is ogy makes the system more transparent
economically and efficiently. This study an application mode combining computer by distributing database records to users
covers the prospects of applying block- technologies such as distributed data stor- in the system, making it more efficient in
chain technology in petrochemical-relat- age, consensus mechanisms, peer-to-peer terms of risk and cost.
ed industries. transmission, and encryption algorithms. Security. Since the blockchain-based
Due to crude oil price volatility, the The biggest innovation of blockchain system has the characteristics of decen-
high cost of upstream industry develop- technology is that transactions are no tralization, the security of the entire sys-
ments and challenges in the processing longer stored in the central database. tem is safe.
industries are forcing hydrocarbon pro- The system is based on peer-to-peer ap- Anonymity. In blockchain systems,
cessing industries to reduce costs in an plication, where the computers in each both parties can make the transaction
economic and efficient regime. The appli- node in the network have equal status— anonymous because the program rules
cation of blockchain technology is an ap- each node has the same network power, can automatically determine whether
proach to conquer these challenges. This and there is no centralized server. All the exchange activities between nodes
approach is based on geographic, politi- nodes share information through spe- are valid.
cal and operational realities, along with cific protocols. This means that in the
the scale of investment required within blockchain model, transactions can be Technology cooperation. The devel-
the industry. Therefore, strategy modi- conducted directly between two parties opments of artificial intelligence (AI) and
fication is needed in how upstream and without third-party intervention, and all cloud computing are being researched
downstream companies conduct business transaction data is stored in the distrib- for blockchain technology developments
transactions economically and efficiently. uted blockchain. (e.g., AI based on blockchain uses smart
Conversely, petrochemical industries contracts, in terms of user equipment
are based on developing technologies Key characteristics of blockchain. authorization, authentication and value
with complex configurations. Indus- Blockchain technology has six main exchange, to improve security).
trial companies cannot exist in isolation characteristics: decentralization, immu- Conversely, the combination of
since they rely on extensive supply chain tability, transparency, efficiency, security blockchain and cloud computing will ef-
networks, which can connect suppliers, and anonymity. fectively reduce the cost of blockchain
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 20209
Business Trends

deployment. In a practical case, block- PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY • Supply chain, pipeline, logistics,
chain-as-a-service (BaaS), developed by BLOCKCHAIN SYSTEM shipping procurement
the combination of blockchain and cloud • Marketing and related programs
computing, aims to provide users with The petrochemical industry can be • Trade in carbon emissions
better blockchain services, such as good divided into three main classes: prima- • JV data/accounting
resource management tools, customized ry, intermediate and end materials. The • Transfer pricing
data analysis and reporting systems. primary class covers feedstocks and raw • Production sharing.
materials. The intermediate products include
High-performance blockchain tech- The intermediate class covers inter- monomers, resins and compounds,
nology. Originally, each blockchain mediate petrochemical materials (e.g., which are directed to processing units
network is a relatively independent net- monomers). to produce finished products. The value
work, and data information cannot be The petrochemical industry includes chain of the petrochemical industry is
interconnected. However, cross-chain the following sections: summarized in TABLE 1.
technology makes blockchain suitable • Capital projects
for industries with complex scenarios, • Commercial trades/deals and Petrochemical industry manage-
such as the petrochemical industry. service execution contracts ment system. The management system
of petrochemical plants can be classified
into three aspects:
TABLE 1. Petrochemical industry value chain
• Reconciliation and paperwork
Primary section Intermediate section Downstream section impacts
• High risk of inefficiency
Natural gas/crude oil Primary petrochemical Compounding and composite
feedstocks materials processes
in transactions
• Third-party management costs.
Primary operations Intermediate petrochemical Petrochemical end products In addition, petrochemical industry ex-
ecutives need to understand how best
Conversion processes Intermediate storage and Storage and handling of end to extract value from blockchain tech-
conditioning products nology and develop an adoption strat-
egy. The following criteria should be
considered in the application of block-
TABLE 2. System architecture of a petrochemical enterprise structure
chain technology:
System/priority Architecture • Business operations position:
Information technology (IT) Corporate workplace
Considering the highest-value
IT Server-historian-patch management • Globally accepted standards
IT Data historian, production controller, control room workstation achievements: Exploring the role
of alliances and how profit pools
IT supervisory control and Human-machine interface, operation station, might be redistributed. Consider
data acquisition (SCADA) engineer workstation
blockchain as the new business
SCADA/operational Programmable logic controller, remote terminal unit, environment and collaboration
technology (OT) intelligent electronic device as the optimal way of working.
SCADA/OT Sensors, actuators • Business scale’s lines and applied
revenue models: Looking for
SCADA/OT Feed conditioning, transfer/conveying systems, processing units new sources of revenue as
business models (e.g., explore
TABLE 3. Opportunities and challenges in the petrochemical industry how blockchain might extract
further value from other
Opportunities/challenges Item Cause technologies, such as the IoT
Opportunities • Low transaction costs • Elimination of third parties and cloud computing).
• Convenient transactions • Reduced transaction costs
• High transparency • Decentralized data storage Blockchain aspects in the petro-
and blockchain tracking chemical industry. Since the petro-
• Data sharing is fast and
chemical industry is a multi-link indus-
try, many transactions and contracts are
Challenges • Asset integrity • Data cannot be tampered with involved in these phases, resulting in rec-
management • The introduction of blockchain will
• Adaption to new market change the mode of operation
onciliation and tracking work.
model supervision • Blockchain guarantees the Smart contracts. These contracts
• Trust data quality costs accuracy of data record terms with computer language
• It will involve many management instead of legal language. Smart contracts
systems and databases can receive transaction requests from
10JULY 2020 |
Business Trends

outside of the organization and generate applications, which improves the cor- Takeaway. Blockchain technology has
new transactions. The results can be up- rectness of decision-making). excellent potential in the petrochemical
dated, and cannot be forged or tampered Supervision. Many petrochemical industry. This study introduced the core
with once confirmed. Smart contracts products are distributed through vari- theory of blockchain technology, along
can greatly reduce paperwork, simplify ous channels such as producers, sup- with the application status, opportuni-
the process and improve efficiency. pliers and contractors. Blockchain can ties, challenges and risks within the pet-
The smart contract model comprises track production situations and provide rochemical industry.
the following contents: transparent evaluation of the process, Blockchain can bring many opportu-
• Input transactions and events including asset tracking and equipment nities, such as reducing transaction costs
• Process responses and rules lifecycle. This is the main function of and increasing transparency. To satisfy
• Contract value and status blockchain technology—solving pet- market and management needs, while
• Output transactions and events. rochemical industry KPI evaluation navigating feedstock price volatility and
Decision-making and manage- and supply chain management. TABLE 2 environmental regulations, the industry
ment. Blockchain has important appli- shows a typical system architecture of a should follow blockchain technology to-
cations in decision-making, such as feed- petrochemical enterprise structure. ward cross-chain and hybrid consensus
stock selection, refinery/petrochemical mechanisms.
integration, maintenance and marketing- Opportunities and challenges. Due
ABBAS EZZAT is a Petrochemical Professor at
related services. The blockchain applica- to decentralization and transparency, Pharos University and a Distinguished Scientist at
tion will result in the proof of feasibility blockchain technology will bring many Alexandria University’s materials science department
study results and can provide records opportunities to the petrochemical in- at the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research.
that cannot be tampered with, which dustry. However, it will also encounter In addition, he is a local consult for the Egyptian
petroleum/petrochemical sectors and a senior
greatly helps industry control. many challenges (TABLE 3). Blockchain associate consultant for Channoil Consulting Ltd.,
Conversely, for management de- technology, a cyber-secure industry London. Prior to joining academia, he occupied
cision-making, blockchain technol- concept application—which is an opera- several top management positions in the Egyptian
ogy leads to efficient data exchange and tional concept—could add trust, secu- petroleum/petrochemical industries. Dr. Ezzat
earned an MSc degree in chemical engineering from
transmission (e.g., smart contracts can rity and a de-centralization approach to Washington University and a PhD in petrochemical
help automated and transparent voting petrochemical plant operation. applications from Alexandria University in Egypt.

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Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202011

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Finding a maintenance cost optimum

An Italian company is among those that design and build 160
industrial machinery for the tissue industry. One of the com-
pany’s service engineers was reading a book on machinery up- 140
time1 when he asked us to clarify the concept its authors had 120
tried to convey in FIG. 1. What puzzled the reader was an accom-
panying statement to the effect that maintenance and operat-

Cost, $U.S. thousands

ing costs decrease as initial capital increases, up to a benchmark
point of maintenance costs. 80
We formulated a reply, using a simple, two-point analogy 60 Capital/acquisition costs
with airplanes: Maintenance and operation costs
1. Suppose an Airbus 380 costs 10 times what an inter- 40 Total LCC
city/regional plane costs. However, the Airbus 380’s
“per-passenger mile flown” cost of maintenance and fuel 20
is much lower than what the airline pays for the smaller
plane’s maintenance and fuel. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
2. Smaller machines are generally less efficient. Per Initial investment cost, $U.S. thousands
kilowatt-hour (kWh) of power consumed by smaller FIG. 1. Minimizing total lifecycle cost, top curve.
machines, its owner-operator probably pays more for
maintenance and power; therefore, the curve is high on
the left side and much lower on the right side. Obviously, the 2.0 service factor case wins. The stronger gear-
However, FIG. 1 is only an arbitrary example curve. In the box should have been selected at the beginning. The difference
case graphically depicted here, it would be a machine that would have been even greater if production losses had been in-
costs $40,000 if it has small throughput capacity and $150,000 cluded. However, the example as stated illustrates how lower life-
if the larger model is purchased for high throughput capacity. cycle costs may be achieved despite higher initial cost.
In this simple illustrative example, we attempted to demon-
strate the well-known principle of “economy of scale.” How- Avoid cheap equipment. In summary, it can be easily seen that
ever, this graph can also demonstrate “economy of value,” as the lowest cost of initial capital may not produce the lowest lifecy-
will be explained. cle cost in the long run. Maintenance and operating costs can be
quite significant and cannot be ignored in an economic analysis.
What the low-cost mixer gearbox really cost. An actual Looking at only the initial cost of a machine, or emphasizing
field example involving a mixer gearbox is fully described on a only its better efficiency compared to competing offers, is usu-
spreadsheet in the referenced text1; the example dates back to ally a serious mistake. Conducting a thorough analysis and al-
1992. When gear-tooth pitting after the first year of operation lowing a reliability professional to take ownership of a selection
prompted a reliability engineer to conduct a failure analysis and process is valuable. These initiatives often ensure the long-term
design review, it was evident that the American Gear Manufactur- continuity and staying power of a commercial entity.
ers Association (AGMA) service factor was only 1.07. However,
American Petroleum Institute (API) standards require a 1.70 ser- 1
Bloch, H. P. and F. Geitner, Maximizing Machinery Uptime, Gulf Professional
vice factor for equipment associated with extrusion machinery. Publishing, Houston, Texas, February 2006.
The investigating reliability engineer specified a new gearbox
with a 2.0 AGMA service factor. The gears were wider and the HEINZ P. BLOCH resides in Montgomery, Texas. His professional
gearbox bigger; the motor had to be moved several inches. The career commenced in 1962 and included long-term assignments
cost of the new gearbox and motor relocation was $294,333; the as Exxon Chemical’s Regional Machinery Specialist for the
U.S. He has authored or cowritten more than 760 publications,
original gearbox cost $160,000. The new gearbox ran for 5 yr among them 21 comprehensive books on practical machinery
before requiring significant repairs. Cost performance was com- management, failure analysis, failure avoidance, compressors,
pared on a 10-yr basis, with future years assumed to require the steam turbines, pumps, oil mist lubrication and optimized
average maintenance costs of the known years. lubrication for industry. Mr. Bloch holds BS and MS degrees (cum laude) in
mechanical engineering from the Newark College of Engineering. He is an
The spreadsheet1 showed the lifecycle cost (net present cost) ASME life fellow and was awarded lifetime registration as a professional
of the 1.07 service factor case as $484,023 vs. the lifecycle cost engineer in New Jersey. He is one of 10 inaugural inductees into NCE’s
(net present cost) of the 2.0 service factor case of $345,756. Hall of Fame, which honors its most distinguished alumni.

Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202013

Combustion isn’t just in our name,
it’s in our DNA. And expertise isn’t
something we claim, it’s something
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Viewpoint Yokogawa Corporation of America, Sugar Land, Texas

Digital twin—Today’s disruptive technology leader

developed” is critical and should not be to incorporate engineering and operating
overlooked. It means a digital twin must data, the digital twin is able to represent
be predictive in nature and constitute an increasingly greater dimensions of the as-
advanced analytical and decision sup- set or business in terms of past, present
port tool. It is not just a system of record, and future. As a result, the digital twin
where model number, serial number, concept is encapsulating a broader set of
manufacturer, maintenance history, etc. dynamic but intangible interactions oc-
are captured. Instead, digital twins draw curring within/around the physical asset.
on data from these types of sources to cre- These interactions are critical for asset
ate comprehensive situational awareness performance management and maintain-
of the “here and now,” from which robust ing facilities within optimum integrity op-
forward predictions can be made. erating windows for safety, reliability and
For example, in engineering, these profitability reasons.
sources might include engineering in- Unfortunately, most assets were built
formation systems, data warehouses or as far back as the 1970s and thus, many
document management systems. As capi- facilities do not have the benefit of start-
tal projects transition from engineering ing from scratch to sequentially apply
DUNCAN MICKLEM is the Executive Vice
into operations, it is critical that models their accumulated engineering intelli-
President of Marketing at Yokogawa Corporation created from these sources continue to be gence from design to applied intelligence
of America and KBC, a Yokogawa Company. He leveraged, as well as be augmented by oth- in operations. Where should the starting
started his career in the engineering industry er sources in operations. In this way, the point for them be? The answer for most is
with AMEC. After moving to KBC in a technical digital twin consumes data from multiple undoubtedly where it makes most money.
consulting and risk management role, he has
held business management roles focused on
sources to tell a richer story about the as- This involves assessing different areas to
business development, strategy, restructuring set throughout its lifecycle. The digital see what models already exist.
and planning. Mr. Micklem holds degrees in twin enables the transfer of designed in- The HPI makes most of its money
biology and geography from the University of telligence from engineering phases of cap- through molecule management and ma-
Exeter, UK, and an MBA from Cass Business ital projects into applied intelligence to nipulation of related inside-pipe condi-
School in the UK.
be leveraged in operations. This enables tions. These factors drive asset man-
project developers and operators to op- agement and maintenance practices.
timize the total cost and ownership value Therefore, it makes most sense to start
Among numerous emerging tech- of the models that draw on these various with the digital twin that delivers deep
nologies in the process industries, the data sources (FIG. 1). insights into molecule transformation
digital twin is the most powerful and dis- For these reasons, the digital twin mechanisms and process operating condi-
ruptive. Why? The reason is because it starts being created during the initial tions, while also keeping the asset running
constitutes a rich way to look at the past, study to evaluate the feasibility of the as- within integrity operating windows to pre-
present and future of an asset. The digital set and validate the licenser’s work. It is vent asset failure. The solution involves
twin is a new way of describing certain then used and further developed during operationalizing a single integrated asset
characteristics of technologies, some of the design, construction and commission- model (IAM) as an online digital twin to
which are not new, but for which there ing of the asset. It facilitates the optimum be used for production management, as-
are many exciting new innovations. As a design of the asset and the training of the set performance management and supply
result, the concept is rapidly evolving— staff who will operate the asset. It works in chain optimization. These include:
as are perceptions—and, understand- the present, mirroring the actual asset in • Upstream production systems
ably, there are many sceptics. simulated mode, but with full knowledge linked to the reservoir model
A digital twin is a virtual, digital copy of its historical performance and accurate • LNG liquefaction process and
of a device, system, human or process that understanding of its future potential. utilities systems, including wells,
accurately mimics actual performance in Many people think of a digital twin as chokes and pipelines through
real time, is executable, can be manipu- a 3D CAD model. However, the scope of gathering systems, separation,
lated and allows a better future to be de- the digital twin is expanding rapidly. By acid gas removal and dehydration
veloped. The “allows a better future to be extending beyond the 3D CAD model (pretreatment systems), main
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202015
Executive Viewpoint

cryogenic heat exchanger(s) and zation. As they are increasingly integrated • No unplanned outages
storage facilities and connected, the scope and scale of these • Rigorous adherence to operating
• Oil refining and petrochemical site- “twins” will grow, and their transformative plans
wide process and utilities systems, effect will amplify. The more expansive • Nimble response to changes
including crude compatibility and integrated the digital twin becomes, and disturbances
through distillation, upgrading the larger the territory it encompasses. • A motivated and informed
reactors and catalytic converters, Digital twins are now emulating central- workforce
hydrotreating and cracking, blending ized engineering hubs, remote operations • A culture of profitability.
facilities, olefins and aromatics. centers and integrated production centers. A digital twin, as a part of digitalization
For these reasons, assets could have a A digital twin is a means to an end, not efforts and digital transformation strate-
multitude of digital twins existing across the end itself. Industry must continue to gies, is simply a vehicle to achieve supe-
the traditional ISA95 Purdue Model archi- strive for every result it can, such as: rior results in these areas—and to achieve
tecture and further afield within the organi- • Operation with no safety incidents them in a sustainable manner.
Project sanction Commissioning and startup Shutdown
Conceptual Configuration Preliminary Detailed Upgrade, revamp,
studies/available selection/scope design/project Construction Operation
engineering decommission
alternatives development planning

Feed Execute Operate Retire/reinvest

(including procurement)

Applied intelligence for operations

Engineering intelligence for design

Overall value of models

FIG. 1. Overall value of models.


Reduce CDU Operational Risk with

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Ankita Mangal In today’s volatile environment, refiners must shift operations to adapt to ever-changing
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See how you can respond more quickly to operational issues in an uncertain climate.

Listen for Free:
Lee Nichols
Editor-in-Chief/Associate Publisher
Hydrocarbon Processing

16JULY 2020 |
Executive PETER HERWECK, Executive Vice President, Industrial Automation,
Zurich, Switzerland; and CHRIS DARTNELL, President,
Viewpoint Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals, Schneider Electric, London, UK

Digital transformation and how it is advancing

the processing industries
configurable and interoperable, and this
is now becoming achievable. Technology
advances help separate engineering soft-
ware from hardware and, because of indus-
try standards like IEC61499, ensure that
solutions that decouple hardware from
software are compliant.
CD: Our oil and gas customers see in-
teroperability as one of several technology
enablers of digital transformation. Our so-
lutions automatically grant interoperability
and interconnectivity, which is one way
past this challenge. We are taking interoper-
ability a major step further with EcoStrux-
ure Power & Process, an approach that pro-
poses integration and interoperability of
the electrical and process automation sys-
PETER HERWECK is Executive Vice President, CHRIS DARTNELL is the President of the Oil,
tems. This begins at the early stages of de-
Industrial Automation, and a Member of the Gas and Petrochemicals business for Schneider sign and implementation of a digital twin,
Executive Committee. Mr. Herweck has been Electric. He is responsible for driving strategy, through the system integration, and finally
a member of Schneider Electric’s Executive digitization, technology direction, business allowing a more comprehensive and digital
Committee since 2016 and leads Schneider performance and customer engagement for approach to asset performance manage-
Electric’s global industrial automation business. Schneider Electric with global oil and gas
He is also on the board of AVEVA Group as partners. Mr. Dartnell has been working in the oil
ment throughout the asset lifecycle.
a nonexecutive Director since 2018. He has and gas sector for 30 yr and has worked in more
extensive experience in automation, digitization than 70 countries. He joined Schneider Electric HP : How is digital transformation
and industrial software. He started his career at in 2014. Most of his career has been spent changing/benefitting automation
Mitsubishi in Japan, later joining Siemens where working in automation and software where he systems, primarily in the
he held several executive positions in factory has led teams across several senior roles in sales,
and process automation, along with leading marketing and general management, including
processing industries?
corporate strategy as Chief Strategy Officer. He general management leadership for Southern PH: Digital transformation allows us
has a global and extensive executive and senior Europe, Africa, China, India and Brazil. Mr. to overcome major industry challenges as
management background in Germany, China, the Dartnell earned a degree in chemical automation traditional automation systems are aug-
U.S. and Japan. Mr. Herweck earned an MBA from engineering from the University of Kent and an mented with digital technologies. These
Wake Forest University School of Business and MBA from the Edinburgh Business School.
engineering degrees from Metz University and
advances include:
Saarland University. He is also a Harvard Business • The push for improved return
School Advanced Management Alumni. on investment (ROI) over the
lifecycle of the asset
• The need for more sustainable
operations and new energies
Hydrocarbon Processing was pleased HP : How are challenges in development
to speak with executives Peter Her- interoperability slowing the drive • Addressing the evolution
weck (PH) and Chris Dartnell (CD) of for digital transformation? of the workforce.
Schneider Electric. The following Q&A PH: I would say we are seeing, and We see four important inflection
provides insights on the oil and gas indus- driving, advances in interoperability that points. First, a key transformation in au-
try’s digital transformation and how it is are pushing digital transformation at a tomation systems is delivered through
advancing automation, sustainability and faster pace. It is critical that future archi- the integration of power and process. Tra-
future operations. tectures and systems are more portable, ditionally, electrical power management
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202017
Executive Viewpoint

and process control/automation have optimization in operation and over the of “as is” real-time information. A machine
been designed and operated indepen- asset lifecycle, resulting in better energy learning engine in our software provides
dently throughout the lifecycle of a plant and feedstock efficiency and accidental early warning notification and diagnosis
which, in today’s digital economy, can put leakage avoidance. of equipment behavior anomalies—days,
organizations at a competitive disadvan- To meet sustainability goals and re- weeks and even months prior to an actual
tage. Multiple systems lead to multiple da- main competitive, companies must also failure. This provides valuable insights to
tabases, additional engineering tools, dif- take actions such as committing to more engineering and operations teams to sup-
ferent operator stations, multiple supply modern equipment—such as innovative port their decision-making process and
chains and more system administration, SF6-free medium-voltage switchgear, a reduce unexpected production loss.
maintenance and costs. The landscape of proven switchgear solution that replaces
what we call EcoStruxure Power and Pro- the greenhouse gas sulfur hexafluoride HP : What does the future refinery/
cess can mitigate this. (SF6 ) with air and vacuum. Several digi- plant look like?
Leveraging the industrial internet tization technologies and offerings help CD: It will be more sustainable, with
of things (IIoT) to deliver a single view this journey to efficiency, often reducing less carbon impact, as digitization allows
of asset management, energy manage- energy consumption by more than 10% more optimized processes and stronger
ment, automation and safety monitoring and avoiding accidental leaks and flaring: energy management. It will be unified as
systems can extend the life of the asset • Digital twin-enabling power system systems such as electrical and power and
and reduce both capital expenditures design optimization, heat balance automation are integrated for greater vis-
(CAPEX) and operating expenditures design and design optimization ibility into the process, stronger asset life-
(OPEX) significantly. and operations optimization of the cycle management and a true digital twin.
Second, the easy ability to bring a sin- carbon impact of the complete plant The digital twin and digitized refinery
gle data point to the cloud allows for more • Simulation and optimization of will ensure better safety as people and as-
ROI through additional processing capa- process over lifecycle, electrical sets will be less exposed to accidents, and
bility to optimize the process, extend the distribution and process automation more able to simulate changes and train-
asset life and improve the supply chain. integration ensure reduction of ing. It will be less manned with an increase
Third and consequently, we move CO2 , NOX and energy density and in remote access and the ability to share ex-
from site-by-site to a company-wide op- predictive emissions monitoring. pertise across the fleet. The operations will
timization. Remote/centralized monitor- Another area to explore is the benefits be smarter and more agile due to integrat-
ing and analysis of process information electrification provides for better control ing AI-based knowledge, creating more
can allow for real-time decisions. When and optimization of operations for more predictability of assets and operations.
knowledge from various plant teams is sustainability. This may include replacing
no longer siloed or inaccessible, it cre- mechanical drives by electric motors and HP : How does the current
ates previously unattainable transparency variable speed drives in gas compressors, major drop in oil prices challenge
and enterprise visibility. Integration saves water injection pumps, electric heating of your customers?
oil and gas companies millions of dollars large furnaces, valve actuators, etc. These CD: This creates many challenges for
in engineering, operations and support/ benefits are realized by digitizing the producers and downstream operators,
maintenance costs. management of electric loads and gen- though we see more positive signs for
The fourth inflection point is the end- eration capacity and using microgrid ap- natural gas. In the upstream production
to-end digital thread for software—de- plications managing local consumption, business, the availability of storage will
sign, build, operate and maintain. batteries and generation. become more important as oversupply is
HP : In what ways can digital HP : How is the use of artificial Although many painful financial mea-
technologies help companies intelligence (AI) enhancing/ sures will need to be taken, those with
move closer to sustainable and optimizing refinery and the ability to model their supply chain
energy-efficient operations? petrochemical plant operations? and capability to address demand will
PH: Helping the industry ensure more CD: Oil and gas companies should have a better ability to remain profitable.
sustainable operations is a key challenge, prioritize operational efficiency by le- Secondly, they will need the flexibility to
and digitization will be a major factor in veraging AI, digital twins and analytics, adjust products and geographic locations
addressing that challenge. as well as integration of electrical and quickly to meet regional market needs.
We need to use current technologies process systems. This means focusing on In summary, visibility and agility will
as many economies will continue to need lengthening asset uptime and use. This be key. The application of integrated,
traditional fuels for the foreseeable future. can help reduce costs and improve pro- cloud-based digital technologies will be
The technology is there for deployment ductivity gains, keeping companies pre- a critical step to providing the visibility
in brownfield plants and new installations pared to weather an unstable market. to assets, market opportunities and pro-
where it is easier to start from scratch. New AI tools have been deployed to duction capabilities. The connection of
We believe the journey to more sus- collect data from plant machines and use these technologies—from global cloud
tainable operations starts with efficien- that data to build performance models and applications to plant operations (with
cy—an optimized design of complete as- make predictions. Comparisons are made appropriate cybersecurity safeguards)—
set and power systems, as well as process between the “to be” model and a database will provide the agility to respond.
18JULY 2020 |
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With enhanced diffusion of hydrocarbons into and out of the catalyst particle, • Increased operational
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Small pores in conventional Y zeolites work MHY™ zeolite technology creates larger pores,
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Z. OUERTANI, ABB, Mannheim, Germany; and
Digital S. GULDBRANDSØY, ABB, Bergen, Norway

Restricted site access shines a new light

on the benefits of remote operations
It is no secret that the oil and gas sec-
tor has eyed the advantages that can be
gained from remote operations as it seeks
to improve both operational efficiency
and safety. This journey has been has-
tened by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Remote and autonomous operations
offer substantial benefits to operators;
however, steps taken to implement the
technology have been small and isolated.
As access to sites has become more re-
stricted, operators have refocused their
attention on the benefits remote/auton-
omous operations provide their facilities.
Project delivery models, including
front-end engineering design (FEED)
services, have a strong user case to re-
motely support engineering, procure- FIG. 1. View of PKOP’s Shymkent refinery.
ment and construction contractors.
The target of operations within the
oil, gas and chemicals sectors is to satisfy facilities (The Valhall flank communication systems, cybersecurity
requirements for safety, productivity and developments) approximately 6 km and dashboard technology, the technol-
quality at the lowest available cost. The from the field’s center. ogy is ready to deploy—nothing is pre-
authors’ company’s internal studies have • The Augustino and Barbara gas venting an operator from having an au-
shown that 80% of production downtime fields in Italy, which were both tonomous system.
is preventable—much is due to operator predominantly unmanned and However, it is not just about having
errors. These errors cost the petrochemi- remotely operated. No people the right technology and right work pro-
cal industry approximately $20 B/yr. were on site and all operations cesses. It is imperative to changing the
With challenging prevailing condi- were undertaken remotely from mindsets of the people who will be using
tions, there is likely to be a growth of a control center. However, even a them. If the workforce does not believe in
remote operations supported by modern comparatively simple operation the technology, it will never be adopted.
artificial intelligent platforms. like this introduced several In the hydrocarbon processing sec-
challenges. It highlighted the tor, companies have remained much
Steps to autonomous operations. It task of ensuring safety when not more selective in which technologies
is commonly acknowledged that there are physically present on a site. they choose to adopt. With the the cur-
five steps on the journey toward autono- The final step along the autonomous rent market situation, that sentiment has
my, with key milestones including remote pathway involves moving to a fully un- been accelerated.
automation, unmanned facilities and fully manned operation, which has occurred However, it remains important to
autonomous operations. in several production platforms/sites build confidence and demonstrate capa-
Two examples of remote automation around the world. bility before moving toward adoption.
in upstream field development include: In that respect, the first step for many
• A production platform in the Delivering the key technologies. chemical companies in navigating the
Valhall field in the North Sea. What oil, gas and chemicals companies digital landscape is to upgrade and mod-
Extraction operations at the site are are discovering is that key technologies ernize their assets and infrastructure be-
run from a complex of six separate, required for autonomous operation are fore looking toward remote operations.
bridge-connected steel platforms proven to enhance operations. From For example, the authors’ company
with two identical unmanned automation through the safety systems, was recruited by PetroKazakhstan Oil
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202021

Products (PKOP) to upgrade the Shy- to access new realms of data among vari- pace and could herald a paradigm shift in
mkent refinery with digital solutions ous systems. This operation has allowed hydrocarbon operations.
for asset integrity that will monitor and the company to leverage big data and
assess the real-time health of the plant’s collaborate more effectively to improve ABB’s use of technology in helping
assets (FIG. 1). In doing so, PKOP will productivity and profit, while reducing transform the chemicals and refining
gain critical, real-time insights into their investment and operational costs. industries for the future. Dr. Ouertani
assets and production processes. This joined ABB in 2012 and has served as
the company’s principal scientist in
first step—opening the data connection Autonomous for safe, smart and corporate research and as a business
among various systems and breaking in- sustainable operations. The industry consultant for corporate strategy. He earned a PhD in
formation silos—is pivotal in the jour- has recognized that autonomous opera- Information Systems. He brings more than 10 years of
ney toward more remote working. It is tions can help make systems safer, more global experience, and is skilled at connecting customer
needs to value-added digital solutions. Prior to ABB,
important to understand where you are capable and reliable, as well as more cost- Dr. Ouertani worked at the University of Cambridge,
to know where you want to go. effective. One of the remaining challenges UK, as a postdoctoral researcher for the Cambridge
This approach is increasingly be- is how to scale up and apply autonomy to Service Alliance, and as a business transformation
consultant for IBM, BAE Systems and Caterpillar.
ing adopted in greenfield sites where full-size installations, ensuring they are
uninterrupted access to, and complete not only operationally sound but also safe. STEIN GULDBRANDSØY is the
visualization of, site data is seen as a Several layers of autonomy exist, en- group Vice President Global
fundamental building block to inform abling operators to advance their auton- Segment Manager, Offshore
General and Floating Production
decision-making and drive productivity omy knowledge with each step. Units. In this role, he is responsible
and profit. Every operator’s journey will be dif- for developing and leading ABB’s
For example, the intelligent data plat- ferent, but ultimately it is based on the product strategy and portfolio
management in the offshore industry. Mr.
form deployed for the Inner Mongolian same overarching question: How can we Guldbrandsøy joined ABB in 1987 in the automation
Yitai Coal Co. connects electrical equip- improve this operation? With necessity system unit in Norway. Over his more than 30-yr
ment, instruments and automation sys- created by the current global pandemic, career with ABB, he has held several roles ranging
tems to provide an enterprise view of its opening the eyes and minds of operators, from sales, engineering, project management and
regional management. Mr. Guldbrandsøy holds an
multiple coal-to-chemicals plants. The the speed of adoption is increasing. What MSc degree in engineering cybernetics from the
digital upgrade has enabled the company has been a steady progression is gathering Norwegian University of Science and Technology.


Sagar Irrinki
Quality Control Manager
Coastal Gulf & International, Inc.
Performing Accurate Chloride and Basic Nitrogen
Titrations in Hydrocarbons
Petroleum raw materials, precursors and methanol products are difficult to titrate, and
they require the right solvents, non-aqueous titrants and special electrodes to get accurate
results. While much attention is typically given to TAN and TBN analysis, non-aqueous
chloride titration and basic nitrogen are equally critical and challenging tests to ensure
quality and efficacy of these important hydrocarbon products.

During this webinar, learn from Sagar Irrinki, Quality Control Manager at Coastal Gulf &
Kerri-Ann Blake International, Inc. on how to implement and optimize the IMPCA-002 method for chlorides
Titration Product Manager in methanol and the UOP 269 basic nitrogen method. Sagar shares how his laboratory
Metrohm USA navigates executing these tests on various types of petrochemical samples. Kerri-Ann
Blake, Product Manager for Titration at Metrohm USA, provides guidance for electrode
selection and best practices for electrode care and replacement.

Listen for Free:

Mike Rhodes
Managing Editor
22Hydrocarbon Processing
JULY 2020 |
Digital Winston & Strawn, Houston, Texas

Data security and privacy: The five questions

energy company boards need to ask
Over the past 5 yr, the energy indus- may have considerable privacy vulner- A web of regulations and liabilities.
try has been forced to navigate highly abilities. A clear picture of forces affect- Energy company boards today must
volatile conditions, including unstable ing these three realms can help boards comply with an array of state, national
economics, increased sustainability con- and management develop a sustained and supra-national regulations that con-
cerns and a shortage of experienced lead- response to these changes. tinue to evolve to combat these threats.
ers to succeed those approaching retire- The cyber component of protecting in-
ment. With these issues dominating the Greater vulnerability. Energy compa- frastructure has been a part of industry
agenda, energy company boards can be nies may not think of themselves as “data risk management for some time, through
forgiven for regarding data security and companies,” but they are. The typical established best practices and regulations
privacy as secondary concerns. energy concern is laden with data—and such as the Critical Infrastructure Protec-
In those same 5 yr, however, dramatic will become only more so as ongoing tion Act in the U.S., the European Pro-
changes have taken place in the energy advances in artificial intelligence and the gram for Critical Infrastructure Protec-
industry’s data landscape. Energy com- internet of things generate even more in- tion, and regulations from agencies such
panies now face a wider range of data-re- formation in the drive for greater yields as the Federal Energy Regulatory Com-
lated threats and the potential for greater and efficiency. In addition to operational mission and the North American Energy
damage when those threats materialize. data, energy companies have troves of Regulatory Commission.
Separately, heightened public attention customer and employee data (such as fi- Energy companies must also comply
and regulatory scrutiny have been placed nancial account data for both groups and with cybersecurity requirements that are
on data privacy, resulting in more aggres- biometric data of employees used in ac- woven into other regulations affecting
sive enforcement, significant legal liabili- cess control), as well as trade secrets and corporations generally. For example, an
ty and the specter of reputational damage potentially confidential data from busi- energy company that misstates the protec-
when such incidents occur. ness partners and vendors. tions it provides to personal information
It is worth noting that such reputation- Energy company networks have be- may be in violation of the Federal Trade
al damage is not limited to the company; come increasingly high-value targets for Commission Act’s prohibition against
it reaches the board, as well. Eventually, malicious actors. Cyberattacks on ener- unfair and deceptive trade practices. Pub-
boards may also find themselves legally li- gy infrastructure have already occurred licly listed companies must comply with
able for breaches, should a suit relying on and are likely to be an increasingly im- the Securities and Exchange Commis-
Caremark be brought that accuses a board portant weapon in terrorist attacks and sion’s regulations regarding disclosure of
of failing to establish adequate oversight conflicts between nation-states. Hackers cybersecurity risks and incidents.
of cybersecurity and privacy measures. are launching ransomware attacks on en- In addition, energy companies now face
In considering a company’s cyber- tire municipalities. an entirely new set of privacy regulations,
security, data security and privacy, it is The vulnerability of the industry ex- such as the EU’s General Data Protec-
important to note that while the three tends beyond these high-profile threats, tion Regulation (GDPR), the California
concepts are closely related, they are however. Competitors and business part- Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), Illinois’
distinct. Cybersecurity involves the pro- ners steal sensitive information for their Biometric Information Privacy Act and
tection of an organization’s electronic own advantage. Employees and contrac- a growing number of similar laws across
information systems from attack and un- tors pose an ongoing internal threat— various jurisdictions. These regulations
authorized access. Data security controls even when they have no malicious intent. place stringent requirements on the use of
the confidentiality, integrity and access A survey by cybersecurity firm Symantec personal data and establish considerable
of all data, whether or not that data is ac- revealed that half of employees retained individual rights regarding that data. They
cessible in cyberspace and whether that confidential company information after can also have extraterritorial reach and can
data is in electronic or physical form. Pri- they left their job and 40% plan to use empower individuals to bring civil action
vacy concerns itself specifically with the that information in their new job. Em- against companies for privacy breaches.
protection and use of personally identi- ployees and contractors also lose compa-
fiable data and the rights of individuals ny devices, fall victim to phishing attacks What boards need to know. To stay
to that data. Thus, an energy company and circumvent security measures due to ahead of rapidly evolving data and privacy
with extensive cybersecurity capabilities their perceived inconvenience. risks, regulations and liabilities, board
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202023

directors do not need to be technical ex- 2. Do we know our data and regulations, however, highlight
perts, but they do need to know the es- privacy strengths and the benefits of data minimization.
sential questions to ask of management— weaknesses? Energy companies Companies must scrutinize why
starting with the following: invariably must set priorities they collect and retain the data
1. Do we know what data we when executing their data and that they do, and have a working
have, and have we mapped the privacy strategy. An accurate data retention policy to ensure that
data flow? Even sophisticated assessment of the effectiveness of data is limited to what is needed.
organizations can easily lose sight current data security and privacy 4. Do we have an agile data security
of the amount of data they collect measures allows companies to and privacy function? Data and
and store. Identifying data is only identify weaknesses and prioritize privacy threats, countermeasures,
the start; the extraterritoriality of improvements. Thorough data regulations and expectations are
many privacy regulations require and privacy audits and testing, as continually evolving. Energy
companies to track how data well as reviewing certifications and boards must ensure that the
moves throughout the enterprise conformity with benchmarks such company has dedicated adequate
and beyond. For example, does as the National Institute of Science expertise and resources to data
the company share data with and Technology’s Cybersecurity security and privacy and its
business partners, store data with Framework, provide a useful legal, compliance, technical and
third-party service providers or baseline from which to work. operational components. The
sell data to data brokers? Different 3. Are we practicing data board should keep itself informed
types of data will present different minimization? The plunge in data through regular interaction with
risks and liabilities and require storage costs and the increased functional leadership.
different protection strategies. ability to mine insights through 5. Is data security and privacy
A thorough data inventory data analysis has encouraged integrated throughout the
allows companies to develop organizations to view data organization? The key to
comprehensive strategies rather collection and retention in largely effective data security and privacy
than ad hoc responses that can positive terms. The growing is ensuring that the necessary
lead to gaps and vulnerabilities. number of data threats and procedures and behaviors flow
through the enterprise and are
monitored to ensure consistency.
Vendor due diligence must include
assessment of data handling and
privacy practices. Contracts must
NEW VERSION be revised to reflect protections

required by regulations such as
GDPR and CCPA. Marketing
must accurately portray company
security and privacy policies, and
compliance must ensure timely
other incidents. Often, these
efforts will require coordination
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24JULY 2020 |
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The experts in sulfur reduction,

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| Special Focus
The refining and petrochemical industries continue to evolve.
New products, services and technologies are making operations
more efficient, safer and more profitable. The increased use
of digital technologies is allowing plant personnel to monitor
existing assets to increase reliability and lessen downtime,
as well as aid in conceptual engineering, construction and
maintenance activities. The July Special Focus explores
innovative methods and technologies to optimize refining and
petrochemical operations through increased digitalization.

Photo: Photo courtesy of DuPont Sustainable Solutions.

Special Focus The Digital Plant
F. MARTINS, AVEVA, São Paulo, Brazil

What if your plant were truly digital?

With the increasing volatility of the oil and gas markets (in- long-term plans for maximum profit will define which compa-
volving price fluctuations and oil demand uncertainties) and nies are going to succeed.
stricter environmental constraints, a new normal for the world For larger players, single-site and multi-site modeling with
is being built right in front of us. To succeed, companies must network optimization will help improve the understanding of the
reinvent the way they manage business and operations. They interaction between assets/sites and the business itself (FIG. 1).
will need to be nimble and resilient, connected and collabora- This is the type of visibility required to allow the best decisions
tive—and this will require radically different thinking. when faced with rapidly changing or uncertain information.
Higher levels of digital maturity will be required to face new Besides selecting the best technology and defining the best
challenges. Digital transformation used to be driven by an in- processes to enable traders and planners to work better and
crease in competitive market pressures. However, as a result of more collaboratively, there is another key aspect to ensure suc-
the COVID-19 pandemic, the drivers to invest in digital capa- cess: cloud-enabled solutions. In the past few years, the cloud
bilities have pivoted from optimization and growth toward en- was considered an emerging trend adopted by companies that
suring safe remote operations and also toward gathering and were ahead of their time and that were seeking to improve ef-
analyzing the right data across the organization to make optimal ficiency and reduce information technology (IT) costs. At
business decisions. present, it is a crucial element to promote speed and collabo-
In this new normal, only the most robust and agile energy ration, as most employees are currently working from their
companies will survive in the long run. The strong players have homes. In 2017, BP moved several applications to the cloud,
full visibility on how market changes impact their business in including its unified supply chain management platform. This
real time, and on mechanisms that can enable them to quickly implementation was so successful that Claire Dickson, CIO
act to mitigate risks and to explore small windows of opportu- for Downstream at BP, made the following statement about
nity to improve margins. the production planning application: “Believe it or not, for
the same data set, the same crude and feedstocks, the same
TOP DIGITAL APPROACHES units, what used to take us seven hours to run now takes just
TO BEAT UNCERTAINTY over three minutes. I have to admit I didn’t really think that
While the market and drivers have changed, new technolo- we’d get that out of the cloud, so it has been quite revolution-
gies and digital trends continue to emerge—leveraging mas- ary for us.”1,2
sive remote communications, and continuity of operations and
maintenance. They also provide secure access to information Value chain optimization. The instability of the oil indus-
and analysis tools that enable critical decision making in re- try makes the energy value chain even more complicated than
sponse to constant market fluctuations. While digital solutions
and big data are available, the competitive advantage will come
from the way oil companies explore this technology and em-
ploy it. To be prepared for future downturns, it is important
to evaluate various “what-if ” scenarios. Following are the top
digital approaches that oil companies should consider when
facing these market uncertainties:

Planning and network optimization. Against the backdrop

of today’s depressed oil prices, along with the global oversupply
and drop in oil demand, oil companies must continually evaluate
their production planning. They need to be flexible and to replan
several times a day to rapidly react to market fluctuations. To
take advantage of economic opportunities and to quickly react
to every change, the planning process must allow the evaluation
of numerous scenarios featuring different crude grades, oil prices
and possible future demands. Having the agility to provide the
FIG. 1. Network distribution optimization model.
best use of assets and to run scenarios for building short- and
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202027
The Digital Plant

before. Despite the widespread use of technology, refineries • Blending and oil movements: Reduced giveaway,
are managed by a series of point solutions throughout their no rework, minimum inventory and downgrades,
value chains. With each point solution comes its underlying as- higher fuel agility
sumptions, data models and constraints. This makes decision- • Energy management: Reduced energy conversion
making across the value chain opaque and results in a series of and consumption costs, as well as decreased cost
value leaks across the operations value chain. To recover faster of crude for energy
and stronger from today’s market instabilities, an investment • Production management: Reduced accounting losses,
in digital capabilities must be wisely designed. Oil companies decreased inventory, reduced hydrogen and steam
need to develop a strategic roadmap for their digital transfor- consumption, increased throughput
mation journeys that allows for unlocking extra benefits within • Operations management: Reduced unplanned
their existing assets in the near and long term (FIG. 2). shutdowns, increased yield, decreased hydrogen and
In addition to production planning, the optimization of steam consumption, increased throughput.
the value chain must include production accounting, offsites
management, process optimization, energy management, daily AI-driven predictive maintenance. Process simulation and
scheduling, quality analysis and logistics. In this new world, the artificial intelligence (AI) are consolidated technologies that
different disciplines in the plant will need to work with com- are used to understand equipment and process behaviors and
mon objectives, and within a single application that drives col- to support the identification of unexpected events. Being able
laboration and knowledge sharing. Value chain optimization to run models under different scenarios and to get faster an-
will result in faster and more robust decision-making aligned swers during critical times is even more important. Refineries
with risk management and margin improvements. Typical spe- can operate with 50% of their capacity under very low product
cific benefits achieved by companies that have invested in ho- demand phases, which can increase the number of unexpected
listically optimizing the value chain include: events, since operators are not used to operating under those
• Supply chain: different conditions.
° Crude purchases: faster feedstock selection, Some approaches for running models can be time-con-
reduced costs suming without the full range of options and possibilities. En-
° Planning, scheduling, and logistics: Increased hanced AI can be used to increase model speed and accuracy.
throughput and yield The AI-driven predictive maintenance platform combines AI,
• Process performance: Longer equipment life and deep learning, rigorous first-principles models and real-time
increased availability, quality and yields optimization (FIG. 3). AI is infused with results from the rigor-
ous process simulation and optimization algorithms, creating
a sophisticated model capable of providing advice about the
best cost-effective choices for operations and maintenance.
One of the main results of conventional predictive analytics
models is the provision of early warning notifications about
equipment failures. However, when these models are com-
bined with rigorous models and a deep learning approach, the
benefits are stretched:
• The model’s operational range is extended, as it is
not limited to the operating range used to “train”
the model (i.e., high-dynamic range models).
• The model works for assets with limited historical
data, so it can be applied as soon as the equipment
is commissioned, or as soon as a completely
new operation condition is imposed.
• The model sensitivity is higher, so the process
FIG. 2. Production scheduling: One of the elements of value chain and equipment failure detection is provided
much earlier, allowing enough time to plan
for maintenance or for a planned shutdown.
• It provides a single enterprise early warning
notification system for any event related to
unexpected process or equipment behavior.
• The system is capable of estimating the remaining useful
life of an asset, prescribing actions for planned outages.
• The system provides automated risk vs. cost impact
analysis, and is capable of determining if constrained
equipment or loss of equipment is a viable scenario.
The AI-driven predictive maintenance platform provides
a 360° view of risks related to asset and process health degra-
FIG. 3. The AI-driven predictive maintenance platform.
dation, enabling the optimization of operational efficiency,
28JULY 2020 |
The Digital Plant

production and costs based on known constraints or loss of

equipment. As a result, the plant can manage risks—thereby
decreasing production loss to downtime and optimizing opera-
tions and maintenance strategies.

Enterprise visibility. The integration of IT and operational

technology (OT) is a critical step. Companies need to bring
data from software and operational silos into a single view to
align the “connection of things” with the “operational actions.”
Remote communications from edge internet-of-things
(IoT) devices, instruments and equipment—as well as from
entire production lines, processes and sites—are now available.
This whole chain of equipment, processes and sites must be
converted into a common single-pane solution for visualization, FIG. 4. Enterprise visibility.
analysis and action (FIG. 4). As a result, companies can operate
remotely, safely and intelligently through enterprise visibility to
support real-time decision making.
This single enterprise-wide view consolidates engineering
information with operational context, maintenance strategy,
energy management, real-time operational displays, and in-
terfacing to specific applications (such as process simulation,
real-time optimization and predictive analytics) and financial
data—thus providing actionable guidance considering differ-
ent situations. It is a transformative integration approach for as-
sets, people, processes and technology that is designed to drive
operational excellence across multiple sites, enabling the real-
ization of up to a 40% increase in operational efficiency. FIG. 5. ADNOC’s Panorama Digital Command Center.
Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) has imple-
mented its Panorama Digital Command Center—a fully in-
tegrated, real-time data visualization center that empowers so we need to dedicate time and effort to those aspects that we
ADNOC to gain insights, unlock efficiencies and identify new can address. We cannot predict market changes, but we can be
pathways to optimize performance (FIG. 5). This application ready to act fast to ensure business continuity and safety.
integrates 14 organizations operating across the hydrocar- For most companies, digital transformation has always been
bon value chain (including gas processing facilities, refineries an objective, but it has become a basic requirement to survive
and petrochemical plants), with more than 120 dashboards now and thrive later. The faster a strategic roadmap that increas-
displaying approximately 200,000 data points. The company es the digital capabilities is established, the sooner the recovery
can monitor every site and asset in several layers, with a com- can start. If your company has not started on that journey, look
mon source of information. With this application, ADNOC for guidance and for real examples, as well as for proven technol-
can monitor key performance indicators (KPIs), predictive ogy, so you can accelerate the time to value. No time should be
analytics results, planning and scheduling, and energy manage- wasted in transforming your plant into a truly digital plant.
ment—guiding its teams, based on trusted information. The
application has generated a paradigm shift for ADNOC per- LITERATURE CITED
sonnel—allowing them to be more data driven and innovative, 1
“BP revolutionizes its oil and gas downstream business with AVEVA’s solution in
and to be more confident to take action. The savings for opti- the cloud,”
Pudwell, S., “BP: Digital transformation enables ‘magical’ innovation beyond
mizing the integrated production planning can be $60 MM– IT,” Silicon UK, June 2017,
$100 MM from a single model run.3 cloud-216091
“The importance of embedding digital technology in busi- 3
“ADNOC maximizes value and improves operations,” June 2019 https://www.
nesses has never been greater, and ADNOC’s continuous in-
Menachery, M., “ADNOC’s Panorama Digital Command Center generates over
vestment in digital transformation over the last three years al- $1 B in value and is enabling an agile response during COVID-19,” Refining &
lows us to be more resilient, agile and responsive in navigating Petrochemicals Middle East, May 2020, https://www.refiningandpetrochemicalsme.
today’s market landscape,” said Abdul Nasser Al Mughairbi, Se- com/products-services/28583-adnocs-panorama-digital-command-center-gener-
nior Vice President, Digital, ADNOC. “Our Panorama Digital
Command Center acts as our ‘eyes on the ground’ and enables
FERNANDA MARTINS is the Global Marketing Manager for the oil
speed, accessibility and integration across our operations—key and gas downstream and chemicals industries at AVEVA. In her
attributes that are required to make smart business decisions.”4 nearly 20 yr of experience, she has helped companies adopt and
explore a variety of transformational technologies in areas such as
process engineering, optimization and workforce empowerment
What if your plant were truly digital? “What if ” will prob- for enhanced operations and maintenance. She earned a BS
ably be the most commonly used term to start a question with degree in chemical engineering from the Universidade de
in 2020. There are many aspects of life that we cannot control, São Paulo and has a post-graduate degree in business administration.

Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202029

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Special Focus The Digital Plant
E. C. COSMAN, ARC Advisory Group

Define operational roles for industrial

digital transformation
The term “industrial transformation” ations where multiple technical and en- and access to production systems has
is sometimes used to describe digital gineering disciplines are involved. Past also led to increased demands on opera-
transformation in plants, factories, mills practices for defining roles and manag- tions personnel. Some of these demands
and other industrial environments. Al- ing careers are likely to be inadequate (e.g., cybersecurity) have resulted in
though the basic concept is the same, the in the face of accelerated change arising changes to the definitions for key roles,
implications can be quite different. Jobs from trends such as industrial transfor- from process operators to operating and
and roles commonly found in process or mation. Experiences and perspectives improvement engineers.
manufacturing operations include op- from all stakeholder groups are essential
erators, engineers, technicians and plant to address this challenge. Role definition. The skills and experi-
management. The primary focus tends ence required in operations are evolving
to be on safe, reliable and efficient opera- Technology change and opera- in the face of changing business needs
tions, with non-operations responsibili- tions. Digital transformation has been a and emerging technology. For example,
ties delegated to functions such as main- hot topic of discussion for the past sev- the increased use of general-purpose
tenance, supply and distribution, health eral years. Although many define digital information technology (IT) compo-
and safety, and other infrastructural sup- transformation as the introduction or nents has resulted in the need for new
port organizations. integration of digital technology to trans- skills in their configuration and sup-
Industrial transformation is challeng- form functions and business processes, port, as well as the tools and techniques
ing the traditional view of operations- implications also exist for process defini- required to address the security of auto-
related roles. The increased use of digital tion and organization design. Industrial mation systems. Roles and responsibili-
methods and technologies in areas such transformation is a more specific term, ties may overlap to some degree with
as order management, supply chain and focusing specifically on technology-driv- those of other expertise areas, such as
analytics lead to secondary and often en change to industrial operations. information management, network de-
unexpected consequences in operations. Industrial operations personnel in- sign and cybersecurity.
For example, the need for broader access clude operators, engineers, technicians Many asset owners have processes,
to production data has resulted in more and plant management. These roles focus procedures and templates for defining
computing and network infrastructure in primarily on the operation of a facility, as jobs and roles. The human resources de-
operations. This creates a need for more opposed to supporting functions such as partment usually owns these; however,
localized expertise in areas such as net- maintenance, supply and distribution, to be most effective they must be applied
work design and configuration, and cy- health and safety, emergency response, with involvement of functional experts.
bersecurity. This, in turn, leads to chang- human resources, security, information The tools used range from simple work-
es to how key roles in an industrial facility technology and other infrastructural sheets and documents to more sophis-
are defined, from process operators to support organizations. Because of this ticated resource management systems.
operating and improvement engineers. singular focus, operations is often viewed Regardless of the tools used, role de-
It is important to review and revise as one of the more stable segments of an scriptions must clearly define account-
roles and responsibilities more frequent- industrial or manufacturing enterprise, ability, responsibility, and required skills
ly than in the past. It is also important somewhat insulated from shorter-term and training. They should reflect imme-
to use industry benchmarks and com- business and market influences. diate and internal needs, as well as guid-
mon tools, where available, to provide Digitalization challenges this view. ance and benchmarking available from
a more sustainable result. Role descrip- Although using digital technology for external sources.
tions must clearly define accountability, functions such as basic control and op-
responsibility, and required skills and timization goes back decades, increased Competency models. Competency
training. Addressing specific needs as use in areas such as order management, models provide a means to define ge-
they arise by adjusting existing roles or supply chain and analytics has second- neric roles that can then be tailored and
simply adding responsibilities to current ary impacts in operations. The increased applied to specific situations. These are
personnel can lead to confusion in situ- emphasis on the security of data transfer formal documents that define what a
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202031
The Digital Plant

person needs to know and be able to per- are typically developed and maintained mation and cybersecurity (FIG. 1) mod-
form well in a specific role—the knowl- through research and industry valida- els developed several years ago.
edge, skills and abilities required. They tion. Specific examples include the auto- The National Consortium for Mis-
sion Critical Operations (NCMCO)
provided mission-critical job skills train-
ing to the nation’s workforce by col-
laborating with business and industry
groups to help ensure a demand-driven
approach to educational offerings. The
consortium’s curricula prepare graduates
for employment in a wide range of posi-
tions in IT, operations technology (OT)
and maintenance.
The American Association of Com-
munity Colleges (AACC) represents ap-
proximately 1,800 community colleges
in the U.S. It focuses on program initia-
tives for workforce planning and devel-
opment in a variety of expertise areas,
including automation and cybersecurity.

From theory to practice. Although

many references, guidelines and exam-
ples are available, there is little anecdotal
evidence that asset owners are using
them. To some degree, this may be the
result of a lack of awareness of their exis-
tence. It is possible that more promotion
and sharing of such models may increase
adoption. Many companies prefer to keep
the definition of roles as a strictly internal
FIG. 1. Cybersecurity competency model. Source: U.S. Department of Labor Competency Model exercise. This can make benchmarking
Clearinghouse. more challenging. Even if external refer-

FIG. 2. Digital transformation categories and maturity levels. Source: ARC Advisory Group.

32JULY 2020 |
The Digital Plant

ences are considered, this may be insuf- curity experts and operating personnel The number and variety of potential
ficient. Effective benchmarking requires to protect automation systems. stakeholder groups means that it is un-
case studies or proven examples. clear what context or venue would be best
Although role descriptions may be Changes required. Clearly, the status to host this collaboration. Professional so-
used as the basis to manage compensa- quo is inadequate, and defining roles on cieties could facilitate some of the discus-
tion, common practice appears to be to an individual basis simply does not scale. sion, but it is not always clear how some
address specific needs as they arise, ei- Asset owners and their service partners critical roles map to these associations.
ther by adjusting existing roles or sim- must look beyond the immediate con- Although specific and the most effec-
ply adding responsibilities to current text for proven and effective practices. tive actions may not be clear, it is quite
personnel. This can lead to confusing Once they have implemented changes, apparent that past practices used to de-
situations in operations groups, where they should be encouraged to share their fine roles and manage careers are likely to
multiple technical and engineering dis- experiences. This should include what be inadequate in the face of accelerated
ciplines may be involved. Responsibili- worked, as well as what did not. change arising from trends such as in-
ties may not map directly to disciplines. The competency models and oth- dustrial transformation. Experiences and
An example includes assigning network er tools that government, standards perspectives from all stakeholder groups
management to plant or control engi- groups, consultants and academia have are essential to address this challenge.
neers, taking time away from what may developed must be further tested and
be their primary tasks. validated in the real world. It is particu-
ERIC C. COSMAN has more than
The advance of industrial trans- larly important that lessons learned from 35 yr of experience in developing,
formation will only complicate this practical applications be shared with the delivering, managing and supporting
situation. Introducing and adopting educational community, allowing them operations information technology
solutions in the process industries.
disruptive technologies in the indus- to adjust curricula to better address During his career, his assignments
trial operations context will place more practical needs. It is also possible to ap- and responsibilities have included
strain on existing roles and increase ply the same lessons to improve compe- process automation systems development,
confusion about role boundaries. One tency models and other tools, thereby communications network design, functional and
technical architecture design, and technology
example of this is the recognized need making them more valuable as future lifecycle management. He retired as an operations
for closer collaboration between IT se- references (FIG. 2). IT consulting engineer with Dow Chemical Co.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020 | 10 a.m. CDT / 3 p.m. UTC

APM 4.0 with Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics

From Sensor to ROI
Werner Meyer
APM Predictive and Prescriptive True digital transformation requires enhancing the asset-oriented APM approach to a
system that holistically connects Engineering, Operations and Maintenance and thereby
Analytics Portfolio Lead enables a quantum leap in Asset Performance. APM 4.0 creates a single integrated digital
AVEVA thread across the whole asset lifecycle. Two key factors play a pivotal role in the
successful operation of this new digital thread. First, there must be connectivity among
assets and workers. Second, decisions that are informed by sensors and intelligent data
must be able to be executed in real-time.

While APM 4.0 maintains the asset-oriented approach, it is focused on delivering critical business
results. Using sensor-based decision making with true Lead Performance Indicators, APM 4.0
will achieve Asset Excellence by enhancing safety, profitability, and sustainability.

This webinar will provide you with insights into how predictive alerts and prescriptive
actions need to work together to fully unlock the value that APM 4.0 promises.

Register for Free:

Adrienne Blume
Executive Editor
Hydrocarbon Processing

Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202033



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at or +1 (713) 520 4475.
Special Focus The Digital Plant
A. RADACH, DuPont Sustainable Solutions,
Frankfurt, Germany

Productivity gains through

digital turnaround management
Turnarounds are regarded as a necessary evil by most of the Digital planning tools for optimized turnarounds. Turn-
hydrocarbon processing industry. They are costly, time-consum- arounds are planned shutdowns scheduled to allow plants to
ing and complex, yet unavoidable if the maintenance and reliabil- maintain, revamp or replace equipment or entire processing
ity of a plant is to be guaranteed. Every day operations are shut units. The aim is to ensure the reliability and performance
down means a loss in revenue. Despite such high stakes, turn- of plant assets to avoid costlier unplanned shutdowns due to
arounds regularly overrun both schedules and budgets. While equipment failure. Considering the complexity of the work
a typical turnaround ranges from 24 d–36 d, they can extend to involved, the tight time frame, the number of interfaces and
more than 40 d. Tens of millions of dollars—or an entire year’s the substantial manpower, largely made up of contractors un-
maintenance budget—can be depleted in a matter of weeks. familiar with the assets, the amount of information that must
Many reasons are to blame for poor turnaround outcomes: be digested, analyzed and acted on is vast. This is where many
inadequate preparation, lack of execution oversight, unreliable turnarounds fail to complete work in a timely manner. It is not
asset data, delayed inspection reports, missing materials and ex- deficient technical knowledge, will or effort that leads to proj-
tensive contractor involvement. The number of onsite person- ects overshooting schedules and budgets. In most cases, it is
nel during a turnaround can triple or even quadruple. If turn- not extreme weather events or unexpected disasters either. It
around managers do not have a good overview and access to is lack of control, often due to missing, timely, reliable infor-
reliable information, it is easy to lose control. mation about the condition of equipment, the status of work
Digitizing the turnaround process allows plant operators to completion or the location of materials or people.
keep a tighter grip on the project, facilitates the management of While the hydrocarbon processing industry employs a wide
large numbers of people onsite and operating procedures, and range of operative digital tools—from sensors to historians,
significantly improves performance and productivity. On aver- distribution control systems (DCS), computerized mainte-
age, the implementation of digital turnaround management nance management systems (CMMS), PIMS software, LIMS,
saves 20%–40% in costs and 15%–25% in schedule reductions.1 smart personal protective equipment (PPE)—few use digital
Several elements to digital turnarounds account for these planning tools that allow them to capture, interpret and ben-
optimizations. These include: efit from the data these systems generate. Digital technologies
• Enhanced performance monitoring through real-time can provide turnaround managers the information they need
mobile dashboards, mobile web-based interfaces to report when they need it, from readiness to progress dashboards, per-
hours, and health, safety and environment (HSE) progress day margin savings or loss analyses, and information on actual
• Predictive modeling using field data to more accurately rental equipment needs.
define scope Digital technologies already provide support for the front end
• More accurate scheduling through Wi-Fi or LTE-linked of the planning process in the form of work pack development,
tracking of people, materials and equipment round-the-clock remote schedule programming based on data,
• Integration of project systems with emergency and images captured from mobile devices. Cloud-based and
response plans open-source predictive data management platforms collate and
• Greater asset security through improved monitoring analyze data collected from a wide range of sources including
of equipment, contractors and sub-contractors inspection reports, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, smart
• Foundational data management that focuses on PPE, sensors, digitized permits to work and maintenance logs.
key facts and extracts value from the floods of This information feeds into predictive models, which can pro-
data generated by smart technology vide a more accurate picture of the true scope of a turnaround.
• Improved knowledge retention through gamification, Simultaneously, digital technologies allow for productiv-
augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR) and ity monitoring in the field and permit fast intervention. Mo-
over-the-shoulder coaching via video stream. bile devices are used to capture field data, produce real-time
In this article, the benefits and pitfalls of digital turn- progress dashboards and enable remote support in the field,
arounds that have resulted in optimal turnaround planning thus making it possible to reduce unproductive times when
and execution are discussed. workers must wait or search for equipment or information.
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202035
The Digital Plant

Contractors who do not know where to find answers to their by logging onto a website. Employed for these types of tasks,
questions about how to perform a task or who do not want to digital tracking can save 35%–50% on time caused by delays in
ask for help because they want to avoid waiting, can be sup- equipment repairs.
Track-and-trace solutions also provide real-time
data on how many contractors and employees are
Digital turnarounds can significantly reduce listed on the workforce reports and who is onsite and
inefficiencies, as well as cut turnaround can display that information by qualification, contrac-
tor company, total hours worked, break times, etc. An
time and cost by more than a third if tools analysis of mass employee movement in comparison
are matched to site-specific needs. to the shift pattern makes it possible to identify and
eliminate process inefficiencies. Turnaround manag-
ers can identify and address patterns that cause de-
ported by remote experts or digital standard operation proce- lays, using simple visual analytics dashboards.
dures (SOPs). While this may seem an inconsequential issue, Digital turnarounds are also set to change daily progress
the cumulative loss of time, procedure compliance and quality and vendor meetings. With progress information based on
control is significant. Instant support for contractors also cuts digital reporting calculated using permit issue times, location
down on potential damage to equipment due to incorrect use. data of contractors and equipment cross-referenced with the
With the vast number of subcontractors on site, asset integrity turnaround schedule, turnaround managers will have progress
can easily suffer resulting in fires, leaks, spills, etc. Instant data information at their fingertips and will also be able to analyze
capture and reaction to field data not only ensures that time or contractor and vendor performance in real time in all areas.
information is not lost during long and tiring shifts, but it also Operators who have introduced forms of digital progress re-
contributes to improved project outcomes. porting cut times by an average of 40 min.–50 min. per worker
Another area where digital planning supports faster and per 12-hr shift, while the introduction of e-permits to work can
more cost-effective turnarounds is integrating the vast array of save 20 min.–30 min. per employee per 12-hour shift.
commonly used systems into a single platform. Permits, main-
tenance histories, inspection logs, repair sheets, offsite repairs, Takeaway. On-time, on-budget turnarounds are rare and usu-
spare parts inventory, material procurement information and ally only achieved if operators have all the necessary informa-
schedules generally cannot be viewed in a single system. Bur- tion, required equipment, materials and labor on hand at the
ied in a blizzard of paperwork, spreadsheets and databases are right time. In the hydrocarbon processing industries, 90% of
critical information that is difficult to identify and retrieve. turnarounds are routinely over budget, over time or do not
When reported, there is often no guarantee that the informa- achieve their quality target. Labor productivity of 40% is com-
tion is up-to-date or accurate. By contrast, digital, cloud-based monly tolerated and considered hard to improve. That is large-
platforms can provide an integrated, low-cost overview of ly because the root cause is a lack of control due to inaccurate
up-to-the minute records, allowing for informed and timely or missing information. Digital turnarounds can significantly
decision-making. reduce these inefficiencies, as well as cut turnaround time and
cost by more than a third.
Simplified, reliable turnaround execution. The benefits However, digitizing turnarounds is only effective if the tools
of using digital technologies for turnarounds are not limited employed fit the status quo and match site-specific needs.
to the planning stage. Digital technologies can also completely They are enablers for process optimization, not an automatic
transform turnaround execution. Most turnaround manag- fix. Many solutions exist on the market. Therefore, operators
ers must deal with out-of-date, unreliable information. If they must be clear about what they want to achieve. They need to
must wait until next morning’s shift to find out what has hap- build an integrated, holistic system instead of being tempted
pened to equipment, materials and contractors the day before, into buying individual gadgets or technology solutions that do
they are already behind. not work together. An assessment of needs can highlight focus
For example, headcount and compliance data is generally a areas where digital solutions can offer fast, cost-effective sup-
day old and hard to verify. Wireless track-and-trace solutions port and be integrated into existing management systems to
can address this. They allow for monitoring of equipment and create substantial added value.
workforce location at any given time and are easy to introduce
on mobile phones using GPS or Bluetooth, in the form of an 1
DuPont Sustainable Solutions’ 2015 turnaround database.
ID chip on employee or contractor identity cards or as an
RFID tag on material or equipment. For example, this can be ALEXANDER RADACH has the role of Principal at DuPont
useful when managers want to assess the actual need for rental Sustainable Solutions. He is a highly experienced strategy
and operational consultant with a focus on maintenance,
equipment, and it allows them to cut costs if equipment—such operational excellence, capital projects, turnarounds and
as bundle pullers or cranes—are not being used or needed. digital plant transformations. He acted as the Asia-Pacific
maintenance and reliability lead for the asset and operations
Simultaneously, wireless tracking of material can reduce practices of one of the largest consultancies, coordinating
turnaround delays by 2 d–3 d. Imagine no longer having to initiatives in various countries in Asia-Pacific, as well as around the world. Mr.
phone through long lists of material requirements to vendors Radach has developed turnaround improvement programs for many large oil
and gas and petrochemical companies. In recent years, he has focused on
or being able to follow the status of equipment returned to the designing, developing and implementing customized digital solutions for
original equipment manufacturer (OEM) for repair simply turnarounds, capital projects and maintenance programs globally.

36JULY 2020 |
Special Focus The Digital Plant
H. H. LOU and H. GAI, Lamar University,
Beaumont, Texas

How AI can better serve the chemical

process industry
Years of production have accumulated retain only about four items “in mind.”1 trees are white-box models. Artificial
rich data assets throughout the chemical Engineers and decision-makers always neural networks (ANN, including deep
process industry (CPI). In the age of ar- appreciate causal relationships and feel learning), random forests (many deci-
tificial intelligence (AI), there is a strong confident when they can see the direc- sion trees) and support vector machines
momentum to use AI in process mod- tion guided by clear causal relationships. (SVM) are black-box models.
eling, optimization, advanced control, Based on sound principles in mass and en- AI methods applied on large datasets
debottlenecking, troubleshooting, etc., ergy balance, thermodynamics, reaction are now influencing business decisions in
in case a first-principles-based approach kinetics and mass transfer, first-principles various industries. However, the accep-
cannot solve the problem effectively. models gain their trust easily. Simple lin- tance and application of AI methods are
However, it may be very difficult to ex- ear regression models, like Eq. 1, can also hindered since most of them are black-
plain or interpret the resulting black-box be understood or explained easily. box models. It is often difficult to inter-
AI models, and this hinders the trust and y = a1 × x1 + a2 × x2 + ... + ai × pret these black-box models’ behavior
adoption of AI approaches. In this article, xi + ... + an × xn (1) and explain the results to users. As models
a brief introduction is provided of a novel become more complex, the task of pro-
method of “trustworthy AI (TAI)” for the ducing an interpretable/explainable ver-
CPI and its successful application in two Models and datasets. Based on trans- sion of the model becomes more difficult.
chemical processes for improving opera- parency, interpretability and explainabil- For example, how can you tell some-
tional excellence. ity, mathematical models are classified one, “You have a higher chance of devel-
Process development is a daunting task as “white-box” (or glass-box) models vs. oping a heart attack in the next two years,”
for the CPI, which faces constraints on black-box models.2 For example, linear or “We cannot approve your loan applica-
budget, time and manpower, and a limited regression models, linear logistic models tion,” just because the black-box model
number of pilot tests. Even though design (for classification) and simple decision predicted it? In the CPI, how can you
engineers can use process simulation pack-
ages to run different scenarios or build in- Original data set Pre- Expanded data set
house process models, the eventual pro- X1 X2 ... Xn processing X1 ... Xn Xn + 1 ... Xn + m
cess still could be suboptimal, and some Data analytics
important variables may still not be moni-
tored and controlled. Additionally, some
practical issues may not be exposed until
the production stage, market conditions
may change, and the original design pur- Model prediction
pose may not fit anymore. These factors
indicate that room exists for further im-
provement in CPI performance metrics.
Most CPI plants accumulate years of
data and records from the distributed con-
trol system (DCS), lab tests, enterprise
information systems, etc. If fully utilized, OK
tremendous value can be extracted from
these gold mines. There are hundreds, Decision-
even thousands, of variables in a process, making
and most of the relationships are non-lin-
ear. However, human cognition has a se-
verely limited capacity: adult humans can FIG. 1. Trustworthy AI for the chemical process industry.

Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 2020 37

The Digital Plant

convince the plant to use a control system Explainable AI. In the past a few years, in then creates new variables that are un-
that changes the manipulated variables the domain of computer science and data documented and produces the associated
automatically just because the black-box science, two types of explainable AI (XAI) data for these new variables based on the
model indicated that it should be so? methods were developed: post-hoc and existing dataset. The new variables can be
Raw datasets are often large and com- ante-hoc. Ante-hoc techniques involve created from combination techniques, or
plex, with many anomalies and noises. seeding explainability into a model right from scientifically proven grouped num-
Furthermore, in the CPI, due to the lim- from the beginning. Post-hoc techniques bers. For example, the Reynolds number
ited understanding of the intertwined continue with the black box phenom- (Re) is an important grouped number in
reaction/mass transfer/energy transfer enon, where explainability is based on fluid mechanics.
phenomenon, some key variables may various test cases and “their results.”3,4 For Then, data analysis and model predic-
not even be shown on the list of data tags highly complicated problems, post-hoc tion algorithms will be applied to the ex-
or DCS dashboard, making it challenging and ante-hoc methods may be combined panded dataset, and the results will be ex-
to understand, evaluate and be confident to enhance the explainability of current AI plained accordingly. Decisions can be made
about results of AI algorithms or models. algorithms. XAI has become increasingly after a convincing explanation is given.
Therefore, it is critical to develop new AI popular in the health care industry and
algorithms that can pinpoint the hidden consumer business. CASE STUDIES
key variables, clearly explain why and how Even though XAI methods can explain Plant DCS historian data was extracted,
AI algorithms perform and convince the the results of black-box models, they still and the authors applied the TAI method to
domain experts in the CPI. cannot find and explain the importance an ethylene oxide process and an ethanol-
of key variables (features) that are not yet amines process, respectively.
½ O2
O shown in the list of data tags or on the DCS
dashboard. So the AI models built—even Case A: Ethylene oxide production.
H2C CH2 with high accuracy—still can be flawed, Ethylene is oxidized with oxygen to form
ΔH  106.7 kJ mol-1 and the results from XAI may just be a su- ethylene oxide over silver alumina cata-

H2C  CH2 ethene

perficial explanation of a flawed model. lysts in parallel plug flow reactors (PFR)
To overcome the limitations, the au- operated at 220°C–300°C (428°F–572°F)
2CO2 + 2H2O thors have developed a TAI method, as and 10 bar–30 bar pressure. Inhibitors are
ΔH  1323 kJ mol-1 illustrated by FIG. 1. Rather than just using ejected to the reactors to prevent the gen-

the variables documented in the existing eration of byproducts, mainly carbon di-
FIG. 2. Major reactions in ethylene oxide data set and selecting key variables from oxide (CO2 ) and water (H2O). The major
production. them, TAI cleans the original data set first, reactions are shown in FIG. 2.
The schematics of a typical ethylene
oxide process5 are shown in FIG. 3.
O2, Ar 0 3 305 Purge
The plant wants to improve the selec-
C2H4 M301
4 411 CO2 tivity of ethylene to ethylene oxide, rather
K2CO3 + H2O
004 Cond
406 than burning ethylene to CO2 and H2O.
CH4 307
305 304 M301 402
C402 The ethylene feedrate and catalyst will
003 M302 P401
S302 remain the same. What actions should
303 410 be taken? Where should capital be spent?
101 C401 C402
1 V301
Conventional wisdom focuses on the re-
302 H401
action systems. For example, increasing
H402 407
inlet O2 concentration, increasing inlet
V401 ethylene concentration, or adjusting the
Makeup water
Reb C402
408 performance of the inhibitor are the most
important aspects for the reaction system.
2 211 Ethylene oxide However, utilizing the TAI method, it
Mass Heat 204
flux flux Cond
106 106 201 P201 MEA DEA TEA
C202 210

C201 H202
H102 H103 EO
104 105 209
Wastewater NH3
C203 Reb S201 Reactor NH3 stripping
C202 Finishing columns TEA bottom
202 V201 207
H2O + EO Flow sheet for monoethanolamine production
EO = Ethylene oxide MEA = Monoethanolamine
DEA = Diethanolamine TEA = Triethanolamine
FIG. 3. Schematics of a typical ethylene oxide process. Sections: 0) Make-up section.
1) Reaction section (multiple parallel reactors). 2) EO absorption section. FIG. 4. Schematic diagram of an
3) CO2 absorption bypass, purge and recompression section. 4) CO2 absorption section. ethanolamines process.

38JULY 2020 |
The Digital Plant

was determined that the most critical and tedly, this is a difficult task since DEA is LITERATURE CITED
safe method to increase selectivity lies in generated from the reaction between EO Complete literature cited available online at
the absorption section. By improving the and MEA, but excessive EO will react
absorption system, the selectivity can be with MEA to generate TEA. HELEN H. LOU is a Professor in the
increased by 3.3%, which yields $4.3 MM Using the TAI method, the most im- Dan F. Smith Department of
of profit increase. portant factors contributing to the selec- Chemical Engineering at Lamar
University in Beaumont, Texas.
tivity of DEA were identified, and an op- Her areas of expertise include big
Case B: Ethanolamines production. timal production strategy was identified, data analytics, machine learning
In an ethanolamines process, mono- reducing the production rate of undesir- and process systems engineering.
ethanolamine (MEA), diethanolamine able byproducts DEA and TEA by 66%. She has been applying these technologies for the
sustainable development of the chemical processing
(DEA) and triethylamine (TEA) were industry. Dr. Lou has successfully implemented more
produced from the reaction of ethylene Takeaway. TAI can augment traditional than 50 projects sponsored by federal, state and private
oxide with aqueous ammonia solutions first-principles models and black-box sectors, and has published extensively. She earned
her MA degree in computer science and her PhD in
via sequential plug flow reactors with in- models by providing the CPI with the fol-
chemical engineering, and has trained 16 master’s-level
tercooling.6 A representative schematic lowing benefits: and 9 doctoral-level chemical engineers, as well as
diagram of the process is shown in FIG. 4. • Discovery of possible new insights, influenced many undergraduate chemical engineers.
The reactions are very complicated, as new knowledge and ideas Due to her outstanding achievements, Dr. Lou was
elected as a Fellow of the American Institute of
shown in Eqs. 2–4: • High fidelity Chemical Engineers (AIChE) in 2018.
• Easier evaluation of AI results
EO+ NH3 → MEA (2) • Increased confidence in adopting HUILONG GAI is a research scientist
AI for application at Lamar University. He received
EO + MEA → DEA (3)
his PhD in chemical engineering
EO + DEA → TEA (4) • Easier maintenance of the AI from Lamar University in 2019.
algorithm or model. His work focuses on the modeling
Current market conditions favor only These benefits will enable better pro- and control of petrochemical
processes and combustion kinetic
DEA production, so the plant wants to cess optimization, control, troubleshoot- modeling and control of industrial flares. Dr. Gai
maximize DEA production and minimize ing, debottlenecking, etc., which will help specializes in various machine-learning algorithms
the production of MEA and TEA. Admit- improve the performance of the CPI. and first-principles models.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020 | 10 a.m. CDT / 3 p.m. UTC

Learn How to Implement Rigorous Heat Exchanger

Peter de Jonge Models into Your Process Simulation
Simulation Consultant Honeywell and HTRI have collaborated to combine HTRI’s highly accurate heat exchanger
Honeywell calculations with Honeywell Forge Process Simulation’ rigorous thermodynamics. The XSimOp
feature can be enabled within UniSim Design to provide an integrated process model, all within
a single interface. Previous iterations allowed users to link the two platforms in an effective, but
slow execution.

This integration has been enhanced by enabling the HTRI calculation routines to run within
UniSim Design. These enhancements have improved overall modeling performance & solution

In this webinar, you will see a live demo of the integrated solution (XSimOp) and learn how you
can use this functionality in your own models to improve both the accuracy and performance.

Register for Free:

Mike Rhodes
Managing Editor
Hydrocarbon Processing

Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202039

We are pleased to announce that the Sustainability REDUCING METHANE EMISSIONS
Leadership Conference in Energy (SLCE) has been
rescheduled to October 28-29, 2020 at the Royal
Sonesta in Houston, Texas. Jennifer Stewart
Director of Methane Management
Gaffney, Cline & Associates
The two-day, multi-track conference is for all oil &
gas professionals who are currently developing a MODERATOR
sustainability initiative for their company, working
on technologies to make oil and gas and energy
cleaner, and those who are looking to minimize Fiji George
the social impact of the production and use of Director, Climate & Sustainability

• What is the current state of the program? Thomas Hutchins

• What are the measurable successes to date? Vice President,
Environmental Health and Safety
• What are the challenges in this (very) low Kinder Morgan
price environment? PANELIST

October 28-29, 2020 | Royal Sonesta | Houston, Texas
For information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact:
Melissa Smith, Events Director, Special Events, at
Special Focus The Digital Plant
S. ELWART, Ergon Refining, Vicksburg, Mississippi;
and M. CARUGO, Emerson, Round Rock, Texas

Ergon Refining: A digital transformation story

A lot of what is written in the business ity specialty lubes, each with extremely Like many refiners, the management at
media today about digital transforma- precise specifications. Ergon keeps close tabs on the latest inno-
tion—and there is certainly no shortage Ergon’s refinery in Vicksburg has vations in process control, wireless instru-
of it—fails to focus on what digitalization grown to become the largest manufac- mentation, analytics and other develop-
means as a practical process that enables turer of naphthenic process oil in the ments in automation. When it comes to
deep, lasting organizational success. Al- world, with a capacity of up to 26,500 its overall digital transformation strategy,
most none of it covers the issue from the bpd of crude. Their process is unique: however, the company’s leadership has
perspective of the people out in the field the plant produces specialty petroleum been vigilant in asking two key questions:
and in the front offices who are charged products using a distributed control Why change, and why risk investing in
with making it work. system (DCS). During product loading, new, unproven technology?
What keeps many CEOs up at night are it is imperative to maintain the highest “We’ve spent a lot of money on digital
questions about how to integrate sophisti- standards of product consistency, repeat- transformation, and we’ve justified it in
cated technologies, such as big data analyt- ability, quality and stability—all critical several ways,” says Steve Elwart, Ergon’s
ics and machine learning, 3D printing or to Ergon’s business model. Here is where Director of Systems Engineering. “One
virtual reality (VR), into their operations, the need for automation comes in. of them is simply following best practic-
and how to do it with a forward-looking Once production is completed, the es. Another way is telling a story. We’ve
drive to revolutionize business practices. specialty oils are stored near the refinery been able to show where a lack of tech-
Ergon Refining Inc., a subsidiary of Er- and then sent by barge, truck or rail direct- nology has affected us and then use that
gon Inc., a Mississippi, U.S.-based special- ly to customers or to bulk storage tanks in to paint a clearer picture of how we could
ty lube refiner, is one organization that terminals around the world. Naphthenic improve performance, which helps up-
has cracked the digital transformation base, process and insulating oils produced per management see the value in invest-
code. By embracing a judicious, culture- in Vicksburg are used by Ergon’s global ing in automation.”
driven approach to applying new automa- customers in numerous applications, in-
ton solutions, the company has achieved cluding, but not limited to, transformer A strategic approach to scaling up.
transformative results in a market that has oils, compound blending operations, rub- Ergon has chosen a balanced strategy:
seen significant volatility and increasing ber products, chemical processing, metal- establishing itself as an early adopter of
competition throughout the industry. working fluids, refrigeration oils, hydrau- new automation technology, but doing
lic fracturing oils, paints and greases. so in a way that has allowed the company
A specialty lube operation where to scale up solutions that work while re-
quality is crucial. Ergon’s digitalization A culture that embraces digitaliza- maining agile enough to try a variety of
journey is the story of a company that tion. What makes Ergon different from potential solutions until it finds the right
has made hard decisions about how and most other refiners is not only the special- fit for a given application.
when to invest in new technology. It fos- ty aspect of its business, but also its tightly One of the main drivers behind this
tered collaboration between information woven, family-oriented corporate culture. approach has been Ergon’s unique busi-
technology (IT) and operational technol- The company’s leadership has implement- ness model. Digitalization has enabled
ogy (OT) in a way that has served Ergon’s ed a digitalization plan and a philosophy the company to augment core key perfor-
vision for growth and diversification over that has guided the organization through mance metrics such as reliability, quality
the last decade. periods of change and modernization. control, safety and regulatory compliance.
Ergon Inc. was founded in Jackson, Ergon considers itself an early adopter “Every product produced has differ-
Mississippi, in 1954. It has since grown of technology, but a shrewd one. “Our ent specifications and parameters,” said
into a company with more than 3,000 strategy over the years has been to adopt Lance Puckett, Ergon Inc.’s Executive VP
employees and six business segments, new technologies, new systems and new of Refining and Marketing. “Having real-
including refining and marketing (R&M) programs that will allow us to differenti- time data around the manufacturing of
and refineries in Vicksburg, Mississippi ate ourselves from our competitors and those products is instrumental in main-
and Newell, West Virginia. Ergon’s R&M expand our global customer base,” said taining the consistency that the market
facilities produce hundreds of high-qual- Vice President of Refining Jeremy Kyser. demands today.”
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202041
The Digital Plant

Focusing on quality control has solidi- ability, workforce empowerment and IT/ interface of a control system or predictive
fied the company’s reputation as one of OT integration. Management identified a asset management software—must bol-
the leading manufacturers of specialized handful of operational challenges—some ster worker productivity, not only due to
lube oils and increased its share of the obvious and others that were added to the experience gaps that might be created by
global market. As a result, Ergon today ex- list over time—and set about searching retiring personnel, but also because the
ports products to more than 90 countries for solutions that met the criteria. This company is a strong believer in training
worldwide, and continues to grow. process occurred organically. Flexibility, staff to be competent in basic aspects of
communication and collaboration among its operation and increasing their knowl-
Prioritizing projects for measurable Ergon’s business units were essential. edge and skill over time.
results. The key to Ergon’s digital evolu- As the automation industry introduced
tion has been determining how best to new innovations over the years, the first Collaboration is key to continuous
prioritize potential digitalization projects benchmark Ergon applied, when deciding improvement. When it comes to IT/
that would make the best sense opera- whether to integrate a new piece of hard- OT integration, the company’s Executive
tionally and financially. ware or software, was to ensure that if it VP and Chief Information Officer, Jana
When making these choices, the com- ended up being a good fit, management Branham, takes a proactive, collaborative
pany has focused on three criteria: scal- could easily scale up the solution across approach to her job. Ergon’s IT group will
a broader part of the operation. This not regularly ask the OT staff what they need
only ensured buy-in at the enterprise lev- to make their jobs easier, and then the two
el, but it also meant the company could teams will work together to create a solu-
conduct pilot programs with minimal op- tion that is customized and that leverages
erational and financial risk, and then make new technologies to serve the needs of
decisions based on preliminary results. the operational team.
Second, each new digital technolo- “The role of IT in supporting opera-
gy—whether an upgrade to the graphical tions is to understand more about what
their goals are and what challenges they
have, so that we can partner together, col-
laborate together and help them create so-
lutions that support their needs,” says Ms.
Branham. While it does require time and
a concerted effort, this type of collabora-
tion is a key component to any successful
digital transformation approach.
Ergon sees digital transformation as
an ongoing, evolutionary process. It is
FIG. 2. Asset management software is the promise of continuous improvement
embedded with prediction, protection and that keeps the company one step ahead
process expertise that identifies potential of the competition. That said, it is worth
equipment breakdowns and ensures that
FIG. 1. Ergon has used digital technology to critical asset health data gets into the hands
taking a closer look at how the company
help gain greater insight into machinery health. of operators when and where they need it. has implemented new technologies and
executed capital improvement projects
over the years, and what its vision for
the future looks like at a time when new
breakthroughs are being made virtually
every day.

A transformation journey begins.

One of Ergon’s first substantial ventures
into digitalization was wireless network-
ing and the use of remote sensors to pro-
vide operators with essential data. Before
WirelessHART became the international
standard protocol it is today, the team at
the Vicksburg refinery chose an incre-
mental approach, proving the technology
on less critical applications first. “We be-
gan installing a proprietary wireless sen-
FIG. 3. Ergon worked closely with its partner to execute the blender modernization, from sor on one pressure relief valve to detect
drawing up wiring schematics for the scale house and optimizing the control software, to potential issues with its rupture disc, as an
minimizing the hardware footprint and aiding with the cutover.
extra safety layer,” said Mr. Elwart. “Once
42JULY 2020 |
The Digital Plant

we felt comfortable, we installed sensors The rupture disc and storage building among other reasons, the convenience of
on 33 more discs, saving us thousands of applications were small projects, but they having off-the-shelf digital solutions avail-
dollars on wiring costs.” helped accomplish two important things: able from suppliers like the author’s com-
From there, the Vicksburg team moved they built confidence in a new digital tech- pany that function as one-stop-shops for
on to a project that involved installing a nology and its ease of use, and they showed troubleshooting. The company sees com-
wireless transmitter on a remote chemical how solutions can be piloted and scaled patibility among the products of disparate
storage building where flammable chemi- up by testing them on a limited number of vendors as a vital aspect when deciding on
cals were stored. Separated from the con- applications first and then applying them a long-term digitalization strategy.
trol room by several hundred yards, the to more assets across the plant. After Ergon built its networking
storage building was not normally staffed, and digital ecosystem capabilities, add-
and the existing electrical and data net- Success leads to confidence for big- ing more sensors and instrumentation
work connections made it impossible to ger projects. Some of those assets, such throughout different process areas, it
monitor the building for safety and secu- as blowers and fans, are being monitored began investing in analytics tools, such
rity around the clock. automatically since Ergon has recently be- as a proprietary softwarea that the Vicks-
Comparing a hardwired solution to gun employing equipment integrity sen- burg facility uses for alarm management
wireless, management was concerned sors, which send vibration data to asset (FIG. 2). The software generates weekly re-
about infrastructure cost, deployment management software (AMS) that gives ports by process area, enabling operators
time, construction logistics and safety. The operators greater insight into machinery to confirm that alarms are working as they
solution: a solar-powered field network. health and helps instrument technicians should. As a result, alarm rates and alarm
The team installed wireless smoke sensors diagnose problems before they lead to criticality have dropped, and the number
inside the building, which transmitted failures (FIG. 1). AMS can alert mainte- of disabled alarms has fallen to zero.
signals to a solar panel-powered wireless nance to potential issues with sensors and
repeater within a direct line of sight to the transmitters before operators in the con- Maximizing on-spec production
refinery control system. The wireless solu- trol room notice that anything is amiss. through modernization. In 2015,
tion eliminated the time and expense of Asset management applications like Ergon took on one of its biggest mod-
fiber-optic cable trenching in a live process this can be tied into broader plantwide ernization projects to date—upgrading
area, saving more than $230,000. digital ecosystems, which Ergon uses for, the control system in the scale house

Thursday, August 6, 2020 | 9 a.m. CDT / 2 p.m. UTC

Paul Donnelly
Industry Marketing Director
Aspen Technology, Inc. How Digital Transformation at Engineering
Firms Will Be a Big Win for Plant Owners
Join AspenTech, Hargrove, and Zachry Group for an inside look at how EPCs
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Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202043

The Digital Plant

information as possible into the hands of

the people who need it, whether it is in the
control room or the board room.”
One of the first things the company
plans to do is to take advantage of the
highly-customizable operator interface
capabilities of a proprietary DCSe that
allows users to design operator screens
that enable each worker in the plant to see
what they need to see to do their jobs, on
tablets, phones, laptops or control room
workstations. This level of mobile access
to process data and asset health informa-
tion using standardized HMI graphics can
help expedite loop-checking, turnarounds
and maintenance, while generally simpli-
fying workflows across the plant (FIG. 4).
While it may be still be a few years
off, augmented reality (AR) is another
innovation that the company is seriously
looking at. “Soon, operators will be able
FIG. 4. Giving technicians secure remote access to control room data, using mobile tablets
and smartphones empowers Ergon’s workforce to monitor and control their processes
to look at a piece of equipment from
from anywhere within the facility, boosting productivity. across the refinery and get real-time asset
health data presented in their field of vi-
sion,” said Mr. Elwart.
at the Vicksburg facility’s blending unit Transforming operations across the However, when it comes to high-tech
(FIG. 3). It involved a mix of next-gen- enterprise. The latest step in Ergon’s dig- applications like these or technologies
eration automation technologies that, if italization journey has involved automat- that have yet to be invented, it is certain
integrated successfully, would improve ing its order-entry system and integrating that Ergon will continue to apply its time-
operational efficiency. it with the company’s business manage- tested approach to digital transformation
The blending system is an essential ment software.d Under the old system, that has enabled it to thrive. “Create a
component of Ergon’s operational model. when an order came in, a clerk in the scale sound digitalization strategy and stick
The original control system that mixed house would type the order information to it,” advised Mr. Elwart. “Start small,
the components of specialty lubes and into the blending system and have the move incrementally and take advantage
blended them direct to trains, trucks and blender enter the order information into of scalable technology to keep risk at a
ships, was outdated. A downed system a spreadsheet that generated a report of minimum. Above all, let company cul-
could result in demurrages and cancelled blends for the day. This procedure al- ture drive technological change—not the
orders that quickly run into the millions lowed for manual input error. other way around.”
of dollars in losses. With the new system, when an order
Ergon replaced the legacy system is entered into the SAP system at Ergon’s NOTES
with a proprietary batch controllerb customer service center, all the blender
Emerson’s DeltaV™ Analyze
Emerson’s DeltaV Batch controller
that made it easier to manage blend operator will do is pick out the correct c
Emerson’s DeltaV Virtualization
recipes and implement new recipes for order number when the customer’s truck d
Ergon’s SAP® business management software
new products, allowing Ergon to handle arrives, and the rest is automatic. The SAP e
DeltaV Version 14
greater production volumes. Product system then automatically generates an
STEVE ELWART is the Information
shipments have increased by 30%. The invoice, which helps the front office track Systems Manager for Ergon
project also included what turned out to orders and close its books more quickly. Refining and has worked for Ergon
be the first installation of one of the au- Not only does this mean faster turnaround for 35 yr. He has been involved
thor’s company’s virtualization serversc time for invoices, but it also reduces the with automation and information
technology for more than 40 yr.
in North America. The virtualization potential for human error and the need
system allows workstations and control for re-blends, which can cost thousands of MARCELO CARUGO is the VP of
system nodes to be run from a common dollars as a result of a single bad keystroke. Global Refining and Chemical for
Emerson’s Automation Solutions
host computer, significantly mitigating business. He works with downstream
downtime and reducing the hardware The journey continues. Where will Er- manufacturers to create a clear
footprint in the scale house. The vir- gon go from here? Since digital transforma- and actionable path to operational
tualization system can also back up the tion is a journey and not a destination, Er- excellence, using advanced
automation and digitalization strategies. Mr. Carugo
entire control system data in one file, re- gon will continue to look for opportunities joined Emerson in 1998 and has more than 30 yr of
ducing reboot time in the event that the to improve operations well into the future. experience as a process control expert in the chemical
system needs to be restarted. Mr. Elwart said, “Our goal is to get as much and refining fields, both internationally and in the U.S.

44JULY 2020 |
Special Focus The Digital Plant
L. S. TANNER, Quorum Software, Houston, Texas

Calculating petroleum quantities in the 21st century

Over the past 100 yr, a number of tech- typically trades commodities at 15°C or equitable and consistent fiscal transac-
nological advances and process improve- 20°C and 101.325 kPa as base conditions. tions between parties. They also give gov-
ments have dramatically changed how the Typically, the fluids properties are ernment agencies a means to ensure that
oil and gas industry finds, produces and not measured at these base conditions, any applicable taxes and tariffs are fairly
refines petroleum. The industry has made but instead at process temperatures and assessed. With billions of dollars of hydro-
vast improvements in physical property pressures. The density and volume of carbons being traded every day, a varia-
databases, calculation procedures, and hydrocarbon fluids measured at process tion of just 0.1% due to temperature or
the determination of density and petro- conditions can be significantly different pressure effects can result in a significant
leum quantities by incorporating advanc- from their values at base conditions. As a gain or loss of revenue for a single trans-
es in modern processing technologies and result, volume correction factors are used action. With so much money at stake, the
updating measurement standards. during metering to correct the observed industry is constantly revising standards
This article discusses how the oil and densities and gross volumes to equivalent to minimize measurement uncertainties.
gas industry is reducing measurement densities and volumes at a base pressure
uncertainty through the development of and temperature. Standards evolve with industry
new physical property standards. It also The first correction factors to account needs. The advent of more sophisticated
examines the history and differences be- for the thermal expansion of liquid hydro- computers from the 1960s through the
tween various 1980 American Petroleum carbons were developed and tabulated in 1980s promised a means for minimizing
Institute (API) standards and their 21st- 1916 by the National Bureau of Standards variation and tightening up liquids mea-
century counterparts. Additionally, it in the U.S. The work of developing coef- surements. As a result, the 1952 lookup
discusses computer hardware technology ficients of thermal expansion of crude tables were replaced in 1980 with new
and software improvements and how the oil and crude products involved taking temperature correction tables for density
ongoing evolution of standards can help careful density measurements of several and volume that could be incorporated
the industry bridge the gap between op- commercially available oil samples. From into computer subroutines. Specifically,
erations, modern technology and an ever- these measurements, detailed calcula- the printed tables were replaced with
changing hydrocarbon supply chain. tions were developed to correct for the mathematical equations that served as the
actual temperature and pressure of the standard. The equations could then be
A long history of standards. Indus- fluid being measured. implemented into the computer subrou-
try organizations including the API, the Standards were updated, and many tines through consistent procedures.
American Society for Testing and Mate- new ones were introduced, over the past The 1980 implementation procedures
rials (ASTM), the Energy Institute (EI) century. In 1952, the British and Ameri- were the first attempt to provide the pe-
and the Gas Processors Association Mid- can temperature correction factors were troleum industry with a means to produce
stream (GPA Midstream) have created, combined into the Petroleum Measure- identical numbers on a variety of comput-
and routinely update, standards that put ment Tables, which contained many sets er hardware and software configurations.
in place methodologies for the accurate of correction and conversion factor tables This was not such a simple task in the late
measurement of hydrocarbon fluids.1 commonly used in the measurement of 1970s and early 1980s, when computers
For the purpose of commodity trading various hydrocarbon liquids. These tables varied widely in processing capacity—
of petroleum oils, hydrocarbon distillates, were developed largely from the volumet- 4-bit, 8-bit and 16-bit processors were
petrochemicals and natural gas products, ric data for crudes and crude fractions commonly used. In addition, the first In-
the densities, volumes and energy units published in 1916. stitute of Electrical and Electronics Engi-
are corrected to a contractual reference In 1965, the API adopted these tables. neers (IEEE) standard for floating-point
base temperature and pressure condition. Oil producers, carriers, refiners and mar- arithmetic was not introduced until 1985.
In the U.S. and producing countries work- keters all rely on the Petroleum Measure- Due to these computer hardware and
ing with the U.S., the customary units are ment Tables (also widely known as the software dissimilarities and relatively low
60°F and 0 psig (14.696 psia) or saturation 1952 Tables or Blue Book Tables) to cor- capabilities, users would frequently obtain
pressure. Most U.S. international trading rect their products’ densities and volumes different answers from the same subrou-
partners use SI units for determining base to the standard temperature. The correc- tine run on different systems. This issue
conditions. The international community tions provided by these tables afford more was addressed by modifying the pub-
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202045
The Digital Plant

lished 1980 implementation procedures advent of IEEE standards and complex energy requirements of an ever-
to include a series of intermediate round- widespread adoption of 32-bit and growing global population. As a result,
ing and truncation rules that helped en- higher-level machines allowed the the industry has adopted numerous new
sure consistent answers between different integer (scaled values) arithmetic standards to meet changing needs in sus-
computer configurations. This made the used in the 1980 tables’ IPs to be tainable ways. Updates and additions to
procedure very complex, which increased replaced with a double-precision, the standards catalog include:
the risk of programming errors by users. floating-point math procedure • A newly adopted water standard
Between the initial publication of the that produces 14 significant (Chapter 11.4) in 2003
1980 tables and the mid-1990s, evolving digits (double the number of • An updated implementation
industry needs and advances in computer significant digits produced with procedure in MPMS Chapter 11.1
technology prompted a number of chang- the previous method). in 2004 (the update focused on
es to the standards.2 For example: • Increasing the number of decimal new computer technology,
• The initial 1980 tables were places and using the floating- expanding the operating density
developed from data obtained point math format highlighted and temperature ranges, and
using the International Practical discrepancies between the 60°F, addressing shortcomings with
Temperature Scale 1968 (IPTS- 15°C and 20°C tables that were the previous standard)
68), which has since been replaced concealed in the 1980 tables. • A light hydrocarbon standard
with the International Temperature These discrepancies produced a (Chapter 11.2.4) in 2007
Scale 1990 (ITS-90). The standard slightly different volume correction • IUPAC ethylene density
accounted for this change by factor value for the same output calculations (Chapter,
correcting the input temperatures temperature. A new procedure adopted by API in 2013
to an IPTS-68 basis prior to was developed for calculating • A new ethanol standard (Chapter
performing any other calculations. temperature on liquid (CTL) and 11.3.3) in 2015
• The accepted value of standard pressure on liquid (CPL) factors • An ethanol-blended gasoline
density of water at 60°F was slightly that ensured that the results would standard (Chapter 11.3.4) in 2019.
changed from the 1980 standard remain consistent, regardless of the These updates were designed to make
value, which affected values of base temperature used. the standard more consistent and meet in-
relative density and API gravity. • As flow computers in the field dustry needs; and yet, with the exception
• In 1988, the IP extended the became more commonplace of the development of the new ethanol
procedures used for the 15°C for real-time measurement of and ethanol-blended gasoline standards,
tables to include newly developed petroleum-based fluids, improved no new hydrocarbon samples or data were
procedures for 20°C, which met convergence methods were taken. The basic equation forms and the
the needs of those countries that developed to correct the observed associated constants used to define the
use this higher value as their density to a base density. temperature and pressure correction fac-
standard temperature. • Earlier editions of the printed tables tors were not changed. Ranges of density
• Tables for lubricating oils were assumed that glass hydrometers were and temperature over which certain pa-
developed and approved, but they used to make density measurements; rameters apply were only slightly changed.
were not immediately documented therefore, a hydrometer correction
as a part of the standard. Initially, was included on the observed Addressing ongoing industry changes.
implementation procedures for the density. Such corrections are no While revisions and updates to measure-
lubricating oil table appeared only longer applied, as any density ment standards are welcome, these stan-
for the 20°C tables. measurements made with a glass dards have not yet fully accounted for
• The tables were extended to factor hydrometer are now corrected prior major shifts in the industry’s business op-
in lower temperatures and lower to applying the calculations. erations and new technology trends.
API densities (i.e., higher densities) • The use of density meters to make Physical properties keep changing.
to account for changing business real-time density measurements Today’s crude oils and refined products
dynamics and the need to perform has become more prevalent. Since do not have the same physical properties
custody transfer on a wider range these measurements are often as in the 1970s. The tetraethyl lead (TEL)
of products. made at pressures greater than that was used to boost octane 45 yr ago
• Rounding and truncation atmospheric, the pressure effect has since been replaced with ethanol.
were eliminated for initial and must be accounted for at the same Feedstocks that were largely composed
intermediate values, and now only time as any temperature effect when of lighter, sweeter, conventional crudes a
apply to the final volume correction determining the density at standard generation ago have been replaced with
factor values. These final values conditions. As a result, pressure and greater quantities of heavy oils from Cana-
are consistently rounded to five temperature corrections are now da and crude from a number of shale plays
decimal places. combined into one procedure. across North America and elsewhere.
• Changes in computer technology As the oil and gas industry moved into Further complicating matters, stan-
allowed for updates to the 21st century, standards organizations dards like API MPMS 11.1 have a limited
implementation procedures. The worked diligently to keep pace with the density range. For example, many types
46JULY 2020 |
The Digital Plant

of liquid petroleum gas (LPG) and natu- 300

ral gas liquids (NGL), as well as liquified
natural gas (LNG), are less dense than the 1980 original data
liquids covered by the API MPMS 11.1 200 1980 extension
2004 extension
standard. As a result, measurement subject
matter experts must have a wealth of phys- 150

Temperature, °F
ical properties and standards knowledge. 100 Data range Extrapolated
Despite these dramatic changes to pe-
troleum feedstocks and products and the 50
industry’s best efforts to keep up with 0
them, measurement standards must con-
tinue to advance. The API standard still -50
uses constants developed from empirical -100
data collected in the 1970s. The graph in
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 85 80 85 90 95 100
FIG. 1 represents the empirical data set col- API density
lected in the 1970s, and how the industry
used mathematical models to expand the FIG. 1. The industry has used mathematical models to expand 1970s empirical data to
accommodate change in the production source.
empirical data to accommodate change in
the production source.
Demographics keep evolving. Back 1970s computer technology. Meanwhile, API Chapter 18.2 was introduced in
in the 1980s and 1990s, a number of oil advancements in metering and measure- 2018 to allow for the use of radar-guided
and gas companies developed their own ment technology are allowing upstream measurement technologies. New tech-
measurement systems, written in software and midstream operators to track the in- nologies have allowed for the introduc-
languages like FORTRAN and COBOL. ventory and movement of multiple fluid tion of new standards, like API Chapter
The popularity and usage of these pro- streams with far greater precision. The 18.2, that implement safer and more ef-
gramming languages has waned over the use of rudimentary measurement devices, ficient ways to transport crude oil from
past 30 yr, and the number of qualified like a metered stick, has been replaced production leases to processing facilities
personnel who can code in these languag- with more sophisticated methods and (FIG. 2). A number of working groups,
es has dwindled. meters, from traditional orifice, positive with measurement experts from service
Even companies that do not have their displacement and turbine meters to Co- companies and operators across the in-
own measurement systems have relied riolis and ultrasonic meters. Strapping dustry, are rewriting several standards.
on the knowledge and expertise of baby tape is still widely used in custody transfer API Chapter 12 (covering measurement
boomers in interpreting and using the operations, as is radar- and infrared-mea- tickets) and Chapter 20 (allocation mea-
measurement tables. The departure of surement equipment. surement) are being updated, as is Chap-
such knowledgeable employees has many These newer technologies can im- ter 21, which covers electronic flow mea-
companies wondering how they will be prove inventory measurement and man- surement for gas and liquids.
able to effectively implement new mea- agement, but only if the data obtained is One of the major upgrades to Chapter
surement standards as they are developed. properly handled and interpreted. This 21.2 will change how liquid inventories
Technologies keep advancing. As typically requires an operator to con- are recorded. Rather than recording liquid
stated earlier, the limits of electronic tech- solidate datasets from different metering inventories on a batch basis, which might
nology available in the early 1980s forced sources, verify the accuracy of the data, cover a duration of up to one month, the
the industry to implement a series of in- apply any necessary fluid quality samples standard is being rewritten to put liquids
termediate rounding and truncation in its and then recalculate as required.1 Only on a quantity transaction record (QTR)
measurement calculations. However, the then can the operator perform a system- of an hourly basis, similar to comparable
processing capabilities of modern com- wide inventory balance to check for any gas inventories. This change will allow us-
puters means that intermediate discrimi- operational issues or missing data. ers to reconciliate smaller time intervals
nation is no longer necessary—given the of data, which will help improve measure-
same processing inputs, different com- Upgrading standards to today’s ment tracking and more accurately pin-
puters can produce the same answers. needs. The industry is aware of the chal- point the time when some measurement
Nevertheless, the use of rounding trun- lenges of making accurate measurements error (due to a transmitter failure or a me-
cation inside calculations is still a standard with antiquated or outdated systems, and tering problem, for example) occurred.
process today. Although the industry is is working hard to update its standards to
using the most advanced computing sys- reflect present needs and move fluid quan- Modernizing measurements. The in-
tems, many of the underlying calculations tification into the 21st century. A number dustry is doing its best to keep up with
running in today’s electronic flow mea- of API standards are being rewritten to re- the many changes to regulations, supply,
surement systems are still using algorithms flect changes to empirical data, to the type logistics and consumer needs; however,
that were written for 4-bit processors. and composition of petroleum feedstocks, with limited time, money, dedicated labor
When it comes to dynamic measure- and to the computing and metering tech- and other resources, keeping up is an on-
ment tickets, the industry is still applying nologies available. going challenge.
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202047
The Digital Plant

ture, volume and mass anomalies—and

creates a complete, SOX- and API-compli-
ant audit trail. The numbers are closed out
at the end of the month (or other appro-
priate reporting period) and sent to down-
stream accounting systems.
The application allows for a complete,
system-wide fluid balance to accurately
determine inventories by location and
any type of product loss. Most other mea-
surement applications cannot track fluid
quantities so closely, deliver detailed fluid
inventories and identify the location of po-
tential problems areas, such as leaks, with
the same level of scrutiny.
FIG. 2. New standards implement safer and more efficient ways to transport crude oil to Takeaway. To ensure greater measure-
processing facilities.
ment accuracy for a wider range of today’s
hydrocarbon fluids, the industry continues
Companies can take measures to mini- light hydrocarbons. This model combines the important work of updating its mea-
mize uncertainty in the measurements of five different standards into a single itera- surement standards to align with the ad-
today’s crude oils and processed products, tive process, thereby decreasing measure- vanced processing technologies available.
even while using the standards available ment uncertainty. At the same time, software providers have
today. For example, the empirical data This measurement system application continued to update their measurement
used to generate the correction tables was designed with the input of multiple application software.
contain an inherent temperature bias. companies that understand and imple- One such advanced application com-
Companies using these tables can correct ment best practices in fluid measurement bines all static and dynamic measurements,
for this bias by quantifying their fluids— within the industry. As a result, the ap- physical properties, flow calculations, data
running physical tests to gather their own plication brings greater accuracy and processing, auditing and verification into a
empirical data of temperature and density. accountability to fluid transfers and in- single platform, thereby minimizing uncer-
These data are then regressed to deter- ventory management in a number of ad- tainty in fluid measurements. With tools
mine a coefficient of thermal expansion ditional ways. like this, users can confidently implement
(or alpha) for each fluid. Table C in Chap- Users can record and analyze their data the standards to ensure unprecedented
ter 11.1 requires that users quantify their with much higher resolution than is possi- accuracy and accountability in every fluid
fluids in this way to determine an alpha. ble from other systems, or is even required transfer and inventory transaction.
This alpha is then plugged directly into from industry standards. On the gas side,
Table C, which uses a physical-property, for example, the application allows com- LITERATURE CITED
Squyres, M., “Navigating the petroleum mea-
binary model to determine densities at panies to scrutinize their data in 15-min surement perfect storm,” Pipeline & Gas Journal,
flowing temperatures. To complete the intervals, as opposed to the traditional 60 December 2014.
process, the effects of pressure on density min. Liquid measurements can also be tak- Complete literature cited available online at
must be included in the calculations at en in much tighter time intervals. Further-
saturation temperatures. more, data can be imported from every
SCOTT TANNER is a Hydrocarbon
Giving users the ability to plug their type of measurement point—both static Measurement Specialist for Quorum
own alphas into Table C helps decrease (tanks, railcars, ships and trucks) and dy- Software with more than 40 yr of
the uncertainty of their overall measure- namic (any kind of metering device). experience in the oil and gas
ments compared to using generalized Users can audit their measurements industry. He is a globally recognized
industry expert in fiscal
tables. However, without access to sys- and identify any data quality issues or er- hydrocarbon measurement and
tems that could automate the process, rors. The time and location of an error or physical properties calculations. At Quorum, Mr.
this would be a complex operation that data anomaly is recorded and easily re- Tanner provides professional guidance to the
management team and development staff in the
requires significant time and in-house trieved, which allows the user to quickly design and verification of the FLOWCAL
knowledge to execute correctly. identify the source of the problem—such measurement application. His methodologies have
Another automated solution comes as a failed transmitter or sampler—and aided the company in reaching a best-in-class status
from an advanced software application make the necessary repairs or changes to for its suite of measurement software applications.
Throughout his career, Mr. Tanner has guided and
that can be run on any modern-day flow address the issue. directed developmental activities for liquid flow
computer. The software uses a three- Measurement errors are corrected by computers and performed third-party technical audits
dimensional (density, temperature and using the average of a measurement from for measurement facilities. He is a Chairman and
voting member of several American Petroleum
pressure) model that incorporates a sim- the past several hours as a basis. Once the Institute (API) Standards and Technical Committees.
plified equilibrium vapor pressure equa- error is corrected, the application restates He is also a member of the American Society for
tion to predict the Table E densities for the data—including pressure, tempera- Testing and Materials (ASTM) and the GPA Midstream.

48JULY 2020 |
and Safety
Y. AKTAŞ and H. Ç. ŞANLI, Tüpraş, İzmir, Turkey

Improve refinery furnace control with burner

management systems and model predictive control
Under the National Fire Protection increasing. At the same time, the dynamic
Association (NFPA) definition, a BMS development of the burner industry is
includes the field devices, logic systems bringing new challenges and directions.
and final control elements dedicated to Operating companies are increasing
combustion safety and operator assis- their efforts to reduce the risk of cata-
tance in the starting and stopping of fuel strophic events that can damage the envi-
preparation and burning equipment. It ronment or plant assets and that can cause
also defines the prevention of damage to injury or death to employees. Worldwide,
fuel preparation and burning equipment. refiners are investing billions to upgrade
In addition to a BMS, advanced pro- and modernize systems for a number of
cess control (APC) application is impor- other reasons:
tant for refinery furnace operation. The • Minimizing risks, such as fire,
main and common objectives of model explosion, poisoning, etc.
predictive control (MPC) strategies are: • Improving plant safety
1. Maintaining the furnace outlet • Increasing flexibility to use
temperature oil and gas fuels
2. Maintaining the total feed at target • Improving energy efficiency.
3. Balancing the coil temperature This article explains the basic principles of
4. Balancing the feed flow of each coil. BMS technology, applications and process FIG. 1. Main burner and pilot gas burner flame.
The function of a BMS is to provide safety and examines ways to reduce risk.
sequencing, monitoring and interlocks
for the fuel oil heating, furnace purge, BMS basics. The BMS has grown in existing systems are not NFPA compliant.
main fuel trip, pilot ignition fuel trip, fuel importance as a safety solution for the The new BMS and emergency shutdown
oil trip, natural gas trip, etc. control and monitoring of burner firing (ESD) systems are to be designed accord-
This case study examines the appli- systems (FIG. 1). The system is designed ing to NFPA standards.
cation of a BMS at the lube oil plant at to widely used NFPA safety standarts to A process hazard analysis (PHA) and
Tüpraş’ İzmir refinery. Seven furnaces provide the correct burner sequence, igni- safety integrity level (SIL) assessment are
are dedicated to this purpose. Three of tion and flame monitoring protection for first completed. A PHA is the first step in
them are capable of firing both natural automatically ignited oil, gas and combi- the safety lifecycle, which includes all the
gas and fuel oil. The older heaters have nation fuel burners. steps necessary to achieve required func-
one gas tight shutoff valve, and the new A BMS provides control and monitor- tional safety. Potential hazards related to
systems have a double-block-and-bleed ing of the startup and shutdown sequence the processing and handling of hazardous
tight shutoff valve. of burners and related equipment, moni- chemicals, the causes and consequences
tors the operation of the equipment con- of fires and explosions, and the releases
Diagnostics. Combustion science can be tinuously at all times, and initiates a safe of toxic and/or flammable chemicals are
defined as the science of exothermic chem- shutdown procedure upon the detection identified and analyzed during the PHA.
ical reactions in flows with heat and mass of an unsafe operating condition. The output of the PHA effort is the op-
transfer.1 It specifies the amount of oxidant Operations personnel at Tüpraş’ İzmir erational definition and assignment of
that is sufficient to burn the carbon, hydro- refinery decided to change the exist- an SIL rating to each safety loop. SIL is a
gen and sulfur in a fuel to carbon dioxide.2 ing burner management and emergency way to specify the safety integrity require-
The need to produce cleaner-burning fuels shutdown systems for seven heaters at ments of safety functions allocated to the
to meet environmental regulations is also the refinery’s lube oil plant because the safety instrumented system (SIS).
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202049
Environment and Safety

3. Total heater module— Indicator status lights are provided for

In this level, total shutdown several functions:
of the burners will occur • Local operation enabled
4. Partial heater modules— • Main gas burner running
In this level, partial shutdown of • Ignition burner running
the heater will occur if any of the • Leak test running
modules at this level are tripped. • Furnace purge ready to start and
BMS and ESD engineering. The ex- completed
isting supply systems for pilot gas, fuel • Gas burner start and stop, burner
oil, atomizing steam, and flue gas for the emergency stop and ignition test
FIG. 2. Natural gas flow control valves and heaters are inspected for compliance to • FD fan start and stop, leak test
2oo3 pressure devices. NFPA. Some of the existing selenoids, start, nitrogen purge start and
valves and field instruments are deter- furnace purge start.
mined to be insufficient and earmarked Maintenance override switches
for renewal. A 2oo3 voting (FIG. 2) is (MOSs) are implemented at the request
implemented for the trip parameters, and of the end user. The correct installation
transmitters are used instead of switches. and use of MOS procedures are not the re-
The interlock system protects valu- sponsibility of the builder company. How-
able equipment and operators during ever, enabling MOSs on a 2oo3 voted
all phases of operation. It also monitors signal increases the risk of a “failure on de-
the interlock chain and gives permission mand.” In other words, it increases the risk
for the startup of the heaters in the field that a safety interlock will fail when it is
by the local burner control panel. The required to operate. Maintenance can still
FIG. 3. The local control panel of the burner interlocks of the local control panel for be performed on any 2oo3 signal without
management system. the BMS (FIG. 3) prevent the main shut- the need to activate MOSs. The 2oo3 vot-
off valve from opening unless all burner ing system by itself (without MOSs) will
An SIL level for each safety instru- valves are detected as closed.1 This pre- tolerate the deviation of a single transmit-
mented function (SIF) is determined by vents gas flow until purging is completed. ter, without causing an interlock.
using a risk assessment matrix (RAM). The heater has valve position instrumen- The override is meant solely for main-
The likelihood of SIF is calculated by tation on each burner. tenance purposes. To ensure that the
conducting a layer of protection analysis The BMS and ESD system provide a MOSs are not misused, a single MOS
(LOPA), which helps identify the conse- safe, automatic shutdown of the heaters will automatically be removed 24 hr af-
quences of hazards to economic, health, on detection of a potentially dangerous ter it has been enabled. Where triplicated
safety and environmental parameters. or abnormal condition. Algorithm flow- transmitters are arranged in a 2oo3 voting
LOPA is a PHA tool that accounts for charts and logic diagrams for the BMS arrangement, a maintenance override will
each identifed hazard by documenting and ESD programs must be run in the be associated with each transmitter. Op-
the initiating cause and protection layers safety PLC systems. The heaters and the eration of the override will have the effect
that prevent and mitigate the hazards. burners must be capable of being manu- of overriding the transmitter to a forced
After the LOPA analysis, if additional ally tripped by the operator, and remote- healthy state. Note: When the override
risk reduction is required in the form of ly tripped by using a human-machine is active, both of the remaining transmit-
SIF, then the appropriate SIL for the SIF interface (HMI) console. ters must be healthy and active to achieve
is determined. The design of the SIF must Maintenence bypass switches must 2oo3 tripping functionality.
meet the SIL rating for the probability of be configured in the HMI system for Maintenance overrides should be con-
failure on demand (PFD) value. the trip parameters. A local control trolled by site procedures and should be
panel (FIG. 4) is provided for limited lo- carried out only after the necessary risk
Safeguarding hierarchy. The safety in- cal control of the main gas and ignition assessments have been performed. The
strumented system (SIS) is built hierarchi- gas burners (FIG. 5). It allows for start- operation of the maintenance overrides
cally; this means that a higher-level safe- ing and stopping of the burner, leak tests should be restricted to responsible per-
guarding module includes all the actions and nitrogen or air purges. A local burner sonnel. Only one maintenance override
of the lower-level modules. The safeguard- emergency stop button is provided to per triplicated set is permitted at any time.
ing levels are defined in four trip levels: trip the entire heater. An entire heater A MOS request can be initiated from the
1. Snuffing steam module— emergency stop also could be provided DCS screen. Only one transmitter in each
In this level, total shutdown of the in the control room. Operation from the 2oo3 voting arrangement can be overrid-
burners, forced draft (FD) fans and local panel is only possible if enabled den. Only if the other two transmitters are
induced draft (ID) fans will occur through the distributed control system healthy, and if no other transmitter from
with steam injection to the firebox (DCS), and the emergency stop button the same group is already activated, will
2. ESD module—In this level, is always active. The ignition test and ni- the MOS request be accepted by the BMS.
total shutdown of the burners, trogen purge start functions are enabled The BMS will report back to the DCS
FD fans and ID fans will occur from the local panel only. when a transmitter MOS is activated.
50JULY 2020 |
Environment and Safety

Once activated, it can be deactivated by

disabling the MOS request from the DCS.
When an individual transmitter MOS is
activated, that particular transmitter will
no longer be used in the 2oo3 voting. The
remaining two will be averaged. Any fault
statuses related to the overridden trans-
mitter will be ignored, and the associated
alarms suppressed. These fault statuses
include exceeding alarm or trip values, or
faulty signals outside the 4-20 mA range. FIG. 5. Main combined burner view.
A common alarm will be activated to indi-
cate that one or more MOSs are still active.
The unit will continue with the re-
FIG. 4. BMS fuel line view in furfural
maining two transmitters in a 2oo2 setup. extraction heater.
MOSs on 2oo2 voted flame scanners for
each burner row are equipped with 2oo2
voted flame scanners. A MOS will disable The space between the burner row
one of the flame scanners and force it to the isolation valves and the burner itself is
“flame off” state. This leaves the remaining not included in the automatic leak test.
scanner in a 1oo1 voting. The associated It must be manually checked for outside
flame loss alarm is not suppressed, since it leaks during regular operation and for
serves as a reminder that a MOS is active. tightness of the valves during mainte- FIG. 6. Main natural gas line with a thermal
The BMS will report back to the nance. The leak tests for both the ignition shutoff valve, a manual block valve and a
DCS when a flame scanner MOS is acti- and main gas systems are automatically flowmeter with one pressure transmitter
vated. A common alarm will be activated started when a heater is started. and one temperature transmitter for flow
to indicate that one or more MOSs are If the supply pressure is low, then the correction calculations in the DCS.
still active. FIG. 6 shows a natural gas line leak test is not performed. The leak tests
equipped with a manually operated block remain valid for 60 min even if the burner given for which scanner detects
valve, a filter and a flowmeter with one is not started immediately. When ex- the ignition flame.
pressure transmitter and one temperature pired, the burner can be manually restart- More than half of the burners must be op-
transmitter for flow correction calcula- ed after a burner trip, and the gas leak test erating. If fewer than half of the burners
tions in the DCS. must be repeated before the burner may remain in operation, then the remaining
A self-acting pressure regulator reduc- be started again. burners will also be tripped.
es the pressure to a predetermined fixed Failure of a vent to close during burner
value for the igniter. It has two automati- Burner start procedure. The burner start will interrupt the start. A row vent
cally operated safety shutoff valves, an in- may be started after a successful boiler valve will stop only that particular row.
termediate vent valve, and three pressure purge and a successful gas leak test. Burn- The main header vent failing to close will
transmitters for safeguarding purposes. er and boiler conditions must be satisfied interrupt the entire burner start. Inadver-
The 2oo3 voting is located downstream for the burner to operate. Prior to start, tent opening of one of the burner row vent
of the second thermal shutoff valve. A the operator will select the related button. valves after the burner has already started
valve is located on each main burner. This can be done from either the DCS will trip that particular row. Inadvertent
The pilot gas system consists of the screen or the local control panel. Burner opening of the main header vent valve af-
same equipment. Based on NFPA code, start is fully automatic after a start com- ter the burner has already started will trip
the double-block-and-bleed valves and a mand is given. Some special cases for the entire burner. Although the vent loca-
vent valve are located in both the natural burner operation include: tion is in a safe area, unlimited venting of
gas line and the pilot gas line. The unit is • Flame loss of a single burner shall gas is considered a sufficient reason to jus-
started manually by the operator. Before trip only that particular burner. tify a burner trip within 60 sec, regardless
the burner is started, a successful gas leak • Both scanners must lose flame for of whether or not a flame is detected.
test must be performed. Both the main a burner to trip 2oo2. One flame
gas system and the ignition pilot gas sys- scanner may be lost on a row Model predictive control strategy
tem should be tested for leaks. without tripping. An alarm will for furnaces. An advanced process con-
The leak test will prove that the main be generated if a scanner is not trol (APC) application for furnaces is a
isolation valve, header vent valve and the detecting the main flame. furnace pass balance controller. The main
first of the burner isolation valves are • The ignition flame is required to be and common objectives of model predict-
holding pressure and are leak-tight. This detected by only a single scanner. ictive control strategy are maintaining the
secures the section between the main iso- No alarm will be given for the furnace outlet temperature, maintaining
lation valve and each of the first burner second scanner not detecting the the total feed at target, balancing the coil
row valves. ignition flame. No preference is temperature and balancing the feed flow
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202051
Environment and Safety

APC outlet temperatures are selected as manip- Performance monitoring. After the
ulated variables. The main controller gives controller switches on, the movements
set values to furnace coil flows and furnace of variables are observed. It is important
outlet temperatures. Base layer aplications to detect the prioritization between CVs
should be completed before APC imple- and the pace of MV movements. They
mentation for heaters. Through base layer can be fine-tuned and adjusted while the
studies, controller valves and transmitters controller is online. The performance of
are checked and fixed; configuration of the controller is observed with regard to
TI2 proportional–integral–derivative (PID) the stability of MV and CV movements
Fuel TIn controllers are checked and retuned. and how the controller achieves optimi-
TIC Controlled variables (CVs). Manip- zation targets.
ulated variables are manipulated by taking
into account the safety conditions and op- Recommendations. An unsatisfactory
FIG. 7. Schematic representation of control erational and economic objectives. Criti- parameter for any critical input immedi-
system for a furnace with multiple parallel cal parameters for furnace process control ately shuts down the heater. The control
tube passes.
are a high limit for skin temperatures, a system typically receives critical input
low limit for coil flows and a minimum information from the heater’s equipment
Furnace limit for fuel flow. Therefore, furnace out- to the DCS.2 Plant personnel should
Disturbance variables
let temperature process values, skin tem- thoroughly analyze the integration of a
Process outputs peratures, total feed flow, coil outlet tem- BMS before operating the heater. This
Manipulated variables perature differences, fuel flow amounts technology can be applied to both single-
and valve opening by the fuel flow con- burner and multiple-burner systems. A
troller are selected as controlled variables. BMS directly connected to the boiler/
Disturbance variables (DVs). Dis- heater is the ideal solution.
Controlled turbance input is a variable that affects As previously mentioned, plant op-
variables the process outputs, but it cannot be erators can face safety-critical situations
manipulated by an APC controller. An where the valve is incorrectly opened,
advanced control scheme of a furnace is closed or left partially open. The most
Optimum moves are calculated for manipulated variables
shown in FIG. 7. important function that a burner per-
FIG. 8. Relationships between MV, CV and forms is to provide for the continuous
DV parameters in an APC framework. Dynamic step tests. After the assign- and reliable ignition of the fuel and air
ment of MVs, CVs and DVs, the dynamic passing through the burner over a speci-
step test phase starts. The purpose of dy- fied range of operating conditions.3
of each coil. The concept of this design is namic tests is to detect the relationship Implementing a BMS offers many
to ensure that the feed flow of each coil is between MVs and DVs with CVs (FIG. 8). benefits. It provides a systematic ap-
equivalent. Initially, the average flow tag is While designing step tests, the step sizes proach to burner management and in-
created in a DCS configuration, and then should be big enough to observe actual creases safety by reducing the risk of
new tags are created for high and low lim- impacts but also small enough not to dis- explosion. Use of a BMS also increases
its with an elaborate variables concept. rupt the operation. burner efficiency, thereby reducing
Ideally, each coil flow should not fluctu- Model identification and design. greenhouse gas emissions.
ate by more than +/–5% of average flow. After implemetation of the step tests, test
The control strategy for coil tempera- data should be collected. The relation- NOTE
ture is to ensure that the difference of the ships between variables are analyzed via
Honeywell Profit Suite
outlet temperature of each coil is equiva- proprietary software.a Dynamic linear
lent. The way to apply this design is to models are created, and controller design Complete literature cited available online at
create the elaborate tags via APC between is completed.
coils 1 and 2, coils 2 and 3, coils 3 and 4, Simulation and commissioning. The
and coils n-1 and n.3 Additionally, it aims simulation and commissioning phases YAHYA AKTAŞ is a Production Sustainability Manager
to make furnace outlet temperatures sta- come after model identification and de- at Tüpraş’ İzmir refinery in Turkey. He has 20 yr of
refinery experience, mainly in process improvements,
ble during the feed change. sign. Controller tuning and configuration- product blending, oil metering systems, furnace and
al settings are checked through simulation. boiler combustion control and safety systems, burners
Pass balance controller design. Moves are given for manipulated variables and waste heat boilers. He holds a BSc degree in
There are several basic steps in controller to observe their future trajectory. chemical engineering and an MBA degree.

design. The first is to classify process pa- Communication checks are done be- HANDAN ÇEVIK ŞANLI is a Process Control
rameters. Three main parameters exist for tween APC and the DCS. The “watch- Superintendent at Tüpraş’ İzmir refinery in Turkey. She
APC: manipulated variables, controlled dog” blocks on the DCS are configured is skilled in process control and automation, including
advanced process control, distributed control systems,
variables and disturbance variables. for both communication and safety is- alarm management, base layer control and process
Manipulated variables (MVs). The sues. Then the controller switches on, optimization. She holds a BSc degree in chemical
setpoints for furnace coil flows and furnace and the next phase starts. engineering and an MEng degree in management.

52JULY 2020 |
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Official Conference Publication

Process Engineering
S. CHADHURI and R. B. SINGH, Bechtel India,
Gurgaon, India

Flare system design for a refinery

mega-complex—front end and beyond
Estimating flare loads for a greenfield fluids at various conditions during normal
facility is often a challenging activity in the or upset operation of processing plants.
front end design phase. Flare system design These relief fluids are typically flammable
evolves over the project phases, starting and, in some cases, corrosive and/or toxic.
with configuration; feasibility study; licen- Typical components of a flare system
sor selection; basic engineering; front end include:
engineering design (FEED); engineering, • Pressure safety valve (PSV)
procurement and construction (EPC); tailpipes, subheaders and headers
and commissioning. Relief loads firm up inside battery limits (ISBL)
at the EPC stage, once all the supplier data • ISBL flare knockout drums
impacting the load estimation is available. (KODs) and pumps
The implementation of the flare sys- • Outside battery limits (OSBL)
tem involves a significant amount of in- main flare headers
vestment in terms of capital cost and is an • Flare area KODs and pumps
important consideration in the plot plan. • Liquid seal drums and flare seal FIG. 1. Key flare design parameters.
If a significant change to the flare load is • End and emergency purge
identified at a late stage of project develop- • Flare riser, tips and associated
ment, the cost involved in design modifi- hardware (fuel gas, ignition, steam) system capacity and configuration is
cation can be considerable. The challenge • Associated monitoring and based on data from similar past projects
is to make early decisions with limited safety systems. and any local regulatory requirements.
availability of project-specific data, while Each of these subsystems requires a dif- High-level flare system configuration de-
avoiding overly conservative design that ferent level of maturity in relief load data cisions should be taken at this stage. Typi-
adds costs and simultaneously limiting before it can be considered finalized for cally, such decisions include:
changes that may impact the overall proj- proceeding with procurement and con- • Ground vs. elevated flare
ect execution (FIG. 1). struction. This aspect will be discussed • Segregation and number of
This article suggests a method for flare in subsequent sections. A schematic of a flares [e.g., high pressure (HP),
system design that is based on a mix of typical refinery acid gas flare is depicted low pressure (LP), acid gas flare,
first principles and a database of past proj- in FIG. 2. low low pressure (LLP),
ect relief load and flare system design best low temperature (LT)]
practices. A good first estimate, backed by Stepwise approach tailored for proj- • Sparing and maintenance
smart strategies to mitigate changes, is key ect execution needs. Refinery mega- requirements
to generating a solid design. In the follow- project execution approach is similar • Mounting flares on a common
ing sections, an overview of the typical around the world, with relatively minor derrick vs. a mix of derrick
refinery flare system is followed by a step- differences based on contracting strate- and guy-wired flares, etc.
by-step approach for flare system design gies. Flare system definition requirements It is critical to ensure that plot plan re-
at each project execution stage. Several and good practices for greenfield flare sys- quirements are adequately considered to
flare load management strategies that have tem design are described in the following avoid the need for additional land at a lat-
proven effective in mega-scale refinery subsections (FIG. 3). er stage. It is not uncommon for projects
projects are given. Configuration and feasibility study. to underestimate plot requirements for
The requirement for typical greenfield flares at the configuration and feasibility
Overview of typical refinery flare sys- projects is to have a preliminary plot plan stage and end up compromising on other
tem. The flare system is designed to col- and to achieve a Class 4 (+/– 30%) esti- owner requirements to fit the facility in-
lect and safely dispose of a wide range of mate. At this stage, the estimate of flare side the available plot space.
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202055
Process Engineering

Selection of flare type is often de-

pendent on client preference (FIG. 4).
Elevated flares are common in refineries
because they are low in cost and sturdy
in design. However, refineries close to
human habitation often select ground or
enclosed flares to control noise and flame
exposure to the communities.
Licensor selection and basic en-
gineering package. An important part
of a flare package is finalizing the relief
and blowdown philosophy, including
the segregation/number of flares and the
estimated backpressures for each flare.
Selected licensors can be asked to share
relief summaries from their databases be-
fore they calculate project-specific relief
information. Some useful pointers in this
exercise are:
FIG. 2. Schematic of a typical refinery acid gas flare. • Look for the ratio between
minimum and maximum set
pressure. If the ratio is five times
or higher (which is almost always
the case for complex refineries),
then segregated HP and LP flare
systems are justifiable.
• When combined single-flare header
size is greater than 80 in.–100 in.
with a backpressure of 1.75 barg
(approximately 50% of 3.5 barg), it
is generally economical to segregate
flares in more than one system.
• When LP and HP flare system
segregation is practicable for
design, there are significant savings
FIG. 4. Major factors influencing flare in choosing the sweet spot for
FIG. 3. Project development roadmap. configuration.
setpoint changeover. Generally,
the setpoint cut-off between the
A database of major individual relief feedstock type, an estimate can be de- HP and LP flares is 100 psig (i.e.,
loads for similar technologies/facilities rived with a simple arithmetic pro-ration. approximately 6.9 barg). The
with comparable capacities is essential Note: A risk of oversimplification exists breakpoint is a nominal value to
for facilitating early decisions in this for this method. It is a common bench- start the flare system design, which
phase. Significant relief loads for any marking principal used by licensors or must be reassessed by the end of
unit come from a few specific pieces of open-art FEED contractors across the FEED when reliable relief loads
equipment; these loads remain fairly industry. TABLE 1 represents a comparison from various process units are
consistent. It is important that the refer- of gas oil hydrotreater FEED level relief available and LP/HP flare system
ence unit capacity is of a similar order of loads for a general power failure case capacity limits are nearly final. The
magnitude as the one to be estimated. from a single licensor. ideal breakpoint for a refinery gives
A relief load from a 200-bpsd diesel hy- HP flare load is much higher in the a higher backpressure allowance
drotreater will not be 10 times that from reference project than the project under for sizing of the HP flare system,
a 20-bpsd diesel hydrotreater. The licen- design, whereas LP flare load is only 20% thereby aiding the selection of
sor or technology provider selected for different than the actual relief load shared a slender HP flare header and a
the flare loads is another critical con- by the licensor. This difference illustrates compact sonic flare tip.
sideration. Flare load from two leading the importance of critically analyzing • Temperature is also an important
technology providers for the same unit reference project data with regard to the criterion for flare segregation.
might differ completely. project under design to pinpoint signifi- Combining wet sources with LT
When a reference unit for the selected cant configuration differences or preex- sources must be evaluated carefully
licensor has been selected, along with a isting mitigation measure incorporated during design, as there is a chance
rough order-of-magnitude capacity and in the licensor design. of freezing or ice formation within
56JULY 2020 |
Process Engineering

TABLE 1. Comparison of gas oil hydrotreater FEED level relief loads for general power failure case
Licensor project specific relief load Reference plant relief load
Gasoil hydrotreater, Capacity, GPF load, Set pressure, Capacity, GPF load, Set pressure,
GPF case thousand bpsd t/hr barg Disposal thousand bpsd t/hr barg Disposal
115 105 13.7 HP 109 248 10 HP
115 167 3.5 LP 109 131 3.5 LP
Total load Unmitigated at beginning of EPC: 272 tph Pro-rated load at beginning of FEED: 399 tph
(load after 30% mitigation: 279 tph)

the flare header. Temperature also Front end engineering design. Flare process dynamics during the emergency
has a bearing on the metallurgy system development in the FEED phase scenario being analyzed. A common ap-
selection for the flare system. The has two major components. In ISBL units, plication is to use this tool to utilize credits
lowest temperature encountered the individual relief loads are analyzed and due to line packing (time taken to pres-
from depressuring sources, scenarios not considered by the licensor surize the flare system, including inactive
normalized after ambient heat (e.g., fire case, control valve failure, etc.) parts) and potential for staggered blow-
exchange, determines the design are estimated. The ISBL flare network, downs. Theoretically, credit for equip-
temperature. This is addressed KODs and pumps are nearly finalized, ment and control system response can also
by selecting compatible material with a few remaining holds for confirma- be estimated in specific cases, but is gener-
of construction or providing for tion after future design development. ally avoided in grassroots flare design.
increased relief temperature before Governing case scenarios for OSBL High integrity pressure protection
release into the main flare header. flare network and equipment are now de- system (HIPPS). This approach identi-
• Composition of relief gases affects veloped from large individual relief loads fies the largest common-mode relief loads
the flare system selection in many and common mode failure scenarios, from process units and then mitigates
ways, metallurgy being the primary such as general power failure, cooling through HIPPS. The outcome of a typical
one. The most common example water failure, etc. Unmitigated governing flare load mitigation study utilizing HIPPS
is an acid gas or sour flare, which caseloads are analyzed using flare sys- is presented as the reference in TABLE 2.
caters to hydrogen sulfide (H2S)- tem analyzer software tools to identify This approach is generally undertaken
rich, wet relief sources; therefore, hydraulic constraints in headers, KODs in consultation with the owner, and it is
the metallurgy must be designed for and flare risers/tips, based on practicable common to consider failure of the largest
wet sour service. The acid gas flare sizes and radiation requirements with re- HIPPS when accepting mitigated loads.
header is steam traced to prevent gard to the selected height of the riser. Segregated power islands. To achieve
condensation and corrosion. In Sterile zone requirements are es- significant savings during the design of
world-scale refineries, the acid gas timated and checked against the plot the power failure case, the power supply
flare is segregated from non-sour space considered. Flare risers more than to the facility can be distributed at source,
flare systems. 200 m in height are not considered prac- such that power failure does not occur in
• Composition is also significant ticable; at many locations, regulations all sections simultaneously. This concept
in the selection of flare type. An limit to lower heights. Possible flare load can be implemented by creating two seg-
aromatic or acid gas flare is always mitigation measures are studied if the regated electrical islands for the various
elevated. An elevated flare allows unmitigated loads lead to impracticable process and utility units to accomplish
for atmospheric dispersion of toxic designs. Typically, at the end of this flare load reduction during a general
relief, preserving personnel safety in phase, a Class 3 (+/– 10%) estimate is power failure (FIG. 5). The key principles
case of a flare burnout. developed. Several strategies for mitiga- involved in this approach are:
The segregated relief philosophy is tion can be considered, as explained in • Both power islands will not fail
shared with licensors to ensure that the the following subsections. simultaneously
project-specific relief summary is devel- Steam turbine drives for selected • The failure of one island will
oped accordingly. The licensor basic engi- pumps/compressors. In this approach, cause only part of the refinery
neering package does not include all relief steam system failure is delinked from gen- to fail, and the design relief load
cases for individual PSVs and will typical- eral power failure, and some of the critical is the only load associated with
ly not have details of PSV tailpipes, head- drives are driven by steam turbine. Exam- that part of the refinery
ers/sub-headers, and KODs and pumps ples of drives considered for steam tur- • The plant associated with the
in the ISBL. Also, the loads provided are bine are boiler feedwater (BFW) pumps, operating (non-tripped) power
unmitigated relief loads. Common mode boiler forced-draft (FD)/induced-draft island can be shut down safely
failure scenarios such as cooling water (ID) fans, condensate pumps, demineral- with no additional flare load.
failure, general power failure, etc. are ized water pumps, cooling water pumps, In power islanding philosophy, the refin-
compiled at this stage, and OSBL flare air compressors, reflux pumps, etc. ery will not continue to operate on par-
header sizing and flare system equipment Dynamic simulation. Transient be- tial load. The intention is to facilitate safe
preliminary design are completed. havior of the flare system depends on shutdown with a low flare load.
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202057
Process Engineering

TABLE 2. A typical FEED-phase HIPPS list for a 12-MMtpy refinery

Unit Location Flare system Function
Delayed coker Debutanizer HP flare Trip HP steam to reboiler
Delayed coker Naphtha splitter LP flare Trip feed FCV and HP steam to reboiler
EB/SM/ER Binary refrigerant compressor – Trip compressor on high discharge pressure
and temperature
Fluid catalytic cracker Debutanizer HP flare Trip HP steam to reboiler
Fluid catalytic cracker Deethanizer HP flare Trip HP steam and reboiling medium to reboiler
Alkylation Deisobutanizer HP flare LP steam and feed cutoff
Alkylation Debutanizer HP flare LP steam and feed cutoff
Naphtha hydrotreater Stripper LP flare HP steam and feed cutoff
Naphtha hydrotreater Depentanizer LP flare MP steam and feed cutoff
Naphtha hydrotreater Rerun column LP flare HP steam and feed cutoff
Continuous catalytic reformer Debutanizer LP flare HP steam to reboiler cutoff
Sulfur extraction Extractive distillation AR flare HP steam to reboiler cutoff
XYL fractionation Reformate splitter AR flare MP steam and feed cutoff

specific case study of naphtha and diesel reduced individual PSV loads for design
hydrotreaters, delayed cokers and auxilia- optimization. A typical example is col-
ry process units (i.e., amine regeneration umn relief load reductions.
unit, sour water stripper, hydrogen gen-
eration unit), the units were configured Recommendations. Flare system de-
in two trains to allow flexibility of power sign for refinery mega-projects requires
allocation between the two power islands. a stepwise approach that is aligned to the
This split electrical system resulted in the project execution plan and matches the
electrical loads at a 47:53 ratio between data requirements at each stage. As in-
Island 1 and Island 2, respectively. Simi- dustry has evolved, the capacity and com-
larly, the flare loads were distributed at a plexity of projects has grown, and many
53:47 ratio between Island 1 and Island tools and practices have been applied to
2, respectively. The flare system was de- optimize the design and overcome some
signed for the higher load of the two. of the constraints. The correct approach
Distribution of the auxiliary process is to tune into the specific project require-
units, utilities and offsites between the ments and focus on making timely deci-
FIG. 5. Flow diagram of power islands concept. islands were undertaken to ensure that sions to avoid significant late changes that
during a general power failure at a single can lead to sub-optimal decisions.
To implement the philosophy, the island, both of the additional flare loads
double bus in the main intake substation arising from the impact on the operation SUSHREE CHAUDHURI is a Process
Engineer with Bechtel India. She has
can be designed and configured to func- of the running island are minimal. This 18 yr of experience in petroleum
tion as two separate islands controlled by was ensured by re-energization of the refining, petrochemicals, offshore
appropriate interlocks and permissive/ buses supporting the critical utility loads, oil and gas and flare systems, and
supervision systems. Each island can be either from the running island or from front end and detailed design. Prior
to joining Bechtel India, she worked
provided with the option to feed from the the emergency power, as appropriate via with Fluor Gurgaon and Foster Wheeler. She holds
grid as backup, while the normal opera- a power management system. BS degrees in chemistry and chemical engineering
tion is sustained by 100% captive power. Engineering, procurement and con- from the University of Calcutta.
If the grid is to be connected in case of a struction. As progress is made on a proj- RAJ BHADRA SINGH is a Process
generator failure, it is possible to connect ect, the design focus turns to re-verifying Engineer with Bechtel India. He has
the grid to only one island to prevent in- individual loads based on the final layout 27 yr of experience in EPC, FEED
terconnecting the bus and avoid the pos- and vendor inputs. Significant increases and basic engineering for petroleum
refining, petrochemicals and gas
sibility of common failure. in loads are not expected when FEED is processing projects. Prior to joining
Process units in a refinery are allo- finished. Mitigation measures are applied Bechtel India, he worked with Fluor
cated to achieve an approximate 50:50 and verified throughout the EPC phase to Gurgaon and Engineers India Ltd. He holds BS degrees
in chemical engineering from the National Institute of
split between the islands with respect to stay within the FEED design limits. Con- Technology in Surathkal and an MS degree in process
flare loads and power consumption, con- tractors and owners often rely on the use engineering design from the Indian Institute of
sidering the shutdown grouping. For a of dynamic simulation tools to estimate Technology in Delhi.

58JULY 2020 |
V. KRISHNAN, IBM Corp., Denver, Colorado

Digitally enabled sustainability

in process manufacturing
Demands for sustainability are per-
vasive and are mandated, legislated or
strongly encouraged in different social,
industrial and political segments. This
was an imperative even before the “new
normal” was defined by the COVID-19
pandemic. Now, sustainability has re-
ceived increased emphasis across indus-
tries. Beyond being a good corporate
citizen, emerging opportunities exist in
the pursuit of sustainability that deliver
economic gains to the enterprise.
This article discusses how process Goals impacted directly by process manufacturing
manufacturing can impact sustainability
within the current operations landscape,
market demands, and disruptive technol- FIG. 1. Several sustainability goals are impacted directly by process manufacturing.
ogy capabilities.
another poses a macro-level challenge Achieving speed to market and pres-
Relevance and prioritization of sus- that is being mitigated by investments in sure on realizing increased returns from
tainability goals. Sustainability has been alternative energies and advocacy of the research and development (R&D) in-
a salient topic for some time, but now more prudent use of natural resources. vestment have been the driving factors
it is rapidly moving from being a factor From a process manufacturing perspec- for intermediate and specialty chemicals
recognized for global good citizenship to tive, energy management is a critical com- manufacturers. To address sustainabil-
something essential for all walks of life. ponent, particularly in operations where ity goals, they also are refocusing on new
Some would argue that the transition is energy is both consumed and generated. processes, improved feedstocks, catalysts
at its peak, and that it is something to be Optimal plant operations with energy with improved activation/life and process
intricately woven into every aspect of life costs as an objective function is becoming unit designs that deviate from the tradi-
today. Multiple domains and targets have more of a common practice. This is likely tional approach. Some are market-driven
been established by global organizations1 to include frequent trade-offs and com- (crude-to-chemicals, for example), and
to mitigate the threat of uncontrolled in- promises when it comes to plant objec- others are sustainability-driven.
dustrialization and social dynamics, such tives that are strictly economic in nature. The realization has arrived that inno-
as consumption patterns. The biggest re- Increased usage of water sources in vation in this field extends beyond mate-
cipient of this scrutiny is on the planet’s de- manufacturing—examples being chlo- rials research and into product end-usage
pendence on the hydrocarbon value chain. rine, cement, upstream petroleum or applications. Understanding and address-
From a manufacturing perspective, fertilizer production—offers opportuni- ing the demands of the market and the
the hydrocarbon value chain—and, to a ties for the plant(s) to supply the nearby product’s or application’s end usage is
lesser extent, the inorganics segment— community with desalinated potable wa- critical for the enterprises, not only to be
has a profound impact on our global ter while also addressing the needs within cognizant of the regulations but also to be
sustainability. While many of the sus- the process units. In particular, multiple relevant and competitive.
tainability goals can be traced back to an greenfield complexes are deploying and
influence from process manufacturing, leveraging incremental investments in From operational excellence to sus-
only a few can be materially and directly technologies like membrane separation tainability. Process manufacturing oper-
impacted (FIG. 1). units to ensure supplies of potable water ations typically function under the target-
Usage of fossil fuels in some form or for local communities. ed guidelines of production capacity, yield
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 2020 59

Optimized EHS processes around sustainability requires … sociated workflows, making these pro-
cesses “intelligent” and optimizing the key
sustainability metrics within the manufac-
Process Field and IoT Asset Material Work orders Inventory Contractor Traffic Terminal Security turing operations environment (FIG. 3).
historians instruments monitoring movements (CMMS) management work permits management automation and badging
system Apart from process and personnel
…precise, accurate and timely information from assets, processes and personnel alike … safety, another operational element that
relates to sustainability is energy. Pro-
duction optimization is typically based
Access control Biometrics Zone Certification and Asset LOTO detection Biometrics Traffic Biometrics
LOTO detection monitoring authorization tracking biometrics AR adherence skills certification on appropriately weighted cost func-
…to be integrated to deliver actionable visibility into appropriate leading indicators of sustainability in EHS
tions that are dictated by the economics
and planning group. The sustainability
Injury rates Incident response GHG metrics Health (heat stress) predictors Traffic rules adherence
MOC frequency Predicted events Severity distribution Loss of containment predictors Training and certification %
aspect comes from the inclusion of en-
Safety drills frequency Instrument accuracy Inspections overdue Turnaround and lay down effectiveness Security breach predictor ergy as a key component in the cost func-
tion. While many plants, particularly the
FIG. 2. Environment, health and safety metrics relate to all operational personnel, processes
greenfield operations, measure energy
and systems.
for monitoring purposes, very few use it
in optimization. Balancing energy pro-
Economics and duction against consumption of utilities,
planning as well as exchange with a public grid, is
Feedstock Regulatory not only the right thing to do—it also of-
management compliance fers significant monetary gains.
Many of the energy balance and optimi-
Transition/batch Projects and zation exercises fail due to various reasons:
management engineering • Lack of dynamic information.
Frequently, one finds that the
Quality/yield Operational energy pricing information is hard-
Worker safety coded or static in the calculation
management excellence of the key indices. Tiered pricing
and an associated lack of visibility
Process Waste management
compound this challenge.
optimization • Lack of incorporation of energy
in the optimization and control
Inventory loops. This requires an alignment
optimization Skills management
with overall economic goals and
might require a compromise in
Asset utilization
the way the units are run.
• Lack of energy stewardship.
FIG. 3. Data from the IIoT and cognitive tools help optimize key sustainability metrics within
This is often the case when
the manufacturing operations environment.
someone is tasked with energy
tracking as an additional
and quality management, while remaining others new. As an example, the environ- responsibility, as opposed to
under the constraints of safety and stabil- ment, health and safety (EHS) metrics a cross-functional steward
ity. Multiple processes, technologies, in- come from field assets, event records and who interacts with operations,
tegrated systems, optimization tools and external information such as audits. The maintenance and engineering
visualization enable the workflows. nature of remote expertise support, social to identify and execute
Techniques such as advanced control, distancing in field operations and contin- improvement opportunities.
integrated planning, unit optimization uous health monitoring are essential for Addressing these factors within the
and supply chain integration have made the return to work after the COVID-19 operational environment in a systemic
it possible for operations to stay on target pandemic. In the case of EHS, this infor- way for an energy improvement program
and achieve the prescribed goals. Some mation relates to all personnel involved would not only improve the sustainabil-
of the more recent efforts broaden this in the operations, from field operators to ity indices, but also identify potential
approach to cover the extended supply contractors (FIG. 2). monetary gains (e.g. the traditional pinch
chain, as well, while newer and disrup- Examples include vehicle telematics, analysis for a heat exchanger).
tive technologies make these workflows drone-enabled inspections, visual and
largely cognitive and automated. acoustic insights, flare monitoring, un- Sustainability: Beyond operational
Meanwhile, the information required structured data such as regulatory require- excellence. Operational excellence, by
from operations that is related to sus- ments, and many more. Such new data itself, is not sufficient to address the sus-
tainability comes from various existing from the Industrial Internet of Things tainability impacts from production pro-
sources, some of them traditional and (IIoT) and cognitive tools enable the as- cesses, the products and their end usage.
60JULY 2020 |

Energy optimization
End-consumer product usage


Consumer market
logistics safety

Sustainability in process manufacturing

GHG impact management

Economics and
Feedstock Regulatory
management compliance
Re-use beyond designed
Transition/batch Projects and purpose
management engineering

Quality/yield Operational
Worker safety
management excellence

Waste management Products/process sustainability
optimization Skills management

Asset utilization

FIG. 4. Sustainability in process manufacturing includes operational excellence.

The goals of the enterprise are to deliver

the desired customer experiences and ex-
pectations from the products—whether
they are fuel products, commodity chem-
icals, specialty chemicals, fertilizers or
• Establish actionable monitoring process
any other part of the value chain (FIG. 4). Sustain and improve • Incorporate continuous improvement through ideation
Any variation to that experience—
regulatory, environmental, specifica-
tions-related or process improvement—
• Define data sources, address gaps, integrate and visualize insights
will need to be predicted or, at the Take action • Align/compromise with enterprise economic commitments
minimum, responsively addressed with
speed for the operations to be relevant
to the customer. This is significant from • Assign stewardship and executive support
Gain mindshare
a sustainability angle, as all members of • Narrow down sustainable metrics to targeted goals that are operations-relevant
the value chain are striving to identify
improved processes, products and ap- FIG. 5. The common guiding elements of gaining mindshare, taking action, and sustaining and
plications that alleviate the problems we improving are essential for a successful change toward sustainability.
pose to the environment.
With the advent of transparency more powerful, as it has a top-down man- A relevant approach toward sustain-
through technologies such as blockchain, date and is a multi-organizational col- ability. Any initiative or transformational
products can be traced2 all the way to laborative effort. Process manufacturing program requires consistency in messag-
their end use and provide the essential in- features as one of the key levers of imple- ing, target-setting and execution enable-
formation for each constituent to tweak/ mentation of such an ambitious initiative. ment. Depending on the nature of the task
adjust their influence. Similarly, a shining example of corporate at hand, these could follow the traditional
For example, the impact of plastics3 in responsibility is demonstrated in the way stage-gate approach that has been in place
circular economy is being addressed all a refiner extends into the value chain by over many decades, or the agile approach
the way from materials research, produc- partnering with an airline client, as is the that focuses on ease of ideation and adop-
tion, usage and repurpose. This is even case4 with Neste and Finnair. tion. A singular, one-size-fits-all approach
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 2020 61

is unwise in this case, as the specific ini- Gain mindshare: Operational excel- More than any other domain, this requires
tiatives and projects would cover varying lence and supply chain integration have a significant top-down mandate for adop-
domains and invoke contributions from economic goals that are easier to com- tion and ease of change management.
different ecosystem participants. Never- municate and empower. Sustainability Take action: Proliferation of key per-
theless, common guiding elements are metrics sometimes require trade-offs and formance indicators (KPIs), operational
essential for a successful change toward compromises with overall economic ob- or otherwise, is a sure way to get “lost in
sustainability (FIG. 5), as explained in the jectives. Safety, for example, can never be the weeds” and eventually end up as an-
following subsections. articulated with a business value in mind. other wasted opportunity. Identifying the
right metrics, the correct calculation basis
Non-renewables material intensity A normalized measure of non-renewables consumed per unit of feedstock
and the actionable outcomes are the es-
Raw materials usage sential parts of any sustainability program.
Recycled/reprocessed feed Percentage of recycled feed To that effect, it makes much more sense
to follow a set of standards when defining
Water intensity Total water intake—normalized by unit or volume
the metrics. Standard sustainability met-
Energy intensity Energy consumed in production and overhead
Process operations
GHG intensity GHGs released in production and overhead
rics that are relevant to process manufac-
Residuals intensity Mass imbalance (products, feeds, consumables) turing are shown in FIG. 6.
Reused/recycled content Percentage of reuse/recycle portion in product
Sustain and improve: Effectively ex-
ecuting such a transformational initiative
Products and offerings Recyclability Percentage of recyclable content in product
will require change management that is
Restricted substances content Percentage of restricted chemicals in product cognizant of the traditional focus around
operational excellence. Incentivization
FIG. 6. Standard sustainability metrics are relevant to process manufacturing.
and empowerment are key to sustaining
this initiative and incorporating a con-
Visibility—Capture all data and associated classified incidents
tinuous improvement program. Leverag-
Information integration
Cloud and APIs ing the right technology—IIoT (for addi-
Analyze—Historical information: What, where, when, who? Leading indicators tional/new information), blockchain (for
KPIs, trends
traceability of products to batch lots, etc.)
Discover—What we do not know or is not intuitive Data mining and hybrid cloud options (for enterprise
Statistical analysis
platforms)—is the primary enabler of
Predict—What is at risk, in an actionable way Predictive modeling
Correlations such a program.
Prevent and advise—Interactively suggest best actions Cognitive
AI, machine learning Leveraging technology for sustain-
Plan—Improve processes, barriers, risk mitigation Process improvement ability. Technology disruptors, such as
IIoT, blockchain, artificial intelligence
Augment—Enrich and add new data Augment with technology
(AI) and robotics, are being adopted in
process manufacturing5 at an unusually
FIG. 7. Technology helps augment existing information, enable predictive capabilities, optimize fast rate, particularly for an industry that
processes and deliver visualization with actionable insights. is known to be lukewarm toward risk-re-
ward propositions.
Maintenance Process operations Executive oversight Sustainability stewards Data analysts and scientists Technology continues to be adopted
Manufacturing information sources Ingestion/integration Storage/staging Data/cognitive analytics/visualization

in such a way as to augment existing in-

Inspection formation, enable predictive capabilities,
Visualizaton/reporting optimize processes and deliver timely visu-
Authorization and access control Authorization and access control alization with actionable insights (FIG. 7).
Analytics master files Different, equally viable and advantaged
Data warehouse Analytic tools Data lake
approaches are available to accomplish
Central data store Model management
these goals. Organizations adopt a myriad
Operations data store of options for data ingestion, integration,
Reference semantic model
Machine learning tools
staging and analytics. Options such as data
lakes, data warehouses, traditional middle-
Data engineering/prep ware-based integration or contemporary
hybrid-cloud enterprise platforms provide
Process control information Extended value chain
viable paths to efficient information man-
Transactional records IOT sensors information
agement. Delivering context to the data
that can be leveraged by advanced analytics
Incident Warehouse Work Asset monitoring LIMS Process Process Field-force Warehouse Contractor and Supply Sustainability
management and inventory permits historians units automation and materials employee safety chain goals/targets is a key critical success factor to all of these
data-management approaches (FIG. 8).
FIG. 8. Different, equally viable and advantaged approaches are available to accomplish From an adoption perspective, it is easy
a number of operational goals.
to get lost in trying to prove a technology
62JULY 2020 |

or a piece of new hardware, such that the signed, tested and delivered by whichever 2
Hyperledger, “How Walmart brought unprece-
dented transparency to the food supply chain with
business capability focus is overshad- combination of technologies and process- Hyperledger Fabric,” 2019, online: https://www.
owed. For example, if the traceability of es within financial reason. This also estab-
a product is the goal from a sustainability lishes trust, agility and relevance in the IT case-study
perspective, then the objective should not delivery arm of the enterprise.
Alliance to end plastic waste, online: https://end-
deteriorate to a proof-point of blockchain. 4
Neste, “Neste and Finnair partner to reduce CO2
This will result in a short-sighted and Takeaway. The hydrocarbon value chain footprint of flying with sustainable aviation fuels,”
simplistic, even if agile, pursuit that keeps is in the crosshairs of every discussion Press Release, March 5, 2020, online: https://www.
everyone busy spinning wheels without surrounding sustainability. Apart from neste-and-finnair-partner-reduce-co2-footprint-fly-
much progress or measurable attainment. end usage, process manufacturing is the ing-sustainable-aviation-fuels
Sooner or later, this disconnect results in next-highest significant contributor. The 5
Krishnan, V., “Business trends: Advent of cognitive
successful technologies not seeing the desired changes and corresponding im- applications and the IoT in process manufacturing,”
Hydrocarbon Processing, June 2018.
light of day due to poor application. pacts would take effort in terms of eco-
Instead, the choice of use cases should nomic compromises, innovation and ad-
be accompanied by aspects such as: justments to social consumption patterns, IBM Global Executive who heads
• Use-case definition based on with acceleration being necessary in all the Industry 4.0 portfolio for the
completeness of sustainability these areas. Nonetheless, it is clear that process industries (chemicals,
petroleum and industrial products).
impact articulation immediate impacts can be positively de- He is a thought leader in the
• Prioritization of measurable livered by integrating existing technolo- domain, with 28 yr of hands-on
outcomes, organizational readiness gies, merging operational excellence with expertise in the chemicals and petroleum segments,
and ease of adoption the extended value chain, and adopting a particularly around manufacturing and the supply
chain. He has worked in multiple geographies on
• De-prioritization of technology leadership-sponsored approach. various engagements, including greenfield and
validation across multiple domains established refineries and petrochemical and
• Technology adoption strategy LITERATURE CITED chemical complexes. In his present role, Dr. Krishnan
United Nations Development Programme, works with clients in their digital transformation
following the success of use case. “Sustainable development goals,” online: https:// (Industry 4.0 and others), in an era that places a
The desired business capability, end- premium on costs, resilience and sustainability.
to-end as much as feasible, should be de- able-development-goals.html Dr. Krishnan holds a PhD in chemical engineering.

4 9 T H T U R B O M AC H I N E RY
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Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 2020 63




7 OCTOBER 2020



22 OCTOBER 2020









For further details contact Owen Raw-Rees |

P. MORSE, Aspen Technology, Houston, Texas

Black swans and gray rhinos:

Building future resilience
These are extraordinary days as we collectively work to con- the decisions that will achieve their multiple objectives of cus-
tain the COVID-19 virus. Each day we learn about varied ef- tomer satisfaction, societal sustainability and business profit.
forts across the globe to prepare communities and economies
for potential illness, even as it impacts local employment and Achieving safety and reliability. With the use of digital tech-
business activity. nologies, project engineers can design for process safety from
This is truly a black swan moment—an event that we could the beginning, delivering optimal designs that comply with in-
not have predicted and has profound impact on our lives and dustry safety standards. Integrated system analysis can gener-
businesses. Many business analysts and economists have been ate comprehensive plans for critical systems, such as pressure
forced to define new metrics and re-draw axes on existing charts relief and flares across the plant and the entire complex. New
to capture this moment. dynamic modeling capabilities enable upgrades of existing flare
During this chaos, the gray rhinos—an important future risk and pressure safety valves, as they integrate to create a more ac-
that may be generally ignored despite the potential for harm— curate model of operations.
must not be forgotten. For chemical and energy companies, sus- Monitoring and control technologies work to continuously
tainability is a gray rhino. As all companies have been challenged optimize unit operations to stay within safety limits and alert for
by the current economic and health crisis, the successful recov- equipment failure and process degradation that can lead to un-
ery requires a new view toward future development and growth expected incidents. The same models that have enabled better
with metrics that consider broad and more long-term goals. design and operations are also useful tools to prepare new op-
The importance of this effort has not been forgotten by erators to manage unexpected process upsets that often lead to
investors, with Black Rock reminding companies that sustain- safety incidents. Operator training systems using digital twins
ability commitments will remain criteria for future investment.1 of current and future operations are becoming the standard
Several companies have also reaffirmed sustainability targets— training practice across the industry.
including Shell, BP and Dow—as the current crisis reminds in- Notable success stories include the use of dynamic model-
vestors that external risks can be a real threat. ing by Chiyoda Corp. to enable faster startup of LNG opera-
Digitalization is a crucial enabler for companies to meet tions, while ensuring critical safety standards are met. In a low-
both business and sustainability objectives. The Internation- density polyethylene process, one European-based producer
al Energy Agency (IEA) has found that digital solutions can received 27 d of warning for a central valve failure and avoided
help boost energy efficiency as much as 30% for industrial op- an unplanned shutdown and potential related flaring and emis-
erations.2 In Europe, the Technology Platform for Sustainable sions release.
Chemistry has highlighted digitalization as a key tool to meet
sustainability objectives.3 Reducing environmental impact. Digital solutions can pro-
Digital tools have targeted sustainability-related objectives vide guidance on environmental impact throughout initial proj-
for decades, mainly focusing on energy efficiency, pollution ect planning and operating processes, and even give insight into
control and value chain optimization. Traditionally, cost sav- maintenance activities to help avoid equipment breakdowns,
ings drove much of the efficiency efforts, but companies are including the emissions and dangerous conditions that often
increasingly focusing on waste and discharge reduction from accompany them.
production units, as well as efficiency enhancement through Companies can use a digital simulation of production pro-
digital solutions. They are exploring new energy sources with cesses, typically called a digital twin, to determine the best pro-
lower carbon footprints, and new products that better fit the cess and equipment selection for energy efficiency and reduced
circular economy. emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2 ) and other pollutants and
These solutions provide the visibility, analysis and insight greenhouse gases. After construction, these same models are
needed to address the challenges inherent in sustainability used to improve operations by adjusting to feedstock and opera-
goals. Success begins by harnessing the voluminous data avail- tional variations to ensure efficient resource and energy use. Pro-
able—applying new technologies, such as artificial intelligence cess control capabilities help stabilize operations to optimize en-
(AI)—to control operations and empower operators to make ergy use, extending this analysis across the entire supply chain.
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202065

When processes do not run as expected, digital technolo- ciency of processes based on new energy feedstocks, such as
gies can provide insight and avoidance measures. AI gives com- biomass and plastics waste.
panies advance warning of potential breakdowns so they can Concern about growing volumes of plastic waste world-
wide has raised the urgency of moving toward a cir-
cular economy, where materials are reused after initial
Digital technologies are enabling companies application so fewer natural resources are consumed
overall. Some companies are pursuing depolymer-
to increase the efficiency of their operations ization processes to deconstruct the plastics back to
and more quickly develop solutions to solve their base raw materials—an approach often referred
to as molecular or chemical recycling—allowing for
the challenges of the circular economy. the same high-quality product to be produced again.
However, most of these processes are inefficient and
can currently only be executed on a small scale. They
avoid dangerous conditions, reduce the amount of effluents re- will need further development to be competitive solutions for
leased into the environment and minimize maintenance costs. the global market, and modeling software is an important tool
For complex processes, multivariate analytics take a broad view to boost the speed and efficiency of these experiments and to
of many process variables to identify those that are critical to optimize commercial processes.
reduce off-spec production and reduce waste. Water productivity is another important component of the
Advanced technology solutions have enabled many compa- circular economy and can be improved using process optimiza-
nies to deliver improved environmental performance includ- tion and improved control. Companies are using modeling to
ing Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC), which improve water efficiency in processing, along with the economic
reduced energy use in its refineries by $15 MM/yr and opti- assessment of water treatment and desalination projects. In addi-
mized energy sourcing to increase energy efficiency and re- tion, process monitoring has enabled leak identification in high-
duce carbon footprint. Petrochemical producer Braskem has water-demand processes, such as oil sands extraction and mining.
used advanced process control to lower the energy consump- Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) was successful in
tion of an ethylene unit by 20%. using a digital twin of existing oil and gas operations in the Mid-
dle East to capture efficiency opportunities and optimize im-
Driving efficiency and innovation. The desire to make plementation, cutting water use by 10% and energy use by 5%.
significant strides toward sustainability targets will drive many The integration of sustainability targets with business goals
companies to fundamentally change their energy sources and will be transformational for energy and chemical companies, as
shift product portfolios. This transition will take time and will well as businesses across industries. Global efforts to move toward
require substantial investment in new technologies. However, new energy sources and the circular economy will drive a strategic
the potential payoff is significant, with an estimated $1 T in shift in business metrics and the practices that will enable success.
new business opportunities available.4 Many forward-looking companies have already begun this pro-
Digital technologies are enabling companies to increase the cess, investing to build new capabilities and developing innova-
efficiency of their operations and more quickly develop solu- tive technologies and business models to achieve new targets.
tions to solve the challenges of the circular economy. The solu- Achieving the fragile balance of sustainability goals—equal-
tions focus primarily on emissions associated with energy use, ly considering people, planet and profit—is a considerable
such as CO2 and nitrous oxide (NOx ), in addition to a move challenge, but one that must be addressed to be competitive in
toward the use of alternative energy sources. the energy and chemical markets of today and tomorrow. Dur-
Digital twin capabilities give companies a comprehensive ing this period of market and economic recovery, a renewed
view of energy use across a unit or enterprise, and new visual- focus on these goals will enable longer-term resilience for suc-
ization tools enable better analysis and reporting of the overall cessful companies.
and discrete energy consumption. Specific modeling of process
energy can also identify potential energy saving opportunities LITERATURE CITED
BlackRock releases 2020 stewardship priorities for engaging with public com-
between units and throughout the complex. panies, March 2020,
A new emphasis emerging in the industry is “decarboniza- releases/article/corporate-one/press-releases/stewardship-priorities
tion,” or the reduction of the carbon footprint of a process or 2
Energy Efficiency 2019, International Energy Agency, Paris, 2019, https://www.
energy source. These efforts target a reduction in carbon emis-
Filippouse, V.; S. Wilmet; M. Winter; N. G. Ramon, et. al., Innovation pri-
sions associated with a process—for example, using a lower- orities for EU and global challenges, European Technology Platform for Sustainable
carbon fuel like natural gas instead of coal, or substituting wind Chemistry, November 2019
or solar energy or renewable biomass for a fossil fuel. Digital 4
The Circular Design Guide, Ellen Macarthur Foundation, https://www.ellenma-
solutions aid these efforts by modeling and comparing alter-
native processes for various metrics, such as cost, emissions of PAIGE MARIE MORSE is the Industry Marketing Director
CO2 and other greenhouse gases for the energy delivery. for Chemicals at Aspen Technology. She has significant
Simulations can efficiently screen alternative energy sourc- experience with leading operating companies, including
Shell, Dow, Sunoco and Clariant, particularly in R&D, marketing,
es and new process routes, while accounting for associated commercial and strategy roles. Dr. Morse earned a BA degree
emissions and resource demand for each. Early efforts are in chemistry from Kenyon College and a PhD in chemistry
underway to apply modeling technology to improve the effi- from the University of Illinois.

66JULY 2020 |
K. MÜLLER, Clariant, Frankfurt, Germany

IMO 2020: Keeping ships at sea

while meeting sustainability targets
On January 1, new rules for sulfur emissions on marine problems after receiving contaminated bunker fuel from Hous-
bunker fuel came into force. These rules constitute the biggest ton-area suppliers.
change in decades to environmental regulations in the shipping In addition, ISO Standard 8217, which specifies fuel re-
industry. The new sulfur emissions rules are part of a more am- quirements for use in marine diesel engines, is general in nature
bitious, long-term strategy from the United Nations shipping and does not provide specific guidance on the composition of
agency—the International Maritime Organization (IMO)— LSFOs. Before the new IMO 2020 regulations came into force,
around sustainability, in which 2020 marks the beginning of the it was common practice to blend marine fuel to meet viscosity
Sustainable Shipping for a Sustainable Planet initiative. This ini- requirements. Now, however, blending fuels requires meeting
tiative includes the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions the new standards for sulfur content, taking into consideration
from shipping by at least 50% by 2050 compared to 2008, while not only differences in viscosity but also the compatibility of
pursuing efforts toward phasing them out totally. the different fuels. This covers concerns of both ship owners
The new IMO regulations ban ships from using fuels with and refineries on which LSFOs can be commingled without
a sulfur content of more than 0.5% compared with the previ- causing engine damage. The shipping industry can contribute
ous limit of 3.5%. The objective of this regulatory change is to to global sustainability efforts by embracing low-sulfur marine
reduce air pollution and improve human health, particularly for fuel, which keeps tankers at sea without mechanical and pro-
those living close to ports and coastlines. duction problems.
However, questions remain as to how the balance of these The author’s company focuses on two key approaches to en-
environmental improvements and their potential impact on sure that the bunker industry can be confident in 0.5% blended
the bunker fuel industry and ship owners will be achieved and, fuel oils being stable, compatible, compliant and safe. These ap-
critically, how this first move to low-sulfur fuel oil (LSFO) will proaches include superior LSFO compatibility enhancers and
be implemented in the longer term. Since the new regulations pour point depressants, which can ensure the highest perfor-
have come into force, some very large crude container (VLCC) mance at the lowest treat rate.
owners have warned of complications surrounding LSFOs, par- LSFO streams can be based on aliphatic hydrocarbons with a
ticularly in relation to sediment and wax formation.1 Standard paraffinic character, or they can consist of heavier aromatic com-
Club, a specialist marine and energy insurer, has stated that, ponents including asphaltenes. A novel polymer-based compat-
in a challenge relating to supply, it has been notified by some ibility enhancera for LSFOs, tailormade for IMO 2020 regula-
concerned members of the non-availability of compliant fuel at tions, is an additive designed to improve the stability of aromatic
some ports, although they were not specific as to which ports low-sulfur marine fuel. When aromatic fuel compositions are
lacked this fuel.2 commingled with more paraffinic blends, the asphaltenes are de-
The impact of mixing very-low-sulfur fuels of 0.5% (which stabilized and start to flocculate and precipitate. Sludge can then
still have not been fully tested on ship engines for composition, form, with the potential of causing serious damage to engines,
compatibility or performance) is clearly a challenge. Crudes and engine filters and separators. Extensive damage to these areas
heavy fuel oils are complex mixtures of various hydrocarbons can lead to loss of propulsion and auxiliary power.
ranging from paraffins, aromatics, naphthenes and resins to as- More technically, asphaltenes are defined as the heavy com-
phaltenes. Long-chain paraffins tend to crystallize when cooled, ponents of crude oil that are insoluble in non-polar solvents, such
which leads to severe sedimentation. In the case of asphaltenes, as hexanes—but are soluble in aromatic solvents, such as tolu-
sludge tends to form3 when two incompatible fuel types com- ene. Structurally, they have no exact composition, but they are
mingle, which can cause damage to engines that leads to serious complex and contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen
mechanical and productivity issues. Monitoring asphaltene sta- and possibly metals, including nickel and vanadium. In most cas-
bility in crude oil is recognized by the petroleum industry as a es, the stability of the asphaltenes is dependent on their own na-
serious issue that has been the subject of many studies. ture and on resins that are already a part of fuel oil composition.
While there is guidance on how to avoid mixing different Since ship owners or fuel suppliers do not know when or
fuel batches, the issue continues to be a major concern. In 2018, where different LSFO qualities have been commingled, a pre-
dozens of ships in the Gulf of Mexico experienced fuel system ventive treatment is recommended before the asphaltenes
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202067

apply best-practice fuel management to mitigate the risk of mix-

ing incompatible fuels.
The author’s company’s second key approach to solutions
for new IMO 2020 regulations are market-leading pour point
depressants. For LSFO blends with high paraffinic content,
pour point values can be much higher than the 30°C required
for fuel to be liquid—sometimes as high as 50°C. This impacts
the viscosity of a fuel and can also impact flow. A broad range
of tailor-made pour point depressant solutions exists that can
improve the flow of heavy oil blends and bring the pour point to
specification while adhering to IMO 2020 regulations.
These IMO-specific solutions have been the focus of cutting-
edge research and development (R&D) at the author’s compa-
ny’s state-of-the-art crude and fuel oil center in the UK. The lab
is equipped with advanced technology, a wide selection of test-
FIG. 1. The polymer-based compatibility enhancer a replaces the resin
ing regimes, modern methods of crude oil analysis and perfor-
to stabilize the asphaltene and prevent aggregation. mance testing, and the unique ability to replicate field conditions
within the laboratory. Technicians can conduct full performance
potential analyses of a product in real-life simulations. For both
begin to flocculate. The compatibility enhancer additive was fuel stabilizers and pour point depressants, the author’s company
specifically developed to be added prior to blending to stabi- can provide full analyses of fuel compositions, working closely
lize asphaltenes and to stop the flocculation in the blend, pre- with customers on field conditions, the potential changes to fuel
venting them from precipitating when mixed with paraffinic properties, storage conditions and other parameters to optimize
components (FIG. 1). product formulations, if required.
To support the compatibility of fuel oil mixes, the compat- As the marine bunker fuel industry continues to assess the
ibility enhancer functions by acting as a replacement for the impact of these IMO 2020 regulations, there has been increased
component that usually stabilizes the asphaltenes—surround- interest from refiners in the use of fuel compatibility enhanc-
ing them; keeping them in solution; and preventing destabili- ers to deliver safe and high-quality commingled LSFOs into
zation, agglomeration and flocculation. Ideally, compatibility the market. The industry is learning and adapting in this new
enhancers are added at the refinery stage—prior to, or during, regulatory environment and looking for the best ways to move
tank storage—with spot tests (e.g., ASTM D 4740 or ASTM D forward. The novel polymer-based compatibility enhancer and
7060) to provide good indications of fuel stability. After com- customized pour point depressantsb are market-leading, best-in-
mingling or storage under extreme storage conditions, the to- class additives, creating solutions for many of the challenges that
tal sediment accelerated (TSA) method is used to evaluate the ship owners and refiners face. With its continued focus on inno-
ideal dose rates for best performance. This preventive approach vative application development, the author’s company is helping
has no effect on the fuel’s efficiency, viscosity or overall quality. the maritime industry reach a new sustainable reality.
Recent asphaltene dispersant tests of an aromatic LSFO
blend containing the compatibility enhancer—measured ac- NOTES
cording to ASTM D 7061, using a Turbiscan MA 2000— a
Refers to Clariant’s Dispersogen 2020
Refers to Clariant’s Dodiflow pour point depressants
showed a consistent transmission throughout the test tube,
indicating a homogenous distribution of particles and a low LITERATURE CITED
separability number. This test demonstrated the success of the 1
Le Dain, M., “IMO 2020 LSFO complications—Potential long term positive for
compatibility enhancer in preventing sludge from forming, thus heavy differentials,” Validere, January 2020,
keeping the LSFO blend stable. Using the same test, untreated complications-potential-long-term-positive-for-heavy-differentials/
Standard Club, News: Compliant fuel availability issues, January 2020, https://
blank LSFO showed an increasing transmission over the length
of the tube, reflecting precipitation of insoluble matter, indicat- commentary/2020/01/news-compliant-fuel-availability-issues.aspx
ing the formation of sludge. 1
Clariant’s pour point depressants: Crude and fuel handling today, https://www.
The use of the compatibility enhancer becomes even more
important, given that many LSFO compatibility tests—put
forward by the International Convention for the Prevention of DR. KERSTIN MÜLLER is Clariant Refinery Services’ product
Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)—are not always found to be expert in pour point depressants. She supports global
accurate. The International Council on Combustion Engines refiners and fuel trading companies with their crude and
(CIMAC) has recommended four key tests for marine fuel fuel oil additive challenges. She coordinates product
development and field trials, as well as global research
handling in connection to stability and compatibility. These are projects related to crude and fuel oil additives, specifically
ISO 10307-1, ISO 10307-2, ASTM D4740 and ASTM D 7060. related to transport and storage. Dr. Müller received her
CIMAC’s guidance serves as a common industry approach to PhD in polymer chemistry from the University of Marburg in Germany.
Currently, she is focusing on fuel stabilization and compatibility issues that
support the new IMO 2020 regulations and to assist suppli- have occurred due to the recent IMO 2020 standards introduced for bunker
ers, as it is their responsibility to ensure that fuel is delivered as fuel. In her collaborative projects with customers, she has gained a wealth
stable. Likewise, it is the responsibility of onboard engineers to of experience on fuel composition and compliance with fuel standards.

68JULY 2020 |
Water Management
C. BARON, ChemTreat, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania;
R. KALAKODIMI, ChemTreat, Ashland, Virginia;
and B. BUECKER, ChemTreat, Lawrence, Kansas

Cooling water microbiological control

The authors’ previous article, “Ad- been recorded over the years due to borne diseases were greatly reduced
vanced cooling tower water treatment,” weight gain in tower fill from fouling. when water consumed by humans was
published in the June issue of Hydrocar- Treatment programs must be carefully treated with chlorine. As understand-
bon Processing, outlined modern chemical planned and implemented to proactively ing of microbiology continued to grow,
treatment methods for scale and corro- prevent fouling and to maintain cooling chlorine’s benefits for cooling water
sion control in cooling towers and asso- systems in proper condition. chemistry also emerged.
ciated cooling systems, which are integral Chlorine gas was the workhorse for
components of refineries, petrochemical The first compound: Chlorine gas. cooling water treatment for many years.
plants and similar facilities. However, Around 200 yr ago, chlorine was first
an issue that can sometimes dwarf other used as a disinfectant in water. Although
problems is microbiological fouling. microbiology was still in its infancy, sci-
Cooling systems provide an ideal entists began to recognize that water-
environment—warm and wet—for mi-
crobes to proliferate and form colonies.
Bacteria will grow in condensers and
cooling tower fill, while fungi will grow
on and in cooling tower wood, and al-
gae will appear on wetted cooling tower
components exposed to sunlight. A ma-
jor problem with microbes, particularly
many bacteria, is that once they settle on
a surface, the organisms secrete a poly-
saccharide layer (slime) for protection.
By itself, this film can severely inhibit
heat transfer, but it also collects silt from
the water and grows thicker, further de-
grading heat exchange (FIG. 1).
However, this is just part of the prob-
lem. Even though the bacteria near the
FIG. 1. Heat exchanger tubes fouled with FIG. 3. Fouled cooling tower film fill.
surface might be aerobic, the slime layer
microbes and slime.
allows the anaerobic bacteria underneath
to flourish. These organisms generate ac-
ids and other harmful compounds that
can directly attack metals. Microbial de-
posits also establish concentration cells,
where the lack of oxygen underneath the
deposit causes the locations to become
anodic to other areas of exposed metal.
Metal loss occurs at anodes, resulting in
pitting (FIG. 2).
Fouling is not limited to heat ex-
changers; cooling towers can also be
very susceptible to fouling (FIGS. 3 FIG. 2. A large under-deposit corrosion pit
and 4). Numerous cases of a partial or (with deposit removed) in a stainless-steel
heat exchanger tube. FIG. 4. Severe algae growth in a cooling tower.
complete cooling tower collapse have
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202069
Water Management

When the chemical is added to water, the grams operate at an alkaline pH, chlorine Accordingly, it is quite important, re-
following reaction occurs (Eq. 1): chemistry may not be the best choice in gardless of the oxidizing biocide chosen
some applications. Chlorine efficiency is for the application, to be proactive in
Cl2 + H2O } HOCl + HCl (1) further influenced by ammonia and or- preventing deposition and buildup of mi-
ganics in the water that react irreversibly crobiological colonies. If these colonies
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is the kill- with the chemical and increase chlorine become established, it can be difficult to
ing agent. It functions by penetrating cell demand. remove them. For example, one of the
walls and then oxidizing internal cell com- Due to safety concerns, liquid bleach authors participated in a shock chlorine
ponents. The efficacy and killing power of (NaOCl) feed, although more expensive, treatment of a steam surface condenser at
this compound are greatly affected by pH has replaced gaseous chlorine at many a former power plant. The condenser had
due to the equilibrium nature of HOCl in facilities. Bleach often contains a small become microbiologically fouled due to
water, as shown in Eq. 2. amount of sodium hydroxide. When it is an upset in the biocide feed system, and
injected into the cooling water stream, it condenser heat transfer had noticeably
HOCl } H+ + OCl– (2) raises the pH, perhaps only slightly, but, declined. The shock treatment killed the
if the water is alkaline to begin with, most microbes, but the slime layer was so ad-
OCl– is a much weaker biocide than of the reactant will exist as the OCl– ion. herent that only a portion of it detached
HOCl, probably because the charge on An alternative is onsite generation of hy- during the cleaning and subsequent rinse,
the OCl– ion does not allow it to effec- pochlorite, which has proven to be effec- such that condenser performance1 did not
tively penetrate cell walls. The dissocia- tive in several applications. fully recover from the upset. A mechani-
tion of HOCl dramatically increases as Several factors influence the perfor- cal tube scraping was required shortly af-
the pH goes above 7.5. Since most cool- mance of chlorine or bleach-generated ter to remove the remaining slime.
ing tower scale/corrosion treatment pro- chlorine, and have led to the evolution A serious issue that has increasingly
of more advanced technologies. First, come to the public’s attention (and cer-
oxidizing biocides, such as chlorine, are tainly to the water technology commu-
very effective on free-floating organisms nity’s attention) in the last 40 yr is that
(e.g., planktonic bacteria). However, if of airborne pathogens—most notably
gaps in the treatment, or problems with Legionella, which was responsible for
the treatment program, allow organisms the original Legionnaires’ Disease out-
to settle, some of these sessile bacteria break in 1976, and causes infection via
will quickly begin to form a protective inhalation of water droplets or mist (<
glycocalyx (slime) layer for protection 5 micron diameter) containing the or-
(FIG. 5). The colonies may contain a ganisms. Such small droplets may come
variety of organisms, including aerobic, from many sources, including cooling
FIG. 5. Development of sessile bacteria anaerobic and facultative bacteria. The towers, decorative fountains, potable hot
colonies, which release organisms that can slime layer can be very protective, and water systems and shower heads, humid-
then establish colonies elsewhere in the powerful oxidizers, such as chlorine, are ifiers, and whirlpools and spas, among
cooling system. Photo is by an unknown consumed by the slime and do not reach others.2 These organisms do not grow
author licensed under CC BY-NC. the organisms underneath. independently, but proliferate within
sessile colonies of other microbes. This
makes it quite imperative to keep cooling
100 0
systems clean, with an oxidizing biocide
90 HOCI 10 as a core treatment method. It is also im-
1.49V ORP HOBr-
80 1.33V ORP 20
portant to eliminate “dead legs” in any
system, where low flow conditions can
Hypohalous acid, HOCI or HOBr, %

70 30 keep biocides from contacting and kill-

Hypohalite ion, OCI- or OBr- , %

60 40 ing microorganisms.
Another issue that has caused concern
50 pKa = 7.5 pKa = 8.5 50 from chlorine treatment is the potential
40 60 for the chemical to react with organic
compounds in the water to form halo-
30 70
genated organics. Some of these com-
20 OCI- OBr- 80 pounds are suspected carcinogens, and
0.90V ORP 1.33V ORP guidelines have been formulated that
10 90
restrict the concentration of these sub-
0 100 stances. This issue has only grown in
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
pH importance, given the diminishing avail-
ability of freshwater supplies for new in-
FIG. 6. Dissociation of HOCl and HOBr vs. pH. Note: At a pH of 8, approximately 80% of the dustrial plants, including those for power
HOBr remains undissociated, while only about 25% of the HOCl is still intact.
production. Common in some areas of
70JULY 2020 |
Water Management

the U.S. (California is a notable example)

TABLE 1. Non-oxidizing biocides
are mandates for the use of treated mu-
nicipal wastewater plant effluent as in- Chemical Advantages Disadvantages
dustrial facility makeup. These supplies Isothiazoline Effective against bacteria, Skin sensitizer. Degraded by
can introduce a variety of impurities to particularly nitrifiers and fungi. sulfide, sulfite and reducing
the cooling water, including ammonia, Works well with oxidizing biocides. conditions.
organics and phosphorus, among others.3 Active over a wide pH range.
2,2-dibromo-3- Fast acting and effective against Degrades quickly above pH 9,
Chlorine alternatives. As previously nitrilopropionamide bacteria. Degrades quickly into and is not very effective against
mentioned, the killing power of chlorine (DBNPA) non-hazardous byproducts. fungi and algae. Degraded by
reducing conditions.
falls off with a rise in pH, which is prob-
lematic, given that most scale/corrosion Quaternary amines Effective against most Can cause foaming. Efficacy is
microorganisms, particularly algae. reduced by hardness. Interacts
inhibitor programs operate in a mildly
Active over a wide pH range. with anionic dispersants and
basic pH range. A popular answer to this fluorescent tracers.
challenge has been bromine chemistry,
Glutaraldehyde Effective against sulfate-reducing Incompatible with ammonia and
where a chlorine oxidizer (bleach is the bacteria. some amines. Weak on algae.
common choice) and sodium bromide
(NaBr) are blended in a makeup water
stream and injected into the cooling wa- in controlling biological growth. These CHRIS BARON received a Bch degree in chemistry
from the University of Illinois-Urbana in 1988. He has
ter. The chemistry produces hypobro- non-oxidizers, in conjunction with bio- 22 yr of experience in industrial water treatment.
mous acid (HOBr), which has similar detergents, reduce overall chlorine usage After a brief stint working as a bench chemist in
killing powers to HOCl, but functions and do not produce halogenated organic the pharmaceutical industry, he attended Purdue
more effectively at an alkaline pH level. byproducts. TABLE 1 lists properties of University, where his graduate research project
involved a study of the formation, equilibration
FIG. 6 compares the dissociation of HOCl some of the most common non-oxidizers. and decomposition kinetics and mechanisms of
and HOBr as a function of pH. Careful evaluation of the microbial bromamines and bromochloramines. He is the
Another strong oxidizer that has seen species in the cooling water is necessary primary author on 10 technical publications related
to the control of microbial growth in recirculating
some success is chlorine dioxide (ClO2 ). to determine the most effective bio- cooling and process waters, and is a Tech Staff
Unlike chlorine, ClO2 is not consumed by cides. Antimicrobial compounds should Specialist for ChemTreat, Inc.
ammonia or organics in the water—thus, not be used or even tested without ap-
it is free to attack organisms. However, proval from the appropriate regulatory RAJENDRA P. KALAKODIMI
received an MS degree in physical
ClO2 must be generated onsite, which agency. They must be incorporated into chemistry at Andhra University and
adds to the expense of this chemical. the plant’s National Pollutant Discharge a PhD in electrochemistry at the
Some promising alternatives include Elimination System (NPDES) permit. In Indian Institute of Science in
monochloramine (NH2 Cl) and mono- addition, as with all chemicals, safety is Bangalore in 2003. Dr. Kalakodimi is
the Director of Applied Technology
bromamine (NH4Br). While these com- a critical issue with biocides. Safety data for ChemTreat Inc., in Ashland, Virginia. Prior to
pounds are weaker oxidizers than the sheet guidelines should be followed when joining ChemTreat, he served as the Engineering
compounds previously outlined, they handling these products. Technical Leader at the GE India Technology Center
in Bangalore and as a Product Manager for Chemicals
appear to be more effective at penetrat- and Monitoring Solutions for GE Water. He has more
ing the protective slime layer that is pro- Takeaway. This article provides an than 20 patent filings, 20 international publications
duced by bacteria, which enables them to overview of some of the most important and various conference presentations.
then directly attack these organisms. concerns and treatment methods for mi-
Recently developed is a new halogen crobiological fouling control in industrial BRAD BUECKER is a Senior
Technical Publicist with ChemTreat.
stabilizer/biodetergent that is applicable cooling water systems. It is not designed He has many years of experience
for bleach-only oxidizing treatments. to be an absolute reference, but rather to in or affiliated with the power
This product has no biocidal properties give plant personnel a starting point for industry, much of it in steam
generation chemistry, water
and, therefore, does not fall under regula- further inquiry into ideas for establishing treatment, air quality control
tory guidelines, but it is effective in stabi- the best program at their plant. and results engineering positions with City Water,
lizing chlorine and reducing losses from Light & Power (Springfield, Illinois) and Kansas City
irreversible reactions. The critical por- LITERATURE CITED Power & Light Co. Mr. Buecker earned a BS degree
Buecker, B., “Condenser Chemistry and in chemistry from Iowa State University, with
tion of the formulation is the biodeter- Performance Monitoring: A Critical Necessity for additional course work in fluid mechanics, energy
gent, which disperses the biofilm formed Reliable Steam Plant Operation,” International and materials balances and advanced inorganic
by the organisms and allows the biocide Water Conference, October 18–20, 1999, chemistry. He is a member of the American
to contact the microbes directly. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Chemical Society, the American Institute of
Post, R., B. Buecker, and S. Shulder, “Power Plant Chemical Engineers, the American Society of
In many cases, oxidizer feed is lim- Cooling Water Fundamentals,” pre-conference Mechanical Engineers, the Cooling Technology
ited to 2 hr/d, which gives microbes time seminar, 37th Annual Electric Utility Chemistry Institute, the National Association of Corrosion
to settle and form colonies during off Workshop, June 6–8, 2017, Champaign, Illinois. Engineers, the Electric Utility Chemistry Workshop
Post, R. and B. Buecker, “Grey Water—A planning committee and the International Water
times. Accordingly, a supplemental feed Sustainable Alternative for Cooling Water Makeup,” Conference Advisory Council. Mr. Buecker has
of a non-oxidizing biocide on a once- International Water Conference, November 4–8, authored many articles and three books on
per-week basis can be quite successful 2018, Scottsdale, Arizona. power plant and water/steam chemistry.

Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202071

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U.S. modularization—Keep an eye toward

the most economical approach
Modularization has been discussed in working overseas. Offshoring has ing during execution can lead to major
extensively as a means to facilitate the become so prevalent that most interna- budget problems.
construction of significant projects. Many tional companies now work routinely to Assuming that modules are to be used
benefits exist for modularization, includ- U.S. codes, and communications are not for one or more reasons discussed in ear-
ing controlled construction and schedule an issue. International fabricators often lier articles,1 it is important to structure
improvement. Due to the controlled envi- employ U.S. representatives to facilitate the estimate accordingly to capture all
ronment for module construction, quality project communications. supplemental costs. For example, mod-
is more easily achieved and weather is not In planning a project, consideration ules require additional engineering to be
an issue. In addition, construction in re- should be given to modularization as a self-supporting units and often require
mote areas (where field labor is a concern) construction technique. Once this deci- temporary support steel that can be re-
is minimized. sion is made, the best location for devel- moved when the module is in place. Also,
However, modularization comes with oping modules at lower cost should be care must be taken to ensure that all pip-
a price—so it pays to keep costs in check. investigated. Small modules are generally ing components and instrumentation and
In the U.S., shop labor can be costly, and most economically fabricated in the U.S., electrical (I&E) components can “match
supplemental steel needed for shipping and larger modules may be more econom- up” across modules. Sufficient engineer-
can add further cost. An option is to in- ical to buy from overseas fabricators. All ing must be completed in the bid stage so
vestigate module construction overseas, factors, including schedule, must be con- that preliminary bids can be obtained from
where fabrication labor can be a small per- sidered; however, modularization can still fabricators. Experienced domestic and in-
centage of labor in the U.S. and steel is also offer an economical alternative to “stick- ternational module fabricators can work
less costly. Shipping is a large concern, so building” if low-cost module fabrication from piping and instrumentation diagrams
the feasibility of shipping from overseas locations are considered. (P&IDs) and conceptualize modules.
must be weighed against higher modular- Such companies should be considered, but
ization costs in the U.S. Early planning. During the bid stage, it owner review is important to ensure that
An optimum approach may be to fab- is important to plan the desired approach serviceability of the module(s) is achieved.
ricate small modules in the U.S. and con- to construction, including the idea of us- Choosing the right fabricator to contain
sider the fabrication of large modules off- ing modules for a portion or all of the costs and provide high-quality modules
shore. Small modules are often defined as project. While module construction is deserves considerable focus, as depicted
structures that are easily truckable or less often thought to be more economical by FIG. 1. Quality and schedule are always
than 100 t in weight. By fabricating large than stickbuilt, this is not always the case. important, but cost also must be carefully
modules overseas, full advantage can be If field labor is inexpensive and construc- considered. Using modules for construc-
taken of lower labor costs. Smaller mod- tion conditions present no obstacles, tion convenience and then blowing the
ules can achieve an acceptable cost-benefit stickbuilt may be the best choice. How- budget by magnitudes will not be viewed
ratio in the US because labor hours are low. ever, if schedule is crucial, then modules as a successful project. Since fabrication
Of course, shipping must be considered in may be considered even if they are slight- labor costs in the U.S. can be much greater
both cases. However, it has been shown ly more expensive. A hybrid approach of than those of foreign companies, interna-
that large modules (including shipping) both stickbuilt and modules represents a tional companies should be considered.
can be economical from overseas because viable approach in some circumstances. However, all factors must be taken
of the large differential in labor costs. The selected approach should be the ba- into account. Shipping is a huge portion
In the past, code compliance and sis throughout the project. Deciding on of module costs and must be factored into
communication were viewed as concerns one approach initially and then switch- the evaluation process. Since significant
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202073
Engineering and Construction

5. Require fabricators to “match

up” adjacent modules at their
facility. Many field problems
can be avoided if modules come
together easily in the field.
6. Invite the field contractor to
visit the module fabricator
during fabrication. This can help
in catching any problems early and
avoid possible back charges later.
7. Ensure that a detailed shipping
plan is developed early. Whether
domestic or international, it is
important to develop a shipping
plan early. This will ensure no
surprises on size limitations later,
FIG. 1. Cost, schedule, risk and quality factors must be considered when choosing a and it will allow ample time to
module fabricator. secure permits.

labor savings are seen with large modules P&IDs often results because of Considerations for small modules
fabricated overseas, there is a considerable late hazard and operability studies fabricated domestically. Smaller
margin to address shipping. Smaller mod- (HAZOPs), so there should be modules refer to self-contained process
ules that are easily truckable are best fab- focus on this key activity. Having systems that are less than 100 t in total
ricated domestically because low shipping holds on design drawings leads weight. These systems can include small
costs can offset higher fabrication costs. to schedule problems. reverse osmosis systems for water puri-
Whatever the module size, it is impor- 2. Start engineering early. Starting fication, membrane and adsorption sys-
tant to involve prospective module fab- early on module engineering tems for gas separation, and combined
ricators early in the project bid phase. In is more important than when heat and power systems (CHP) for dis-
addition to providing detailed cost break- stickbuilding. Modularization tributed power generation.
downs, fabricators also offer ideas for im- represents an additional activity These modular systems are made
proving module design. This is important in the overall project schedule to standard specifications and typically
to ensure the best design early. With their and, therefore, accommodations come in standard sizes with well-defined
experience, fabricators can often offer must be made to fit it into the break points in terms of capacity and
suggestions to make the modules more overall time frame. It is also performance. The units are often skid-
easily transportable. Experienced module important to configure modules to mounted (FIG. 2) and contain all the ma-
fabricators can also offer ideas to limit the a manageable size—an important jor equipment, piping, instrumentation
supplemental steel needed for shipping. outcome of early engineering. and controls so that the module can be
Smaller modules should be limited to 3. Bid module fabrication to described as “plug and play.” The rationale
domestic suppliers since the minimal ship- experienced companies with for modular systems is to save money on
ping can offset the higher labor costs. Any- ready access to appropriate engineering by using the same design for a
thing larger than 100 t should be evaluated transportation. For small number of identical modules.
both domestically and internationally. It is modules, it is wise to consider a In terms of module fabrication, it is
likely that international fabrication/ship- local fabricator. For example, it is possible to capture additional savings in
ping will be most economical for large not a good idea to bid modules to purchased equipment, material and labor
modules, but medium-size modules may East Coast companies for a project if multiple units are executed at the same
vary on best price between domestic and on the West Coast. For large time. Volume discounts are possible for
international, depending on the circum- modules fabricated internationally, purchased equipment and materials by
stances and intricacies of the modules. it is important to make sure that buying these items in bulk. In addition, it is
shipping ports are available on possible to minimize the waste of materials
Execution guidelines. After a project is either end of the transport. by using all the steel and piping in the ac-
authorized, early steps should be taken to 4. Ensure that free-issue tual fabrication of the modules instead of
ensure that costs are contained and qual- components arrive on time at discarding the excess. Labor savings can be
ity modules are delivered to the field. Im- the fabricator. The effectiveness realized by sequencing activities efficiently
portant factors to consider include: of modules is diminished if and minimizing setup time. Small skids
1. Achieve a certified P&ID early. mechanical or I&E components can be fabricated in a normal fabrication
This is necessary to ensure that need to be installed in the field, shop with minimal staff, which helps keep
certified equipment drawings so extra effort should be spent costs down. Compared to larger modules,
can be obtained early in the to specify and receive these shipping is relatively simple and usually
design. Late certification of components in a timely manner. involves a regular-size tractor-trailer truck.
74JULY 2020 |
Engineering and Construction

Considerations for large modules

fabricated internationally. As noted
earlier, fabricating large modules (FIG. 3)
overseas offers the opportunity to save
considerable money because of the large
labor cost differential between the US
and some international companies. The
authors have experience that considerable
project savings can be achieved by fabricat-
ing modules overseas, even when tariffs
and shipping costs are taken into account.
However, such savings require scrutiny
when selecting a fabricator. The fabricator
should be able to design and fabricate to
U.S. codes, which is generally not a prob-
lem for most fabricators doing business
for U.S. companies. The foreign company
should have an engineering group that can
create appropriate, detailed drawings. Also,
shipping ports should be within a short
distance of the fabrication shop to avoid
damages and delays during the transporta-
FIG. 2. Small modular process skid.
tion of modules. Communication meth-
ods should be discussed early in the bid-
ding, and appropriate systems should be enhance the schedule and quality. Howev-
put in place to facilitate communications. er, these enhancements come with a cost
To achieve these goals, a U.S. represen- and, therefore, must be carefully managed
tative can serve as an interface point to ad- to make sure that budgets are not exceed-
dress communications on a “same-time” ed. Focused, early planning is one way to
basis as the owner. However, given today’s make sure costs stay within reason. Early
excellent internet and satellite communi- engineering is important to ensure that
cation techniques, work can be performed bids are within reason, and involving the
with foreign companies as if they were right fabricator is also critical.
located next door. Quality must be veri- The size of modules is a determining
fied on a continuous basis, but the authors factor in deciding on the most economi-
have found that most foreign companies cal fabricator. Small modules are best FIG. 3. Large ethylene furnace with
modular sections.
doing business for U.S. companies have built by a U.S. fabricator, preferably one
very high quality standards. near the jobsite. Labor on a small module
Fabricating modules overseas offers is modest in magnitude and not a signifi- LITERATURE CITED
several opportunities for cost contain- cant impact on the overall project cost. Complete literature cited available online at
ment, in addition to lower labor costs. However, large modules require signifi-
Steel purchased to American Institute of cant fabrication labor hours, so interna-
Steel Construction (AISC) specifications tional fabricators should be considered. sales representative for Al Bassami
limits the availability of low-cost shapes. If Since labor is high on large modules, Industries, a global steel fabrication
there is owner agreement that Japanese In- considerable savings in labor costs can company based in Jeddah,
dustrial Standards ( JIS) or Deutsches In- be achieved by using an international Saudi Arabia. He has more than
40 yr of varied engineering and
stitut für Normung (DIN) standards can fabricator instead of a domestic one. All management experience with
be used, the possibility for cost savings is factors (e.g. U.S. code compliance and three international EPC companies in the power
increased. Use of these standards should quality) must be considered, but many and petrochemical fields. Mr. Rentschler holds a
BS degree in civil engineering from Pennsylvania
pose no problems for the creation of prop- international fabricators have a demon- State University and an MEng degree from Cornell
erly detailed fabrication drawings. The strated history of building major modules University. He is also a licensed professional engineer.
same logic can be applied to refractory and to applicable codes at high quality.
other fabrication items, but it is important Modularization is a significant enhance- GOUTAM SHAHANI is Vice President
of Sales and Marketing at ShureLine
to obtain engineer approval early for alter- ment for construction, but it is important Construction in Kenton, Delaware.
nate products or materials. to consider all factors before building the With 40 yr of industrial experience,
modules. By weighing the different fab- Mr. Shahani specializes in industrial
gases for the energy, refining
Takeaway. Modularization offers the op- rication options discussed in this article, and chemical industries. He holds
portunity to carry out construction in a there is a greater likelihood that all factors BS and MS degrees in chemical engineering, as well
controlled environment, which can greatly will remain in check, including cost. as an MBA degree.

Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202075



Bentley Systems for users to share, find and access

opens full access to design project information, saving
time and eliminating the risks
ProjectWise 365 associated with email and stand-
Bentley Systems Inc. has opened its alone file-sharing services.
ProjectWise 365 cloud service, including • Collaborative ad-hoc design
waiving subscription fees through Sep- review—ProjectWise 365 includes
tember 30, 2020, to virtually connect in- iTwin Design Review, a unique
frastructure project participants forced to and immersive hybrid 2D/3D
work from home. collaborative review service that
ProjectWise 365 (FIG. 1) security en- enables design disciplines to FIG. 1. Bentley Systems’ ProjectWise 365
ables teams to ensure that only authorized quickly initiate real-time reviews of cloud service.
project participants can access and modify work-in-progress design models,
engineering and design projects informa- using integrated comments and capabilities ensure that required
tion. ProjectWise 365 data security begins markup capabilities to facilitate design updates are identified and
with the Microsoft Azure cloud that pro- communication. executed in timely fashion.
vides multi-layered security across physi- • Collaborative 2D deliverables • Audit Trails—ProjectWise 365
cal datacenters, infrastructure and opera- review—ProjectWise 365 displays the most up-to-date version
tions with cybersecurity experts actively provides real-time collaborative of design files and provides full audit
monitoring to protect business assets and PDF review and markup that trails that enable users to review
data. Secure access to the ProjectWise 365 enables multidiscipline teams to change histories by folder and file.
environment is authenticated with Iden- perform virtual reviews of drawing For clients and contractors, the system
tity Management System (IMS) login deliverables with integrated will reduce risks by providing faster and
that can integrate with organizational IT comments and annotations, as well higher-quality collaboration, reducing de-
credentials for a single sign-on experience as issue logging and management. lays and design errors, and enabling proj-
for users. Within the ProjectWise 365 • RFIs, transmittals and submittals ect teams to consistently deliver on time
environment, access to projects is man- management—ProjectWise 365 and on budget. ProjectWise 365 enables
aged by a list of authorized named-users. enables teams to create, track and organizations and project teams to read-
Permissions to access services as well as manage formal and informal project ily adapt to future stay-at-home workforce
read and modify project data is managed communications to accelerate challenges and keep projects on plan. It
by assigning users to configurable project important exchanges, resolve issues avoids the use of out-of-date information
roles. ProjectWise 365 multilayer security faster and shorten review and and ensures that concurrent design efforts
combines robust data security and access approval cycles. always stay in sync. By making it simple
controls with the ability to collaborate • Microsoft Teams integration— and painless for teams to collaborate, Pro-
from anywhere using just an internet con- ProjectWise 365 services can also jectWise 365 encourages more frequent
nection and web browser. be accessed from the Microsoft coordination and reviews, enabling defects
To improve collaboration among de- Teams interface to provide an to be identified early and resolved quickly.
sign teams from different locations, the unmatched virtual collaboration
program enables instant communication/ environment that consolidates the New gas treating
chatting between team members during engineering design-specific services
design reviews utilizing: of ProjectWise 365 with the instant technology to lower
• Secure web browser-based access— messaging, video conferencing and sulfur, CO2 emissions
All ProjectWise 365 services are meeting capabilities of Teams. BASF SE and ExxonMobil Catalysts
instant-on and accessible with • Issues management—ProjectWise and Licensing LLC (FIG. 2) have released
just an internet connection 365 design review services include a highly energy-efficient amine gas treat-
and browser, without special the capability to create and assign ment technology: OASE® sulfexx™. The
software or time-consuming issues and then manage them to technology is based on a proprietary
VPN connectivity problems. resolution. Issues are linked to amine-based solvent that selectively re-
• Central project information the underlying design content for moves hydrogen sulfide (H2S), while
repository—ProjectWise 365 traceability and easy follow up. minimizing the co-absorption of carbon
enables a single source of truth The combined issues management dioxide (CO2 ) from gas streams.
Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202077

richment and high-pressure acid gas remov- • Industry-leading processing power

al units. In Claus tail gas treating units, the and channel density
technology can achieve less than 10 ppmv • Centralized and distributed
H2S specifications while rejecting CO2 to architecture
meet future emissions requirements. • Multiple module choices
• Seamless System 1 integration.
Machine health
monitoring and protection Replacing metallic
Bently Nevada has designed a new ma- wear parts for
FIG. 2. BASF SE and ExxonMobil Catalysts and chine health monitoring and protection centrifugal pumps
Licensing LLC have collaborated on new amine system from the ground up in the form Greene Tweed, a leading global manu-
gas treatment technology: OASE sulfexx. of the new Orbit 60 Series (FIG. 3), which facturer of high-performance seals, ther-
focuses on securing data directly from the moplastics, composites and engineered
sensor to the condition monitoring soft- components, highlights WR®650, a next-
ware. generation PFA composite with superior
The module has been designed and dry run characteristics designed to replace
engineered containing data isolation cir- metallic wear parts in centrifugal pumps
cuitry to isolate the condition monitoring and other pump applications.
and protection networks, allowing data to Metallic wear parts fail quickly in dry
be sent directly to business networks with- run conditions, giving pump operators
FIG. 3. Bently Nevada’s Orbit 60 Series machine
health monitoring and protection system.
out any security concerns. This module is limited time to restore lubrication or
known as the Condition Monitoring Mod- shut down a pump before costly damage
ule (CMM), which primarily functions to occurs. High-quality composite parts in-
transfer data to condition monitoring soft- crease this effective response time and can
ware for visualization. This module can extend the mean time between repair. Re-
listen to all the data from the Orbit 60 data inforced with a 3D carbon-fiber architec-
bus, including process data, alarms and ture, WR650 (FIG. 4) can sustain 2.5-times
events, calculated values or dynamic sen- higher dry wear conditions before show-
sor data. The CMM prevents any attempt- ing signs of degradation when compared
ed changes to be made on the backplane of to the leading PFA-based material.
the protection monitoring system. WR650 delivers high chemical com-
The Orbit 60 is designed to meet IEC patibility, excellent wear characteristics
62443-4-2 up to Security Level (SL) 4, and operability from subzero to 500°F
FIG. 4. Greene Tweed’s WR650, a next- providing confidence that the retrieved (260°C). The advanced material also pos-
generation PFA composite for centrifugal data can be accessed through the CM sesses a coefficient of thermal expansion
pumps and other pump applications.
module to the business network worry- comparable to steel over a wide range of
free. The CMM’s circuit is a “listen-only temperatures, offering a constant running
The companies jointly developed the mode” to the process network, which clearance, no interference and no effi-
amine-based solvent to help petroleum means it can only receive data and is inca- ciency drop. Unlike metallic wear compo-
refiners and gas processors meet future re- pable of affecting the functionality of the nents, the malleable nature of PFA ensures
quirements, while also increasing capacity protection system. Accessing data through metallic counterparts are preserved, even
and lowering operating costs on existing the CMM module minimizes the risk of a those that are relatively soft. This helps
equipment. For new facilities, the use of cyberattack to the rest of the system while extend pump service life and improve re-
this technology will reduce the size of the allowing the insightful and actionable data liability. Additionally, WR650’s non-gall-
equipment and the initial capital invest- to the experts that need it the most. ing/non-seizing characteristics and abil-
ment compared to conventional amine gas The Orbit 60 Series is the first intrinsi- ity to dampen vibrations allow for tighter
treatment units. cally cyber-secure machinery monitoring clearances and increased efficiency com-
Multiple pilot plant tests at ExxonMo- system. With built-in data isolation in the pared to traditional metallic components.
bil and BASF facilities have demonstrated condition monitoring module from the Ideal for stationary wear parts in verti-
the superior selective properties of this protection system and plant network, the cal, horizontal, single and multistage cen-
solvent compared to methyldiethanol- Orbit 60 connects seamlessly to condi- trifugal pumps, WR650 can improve the
amine (MDEA) formulations and FLEX- tion monitoring software for proactive mean time between repair for pumps in
SORB™ SE and SE Plus solvents. A com- monitoring and diagnostics. Some key refineries, pipelines, and chemical, power
mercial demonstration concluded at a tail benefits of the Orbit 60 include: and water plants.
gas treating unit located in North America • Intrinsic cybersecurity and
further confirms the results. data isolation An expanded version of
OASE sulfexx will help debottleneck • More data + more insights = Innovations can be found online
existing Claus tail gas treating, acid gas en- Better decision-making at

78JULY 2020 |


Roeland Baan has joined Sterling and Wilson Pvt. Kristine Wiley has been Jon Lederman has Ipsen has hired Janet
Haldor Topsoe as its Ltd, a leading India EPC named Director of the joined the Rajant Corp. Nanni as its new Director
new CEO. From 2016, company and part of Hydrogen Technology team as VP of artificial of HR. She is responsible
Mr. Baan was President Shapoorji Pallonji Group, Center at GTI, which intelligence (AI). Mr. for managing all personnel
and CEO of Outokumpu, has appointed Raghu encompasses top-tier Lederman will enable and human resources
a global stainless steel Menon as the CEO of subject matter experts, new applications and programs for Ipsen USA.
company listed on the its CoGen business. Mr. thought leadership, capabilities for Rajant’s Before joining Ipsen, Ms.
Finnish stock exchange. Menon has been with the recently upgraded labs and Kinetic Mesh partners and Nanni was the Director
Previously, he held a wide company as a COO since facilities, and decades of end customers to enhance of HR at Zenith Cutter
range of global CEO and 2018. He has more than experience. In this role, she their productivity further in Rockford, Illinois,
Executive VP positions two decades of experience will serve as the leader for using machine learning accountable for global HR
at Aleris Intl., Arcelor across industrial products the Hydrogen Technology (ML). He is the CEO and initiatives in two countries.
Mittal, SHV NV and Shell. and turnkey solutions, Center and related founder of New York- She has more than 20 yr
Mr. Baan is Chairman having played CXO roles business activities, working based computer software of HR experience in the
of the board of SBM in oil and gas and power across GTI to synchronize firm Spinor, which is industrial manufacturing
Offshore NV. In addition, generation companies. He deep industry knowledge developing AI technology and engineering service
he is Vice Chairman has worked with Global and technical expertise for creating conversational industries. She received
of the International MNCs at the P&L role and to serve customers and voice experiences a BA degree in business
Stainless Steel Forum and in various functions of stakeholders. Ms. Wiley’s for enterprise and administration with an
member of the executive technology, M&A, business career spans nearly two consumer applications. emphasis in HR from the
committee of Eurofer. development, product decades at GTI, where He also co-founded, University of Wisconsin-
development, overseas most recently she served conceptualized and built Whitewater. She is also
market penetration, as an R&D Director the core technology for a Society of Human
Excelerate Energy has vendor development and responsible for GTI’s San Francisco-based Resources Management
hired Calvin Bancroft as operations management. environmental, risk and audio technology startup Certified Professional.
Chief Operating Officer. integrity management R&D SonicCloud that has
Mr. Bancroft’s experience programs. Previously, she received recognition
includes maritime Sparrows Group has held positions of increasing and acclaim from Apple, Marie Robinson has
security, chartering, promoted Adam Wood responsibility working Google and Massachusetts joined Sysco Corp. as
supply chain management to its most senior role in closely with the energy Eye and Ear Hospital, Executive VP and Chief
and operational logistics. the Americas. Mr. Wood industry on issues ranging among others. Supply Chain Officer.
He has been recognized has worked for Sparrows from utility operations She is Sysco’s Senior
by the industry and for 12 yr and has held and environmental Supply Chain Leader with
received four public several management compliance to exploring MFG Chemical has responsibility for leading
commendations from the positions, including VP of the use of low-carbon promoted Tim Haggerty the company’s supply
Department of Homeland service, General Manager fuels. She has also led to VP, Oil and Gas. Mr. chain transformation.
Security. In his role at of Louisiana operations, industry initiatives on the Haggerty is an industry Prior to joining Sysco,
Excelerate, Mr. Bancroft and Senior Business introduction, impacts and expert with 34 yr of Ms. Robinson was Senior
will leverage his vast Manager. Mr. Wood use of renewable natural experience in business VP, Chief Operations and
maritime experience to will be responsible for gas (RNG), working closely development with Transformation Officer
oversee the company’s advancing the company’s with utilities, pipeline both upstream and for Capri Holding Ltd., the
ETM ship management diversification in the operators, regulators downstream oil and gas parent holding company
services, which officially onshore industrial and and other stakeholders specialty chemicals, of Michael Kors, Versace
launched in February renewables sectors while to provide technologies working for such leading and Jimmy Choo, where
2020. This will include continuing to support and guidance for the companies as Nalco her responsibilities
ensuring the largest its growth in the oil integration of RNG Chemical, Shell Chemical, included logistics,
FSRU fleet continues and gas market. During into the existing gas Halliburton and Shrieve distribution, supply
to deliver creative and his time at Sparrows, infrastructure. Ms. Wiley Chemical before joining chain planning, indirect
timely solutions to clients Mr. Wood has led the holds a BA degree in MFG Chemical in 2017. He procurement, industrial
across the globe. The Slidell service center’s biological sciences from is a longtime Member of engineering, fulfillment
Excelerate fleet will all development, managing the University of Chicago the Society of Petroleum operations, factory
be transitioned to ETM client maintenance and an MBA from the Engineers (SPE) and the compliance, customer
ship management by programs and technical University of Chicago American Association of support and call center
the end of 2020. requirements. Booth School of Business. Drilling Engineers. operations.

Hydrocarbon Processing | JULY 202079

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