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Self-Governed Student Organization Constitution

For The Entertainment/Media/Creation Club (Emc2)

Club constitutions afford your club and its officers a simple means of providing organization, structure,
and continuity from year to year.

Article I. Name of Organization

The name of the self-governed student
organization shall be called the
Entertainment/Media/Creation Club (Emc2).

Article II. Membership Entertainment/Media/Creation Club allows any

interested student whose primary campus is
Indiana University Northwest to participate in,
become a member of, and seek leadership
positions in the organization without regard to
arbitrary consideration of such characteristics as
age, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital
status, national origin, race, religion, sexual
orientation, or veteran status.

There shall be two (2) classes of members; voting,

non-voting. Voting membership shall be open to
any full/part-time graduate and undergraduate
students. Non-voting membership shall be open to
any Indiana University alumni, and any member
of the University faculty or administrative staff.

There shall be no limit on the number of members

in the Entertainment/Media/Creation Club.

Article III. Statements on University Compliance Section A Statement of University Compliance :

This club shall comply with all Indiana University
regulations, and local, state, and federal laws.
Section B Anti-Hazing Policy: Hazing is strictly
prohibited. Hazing shall be defined as any conduct
which subjects another person, whether
physically, mentally, emotionally, or
psychologically, to anything that may abuse,
degrade, or intimidate the person as a condition of
association with a club or organization, regardless
of the person’s consent or lack of consent.

Section C Personal Gain Clause: This club, if

raising funds, shall ethically raise and distribute
profits from club functions to either the club or to
members who provide a service that directly
benefits the club. Individual members may not
receive compensation directly from for-profit
companies if acting as representative of a student

Section D Statement of Non-Discrimination:

Participation in the proposed organization must be
without regard to arbitrary consideration of such
characteristics as age, color, disability, ethnicity,
gender, marital status, national origin, race,
religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status.

Section E Statement of Non-Violence

Compliance: Indiana University does not tolerate
any form of violence, including sexual
misconduct. If you have experienced any form of
violence, or know someone who has, the
University can help. It is important to understand
that federal regulations and University policy
require faculty to immediately report complaints
of violence. The IU Northwest Deputy Title IX
Coordinator ensures that appropriate measures are
taken and resources are made available. Indiana
University will work with you to protect your
privacy by sharing information with only those
that have a legitimate administrative or legal
reason to know. If you are seeking help and would
like to speak to someone confidentially, you can
make an appointment with a Mental Health
Counselor on campus through the Student
Counseling Center. Find more information about
sexual violence, including campus and community
resources, at

The organizations will not tolerate or condone any

type of violence; and, strictly prohibits any acts or
behavior in any form. This includes any actions
from sexual harassment, sexual abuse, sexual
assault, verbal harassment, emotional violence,
psychological violence, physical violence,
domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.
Furthermore, the organization acknowledges the
IU Sexual Misconduct Policy found at:

Article IV. Purpose & Goals The organization known as the

Entertainment/Media/Creation Club is charged
with providing a safe, inclusive environment for
the students of IUN while proving an outlet for all
artistic creativity.

Executive council’s purpose is to meet with

community stakeholders and faculty advisors for
the feasibility to scaling of projects. Members take
on important roles within the scope of the

The Entertainment/Media/Creation Club is an

organization to serve the students at Indiana
University Northwest in pursuing the
intersectional goals of utilizing spaces with
sustainable projects. Participants undertake the
challenge of working in a communal space to
pursue not only a goal but individual growth.

The Entertainment/Media/Creation Club Indiana

University Northwest is committed to the rigor
and scholarship in the modern day performance
Article V. Eligibility and Selection of Voting Voter membership is open to any enrolled part-full
Membership time student at Indiana University Northwest.

The fiscal year of the organization, shall be from

Aug. - May.

Article VI. Officers Section A: The Entertainment/Media/Creation

Club shall have a President, Vice President,
Secretary and/or Treasurer, Media Advisor. These
officers comprise the Executive Committee.

Section B: All officers must be members of the

Entertainment/Media/Creation Club.

Section C: The term of office shall be from

September 1st thru August 31 st.

Section D: Election of officers shall be held each

fiscal year and not later than May 15th. At least
one (1) week’s notice shall be given before the
election meeting. Nominations shall be initiated
from the floor and elections done by a ballot. The
person receiving the majority vote will be elected.

Section E: Any officer may be removed from

membership by a two-thirds vote of the Executive
Board. Any officer removed may appeal to the
general membership. Said officer shall be
considered reinstated with two-thirds approval of
the members.

Section F: Any vacancy which may occur in an

office shall be filled by appointment by the
president pending ratification at the next group
business meeting

Article VII. Meetings

Meetings shall be scheduled as needed for
member bonding and speaker presentations. More
frequent meetings may be needed as a special
event approaches.
At least seen (7) days notice shall be given for
each regular business meeting.

Special or emergency meetings may be called

with less than seven (7) day notice by the
Executive Committee, unless an emergency
meeting has been called by the president.

The meetings shall include a quorum, order of

business, and disposition of the minutes.

Article IIX. Amendments Constitution: This Constitution may be amended if

changes are presented at an emergency or business
meeting by a Member, the change receives
two-thirds of quorum support, and approval by
two-thirds of the Executive Committee. The rules
may be suspended by two-thirds vote of the
present membership.

Bylaws: Bylaws may be amended if changes are

presented at an emergency or business meeting by
a Member, the change receives two-thirds of
quorum support, and approval by two-thirds of the
Executive Committee.

Created by: Nana Asabere, Greg Blandford & Jasmine Jaramillo

Edited by: Nana Asabere & Jasmine Jaramillo

Edit date: January 12th, 2022

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