Why Sing Psalms

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musician’s corner

Why sing psalms?

By Paul F. Ford

“ [hu]man’s soul is as full of prayers—whether in penitence or in petition or

A voices as a forest … : fancies, follies,

memories, madnesses, mysterious
fears, and more mysterious hopes.
in a little of both: penitence for the excess, yet
petition for the thing we desire.”3
Ann and Barry Ulanov echo Lewis’s in-
All settlement and sane government of life con- sight in their excellent study, Primary Speech:
sists in coming to the conclusion that some of A Psychology of Prayer: “Prayer is the place
those voices have authority and others not.1 where we sort out our desires and where we are
© istockphotos/malewitch

Do these words of G. K. Chesterton describe ourselves sorted out by the desires we choose
your soul, your heart? At the beginning and for to follow. … Prayer enlarges our desire until it
a good part of our Christian lives, our hearts are receives God’s desire for us. In prayer, we grow
wild places. Our hearts need the domestication big enough to house God’s desire in us, which
described in Colossians 3.16: “Let the word of is the Holy Spirit.4
Christ dwell in you richly; teach and admonish
To understand the power of the psalm-
one another in all wisdom; and with gratitude
These ancient songs are not always pretty singing, let us study the ‘default’ communion
in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiri-
and polite. In fact three entire psalms (and parts psalm, Psalm 34, the oldest psalm sung in
tual songs to God.”
of several others) are left for monks and nuns to Christian liturgy and the first that our ances-
This passage invites us: Allow the Word to
sing because only they can handle the cursing of tors memorized (see page 17). I leave in verses
make a home in your heart. Say to God: “Make
enemies in these psalms. All the “fancies, fol- 16 and 21, to suggest how singing this entire
my heart over. If necessary, take me down to the
lies, memories, madnesses, mysterious fears, psalm sorts out many of our needs and desires.
studs. Put a new foundation under me. Remodel
me. Add rooms. Turn me into an hotel.” In ef- and more mysterious hopes” in our hearts need Notice how many times and in how many ways
fect, think “Extreme Makeover” (HGTV.ca). to come out of hiding. To paraphrase the Letter the psalm says every/all, never/none.
God’s toolbox: the Psalms! (“Psalms” refers to the Hebrews: “Indeed, the word of God [in Why on earth would our Christian ancestors
not just to the Book of the 150 Psalms but also the psalms] is living and active, sharper than want to memorize these words and sing them
to the seventy-five canticles of the Old and New any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides as they went up to receive communion?
Testament.) soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it is able to This is the first of a series of six articles
Song helps these tools get down into the judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. celebrating the publication of Psalms for the
heart, and helps the heart express what it And before him no [fancy, folly, memory, mad- Liturgical Year (Toronto: Novalis, 2009) and the
needs. A Minnesota youngster had kicked up ness, fear, or hope] is hidden, but all are naked renewed emphasis of the General Instruction of
a fuss at Mass, exasperating and embarrass- and laid bare to the eyes of the one to whom we the Roman Missal on singing the psalms. The
ing his mother. Arriving home she told him, must render an account” (4.12–13). next article is: “What are the psalms?” 
“Time out, Mister. You sit in the corner until I The very real C. S. Lewis advises his fictional
tell you to come out.” Later, from the kitchen friend Malcolm: “We must lay before God what 1 The Uses of Diversity (New York: Dodd, Mead and
she heard faint singing. As she drew close to is in us, not what ought to be in us. … It may Co., 1921), 79–80.
the source, her heart melted as she recognized well be that the desire can be laid before God 2 Psalm 91, Marty Haugen, © 1980 GIA Publications,
her son’s song, “Be with me, Lord, when I am only as a sin to be repented; but one of the best Inc.
in trouble. Be with me, Lord, I pray.”2 Clearly ways of learning this is to lay it before God. … I 3 Letter IV, Letters to Malcolm, Chiefly on Prayer (New
the boy’s heart had heard that Sunday’s psalm York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1964).
have no doubt at all that if they are the subject
and he was putting it to good use. of our thoughts they must be the subject of our 4 (Atlanta: John Knox, 1982), 20.

16 celebrate! | january-february 2010

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psalm 34

1 I will bless the Lord at all times;
his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

My soul makes its boast in the Lord;
let the humble hear and be glad.
O magnify the Lord with me,
and let us exalt his name together.
4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me,
and delivered me from all my fears.
5 Look to him, and be radiant;
so your faces shall never be ashamed.
6 This poor soul cried, and was heard by the Lord,
and was saved from every trouble.
7 The angel of the Lord encamps
around those who fear him, and delivers them.
8 O taste and see that the Lord is good;
happy are those who take refuge in him.
9 O fear the Lord, you his holy ones,
for those who fear him have no want.
10 The young lions suffer want and hunger,
but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.
11 Come, O children, listen to me;
I will teach you the fear of the Lord. Allen Combination
Pipe and Digital
12 Which of you desires life, organs are designed,
and covets many days to enjoy good? built and installed
13 Keep your tongue from evil, with attention to
and your lips from speaking deceit. detail that ensures
14 Depart from evil, and do good; truly artistic results,
seek peace, and pursue it. successfully melding
the principles of
15 The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, traditional pipe organ
and his ears are open to their cry.
building with 21st
16 The face of the Lord is against evildoers, century technology.
to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.
17 When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears, Glionna Mansell Corporation
represents excellence
and rescues them from all their troubles.
in organ building.
18 The Lord is near to the broken-hearted,
and saves the crushed in spirit. www.glionnamansell.com
19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, toll free: 1-877-769-5224
but the Lord rescues them from them all.
20 He keeps all their bones;
not one of them will be broken.
21 Evil brings death to the wicked,
and those who hate the righteous will be condemned.
22 The Lord redeems the life of his servants;
Leasing available through
none of those who take refuge in him will be condemned. First Maestra Leasing Inc.

january-february 2010 | celebrate! 17

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musician’s corner

psalms – what are they?

By Paul F. Ford

salMs are PoeMs, PsalMs

P are songs (“psalm” means “sung

with the harp”), and psalms are
prayers. let’s begin with the psalms 1
PSalm 91

You who live in the shelter of the most high,

as prayers. who abide in the shadow of the almighty,
The gold standard for prayer, private and cor-
2 will say to the lord, ‘my refuge and my fortress;
porate, are the 150 psalms and the seventy-five
canticles of the old and new ttestaments. Think my God, in whom i trust.’
of them as the training wheels of prayer. 3 For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler
long before Christians kept vigil with the and from the deadly pestilence;
bodies of their beloved dead by saying all the 4 he will cover you with his pinions,
psalms, our Jewish ancestors did the same. if and under his wings you will find refuge;
Christians did not have the words by heart, they his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.
fell back on the perfect prayer, the our father,
repeated 150 times (and this practice evolved 5 You will not fear the terror of the night,
into the rosary prayed before funerals). one or the arrow that flies by day,
can imagine Jesus and Mary and their family 6 or the pestilence that stalks in darkness,
and friends ‘psalming’ dear, dead saint Joseph or the destruction that wastes at noonday.
through the night before his burial. 7 a thousand may fall at your side,
long before Christians blessed god and ten thousand at your right hand,
sought god’s help at break of day, at midday,
but it will not come near you.
and at day’s end, our Jewish ancestors did the
same. what did they say or sing? Psalms. 8 You will only look with your eyes
long before Christians took refuge in the and see the punishment of the wicked.
words of the psalms, expressing anguish and 9 because you have made the lord your refuge,
outrage or thanks and praise, our Jewish ances- the most high your dwelling-place,
tors did the same. (in fact 129 of the 150 psalms 10 no evil shall befall you,
are used in the new t testament, a good number
no scourge come near your tent.
of them by Jesus himself.)
one of these refuge prayers is the opening 11 For he will command his angels concerning you
verse of Psalm 70, which became the opening to guard you in all your ways.
verse of any celebration of the liturgy of the 12 on their hands they will bear you up,
hours, a.k.a. the divine office or the breviary: so that you will not dash your foot against a stone.
be pleased, o god, to deliver me. (o god, 13 You will tread on the lion and the adder,
come to my assistance) the young lion and the serpent you will trample under foot.
o lord, make haste to help me!
14 [God says:] Those who love me, i will deliver;
verse eighteen from Psalm 104 “explains”
i will protect those who know my name.
that these two lines are like a crack in the rocks,
deep between which the common animal, the 15 When they call to me, i will answer them;
rock hyrax (about the shape and twice the size i will be with them in trouble,
of guinea pig), wedges itself when threatened i will rescue them and honour them.
by predators: 16 With long life i will satisfy them,
and show them my salvation.

16 celebrate! | march-april 2010

the rock hyrax

finds a refuge.

© istockphotos / milEhiGhtrAVElEr

The high mountains are for the wild goats; Consider the poetry and the usefulness
the rocks are a refuge for the coneys (real of the psalm on page 16, the psalm in time of
name: rock hyraxes). temptation, the psalm of the first sunday of
under siege from the temptation to tell lent, Psalm 91, sung since perhaps the fifth
someone off, to silence the alarm clock, to visit century at the entrance, between the read-
the refrigerator, to go shopping ‘to see what i ings, before the gospel, at the preparation, and
want,’ (or whatever your favourite deadly sin
at communion!
is), our cry should be, “o god, come to my as-
Did you notice the artistry in lines 4c, 7c,
sistance. o lord, make haste to help me!”
15c? each third line answers the first two lines.
and, all without noticing it, we have recited
and, to the three things we say to god in verse
a line from a poem! “but it didn’t rhyme!” not
by sound—by synonym (or antonym, as the 2, god answers with eight things in verses
case may be). “high mountains” ‘rhymes’ 14–16!
with “rocks” and “wild goats” with “(rock hy- now, apply your renewed sense of how
raxes).” for that matter, “o god” ‘rhymes’ with hebrew poems work to this canticle of god’s Allen Combination
“o lord,” and “come to my assistance” with patient love sung as the entrance song on ash Pipe and Digital
“make haste to help me.” wednesday since the eight century.
w organs are designed,
built and installed
canticle of WiSDom (WiSDom 11:21–12:2) with attention to
detail that ensures
21 For it is always in your power to show great strength,
truly artistic results,
and who can withstand the might of your arm? successfully melding
22 because the whole world before you is like a speck that tips the scales, the principles of
and like a drop of morning dew that falls on the ground. traditional pipe organ
23 but you are merciful to all, for you can do all things, building with 21st
and you overlook people’s sins, so that they may repent. century technology.
24 For you love all things that exist,
and detest none of the things that you have made, Glionna Mansell Corporation
for you would not have made anything if you had hated it. represents excellence
25 how would anything have endured if you had not willed it? in organ building.
or how would anything not called forth by you have been preserved?
26 You spare all things, for they are yours, o lord, you who love the living.
1 For your immortal spirit is in all things. toll free: 1-877-769-5224
2 Therefore you correct little by little those who trespass,
and you remind and warn them of the things through which they sin,
so that they may be freed from wickedness and put their trust in you, o lord.

wonderful, huh?
fellow rock hyraxes, to the rocks! 
The bible translation used in this article is the New Revised Standard Version. This is the second of a series Leasing available through
of five articles celebrating the publication of Psalms for the Liturgical y
year (t
toronto: Novalis, 2009). The next First Maestra Leasing Inc.
article is: “What? Sing a psalm for the entrance procession?”

march-april 2010 | celebrate! 17

musician’s corner

What? Sing a psalm for

the entrance procession?
By Paul F. Ford

he short answer mystery of the liturgical season or

T to the question—
“What? Sing a psalm
for t he ent rance
festivity, and accompany the pro-
cession of the priest and ministers.”
It is the chief tool to get people in off
procession?”—is another ques- the streets and ready to pray, so it
tion: Why would you sing any- isn’t over until the teenage boys are
thing but a psalm for the entrance singing. (OK, that may be too much
procession? to expect, but you get the point.)
In the Church’s two official If Psalm 34 (O taste and see) has
books for the songs to be sung at been the default communion song
Mass almost all the entrance songs since the fourth century and Psalm
are psalms. In the Roman Gradual 91 (You who live in the shelter of the
there are 164 entrance songs and Most High), the default Lenten
160 of them are psalms. In the season song since the fourth cen-
© novalis / eugene kral

Simple Gradual there 63 entrance tury, Psalm 118 has been the Easter
songs and 56 of them are psalms. season psalm for almost as long as
Several psalms even tell us how Christians have celebrated Easter.
we are to begin liturgy: with grati- In other words, a very long time!
tude and reverence, out of a sense For an even longer time, our
Worship the Lord with gladness;
of commitment, with joy and praise, and with Jewish ancestors, including Jesus, sang this
come into his presence with singing.
song. psalm as the last of the six Hallel Psalms (113–
(Psalm 100:2)
118, because they begin with the word Alleluia, as
But I, through the abundance of your
Enter his gates with thanksgiving, we would say it). These psalms were reserved for
steadfast love,
and his courts with praise. the joyous occasions of Tabernacles, Hanukkah,
will enter your house,
Give thanks to him, bless his name. Passover, and Pentecost, so the good Jew prayed
I will bow down towards your holy temple
(Psalm 100:4) this psalm 38 times a year. Scholars see the fol-
in awe of you. (Psalm 5:7)
Open to me the gates of righteousness, lowing shape in the psalm; and they detect in it
I will come into your house with the solo voice of a leader (David; Christ) and the
that I may enter through them
burnt-offerings; ensemble voice of a group (the prophet Samuel
and give thanks to the Lord. (Psalm
I will pay you my vows. (Psalm 66:13) and David’s father, mother, and brothers; the
Let us come into his presence with Church)—in italics below:
More about Psalm 118 in a minute.
thanksgiving; 1–4 Call to thanksgiving
let us make a joyful noise to him with First we must ask what the entrance song
5–18 Description of divine rescue
songs of praise! (Psalm 95:2) is supposed to accomplish. The General
Instruction of the Roman Missal (47) tells us: 19–20 Entrance into the Temple
Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; 21–28 Celebration of rescue
“The purpose of this chant is to open the cel-
bring an offering, and come into his 29 Closing call to thanksgiving
ebration, foster the unity of those who have
courts. (Psalm 96:8) (inclusion with v. 1)
been gathered, introduce their thoughts to the

39 celebrate! | march-april 2010 march-april 2010 | celebrate! 39

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call to thanksgiving entrance into the temple

Praise the lord [hallelu yah]

y 19 open to me the gates of righteousness,
that I may enter through them
1 o give thanks to the lord, for he is good;
and give thanks to the lord.
his steadfast love endures for ever!
20 This is the gate of the Lord;
2 let Israel say,
the righteous shall enter through it.
‘His steadfast love endures for ever.’
3 let the house of aaron say,
‘His steadfast love endures for ever.’
celebration oF rescue
4 let those who fear the lord say,
‘His steadfast love endures for ever.’ 21 I thank you that you have answered me
and have become my salvation.
22 The stone that the builders rejected
description oF divine rescue has become the chief cornerstone.
23 This is the lord’s doing;
5 out of my distress I called on the lord; it is marvellous in our eyes.
the lord answered me and set me in a broad place. 24 This is the day that the Lord has made;
6 With the Lord on my side I do not fear. let us rejoice and be glad in it.
What can mortals do to me? 25 Save us, we beseech you, o lord!
7 The lord is on my side to help me; O Lord, we beseech you, give us success!
I shall look in triumph on those who hate me. 26 blessed is the one who comes in the name of the lord.
8 It is better to take refuge in the Lord We bless you from the house of the lord.
than to put confidence in mortals. 27 The lord is God,
9 It is better to take refuge in the Lord and he has given us light.
than to put confidence in princes. bind the festal procession with branches,
up to the horns of the altar.
10 all nations surrounded me;
in the name of the Lord I cut them off! 28 You are my God, and I will give thanks to you;
you are my God, I will extol you.
11 They surrounded me, surrounded me on every side;
in the name of the Lord I cut them off!
12 They surrounded me like bees;
closing call to thanksgiving
they blazed like a fire of thorns;
in the name of the Lord I cut them off!
29 o give thanks to the lord, for he is good,
13 I was pushed hard, so that I was falling, for his steadfast love endures for ever.
but the lord helped me.
14 The Lord is my strength and my might; an interesting sidelight from our Evangelical friends: Counting
he has become my salvation. backwards and forwards by verses, they find that verse eight is
15 There are glad songs of victory in the tents the centremost verse of the Protestant bible, and one very good
of the righteous: way of summing up the entire bible.
‘The right hand of the Lord does valiantly; Throw yourself into the praying and singing of Psalm 118 this easter
season. easter will never be the same!
16 the right hand of the Lord is exalted;
This is the third of a series of five articles celebrating the publication of
the right hand of the Lord does valiantly.’ Psalms for the liturgical
iturgical Year (Toronto: Novalis, 2009). The next article
17 I shall not die, but I shall live, is: “How is the responsorial psalm different from the other psalms?
and recount the deeds of the lord. The bible translation used in this article is the new revised standard
version. The author acknowledges the help of rabbi Michael lotker and of
18 The lord has punished me severely, “Psalm 118 in luke-
l acts: tracing a narrative Thread” by J. ross wagner in
but he did not give me over to death. Early Christian Interpretation of the Scriptures of Israel, Craig a. evans
and James a. sanders (sheffield, UK: sheffield academic Press, 1997). 

40 celebrate! | march-april 2010

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Musician’s corner

[How] is
the responsorial psalm
different from the other psalms?
By Paul F. Ford

atholics of a certain age Some psalms are more popular

C (I make no eye-contact, but you

can tell them by their grey and/or
thinning hair) got their first taste
than others. Psalm 34 is used 28
times; Psalms 23, 98, 103, 145 are
used 23 times each; Psalm 19 (22x);
of psalm-singing some forty years ago, with Psalm 33 (21x) and Psalm 27 (20x).
the reintroduction of the responsorial psalm Twenty-two psalms are not used at
at Mass. all in the lectionary or the graduals.
A “new” word entered our vocabulary: (If you want the complete breakdown,
“antiphon.” A “new” ministry was revived: you can email me at paulfford@
“psalmist.” And we got used to a ‘new’ style of stjohnsem.edu)
singing: The psalmist sang the antiphon, we re-
peated it; s/he sang a verse or two of the psalm, Antiphons
we repeated the antiphon; and so on. It is helpful to think of the anti-
Fine, and good. Responsorial psalms are re- phon as God’s knock at the door of
sponsorial in style. But WHY? What are they heart. The Church so wants us to sing
good for? They are good for responding to the the responsorial psalm that she even
inspired Word of God with the inspired Word
provides a set of antiphons that ought
of God.
© bill wittman

to be sung even if the verses of the

Responsorial psalms are responsorial by
psalm have to be recited:
nature. The Liturgy of the Word at Mass (and
indeed in every sacrament) is a conversation. 1. Season of Advent:
God does not like to talk to himself. God is not Come, O Lord, and set us free. 6. Ordinary Time: b) Psalm of petition:
interested in monologues but dialogues. In his 2. Season of Christmas: The Lord is near to all who call on him.
Word he calls to us; with his Word we respond. Lord, today we have seen your glory. or: Hear us, Lord, and save us.
(Accept no substitutes!) or: The Lord is kind and merciful.
3. Season of Lent:
What God says to us can sometime leave Even if singing just the antiphon is only
Remember, O Lord, your faithfulness
us scratching our heads or looking for cover; the floor and not the ceiling of psalm-singing
and love.
it often leaves us tongue-tied.
4. Season of Easter: at Mass, learning to welcome God’s knock by
But God doesn’t just occupy the speaker’s
Alleluia (two or three times) singing these simple hellos is a humble way to
role; God also helps us listen and respond. The
verses of the responsorial psalms and can- begin letting God’s word work at renovating our
5. Ordinary Time: a) Psalm of praise:
ticles help us hear. Their words help us untie Praise the Lord for he is good. hearts. Of course you can skip this technique
our tongues and tell God what we would want or: We praise you, O God, and sing the entire common psalms for each
to say if we knew what to say (or, to be more for all your works are wonderful. season of the year (see each volume of Psalms
honest, what we would want to want to say). or: Sing to the Lord a new song. for the Liturgical Year).

41 celebrate! | july-august 2010 july-august 2010 | celebrate! 41

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Did you notice the Easter option (#4 above)? 3 If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities,
“Alleluia” (Hebrew for “Praise the Lord”) is Lord, who could stand? Á .
Reflecting on Psalm 130
such a completely adequate and even overflow- Alleluia, Alleluia!
ing response to God’s word that all during the How does adding the “alleluias”
4 But there is forgiveness with you,
Easter season you may sing two or even three change your experience of the
so that you may be revered. Á .
alleluias instead of any other words. This prac- psalm?
Alleluia, Alleluia!
tice extends to the entire liturgical year (except Ponder each of the experi-
Lent, of course) in the form of “alleluia psalms” ences to which the psalm alludes: 5 I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
(there are sixty-one of them1) that can be sung (a) desolation (b) yearning/plead- and in his word I hope; Á .
as either gospel acclamations or responsorial ing (c) need for forgiveness (d) Alleluia, Alleluia!
psalms or even psalms after the second reading yearning, waiting and hoping (e)
(when there are two readings before the gospel), the transforming power of God. 6 my soul waits for the Lord
before the gospel acclamation. How have you experienced any/ more than those who watch for
Why, there are even three alleluia psalms for each of these experiences? Sing the morning,
funerals (outside the Lenten season): Psalms or speak the psalm and mentally more than those who watch for the
add the alleluia at each “Á ”. To morning. Á .
63, 114, and 130.2 Of course the music for these
which of these experiences is it Alleluia, Alleluia!
alleluia psalms is not happy-clappy. But what
hope it demonstrates to sing Alleluia after ev- most difficult to say “Alleluia!”
7 O Israel, hope in the Lord!
ery verse of Psalm 130! Pray this psalm now, For with the Lord there is steadfast love,
saying two gentle alleluias when you see the 1 Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord. and with him is great power to redeem. Á .
medieval symbol for the response (an R with 2 Lord, hear my voice! Á . Alleluia, Alleluia!
a flag through it) or the modern version with Alleluia, Alleluia!
a long tail Á . Let your ears be attentive 8 It is he who will redeem Israel
I wouldn’t mind if this were sung at my to the voice of my supplications! Á . from all its iniquities. Á .
funeral! Alleluia, Alleluia! Alleluia, Alleluia!

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42 celebrate! | july-august 2010

Celebrate_juillet-aout2010-2.indd 42 06/05/10 11:05:52

Responding to God’s Word with 89 The Lord exists for ever;

God’s Word about God’s Word your word is firmly fixed in heaven.
Psalm 119, the longest of all the psalms, is the

101 I hold back my feet from every evil way,
second most popular (used twenty-five times) in order to keep your word.

of the responsorial psalms. Here are just the
verses about the Word. 103 How sweet are your words to my taste,
sweeter than honey to my mouth!
9 How can young people keep their way
pure? 105 Your word is a lamp to my feet
By guarding it according to your word. and a light to my path. TM

11 I treasure your word in my heart, 107 I am severely afflicted;

so that I may not sin against you. give me life, O Lord, according to your Opus II
16 I will delight in your statutes;
I will not forget your word. 114 You are my hiding-place and my shield;
I hope in your word.
17 Deal bountifully with your servant,
so that I may live and observe your word. 130 The unfolding of your words gives light;

25 My soul clings to the dust; it imparts understanding to the simple.

revive me according to your word. 139 My zeal consumes me
28 My soul melts away for sorrow; because my foes forget your words.
strengthen me according to your word. 147 I rise before dawn and cry for help;
49 Remember your word to your servant, I put my hope in your words.
in which you have made me hope. 160 The sum of your word is truth;
and every one of your righteous ordi-
The Elite program is the
57 The Lord is my portion;
embodiment of well-articulated
I promise to keep your words. nances musical ideals. Opus II is a
endures for ever. French Romantic specification
65 You have dealt well with your servant,
of 72 stops and is installed in
O Lord, according to your word. 161 Princes persecute me without cause, Collégial Notre Dame d’Écouis,
67 Before I was humbled I went astray, but my heart stands in awe of your a large Normandy church
words. dedicated in 1313.
but now I keep your word. A performance video on this
74 Those who fear you shall see me and 162 I rejoice at your word instrument of Maurice
like one who finds great spoil. Duruflé’s Prélude et fugue sur le
nom d’Alain by organist Sarah
because I have hoped in your word. 169 Let my cry come before you, O Lord; Soularue may be heard on the
81 My soul languishes for your salvation; give me understanding according to your Glionna Mansell website.
I hope in your word. word. To learn more about the Elite
program or any of the other
fine digital organs from
Allen Organ Company, contact
Read through these verses on God’s Word. Remembering that when you Gordon Mansell, President and
are a psalmist, you are a minister of the Word, proclaiming God’s Word Artistic Director.
Proud supporter of
in song, take one verse per day and reflect on it. What insights into your
ministry does this reflection give you? Musical settings for this psalm will be www.glionnamansell.com
found in the Sixth and Seventeenth Sundays of Ordinary Time, Year A. 416-769-5224
toll free: 1-877-769-5224

This is the fourth of a series of articles

celebrating the publication of Psalms for the 1 Including the six traditional Hallel psalms
(113, 114, 115, 116, 117, and 118). If you want the
Liturgical Year (Toronto: Novalis, 2009). The
complete list, you can email me at paulfford@
next article will be: “The communion proces- stjohnsem.edu.
sion and the psalms.” 2 By Flowing Waters: Chant for the Liturgy Leasing available through
The Bible translation used in this article is First Maestra Leasing Inc.
(Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1999), ##509,
the New Revised Standard Version.  510, and 511.

july-august 2010 | celebrate! 43

Celebrate_juillet-aout2010-2.indd 43 06/05/10 11:05:55

Musician’s corner

The communion
procession and the psalms
By Paul F. Ford

eciding what to sing at the unity of their voices, to show joy of priest receives communion and the proces-

D communion is the single most im-

portant choice a pastoral musician
makes on a weekly basis. Why?
heart, and to highlight more clearly the
“communitarian” nature of the proces-
sion to receive Communion. The singing
sional song begins while the priest receives
the sacrament.
If we had paid attention, we would have
Until the late sixties and early seventies is continued for as long as the Sacrament noticed that of the 163 communion songs of
there were no communion songs or hymns as is being administered to the faithful. If, the Roman Gradual, only eight refer to the
such. Parishes that had implemented Pope Pius however, there is to be a hymn after Body and Blood of Christ. All of these songs
XII’s 1955 permission to sing hymns at low Mass Communion, the Communion chant were realigned as a consequence of our new
should be ended in a timely manner. lectionary so that, as the introduction to this
often used benediction/adoration hymns. For
my first communion (May 9, 1954) Sister taught Care should be taken that singers too can Gradual says, says, “ … the new plan of bibli-
us Faber’s “Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All” conveniently receive Communion. cal readings required transferring a number of
and “O Lord, I Am Not Worthy” by the texts (for example, communion an-
prolific lyricist, Anonymous (with its tiphons) to other days more closely
connected with the readings.” Of
head-scratching—for boys anyway— The procession begins the sixty-two communion songs of
reference to Christ as the “bride-
groom of my soul”). I was taught to even before the priest the Simple Gradual, only four songs
refer to the Body and Blood of Christ.
offer private prayer when I returned
to my seat (the longer the more pious receives communion and (Of the 618 communion antiphons of
the Roman Missal, only sixty-eight
I would show myself to be). If organ
music had played at that time, it would the processional song songs refer even indirectly to the
Body and Blood of Christ.)
have been gentle, meditative music,
out of the same kind of piety.
begins while the priest Why this “infrequency”? Has the
Church ceased to believe in the real
In the late sixties and early seven- receives the sacrament. presence? Hardly!
ties few of us musicians paid enough
Communion is about how Christ’s
attention to the production of the
Body and Blood forgives our sins, re-
Simple Gradual (1968) and the revi- 87. For the communion song it is permis- stores us to community, and prepares us for
sion of the Roman Gradual (1974)—the two of- sible to choose either the antiphon from life eternal, among many other things. (“O
ficial song books for Mass—not to mention the the Roman Gradual with its psalm or the holy banquet in which Christ is consumed, the
following passage from the General Instruction antiphon by itself, or the antiphon and memory of his passion is recalled, the mind is
of the Roman Missal (1970; the italicized sec- psalm of the Simple Gradual, or another filled with grace, and a pledge of future glory
tions in what follows are new to the 2002 edi- suitable song approved by the Canadian is given to us.” St. Thomas Aquinas, Canticle
tion of the Instruction): Conference of Catholic Bishops. . . . [my Antiphon for the Second Vespers of the Body
translation] and Blood of Christ.)
86. While the priest is receiving the
Sacrament, the Communion chant is If we had paid attention, we would have no- St. Ephrem of Edessa, deacon and doctor of
begun. Its purpose is to express the com- ticed the basic choreography of the communion the Church, suggests that the Word proclaimed
municants’ union in spirit by means of procession. The procession begins even before at Mass is the Holy Spirit’s oven and cask. The

40 celebrate! | september-october 2010

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Holy Spirit bakes the Eucharistic Bread of the October 10 “I Thank You, Lord, with All

Mass in the oven of the Word proclaimed at My Heart: You Have Heard My Plea. In Faithful
Mass. The Holy Spirit ferments the Eucharistic love and Holiness, You Have Answered Me”

Wine of the Mass in the cask of the Word pro- (with Psalm 138)
claimed at Mass.

Ordinary Time 29
It is thus not only the words of institution
October 17 “God Feeds Us, God Saves
that change the bread and wine into the Body
Us, the Eyes of the Lord Are upon Us” (with
and Blood of Christ. Every word of the Word of
Psalm 33)
God—pronounced by the Father and breathed
by the Holy Spirit—effects this change. Every Ordinary Time 30 TM

Eucharist is a new gift from the Trinity, never— October 24 “The Prayer of Our Hearts
to risk irreverence—the “same old thing.”
St. Augustine tells us that sacraments are
Pierces the Clouds: Show Us Your Mercy, Show
Opus II
Us Your Love” (with Psalms 123 and 143)
visible words. In the case of the sacrament of
the Eucharist, these words are not just visible, Ordinary Time 31
but also tastable, smellable, touchable, and October 31 “Salvation Has Come to This
hearable words. House Today” (with Psalm 16)
So, “Why does the General Instruction give In our Catholic tradition slightly more than
priority to the communion antiphons of the half (78) of the 150 psalms (or portions thereof)
graduals?” First, because they try to preserve may be sung at communion, and about thirty
the ancient tradition of singing words from the percent (22) of the seventy-five biblical can-
gospel or the other reading(s) AS the commu- ticles. Of these, the “usual suspects” are in the
nion song and, second, because communion is line-up: “Protect me, O God, for in you I take
the fruit of the proclaimed word. refuge” (Psalm 16), “The Lord is my shepherd”
If you study the Sunday readings for (Psalm 23), “I will bless the Lord at all times”
September and October this year and the se- (Psalm 34), “God is our refuge and strength”
lections from Psallite: Sacred Songs for Liturgy The Elite program is the
(Psalm 46), “O God, you are my God, I seek embodiment of well-articulated
and Life (the project for The Liturgical Press
you” (Psalm 16), “Happy are those whose way musical ideals. Opus II is a
that we in the Collegeville Composers Group French Romantic specification
is blameless” (Psalm 119, 37 portions). Of the
have been working on for five years), you will of 72 stops and is installed in
canticles, Mary’s song of praise (Luke 1.46–55)
detect spiritual resonance between the read- Collégial Notre Dame d’Écouis,
is sung at least ten times a year; and the song
ings and the antiphons of Psallite’s songs for a large Normandy church
of praise from Revelation (4.11, 5.9–12), at least
the table (communion songs): dedicated in 1313.
eleven. A performance video on this
Ordinary Time 23 There is one “surprise” in the list of “de- instrument of Maurice
September 5 “Lose Your Life and Save It: fault” communion canticles, Wisdom 16.20– Duruflé’s Prélude et fugue sur le
Follow Me, Follow Me. Take Your Cross and Bear 21, 26; 17.1. nom d’Alain by organist Sarah
Soularue may be heard on the
It: Follow Me, Follow Me” (with Psalm 49) 20 Instead of these things you gave your
Glionna Mansell website.
people food of angels,
Ordinary Time 24 To learn more about the Elite
and without their toil you supplied them program or any of the other
September 12 “Come, Come to the Banquet:
from heaven with bread ready to eat, fine digital organs from
All That I Have Is Yours” (with Psalm 32)
providing every pleasure and suited to Allen Organ Company, contact
Ordinary Time 25 Gordon Mansell, President and
every taste.
Artistic Director.
September 19 “Do Not Store Up Earthly
21 For your sustenance manifested your Proud supporter of
Treasures” (with Psalm 37)
sweetness towards your children;
Ordinary Time 26 and the bread, ministering to the desire www.glionnamansell.com
September 26 “Take Hold of Eternal Life, of the one who took it, 416-769-5224
You Were Called to Eternal Life; until the Day toll free: 1-877-769-5224
was changed to suit everyone’s liking.
of Christ” (with 1 Peter 2.21–24 and Philippians
22 Snow and ice withstood fire without
Ordinary Time 27 so that they might know that the crops of
October 3 “Take Your Place at the Table; their enemies
Serve One Another in Justice; Do This and You were being destroyed by the fire that
Leasing available through
Shall Live” (with Psalm 112) blazed in the hail First Maestra Leasing Inc.

Ordinary Time 28 and flashed in the showers of rain;

september-october 2010 | celebrate! 41

Celebrate_sept-octobre2010.indd 41 09/07/10 14:53:12

© bill wittman

Bread and wine

serve God’s all-nourishing bounty.

23 whereas the fire, in order that the righ- This passage, from the Old Testament’s them, changing them to suit everyone’s liking.
teous might be fed, youngest book (written just 100 years before Skillfully playing the stringed instrument of
even forgot its native power. Christ), is a meditation on what God did for the creation (“exerts” and “relaxes,” v. 24), God
Israelites in Exodus 16 and Numbers 11. God fed changes bread and wine into all forms: They
24 For creation, serving you who made it, his people with manna, the food of angels, the serve God’s all-nourishing bounty, according
exerts itself to punish the unrighteous, bread from heaven, which covered the ground to our desires and needs, so that we, whom God
and in kindness relaxes on behalf loves, might learn that it is not the pro-
of those who trust in you. duction of crops that feeds humankind
(“not by bread alone”) but that God’s
25 Therefore at that time also,
changed into all forms,
The Eucharistic Bread and Wine word sustains those who trust in him.
For older Catholics this theology is not
it served your all-nourishing manifest God’s sweetness really a “surprise.” We grew up singing
bounty, Wisdom 16.20 at Benediction: Panem de
according to the desire of those towards us, his children. caelo praestitisti eis.
R. Omne delecta-
who had need, mentum in se habentem. You gave them
bread from heaven.
R. Containing with-
26 so that your children, whom you
in itself all sweetness).
like snow and ice but did not melt in the sun (the As a Passionist missionary once preached
O Lord, might learn
fire of vv. 22 and 23). The Egyptians were the as part of a Forty Hours Devotion, if we dare
that it is not the production of crops that enemies, the uninstructed souls (17.1), whom God to meet our deepest needs and desires, God
feeds humankind God pursued with a pillar of fire even through shapes the Eucharist to our tastes, pleasures,
but that your word sustains those who rain and sea. desires, likings, needs. There is nothing we need
trust in you. We, the new Israelites, believe that the or desire that the Eucharist cannot satisfy.
Eucharistic Bread and Wine is ready to eat, The bible translation used in this article
17:1 Great are your judgements and hard to
providing every pleasure and suited to every is the New Revised Standard Version. This is
taste. They manifest God’s sweetness towards the fifth of a series celebrating the publication
therefore uninstructed souls have gone us, his children; through them God minis- of Psalms for the Liturgical Year (Toronto:
astray. ters to the desire of the one who eat and drink Novalis, 2009). 

42 celebrate! | september-october 2010

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Musician’s corner

“What? Give up my favourite

communion hymn?”
By Paul F. Ford

rom this article’s title, lines meditate on each title. The rhyme scheme b. Others accompany another rite, such as the

F you may have guessed that its pre-

decessor, “The communion proces-
sion and the psalms” (Celebrate!,
is abab cdcd efef. The economy of expression
is breathtaking. The theological and spiritual
trajectory moves us from “way” to “love.” (A
chants at the Entrance, at the Offertory, at the
fraction (Agnus Dei), and at Communion.
(Yes, the ministers in the gospel procession
September-October 2010), has generated some molested boy—I—needed to know that the are moving, but we aren’t.)
discussion. Eucharist “killeth death,” “mends in length,” So the argument I was making in “The com-
I love hymns—I love their words, their tunes, “makes his guest,” and joys in love.) munion procession and the psalms” (Celebrate!,
their harmonizations. September-October 2010) is that, because the
My life has been saved (only a slight exag- The strict sense of a hymn communion song accompanies the receiving
geration) by “The Call” by George Herbert, of communion and thus needs to be over when
This poem, turned to music, becomes a hymn
with the incomparable tune by Ralph Vaughan the communion procession is over, a psalm or
in the strict sense I am using here: strophic,
Williams, “Bread of Heav’n, on Thee We Feed” canticle is the best kind of song to sing during
rhymed, and a complete theological statement
communion, especially if its antiphon/refrain
by Josiah Conder, Melvin Farrell’s “Father, or shape. The most important part of this “defi-
is a quotation from the gospel of the day.
God of All Things Living,” “I Heard the Voice nition” is “a complete theological statement.” A
This means that any version of “Taste and
of Jesus Say” by Horatius Bonar, and—an 8.5 number of great hymns are trinitarian in shape:
See” is a good choice for a generic communion
on the spiritual Richter scale—“By Gracious Verse 1: the Father, Verse 2: the Son, Verse 3: the
procession song, because the text comes from
Powers So Wonderfully Sheltered” with lyrics Spirit—hence the saying among Protestants:
Psalm 34.
by Dietrich Bonhoeffer and F. Pratt Green, set “As lonely as a third verse (or the Holy Spirit) in As for other songs popular at communion,
to a most gorgeous tune, Le Cenacle, by Joseph a Catholic church.” Some songs are not hymns Dan Schutte’s “Table of Plenty” is a thoughtful
Gelineau—to name just five hymns. as rhymed texts but many songs are strophic in pastiche of biblical citations and allusions good
Consider just the first of these for a the loose sense: refrain and verses. for singing on the summer Sundays in Years A
moment. According to this definition there is only one and B that focus on the Bread of Life (John 6).
Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life: hymn required at Mass except during Advent Similarly, Jacques Berthier’s “Eat This Bread,
Such a Way, as gives us breath: and Lent: the Glory to God. It isn’t (obviously) Drink This Cup” is perfect for singing on those
Such a Truth, as ends all strife: strophic, it isn’t rhymed, but it’s a complete same Sundays in Year B.
Such a Life, as killeth death. theological statement. Few would dare sing More generic still are Owen Alstott’s, Lord,
Come, my Light, my Feast, my Strength: an abbreviated Gloria. Jesus Christ, Gather Us Together,” Marty
Such a Light, as shows a feast: One more point: In our Catholic tradition Haugen’s “Now in This Banquet,” and even
Such a Feast, as mends in length: hymns are not sung in procession—there are Robert Kreutz’s “Gift of Finest Wheat.” These
Such a Strength, as makes his guest. “no players in motion” in what our liturgy five hymns might continue service as good
calls “an independent rite or act.” The General songs of praise after communion. And they
Come, my Joy, my Love, my Heart:
Instruction of the Roman Missal 37 says: represent a floor, a starting point, for singing
Such a Joy, as none can move:
a. Some constitute an independent rite or act, at communion.
Such a Love, as none can part: such as the Gloria, the responsorial Psalm, But this kind of song doesn’t take us towards
Such a Heart, as joyes in love. the Alleluia and verse before the Gospel, the the ideal of singing the communion. Over forty
The first line of each stanza enumerates Sanctus, the Memorial Acclamation, and the years ago the Vatican’s liturgy office answered
three titles of our Lord and the following three song after communion; the following letter:

november-december 2010 | celebrate! 35

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Query: Many have inquired whether us. Burning ovens, wars, insurrections, great
the rule still applies that appears in the earthquakes, famines, plagues, dreadful por-
Glionna Mansell
Instruction on sacred music and the lit- tents, great signs from heaven, arrest, perse-
urgy, 3 Sept. 1958, no. 33: “In low Masses cutions, signs in the sun, the moon, and the
religious songs of the people may be sung stars, the roaring of the sea and the waves, the
by the congregation, without prejudice, powers of the heavens will be shaken—yikes!
however, to the principle that they be en- We miss the image about the rising of the sun
tirely consistent with the particular parts with its healing in its rays (“wings”) and the
of the Mass.” Reply: That rule has been su- gospel reading doesn’t go on long enough for
perseded. What must be sung is the Mass, us to hear the parable: “‘Look at the fig tree and
its Ordinary and Proper, not “something,” all the trees; as soon as they sprout leaves you
no matter how consistent, that is imposed can see for yourselves and know that summer is
on the Mass. Because the liturgical service already near. So also, when you see these things
is one, it has only one countenance, one taking place, you know that the kingdom of God
motif, one voice, the voice of the Church. … is near’” (Luke 21.29–31). So we need to repeat
Liturgical song involves not mere melody, like a mantra, “Don’t be afraid, only believe.
but words, text, thought, and the senti- Your faith will save you: Only believe.” And we DB-390
80 Stop / Three-Manual Console
ments that the poetry and music contain. need to hear the words of Psalm 31, the psalm
Thus texts must be those of the Mass, not of shelter.
others, and singing means singing the Ordinary Time 34/Christ the King,
Mass not just singing at Mass.1 November 21: “Jesus Christ, the Same Today, When concert and recording
(If you read Italian, you can just see the writ- Yesterday and Evermore” (with Colossians 1.11– artist, Diane Bish heard her first
Renaissance™ organ, she
er touching thumb and two fingers together and 20). At first glance, this antiphon from Hebrews
became so impressed with its
gesturing: “Cantare la Messa, dunque, e non 13.8 feels dragged in … until you meditate on tonal integrity and quality that
solo cantare durante la Messa.”) the readings. In them you discover that Jesus she asked Allen Organ Company
To experience singing the Mass and not just is ever the shepherd-king, looking for the stray to jointly develop a series of instruments with
even in the hour of his dying, when he brings her own special design touches. The result is
singing at Mass, look at the Sunday readings the unique, Quantum™ technology-based
for November this year and the selections from the good thief home to paradise. We approach Diane Bish Signature Series Organs.
Psallite (http://www.litpress.org/everyones- him in communion this day, asserting our con-
ing/Psallite.aspx) where you can listen to some fidence that he will treat us in the same way. We Glionna Mansell
hear the cantor(s, or the choir) sing to us the
of them, too. You can detect theological and Corporation
canticle of Colossians (1.11–20) whose powerful
spiritual resonance between the readings and
words ring like a peal of bells.
presents Diane
the antiphons of Psallite’s songs for the table
Advent 1, November 28: “Now Is The Hour
Bish in concert.
(communion songs):
to Wake from Sleep; All You Nations, Come to www.dianebishconcert.ca
Ordinary Time 32, November 7: “God of
the Feast: Faith and Mercy, Justice and Peace” See and hear Diane inaugurate the newest
Life, God of Hope, Give Us Life, Raise Us Up. Allen Heritage™ organ on Sunday November
God of Life, God of Hope, Guide Our Hearts (Psalm 85 and three other sources). The text of
14, 2010. She will be performing on a
to Your Love” (with Psalm 105). The story of this antiphon comes directly from the second spectacular 50-stop, three-manual concert
reading (Romans 13.11–14) and captures the instrument crafted specifically for
the slaughter of the widow and her seven sons
meaning of the gospel of that day, “Stay Awake” Mississauga’s St. Patrick’s Catholic Church. For
and the trick question about the widow and
(Matthew 24.42); in communion Jesus him- more information and tickets to this rare
her seven dead husbands bewilder the average opportunity visit www.dianebishconcert.ca
self is the feast; he is our Faith, Mercy, Justice,
person in the pew. What are we to make of all To learn more about the Diane Bish Signature
and Peace. The psalm sung is Psalm 85 (one
of this? Who is Jesus for us this Sunday? He is Series, the Elite program or any of the other
of the two default Advent psalms—the other
the one who reveals that his Father is the God fine digital organs from Allen Organ Company,
is Psalm 25, sung as the entrance song on this please contact Gordon Mansell, President and
of the Living, that all—alive and dead—are alive
Sunday). Artistic Director at 416-769-5224.
in him, that no love is ever lost, and that we
Revealing these powers of the Eucharist is a Glionna Mansell Corporation
all have a future full of hope. Psalm 105, the
matter of life and death for all of us. represents excellence
“God-is-true-to-his-promises” psalm is one in organ building and performance
This is the last of a series of six articles
we need to hear this Sunday … and Monday …
celebrating the publication of Psalms for the www.glionnamansell.com
Liturgical Year (Toronto: Novalis, 2009). 
and Tuesday … 416-769-5224, toll free: 1-877-769-5224
Ordinary Time 33, November 14: “Don’t Be
Afraid, Only Believe. Your Faith Will Save You:
1 Documents on the Liturgy 1963–1975: Conciliar,
Only Believe” (with Psalm 31). The last Sundays
Papal, and Curial Texts (Collegeville, MN: The Liturgi-
of Ordinary Time are full of apocalyptic lan- cal Press, 1982), edited and translated by Thomas C.
guage, whose images are often so overwhelm- O’Brien of the International Commission on English in Leasing available through First Maestra Leasing Inc.
ing we fail to hear the hope that our faith gives the Liturgy, §4154, 1299 [Notitiae 5 (1969) 406.].

36 celebrate! | november-december 2010

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