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Stomachic , antacids , intestinal astringents

Presentation · September 2019

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30682.49608


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2 authors, including:

Jibachha Sah
Jibachha's Veterinary Hospital Research & Training centre(P)Ltd


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Stomachic , antacids , intestinal
Dr. Jibachha Sah
M.V.Sc( Pharmacology)
College of Veterinary Science, NPI,
Stomachic is a historic term for a medicine that serves to tone the stomach,
improving its function and increase appetite. While many herbal remedies
claim stomachic effects, modern pharmacology does not have an equivalent term
for this type of action.
Herbs with stomachic effects include:
Cannabis - गाांजा
Anise- सौंफ़
Barberry – दारुहल्दी
Dandelion – ससांहपर्णी
Cleome -चतुर
Aloe- मसु ब्बर
Veterinary stomachic powder available in market are
1. Himalayn batisa powder(IH)
2. Herminsa poweder(BBB)
3. Ruchamx powder(Dabur)
●For prevention and treatment of digestive disorders like Anorexia, Dyspepsia, (Indigestion,
also known as dyspepsia) Constipation etc.
● As an adjuvant therapy along with oral antibiotics, antibacterials, anthelmintics and other
chemical drugs.
● To improve ruminal digestion, and farm productivity.

Dosage and administration:

Cows, buffaloes and horses ----------- 40 – 60 gms.

Calves, colts heifers and pigs ----------- 20 – 30 gms.
Sheep and goats ----------- 10 – 15 gms.
Camels and other large animals ----------- 60 – 90 gms.

Administer orally twice daily with jaggery or sugary syrup.

Carton of 100 gms, 200 gms, 400 gms. Polybag of 1 kg

●Antacids are a class of medicines that neutralize acid in the stomach. They contain
ingredients such as aluminum, calcium, magnesium, or sodium bicarbonate which
act as bases (alkalis) to counteract stomach acid and make its pH more neutral.

● pH is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution and this

determines how acidic or how alkaline that solution is. The scale ranges from 1 to
14, where below 7 is acidic, 7 is neutral, and above 7 is alkaline. Normal gastric acid
pH is in the range 1.5-3.5.
Antacids used

●Antacids are used to relieve the symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD also
called acid reflux), heartburn or indigestion (also called dyspepsia).

● By neutralizing stomach acid, antacids relieve symptoms such as burning in the chest or
throat area caused by acid reflux, a bitter taste in the mouth, a persistent dry cough, pain
when lying down, and regurgitation.

Some antacids are also used for completely unrelated medical conditions,
for example:

Aluminum antacids: lower elevated blood phosphate levels and prevent the
formation of kidney stones

Calcium carbonate antacids: treat calcium deficiency

Magnesium oxide antacids: treat magnesium deficiency.

aluminium hydroxide Alternagel, Amphojel
aluminium hydroxide + magnesium carbonate Acid gone, Gaviscon

aluminium hydroxide + magnesium hydroxide Alamag, Maalox

aluminium hydroxide + magnesium hydroxide + Alamag Plus, Maalox

simethicone Advanced Regular
Strength, Mintox
calcium carbonate Titralac, Tums
calcium carbonate + magnesium hydroxide Mylanta
Supreme, Rolaids
Mode of action of stomachic mixture :
●Ammonium bicarbonate- restores and balances the bicarbonate ions that body
may loss due to hot environment and stress condition.

● Sodium bicarbonate- acts as antacid & relieves gastritis.

● Gentian powder- an appetizer and stomachic. It plays an important role to

excrete saliva, bile & different digestive enzymes. It also acts as a carminative.

● Ginger- a carminative and causes the expulsion of gases from the stomach and
enhances the excretion of gastric juice to relief from dyspepsia, flatulence and
colic. It also acts as antispasmodic.

● Nux vomica is effective against rheumatic arthritis, paralysis, and nervous

calcium carbonate + simethicone Alka-Seltzer Heartburn + Gas, Gas-X
with Maalox Extra Strength
magnesium hydroxide Milk of Magnesia, Phillips’ Milk of
magnesium oxide Mag-200, Uro-Mag
sodium bicarbonate Neut
sodium bicarbonate + aspirin + citric Alka-Seltzer, Neutralin

For example, calcium can affect the absorption of medicines such

as bisphosphonates,tetracyclines, and ferrous sulfate (iron). Antacids may also
alter the absorption or excretion of some other medicines (such
as digoxin, phenytoin (anti-epileptic drug) and pseudoephedrine).
side effects of antacids
Side effects associated with common antacid ingredients include (some are rare):

●Aluminum: constipation, low blood phosphate levels, aluminium toxicity, osteomalacia

● Calcium: nausea, vomiting, kidney stones, high blood calcium levels, alkalosis

● Magnesium: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, high blood magnesium levels

● Sodium bicarbonate: increased blood pressure, nausea, bloating, gas.

Intestinal astringents,

An astringent (sometimes called adstringent) is a chemical that shrinks or

constricts body tissues.
Astringents are usually classified into three groups according to their mode of action:

(1) those that decrease the blood supply by narrowing the small blood vessels
(e.g., epinephrine and cocaine),

(2) those that abstract water from the tissue (e.g., glycerol and alcohol), and

(3) those that coagulate the superficial tissue layers into a crust (e.g., metallic astringents,
such as calamine or alum).

Used in medicine to reduce swollen mucous membranes that result from
inflammations of the nasal, gastrointestinal, and urinary passages, astringents
are also frequently employed to dry up excessive secretions and (in this
connection they are often known as styptics) to stop bleeding
In medicine, astringents cause constriction or contraction of mucous
membranes and exposed tissues and are often used internally to reduce discharge
of blood serum and mucous secretions

Some common astringents are alum, acacia, sage

( evergreen subshrub), yarrow,(common yarrow is a flowering plant) witch hazel
( flowering plants ), bayberry, hazel(small trees and shrubs ) distilled vinegar, very
cold water, and rubbing alcohol.

Astringent preparations include silver nitrate, potassium permanganate, zinc

oxide, zinc sulfate, Burow's solution, tincture of benzoin, and such vegetable
substances as tannic and gallic acids.
Astringent Powder Veterinary used

Sulphaguanidine 2.88 g
Catechu 3.36 g
Quebracho 117.53 g
Kaolin 16.79 g
Charcoal 119.93 g

Commercial veterinary used astringent

●Diadisco poder

● Diarock powder
● Neblon powder

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