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First Published 2004


Written by
Rob Clayton Jones

Line Editor Illustrations by

Simon Lucas Jim Branch

Editing Graphic Design & Cartography

Robin Elliott & Kirsty Crabb Robin Elliott


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INTRODUCTION the Nazi’s determinedly clinging to this barren

strip of frozen wasteland is that there is some-
thing in the ice the Fuhrer wants: something
Welcome to Ice Fang, the second in Legion beyond the limited military importance of the
Publishing’s series of Mission Manuals for place, something weird. Perhaps if the allies
Pinnacle Entertainment Group’s Weird Wars role- knew exactly what lay in the bright white wastes,
playing game. As with other titles in this series, they would expend greater efforts wresting the
Ice Fang contains a complete Weird War II area from Nazi hands.
mission along with new rules and character
choices appropriate for the mission’s setting. LIFE IN THE ARCTIC
The stats and rules you need are presented for
Pinnacle’s classic d20 Weird Wars system and With the wilderness landscape of the Arctic
Great White Games’ Savage Worlds system, so covered by ice, vegetation is limited to lichens,
you can choose whichever system you prefer. We mosses, and some flowering plants. Animal life
have created this book in such a way (through includes the arctic fox, walrus, ringed seal, and a
the wonders of JavaScript) that, by selecting number of species of seabird. Insects are rare in
your chosen rule set below, you only need to this part of the world. Only polar bears pose any
read the rules relating to that system. What’s threat to the heroes as the other creatures of the
more, you can also choose to turn off the back- region are lower down the food chain than the sol-
grounds to save ink or toner should you choose diers fighting the war in this icy wilderness. Use the
to print this book to play the adventure. bear stats from the Savage Worlds rulebook.

The arctic temperature is around -28.3°C
(-19°F) in winter. Heroes in winter gear braving
such temperatures must succeed a Vigor roll (-1)
every four hours or gain a fatigue level as per the
Savage Worlds rules. In such extreme tempera-
This mission is set in the Arctic north in the tures, there is a chance that the hero may start to
winter of 1943. Allied heroes are sent to a remote freeze as described below. Without adequate
Nazi-occupied archipelago, called Franz Josef clothing, the individual must make the check at
Land, just 20 nautical miles from the permanent -3. The severe cold of the Arctic makes every day
ice margin, far north of the Arctic Circle. This a battle for survival. Dense fogs and gales are
area was first seized from the Soviet Union by the common. Every hour spent in the open, roll d10.
Nazis during Operation Barbarossa in 1941 and On a 4 or less, a blizzard blows in with the effects
has remained occupied despite the Nazis being descried below. At other times however, the
repelled at Kursk earlier this year. The reason for skies are clear and the spectacular displays of


the aurora borealis can frequently be seen over subsequent failed roll, the hapless hero suffers a
the icy landscape. Of course, soldiers bringing wound as he or she begins to freeze. In addition,
the weird war this far north have more important whenever the hero suffers a wound from the
things to do than look at the sky, and there are cold, he or she must make a Vigor check or begin
weirder things than the northern lights to be to suffer from hypothermia (see below).
found in the frozen north.
Blizzards Prolonged exposure to the effects of the cold
A snowstorm with severe winds, a blizzard forces causes heroes to begin to experience the onset of
heroes to make Vigor checks (-1) or be knocked hypothermia. The character’s Vigor is reduced by
down by the ferocity of the wind. The effects of the 1 die type for each hour of continued exposure. If
swirling, howling, driving snow are such that visi- a character recovers all fatigue levels from expo-
bility is reduced to less than 6”, and Notice checks sure to the cold, his Vigor returns to its usual
are made at -4. So thick is the snowfall that targets level also. If the character with d4 Vigor has his
of ranged attacks are treated as if concealed by Vigor reduced in this way, instead of further
darkness (-2). Temperatures plummet in the strong reducing his Vigor die type; the hero is afflicted
winds and exposure to a blizzard forces an immedi- by frostbite with the onset of hypothermia.
ate Vigor check (-2) or the victim gains a fatigue
level and begins to freeze (see below). Frostbite
Damage to body extremities caused by pro-
Snow Blindness longed exposure to freezing conditions, frostbite
One of the many hazards visitors to the Arctic is characterized by numbness, tissue death, and
must deal with is the bright white light caused by gangrene. Heroes who succumb to frostbite (as
the reflection of the sun’s radiation from the described above) will have damage to extremi-
snow and ice. Should a hero be affected by ties, WM discretion on which parts are affected.
snow-blindness, he or she cannot see further Provided the hero is successfully treated within
than 15 yards away. A Notice check (-1) must be 24 hours (requiring a successful Healing roll at -
made to find any objects within 15 yards. 2), all effects are temporary and last only until
the poor unfortunate recovers all fatigue.
FREEZING TO DEATH Otherwise the frostbite is very severe and the
The wicked, deep cold of the arctic north can hero suffers the effects permanently!
kill as surely as any other threat the heroes may
encounter in the wilds. A hero failing a Vigor MOVEMENT
check against the cold begins to suffer the freez- Moving on foot across the desolate frozen land-
ing effects of exposure. On the first failure, the scape is hard. The snow and ice hamper move-
hero is automatically Shaken, in addition to any ment and count as difficult ground. With a pair of
fatigue levels gained due to the normal effects of skis (or skates across ice), heroes can move at
temperature. On a second failed roll, and any their normal pace. Characters making a success-


ful Agility check (-1) each hour can move at taineer can ignore any fatigue rolls to avoid alti-
double their pace while skiing or skating. tude sickness.

Double Agent
Already a civilian or officer of any rank, you
are a recruit of your country’s secret service and
Heroes created for adventure in the Arctic have a knack for deception. Driven with a desire
North should be British or American if they are to see justice done you have a secret pain that
Grunts or Officers, but may be of Northern was caused by an injustice done to your family
European nationality if they are professional by your enemy. Infiltration and opportunism are
civilians (such as doctors or scientists) or if they traits you possess in abundance.
are resistance fighters. Assistance Modifier
German Uniform 0
Forged Papers -2
Ice Fang is best played with a squad made up Small firearm -2
Troop Information -3
of regular soldiers, but two new Professional
Edges are presented below that may spice up Requirements: Seasoned, Smarts d6, Spirit d8
adventures in this remote and inhospitable
Good quality Forged Papers, and Enemy
region. Uniforms are readily available to the Double
Agent. As with the Resistance Fighter the Double
Mountaineer Agent has contacts but they are much improved.
A skilled climber you are proficient in all Use the following table when the Agent goes to
forms of free and harnessed mountain ascent. his contacts as a guide for possible modifiers:
Picked specially for your ability to endure the
thin air and cold environments, your training With this increased access to good informa-
allows you to scale peaks and find paths through tion comes increased risk. Each time a contact
the impassable. The specialist Norwegian is used, the hero must make a Spirit check (-1),
Commando Unit (NCU) trains only top Allied using any Charisma modifier to maintain his or
recruits. Based in Scotland, the NCU is planning her cover. Fail, and the hero’s cover is blown.
a major secret offensive on the Nazi Heavy Water This is a serious event and should be handled by
plants in Norway next year, and you want to be a the WM according to the situation the Double
part of it. Agent is in. The individual is usually behind
Requirements: Novice, Vigor d6, Climbing d6, enemy lines and so must go quickly into hiding.
Survival d6
The mountaineer is at home among the craggy Arctic Fox
peaks and gets +2 to climbing and survival rolls Requirement: Novice, Agility d6
when climbing mountains. In addition, the moun- The glaciers are in your veins and you can


skate across miles of frozen water with ease. this hero’s performance are completely taken in,
With a pair of skis, you can move faster than any going far out of their way to assist the character
vehicle or animal down snow-covered mountain- and refusing to accept that they have been hood-
sides or pick your way through rugged snowy winked. In addition, if one of these checks fails,
terrain over long distances. the NPC is suspicious but unsure of the decep-
tion, giving the hero a chance to withdraw
A successful Agility check allows this hero to without being detected.
ski downhill or skate on the flat at speeds of up
to 4 times his or her regular pace. Torpor
Requirement: Novice, Vigor d6
Hoarder You have an uncanny knack for keeping per-
Requirement: Novice, Smarts d6 fectly still, appearing to be dead even when a
A logistical expert, you are a managerial cursory inspection is made.
wizard. You can ration and conserve supplies This hero can slow his or her heartbeat to as
for longer than most and organize kit to maxi- little as 10 beats a minute for a number of
mize its usefulness. This hero can make all minutes equal to half the character’s Vigor die
exhaustible resources (such as food or fuel) type. During this time the character can fix his or
last for 50% longer than their usual rate of con- her eyes unmoving, while the pulse becomes so
sumption. Note that this does not apply to a weak that a quick check cannot detect it and the
soldier’s use of ammo, which must be kept hero is able to feign death or remain still to avoid
track of as usual. detection. Also, this hero can spend a benny to
automatically succeed at one Vigor check to
Chameleon avoid fatigue from suffocation or drowning.
Requirement: Seasoned, Charisma +1,
Persuasion d6 ICE FANG
Being able to think on your feet and calculate
the responses of others is a rare quality and you
have it in spades. Back that up with bags of con- The following information is strictly for the
fidence and the ability to disguise your voice and War Master. Players are dismissed and should
adopt various personalities, and you are the fall out - at the double!
complete actor. Impersonating scientists, bluff-
ing high society or officers of the Third Reich is
all in a day’s work for you and you see the whole During an Austro-Hungarian expedition in
of your life as a series of roles to be played. 1873, Julius von Payer and Karl Weyprecht made
an initial exploration of the islands of this part of
When adopting a role, this hero’s ability to the Arctic, naming them after Franz Josef I, the
carry off the part and maintain a façade under emperor of Austria. The complete exploration of
scrutiny is second to none. NPCs convinced by the archipelago was accomplished by various


expeditions between 1880 and 1905. The Soviet the statue may be useful in his arcane research
Union annexed Franz Josef Land in 1926 and and dispatched units to seize the Soviet observa-
subsequently established a government observa- tion stations in Franz Josef Land and begin the
tion station there. search for the lost boat and statue. The Nazi
occultists are primarily interested in the ancient
HITLER’S ARCTIC OBSESSION statue: a relic from the pre-history of man. This
Hitler has long held a fascination for Austrian giant sculpture, which they call the “Cold Devil”,
history and folklore, as well as with the arcane, is believed to be a symbol of a now-extinct alien
and among his vast collection of treasures is the race, driven to the arctic by the first men to walk
private library of Franz Josef I. Many occult texts the earth. The powers they may be able to
and mage spells are contained within this library harness from the object are potentially cata-
of the bizarre and it forms the basis of much of strophic for the allies, who have learned that
the Fuhrer’s understanding of the magical world. something is afoot in the Arctic. It is up to the
One tome in particular has piqued his interest players to find out what and prevent the Nazis
and drawn his attention to the frozen north. from securing the statue.

The book in question is one of only two copies MISSION BRIEFING

of The Demon Boat known to exist. It explains the
discovery of an ancient Norse longboat by the
expedition of 1873. The boat had apparently The squad starts in the C.O.’s office at a British
strayed far off course, driven by terrible winds, airbase near Aberdeen, Scotland. Major Kier
and struck an iceberg. According to von Payer’s Edwards of the OSI and Group Captain Fitch
text, the ice had contained a giant statue of a McSwain, the base commander, brief them on
hideous demon measuring almost 40’ in height. their mission. Gathered in the room is the team
More interestingly, it seems from the text that the assembled to undertake the mission.
Norsemen died not from exposure or from the
collision, but from attack by some strange crea- Edwards has a Norwegian scientist Dr. Mikel
tures von Payer could not identify. He claims that Gondegaard with him who is to accompany the
the creatures are still to be found in the region squad on their mission.
and that they seem to have some peculiar affini-
ty with the statue, but he retreated from the area You have been ordered to report to Major
Edwards on a matter of great importance.
without examining either the statue or the crea-
Telling no one your destination, you have
tures too closely.
assembled at a windswept airbase in
Scotland. Soon after your arrival, you are
The Fuhrer found these references fascinating summoned to a small wooden hut to be
and tasked teams of researchers to discover briefed. You have barely entered the room
more, and over recent years they have discov- when the door swings open and Major
ered some additional facts. Hitler decided that Edwards marches in, flanked by a


heavier-set Air Force officer. A thin, make you ideal for this task. We have
hawkish man in civvies stalks in behind information that Jerry has been increas-
them carrying several folders. ingly active in an especially remote
region known as Franz Josef Land. We
Group Captain Fitch McSwain moves know of a temporary base that has sprung
behind his desk and gestures to you to up in this area within the past month: a
sit. “Those of you who have been through strange igloo-type construct made entire-
this base before know that everything you ly of ice. The Nazis may also be excavat-
are about to hear is Top Secret. The mis- ing below the surface, however their
sions we fly from here are classified activities are almost invisible from the
above classified, so I need not stress to air. Dr. Gondegaard.”
you the importance of secrecy. From now
on, you will not leave this airbase for any Edwards gestures towards the scientist and
reason until you take off on this mission. the lean, angular man steps forward as he
Major Edwards will begin the briefing.”
pushes his spectacles higher on his nose.
Major Edwards has five long thin scars
across his right cheekbone and lightly The scientist closes the blinds and
touches them as he begins to address switches on his overhead projector. “Our
you: aerial photographs show this here, here
und here” Gondegaard points to several
“Thank you, Group Captain. Gentlemen, Nazi half-track trucks each camouflaged
before we begin I introduce you to Dr.
in white and containing what appears to
Mikel Gondegaard who will address you
be a steel cage. The tracks of these
shortly. If you could briefly introduce
trucks circle the igloo-like ice-station
yourselves, I know that not all of us have
Edwards described.
worked together before.” The other men
Cpl. McClure interrupts in a gruff Scots
beside you each stand up in turn and
introduce themselves:
“Why does this involve the OSI?”
“Lt. Kelly Orr, NCU”; “Corporal Doggy
McClure”; “Sylvester Shenk, civilian”;
“This is a gut question. Our intelligence
and “Flight Lieutenant Craig Shandler”
has intercepted a coded Nazi radio
message four days ago from this region
At this point have the squad members intro- und it suggests they haf found an ancient
duce themselves. Edwards briefly explains Norse relic nearby. Mr Shenk has been
Hitler’s apparent interest in the Arctic Circle and ordered by his Nazi superiors to investi-
his fixation with a small area of the Arctic just gate a strange substance they haf discov-
north of an ice-encrusted archipelago called ered. Mr Shenk is a geologist so we
Franz Josef Land. assume there is something in the rock.”
The Major strokes his scars thoughtfully
“You have been chosen to take part in a before continuing, “Gentlemen, it is clear
mission in the Arctic. Your special skills this artefact is important to the Nazis and


that means that it is important to us! It is impatient to accelerate the program has insisted
your job to find it, and either retrieve or that things move faster. To meet his demands,
destroy it. Wing Commander.” this whole mission has been devised by none
other than Col. Fitch McSwain-a double agent-
McSwain stands well over six feet tall
with sole intent of getting Dr. Gondegaard to the
and speaks in a broad Scottish accent,
“Men, you will travel to the islands in a arctic.
German Junkers troop carrier; Flt. Lt.
Shandler here will be your pilot. Dressed Gondegaard’s expertise in biology and genetic
as Nazi military engineers you will land theory would be invaluable to the Nazis but only
at the airstrip at the old Soviet by making him think he serves the Allies can the
Observation Station on Alexandra Land. treacherous McSwain hope to get him to agree.
The Nazis will probably attempt to fly the McSwain has enlisted the services of another
relic out from there. Mr Shenk here is one
traitor - the double-double agent Dr. Shenk to
of our top double agents, though the
Germans think he is scientist. He is the ensure that the mission goes according to plan.
geologist the Nazis have sent for; you will If the heroes cannot uncover the plot and foil the
masquerade as his team. Dr Gondegaard Nazis’ plans, the High Command could assemble
will also accompany you. Gentlemen you in short order an army of savage crossbreeds.
depart at 0500. Good Luck.” Their purpose-the invasion of North America: the
stakes for this mission could not be higher!
The heroes may interact freely with the other
characters after the briefing and ask any ques- THE FLIGHT NORTH
tions they feel appropriate. See the NPC Motives
section on page 32 for their likely reactions and
responses. The Junkers JU-252 is a long-range Nazi
transport aircraft, piloted by Flt. Lt. Craig
MISSION BACKGROUND Shandler. After refueling in German-occupied
At first glance, it seems that the heroes must Norway the aircraft flies north towards the per-
simply prevent the Fuhrer from claiming his manent Arctic ice-pack and the archipelago of
prize. In fact, there is more to the mission than Franz Josef Land.
meets the eye. The Nazi base in the ice is the
center of a brutal experiment to breed a race of The total distance of the journey is over 1900
super-soldiers. The statue is important to the miles and takes 15 hours. Emphasize the noisy,
experiment but is very much older than the uncomfortable atmosphere within the plane.
Vikings, in fact being a relic of an ancient alien There is tension on the rumbling plane as the
species. The Nazis have also discovered a race men on board prepare for the task ahead. If you
of creatures hitherto unknown to science and are want to add a little early drama, play out the fuel
using these creatures as the basis of their stop and have the team arouse some suspicion.
inhuman crossbreeding experiments. The Fuhrer, Mr. Shenk’s undoubted mastery of the German


language and superb acting skills allow the team aircraft. The windshield has been destroyed and a
to escape if the players look like making a mess vortex of wind and snow whips through the
of it. Otherwise, the flight is without incident until cockpit: it is up to the heroes to help Shandler
the approach to the Nazi base on Alexandra and save the aircraft. Have those involved make
Island. At this point, the aircraft develops a an Agility check (-1) to grab the pilot and help
serious malfunction. Deal out action cards sud- him stay strapped in. Saving Shandler is vital so
denly to let the players know they are in trouble! he can make a Piloting roll (-4) in order to land
the plane on the Nazi ice runway (shown on map
The weather outside the plane has wors- 1on page 10). Failure to grab Shandler means the
ened and you are experiencing strong
poor pilot is torn from his chair and sucked out of
buffeting from high winds. Suddenly the
steady rumble of the three engines the shattered wind shield. (If one of the heroes
echoing throughout the plane’s hull can fly the aircraft, have that character make the
becomes a deafening thumping sound! same Piloting check at (-4) to make the crash-
Even kitted in your survival gear you feel landing. If the remaining team members are
a chill blast of air as the plane’s fuselage without the Piloting skill, they can still attempt a
is compromised and the unfortunate crash landing, but it is safer to save Shandler or
Doggy Mclure is viciously sucked towards bail out before the aircraft crashes.
a gaping white hole! Amid the howling
winds Doggy barks and screams as his BAILING OUT
tenuous grip on the torn fuselage is
failing... If the soldiers opt to abandon the aircraft, they
must make a risky drop from the crashing plane,
Passengers acting on a 10 or higher can use requiring an Agility check (-1). Success allows
their action to grab something solid or be sucked the hero to choose one of the landing points
toward the hole. Any hero or ally acting slower below. Anyone failing this check suffers 2d6+2
than a 10 is automatically sucked toward the hole damage on landing and the wayward soldier
unless he makes an Agility check (-2) to hang on. must roll 1d4 and refer to Map 1 on page 10 in
Heroes who manage to grab onto something can order to determine the landing position:
attempt to catch the unfortunates by making an d4 Landing Point
opposed Strength check against the wind Strength 1-2 Excavation site at Weiss Island.
of d8. Anyone unlucky enough to be sucked from 3 Pack ice between Weiss Island & Alexandra Island.
4 The Observation Hill above the Nazi camp.
the plane without a chute falls to their death.
Shenk, Gondegaard, and the other members of the Crash Landing
team bail out of the stricken aircraft, leaving the
A successful Piloting roll (-4) allows the
remaining heroes to fend for themselves.
Junkers to ditch shakily upon the slippery runway.
At this point, the survivors hear cries for help Roll on the Out of Control Table in the Savage
from the cockpit! Flt. Lt. Shandler is struggling to Worlds rules. Failure means the pilot cannot
remain in his chair as he fights for control of the regain control of the stick; the Junkers overshoots


the runway and skips off the sea ice back into the others and left Shandler to his fate, they take
air. The plane then begins to dive ominously damage from the crash as normal and the sur-
towards a small white island (see Weiss Island on viving team is now scattered across part of their
Map 1). If the pilot makes a final Piloting roll (-4), target area. Their first objective should be to
he has successfully crash landed, and the damage regroup and assess their situation; and that
Junkers takes 4d6 damage. Everyone still on board means exploring the arctic wilderness.
suffers damage as usual.
If the pilot fails the crash landing roll, the air-
craft breaks up on impact and suffers 8d6
damage. Unless the heroes bailed out with the Franz Josef Land comprises about 100 small


islands that are separated by bays, fiords, and longboat! Beyond the longboat a huge 50
straits. Some 80 of these ice-encrusted islands foot high excavation in the cliff wall can
are covered with glaciers and snowfields. The be seen.
shallow seas around the island are covered with
pack ice that may be more than 33 feet in depth. If the heroes examine the dead, they realize
During winter months, the Nazi base is only the poor souls were hacked or beaten to death
accessible by air from where the raised black and can identify the wounds as being caused by
rock of Weiss Island can be clearly seen; a stark axes and clubs. A successful Notice roll (-1)
contrast with the surrounding sea-ice-a barren, reveals a corpse clutching a finely made solid
featureless wasteland of white. gold Nordic brooch. It is clearly very ancient;
indeed, if he is present, Shenk’s opinion is that it
WEISS ISLAND may be over 1000 years old!
Of volcanic origin, this island’s ice-covered
basalt mountains attain a maximum height of Heroes making a successful Notice roll (-1)
2,043 feet. Situated about 15 miles from the Soviet find that the longboat is magnificently preserved
Observation base on Alexandra Land, Weiss Island apart from the obvious damage from the colli-
is the location of the wrecked Norse longboat of sion many centuries ago. The boat contains five
Austrian myth. The boat was discovered recently wooden crates painted with Nazi Swastikas. The
by a Nazi patrol, and they subsequently began box lids are unsealed and each contains many
excavation and extraction of the giant ice fine Viking garments and brooches. The boat
encrusted statue. The area now resembles a strip also contains the frozen remains of the
mine, but is currently deserted as the Nazis found Norsemen.
more than they bargained for at the site.
The excavation above the longboat clearly
If Shandler failed to land the plane on the shows the statue has been cut from the ice
runway, the Junkers crash-lands into this area. and moved through the inlet out across the
Any survivors find warning signs written in frozen sea to the south (See Map 2 on page
German surrounding the site, and those who 12). The vehicle tracks left in the ice are
enter witness a grisly sight. clearly visible despite a light dusting of
The area is deserted save for the distort-
ed, ice-showered corpses of dead Nazi The Nazis plundered the treasures of the boat
soldiers and diggers. Their faces are prior to removing the statue. At first they contin-
frozen in anguish, pain, and horror. Some
ued to dig the ice and returned to base with the
grasp long-jammed weapons in a
macabre pose of panic. A large tarpaulin riches, nightfall the Norse Ghosts traveled across
billows in the icy winds, its tattered the frozen sea and attacked the Nazi base. The
remains reveal a mighty wooden ship Norsemen came and killed until the Nazis
half-buried in the ice-face: it is a Viking decided to return the treasures to their boat. The


site was then hastily abandoned, and the Nazis Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d10,
are fearful of return. Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d12+2,
Ghosts of the Norse Notice d12, Stealth d12+4 Throwing d12
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
The Ghosts of the Norse were originally Viking
Gear: Thrown Objects (Str +1), Battle Axe
sailors who strayed into arctic waters and ran
(Str +3)
into icebergs. They were killed by an alien race Special Abilities:
disturbed by the Vikings’ efforts to seek shelter in Ethereal: Ghosts are immaterial and can
these frozen wastes. The tortured souls of these only be harmed by magical weapons
intrepid wanderers may only be laid to rest by the Fear -2: The Viking ghosts cause Guts checks
burning of their trapped longboat. at -2 when they allow themselves to be seen.


Weakness (Fire): The ghosts can be encounters either at the runway or guarding the
driven back temporarily by fire (though statue in the ice dock (see the descriptions of
not harmed by it. Burning the Viking long- those areas on page 26 below).
boat lays their spirits to rest permanently.
The ghosts are highly sensitive to intruders Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6,
upon their final resting place. They attack Strength d6, Vigor d6
without thought until their foes are driven 500 Skills: Fighting d4, Guts d6, Notice d6,
yards from their wrecked boat. The ghosts do not Shooting d6, Stealth d6
pursue a foe beyond unless they have stolen Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
treasure from their hoard. Gear: KAR-98K or MP 40 (40 or 60 rounds of
ammo), helmet, uniform, 2 stiehlhand-
granate (grenades)
Robbed of their chance to enter Valhalla, the
ghosts of the Norse dead haunt their ship still,
Motorized Sled: Acc/Top Speed: 15/32;
and attack any creatures that disturb or take Toughness: 8 (2); Crew: 1+3
their remains or possessions. The ghosts use The sled is capable of transporting four
their malevolence ability to attack any who (including driver) and is a motorcycle/half
encroach upon their boat. Should the squad track hybrid ideal for the Arctic conditions.
remove any treasures and flee to over 500 yards
from the longboat the ghosts advance as a These Nazis are nervous and trigger-happy.
shimmering menace across the ice to retrieve Their comrades have fallen and they are half-
their stolen relics (see information on SS Base crazed in the winter’s chill. They challenge the
on page 21). heroes and demand they identify themselves. If
the team is attempting to remain undercover,
The only way to put these ghosts truly to rest is then Shenk assumes leadership and explains
through the traditional burning of the longboat. who they are, and that they must be taken to the
commander at once. The Nazis appear shaken
PACK ICE by his confident approach, but refuse and insist
If the squad is scattered across the wide des- the heroes report to the ice dock. If the team
olate frozen sea of pack ice between the islands, looks slightly suspicious or gives any indication
the squad encounters a Nazi patrol mounted on that they don’t know where the ice dock is, the
motorized sleds, attracted by the sight of para- patrol attacks without hesitation. Aggression is
chutes in the clear Arctic skies. the only thing that stops them feeling fright-
ened. The heroes must succeed a Notice check
If the squad is moving across this ice at some or be surprised by the sudden hostility.
other point in the mission, there is a 25% chance Whichever course of action the heroes pursue,
they may run into the same patrol. Use these the German patrol remains scared and suspi-
stats also for other Nazi soldiers the squad cious.


THE ICE RUNWAY soldiers recently killed by the Norse Ghosts.

The SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer (lieutenant-
Composed entirely of sea pack ice the runway
colonel) Gritz, has seen to it that his work
is crude and slippery. If Shandler or one of the
squad managed to make an emergency landing, will continue despite his losses in the field.
the squad (minus any characters who chose to The soldiers around the airstrip perimeter
bail out) safely lands the Junkers alongside an are understandably disturbed by this and
identical plane being loaded by what appear to approach only if their former comrades are
be Nazi soldiers. Two squads of soldiers with losing a fight. Even then, they remain at long
motorized sleds loiter around the perimeter of range and provide supporting fire; such is
the ice runway, seemingly reluctant to get close the fear and revulsion the walking dead
to the strip itself. cause. What’s more, the reanimants are
incredibly violent and hard to control.
The soldiers loading the aircraft are actu- Simply approaching a Wehrmacht zombie
ally the reanimated corpses of Wehrmacht causes it to suddenly turn and attack.


Heroes clambering from the stricken Junkers ment for their own, should they need to take off
have only one round to notice that the Nazi again from the airstrip). Anyone searching the
workers are not what they seem before they find plane discover fifty wooden crates bearing the
themselves under attack. swastika insignia. Each box is 6” high and 2’
long, weighs around 50lbs, and has been nailed
At any interference with their work, or if the firmly shut. They contain hundreds of dog tags
heroes are perceived to be enemy forces, the composed of smooth black basalt made from the
zombies attack immediately. Despite the base of the alien statue that was broken up when
zombies’ ferocity, their responses are mechani- the relic was extracted from the cliffs on Weiss
cal making them excellent workers but poor tac- Island. Each pendant is highly magnetized-as
ticians. heroes carrying loose metallic objects may dis-
cover-and are intended to aid the experimental
NAZI ZOMBIES (REANIMANT) soldiers being created in the lab in their advance
These savage automatons were created by the on North America (see page 23 for details of the
fiendish Col. Gritz to ensure that his mission is Lab and the Nazi experiments).
successful despite the casualty rate among his
command. The remaining soldiers are under- OBSERVATION HILL
standably reluctant to approach the risen Overlooking the Nazi Arctic base is a crude
corpses of their former comrades. iron observation post sitting atop a 200-foot high
ice-encrusted peak. Access to the observation
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4,
hut at the summit is limited to the south face,
Strength d6, Vigor d6
where an accomplished mountaineer making a
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice
d4, Shooting d6 Climbing roll (-2) may ascend. The only other
Pace: 4; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 ways to reach the top are either from the air or
Special Abilities: via a perilous climb up the narrow chute known
Claws: Str as Gritz’s ladder from the ice dock (see page 17
Fearless: Zombies are immune to Fear below).
and Intimidation.
Undead: +2 Toughness, +2 to recover Heroes obtaining access to this open iron
from being Shaken, piercing weapons do
hut can see for around fifteen miles in every
half damage, called shots do no extra
damage. direction, except when blizzards blow in.
Weakness (Head): Shots to a zombie’s Some ten miles to the northwest is the igloo-
head are +2 damage, and piercing like ice station surrounded by various vehicles
attacks do normal damage. and scientific equipment. Directly below the
observation post, at the foot of the hill, is the
Assuming the squad fights off the Nazis at the old Soviet observation base comprising of four
air strip, they are free to search the second large huts. To the northeast lies the ice runway
Junkers (which will make an admirable replace- (see page 14).


Any hero using binoculars or a telescopic have no driver! Following the kubelwagen
sight (on a sniper rifle for instance) can make a closely you watch it cut across the shim-
Notice check to spot the approach of a strange mering ice and finally skid to a halt out of
vehicle: sight behind one of the huts below you.

You can see a camouflaged kubelwagen The jeep is a haunted vehicle. The driver is a
(Volkswagen jeep) speeding its way ghost named Gefreiter Deiter Zimmel.
across the fields of pack ice separating
the ice stations to the northwest and the
abandoned base at the foot of the hill.
You adjust the focus of the lens and blink Acc/Top Speed: 10/20; Toughness: 10 (2);
incredulously as the vehicle appears to Crew: Ghostly


Supernatural Abilities: Ghostly Driver, THE ICE TUNNELS

Driving Skill d10.
Once the squad approaches within 500 yards
of the area there is a chance they may encounter
Zimmel’s ghost is bound to the vehicle in
the Great Eiswichtlein out in the open. The crea-
which he met his end. Killed by a Great
tures have carved a huge network of tunnels in
Eiswichtlein during the first exploration of the
the sea pack ice. Chased away from their natural
area, Zimmel still remains loyal to his master,
habitat however, these vicious tunnel dwellers
Gritz, who continues to conduct his experiments
are being systematically hunted and slain by the
in the lab below the ice stations.
Nazis, with squads sent down below to hunt for
specimens to aid Gritz in his researches.
Zimmel is responsible for moving the pris-
oners to the ice station for transformation (see
There are three entrances to the tunnel system
Ice Station below) and relentlessly continues
in this vicinity, all barely visible to the naked eye.
his mission transporting men and equipment
A single successful Notice roll (-2) means the
to and from each site. He is unaware of the
squad finds one of these entrances. Entering the
details of the Nazi operation on the island the
ice tunnels from any point increases the chances
only way in which he is persuaded to stop is if
of an encounter. Refer to the table below once
Zimmel discovers the nature of their experi-
every ten minutes:
ments. Any involvement with the Great
Eiswichtlein (or ‘Schnee Mann’ as he calls d6 Encounter
them) repulses Zimmel and he refuses to do 1 No Encounter
any more. Feel free to use your imagination 2-3 2d4 Nazi troopers
with Zimmel’s new motivations-he could 4-6 1d4 Great Eiswichtlein
become a useful ally! Great Eiswichtlein (‘Snow Man’)
The Great Eiswichtlein is a distant relative of
the Yeti. Larger than the Wichtlein, this creature
A sheer climb leads hundreds of feet down to resembles a man in a white fur coat only having
the ice dock below (see Map 3 on page 16). beady red eyes and large sharp reptilian fangs.
Despite the name the German soldiers have The Great Eiswichtlein has oversized hands with
given it, the “ladder” is actually little more than large pronounced claws. They use their claws to
a series of iron rungs and spikes pummeled into dig deep into the layers of ice in which they
the rock allowing access to the observation hut make their home. These creatures have a
from the ice dock via a natural chimney in the second inner ear that acts as a magnetic sensor.
basalt hill. Any hero succeeding a Climbing roll They are acutely sensitive to direction while
(-1) may descend 100ft into the chimney; a close to Magnetic North. The farther the crea-
further check (-1) is then required to reach the tures stray south the more disorientated and sick
ice dock. Stationed at the bottom of the ladder in they become. They cannot survive below the
the dock is a German guard. 50th latitude without an incredibly strong mag-


netic source to ground them. Any magnetic Should the heroes encounter The Great
objects greatly agitate and attract these crea- Eiswichtlein, the creatures attack or pursue the
tures. squad unless they enter the ice lab itself. The
Eiswichtlein have learned to be wary of the Nazi
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, base of operations and are fearful of the experi-
Strength d4, Vigor d6 ments (See below). Though not fiercely intelligent,
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice the creatures work together in close-knit units
d4, Shooting d6 and strong ties unite the pack. One of the animals
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
is caged in the back of a nazi truck, and the pack
Special Abilities:
has tunneled underneath the vehicles (now static
Claws: Str+2
due to the harsh winter conditions). They hope to
Size +1: Eiswichtlein are larger and
more muscular than humans. rescue their kindred if possible. Otherwise, their
Weakness (Magnetism): For every 200 presence is soothing to the wounded animal.
miles the creatures are from Magnetic These encounters provide plenty of opportuni-
North (or a strong source of magnetism ty for a surface or subterranean chase. If the
such as the statue), the Eiswichtlein squad members have commandeered a vehicle
suffer -1 to all trait tests. they should make Driving rolls (-1 to -3, depend-


ing on what they are doing). Should the heroes the Nazis left behind as the wind whistled
have the Skiing and Skating skill, they may skate through the ageing shacks. If the squad gets the
at a speed of up to 30mph (DC18). opportunity to search the site, they can discover
information vital not only to the mission but also
Collapse! to the general war effort.
The team must be wary of using explosives
within the Eiswichtlein tunnels, as they are HUT 1
extremely unstable. The ice walls have a Toughness The northwestern hut contains the majority of
of 10 and are susceptible to blunt damage (explo- documentation on the Soviet observations of the
sives count as blunt damage for these purposes). If creatures inhabiting ice tunnels to the northwest.
a single attack exceeds the tunnel wall’s Now the basis of the Nazi genetic experiments,
Toughness, it collapses causing a bury zone 30ft in these Yeti-like creatures were first discovered by
length. Heroes caught within the bury zone sustain the Soviets who uncovered a vast tunnel complex
2d6 damage and are buried. A victim buried by a within the ice while conducting routine field
collapse begins to suffocate (treat as though surveys. A character making a successful Notice
drowning) until either the victim himself or a roll (-1) can discover enough in half an hour to
rescuer can make a total of three Strength checks. locate the area in which these tunnels are
located. It requires a knowledge of Russian
THE ABANDONED SOVIET BASE however to discover what the Soviets knew.
Hanging on one wall are four pairs of skis and
several pairs of ice skates. A second successful
Originally a Soviet observation station, these Notice check (-2) discovers, hidden amongst the
four small huts were the Nazis’ original base of endless piles of papers, two basalt rune stones
operations when they arrived in Franz Josef (Hagalaz and Isa).
Land. They are now occupied by a group of Soviet
scientists and soldiers-the last of the team sta- HUT 2
tioned here when the Nazis seized the area. They This hut lies to the northeast and appears
are locked in and have no means of escape. Each empty, but a successful Notice check (-1)
metal hut has been crudely shuttered and barred reveals signs of a struggle; flecks of congealed
by the Nazis (Toughness 6, Blunt, Cutting) to blood splashed on the walls and floor, empty gun
contain the suffering Soviets. shells scattered about, and a needle and syringe
containing a blue liquid is hidden beneath the
When the Nazis discovered the tunnel remnants of a partially burned top secret Nazi
complex to the northwest, they hurriedly relocat- document. German speaking heroes can gain an
ed their operation there, leaving all but the most insight into the Nazi plans for the base (read or
important items behind in the abandoned base. distribute handout 1 page 35):
The huts are in disarray with the rapid departure
and subsequent blizzards have scattered what The syringe holds a sedative used to incapac-


itate men before they are taken to the ice lab in ing a successful Persuasion roll at -2) before
the ice tunnels of the Wichtlein fields. The they can find out any more information on the
Soviets are the preferred subjects and they have strange things going on here.
not always submitted peacefully.
Sedative: A hero afflicted by the sedative must Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6,
make a Vigor check (-1) or fall unconscious for Strength d6, Vigor d6
1d6 hours. Skills: Fighting d4, Guts d6, Notice d6,
Shooting d6, Stealth d6
HUT 3 Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Two Notice rolls (-1) are required in the south-
eastern hut to discern a pair of schematics hidden The Soviets are hostile when cornered and
among a large pile of magazines and Nazi propa- fight using any available weapon. There are iron
ganda. The first schematic is the design for the pro- pipes and chairs (damage 1d6-1) available for
totype of the cryo-pod used to finish recombination use in a melee. Only subduing or killing Pietr
and give birth to the crossbreeds. Every detail of Vechkinev relieves them of their will to fight.
construction is held within these blueprints; their
discovery is as important to the war effort in the The Soviets were all present before the Nazis
North as decoding the enigma machine itself! The invaded. They know of the existence of the long-
second series of diagrams are hurriedly drawn pic- boat, and the statue, and have learned of the
tures of some kind of large winch. Held below it is Nazis’ attempts to create a race of yeti-troop-
some kind of figure or statue. ers. The scientists were used to aid in the devel-
opment of the cryo-pods and are able to draw
HUT 4 the heroes a map of the main rooms in the ice
The final hut stands to the southwest. Held tunnel complex (see Map 4 on page 21). They
within these walls are four Soviets-the last sur- are petrified of the ghostly vehicle and believe
vivors of the seventeen-man Soviet observation it to be the work of the Blood Mage Gritz. The
station. The soldiers cower like beaten dogs in Soviets can also recount the countless nights of
this stink-ridden hut. If the team observed the terror from the ghostly raids of the dead
haunted vehicle arrive and did nothing to Norsemen, this they again believe to be the
prevent it, the vehicle leaves soon after with result of Gritz’s twisted work. The group is
three of the soviets. The last, Pietr Vechkinev, unaware of the Norsemen’s curse and of the
remains alone and attempts to hide from intrud- secret ice dock below the observation hill. As
ers. If the team somehow prevents the others far as they know, the Nazis plan to disassemble
from leaving then they encounter all four, the statue and fly it out of here.
huddled in a frightened group who plead with
them not to be the subjects of this madness. The At this point, the heroes may or may not
heroes must first gain the Soviet’s trust (requir- believe this theory. If they have looked inside the


cargo plane on the airstrip and read the docu- stands among a series of white tents and cam-
ments in the other huts, they may know the truth. ouflaged trucks (see map 5 on page 27).
If not, Shenk tries to convince them this is prob-
ably the Nazi plan, and tries to lead them to the If the heroes managed somehow to follow the
reanimant workers at the airstrip. ghostly jeep carrying the Soviet prisoners
without being detected, they arrive at the ice
THE ICE STATION station in time to witness five Nazi troopers greet
the truck and bundle the prisoners nervously into
the igloo. If the squad allows them to, the guards
The igloo spotted on the OSI’s aerial photo- take the Soviets to the underground lab for
graphs or from the top of the observation point experimentation. Assaulting the ice station


immediately means that there are four caged to Gritz and his twisted superiors.
crossbreeds and 27 Nazi guards patrolling the
tunnels and base. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice
If the squad has freed one or more of the
d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d8
Soviets, by the time they reach the ice station, Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7
disaster has befallen the Nazi outpost. Four of Gear: KAR-98K, Uniform, Magnetic Basalt
the crossbreed experiments have escaped their Dog Tags.
pods and rampaged through the compound. They Special Abilities:
are now prowling the tunnels seeking victims. As Claws: Str+2
the team enters the circle of trucks then they Fear -1: Anyone realizing what these
must make a Notice check (-2) to spot five Nazi beasts once were must make a Guts
guards, now dead and half-buried in the ice and check at -1.
Fearless: The crossbreeds are immune to
snow. The wounds on the bodies indicate severe
Fear and Intimidation.
lacerations from the crossbreeds’ large claws.
Weakness (Magnetic Sensitivity): If the
The team must use Stealth to avoid these mon- crossbreed is ever more than 10 feet from
strosities, who are always considered active a strong magnetic source (such as its
(using the stealth rules) as long as they remain basalt dog tag), must make a Vigor check
within the perimeter of the ice station. Failing a every 30 minutes or gain one fatigue level
Stealth check attracts one of these rogue cross- until the magnetic source is restored.
breeds (use the stats given below).
Using stealth wherever possible, the cross-
Bearing a thin coat of white fur, red eyes and breed troopers prefer surprise attacks using their
large sharp reptilian fangs, the new Crossbreed large pronounced claws.
troopers hunt in packs and are excellent tunnellers.
Heroes checking the back of each truck
Nazi Crossbreeds should not be surprised to find yet more mur-
These hideous experiments are a cross dered Nazis. The seven trucks contain a total of
between the Eiswichtlein and Gritz’s human sub- twenty-two Nazi troopers apparently killed in the
jects. Driven irredeemably insane by the proce- same manner. These Nazis were killed during a
dure, the things are savage and unpredictable. highly synchronized attack by the rogue cross-
The four that manage to escape tear the contin- breeds as the Nazis prepared to move out back to
gent of German guards at the ice station to the Soviet Base. One truck also contain a large
pieces and still prowl the tunnels looking for metal cage holding a seriously injured Great
food for days following their escape. Dr Eiswichtlein for use in Gritz’s experiments.
Gondegaard’s expertise could be used to stabi-
lize and speed up the process and make the ‘Jenny’-rator
creatures easier to control-hence his importance Situated adjacent to the igloo is a large elec-


trical generator contained in a wooden cage. THE ICE LAB

The generator is about eight feet tall and diesel
If the heroes descend the ice stair to the lab,
powered. This noisy contraption hisses and
they are witness to a grisly sight of the Nazi
strains in the freezing temperatures, suggesting
at any minute it may fail. The wooden cage has
a hinged door that is stuck and locked A scene similar to Dr. Frankenstein’s lab-
(Toughness 6, Blunt, Cutting). If the squad gains oratory greets your eyes-only this is no
access to the generator they may make a fiction and the setting is an ice cave!
Smarts roll (-1) to determine how to operate the Several crude cryogenic booths with lots
contraption. If successful, they may then shut of wires and valves stand in one corner;
in the foreground is a table with a dis-
down and start up the generator when they
tressed Soviet trooper strapped to it.
choose. The generator is of British design and
Wires and tubes pass though his skin, his
has its serial number and nickname ‘Jenny’ hands are beginning to resemble claws
carved into its iron frame. Jenny services the and his skin has begun to grow thick
lighting and cryo-pods in the lab. A successful white hair. To one side of the table stand
Notice check (-1) uncovers the electrical two Nazi scientists watching impassively
cables running from Jenny just beneath the as the subject writhes in agony, his
snow and into the igloo. These cables pass muscles straining against the restraining
along the tunnel ceiling and supply power to the straps.
lab. There are several flickering light bulbs
along its length. The leader of the Nazi mission in the Arctic, SS
Obersturmbannfuhrer Gritz, stands out of sight
If the crossbreeds have not dispatched the overseeing the latest experiment. The squad
German guards, a group of four guards can usually cannot see him until they fully enter the cave lab-
be found huddled around the shuddering machine- oratory. Gritz the SS commander has long been
it is one of the warmer places in the station! immersed in his perverted experiments and has
now become his own ghastly creation. He is con-
THE IGLOO sumed by the desire to create a super race of
crossbreed soldiers, combining the genetic mate-
Investigation of the igloo reveals a series of
rial of the Eiswichtlein with that of humans.
rooms (see Map 5 on page 27) carved from
Systematically working on every potential subject
blocks of ice. Each room is low (with only a little
left on the base, Gritz is completely mad. Each day
more than 4’ of headroom) and has a large block
he and his fanatical scientists create and gestate
of ice as a workbench or operating table, some
another soon-to-be crossbreed. But the shock of
stained with blood. A plethora of abandoned
seeing his experiments is nothing compared to
instruments such as microscopes, cameras, and
the shock of seeing the SS officer himself.
laboratory equipment fills each chamber.
Opposite the entrance to the igloo, a tunnel leads Stepping from the shadows is a vision
to the underground lab via a rough ice stair. straight out of a nightmare wearing the


uniform of an SS officer. The officer is a hence his terrifying appearance.

grotesque monster with white body hair, Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit
huge serpentine fangs and the eyes of a d12, Strength d6, Vigor d8
snake. He holds up a book of magic in Skills: Fighting d6, Healing d8, Intimidation
one hand and a rune stone in the other. It d10, Knowledge (arcane) d8, Notice d8,
is a hideously insane sight. Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Spellcasting
d8, Stealth d8
Gritz is utterly mad. He is only aware of the Charisma: -1; Pace: 6; Parry: 5;
squad if they fail a Stealth roll in the Ice Lab or Toughness: 7
Gear: Walther PPK, (2 magazines, 30 rounds
alert him to their presence by sabotaging ‘Jenny’
of 9mm ammo), Serum, Sedative, Magnetic
(cutting the power to the lights and electrical
basalt dog tags, Runes and Spell book (con-
equipment in the lab), killing Nazis or generally tains directions for rune use to create the
blowing things up! Seeing the monstrous cross- following spells: Barrier (Algiz), Healing
breed requires a Guts check at -2. (Berkana), Blast (Hagalaz), Detect/Conceal
Arcana (Isa), Light (Kenaz), Obscure
THE PROCEDURE (Laguz), Puppet (Mannaz reversed),
Gritz casts a boosted version of Shape Change
Quickness (Raidho), Boost/Lower Trait
on the subject, while his scientists administer
Edges: Arcane Background (Blood Magic),
the green formula to a human patient. The spell Command,
uses 2 Power Points and does just enough to Special Abilities:
begin the transformation on a cellular level Claws: Str +1
giving the serum time to act causing permanent Fear -2: Anyone witnessing the hideous
change. The total time for transformation is 24 Gritz and his mutated body must make a
hours, during which time the subject is placed in Guts check at -2.
a sealed cryo-pod that cools the body while Spells: Gritz has 20 Power Points and can
cast any spell in his spell book. All Gritz’s
administering smaller amounts of the green
trappings are dark and twisted and have
formula as a gas. After 24 hours there is a 25%
a vaguely biological edge to them.
chance the subject dies. Gritz wants Gondegaard Weakness (Magnetic Sensitivity): If the
to help him speed up the process and standard- crossbreed is ever more than 10 feet from
ize the results so he need not have to use spells a strong magnetic source (such as its
or the cryo-pods. basalt dog tag), must make a Vigor check
every 30 minutes or gain one fatigue level
GRITZ WAFFEN until the magnetic source is restored.
Veteran SS Blood Mage
Completely deranged and fanatically
devoted, Gritz is the commander of the Nazi This is a necessarily simplistic version of
forces in Franz Josef Land and is adept at Rune Magic for use in Savage Worlds. It
the dark arts. He has even performed some serves for the purposes of this mission, but
of his experimental techniques on himself, is not the official line on Runes in the Weird


Wars world. For that, see the forthcoming making a break for it to the ice dock.
WWII official Savage Setting from Great
White Games, which should cover the If the team follows Gritz into the tunnels, there
matter more thoroughly.
follows a tense hunt in the dark. The Great
Eiswichtlein are down here too, hoping to rescue
Gritz attempts to complete the spell even when
their wounded kin from the trucks. Also loose in
confronted. Once alerted, Gritz orders his scien-
the tunnels are the four rogue crossbreeds that
tists to release the locks on all of the occupied
cryo-pods (seven in all) and the crossbreeds escaped earlier, wandering the twisting pas-
revive within two rounds. Cutting the power gives sageways crazed and bloodthirsty. Gunfire,
the heroes an edge as the pods remain sealed bloodshed and light attracts the creatures
and they gain a +2 bonus to Stealth rolls as the meaning any showdown with Gritz is likely to be
lab is plunged into darkness. Should this happen, a bloody one!
Gritz stops and attempts to Obscure. The scien-
tists try to close in and inject their foes with the Beware of grenades here. If the team attempts
blue sedative. If their attempts fail, Gritz turns to use them and Shenk is present he warns them
and runs for the ice tunnels, where he hopes to that there is a good chance of blowing a hole
pick off the team of intruders one at a time before right through the pack ice and drowning them


all! This is, in fact, very unlikely, but Shenk is slide the squad must specifically search the base
trying to protect Gritz and wait for his moment. of the hill area to the southwest of the Soviet huts
The team could bring down the roof with the for at least one hour. A successful Notice check
careless use of explosives, however (see the (-2) reveals evidence of heavy tracks in the ice
section entitled ‘Collapse!’ on page 19). and debris from what must be controlled explo-
sions. Further investigation reveals evidence of a
It is at this point that, in the confusion, the landslide of snow, mud and ice. If the heroes
treacherous Shenk shows his true colors, turns succeed a second Notice check (-1) they notice
on the heroes and attempts to capture a 4’ hole in the snowy wall that leads into a con-
Gondegaard for Gritz. If he ever finds himself cealed tunnel of ice. The tunnel passes through
alone with a character in the dark, he attacks. If the landslide and into the large tunnel-the ice
he is with a group, he bides his time. If the slide.
opportunity arises to cause misdirection and
confusion, he takes it in an effort to split up the THE ICE SLIDE
team until he finds himself alone with The discovery of the natural semi-submerged
Gondegaard. His mission is to get the Doctor cavern in the hill gave the Nazi commander an
onboard the sub and safely back to the Fuhrer by idea for removing the statue without dismantling
whatever means necessary. it. Forcing his men to work in sub-zero condi-
tions Gritz dug a short tunnel into the rock con-
necting with the subterranean cavern. The Nazis
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, dragged the statue down the slope on a ‘slide’ of
Strength d4, Vigor d6 ice. Once attached to the two winches the Nazis
Skills: Fighting d4, Guts d6, Knowledge
could move the statue easily into position onto
(Science) d10, Notice d6, Stealth d6
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5 the U-boat that would transport it back to the
Gear: Serum, Sedative (see page 20), Fuhrer.
Medical Kit.
When the squad enters this natural cavern they
If the Soviets were taken from the Observation discover Gritz’s plan for removing the statue.
Base then they lie bound and unconscious upon
a slab of ice behind the madman Gritz. The vast natural cavern before you is
dimly lit by a waning artificial light. You
stand on a crude wooden platform above
THE ICE DOCK a pool of icy water. Before you there
floats a barnacle-ridden Nazi U-boat
sitting half-submerged in the icy waters.
Access to the ice dock requires the heroes to The aged submarine is readying to depart
either discover the ice slide (see below) or climb the arctic with the Fuhrer’s prize occult
up to the observation tower and discover Gritz’s find; a giant statue (approximately 40 feet
Ladder (see Map 5 on page 27). To find the ice in length) harnessed to the hull.


The statue is made of a hard grayish Suddenly you hear footsteps on the icy
material resembling basalt and depicts a floor and German voices echo in the
huge alien monster. Its form is a demonic cavern.
horned humanoid with long legs and
oversized arms by its side. Its five fingers After creating the giant winches in this natural
are thin and end in wicked talons. The cave beneath the observation hill, Gritz has left
creature has a slender forked tail. The
his Lieutenant, Schwer, to oversee the ren-
statue is harnessed by a host of materials
ranging from ropes to metal straps. dezvous with the U-Boat. Map 5 displays the
Towering almost thirty feet above the site’s features and should be used by the War
platform are two metal winches obviously Master to direct the squad’s assault on the U-
used to position the relic on the U-boat. Boat.


LIEUTENANT SCHWER If the heroes rely instead on surprise, success-

ful Stealth rolls are again required to allow the
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d6,
Strength d4, Vigor d8 squad to assume positions encircling the Nazi
Skills: Fighting d4, Guts d6, Knowledge guards. If successful, the squad gains the
(Science) d10, Notice d6, Stealth d6, element of surprise and starts the combat on
Shooting d6 hold. Each guard must make a Notice check or he
Edges: Nerves of Steel is not dealt a card for the first round of combat.
Hindrances: Loyal (to Gritz)
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5 U- 63
Gear: Walther PPK, (2 magazines, 30 rounds
of 9mm ammo)

WAFFEN SS VETERAN The Germans scuttled this old World War I

medium-range sub at the end of WWI. Almost
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, twenty years later the Fuhrer ordered a secret
Strength d4, Vigor d6
operation to locate and raise the boat.
Skills: Fighting d4, Guts d6, Notice d6,
Stealth d6, Shooting d8 Following a macabre ritual the ghostly vessel
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5 now haunts the seas of the world running
Gear: Gewehr 43; 40 rounds of ammo, errands of the weird and occult for the Nazi
helmet, uniform, 2 stiehlhandgranate leader. The original captain of the U-boat suf-
(grenades) fered a mutiny just prior to the boat’s scuttling
and the crewmen are now cursed to remain
If the squad tries to infiltrate the U-Boat by loyal to his last remaining symbol of authority:
deceit, they gain a +4 bonus to Persuasion his captains hat. The bearer of this cap com-
checks if Shenk is present and has yet to tip his mands them without fear of question. Should
hand. Conversely if there are any Soviets now in the cap not be worn for any length of time, the
the squad, there is a -4 penalty to the check. If crew is thrown into confusion and disappears
Shenk gets Gondegaard aboard, he reveals into the very fabric of the submarine until such
himself to be a double agent and the characters time as it is worn again.
are in big trouble. They are thrown into the brig
and must orchestrate an escape.
If the team attempts to sneak aboard, they must Acc/Top Speed: 5/30; Climb: 10; Toughness:
each make a successful Stealth check (-2). Each 12 (4); Crew: 25
Nazi guard marked on Map 5 can be subdued Cost: Military only
beyond the sight of another provided the squad
chooses the correct route through the dock. For
the purposes of Stealth rolls, all the guards are
considered active-they are rightly afraid of the The phantoms of the U-boat sailors are
wrath of their monstrous commander. numerous but largely passive. They are instantly


obedient to anyone wearing the captains cap, Once aboard the submarine the squad must
and violently oppose anyone who threatens the secure the bridge and its officers. Use the stats
captain. above for each armed officer. If the squad cap-
tures at least two officers, they gain a +4 bonus
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, towards a Persuasion roll (-1) in persuading the
Strength d6,
ghostly sailors to surrender. Capturing the
Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidate d12+2, Kommandant (captain) and wearing his old
Notice d12, Taunt bloodstained WWI hat gives the wearer complete
d10, Stealth d12+4, Throwing d12 control over the ghostly crew. Refer to diagram
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 below to monitor the characters’ passage
Gear: Thrown objects (Str+1) through the U-Boat. Locked hatches are almost
Special Abilities impregnable (Toughness 14, Blunt, Cutting) and
Ethereal: Ghosts are immaterial and can require the cooperation of the ghostly sub-
only be harmed by magical attacks. mariners before they can be opened.
Fear -2: Ghosts cause Guts checks at -2
when they let themselves be seen. 1. Conning Tower The hatch is open but is sealed
two combat rounds after the Kommandant is
U-BOAT OFFICER alerted to the heroes’ presence.
Novice 2. Control Room All four officers man the control
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d4, room at this time. Securing this area allows
Strength d6, Vigor d6 the heroes to communicate with each other
Skills: Boating d6, Fighting d4, Notice d6, throughout the ship, and steer and navigate
Shooting d6, Stealth d4 the sub. The periscope is operational.
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 3. Chief’s Quarters Hidden behind a painting of
Edges: Command the Fuhrer is a locked safe. Only the
Gear: Walther PPK, (2 magazines, 30 rounds Kommandant and the ExO know the combina-
of 9mm ammo). Maps and charts of the tion (4363). Held within are Hitler’s plans to
arctic and surrounding waters. use the power of the statue to continue his


acts of occult terror across North America the way of his unfinished redemption.
beginning with a coordinated assault by the 9. Galley The cook Rhudi busily prepares food for
crossbreed army through Canada. The code the four officers aboard. Various knives and
name for the operation is Ice Fang. Also here utensils adorn the galley. The stoves here are
is an enigma codebook, another rune stone old and dangerous and inventive heroes can
(Laguz), and a consecrated Nazi Blood Flag. easily use them to start a fire. Once started,
The Kommandant also has a coded enigma the fire rips its way through the boat within
message for the Fuhrer. It explains his knowl- 1d20 rounds.
edge of a Norwegian plan to invade the Nazi 10.11 Engine Rooms Five ghostly engineers work
controlled Heavy Water plant at Vermark. The industriously and are never drawn from their
source of the information is the double agent posts.
Col. Fitch McSwain. (This should come as a 12. Maneuvering Room Without command from
great shock to the heroes and give them a the control room the three seamen here ran-
new mission to expose him on their return). domly patrol the aft areas of the boat.
Should the sub be allowed to sail the Nazis 13. Motor Room
receive this message within four hours. 14. Aft Torpedo Room
Finally there is a large quantity of the green
crossbreed formula in several glass jars The ‘Cold Devil’
along with a molecular diagram of its chemi- This huge statue carved from a single piece
cal composition-enough to allow Nazi scien- of highly magnetized basalt is over five thou-
tists to begin the crossbreed program on a sand years old! Once Weiss Island was at the
massive scale across Europe. center of a large alien colony that wor-
4-5. Washrooms. shipped a god from the stars. The survivors of
6. Crew Quarters As many as eight ghostly crew a wrecked spacecraft, these aliens could not
members are lounging on bunks, playing exist in temperatures above freezing and had
cards or reading unless they have been a highly developed navigational sense based
alerted to danger. upon an affinity with magnetism. The statue
7. Sounding Room The large hatch remains was their primary marker and place of
worship. The Great Eiswichtlein are descen-
locked from the inside. Three ghostly engi-
dants of these creatures and maintain a
neers always man this area.
degree of affinity with the relic. Any Great
8. Forward Torpedo Room The four torpedoes
Eiswichtlein or Nazi crossbreed gains a +2
are attended by seaman Baumann. Baumann
bonus to attacks and damage, and +4 to
is a tormented ghost. His mistake led to the
Notice checks when within fifty yards of a
jamming of a torpedo that caused the scut-
piece of the Cold Devil.
tling of U-63. Baumann is a ‘loose cannon’
and there is a 25% chance once per day that
he runs amok throughout the ship attempting THE COLD PRICE OF FAILURE
to manifest himself within the current ship’s
captain. Once in possession of the ship,
Baumann orders the crew to sail and sink the Much depends on the success of the squad’s
first ship they find. He is relentless and mission. At the very least, the Fuhrer is prevent-
attempts to stamp out anyone who stands in ed from getting his hands on an occult relic he


craves. Failure means this item has fallen into Fuhrer also gains the ability to send an army of
his hands and Nazi scientists are free to discov- loyal crossbreeds through Canada and into North
er the full range of its powers. America and the capability to create countless
ravenous soldiers. The Nazis will also be able to
Should the heroes allow the Nazi U-boat to thwart the mission to destroy the heavy water
escape with the formula and statue aboard, the plant and, as a result, may be the first to create


an atom bomb should the U-boat captain pass on create a super race of soldiers. McSwain’s true
what he has learned! motive and allegiance should not be revealed
until the final chapter of the adventure. McSwain
Finally, if Shenk and McSwain are not appre- has called Shenk in to accomplish this task.
hended, there is no limit to the amount of
damage they may do to the allied war effort. LT. KELLY ORR
NCU Mountaineer Commando
A PPENDIX - K EY NPC S TATS AND Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Strength d6, Vigor d8
REFERENCE Skills: Climbing d8, Fighting d4, Guts d6,
Notice d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Survival
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 6
NPCS Edges: Arctic Fox, Mountaineer
COL. FITCH MCSWAIN Hindrances: Heroic
Gear: M1 Thompson (40 rounds of ammo)
Seasoned Double Agent cold weather clothing.
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d6,
Strength d4, Vigor d6 Lt. Orr is an American far from home. He is tall
Skills: Fighting d4, Guts d6, Intimidation d6, and dark-skinned. Orr’s involvement in the OSI
Knowledge (Military) d10, Notice d6,
began when he was stationed in the Pacific
Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d6
during the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Whilst on
Charisma: +1; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Rank: SS-Sturmbannfuhrer (Major) leave the Lieutenant witnessed a Japanese Zero
Edges: Chameleon, Connections pilot use rune stones in a ritual that caused his
Hindrances: Overconfidant downed plane to be obscured by a wall of fog and
Gear: Webley pistol (30 rounds of ammo). mist. Orr killed the pilot and revealed the hidden
plane to his superiors who in turn sent him to
Col. McSwain is the most senior Nazi agent in Scotland to work with a special Norwegian unit
the British Armed Forces. As such, he is the under the control of the OSI. Now a veteran of the
perfect man for making their operations in the unnatural, little impresses or surprises Orr.
Arctic run smoothly. He is greatly involved in
ensuring the Allies are unaware of the comings
and goings of the Fuhrer’s little trophies. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Climbing d4, Driving d4, Fighting d4,
Col. McSwain is a man with a lot to hide. His
Guts d6, Notice d6, Stealth d6, Shooting d6,
mission revolves around the capture of Dr. Survival d4, Taunt d6, Throwing d6, Tracking d6
Gondegaard. The Nazi commander Gritz has sent Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
word to McSwain that he needs the brilliant Edges: Arcane Resistance
Norwegian scientist in order to help his efforts to Hindrances: Loyal


Gear: No.4 Lee Enfield Rifle. (40 rounds of If questioned about his operations undercover
ammo) cold weather clothing. Shenk simply explains that his university position
allows him access to all kinds of sensitive occult
Cpl. McClure is a very short, ginger haired material and that currently he is supposed to be in
man who possesses an optimistic outlook on transit from Oslo accompanying fresh troops in
every situation. Blessed with a strong order to examine a strange new rock type.
Glaswegian accent, Doggy lives up to his nick-
name by ‘barking’ like a terrier when he DR. MIKEL GONDEGAARD
becomes nervous or irritated. An affectation Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d10, Spirit d6,
obtained from a close encounter with a Wehrwolf Strength d4, Vigor d6
whilst he was held captive in a Luftwaffe POW Skills: Fighting d4, Guts d4, Healing d6,
camp on the Rhine. Knowledge (Biology) d10, Knowledge
(Chemistry) d10, Notice d6, Stealth d6
Charisma: +1; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Despite this weird personality trait, Doggy is a
Edges: Arctic Fox, Scholar
personable fellow and is trustworthy. Hindrances: Vengeful
Gear: Medical kit, cold weather clothing.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Of Norwegian decent and allied to the British,
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Gondegaard is a lean man in his late forties. His
Skills: Fighting d4, Guts d6, Intimidation d8, parents were killed in an unexplained flash
Knowledge (Geology) d10, Notice d6,
flood at the turn of the century and the church
Persuasion d8, Stealth d6 Shooting d6
from infancy molded him. Dedicated to science
Charisma: +1; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Edges: Chameleon, Luck and genetics He despises the Third Reich and
Hindrances: Vengeful its abuse of all life. Gondegaard suspects the
Gear: Ausweiss (Nazi visa), German papers, Nazis of developing a serum that would create
University papers, detailed map of Nazi some kind of super trooper. Gondegaard is nat-
Base on Franz Josef Islands (He keeps urally unaware of Shenk and McSwain’s treach-
these secret and hidden), cold weather ery, but is suspicious about why he has been
clothing. chosen for the mission, as he is more of a
researcher than a field agent, though he is at
Sylvester Shenk is a blond-haired professor of home in the arctic climate. If he has reason to
Geology and holds tenure in the University of Bern. trust the PCs, he shares his concerns with
Although a Swiss national, Shenk was actually them.
born in Innsbruck, Austria. He knows Hitler well.
Shenk is a double-double agent, used by Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6,
McSwain to carry messages and equipment from Strength d4, Vigor d6
Scotland to his Nazi superiors in the Arctic Circle. Skills: Driving d6, Fighting d6, Guts d4,


Notice d6, Piloting d10, Stealth d6, Shooting d4 and self-worship. Make up some fantastic aerial
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 escapade for Shandler to regale whenever the
Edges: Ace opportunity arises, and have it get grander with
Hindrances: Loyal, Overconfident each telling! PCs should grow to dislike and
Gear: Webley Pistol, cold weather clothing. wrongly suspect him of possible treachery.

The Major’s big secret is that he has encoun-
tered a Great Eiswichtlein on a previous mission
to Norway. Edwards suspects the presence of the
beasts that gave him his facial scars. If ques-
tioned about his scars the Major is reticent to
discuss their origin unless a PC succeeds either
an Innuendo or a Charisma check (DC15).

Stats for Major Edwards are of little use as he

is adamant he stays behind.


Acc/Top Speed: 5/20; Toughness: 14 (2);
Crew: 1+10; Cost: Military only
Acc/Top Speed: 5/15; Toughness: 14 (2);
Crew: 1+6; Cost: Military only
Ignore penalties for difficult ground.
7.92 Coax MG(1000 rounds)
Shandler is a brash young fool. Loud and
obnoxious he is, however the most honorable JUNKERS JU 252
man present. In the face of danger and adversity Acc/Top Speed: 10/100; Climb: 10;
Shandler just becomes more resolute and loyal. Toughness: 12 (2); Crew: 3
War Masters should ham-up Shandler’s bragging Cost: Military only



Since the extraction of the G blood-type by the Doctor, the

Fuhrer has demanded the recombination experiments begin immedi-
ately. The new wave of soldiers is to be our next best weapon in the
fight against the Soviets-how fitting that these initial tests
should require such intimate Soviet involvement! The attached
reports contain the medical information you requested, I hope this
new data will help you to expedite your research.

The high command demands the commencement of these tests imme-

diately. The crossbreeds must be able to travel further south
without dying. Their affinity with magnetic north is a handicap
and the invasion of North America depends upon it.

The process must also be accelerated. The pods are too slow and
the Fuhrer is impatient.





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System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Bruce R. Cordell, based
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Something old lies in the frozen wastes of
the arctic. Something older than the Soviet
research station and the Nazis who have
seized it. Something older even than the
Viking long ship frozen in place; a lasting
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Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons (R) Third Edition Core Books, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and Blood on the Rhine, published by
Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.
Requires the use of the Savage Worlds rulebook, published by Great White Games.

Legion Publishing, the Legion Publishing logo, Legionnaire, and all related characters and elements are trademarks of Legion Publishing.

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