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Talk about:

Who made the game

What the game is about
The objectives of the game
A rundown of how to play

[Title: Group 14 GDP A2, By Holly Wisdom, Rosanna Bowry and Isabella Manelli]
Welcome to Group 14’s GDP A2 Project Presentation.

[Visual: Cryptid pictures + Artist credit in BU Harvard format. Eye open and eye closed
visuals. Visual of the player cards + some of the action cards]
Our game, Cryptid Crisis had the base concept of a group of cryptids trying to stay under cover
from humans and stay unnoticed. To adapt it into a game, we decided on creating 6 player
cards based on Cryptids, as well as a total of 36 cards as part of a deck at a ratio of 1:2:3.

Cryptid Crisis is a game to be played by 3-5 players with cards. Each player has a Cryptid
player card, which decides the base Notice and ability that the player has.
[Visual: Player card + Arrows pointing at the mentioned resources]

To win, a player must end the game with as few Notice points as possible, and to lose, they
must end the game with 15 Notice.
Each turn, players draw a card from the deck. This can be a Positive card, which removes
Notice, a Negative Card, which grants notice to you or another player, a Neutral card, which
does nothing, or a Trap card, which can only be played against a specific Cryptid. If you draw a
trap card relating to your cryptid, you can use it to lose notice instead of gain it. Using a card or
an ability takes your turn.
[Visuals pointing to resources on the cards again]

There are also cryptid coins, which you can gain by being affected by a Negative card. A player
can gain up to 5 coins and use them to either remove notice from themselves or give another
player notice at the cost of 2 coins. For 5 coins, a player may swap Notice with another player.
Like using a card, using Cryptid Coins takes up a turn.
[Visuals pointing to cryptid coins on player cards and Action cards]

Black Shuck:
Myths and Folklore Wiki. n.d. Black Shuck. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 3 January 2022].

Dziekan, M., 2022. Fact or Fiction? A Guide to American Monsters. [online] Scout Life magazine.
Available at: <> [Accessed 3 January 2022].

Non-alien Creatures Wiki. n.d. Mothman. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 3 January 2022].

Jersey Devil: n.d. Jersey Devil - Wikipedia. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 3 January 2022].

Fresno Nightcrawlers:
Itsbloogr. 2018. Cryptid Sighting. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 3 January 2022].

MTGNexus. n.d. Ravenous Chupacabra by Daarken. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 3 January 2022].

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