2022-06-16 Calvert County Times

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Dunkirk Homicide Town Centers to Hart and jones

Suspect Arrested be reducded Spar at forum



2 The Calvert County Times Thursday, June 16, 2022



Hart, Jones Spar

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Thursday, June 16, 2022 The Calvert County Times Local News 3

Huntingtown, Prince
Frederick Town Centers to
be Reduced
McConkey Property to be Removed from Huntingtown
By Dick Myers Welker said,
Editor “There’s an
The Calvert County Board of County exemption pro-
Commissioners (BOCC) has initiated steps cess for school
to reduce the size of two town centers. At property out-
their June 7 meeting, the BOCC agreed to side priority
remove all properties on the east side of funding.”
Routes 2/4 from the Huntingtown Town The BOCC
Center and to also eliminate most of the Commissioner Kelly McConkey
thus decided
proposed Phase 2 expansion of the Prince to send to the
Frederick Town Center. planning commission the request to revert
The Huntingtown decision removes two the Huntingtown Town Center to its origi-
properties owned by Commissioner Kelly nal size. They also will discussion later this
McConkey that have been controversial month the decision to remove the contro-
since the original decision was made in a versial second phase expansion of Prince
3-2 vote in August of 2019. McConkey was Frederick which more than doubles its size.
one of the three votes, a fact that has led to However, there was some discuss about
a protracted ethics case and also was one of pitting two pieces of property on Stoakley
the reasons for a suit filed by Calvert Citi- Road adjacent to the town center from the
zens United against the 3-2 vote to adopt second phase to the first phase to allow for
the overall comprehensive plan. development.
McConkey was not at the June 7 meeting. Plummer-Welker said of the phase two
The three votes cast for putting the two expansion, “Some of it is residential. The
McConkey properties at the Cox Road in- college is over 70 acres; Barstow Elemen-
tersection in the town center also included tary is over 21 acres; highway maintenance
then Commissioner Tim Hutchins and is about 25 acres; the old landfill is 53 acres.
Commissioner Mike Hart. Chris Gadway So, of all the institutional owned, whether
was appointed when Hutchins resigned for it’s by the county or the community col-
health reasons. lege, or even Washington Gas and Electric,
At the June 7 meeting, Gadway said he
was at the meeting at which the Hunting-
town decision was made in 2019. “I really
or one of the churches, there’s 196 and a
half acres of land that’s not residential.”
Gadway said, “If we were to eliminate
Bowen's Grocery
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appreciate everything that happened at that that phase two portion of the expansion,
meeting because the next morning I woke I really think that from what some people The Charm and Quality of the Past with the Convenience and Variety of Today
up and realized that I wanted to be a county say, it may in fact allow the Prince Fred- USDA Choice Beef
commissioner at zero desire before that.” erick sewer system to last for a substan-
Gadway added, “On that day, I would
probably be willing to tell you that I actu-
tially longer time, based on less dense de-
velopment on the Prince Frederick sewer
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ally had to spell check the word commis-
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The commissioners will also discuss
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anything about the job at that point.” when they bring back the Prince Rederick FULL LINE OF GROCERIES, MEAT, PRODUCE
The expanded Huntingtown Town Cen- Town center for discussion later this month,
ter also included the high school. And Hart whether the Dowell Peninsula should be Berger & Otterbein's Fresh MD Crab Meat
explained that was why he voted for it. included in an expansion of the Solomons
“We have resolved the worry about priority Town Center. Specialty Cookies Lump • Jumbo Lump
funding for the school, that we will still be
able to get all the funding that we need for
Hart said Lusby, Solomons and Dowell
are historically separate communities, and
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4 Local News The Calvert County Times Thursday, June 16, 2022

For personal Jones, Hart Spar at
Commissioner Forum
Jones Defends Actions in Fatal Accident Case

personal injury
& car crashes
Mike Hart Steve Jones
By Dick Myers tragic event for the family, the com-
Editor munity, and all those who are involved.
A forum for county commissioner I am sure that some are still suffering.
candidates June 8 at the Dunkirk fire- What I did do was I went to the affected
house featured a testy exchange be- personnel, and I got them to the appro-

tween 1st District candidate Steve Jones priate help that they needed. So why am
and incumbent Mike Hart. I being slandered by the District One
After Hart made an opening state- commissioner? Because I filed to run
ment, Jones started the sparring match for county commissioner. He would

by blasting Hart. He said, “My name’s rather talk about this case than his re-
been slandered throughout this county. cord or the new apartment complex that

lexington park, maryland

I’m going to read this statement. On Oc- will be built directly next to his liquor
tober 29th, 2019, at approximately 4:30 store. Commissioner, you have single
p.m. a young lady who was walking on handedly victimized this family yet
Dares Beach Road was tragically killed again. And for what? Because you are
by a motorist. The driver was an off- afraid of losing an election.”
duty deputy who is no longer employed Hart responded, “That is low class.
by the sheriff’s office. I was off duty at That is low class. That’s a family out
home and was contacted by both Sher- there. This is not the place for some-
iff Evans and Lieutenant Colonel Dave thing low class like that. That’s exactly
McDowell, who were at the scene and right. It’s low class and there’s no place
advised me to go to the sheriff’s office. for this.”’
I was advised of the death and that the Someone from the audience shouted,
deputy may have consumed alcohol. “It’s the truth, commissioner,” at which
I was advised to take no action as the point moderator Dunkirk Area Con-
state police was handling the case. I cerned Citizens Association (DAC-
followed orders given. CA) President J.P. Sherkus cut off the
“I arrived at the office approximately debate.
an hour after this incident occurred. The fatal accident involving former

FRIDAY, JUNE 17 | 6 - 9 P.M.

While at the office, the trooper in deputy Joseph Magliaccio in which
charge consulted the state’s attorney’s Leah Clark was killed has been explo-
office and his commander. I was not sive in the campaigns for both county
privy to that conversation. The trooper commissioner and sheriff. Magliaccio
FEATURING: in charge transported the deputy to the was found not guilty of six criminal
hospital for a blood test, and they re- charges in a jury trial earlier this year.
The Kelly Bell Band turned sometime later.” He had been indicted by the grand jury
Jones went on to say about Hart, on negligent manslaughter with an au-
Joseph Brotherton “The District One commissioner has tomobile. He was found guilty of negli-
Carly Harvey stated that I was on the scene of this ac-
cident and that I gave orders. I gave no
gent driving and speeding.
After the verdict, Sheriff Mike Evans
Sharón Clark orders to anyone nor was I on the scene.
The District One commissioner stated
issued a statement apologizing for the
way his agency handled the incident.
that I gave the deputy water. I did not, Also after the verdict, family and
nor did I see anyone give him water, other supporters of Leah Clark held a
although I heard that that may have oc- rally on the steps of the sheriff’s office
curred. The District One commissioner and threatened suit.
told at least one county employee, this As of this time, however, it does not
is a leader of our county government, appear as if any suit has been filed.
that I had blood on my hands from this Calls for comment to the Clark fam-
case and that I was somehow respon- ily’s attorney Larry Cumberland of the
FESTIVAL DETAILS AT: sible for this accident. None of these Cumberland & Erly Prince Frederick
statements are true and the District law firm were not returned.
WWW.SMCM.EDU/MULBERRY One commissioner knows it.” dickmyers@countytimes.net
Jones went on to say, “This was a
Thursday, June 16, 2022 The Calvert County Times Local News 5

DC Man Arrested in
Dunkirk Homicide Here for
By Dick Myers Yancey had fled the
Editor area.
Calvert County Sheriff’s Office deputies As of press dead-
on June 14 located and apprehended mur- line no additional
der suspect Terrence Kenneth Yancey, 22, information was
of Washington, DC, wanted in connection forthcoming from
with a homicide that occurred June 13 in
the sheriff’s office.
A spokesperson
Pursue your
The incident occurred around 3 a.m. at Terrance Kenneth said notifications hobby, indulge in
a home in the Shores of Calvert neighbor-
hood at the end of Lyons Creek Road, in
of next of kin were
still outstanding for
free entertainment,
the area of Rivershore Dr/Overlook Ct., the victim and discussions were pending seek self-
according to information released by the with the state’s attorney.
sheriff’s office. Check with The Calvert County Times
An immediate manhunt ensured involv- Facebook page for up-to-date information
ing a state police helicopter and residents on this continuing story. Feel the joy
were initially urged to shelter in place. dickmyers@countytines.net of discovery.
Later it was reported it was believed that

County Enters Final Year

Visit your
public library

to reconnect.

Causes Future Budget Uncertainty

By Dick Myers does not know at this point what that as-
Editor sessment will be. And since the property
It’s called the PILOT or Payment in Lieu can be depreciated, the value will be less in
of Taxes. Also known as the Dominion PI- subsequent years. Books Music Movies Events for All Ages Computers
LOT, after the original owner of the Cove The uncertainty has made it hard for the Free Wi-Fi Meeting Space DIY & Hobby Resources
Point Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) facil- county to know how much to budget and
ity in Lusby. The plant is now operated by that uncertainty had caused the commis-
BHE GT&S, a standalone subsidiary of sioners heartburn and a propensity to bud-
Berkshire Hathaway Energy, one of invest- get conservatively. OurCalvert.org
ing magnate Warren Buffet’s companies. The final year of the PILOT in the up-
The PILOT has been a cash cow for Cal- coming fiscal year that begins July 1 co-
vert County government over the last five incides with the end of federal economic
years, with a payment of more than $60 stimulus money. Add to that the overall
million in the first full year after the plant
went operational. The final year is expected
economic instability of runaway inflation,
and FY 2024 year could be an especially Need help?
to net $62,785,000 lean year for county government.
But that is all about to end. Deputy
County Administrator Linda Vassallo was
According to BHE GT&S, “Located
in Lusby, Maryland, Cove Point LNG is
Get connected!
involved in negotiating the PILOT when the second largest LNG export facility in
she was economic development director. In the continental United States, and is the
response to a request for information about first such facility on the East Coast.  It is
the PILOT, Vassallo supplied the following recognized as one of the most technically
statement to the county Times: advanced and environmentally sensitive
“The Cove Point BHE GT&S LNG fa- LNG facilities in the world. While work-
cility is currently under a PILOT (payment ing at the forefront of America’s energy in-
in lieu of taxes) and tax credit with Calvert dependence, LNG from the facility is also
County Government. used to supplant coal-burning power plants
“Calvert County entered into the PILOT and otherwise support energy needs in 28
agreement in November 2013. The terms of different countries, playing a role in reduc-
the PILOT agreement included a one-time ing global emissions. 
payment in Fiscal Year 2018 of $25 million, “The Cove Point LNG Terminal has a
which the county received in January 2018. storage capacity of 14.6 billion cubic feet
Upon completion of the five-year PILOT, (BCF) and a daily send-out capacity of 1.8
Dominion Cove Point LNG facility will re- BCF.  The terminal connects, via its own
ceive 42 percent relief on real and personal
property taxes for nine years. At the end of
pipeline, to the major Mid-Atlantic gas
transmission systems of Transcontinental
A hub for
the tax relief period, the facility becomes
taxable at 100 percent of its value.
Gas Pipeline, Columbia Gas Transmission
and Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage. 
local resource
“As of June 6, 2022, there is no con-
tract being negotiated, or re-negotiated,
“The Cove Point facility is unique among
U.S. LNG terminals for its operational flex- information.
between BHE GT&S and Calvert County ibility and demonstrated ability to perform
Government.” all the functions of an LNG facility, includ-
The county will thus be receiving 56 per- ing import, export, vaporization and send
cent of whatever the property at the Cove out, and liquefaction.”
Point facility is assessed by the state begin- dickmyers@countytimes.net
ning in Fiscal Year 2024, but the county
6 Local News The Calvert County Times Thursday, June 16, 2022

Curry Bids Farewell on His Retirement

By Dick Myers Curry recalled, “When I moved Learning Focused.”
Editor to Calvert County in 2014, I was • “ We’ve had several four-year
After a 48-year career in educa- surprised that no schools had sur- employee union contracts where
tion and 815 school board meet- veillance cameras and security in previous year, there were
ings, Calvert County Superinten- cameras. And so, we started mov- sometimes one year at a time or
dent of Schools Dr. Daniel Curry ing on that and all of our schools two years at a time.”
attended his last on June 16 before have security cameras now.” • “ We established the Calvert
retiring on July 1. Curry also reported that Chief County Education Foundation,
Curry talked about safety in his Financial Officer Edith Hutchins which never existed before, a
final address to the board. He not- was retiring in August after 30 concept that I brought with me
ed a number of investments and years and her replacement will from my previous work.”
training in school safety in the be on the agenda for the new Curry added, “Hiring good peo-
past few years, including,”: superintendent. ple, always leads to good work.
• “ Electronic access control sys- Curry has been a superinten- And I can’t say enough about how
tem completed in 2014; it cost dent for 34 years in five school our team responded to COVID in
about $400,000.” districts. “This board and I we’ve particular.”
• “ Vandal resistant glazing on the worked well together and I’m Noting the recently completed
glass completed in 2015. That proud of many of the things we’ve high school graduations, Curry
cost about $300,000.” been able to accomplish,” he said, Dr. Daniel Curry said he had signed 24,000 diplo-
• “ Guided vestibule improve- including: mas in his career.
ments completed at a cost of • “ When I first came here, we back steps.” “The best part of the job for me
$1.2 million. And that means were behind four steps and sala- • I mplementing the “Future has been relationships, especially
when they come in the front ries, and the county folks said, Ready” technology rollout for getting in schools. I was at Beach
door, they still don’t have access well, that’s just the new normal. every child to have a laptop Elementary yesterday, standing in
to classroom space. They’re in a And we continued to push. And when the pandemic hit. a first-grade door talking to the
vestibule and they are contained we developed a good relation- • “ We developed a strategic plan teacher and a child just jumps up
within there.” ship with the board of county that has been our guide for our out of her chair and comes over
• “ We have also done a lot of in- commissioners. It led to a fund- work.” and gives this guy a hug. And to
terior classroom hardware and ing formula, and we have been • “ For the last few years, we fo- me, that’s payday.”
doors.” able to catch up on all of our cused on the best research based dickmyers@countytimes.net
instructional practices known as

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Thursday, June 16, 2022 The Calvert County Times Local News 7

County to Use Federal County Announces

Monies for Highlands Juneteenth Schedule
Sewer Study The Calvert County Board of County
Commissioners announces county offices
will be closed on Monday, June 20, 2022,
The Calvert Marine Museum and Mu-
seum Store will be open with normal
hours on Monday, June 20.
Decision Averts Need for Special Tax District in observance of Juneteenth. In addition: The Linda L. Kelley Animal Shel-
The Appeal Solid Waste Facility, which ter and Animal Control Division will
By Dick Myers includes the landfill and transfer station, be closed on Monday, June 20. An ani-
Editor and all county customer convenience cen- mal control officer will be available for
The Calvert County Board of ters will be open with normal operating emergencies.
County Commissioners (BOCC) hours. All community centers will be closed
has agreed to fund an engineer- The Solomons Septage Receiving Fa- on Monday, June 20.
ing study for sewer service to the cility will be open on Monday, June 20 All recreation parks including Dunkirk,
Highlands community, which is with normal operating hours. Hallowing Point and Cove Point parks
partially in the town of Chesa- The Water & Sewerage billing and will be open with normal hours.
peake Beach and partially in the customer service office will be closed on Chesapeake Hills Golf Course will be
county. The decision averts the Monday, June 20. open on Monday, June 20, with normal
need for the creation of a special Calvert County’s senior centers will hours.
tax district which would have be closed and Meals on Wheels will not Flag Ponds Nature Park, Battle Creek
levied a fee of $1,342 to the own- be delivered on Monday, June 20. Shelf- Cypress Swamp and Kings Landing Park
ers of every improved lot in the stable meals were distributed in advance. will be open with regular hours of op-
subdivision. Meal delivery will resume on Tuesday, eration. For a full nature park schedule,
At a recent public hearing on June 21. visit www.CalvertCountyMd.gov/1505/
the proposal to create a special There will be no county bus service on Park-Hours.
tax district, homeowners report- Monday, June 20. Regular service will re- Edward T. Hall Aquatic Center will
ed failing septic systems and the sume on Tuesday, June 21. be open with normal operating hours on
need for public sewer. But some The Calvert County Board of Elections Monday, June 20. 
residents also expressed reserva- office will be closed Monday, June 20. Cove Point Pool will be open Monday,
tions about their ability to pay the Calvert Library locations will be closed June 20 from noon to 5:45 p.m.
tax. Director of Public Works Kerry Dull Monday, June 20, and will reopen at 9 Breezy Point Beach & Campground
At the BOCC June 14 meeting, a.m. on Tuesday, June 21. Downloadable will be open Monday, June 20.
the commissioners were told by Kerry Dull that those tax districts
were for roads, which have per- materials and virtual services are avail- Press Release from Calvert County
staff that leftover federal monies able 24/7 at calvertlibrary.info. government.
were available from the pandemic petual needs.
rescue plan to pay for the cost of Dull said a tax district to con-
the study, estimated at $313,873 struct the sewer system would be
plus a 10 percent contingency. The a one-time need.
“We really need to be careful,”
Visit facebook.com/CalvertCountyOfficeonAging
monies would go to the Highlands
Homeowners Association to con- Hart said about a potential future
duct the study. taxing district to pay for the sew-
er system. “People need to know
After the study is complete and
the cost for the sewer project is es- what this ask is.”
tablished, it would then be decid- Commissioner President Buddy
ed whether to create a tax district Hance noted the decision was a
to pay for it. one-time situation based on the O
There are 239 homes in the availability of federal funding and
subdivision. didn’t set a precedent for county
funding for some other proposal
Commissioner Mike Hart noted
the tax districts in Chesapeake in the future.
Ranch Estates and Drum Point The decision to use the federal
were originally intended to last rescue monies for the Highlands
for five years but have been ex- engineering study was unanimous
tended several times. But it was from the five commissioners. Calvert County Calvert County Office on Aging

3k followers . 300 following
Office on Aging

noted by Director of Public Works dickmyers@countytimes.net

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Thursday, June 16, 2022 The Calvert County Times Local News 9

What’s Coming to Calvert

The following list of pending site vard, Dunkirk on 2.66 acres, Zoned posed nine, 2-story townhomes total- parcel, consisting of 100.368 acres.
plans was presented to the Calvert Dunkirk Town Center. Proposed ing approximately 7,560 square feet. Zoned RCD, Tier III. As this project
County Planning Commission at their 10,395 square foot building for com- The submittal was accepted April is in Tier III, a public hearing is re-
May 18 meeting. That means that the mercial retail space with parking and 27, 2022. Agent: Collinson, Oliff & quired prior to preliminary approv-
proposals are on the list for consider- site improvements. This project is on Associates al. Submittal accepted December
ation by the planning commission at private water and sewer. The sub- 12) CSPR-142828, Magnolia 16, 2020. Agent: Collinson, Oliff &
a future meeting. The meeting was in mittal was accepted July 28, 2021. Ridge West, located at Armory Road Associates
a hybrid form, both virtually and in Agent: Bay Engineering and Dares Beach Road, Prince Fred- 3) CSD-2020-090, Bowen’s Pride
person at the Harriet E. Brown Com- 6) SPR-142728, Lusby Villas, lo- erick, on multiple parcels totaling Section II, Lots 1-12, located on N.
munity Center (HEBCC), 901 Dares cated at 11770, Lusby Parkway, Lus- 24.497 acres, zoned Prince Freder- Solomons Island Road in Hunting-
Beach Road, Prince Frederick. by on 26.23 acres, Zoned Lusby Town ick Town Center, New Town Dis- town, within one-mile buffer of
1) SPR-2018-286, Calvert Gate- Center, Village Residential Office trict. Proposed approximately 91,000 Prince Frederick Town Center. 12
way, lot 4, located at 10825 Town District. Proposed 276 Multi-Family square feet creating 79 townhomes. lots proposed on one parcel, consist-
Center Boulevard, Dunkirk, on a 4.3- Apartment Units, community center, This project is on public water and ing of 34.32 acres. Zoned RCD/FFD,
acre lot, zoned Dunkirk Town Center. associated parking lots, utilities and sewer. The submittal was accepted Tier III. As this project is in Tier III,
Proposed 15,890 square foot build- related infrastructure. This project is April 27, 2022. Agent: Barrett & a public hearing is required prior to
ing for commercial retail space with on public water and sewer. The sub- Associates preliminary approval. Submittal ac-
parking and site improvements. This mittal was accepted September 22, 13) SPR-142830, Dominion Ener- cepted December 16, 2020. Agent:
project is on private water and sewer. 2021. Agent: Barrett & Associates gy Regional Park, located on South Barrett & Associates
The submittal was accepted Decem- 7) CSPR-142742, Magnolia Ridge, Solomons Island Road, Lusby, on 4) CSD-2021-097 Lusby Villas,
ber 19, 2018. Agent: Bay Engineering located at the corner of Dares Beach multiple parcels making up nearly Commercial Subdivision, Lot 1,
2) SPR-2020-315, Dunkirk Dis- Road and Fox Run Boulevard, Prince 180 acres, zoned Rural Community located on Lusby Parkway in Lusby.
trict Park-Tennis Courts/Park- Frederick on 31.20 acres, Zoned District (RCD), using public water One commercial lot proposed on
ing Lot, located at 10750 Southern Prince Frederick Town Center, Vil- and sewer. Phase 1 of the recreational one parcel consisting of 24.87 acres,
Maryland Boulevard, Dunkirk, on lage District. Proposed 96 multi-fam- park will consist of four (4) athletic Zoned Lusby Town Center, Village
one parcel consisting of 81.42 acres, ily apartment units and 164 town- fields, two (2) 860 square foot bath- Residential Office District, Tier I.
zoned Dunkirk Town Center. The house units with associated site im- room facilities, four (4) 900 square Submittal accepted February 24,
submittal proposes additional ameni- provements. This project is on public foot large pavilions, five (5) 225 2021. Agent: Barrett & Associates
ties and parking to the existing public water and sewer. The submittal was square feet small pavilions, one (1) 5) CSD-2021-201, Saint Pierre Es-
park. Scope of the project consists of accepted October 28, 2021. Agent: 4,025 square foot maintenance build- tates, located at 80 Toye Lane, Prince
three groups of tennis courts, park- Barrett & Associates ing and one (1) 4,025 equipment shed Frederick, on a 10.27 acre parcel,
ing lot and an ADA accessible rest- 8) CSPR-142795, Calvert Gateway (all measurements are approximate). zoned Residential District and entire-
room building in the back portion Business Center, Lot 12R, Retail The initial detail site design plan ly within one mile of the Prince Fred-
of the park. Also being proposed is Building ‘A’ located at 10380 Town (DSDP) was accepted April 27, 2022. erick Town Center. A Private Right-
a new on-site septic system, connec- Center Boulevard, Dunkirk, on a Agent: Collinson, Oliff & Associates. of-Way is proposed for five lots. This
tion to existing on-site water well and 4.04 acre lot, zoned Dunkirk Town The following Major Subdivision submittal was accepted November
site electrical service for lighting the Center. Proposed 15,493 square foot Proposed Project List for Upcoming 17, 2021. Agent: Wilkerson and As-
tennis courts and parking lot. The building for commercial retail space Review was also submitted at the sociates, Inc.
submittal was accepted October 28, with parking and site improvements. same meeting: 6) CSD-2022-109, Armory Towns
2020. Agent: WBCM This project is on private water and 1) SD-138121, Rebecca’s Field, located at 46 Armory Road, Prince
3) CSPR-138210, First Lutheran sewer. The submittal was accept- Lots 1-14, located on Cox Road, in Frederick, on two lots totaling 0.85
Church Addition, located at 6300 ed February 23, 2022. Agent: Bay Huntingtown, within one-mile buf- acres, zoned Prince Frederick Town
Southern Maryland Boulevard, Hun- Engineering fer of Huntingtown Town Center. Center, Old Town Transition District,
tingtown, currently on one parcel 9) CSPR-142807, 655 STR Gym- 14 lots, on one parcel, consisting of using public water and sewer. Pro-
consisting of 5.6 acres, zoned RCD. nastics & Dance, located at 655 Skin- 51.058 acres. Zoned RCD, Tier III. posed nine 2-story townhomes total-
An approved Replat with a second ners Turn Road, Owings, on multiple As this project is in Tier III, a public ing approximately 7,560 square feet.
parcel owned by the Church, will lots totaling 1.9 acres, zoned light in- hearing is required prior to prelimi- The submittal was accepted April
bring the total acreage to 8.1 for the dustrial (I-1), using private water and nary approval. Submittal accepted 27, 2022. Agent: Collinson, Oliff &
proposed project. The submittal pro- sewer. Proposed 10,800 square foot August 26, 2020. Agent: Collinson, Associates.
poses construction of a one story building for holding classes in gym- Oliff & Associates Information provided by Calvert
2,900 square foot addition with base- nastics (7,400sf) and dance (3,400sf). 2) CSD-2020-089 Wyatt’s Ridge, County Department of Planning and
ment to the existing church. Existing The submitted plan indicates a pos- located on Skinners Turn Road in Zoning.
classroom trailer will be removed sible address change due to dual road Owings. 24 lots proposed on one
upon completion of this project. The frontage. The submittal was accepted
submittal was accepted March 24, March 23, 2022. Agent: Wilkerson &

2021. Agent: Wilkerson & Associates Associates
4) CSPR-138218, Barstow Con- 10) CSPR-142813, County Admin-
venience Center, located at 340 istration Building Redesign located
Stafford Road, Prince Frederick on at 150 Main Street, Prince Frederick,
three separate parcels consisting of on a 6.17-acre lot, zoned Prince Fred-
83.07 acres, Zoned RCD/EC. The erick Town Center. Proposed 100,000
project proposes replacement of the square foot, three-story office build-
existing recycling center with a new ing on a partial basement. This plan
facility that includes improved cus- replaces CSPR138334 with a smaller
tomer parking, vehicular circulation building (100,000sf vs 113,325sf).
and separating public vehicles from
County vehicles. Site utilities will
The submittal was accepted March
23, 2022. Agent: Collinson, Oliff &
be connected to services currently Associates SERVING CALVERT COUNTY
supplying the existing maintenance 11) CSPR-142755, Armory Towns,
building. The submittal was accepted located at 46 Armory Road, Prince
County Times
June 23, 2021. Agent: WBCM Frederick, on two lots totaling 0.85
5) CSPR-138320, Dunkirk Gate- acres, zoned Prince Frederick Town THURSDAY & ONLINE AT
way Business Center, Lot 11, lo- Center, Old Town Transition District, St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County COUNTYTIMES.NET
cated at 10375 Town Center Boule- using public water and sewer. Pro-
10 Cops & Courts The Calvert County Times Thursday, June 16, 2022


During the week of May 30, 2022 – June 5, 2022, deputies of the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office responded to 1,592 calls for service throughout the community.

Theft:22-31329 pect damaged their vehicle’s side tal Lynn Magtutu, 34 of Prince der arrest and transported to the
On June 1, 202, Deputy DeSan- panel while parked outside the Frederick, Calvert County Detention Center
tis responded to the 1700 block of residence. The estimated value of MD, four pack- where she was charged with Tres-
Orwell Court in Prince Frederick, the damaged property is $25.00. ages of Sub- passing: Private Property.
MD for the report of a theft. The oxone strips
complainant advised her son’s bi- Theft: 22-32154 were found on On June 5, 2022, Deputy Aran-
cycle was stolen from the side of On June 4, 2022, Deputy Hen- Magtutu’s per- da conducted a traffic stop in
the residence sometime between drickson received report of a son. Magtutu the 10000 block of Ward Road
May 30 and June 1. The bike is de- theft. The complainant advised an was charged in Dunkirk, MD for a vehicle’s
scribed as a blue and white Kent unknown suspect (s) stole $160.00 with Possess- equipment violation. Upon making
20” Ambush bicycle. The esti- in US currency from a bedroom ing or Receiv- Crystal Magtutu contact with the driver, Christo-
mated value of stolen property is apartment in the 200 block of ing CDS While pher Michael
$108.00. Shore Acres Way in Prince Fred- Confined/Detained and Posses- Shaner, 30 of
erick, MD. No other property was sion of Contraband in a Place of Chesapeake
Theft: 22-31914 taken. Confinement. Beach, MD,
On June 3, 2022, Deputy Daily Deputy Aran-
responded to the 6500 block of Theft: 22-31581 On June 3, 2022, at 6:20 p.m., da observed a
12th Street in Chesapeake Beach, On June 2, 2022, DFC Burgraff Deputy Gough responded to the broken piece of
MD for the report of a theft. The responded to the 11800 block of 13100 block of Joy Road in Lusby, a pill contain-
complainant advised she parked Poplar Court in Lusby, MD for the MD for the report of trespassing. er in the lap
her vehicle outside the residence report of a theft. The complain- The homeowner advised a female of the driver. Chistopher Shaner
at 10 p.m. on June 2 with approx- ant advised on May 29 around identified as Nicole Ann Parker, Shaner gave
imately a half tank of gas in the 7:45 p.m., her Samsung Galaxy 36 of Lusby, consent for deputies to search the
tank. When the victim returned to phone was stolen while at Drift- MD and her vehicle. A vehicle search revealed
her vehicle on June 3 at 8 a.m., the wood Beach in Lusby. An attempt dog were on a capsule with a white powdery
gas tank was empty and the fuel to call the phone was made and the homeown- residue, a rolled-up $20 bill with
light was on. The vehicle did not an unknown individual answered. er’s property a white powdery residue, and a
appear to have been moved and no The victim did not have the abil- attempting to prescription bottle with a white
one else had access to the vehicle. ity to track the phone. The esti- enter the vic- powdery residue all of which con-
Approximately 9 gallons of gaso- mated value of stolen property is tim’s vehicle tained suspected Fentanyl. Sha-
line was stolen with an estimated $800.00. with her chil- ner was placed into custody and
value of $50.00. dren inside. Nicole Parker transported to the Calvert County
ARRESTS Deputies ad- Detention Center where he was
Damaged Property: 22-32161 vised Parker to vacate the prop- charged with CDS: Possession-
On June 4, 2022, Deputy On May 31, 2022, Deputy R.
erty. Parker was informed that she Not Marijuana and CDS: Posses-
Krueger responded to the 2100 McCourt responded to the Calvert
County Detention Center in Prince was trespassed from the property sion of Paraphernalia.
block of Dasher Drive in Lusby, and not to return; otherwise would
MD for the report of damaged Frederick, MD for a controlled Editor’s Note: The above arrests
be subject to arrest. At 6:38 p.m.,
property. The complainant ad- dangerous substance (CDS) viola- are not an indication of guilt or
Parker and her dog returned to the
vised that sometime between May tion. Investigation revealed during innocence as the cases have not
property. Parker was placed un-
29 and June 4, an unknown sus- the strip search of inmate Crys- been adjudicated.

Man Convicted in
Departing From Point Lookout Domestic Violence Case
Calvert County State’s Attorney causing visible
Cruise Thursday Through Sunday from June 18-September 11.
Call 410-425-2771 Robert Harvey announces that on signs of injury.
June 9 Brandon L. Young, 35, of H a r v e y
Lexington Park, was convicted of wishes to com-
second-degree assault in a case of mend Assis-
domestic violence. tant State’s
Young was sentenced by Judge Attorney Gina
Michelle R. Saunders of the Dis- Fioravanti, her
trict Court of Maryland to 10 years entire Domes-
incarceration, suspended down to Brandon Young tic Violence
two years in the Maryland Divi- team, and the
sion of Corrections. Upon release, Maryland State Police for their
Young will be on three years of handling of this sensitive and dif-
supervised probation and disqual- ficult case. As a result of this
purchase your tickets on our website smithislandcruises.com ified from possessing a firearm. conviction, Young is facing a vio-
Cruise and Crab feast package available Police were called to the Holiday lation of probation in St. Mary’s
Inn in Solomons for the report of County.
a domestic assault. Investigation Press Release from Calvert
revealed that Young had struck County State’s Attorney
the victim three times in the face
Thursday, June 16, 2022 The Calvert County Times Feature 11

No Relief in Sight from Rising Gas Prices

By Dick Myers, Editor and fuel prices for their customers, but
Guy Leonard, Staff Writer he was unsure how long his busi-
Democratic leadership in the ness could continue to do that.
Maryland General Assembly have “We’ve eaten a lot of that,” Tay-
resisted calls from Comptroller lor said. “We can’t get the whole
Peter Franchot to come back into gamut.
special session to temporarily halt “It’s put a strain on us.”
the coming increase in the gas tax Taylor said his business has
rate as gas prices have topped $5 passed on about 60 percent of the
per gallon. cost increase to customers so far.
The gas tax hike is scheduled to “If things continue to rise you
take place July 1, raising the 36- can’t absorb it all,” Taylor warned.
cent tax to 43 cents per gallon. The Perhaps the only benefit to the
gas tax increases with inflation by rising gas prices is that commuters
law. are finding ways to make their trip
The legislature gave motorists to and from work more affordable.
a one-month gas tax holiday in George Clark, transportation
March that ended April 17 even program manager for the Tri-Coun-
as gas prices continued to creep ty Council of Southern Maryland,
higher. said his job has been made easier
Del. Mark Fisher (R-Dist. 27C) by the skyrocketing fuel prices.
said Democrats wanted a new 30- “I’m seeing some really positive
day gas tax holiday while the Re- reactions with what I do,” Clark
publicans in the legislature “want- Fisher asked, “If you’re a Demo- is a big burden for her members. said. “People are more interested
ed a more permanent gas tax sus- crat and you don’t like combustible Maney said, “Business is taking on now in getting in carpools and van
pension,” through the end of the engines and you want people to the extra cost of fuel,” indicating pools.”
year. drive electric cars, then why is it there was only so much that they A brace of new van pools has
“Many people might say, how do that you’re driving up electricity can pass on to the consumer, con- been formed in the past three week
you pay for that?” Fisher asked. prices too?” sidering they are already having to from Southern Maryland to DC.
“Maryland has a $7.6 billion bud- “You cannot have eight-percent pass on the costs of supply chain Also, interest in commuter buses
get surplus. The gas tax brings in inflation month over month and disruptions. has quickly risen despite people
$94 million a month. There’s plen- expect that people are not going So far Maney hasn’t seen a drop being initially reluctant to return
ty of money to give people a gas to want change. This is a national off of business at restaurants. And to them after the brunt of the CO-
tax reprieve.” emergency, and the gas tax needs she noted that people are traveling VID-19 pandemic.
“The gas tax, when it increases to be suspended and we must al- despite the high costs. Clark said ridership during the
in a couple of weeks, it’s going to low more drilling and we must al- Perhaps it is still the pent-up de- pandemic dropped to essentially
be about 43 cents per gallon. That’s low there to be a suspension of all mand from the pandemic. If people zero and has recently risen back to
crazy. 43 cents per gallon,” Fisher of the policies that are stopping didn’t go on vacation the last two 21 percent.
said. people, and companies from be- years, they may be willing to pay But, with the sharp rise in gas
Fisher added, “We, the Repub- ing able to make America energy a lot more this year. The next time prices, that ridership has risen in
lican Caucus, have asked for a independent.” they may not be so willing. Southern Maryland to 34 percent.
special session to eliminate Mary- St. Mary’s County Del. Matt Trish Weaver, owner of Dream “It’s pretty amazing,” Clark said,
land’s gas tax through the end of Morgan observed that much of Weavers Café and Catering in noting he, too, was personally feel-
the year and to suspend it further the transportation trust fund, into Prince Frederick, responded, “In- ing the pinch as it costs him $125
and we haven’t heard anything which gas tax revenues go, does deed,” when asked if inflation to fill up his pickup truck.
back from leadership on the other not go to local road improvements and gas prices were affecting her People are adapting to rising
side of the aisle.” or highway maintenance. business. gas prices by not hopping in their
Fisher said in theory Gov. Hogan Rather, a full 61 percent of that “My trash bill went up 35 per- car or truck every time they have
could call a special session, “but trust fund revenue goes to mass cent,” she said, giving just one an urge to do something or need
the leadership of the Democratic transit which serves more urban example. something.
Party still needs to agree and they jurisdictions such as Montgomery, She has a small fleet of trucks for Instead observed Dunkirk Area
clearly don’t want to go into spe- Prince George’s and Baltimore her catering business, and the gas Concerned Citizens Association
cial session.” counties, Morgan said. prices are eating into her cash flow. (DACCA) President J.P. Sherkus,
He said the climate bills passed “The overwhelming source for She said her catering business he and others are consolidating
this session and in recent years by the transportation trust fund is the is up, but what people are asking travel, planning out their trips so
the Democrats are causing elec- gas tax,” Morgan said. “It’s an is- for has waned somewhat. They are they make fewer.
tricity bills to also rise. sue of fairness.” opting for less expressive events. Sherkus is a part-time consultant,
He said that matters “because Democrats in Washington and Phil Langley, owner of Fish the and his job takes him to DC sev-
the Democratic Party wants you Annapolis blame inflation and re- Bay Charters, said diesel fuel, eral times a week from Dunkirk,
to drive an electric vehicle, which sultant high gas prices on a combi- which powers his fishing boats, has an area heavily populated with
is why they want gas prices high. nation of factors, including supply doubled in price since last year. commuters.
But now they’re making electric- chain issues related to the pandem- “My profit margins are a lot thin- He said the price of gas is putting
ity prices high as well. So, they’re ic, the war in Ukraine and price ner than a year ago,” Langley said. a severe dent in his bottom line.
literally crushing the middle class gouging. “It’s scary because right now… When asked if he was contemplat-
and that is malpractice. It’s wrong. The Biden Administration re- I don’t know where it’s going to ing retirement, he said his security
It’s criminal.” cently admitted they miscalculated stop.” clearance makes what he does is in
Fisher said, “I’m hearing that last year when they said inflation Langley estimated the average demand and hard to replace.
constituents are absolutely fed was short-lived. Now the question fuel consumption of his boat is So, he continues to cope with the
up with the high gas prices in is how long will we have to live about 16 gallons per hour. high gas prices, as we all do here
Maryland, but also the gas prices with it. “It’s pretty close to $100 an hour in auto-dependent Calvert County,
throughout the region. Maryland Kathy Maney, executive director for me just to operate,” he said. while we wait to see where it’s all
has high gas prices, obviously, but of the Calvert County Chamber of Frank Taylor, president of Taylor headed.
it’s also the Biden Administration Commerce is prepared for the long Gas, Inc. which distributes in Cal- dickmyers@countytimes.net and
that is anti-petroleum and anti-oil haul. vert County, said they have tried to guyleonard@countytimes.net
and anti-gasoline.” But for now, the extra cost of gas absorb some of the cost increase in
q u e
12 The Calvert County Times

Thursday, June 16, 2022

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Thursday, June 16, 2022 HUGE OUTDOOR The Calvert County Times 13

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14 In Our Community The Calvert County Times Thursday, June 16, 2022

If you suspect Medicare health care fraud, errors or

abuse, the Calvert County Office on Aging can help.
Fraud is when someone intentionally falsifies information to receive
payment for services not provided. An error is an unintentional mistake
that may be corrected after a call to your medical provider or supplier.
Abuse is when your health care provider or supplier recommends
services or equipment that are not medically necessary.

Contact Us
410-535-4606 or OOA@calvertcountymd.gov

Calvert County
Office on Aging
450 West Dares Beach Road,
Prince Frederick, MD 20678
Thursday, June 16, 2022 The Calvert County Times In Our Community 15

NAACP Presents Juneteenth/ Office on Aging Launches

Annual Community Day New Facebook Page
Come and enjoy a day of music,
dance, information and food, featur-
ing the Blue Light Basement band and
Sunday’s Best – Cliff Ross.
The Calvert County Branch of the
NAACP’s 26th Annual Community
Day and Juneteenth celebration will
be Saturday, June 18 beginning at 11
a.m. at Jefferson Patterson Park and
Museum, 10515 Mackall Road in St.
The highlight of the afternoon’s en-
tertainment will be a local talent show. The Calvert County Department of major improvements to how Office on
Children, teen and adults will compete Community Resources, Office on Aging Aging resources are shared with the
for cash prizes, up to $500 for 1st prize. (OOA) Division, announces the launch community, recognizing preferences
Support and cheer for the local artists of its new Facebook page. The page will vary among Calvert’s growing commu-
and groups. American and International cuisine serve as a connection to the OOA for nity of seniors.”
Participate in children’s activities On hand will be a Health Fair and older adults, senior citizens and caregiv- “Our community relies on senior cen-
including art, bike raffle, storytelling, information from the CalvertHealth ers. Visit www.Facebook.com/Calvert- ter services, and this new channel will
face painting, moon bounce, etc. View Medical Center and the Calvert Coun- CountyOfficeonAging to stay up to date assist us in communicating meaningful
displays and exhibits from community ty Health Department. on OOA news, events and more. and relevant information and help us
businesses and organizations. Qualify A myriad of merchandise vendors “We’re pleased to offer a centralized stay connected to those who rely on the
for door prizes and enjoy scrumptious and exhibitors location for our aging community to services we provide,” said Sullivan.
food. You also will be able to view a num- find news and information that is spe- Resources on the new page will in-
The annual event is an opportunity ber of Classic Cars that will be on cific to their interests,” said Community clude recreational and educational activ-
for families to enjoy free family-ori- display. Resources Director Jennifer Moreland. ities hosted at the senior centers, lunch
ented activities, visit with family and The Calvert County Community “This much-needed tool will help se- menus, assistance with prescriptions
friends and meet new friends. You Day and Juneteenth celebration is niors and older adults find resources and and utilities, long-term care services
can use the event as a setting to hold a sponsored by the Calvert County activities to improve their quality of life, and many other resources that promote
family summer social or picnic. Branch of the NAACP and other com- while helping them stay informed of a healthy and independent lifestyle.
Many food vendors will be avail- munity organizations and businesses center news, closures and other updates. Press Release from Calvert County
able to satisfy your taste for southern, Admission is free. In his first year as Aging Services Di- government
rector Ed Sullivan has worked to make
16 Education The Calvert County Times Thursday, June 16, 2022

Events Seven New School

Administrators Announced
For more information & to register for events visit http://calvertlibrary.info

Thursday, June 16 minute Bat meets the kit, he knows

they belong together. And he’s got
Bookmobile: Calvert Towne one month to show his mom that a The Board of Education of Cal-
Townhouses: Community Stop baby skunk might just make a pretty vert County Public Schools has
Every 3rd Thursday of the month.  terrific pet. Read reviews at Common approved the appointments of
10:00am-11:00am. Sense Media: https://www.common- seven central office and school
Library services include Wi-Fi ac- sensemedia.org/book-reviews/a-boy- administrators.  
cess, public computer access, print- called-bat.  View the book on Calvert Superintendent Dr. Daniel D.
ing, library card services and mate- Library’s catalog: https://catalog. Curry said, “CCPS is looking for-
rials for check out. Enjoy your visit! somd.lib.md.us/polaris/search/title. ward to working with our new lead-
We are committed to community aspx?ctx=1.1033.0.0.1&pos=1&a ers; some in new roles within school
safety. Hand  sanitizer available and mp;cn=902526 This title is also avail- buildings and some new to central
social distancing maintained. Browse able as an eBook through both the office. All the leaders are ready to
the collection both inside and outside Libby and Hoopla apps! Calvert Li- move forward, open new doors and
the Bookmobile. Use the Calvert Li- brary Southern Branch, 13920 H. G. do new things that will make CCPS
brary app to check out your materials. Trueman Road, Solomons, 410-326- an even greater place to work and
Please check the Bookmobile sched- 5289.  https://CalvertLibrary.info.   go to school.”
ule before your visit as the schedule Anthony Barone: Principal at
is subject to change.  Corner of Se-
renity and Calvert Towne Dr, Prince
Friday, June 17 Patuxent High School Rick Weber: Principal Mentor
Weber is currently the Principal
Anthony Barone is currently the
Frederick.  https://CalvertLibrary. On Pins & Needles (PF) of Huntingtown High School. He
Principal at Patuxent Appeal Cam-
info.   1:00pm-4:00pm. has served in various other posi-
pus and has served in this position
Bring your quilting, needlework, tions in Calvert County – Assis-
since 2019. Prior to his elementary
Bookmobile: Chapline House knitting, crocheting or other proj- tant Principal, Dean of Students,
assignment, Barone was the As-
Community Stop ect for an afternoon of conversation and Teacher in the areas of Math,
sistant Principal at the Career and
Every 3rd Thursday of the month. and shared creativity.  Calvert Li- Health and Physical Education,
Technology Academy for five years.
1:00pm-2:00pm. brary Prince Frederick, 850 Costley Computer Literacy, and Business
He has also served as a Dean of
Library services include Wi-Fi ac- Way, 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862.  classes which covers his 42 years
Students and taught Mathematics at
cess, public computer access, print- https://CalvertLibrary.info.   of service in education. Weber, a
Patuxent High School for 10 years.
ing, library card services and mate- He received his Bachelor of Arts former recipient of the Washington
rials for check out. Enjoy your visit! Writers By the Bay (online)   Post Principal of the Year nomina-
from Niagara University in New
We are committed to community 7:00pm-9:00pm. tion, received his Bachelor of Busi-
York in Secondary Mathematics
safety. Hand  sanitizer available and Looking for a writers’ group? All ness Administration from Roanoke
and his Master’s in Administration
social distancing maintained. Browse writers and would-be writers are wel- College and his Master’s from the
and Supervision from the College
the collection both inside and outside come to come for critique & camara- Old Dominion University.
of Notre Dame.
the Bookmobile. Use the Calvert Li- derie.  Please register by the day be- Michelle Beckwith: Principal at
Beth Morton: Principal of Hun-
brary app to check out your materials. fore the event in order to receive the Patuxent-Appeal Campus
tingtown High School
Please check the Bookmobile sched- link the evening of  the event. https:// Beckwith received her Bachelor
Morton began her career with
ule before your visit as the sched- CalvertLibrary.info.   of Science in Elementary Education
Calvert County Public Schools in
ule is subject to change.  Chapline 1997 as a special education teacher, from the University of Maryland
House, 125 Allnut Ct, Prince Freder- Saturday, June 18 after working in Prince George’s and her Master’s in Reading from
ick.  https://CalvertLibrary.info.   County for 10 years. She has served Towson University. She has held
Bookmobile: Silverwood Farms positions as upper grade and prima-
Community Stop as a Dean of Students at several el-
MakePlayLearn (TB)   ry grade teacher, Reading Special-
2:00pm-3:00pm. Every 3rd Saturday of the month.  ementary and middle schools here ist, Vice Principal and Principal, all
10:30am-12:00pm. in Calvert, Assistant Principal at
Take building and creativity to a in Charles County.
whole new level at the library. We Library services include Wi-Fi ac- Huntingtown High School and fi- Dr. Christina Harris: Principal
provide the space, building bricks cess, public computer access, print- nally as the Principal of Plum Point of Calvert Elementary School
and other building materials. You ing, library card services and mate- Elementary School for the past Dr. Harris is currently the Direc-
provide the imagination.  Calvert rials for check out. Enjoy your visit! eight years. Most recently, Morton tor of Special Education. Previous
Library Twin Beaches Branch, 3819 We are committed to community received the Washington Post Prin- positions held are general and spe-
Harbor Road, Chesapeake Beach, safety. Hand  sanitizer available and cipal of the Year nomination from cial educator, Assistant Principal at
410-257-2411. https://CalvertLibrary. social distancing maintained. Browse Calvert County. Morton received Huntingtown Elementary School,
info.   the collection both inside and outside her Bachelor of Science in Educa- and Coordinator and Supervisor
the Bookmobile. Use the Calvert Li- tion from West Virginia University of Special Education. Dr. Harris
Tween Summer Book Fest (SO): brary app to check out your materi- and has received Master’s degrees received her Doctorate of Educa-
A Boy Called Bat by Elana K. als. Please check the Bookmobile from Towson University and Johns tion from the University of Mary-
Arnold.   schedule before your visit as the Hopkins School of Education. land College Park, her Master’s and
schedule is subject to change. Sil- Dr. Joe Sampson: Coordinator
6:00pm-8:00pm. Bachelor of Science from Bowie
Join other book lovers during this verwood Farms, 100 Running Brook of Maryland Leads Grant and State University.
fun summer book club! Each month Way, Prince Frederick.  https://Cal- Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Jim Rodenhaver: From Dean
vertLibrary.info.   Originally from South Carolina,
we will read a new book and come Dr. Joe Sampson began his career at Calvert Middle School to As-
together to discuss, play games as the Principal of Calvert Elemen- sistant Principal of Calvert High
and do activities. Did we mention Brain Games (PF): Mahjongg, School
Scrabble & More. tary School in 2017. He was a prin-
there will be snacks?! First ten reg- cipal and assistant principal, as well Rodenhaver currently serves
istrants get a copy of the book to 12:00pm-3:00pm. at the Dean of Students at Cal-
keep! For Bixby Alexander Tam Want to learn Mahjongg? Hope as an Art Educator. Dr. Sampson vert Middle School. Prior to that,
(nicknamed Bat), life tends to be to make your Scrabble skills killer? also recently received the Washing- he taught high and middle school
full of surprises—some of Games are a great way to keep your ton Post Principal of the Year nomi- mathematics in Calvert County for
them good, some not so good. Today, brain sharp while having fun! Join nation from Calvert County. He re- 14 years. He began his teaching ca-
though, is a good-surprise day. Bat’s us! Please register.   Calvert Li- ceived his Bachelor’s in Studio Art reer in 1995. Rodenhaver received
mom, a veterinarian, has brought brary Prince Frederick, 850 Costley from South Carolina State Univer- his Master’s from Bowie State Uni-
home a baby skunk, which she needs Way, 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862.  sity, his Master’s from the Univer- versity and his Bachelor’s in Educa-
https://CalvertLibrary.info.   sity of Phoenix in Administration
to take care of until she can hand him and Supervision, and his Doctorate tion from Bloomsburg University.
over to a wild-animal shelter.But the from the University of Phoenix. Press Release from CCPS
Thursday, June 16, 2022 The Calvert County Times Education 17

Transportation Changes Social Studies

Announced for Next School Educators Recognized
The Calvert County Public Schools tivities or student drivers.  Students can
Calvert County Public Schools (CCPS)
educators Jayme Pieretti and Nicole Pe-
Nicole is dedicated to learning both the
elementary social studies framework and
(CCPS) Department of Transportation drive from their homes and utilize this nix were recognized as outstanding social the English Language Arts (ELA) literacy
plans to implement changes in bus routes, bus stop. Students are not permitted to studies educators by the Maryland Council standards. She became acquainted with
locations, and times for the school year drive to CTA. for Social Studies (MDCSS).  ELA materials of instruction and identi-
2022-2023. The changes will impact the • Calvert High School Time Change Pieretti, Huntingtown High School, So- fied connections with social studies con-
students attending Beach Elementary, • Calvert High School’s instructional cial Studies Core Lead and Government tent. Currently, she is writing social studies
Calvert Career and Technology Academy day will change to 7:15 a.m. - 2:15 p.m..  teacher was recognized as the Second- curriculum for grades 1-4 to ensure that
(CTA), Calvert High School, and Windy Calvert High School will now have the ary Social Studies Teacher of the Year. teachers will have quality curriculum and
Hill Elementary.  same instructional day as all CCPS His commitment to understanding learner new resources for the 2022-23 school year.
The changes are necessary to ensure high schools. variability and meeting the needs of all Eggborn shared, “Ms. Penix is doing
minimized loss of instructional time at the • Beach Elementary School and Windy his learners.  Jayme’s work with Univer- in a single year what often takes districts
high school level, provide on-time perfor- Hill Elementary School Tier Change sal Design for Learning and the Maryland several years to complete. Clearly her work
mance of bus routes, and ease congestion • Beach Elementary School will move Writers Project are among the professional ethic and dedication are extraordinary.”
on the Windy Hill campus and Boyd’s Turn from the 4th tier to the 3rd tier bus route learning experiences that enable him to be  
Road. and Windy Hill Elementary School will a great teacher and a great instructional The Maryland Council for Social Stud-
The following changes will be imple- move from the 3rd tier bus route to the leader as well.  ies is Maryland’s affiliate to the National
mented in school year 2022-2023: 4th tier bus route.  According to MDCSS president Kim Egg- Council for Social Studies and is tasked
• Calvert Career & Technology Acad- • The instructional day at Beach Elemen- born, “Mr. Pieretti is an outstanding educa- with supporting and advocating for social
emy (CTA) Direct Busing tary School will be 8:45 a.m. to 3:30 tor and immensely deserving of this honor.” studies teachers and students throughout
• Direct busing routes will pick up morn- p.m. Penix was named Outstanding Social Maryland.
ing CTA students and transport them • The instructional day at Windy Hill El- Studies Instructional Leader. As a first year Press Release from CCPS
directly to CTA.  A shuttle bus will then ementary School will be 9:15 a.m. tpo CCPS Social Studies Learning Specialist,
return the morning CTA students to 4:10 p.m..
their home schools mid-day.  Transportation services are available to
• Afternoon CTA students will be trans- every student enrolled in the school sys-
ported to CTA mid-day via shuttle bus tem. The Department of Transportation
from their home schools. At the conclu- strives to provide economical, efficient, and
sion of the school day, afternoon CTA safe transportation for all students. Please
students will be direct bussed home. contact the Department of Transportation
• A bus stop will be established at each at 443-550-8786 if you need additional
high school to accommodate CTA stu- information.
dents participating in afterschool ac- Press Release from CCPS.


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18 Entertainment The Calvert County Times Thursday, June 16, 2022

New Direction Community Theater Presents

Play Deals with Aftermath of Sexual Assault
By Dick Myers jorie, was played by an impressive array at 7 p.n. and a 2 p.m. matinee on June 19.
Editor of actresses, including Susan Sarandon Long Beach Community Center is at
New Direction Community Theater is and Farrah Fawcett. 5845 Calvert Blvd, St. Leonard, MD.
taking on a difficult subject for their next The play opens with Marjorie, who has Admission is $15. Tickets may be pre-
production which debuts Friday, June 17 two roommates, being home alone and purchased on-line or purchased at the
at Long Beach Community Center in St. being stung by a swarm of wasps. She door using credit card, check, or cash.
Leonard. “Extremities” is a two-act play kills them with bug spray and leaves the No reduced rate tickets are offered for
about sexual assault and attempted rape. door open to air it out. In walks Raul who this show as a portion of the proceeds
The press release announcing the play initially claims he is looking for someone from this run will be provided to Calvert
says, “From its explosive beginning to else but refuses to leave and eventually Center for Change.
its unnerving end, this psychological confesses that Marjorie had rebuffed him According to the Calvert County
thriller is simultaneously intriguing and in a previous encounter, and he was there Margorie, played by Amanda Jo Connelley, looks Health Department website, “The Cal-
profoundly disturbing. Extremities is to exact his revenge, which meant assault over her captured assailant Raul (Blaine Becker). vert Center for Change is a comprehen-
inspired by the fantasy of taking con- and rape. woman in court, she has to be dead on sive sexual assault and domestic violence
trol back from an attacker and examines As Raul begins his attack Marjorie arrival.” program. We provide crisis planning,
the extremes of human capacity: mercy is able to grab the bug spray and douse Granted the play debuted 40 years ago counseling, advocacy, access to shelter,
against hatred, compassion against vio- him in his eyes and mouth, disabling him and one could hope things have changed and facilitate educational and commu-
lence, and humanity against torture. Not enough for her to tie him, drag him into since then, although domestic abuse ad- nity awareness programs.
for the faint of heart, Extremities chal- the fireplace and block it with a bicycle, vocates probably would argue otherwise. “The Calvert Center for Change be-
lenges the audience to examine their own confining him in an effective dungeon. For the New Direction performance, lieves it is the right of every individual
fears and prejudices surrounding rape The tables are turned. The victimizer Marjorie is played by Amanda Jo Con- to live free of the fear of abuse and/or
and sexual assault in our culture.” thus becomes the victim of abuse. nelley and Blaine Becker is Raul violence.
Extremities was an off-Broadway play Marjorie’s roommates, Patricia and Melissa Davis and Kathrin Bizzarro “We offer services at all four Calvert
by William Mastrosimone and directed Terry, arrive and the dialogue centers are roommates Patricia and Terry. County Behavioral Health locations:
by Robert Allan Ackerman. It opened around what to do with Raul, from mur- Keith Mervine is director; Didi OIney Chesapeake Beach, Prince Frederick,
at the Westside Theatre in New York on der and burial in the back yard to calling is stage manager, and Laurie Foster is ar- Barstow, and Lusby.”
December 22, 1982 and ran for 325 the police. tistic director. dickmyers@countytimes.net
performances. Marjorie is reluctant, because, as she Performances are June 17, 18, 24 & 25
Along the way the lead character, Mar- says at one point, “Before they believe a


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(House Bill 646/Chapter
559 of the session transitlaws 560
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subscription bus, local public
and Senate
1999) Bill 390/Chapter
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for employers transitSchoolPool
and tele-work options.
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provided commuting laws State
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Thursday, June 16, 2022 The Calvert County Times Calendars 19

Community Calendar
To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email timescalendar@countytimes.net with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior
to our Thursday publication.
Come and enjoy a day of music, Raul’s attempted rape of Marjorie, and
Thursday, June 16 dance, information, and food; Featur- the lengths to which she goes for re- Monday, June 20
Sea Squirts ing the Blue Light Basement band and venge. For tickets $12-15, visit www. Wm. B. Tennison Public Cruise
Calvert Marine Museum Sunday’s Best – Cliff Ross. The high- ndctheaer.org. Calvert Marine Museum,
10:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. light of the afternoon’s entertainment 2 p.m. and 3:10 p.m.
Children 18 months to 3 years, with will be a local talent show. Children, Sunday, June 19 Celebrate Juneteenth with a leisurely
an adult, are invited to discover the mu- teen and adults will compete for cash one-hour sightseeing cruise on the riv-
Father’s Day Brunch Cruise
seum together through music, stories, prizes, up to $500 for 1st prize. Sup- er aboard the Wm. B. Tennison, a log-
& Evening Cruise
and special activities. Join us for story port and cheer for the local artists and built bugeye. Capacity allows for 40
Calvert Marine Museum,
time and a carryout craft, available groups. guests. If there is inclement weather,
11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. or 5 – 6:30 p.m.
while supplies last. Sessions are 25- Participate in children’s activities you will be notified by the crew prior
Celebrate dad aboard the Wm. B.
40 minutes. Sign up at the Admissions including art, Bike raffle, storytelling, to the cruise. Cost is $7 for adults and
Tennison! Relax together and enjoy
Desk when you arrive. This month’s face painting, moon bounce, etc. View $4.00 for children 5-12 years. Children
the sights and sounds of the Solomons
theme is Chesapeake ABC! displays and exhibits from community under 5 ride free when accompanied by
Harbor and Patuxent River. Cater-
businesses and organizations. Qualify a paying adult. For more information
ing by Boomerangs. Guests are wel-
Friday, June 17 for door prizes and enjoy scrumptious
come to bring their own beverages, and to register, visit: Wm. B. Tennison
food. Cruises | Calvert Marine Museum, MD
Dee of St. Mary’s Sunset Sail but water, tea and lemonade will be
provided. Cost: $35 Adults, $15 Chil- - Official Website
Calvert Marine Museum Classical Concert
dren ages 5-12, $10 Children 4 and un-
6-8 p.m., (adults only)
Join us on a 2-hour evening sail
St. Nicholas Lutheran Church,
der. To purchase tickets, visit: https:// Thursday June 23
1450 Plum Point, Rd., Huntingtown
aboard the historic vessel Dee of St. www.calvertmarinemuseum.com/498/ Little Minnows
4 o’clock.
Mary’s, and experience the Patuxent Special-Cruises Calvert Marine Museum
This classical concert will consist of
River aboard an iconic Chesapeake art songs, opera arias, and sacred mu- 10:15 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.
Bay Skipjack. Guests will have an op- Dee of St. Mary’s Public Sail This program focuses on one of the
sic. Marina and Marilyn Beeson will
portunity to help raise and lower the Calvert Marine Museum, museum’s three themes. Preschoolers
be performing selections by Mozart,
sail. This Friday evening cruise is for 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. ages 3 – 5, with an adult, are invited
Schubert, Rodrigo, Granados, Libby
adults-only, and you are welcome to Join us on a 2-hour public sail aboard to join us for story time and a craft you
Larsen, and Weber. 
BYOB. Capacity allows for 30 guests. the historic vessel Dee of St. Mary’s, can do on-site or take home, available
The Concert is FREE and open to all.
If there is inclement weather, you will and experience the Patuxent River while supplies last. Sessions are 25-
be notified by the crew prior to the aboard an iconic Chesapeake Bay Skip- 40 minutes. Sign up at the Admissions
Fossil Field Experience
cruise. Cost is $45 per person. To reg- jack. Guests will have an opportunity to Desk when you arrive. This month’s
Calvert Marine Museum
ister visit: Dee of St. Mary’s Cruises | help raise and lower the sail. Capacity theme is Chesapeake ABC!
9 a.m. - Noon
Calvert Marine Museum, MD - Official allows for 30 guests. If there is inclem-
Come and explore the fossils at Cove
Website Point. Learn more about fossils: where
ent weather, you will be notified by the UPCOMING
crew prior to the cruise. Cost is $35 for
to find them, how to identify them, and Calvert County
“Extremities” Performance ages 13 and up; $15 for children ages
what they can tell us about the past. Bluegrass/Country Music Festival
Long Beach Community Center 5-12. Children under 5 are not permit-
This program is for adults and children Waters Memorial UMC
5845 Calvert Blvd., St. Leonard,  7 ted. To register, visit: Dee of St. Mary’s
8 and older, accompanied by an adult. 5400 Mackall Rd. St Leonard
p.m. Cruises | Calvert Marine Museum, MD
Preregistration required at least two July 16, 3-8pm
From its explosive beginning to its - Official Website
business days before the program. Cost Music from: Gregory Floberg; Recy-
unnerving end, this psychological is $15 per person. For more information
“Extremities” Performance cled Bluegrass; Riverside South featur-
thriller is simultaneously intriguing and to register, visit: Fossil Field Expe-
Long Beach Community Center ing Chris Tenney & Pat Nutter; King
and profoundly disturbing. It follows rience | Calvert Marine Museum, MD
5845 Calvert Blvd., St. Leonard Street & The Unclouded Day
Raul’s attempted rape of Marjorie, and - Official Website
2 p.m. Free Admission -Donations will
the lengths to which she goes for re-
From its explosive beginning to its be accepted (cash or check) for
venge. For tickets $12-15, visit www. “Extremities” Performance
unnerving end, this psychological Ukraine Relief through UMCOR. 
ndctheaer.org. Long Beach Community Center
thriller is simultaneously intriguing Family Friendly outdoor event.  Lawn
5845 Calvert Blvd., St. Leonard 
Saturday, June 18 7 p.m.
and profoundly disturbing. It follows chairs /Blankets are welcome. Smoke-
free/Alcohol-free zone.
Raul’s attempted rape of Marjorie, and
Junteenth/Annual Community Day From its explosive beginning to its Food is available for purchase from
the lengths to which she goes for re-
Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum, unnerving end, this psychological various Food Trucks, Door prized and
venge. For tickets $12-15, visit www.
10515 Mackall Road, St. Leonard thriller is simultaneously intriguing craft table for children!
11 a.m. until 5 p.m., Free Admission and profoundly disturbing. It follows

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community happenings, speak your
mind, & make new friends in the forums,
or buy & sell in the most popular
classified market in the area.

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Calvert, and St. Mary’s Counties www.somd.com
20 Calendars
Obituaries The Calvert County Times Thursday, June 16, 2022

In Remembrance
The Calvert County Times runs complimentary obituaries as submitted by funeral homes
and readers. We run them in the order we receive them. Any submissions that come to
dickmyers@countytimes.net after noon on Mondays may run in the following week’s edition.

Jack Stowe Baltimore, MD 21201; Link:

On Thursday, June 16, 2022, at 10am
a visitation will be held at Trinity United
to Washington, D.C., where he opened his
first business, a barbershop. Always curi-
Jack Stowe, 71, grams-and-services/patient-lodging/hope- Methodist Church, 90 Church Street, ous and ambitious, he developed a suc-
of Chesapeake lodge/baltimore/about-our-facility.html Prince Frederick, Maryland with funeral cessful real estate business and a popular
Beach entered into services beginning at 11am. Interment will neighborhood restaurant, Jons’ Pizza and
heavenly peace on Catherine “Cathy” be held immediately thereafter at the Saint
Paul United Methodist Church cemetery,
Subs, and a crabhouse, Crabs-A-Plenty,
located in Riverdale. Aside from his pas-
June 11, 2022.   He
was born on July 9, Bowen Carroll 11000 H.G. Trueman Road, Lusby, Mary- sion for the restaurant, Jack loved hunt-
1950, in Suitland, land. Pallbearers are Mark Thompson, ing on the Eastern Shore where time was
Maryland to Mary Catherine Matthew Thompson, Brian Bowen, Tyler spent laughing and joking, making food
Estelle Lucas and Edmond Leon Stowe. “Cathy” Bowen Bowen, James “Jimmy” Wood Jr. and, for his buddies, and―occasionally―hunt-
Jack was an auto mechanic for many Carroll, 64, of David Denton. Honorary Paulbearers are ing. And without fail, Jack could be found
years until he went to work for and then Lusby, Maryland Ryan Carroll, Timothy Wood, and James at the head of the dining room table every
retired from the Library of Congress as an entered the king- “Brody” Bowen. Sunday after church, gathered around his
elevator mechanic. He loved boating and dom of heaven Arrangements by Rausch Funeral Home. family, doing what he truly enjoyed: spend-
crabbing on the Chesapeake Bay, motor- surrounded by her If you wish to make a donation in lieu of ing time with his loved ones. Jack and Vera
cycles, going to Potomac Speedway with family on June flowers, donations can be made in Cathy’s continued their work at the restaurant until
friends, playing poker, tools, working on 11, 2022. She was born on May 20, 1958, honor to the Alma Turner Bowen Memo- 1999, when they returned to Calvert Coun-
cars in his garage and walking his dogs on in Prince Frederick, Maryland to Guy L. rial Scholarship Fund at Trinity United ty to rebuild their home along the shore
the North Beach boardwalk.   Jack loved Bowen and Alma T. Bowen and was a life- Methodist Church, 90 Church Street. of the Patuxent River where he was born.
all children and was a wonderful father to long Calvert County resident. She gradu- Prince Frederick, MD 20678. Jack was known for a sun-up to sun-down
his two children, Debbie and Brian and be- ated from Calvert Senior High School and Russell Wallace Groves work ethic, humor, humility, his genuine
loved grandfather to Nicholas and his “lit- received an Associate’s degree from So- Russell Wallace Groves, 63, of Chesa- care for others, and a smile that would light
tle” LeAnne.   He was loved by many, al- journer Douglass College. Cathy worked peake Beach passed away June 7, 2022. up a room. He was known by his family,
ways willing to help anyone and frequently as an instructional assistant for the Calvert He was born on June 26, 1958 in Mont- friends, and community as one to give hap-
known as “Uncle Jack”. County Public Schools for 30 years, spend- gomery County to Leonard Aubrey and pily to anyone in need. Whether it be cash,
Jack is survived by his loving wife of ing her entire career working with the chil- Macie (Elswick) Groves. Russell gradu- crabs, or construction, Jack was a support
54 years, Patricia Marshall Stowe, his two dren at the Patuxent Appeal Elementary ated from Northwestern High School, and to all who knew him. His Christian attitude
children, Deborah Ann and Brian Marshall Campus. married Terri Groves on August 26, 1983 of love shined in his willingness to serve
Stowe, his 2 favorite grandchildren, Nich- On May 1st, 1976, Cathy married the in Rockville. They lived in Hyattsville until God and others first.
olas Brian Stowe and LeAnne Eve Mc- love of her life, James “Wayne” Carroll, 1985, when they moved to Huntingtown, He is survived by his wife Vera, and his
Cutcheon and his sister Susan (Tina) Smith.  and they had two children. She survived later moving to Chesapeake Beach in 2015. five children: Kimberly, John, Belinda,
He was preceded in death by his 7 siblings, by her children Christie (Carroll) and He was employed as a plumber with the Susan, and Becky; his thirteen grandchil-
Billy Stowe, Everett “Bubba” Stowe, Jackie Mark Thompson, and Jeffery and Ali- Plumbers Union Local 5 in Washington, dren: Joshua, Daniel, Ken Jr., Shelby, Jack,
Oakley, Diane Laurant, Joanne Payne, cia (Holtzman) Carroll. Her grandchil- D.C., working for Spartan Plumbing, W.L. Wesley, Sam, Elijah, Lilli, Jonathan, Anna,
Ricky Stowe and Kathyrn Smith. dren Kristen and Matthew Thompson, Gary Company, Inc., American Combus- Maxwell, and Reagan; his six great-grand-
Visitation will be Friday, June 17, 2022, and Alyssa, Ryan, and Landon Carroll. tion Industries, Trade Contracting, and JPG children: Kylie, Carter, Kinsley, Vera-Jean,
1-1:30 p.m. at Rausch Funeral Home-Ow- Her sisters and brothers, the late Dorothy Plumbing Services. Russell was a member Kimberly, Kenneth, and his beloved Yor-
ings, 8325 Mt. Harmony Lane Bowen of Prince Frederick, Teresa and Gill of the Mid-Atlantic Motocross Association kie: Hannah.
Owings, MD 20736. A memorial service “Bunky” Denton of Prince Frederick, Wil- and the Northern Youth Wrestling Club. He Funeral arrangements were by Rausch
will follow at 1:30 p.m. liam “Larry” and Judy Bowen of Denver, loved the Redskins, NASCAR, and watch- Funeral Home.
Family and friends will be gathering for NC, Sylvia and the late James “Jimmy” ing his children’s motocross racing.
Wood of Prince Frederick, Anne and the
a Celebration of Life from 2-6 p.m. at the
late Francis Weems of Port Republic, and
Russell is survived by his son, Michael
W. Groves and wife Kayla of Mechanics-
Betty Moore-Chaney
American Legion Post 206, 3330 Chesa-
peake Beach Road, Chesapeake Beach, Sharon and John Godfrey of Broomes Is- ville, daughter Kara A. Groves of Leonard- Betty entered
MD 20732. land, her loving dog “Precious”, as well as town, grandchildren Kaiden, Michael, and the gates of larger
The family prefers flowers be ordered many cousins, nieces, and nephews. Jaxson, and a brother Tom Groves of Ches- life at her home
from a local florist, Floral Expressions, Cathy enjoyed jewelry, gardening, mak- apeake, VA. Russell was preceded in death surrounded by her
7914 Southern Maryland Boulevard, Ow- ing crafts, watching game shows and clas- by his wife Terri, who passed on April 14, family on June 6,
ings, MD 20736. https://calvertflorist.com/ sic TV, but her favorite past-time was mak- 2020, and his parents Leonard and Macie. 2022. Betty Anne
Donations in Jack’s memory may also ing memories with her family and spend- Funeral arrangements were by Rausch Tucker was born
be made to the American Cancer Society ing time together during the holidays, espe- Funeral Home. October 25, 1932
Hope Lodge, 636 W. Lexington Street cially Christmas. to Emory Tucker and Helen Windsor. She
John Morgan Hall, married her high school sweetheart, Bev-
erley “Feet” King Moore on June 18, 1952.
Where Life and Heritage are Celebrated “Jack” They had two daughters, Pamela Ann
Townshend and Beverly Kay Cotton. She
On Monday, was a widow for 24 years and then married
June 6, John Hall,
During a difficult loving husband and
Kenneth “Pete” Chaney in 2001 and be-
came a widow once again in 2009.
father of five chil-
time… still your best choice. dren, passed away
Betty is preceded in death by her parents
Emory Tucker and Helen Fister; brothers
peacefully at the John and David Tucker; stepsisters Rebec-
age of 86. “Jack”
Affordable Funerals, Caskets, Vaults, was born on July
ca and Gloria Fister; stepbrother Harvey
Cremation Services and Pre-Need Planning Fister; her husband of 25 years Beverley
6, 1935 in Prince Frederick, Maryland to
Family Owned and Operated by “Feet” Moore and husband of 8 years Ken-
Dorman and Ione Hall. He grew up work-
neth “Pete” Chaney. She is survived by her
Barbara Rausch and Bill Gross ing on his father’s tobacco farm alongside
sister Mary “Peggy” Kates (nee Tucker);
www.RauschFuneralHomes.com siblings Hugh, Bob, Wes, and Charlotte.
her two daughters Pamela Townshend and
After graduating from Calvert High School
Beverly Kay Cotton (William Cotton);
Owings Port Republic Lusby in 1954, he and his brother Bob joined the
United States Navy as airmen, traveling the
grandchildren Beverly Townshend (Dan-
8325 Mt. Harmony Lane 4405 Broomes Island Rd. 20 American Lane iel Baldree), Mary Catherine Townshend,
world. Settling down in 1961, Jack married
410-257-6181 410-586-0520 410-326-9400 Bradley Townshend (Andrea King) and
his only love Vera Barbehenn and relocated
Kayla Cotton; great grandchildren Jacob
Thursday, June 16, 2022 The Calvert County Times Calendars
Obituaries 21

Grigsby, Ryland and Abbie King, Patrick

Townshend and Wendy Baldree as well as
born April 28, 1933
in Bristol to Hugh
she would entertain friends, neighbors,
and strangers alike during her long stint as
Robert (Bob) Elbert
many nieces and nephews. and Nellie Norfolk. manager of the Highs store in Deale. She Davis
Betty retired as a secretary from the Kenny graduated was athletic, competitive, and enjoyed play-
Federal Government, was a member of the from Southern Se- ing softball and bowling. Mom also played Robert (Bob) El-
choir and the ladies Evening Circle at Trin- nior High School cards regularly. Mom was well-liked by our bert Davis entered
ity Episcopal Church in Upper Marlboro, in 1951. He was a friends and would join any games we were into eternal rest on
MD, a member of Brandywine VFD’s La- great baseball play- playing. She was also keen on supervising June 4, 2022.
dies Auxiliary, Girl Scout Leader, Lake of er and played for Southern High and the us and fancied herself quite the detective as Bob was born on
the Woods and Scottsville Lions Clubs as Greenoch baseball team. Kenny married we ran wild and free around Deale on our February 5, 1921,
well as a farmer’s wife on the family farm Betty Catterton on August 4, 1956. He was bikes, with Bunny trying to keep tabs. We in Oklahoma City.
in Upper Marlboro, MD. employed with Prince George’s County called her Secret Squirrel (behind her back After graduating
In lieu of flowers, contributions in Bet- Board of Education for over 40 years. He of course). She had many funny sayings, in 1942 from the University of Oklahoma
ty’s name may be made to a charity of one’s was known for being an excellent cabinet which we now find ourselves repeating with an electrical engineering degree, he
choice. maker. He also made many beautiful piec- unexpectedly. took a civilian job with the Naval Research
Funeral arrangements were by Rausch es for his home. After he retired from the She had a lovely alto voice and sang in Laboratory in Washington, DC. Later, he
Funeral Home-Owings. school board, he enjoyed working on the the Friendship United Methodist Church served as an Ensign in the Navy at the Lab-
farm. choir in Falls Church, Virginia before her oratory’s Chesapeake Bay Annex, work-
ing on projects to analyze captured enemy
Elsie Mae Buckmaster Kenny is survived by his wife, Betty,
and children Julie (John), Rusty, and Beth
move to Deale, where she attended Cedar
Grove United Methodist Church. A mem- radar systems and to develop countermea-
(Craig), grandchildren Justin (Emily), Brit- ber of the PTA, she impersonated Phyllis sures to defeat them.
Elsie Mae
tany (Mike), Robert (Barbara), Levi (Kay- Diller at a fundraiser, something she would At the Navy’s Chesapeake Beach site, he
Buckmaster, 90,
la), and Lauren, and great-grandchildren continue to do up until her late seventies. met his wife of 70 years, Ruth Ward Gib-
of Chesapeake
Lucas, Amelia, Hailey, James, Dylan, and Vacationing in Bermuda, she was delighted son, who preceded him in death in 2017.
Beach passed away
Mark. to discover the real Phyllis Diller was ap- They raised three children in Cheverly,
peacefully on June
As per Kenny’s wishes, there will be no pearing there. Informed of Mom’s amateur MD: Phillip (Barbara) Davis, Bradley
5, 2022. She was
viewing or service. Donations in his name act, Miss Diller invited Mom to join her on (Deborah) Davis and Marla (Barco) David-
born November
may be made to the Deale Volunteer Fire stage for a few jokes and banter. Mom was son. Bob was the proud grandfather of six
14, 1931, in Prince
Department, P.O. Box 114, 6007 Drum thrilled to have her ten minutes of fame. and great-grandfather of 10.
Frederick, MD to James Russell and Mary
Point Road, Deale, MD 20751; Link: Having married her third husband, Hugh Bob had a long aerospace career devel-
Hardesty. Elsie was raised on the family
http://www.deale42.com/donate/ (Sonny) Gallagher, she enjoyed having her oping missile and satellite systems, leading
farm in Sunderland, MD and graduated
Funeral arrangements were by Rausch granddaughter, Erica, for weekends at their to his pre-retirement job at the Goddard
from Calvert High School. She married
Funeral Home. home on Chesapeake Bay in Ridge, Mary- Space Flight Center planning Space Shuttle
Robert Buckmaster in January of 1954 and
land, where family and friends enjoyed missions to repair NASA satellites.
moved to Chesapeake Beach where they
Bob was passionate about the sport of
raised their family. She was a member of Harriette Jeanette crabbing, boating, and beach life. Even-
tually they moved to Florida and enjoyed tennis, achieving the level of Master Pro-
the North Beach VFD Auxiliary for rough-
ly 50 years, where she held several offices. (Bunny) Gallagher softball, golfing, card playing and tool- fessional and, in 2016, he was inducted into
ing around on their Redskins-themed golf the US Professional Tennis Association’s
She was also a member of the Southern
Harriette Jea- cart. After Sonny’s death, Mom moved to Mid-Atlantic Hall of Fame. Wherever he
Maryland Ladies Auxiliary. Elsie sold
nette (Bunny) Gal- assisted living in Bonita Springs, Florida, worked and lived, Bob left a trail of tennis
Avon for over 50 years. She enjoyed play-
lagher, 86, died near Robin, where she immediately joined courts that he designed and built.
ing BINGO, cards, especially pitch, and
June 5, 2022 in the hospitality group, providing welcome In his nineties, Bob became an author
softball. Most of all she enjoyed getting in
Bonita Springs, baskets to new residents, and began calling and published a book detailing the design
her red Ford Focus and riding through the
Florida. She was Bingo on weekends. and construction of his personal back yard
beach. Elsie was a friend to all and a mother
predeceased by her She was larger than life and we will miss tennis court. Then last year, at age 100, he
to many. She will be missed by all.
loving and stalwart her, but as Mom would say “Everything’s published “Follow My Path,” a book about
Elsie was preceded in death by her hus-
husband of many years, Hugh Gallagher; chicken but the gravy.” his engineering career intended as a men-
band Robert, parents James Russell and
her parents, Frederick and Helen Talbot; Mom will in buried at Union Cemetery toring guide for young people starting their
Mary Hardesty, grandson Robert Buck-
sister, Nora Mote; and brothers, William in Leesburg, Virginia, among her many careers.
master III, sister Lillian and Mary Jane,
Kushner, Max Kushner, Charles Kushner, family members at a private service in July. A celebration of life will be planned for
and brothers James and Maurice. She is
Rodney Kushner, and Fred Talbot, Jr. Funeral arrangements by Rausch Fu- later this summer.
survived by her children Roberta Bowen
She is survived by her sister, Charlotte Funeral arrangements by Rausch Fu-
of Leonardtown, Barbara “Sissy” Groom neral Home.
Kennedy; daughters, Janet Payne Hall neral Home.
(Danny) of Murrells Inlet, SC, Robert Honor the memory of your cherished
A Tribute to the Loved One
Buckmaster, Jr. of Lusby, and James Buck-
(Dwight); Robin McCeney
one by sharing Fonticoba
the story of their life
with friends, neighbors and associates
(Mike); granddaughter, Erica Jeanette Hall;
master (Angie) of Chesapeake Beach. Also
Whose Memory Lives
surviving are her grandchildren Jana Vitec-
here in the community.
great-grandson, Clint P. Houser; grandson,
For many
details and to place
Alberto Fonticoba; and nieces and
On Forever in Your Heart
ka (Rich), Kyle Groom, Heather Windsor
(Ben), Zachary Buckmaster (Danielle), and
your notice of remembrance,
call 301-373-4125 for assistance.
Harriette was born in Washington, D.C.
Madison Buckmaster, and Kennedy Buck-
and raised in Northern Virginia, one of
master, and great-grandchildren Gavin and
eight children. During an early marriage to
Brynn Vitecka, Hunter Windsor, and Mia
James Payne, she had a daughter, Janet. She Lynda J. Striegel
and her second husband, Robert McCeney,
Funeral arrangements were by Rausch REVOCABLE LIVING TRUSTS • BUSINESS LAW
moved from Northern Virginia to Deale,
Maryland in 1966, where they raised Janet
and their younger daughter, Robin. POWERS OF ATTORNEY • LIVING WILLS
Kenneth R. Norfolk, Sr Bunny (as she came to be known) was SPECIAL NEEDS TRUSTS FOR DISABLED INDIVIDUALS
outgoing, always joking and laughing. A
Kenneth R. Norfolk, Sr., of Tracy’s great storyteller and collector of jokes, Lyn speaks to many groups regarding Estate Planning & would
Landing passed away June 5, 2022. He was be happy to speak to yours. Lyn also offers complimentary
Estate Planning Classes the Third Wednesday of Each Month
at 11AM at 8906 Bay Avenue • North Beach, MD 20714.
IN PRINT & ONLINE 301-855-2246 • www.legalstriegel.com
BusinessDIRECTORY The Calvert County Times Thursday, June 16, 2022


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Thursday, June 16, 2022 The Calvert County Times Fun & Games 23

CLUES ACROSS of Laos and Thailand 23. Murdered

1. Moved quickly 49. Atomic #77 24. Soviet Socialist
4. Ocean 50. Where wrestlers Republic
temperature work 25. Supreme ruler
7. Scholarly book 52. Northeast Genghis
series 53. Type of lettuce 26. Social media hand
12. Irregular 56. Abstain gesture
15. Hairstyle 61. Communication 28. Semitic Sun god
16. Indigestion fixer between two 29. Land
18. Special therapy 63. One who 32. Database
19. Mock administers medicine management system
20. Partner to Pa 64. Sun up in New 36. Similar
21. Strays York 38. Nice to look at
24. Swedish 65. Having eight 40. Covered with mud
currency (abbr.) 43. Simple dry fruit
27. Desired CLUES DOWN 44. Title of respect
30. Soap product 1. He played “Milton” 45. Type of footwear
31. Traditional 2. Elsa’s sister 46. Most lucid
fishing boat 3. Digital wallet 51. Exam
33. No (Scottish) 4. About backbone 54. Extinct flightless
34. Spy 5. Type of weapon bird of New Zealand
organization 6. _ _ Turner, rock 55. “Rule, Britannia”
35. Spiritual singer composer
leader of a Jewish 7. Microgram 56. Small Eurasian
congregation 8. Hair product deer
37. Married woman 9. Health care pro 57. “Within”
39. Blood relation 10. Holy fire 58. Insures bank ’s
41. German river 11. Military ID (abbr.) depositors
42. Genus of clams 12. _ _ the ante 59. A pause for
44. Parts of a 13. Containing nitrogen relaxation
movie 14. Green citrus fruit 60. Social insect
47. Residue 17. Male parent 62. Expresses acidity
48. Ethnic group 22. Bring up


Publisher Thomas McKay The Calvert County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for the
residents of Calvert County. The Calvert County Times will be available on newsstands
Associate Publisher Eric McKay
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Editor ered by 4 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication to ensure placement
Dick Myers dickmyers@countytimes.net for that week. After that deadline, the Calvert County Times will make every attempt
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in print, electronic or other forms. We are unable to acknowledge receipt of letters. The
Calvert County Times cannot guarantee that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be
County Times
Ron Guy, Shelby Opperman, Dave Spigler published, due to time or space constraints.
The Calvert County Times Thursday, June 16, 2022

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