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Goal: Common mistakes made when engagement ring shopping.

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Title: Common Mistakes Made When Engagement Ring Shopping

There are many big purchases that you make in your lifetime, and buying an engagement ring is
one of those purchases. Regardless of the amount you spend on the ring, it is still a big
purchase as getting married is a major life event. Because of this, there is a lot of preparation
and thought that needs to go into the purchasing process. Before shopping for an engagement
ring, you’ll need to educate yourself on how to buy the perfect ring. Too often, mistakes are
made in the process that could have easily been avoided. Keep reading for common mistakes
made when engagement ring shopping.

Not Having a Budget

Before purchasing an engagement ring, it is essential to plan out a budget beforehand. Once
you have done this, you can narrow down what kind of band and diamond you can purchase.
Keep in mind that the standard rule is to save at least three months' pay. However, you can
easily spend more than that, especially if you want to buy a larger carat diamond. Plan ahead so
that once you do search for the perfect ring, either online or in the store, you won’t be caught off
guard with the cost.

Not Learning about Diamonds

There are many parts to a diamond. It is important to understand the four C’s: the cut, clarity,
color and carat. There are many different cuts to choose from, such as emerald, princess,
cushion, oval and pear. A well cut diamond is cut specifically to enhance its sparkle. The clarity
of a diamond includes its flaws or blemishes. A flawless diamond means that it has none, but
due to its perfection it is costly. The more imperfections or inclusions a diamond has, the less
expensive it is. The coloring of a diamond is rated on a scale from D to Z. A stone can have no
color or have tints of yellow and brown. A diamond carat is usually thought to refer to its size,
but it actually refers to the weight. The higher the weight, the higher the cost. Obviously, you
want to purchase a beautiful diamond that will create the perfect setting for the ring. This means
that you need to choose the right cut, clarity, color and carat. Once you have educated yourself
and have the input of your future partner, you can determine the best diamond for you.

Not Considering Your Fiance

Many women enjoy being included in the process of purchasing their engagement ring. Yet,
there are many that would rather be surprised. Either way, it is important to note your fiance’s
style and taste when looking at engagement rings. The last thing that you want to happen is to
choose a ring that she doesn’t like. If you are planning a surprise proposal, propose without a
ring and purchase a ring together at a later time. Or, if the proposal is not a surprise, ask her to
help you shop.

Not Considering Custom Rings

Custom rings are increasing in their popularity. It is a wonderful chance to give your significant
other a piece of jewelry that is as unique and special as she is. You may have shied away from
custom rings in the past because you thought they were too expensive or would take too much
time to create. If you plan enough in advance, a custom jewelry designer can help you create
the perfect ring. It is a great choice for those whose partners have different tastes or if you have
searched for rings but haven’t found anything you like.

Rushing to Purchase a Ring

Buying an engagement ring is a big purchase. It is an important one too as it marks a major life
event. Rushing to buy any ring just to have one so that you can propose is a mistake. Consider
that this ring is something that your future partner will be wearing for a lifetime. Ask yourself if it
is something that she would want to wear for a lifetime? Or would she become tired of the style
after a few years? Plan the type of diamond and setting that you would like. Take your time
perusing what is available online or in your local jewelry stores. Your future spouse will
appreciate the time and effort you put into finding the perfect ring!

If you are looking for the perfect engagement ring, look no further than Mark’s Diamonds.

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