April 2017 SAT Real Exam

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April 2017

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– Test questions
– The Essay prompts administered on your test day


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1 Introduction
2 Reading Test
16 Writing and Language Test
33 Math Test – No Calculator
41 Math Test – Calculator
55 Essay Prompts

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April QAS 2017

Question-and-Answer Service

Congratulations on taking the SAT®! This booklet contains the SAT you
took in April 2017. There are also two Essay prompts here; if you took the
SAT with Essay, you responded to one of these. This booklet contains
every question that was scored.
As part of the Question-and-Answer Service (QAS) you also have received:
1. A customized report that lists the following details about each question:
▶▶ answer you gave
▶▶ correct answer
▶▶ question type
▶▶ difficulty level
2. A
QAS Student Guide that explains your scores and how to
interpret them.
The test begins on the next page.

April QAS 2017

1 1
Question-and-Answer Service

Reading Test

Turn to Section 1 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.

Each passage or pair of passages below is followed by a number of questions. After reading
each passage or pair, choose the best answer to each question based on what is stated or
implied in the passage or passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or

Questions 1-10 are based on the following old man’s listening ear, and to his wife’s ear, even

passage. when the car was relatively far away and beyond their
This passage is adapted from Amit Chaudhuri, A Strange and
range of vision. They had pondered over the sound,
Sublime Address. ©1991 by Amit Chaudhuri. A ten-year-old 30 and finally, he had lit the lantern and shuffled out.
boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt “I told her,” he said, referring to his wife. “I told her
(Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in that I heard the car, I knew it was the car, I told her
Calcutta, India. you were coming.”
Once they were inside, Mamima gave the pot of
Two boys were playing carrom on the steps of a 35 yoghurt and the pot of sweetmeats to the old
small, painted shed which had the following words lady. “There was no need,” she said. “Oh really,” she
on its wall in large, black letters: NATIONAL said. “This is too much,” she insisted, with the air of
Line ASSOCIATION OF SPORTSMEN. A single one who has just received the Kohinoor diamond as
5 table-tennis table inside the shed could be glimpsed a birthday present. “Come, come, come,” said
through the window. The boys interrupted their 40 Chhotomama, with the air of someone who has just
game to give Chhotomama directions to the house given the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present,
in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes, and refuses to be overawed by his own generosity.
they knew the old couple. And yes, their son and “It’s nothing.” It was nothing, of course, only
10 daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their Ganguram’s sweets and yoghurt, but they fussed and
first child. 45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something,
“Is it a girl or a boy?” asked Mamima, rolling something unique and untasted and unencountered.
down the window. The son and the daughter-in-law emerged shyly
“A girl,” said the boy. from the anteroom. They both stooped gently to
15 Mamima rolled up her window before the touch Chhotomama’s feet, and Sandeep’s aunt’s and
mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind 50 his mother’s feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of
them. When they reached the house, they found that obeisance towards one’s elders.
the old man was waiting on the verandah with a “Oh no no no,” said Chhotomama, struggling to
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round keep the son’s hand away from his feet. “There’s no
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was need for all this.” This was half a token gesture
oblivious to them. He had come out because he had 55 towards modesty, and half towards the new,
heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. “modern” India—Nehru’s secular India, free of ritual
The night had been silent except for the questioning and religion.
cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the
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1 1
Question-and-Answer Service

“I have not met you for two years, Dada,” said the 3

son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama’s
60 toes. “You must not stop me.” This was half a token As used in lines 37 and 40, “air” most nearly means
gesture towards modesty, and half towards the old, A) atmosphere.
“traditional” India—Gandhi’s India of ceremony and
custom. B) absence.
Sandeep, meanwhile, had come to the conclusion C) demeanor.
65 that the grown-ups were mad, each after his or her D) melody.
own fashion. Simple situations were turned into
complex, dramatic ones; not until then did everyone
feel important and happy. Will they never grow up? 4
thought Sandeep irately. He glanced around him. A
70 single blue, fluorescent tube was burning on the wall. The characters’ behavior during the gift giving
It was not a big room. Despite its bareness, the mainly serves to
impression it gave was of austerity rather than A) emphasize the lavish value of the gift.
poverty. It made one remember that poverty meant
displacement as well as lack, while austerity meant B) inflate the significance of the gesture.
75 being poor in a rooted way, within a tradition and C) convey indifference toward the gift.
culture of sparseness, which transformed even the D) stress the need for polite behavior.
lack, the paucity, into a kind of being.

Which choice provides the best evidence for the
According to the passage, the old man was standing answer to the previous question?
on the verandah because
A) Lines 43-44 (“It was . . . yoghurt”)
A) he was watching cars travel down the road.
B) Lines 44-46 (“they . . . unencountered”)
B) the two boys had reported the visitors would
soon arrive. C) Lines 52-54 (“Oh no . . . all this”)

C) he had heard what he believed to be the D) Lines 58-60 (“I have . . . stop me”)
visitors’ car.
D) he enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds of 6
the evening.
The description of Chhotomama and the son’s
interaction mainly serves to
2 A) show how the characters diverge in their
In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are approaches to cultural practices.
compared to a B) emphasize the characters’ complex relationship.
A) jewel. C) stress the characters’ misinterpretations of
B) cuisine. Indian history.

C) wedding gift. D) depict how the characters created gestures that

became routine.
D) generous donation.

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1 1
Question-and-Answer Service

Reading Test Questions 11-21 are based on the following

passage and supplementary material.
Over the course of the passage, Sandeep comes to
view the adults as65 M I NU TES, 5 2 QUESTIONSThis passage is adapted from Nicholas Epley, Mindwise: How
We Understand What Others Think, Believe, Feel, and Want.
A) strict. ©2014 by Nicholas Epley.
Turn to Section 1 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
B) reserved. Knowing your own reputation can be surprisingly
C) sophisticated. difficult. Consider, for instance, a study that analyzed
a set of published experiments all sharing the same
D) immature.
Line basic design. In these experiments, people working in
5 a group would be asked to predict how the other
Each passage or pair of passages below is followed by a number of questions. After reading
group members would rate them on a series of
8 each passage or pair, choose the best answer to each question based on what is stated or
different traits. Researchers then compared these
implied in the passage or passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or
Sandeep would be most critical of which action from predicted ratings to the other group members’ actual
the passage? graph). ratings on the very same traits. The traits varied from
10 one experiment to another and included qualities like
A) The two boys playing carrom intelligence, sense of humor, consideration,
B) Mamima’s inquiry about the gender of the child defensiveness, friendliness, and leadership ability.
Questions 1-10 are based on the following old
groupslistening ear, and to hiswithwife’s theear, even

C) The old lady’s reaction to the gift varied in familiarity, members

passage. when
of some groups being fairly unfamiliar with one their
the car was relatively far away and beyond
D) The son and daughter-in-law waiting in
This passage is adapted from Amit Chaudhuri, A Strange and
range of vision. They had pondered over the sound,
15 another (such as having met only once, in a job
the anteroom
Sublime Address. ©1991 by Amit Chaudhuri. A ten-year-old 30 and finally,
interview) and he had lit the lantern
the members and groups
of other shuffledbeingout.
boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt “I told her,” he said, referring to his
very familiar with one another (such as having lived wife. “I told her
(Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in that I heard the car, I knew it was
together for an extended time as roommates). If the car, I told her
9 Calcutta, India. you
peoplewere knewcoming.”
exactly what others were thinking, then
there would they be were inside,correspondence
a perfect Mamima gave between the pot of
Which boysfrom
weretheplaying carrom
passage moston the steps
strongly of a
suggest 20
35 yoghurt and the pot of sweetmeats to the old
that painted
India shed which had
has experienced social thechange?
following words predicted and actual ratings. If people were clueless,
lady. “There
then there was no
would be need,” she said. “Ohbetween
no correspondence really,” shethe
on its wall in large, black letters: NATIONAL said. “This is too much,” she insisted, with the air of
A) Lines 36-37 (“There was
. . . she insisted”) two. Statistically speaking, you measure relationships
one who has
like these withjust received thewhere
a correlation, Kohinoorperfectdiamond as
5 B) Lines 48-51
table-tennis table(“They
inside both
the shed. . . elders”)
could be glimpsed a birthday present. “Come, come,
25 correspondence yields a correlation of 1 and no
come,” said
C) Linesthe window.
54-57 (“ThisThe
wasboys interrupted their
. . . religion”) 40 Chhotomama, with the air of someone who has just
game to give Chhotomama directions to the house correspondence yields a correlation of 0. The closer
D) Lines 73-76 (“It made . . . sparseness”) given the Kohinoor
the correlation is to diamond as a birthday
1, the stronger present,
the relationship.
in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes, andFirst,
refuses to be overawed by his own generosity.
they knew the old couple. And yes, their son and the good news. These experiments suggested
that nothing.”
people was nothing,
areItpretty of course,
good, overall, only how
at guessing
10 daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their
10 first child. Ganguram’s sweets and yoghurt, but
30 a group of others would evaluate them, on average.
they fussed and
45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something,
As “Is it in
used a girl
a boy?” asked Mamima,
“impression” rolling
most nearly means The overall correlation in these experiments between
something unique and and
predicted impressions untasted and unencountered.
the average actual
down the window. The son and the daughter-in-law emerged
A) “Aappearance.
girl,” said the boy. impression of the group was quite high (.55, ifshyly
are the anteroom.
quantitatively They
inclined).bothTo stooped
put that gently
in to
15 B) Mamima
belief. rolled up her window before the touch Chhotomama’s feet, and Sandeep’s aunt’s and
35 perspective, this is roughly the same magnitude as
C) imitation. came in. The two boys vanished behind 50 his mother’s feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of
them. When they reached the house, they found that the correlation between the heights of fathers and the
D) recollection. obeisance
heights of towards
sons (aroundone’s .5).
It is not perfect insight,
the old man was waiting on the verandah with a “Oh no no no,” said Chhotomama, struggling
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round but it is also very far from being clueless. In otherto
words, you probably have a decent sense of what no
the son’s hand away from his feet. “There’s
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was
need for all this.” This was half a token gesture
40 others generally think of you, on average.
oblivious to them. He had come out because he had 55 towards modesty, and half towards the new,
heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. Now the bad news. These experiments also
assessed India—Nehru’s
how well people couldsecular India,the
predict free of ritual
The night had been silent except for the questioning and religion.
cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of impression of any single individual within a given
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine group. You may know, for instance, that your
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the
April QAS 2017

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1 1
Question-and-Answer Service

45 coworkers
“I have notin general
met you think
for two you years,
are ratherDada,” smart,
the 3 Mean Correlations of Perceptions of

son, struggling
coworkerstoalso get vary
his handsin their
Chhotomama’s of you. Individuals among New Acquaintances and
60 Some
toes. “You
thinkmustyou are
not asstop
a knife.
half a token
think As used in lines 37 and 40, “air” most nearly means
Old Acquaintances in Twenty-One Studies
are towards
as sharp modesty,
as a spoon. and Dohalf
know the the old, A) atmosphere.
“traditional” India—Gandhi’s India of ceremony and
B) absence.1.0

0 = complete disagreement)
50 custom.
Evidently, no. The accuracy rate across these

(1 = complete agreement;
0.9 new acquaintance
Sandeep, meanwhile,
was barely better had come than to random
the conclusion
guessing C) demeanor.

Mean correlations
65 (an
the grown-ups
correlation wereof mad,
.13 between
each after predicted
his or her and well acquainted
D) melody.0.7
own fashion.
Simple only
slightlywerehigher turned
than into
no 0.6
complex, dramaticwhatsoever).
ones; not Although
until then youdidmighteveryone
have 0.5
55 some
feel important
sense of how and happy.
smart your Willcoworkers
they neverthink grow you up? 0.4
4 0.3
you Sandeep
appear toirately.
have no Heclueglanced
aboutaroundwhich him. A
0.2 behavior during the gift giving
The characters’
70 coworkers
single blue,influorescent
particular tubefind wasyou burning
smart and onwhich
the wall.
do 0.1to
mainly serves
It wasAsnot
onea author
big room. of the
studyits writes,
bareness,“Peoplethe seem 0
have just ita tiny
was of austerity
of insightrather
into than
how they A value ofBthe gift. C
A) emphasize the lavish
60 are
It made
viewedoneby remember
particularthat otherpoverty
But perhaps asthis
lack, whileyourausterity
mind-reading meant B) Ainflate
= correlation between individuals’
the significance self-perception
of the gesture.
and those individuals’ predictions of how others
75 abilities
being poor to too
in ahigh
rooteda standard?
way, within It’s ahard,
after and
all, to C) perceive
convey them
indifference toward the gift.
of sparseness,
like intelligence
which transformed
and trustworthiness even the D) stress the need for polite behavior.
lack, the paucity,
so it might intonot
a kindbe soofsurprising
being. that we B = correlation between individuals’ self-perception
65 have difficulty guessing how others will evaluate us
and actual perception of those individuals by others
on these ambiguous traits. What about predicting 5
1 something simpler, such as how much other people C = correlation between individuals’ predictions of
like you? Surely you are better at this. You learn over Which choice provides the best evidence for the
According toaround
the passage, thewhoold smile
man was standing how others perceive them and actual perception of
time to hang people at you and answer to the previous question?
on the verandah because those individuals by others
70 avoid those who spit at you. You must have a much
A) Lines 43-44 (“It was . . . yoghurt”)
A) hesense of who likes
was watching carsyou anddown
travel who the hates you
within a group. Yes? B) Lines
Adapted from44-46
Erika N.(“they
Carlson. and
. . unencountered”)
Simine Vazire, “Meta-Insight:
B) I’m
two boysnot.hadThesereported
studiesthe visitors
found thatwould
people are Do People Really Know How Others See Them?” ©2011
soon arrive. C) Lines 52-54 (“Oh no . . . all this”)
by American Psychological Association.
only slightly better than chance at guessing who in a
C) helikeshad heard whatwhohe believed D) Lines 58-60 (“I have . . . stop me”)
75 group them and does notto (thebe average
correlation car. was a meager .18). Some of your
D) he enjoyed like you and others
listening to thedo not,sounds
quiet but I wouldn’t
of 6
count on you
the evening. knowing the difference. The same
barely-better-than-guessing accuracy is also found in The
Which description of Chhotomama
choice best and the
supports the claim son’s
in the
80 experiments investigating how well speed daters can interaction mainly
first sentence of theserves to
2 assess who wants to date them and who does not, A) show
Lines how the characters
2-4 (“Consider diverge in their
. . . design”)
how well job candidates can judge which
In the passage,
interviewers theimpressed
were yoghurt and by sweetmeats
them and which are were approaches to cultural practices.
B) Lines 21-23 (“If people . . . two”)
compared to a B) emphasize
not, and even how well teachers can predict their C) Lines 26-27the characters’
(“The closer . .complex relationship.
. relationship”)
85 course evaluations. Granted, it’s rare that you are C) stress the characters’ misinterpretations of
A) jewel. D) Lines 54-58 (“Although . . . not”)
completely clueless about how you are evaluated. Indian history.
B) cuisine.
Accuracy tends to be better than chance in these
C) wedding gift. but not necessarily by very much. D) depict how the characters created gestures that
became routine.
D) generous donation.

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1 1
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Reading Test 15

The information about statistical measurement in As used in line 35, “magnitude” most nearly means
65 M.I.NU
lines 23-27 (“Statistically TES, 5 2
. relationship”) is QUESTIONSA) strength.
presented in order to
B) influence.
Turn to
A) correct a common Section 1 of yourofanswer
misunderstanding how sheet to answer the questions in this section.
researchers quantify certain data from C) severity.
experiments. D) reality.
B) forestall potential objections to how data from
the experiments were analyzed in the study.
Each passage or pair of passages below is followed 16 by a number of questions. After reading
C) draw attention to apassage
each patternor evident in the the best answer to each question based on what is stated or
pair, choose
conclusions of the experiments. What main effect do the words “clueless” (line 38)
implied in the passage or passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or
and “mind-reading” (line 61) have on the tone of the
D) provide context for a way in which the results of
graph). passage?
the experiments will be discussed.
A) They contribute to a casual and gently humorous
tone that renders a potentially specialized
13 Questions 1-10 are based on the following old man’s listening
discussion moreear, and to his wife’s ear, even

passage. when the car was relatively

B) They contribute to a slyly far mocking
away andand beyond their
Based on the passage, in which situation would an
This passagestand
rangedisapproving tone that reinforces thethe
of vision. They had pondered over sound,
individual the greatest
is adapted from Amit chance of accurately
Chaudhuri, A Strange and
Sublime Address. 30 and criticisms of the researchers’ conclusions. out.
finally, he had lit the lantern and shuffled
predicting how©1991
he or by
sheAmit Chaudhuri. A ten-year-old
is perceived?
boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt “I told her,” he said, referring to his wife. “I told her
A) An intern
(Mamima), predicts
and his the impression
uncle (Chhotomama) thatfamily
to visit her direct
that They
I heardcontribute
the car, Ito a deeply
knew it waspessimistic toneher
the car, I told that
Calcutta, India. holds of her. stresses
you were coming.”the impossibility of ever knowing how
Once they truly
were perceive
Mamimaother.gave the pot of
B) Two
A manager
boys were predicts
playing thecarrom
collective opinion
on the steps of
of a
employees about her ability. yoghurt
35 D) Theyand the pot of
contribute tosweetmeats
a thoughtfultoyet theuncertain
small, painted shed which had the following words lady.tone
need,”onshethesaid. “Oh really,” she
on its
C) Anwall in large,predicts
instructor black letters: NATIONAL
the enthusiasm of his said.usefulness
“This is too ofmuch,” she insisted,
experimental data. with the air of
class after talking with two students. A single one who has just received the Kohinoor diamond as
5 table-tennis table inside the shed could be glimpsed
D) A biographer predicts the esteem in which he is a birthday present. “Come, come, come,” said
through the window. The boys interrupted their 40 Chhotomama, with the air of someone who has just
held by the living subject of his book. 17
game to give Chhotomama directions to the house given the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present,
in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes, The author quoted
and refuses in lines 58-60
to be overawed by hisexpresses which
own generosity.
they knew the old couple. And yes, their son and view of the study’s results?
“It’s nothing.” It was nothing, of course, only
10 daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their
A) They indicatesweetsthatandthere
yoghurt, but they
is a small but fussed and
first child.
Which choice provides the best evidence for the 45 fussed and created the illusion thathow
it was something,
“Is itto
answer a girl or a boy?”question?
the previous asked Mamima, rolling chance of correctly predicting one is
perceived.unique and untasted and unencountered.
down the window. The son and the daughter-in-law emerged shyly
A) “ALines 9-13 (“The
girl,” said the boy. traits . . . familiarity”) B) They show that individuals generally know very
from the anteroom. They both stooped gently to
15 B) Lines 28-33 (“These experiments
Mamima rolled up her window before the . . . high”) little about how they are regarded by groups of
touch Chhotomama’s feet, and Sandeep’s aunt’s and
C) Lines 41-44 came(“Now
in. The thetwo. . .boys vanished behind
group”) people.
50 his mother’s feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of
them. When they reached the house, they found that C) They reveal
obeisance towards that oneelders.
one’s individual hardly knows
D) Lines
the old man 68-70
was (“Surely
waiting on . . . the
at you”)
verandah with a what another individual
“Oh no no no,” said Chhotomama, thinks of him or her.to
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round keepThey
the son’s handthataway from his feet. “There’s no
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was
D) confirm one’s predictions about other
for all this.” This wasare
impressions halfno abetter
token than
oblivious to them. He had come out because he had 55 towards modesty, and half towards the new,
heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. guesses.
“modern” India—Nehru’s secular India, free of ritual
The night had been silent except for the questioning and religion.
cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the
April QAS 2017

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1 1
Question-and-Answer Service

18 “I have not met you for two years, Dada,” said the 3

son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama’s
The main reason that the author includes the
60 toes. “You must not stop me.” This was half a token As usedstatement
Which in lines 37best
40, “air” most
the nearly means
gesture towards about speed daters,
modesty, jobtowards
and half candidates, and
the old, made by correlation C in the figure?
teachers in lines 78-85 is to A) atmosphere.
“traditional” India—Gandhi’s India of ceremony and A)
custom. B) Sally believes she is outgoing but thinks that
A) caution against making assumptions about others will describe her as reserved.
Sandeep, meanwhile,motives.
certain individuals’ had come to the conclusion C) demeanor.
65 that the grown-ups were mad, each after his or her
B) Sally expects that others will say she is outgoing,
B) D) but
owndistinguish among
fashion. Simple certain behaviors
situations were turnedobserved
into in many describe her as reserved.
three different scenarios.
complex, dramatic ones; not until then did everyone C) Sally has been told that she is outgoing but only
C) indicate certain
feel important settings
and happy. where
Will theyfurther studyup?
never grow by 4 by people with whom she is well acquainted.
thought Sandeepisirately.
needed.He glanced around him. A D) Sally is outgoing with those with whom she is
single blue, fluorescent tube was in burning The characters’ behavior during the gift giving
70 D) offer examples of situations which on the wall.
a certain well acquainted but reserved around new
It was not a big room. Despite its bareness, the mainly serves to
finding holds true. acquaintances.
impression it gave was of austerity rather than A) emphasize the lavish value of the gift.
poverty. It made one remember that poverty meant
B) inflate the significance of the gesture.
19 displacement as well as lack, while austerity meant 21
75 being poor in a rooted way, within a tradition and C) convey indifference toward the gift.
According to the figure,
culture of sparseness, the mean
which correlation
transformed eventhat
the Information in the figure is most useful for
most nearly approaches complete agreement exists D) stress the
addressing needquestion
which for polite behavior.by the passage?
lack, the paucity, into a kind of being.
between individuals’ self-perception and
A) What determined the traits that researchers
A) how those individuals are actually perceived by 5 tended to focus on in the experiments being
1 new acquaintances. analyzed?
Which choice provides the best evidence for the
B) to the passage,
actual perceptions the old
of those man was standing
individuals by people B) Why
answer toare
theindividuals more likely to accurately
previous question?
on the verandah
with because
whom they are well acquainted. predict the impressions of groups than of
A) specific
Lines 43-44 (“It waswithin
individuals . . . yoghurt”)
A) the individuals’
he was watchingpredictions of howthe
cars travel down they are
perceived by people with whom they are well B) To
C) Lines 44-46
what (“they
degree are. people
. . unencountered”)
able to predict how
B) the two boys had reported the visitors would
acquainted. C) individual
Lines 52-54acquaintances
(“Oh no . . . all perceive
this”) them?
soon arrive.
D) the predictions those individuals make about D) Is one58-60
Lines person’s understanding
(“I have of trustworthiness
. . . stop me”)
C) he had heard what he believed to be the
how they are perceived by new as well as old really so different from another person’s
visitors’ car.
acquaintances. understanding of that trait?
D) he enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds of 6
the evening.
The description of Chhotomama and the son’s
interaction mainly serves to
2 A) show how the characters diverge in their
In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are approaches to cultural practices.
compared to a B) emphasize the characters’ complex relationship.
A) jewel. C) stress the characters’ misinterpretations of
B) cuisine. Indian history.

C) wedding gift. D) depict how the characters created gestures that

became routine.
D) generous donation.

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Reading Test
Questions 22-32 are based on the following carbon-rich gunk—just the sort of residue that might

passage and supplementary material. have been left behind on an icy object that had its
outermost layers vaporised in the bright sunlight of
This passage is adapted 65 from M IDavid
NUShiga,TES, “Has5Pluto
the inner solar system. Bottke and Levison’s
Us a Message in Ceres?” ©2008 by Reed Business
Information, Ltd. 50 computer simulations show that the observed
Turn to Section 1 of your answer sheet to answer number of objectsinisthis
the questions about right if they are
Does Pluto have a wayward cousin lurking in the immigrants, though they have assumed many of the
inner solar system? The dwarf planet Ceres—and objects broke up after transport.
other icy chunks—may have been born in the same Thomas McCord of the Bear Fight Center in
Line realm as Pluto, but travelled all the way to the 55 Winthrop, Washington, who was not involved in any
5 asteroid belt between Eachthe orbitsorofpair
passage Mars of and Jupiter.
passages below is followedofbythe three studies,
a number agrees that
of questions. Afterthe asteroid belt
If so, it would be further evidence that a massive
each passage or pair, choose the best answer to each question based on what is statedfrom
probably hosts some small refugees or the outer
upheaval rearranged the early solar system.
implied in the passage or passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or to believe
solar system, but says there is no reason
At 950 kilometres in diameter, Ceres is by far the Ceres is a stranger there. Its ice-to-rock ratio matches
largest object in the graph).
asteroid belt. And that’s not the 60 the expected composition of the raw materials that
10 only reason it doesn’t quite fit in with many of its would have been available at its current position
companions, according to William McKinnon of early on, he says. What’s more, objects of its size are
Washington University. expected
Questions 1-10 are based on the following old man’stolistening
have formed ear, andin the inner
to his solar
wife’s ear,system.

McKinnon points out that Ceres has a low New measurements of Ceres’s composition by their
passage. when the car was relatively far away and beyond
density, which suggests it is 25 to 30 per cent water 65 NASA’s
15 ice. That’s
This passageaishigh proportion
adapted from Amit forChaudhuri,
an asteroid, but and
A Strange
range of Dawn
They had forpondered
which McCord
over theissound,
a team
member, could help pin down its birthplace.
30 and finally, he had lit the lantern and shuffled out.
Sublime Address. ©1991
closely matches Plutoby andAmit Chaudhuri.
other A ten-year-old
icy objects native to
boy namedsolar
the outer Sandeep travels
system, with his
known as mother, his aunt
trans-Neptunian “I told her,” heofsaid,
Properties referring
Selected SolartoSystem
his wife. “I told her
(Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama)
objects (TNOs). What’s more, a dip in Ceres’s light to visit family in that I heard the car, I knew it was the car, I told her
Calcutta, India.
spectrum may be a sign of ammonium-rich clay at you were coming.”
distance Average
surface. Once they were inside,Radius Mamima gave Massthe pot of
20 boysThiswerematerial
playinghas neveron
carrom been
the found
steps ofina Object from Sun
35 yoghurt and the pot of(Earth sweetmeats density
the fragments = 1) to the old
(Earth = 1)
small, painted of asteroids
shed which that
had thehavefollowing
fallen to words
Earth, (Earth
lady. “There was no need,” she said. “Oh really,” she ) (g/cm 3

but fits the expected ammonia-rich

on its wall in large, black letters: NATIONAL composition distance
of a TNO. said. “This is too =much,”
1) she insisted, with the air of
one who has 1.0
just received 1.0Kohinoor 1.0
the diamond as 5.5
5 So if Ceres
table-tennis formed
table inside in the
could be glimpsed Mars 1.52 0.53 0.11 3.9
how did the
it end up 2 toThe 4 billion kilometres away? a birthday present. “Come, come, come,” said
25 through window. boys interrupted their Juno
40 Chhotomama, with the air of someone who has just
game to researchers think thatdirections
give Chhotomama the orbits to of the
the house
planets 2.7 0.019 0.000003 2.8
given the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present,
were once unstable. According to this
in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes, idea—known
as theknew
Nicethe model—Uranus andyes,
Neptune went and refuses to be overawed by his own generosity.
they old couple. And their son and “It’s nothing.”2.8 It was nothing, of course, only
rampaging through (dwarf 0.073 0.00015 2.7
10 daughter-in-law hadthe outerlast
arrived solar system
night witharound
their Ganguram’s sweets and yoghurt, but they fussed and
3.9 planet)
30 firstbillion
child. years ago. As a result, many of the icy 45 fussed and created
“Is itthat
a girlformed in theasked
or a boy?” outerMamima,
solar system rollingwere Jupiter 5.2 the illusion 11.2 that it was318.0something, 1.3
pulled inward by the gravity of the two planets, and something
Saturn 1 unique
9.5 and untasted
9.5 and unencountered.
95.0 0.7
down the window.
some“Aended up joining
girl,” said the boy.the rocky asteroids that were UranusThe son and 19.2the daughter-in-law
4.0 emerged
15.0 shyly1.3
born in the asteroid belt. from the anteroom. They both stooped gently to
15 Mamima rolled up herCeres
window would simply
before the be the Neptune
Chhotomama’s feet,
and Sandeep’s
aunt’s and
35 largest of these immigrants. “The
mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind odds for this seem Pluto
50 his mother’s feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of
them.but Whenit is not
reached the house, says they
Bill Bottke
found of that (dwarf 39.5 one’s elders. 0.2 0.002 2.1
the Southwest Research obeisance towards
old man was waitingInstitute (SwRI) inwith
on the verandah Boulder,
a planet)“Oh no no no,” said Chhotomama, struggling to
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round keep the son’s hand away from his feet. “There’s no
20 andBottke
roundand the Hal Levison
lantern, of SwRI
though the oldledman
a pair wasof
for all
Properties giventhis.” This
do not wasSaturn’s
include half a ring
token gesture
40 studies
oblivious which support
to them. He hadthe idea
comeofout refugees
because from the
he had 55 towards
Source: modesty,
Data from the and
Nationalhalf towards
Aeronautics the
and new,
heard solar system orbiting
the throbbing in the asteroid
of the engine belt.
in the distance.
They focused on the so-called D- and P-type “modern”
Administration India—Nehru’s
(NASA). secular India, free of ritual
The night had been silent except for the questioning and religion.
cry of an owl thatandcomprise 20 per cent
the continual of the population
orchestral sound of
25 in the outer part of the belt. These
crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the objects areengine
a dark
45 reddish colour that suggests they are
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the covered in

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22 “I have not met you for two years, Dada,” said the 3

son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama’s
In McKinnon’s view, Ceres differs from other objects
60 toes. “You must not stop me.” This was half a token lines34,
As used in line 37 “simply”
and 40, “air”
mostmost nearly
nearly means
in the asteroid
gesture towardsbelt in which
modesty, significant
and half towardsway?the old,
A) wholly.
A) The surfaceIndia—Gandhi’s
temperature ofIndia
lower than and
custom. B) sincerely.
the temperatures of the other objects.
Sandeep, meanwhile, had come to the conclusion C) plainly.
B) The dimensions of Ceres have varied more over
65 that the grown-ups were mad, each after his or her D) merely.
owntime thanSimple
fashion. the dimensions
the turned
other into
objects have.
complex, dramatic ones; not until then did everyone
C) The surfaceand
feel important composition
happy. Willofthey
Ceres is dissimilar
never grow up?to 26
the composition
thought of the
Sandeep irately. Heother
around him. A
70 D) blue, fluorescent tube was isburning on the than
wall. Based on the passage,
The characters’ Bottke
behavior andthe
during Levison’s
gift giving
The light reflected by Ceres more intense
It was not a big room. Despite its bareness, the mainly serveswould
conclusions to be most weakened by a study that
the light reflected by the other objects.
impression it gave was of austerity rather than A) confirmed
emphasize that heat from
the lavish valuethe Sungift.
of the burned away
poverty. It made one remember that poverty meant the outer layers of all immigrant objects.
B) inflate the significance of the gesture.
23 displacement as well as lack, while austerity meant B)
75 being poor in a rooted way, within a tradition and C) established that the orbits
convey indifference towardofthe
gift. objects of
culture choice provideswhich
of sparseness, the best evidence for
transformed eventhethe the inner solar system were once less stable.
answer to the previous question? D) stress the need for polite behavior.
lack, the paucity, into a kind of being. C) demonstrated that very few objects broke up
A) Lines 2-5 (“The dwarf . . . Jupiter”) after migrating to the asteroid belt.
B) Lines 8-9 (“At 950 . . . belt”) 5 D) proved that not all immigrants from the outer
1 solar system survive in the asteroid belt today.
C) Lines 18-20 (“What’s . . . surface”) Which choice provides the best evidence for the
According to the passage, the old man was standing answer to the previous question?
D) Lines
on the 20-23 (“This
verandah because. . . TNO”)
27 A) Lines 43-44 (“It was . . . yoghurt”)
A) he was watching cars travel down the road.
B) Lines
Which 44-46
choice (“they .the
provides . . unencountered”)
best evidence for the
24 B) the two boys had reported the visitors would
answer to 52-54
C) Lines the previous
(“Oh noquestion?
. . . all this”)
soon arrive.
According to the passage, the Nice model is based on
C) idea
the thatheard what he believed to be the
he had A)
D) Lines 39-41
58-60 (“Bottke
(“I have ......stop
visitors’ car. B) Lines 42-44 (“They . . . belt”)
A) Uranus and Neptune were not always locked
D) into
he enjoyed listening
their current to thepaths.
orbital quiet sounds of 6 C) Lines 44-49 (“These . . . system”)
the evening. D) Lines 49-53 (“Bottke . . . transport”)
B) Ceres traveled a greater distance than any other The description of Chhotomama and the son’s
object in the solar system did. interaction mainly serves to
2 C) objects formed in the inner solar system were 28 A) show how the characters diverge in their
able to resist the gravitational pull of Uranus and
In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are approaches
As used to cultural
in line 60, practices.
“raw” most nearly means
compared to a B) emphasize the characters’ complex relationship.
D) icy objects like Ceres were formed in the inner A) original.
A) solar
jewel.system. C) stress the characters’ misinterpretations of
B) young. history.
B) cuisine.
D) exposed.
depict how the characters created gestures that
C) wedding gift.
D) became
D) generous donation.

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Reading Test Questions 33-42 are based on the following

The last sentence of the passage serves mainly to
65 M I NU TES, 5 2 QUESTIONSPassage 1, by Patrick Henry, and Passage 2, by Edmund
A) hint at a possible weakness in a claim. Pendleton, are adapted from speeches delivered to the
B) emphasize the critical nature of a decision. Virginia ratifying convention in 1788. Both are in response
Turn to Section 1 of your answer sheet to answer
to the questions
the proposal in this
by the 1787section.
Constitutional Convention in
C) allude to a potential resolution to a puzzle. Philadelphia to replace the Articles of Confederation with a
D) reconcile two opposing positions on an issue. new constitution establishing a national government.
Passage 1
If a wrong step be now made, the republic may be
30 Each passage or pair of passages below is followedlost
by forever.
a numberIf of questions.
this After reading
new government will not come up
each passage or pair, choose the best answer to each
to question
the basedof
expectation onthewhat is stated
people, and or
they shall be
According to the table, which object has the lowest
implied in the passage or passages and in anyLine
accompanying graphics
disappointed, their (such as
liberty a table
will be or and tyranny
average density?
graph). 5 must and will arise.
A) Earth . . . And here I would make this inquiry of those
B) Ceres worthy characters who composed a part of the late
federal Convention. I am sure they were fully
C) Saturn 1-10 are based on the following
Questions old man’s listening
impressed with the ear, and toofhis
necessity wife’s ear,
forming a greateven

D) Pluto 10 when the car government,
consolidated was relativelyinsteadfar away ofand beyond their
a confederation.
This passage is adapted from Amit Chaudhuri, A Strange and
That thisof vision. They had pondered
is a consolidated government overis the sound,
Sublime Address. ©1991 by Amit Chaudhuri. A ten-year-old 30 and finally, he clear;
demonstrably had litandthethe
danger andofshuffled
such a out.
31 boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt “I told her,” he
government is, said,
to myreferring
mind, very to his wife. “I told her
(Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in thatI have
I heard thethe car, I veneration
highest knew it wasfor thethose
car, Igentlemen;
told her
Which statement is supported by data represented in you
Calcutta, India. 15 but, were
sir, givecoming.”
me leave to demand, What right had
the table?
to say,theyWe,were
people? Mamima
My political gave curiosity,
the pot of
Two boys were playing carrom on the steps of a yoghurt
A) Earth shows greater 35 exclusiveand theanxious
of my pot of sweetmeats
solicitude for to thethe old
small, painted shed whichvariation
had the in density words
following than
lady. “There
Ceres does. welfare, leadswasmeno need,”
to ask, Who sheauthorized
said. “Oh really,”them toshe
on its wall in large, black letters: NATIONAL said.
speak“This is too much,”
the language of, We, shetheinsisted,
people,with insteadthe of,
air of
Line B) Juno’s average
SPORTSMEN.from theASun is less than
20 one
We, who has just
the states? received
States thecharacteristics
are the Kohinoor diamond and the as
that of Ceres.
5 table-tennis table inside the shed could be glimpsed
birthday present. “Come,
of a confederation. If thecome,
be notsaid the agents
C) Somethe window.
objects The
in the boys interrupted
asteroid their in
belt are greater Chhotomama,
40 of this compact,with the air
it must of someone
be one who has just
great, consolidated,
gamemassto give
Ceres is. directions to the house given thegovernment,
Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present,
national of the people of all the
in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes, and refuses
D) states. . . . to be overawed by his own generosity.
theyNo other
knew thedwarf planetAnd
old couple. has ayes,
largeandas “It’sThenothing.” wasthem
that of Ceres. 25 people It gave nothing, of course,
no power to useonly their
10 daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their
name. That they sweets and yoghurt,
exceeded but they
their power fussed and
is perfectly
first child. fussed
45 clear. Itand created
is not merethe illusionthat
curiosity thatactuates
it was something,
me: I wish
“Is it a girl or a boy?” asked Mamima, rolling something
32 down the window. to hear the unique and untasted
real, actual, and unencountered.
existing danger, which should
leadTheus tosontake
the daughter-in-law
steps, so dangerous emergedin myshyly
“A girl,”
Which data said the boy.
presented in the table would McKinnon from the anteroom. They both stooped gently to of
30 conception. Disorders have arisen in other parts
15 findMamima
most usefulrolledto up
his her window before the
argument? touch Chhotomama’s
America; but here, sir,feet, and Sandeep’s
no dangers, aunt’s andor
no insurrection
mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind his mother’s feet, a traditional greeting
A) The average 50 tumult have happened; every thing has andbeenacalmmark of
them. When theydensity
reachedofthePluto is similar
house, to thatthat
they found of
obeisance towards one’s elders.
Ceres. and tranquil. But, notwithstanding this, we are
the old man was waiting on the verandah with a “Oh no no
wandering on no,” said Chhotomama,
the great ocean of human struggling
affairs. I seeto
B) in his is
Neptune hand. Moths
located muchwere shuddering
farther from the round
Sun keep the son’stohand away fromare hisrunning
feet. “There’s no
35 no landmark guide us. We we know
20 and than
roundis the lantern, though the old man was
Ceres. need for all this.”
not whither. This was
Difference half a token
of opinion has gonegesture to a
C) to them.
The mass He had
of Ceres come
is only out because
slightly greaterhe had
than towards
55 degree ofmodesty,
inflammatory and half towards the
resentment new,
in different parts
heard the throbbing
that of Juno. of the engine in the distance. “modern” India—Nehru’s secular India, free
of the country, which has been occasioned byofthis
The night had been silent except for the questioning and religion.
D) Ceres is denser, perilous innovation. The federal Convention ought
cry of an owl and theon average,orchestral
continual than eithersoundNeptune
or Uranus. 40 to have amended the old system; for this purpose
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine
they were solely delegated; the object of their mission
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the
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“I havetonot nomet
other you
for two years,YouDada,”
must,said the 3

son, strugglingforgiveto the
get his
hands near
of one
60 member
toes. “You tomust
knownot what
me.” This
a token As Passage
In used in lines 37 and
1, Henry 40,that
states “air”Virginia
most nearly means
differs from
45 under
gesturethe towards
present modesty,
and halfand
what the
are old,
the other areas of the country in that
A) atmosphere.
of thisIndia—Gandhi’s
proposal to change India
ceremony and A) there is no evidence of civil unrest.
custom. B) absence.
Passage 2 B) the federal convention is widely praised.
Sandeep, meanwhile, had come to the conclusion C) demeanor.
Mr. Chairman, my worthy friend (Mr. Henry) C) opposition
65 that the grown-ups were mad, each after his or her
has expressed great uneasiness in his mind, and D) melody. to a consolidated government is
own fashion. Simple situations were turned into strong.
informed us that a great many of our citizens are also
complex, dramatic ones; not until then did everyone D) tyranny and loss of liberty are greatly feared.
50 extremely uneasy, at the proposal of changing our
feel important and happy. Will they never grow up? 4
government. . . .
thought Sandeep irately. He glanced around him. A
. . . [A]n objection is made to the form: the The characters’ behavior during the gift giving
70 single blue, fluorescent tube was burning on the wall. 34
expression, We, the people, is thought improper. mainly serves to
It was not a big room. Despite its bareness, the
Permit me to ask the gentleman who made this The figurative language in lines 33-35 (“But,
impression it gave was of austerity rather than A) emphasize the
55 objection, who but the people can delegate powers?
poverty. It made one remember that poverty meant notwithstanding . . lavish
. guidevalue of the gift.
us”) serves mainly to
Who but the people have a right to form B) inflate the significance of the gesture.
displacement as well as lack, while austerity meant
government? The expression is a common one, and a
75 being poor in a rooted way, within a tradition and C) convey indifference toward the gift.
favorite one with me. The representatives of the A) impatience.
culture of sparseness, which transformed even the D) stress the need for polite behavior.
people, by their authority, is a mode wholly B) uncertainty.
lack, the paucity, into a kind of being.
60 inessential. If the objection be, that the Union ought
C) optimism.
to be not of the people, but of the state governments,
then I think the choice of the former very happy and 5 D) indignation.
1 proper. What have the state governments to do
Which choice provides the best evidence for the
with it? . . . to the passage, the old man was standing
According answer to the previous question?
65 on But the powerbecause
the verandah of the Convention is doubted. 35
What is the power? To propose, not to determine. A) Lines 43-44
In Passage (“It wasindicates
2, Pendleton . . . yoghurt”)
that the phrase
Thishe was watching
power of proposingcarswas
travel down
very theitroad.
broad; extended B) Lines
“We, 44-46 (“they
the people” is . . . unencountered”)
B) remove
the twoallboysdefects
hadin government:
reported the members
the visitors would of
that soon
arrive. who were to consider all the defects C)
A) Lines 52-54 (“Oh
objectionable no . .citizens.
to most . all this”)
70 in our general government, were not confined to any
C) he had heard what he believed to be the D)
B) Lines 58-60 (“I
appropriate for have . . . stop me”)
the proposed type of
car.Were they deceived? This is the government.
proper question here. Suppose the paper on your
D) he
table enjoyedfrom
dropped listening
one oftothe
quiet sounds of
the people 6 C) popular among proponents of states’ rights.
found theit,evening.
and sent us here to consider whether it was D) overused by supporters of a federal system.
The description of Chhotomama and the son’s
75 proper for their adoption; must we not obey them?
interaction mainly serves to
Then the question must be between this government
2 and the Confederation. The latter is no government 36 A) show how the characters diverge in their
In all.
has been thesaid that itand
yoghurt hassweetmeats
carried us, through
are a approaches to cultural practices.
As used in line 79, “issue” most nearly means
compared to a war, to a happy issue. Not that
B) emphasize the characters’ complex relationship.
80 Confederation, but common danger, and the spirit of A) misgiving.
A) jewel.were bonds of our union: union and
America, C) stress the characters’ misinterpretations of
B) publication.
Indian history.
B) cuisine.and not that insignificant paper, carried
us through that dangerous war. “United, we C) proceeding.
D) depict how the characters created gestures that
C) wedding gift.
stand—divided, we fall!” echoed and reëchoed D) became
D) generous
85 through donation. Congress to the drunken
carpenter—was effectual, and procured the end of
our wishes, though now forgotten by gentlemen, if
such there be, who incline to let go this stronghold,
to catch at feathers; for such all substituted projects
90 may prove.

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Reading Test 40

Based on Passage 2, which statement best reflects Which statement best expresses Henry’s and
Pendleton’s view 65
of theM I NU of
Articles TES, 5 2 QUESTIONSPendleton’s respective views of the Confederation?
A) They were a source of great concern to a large A) Henry felt it was flawed but correctable, while
Turn to Section
number of American citizens.1 of your answer sheet to answer the questions
Pendleton feltinthat
had served no useful
B) They gave too much power to the elected purpose.
representatives. B) Henry viewed it as a perfect expression of
C) They served to unite the country in ways that democracy, while Pendleton viewed it as
were unprecedented. fundamentally authoritarian.
Each passage or pair of passages below is followed by a number of questions. After reading
D) They had little each passage
to do or pair, choose
with America’s having C) question
the best answer to each Henry regarded
based onit what
as adequate
is statedinorits current
prevailed in its most recent
implied form, while Pendleton
conflict.or passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or
in the passage regarded it as a
transitional system only.
D) Henry considered it an unavoidable compromise
38 during a time of crisis, while Pendleton
considered it to have harmed the nation’s future
Which choice provides the best evidence for the
Questions 1-10 are based on the following prospects.
old man’s listening ear, and to his wife’s ear, even

answer to the previous question?

passage. when the car was relatively far away and beyond their
A) Lines 47-51
This passage (“Mr.from
is adapted Chairman . . . government”)
Amit Chaudhuri, A Strange and
range of vision. They had pondered over the sound,
B) Lines
Sublime 58-60©1991
Address. (“Thebyrepresentatives
Amit Chaudhuri..A. .ten-year-old 41
30 and finally, he had lit the lantern and shuffled out.
boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt
inessential”) “I told her,” he said, referring to his wife. “I told her
Henry would most likely have responded to
(Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in that I heard the car, I knew it was the car, I told her
C) Lines 79-83 (“Not . . . war”) Pendleton’s claim about the members of the
Calcutta, India. you were coming.”
Convention by asserting that they
D) Lines 83-89 (“United . . . feathers”) Once they were inside, Mamima gave the pot of
Two boys were playing carrom on the steps of a yoghurt andsufficiently
the pot of sweetmeats
35 A) did not address theto the old
defects of the
small, painted shed which had the following words lady.Confederation.
“There was no need,” she said. “Oh really,” she
on its wall in large, black letters: NATIONAL said.should
“This isnottoohave
much,” she insisted, withnew
the air of
39 B) proposed an entirely form
one who has just
of government. received the Kohinoor diamond as
5 Which table best
statement inside the shedthe
describes could be glimpsed
relationship a birthday present. “Come, come, come,” said
through the window.
between The boys
views expressed in interrupted their
the two passages? 40 C) were seeking
Chhotomama, only
with thetoairenact the wishes
of someone whoofhas
the just
game to give Chhotomama directions to the house American people.
given the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present,
A) Henryofand
in a series Pendleton
sporadic, both disagreed
enthusiastic with
gestures. Ohthe
conclusions of the federal Convention. and failed
D) refusestotounderstand
be overawed thebydanger
his own generosity.
of taking no
they knew the old couple. And yes, their son and “It’s significant was nothing, of course, only
nothing.” Itaction.
10 B) Henry and Pendleton
daughter-in-law had arrived held
lastsimilar beliefs
night with about
their Ganguram’s sweets and yoghurt, but they fussed and
the new
first child. Constitution.
45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something,
C) “Is it a girl
Henry or aquestions
asked boy?” askedthatMamima,
admitted 42 something unique and untasted and unencountered.
down hethe window.
could not answer. The son and the daughter-in-law emerged shyly
“A girl,” said the boy. Which
from the choice provides
anteroom. They theboth
for the
D) Pendleton disagreed with most
Mamima rolled up her window before the of the points answer to the previous question?
made by Henry. touch Chhotomama’s feet, and Sandeep’s aunt’s and
mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind his mother’s
50 A) feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of
them. When they reached the house, they found that Lines 6-10 (“And here . . . confederation”)
obeisance towards one’s elders.
the old man was waiting on the verandah with a B) Lines 11-13 (“That . . . striking”)
“Oh no no no,” said Chhotomama, struggling to
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round C)
keepLines 39-42
the son’s (“The
hand federal
away from. .his. consideration”)
feet. “There’s no
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was
D) for all42-46
This was
. . . half a token gesture
oblivious to them. He had come out because he had 55 towards modesty, and half towards the new,
heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. “modern” India—Nehru’s secular India, free of ritual
The night had been silent except for the questioning and religion.
cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the
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Questions 43-52
“I have not metare
youbased onyears,
for two the following
Dada,” said the 3 John Ralph and colleagues at the

son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama’s University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Great Lakes
60 toes. “You must not stop me.” This was half a token As used in Research
Bioenergy lines 37 and 40, “air”
Center mostlignin
detected nearlyinmeans
This passage is adapted from Catherine Clabby, “A Tangled
Tale towards
of Plant modesty,
Evolution.” and
©2009 by half
Sigmatowards the old,
Xi, The Scientific 45 C.
A) cheilosporioides.
atmosphere. They found the same telltale
“traditional” India—Gandhi’s
Research Society. India of ceremony and components derived from radical coupling reactions
custom. B) absence.
of hydroxycinnamyl alcohols used to describe lignins
As ancestors
Sandeep, of land plants
meanwhile, abandoned
had come their
to the conclusion C) terrestrial
in demeanor. plants.
aquatic nurseries for life on shore, they
65 that the grown-ups were mad, each after his or her needed the
D) At the Centre de Recherches sur les
means to seal in water and hold themselves
own fashion. Simple situations were turned into up to 50 Macromolécules Végétales in France, Katia Ruel
Line thrive.
complex, Lignin, a strengthening
dramatic ones; not untilandthenstiffening
did everyone applied antibodies designed to locate lignin within
5 polymer common in woody plant
feel important and happy. Will they never cells, contributes
grow up? 4 land plants to samples of C. cheilosporioides. Her
to both extremely well.
thought Sandeep irately. He glanced around him. A tests detected lignin in the seaweed too.
70 single blue,production
fluorescentfor tubethose
wastasks was considered
burning on the wall. TheThe
are muchduring smaller thethan
gift what
aItkey adaptive achievement of vascular
was not a big room. Despite its bareness, plants,
the which mainly serves to
55 found in land plants. But lignin is most abundant in
descend from green algae. Now a University
impression it gave was of austerity rather than of the
10 British Columbia botanist and some highly A) parts of the the
emphasize seaweed
value areofmost mechanically
the gift.
poverty. It made one remember that poverty meant stressed, which suggests to Martone that there could
displacement chemists
as well have strong
as lack, while evidence
lignin B) inflate
be some the significance
environmental of the gesture.
stimulation that increases
in a red alga called Calliarthron cheilosporioides.
75 being poor in a rooted way, within a tradition and production
C) convey of the polymer
indifference in thethe
toward organism.
gift. The
The finding
culture suggests
of sparseness, that transformed
which a biological building
even the 60 puzzling thing is that it’s also present in calcified
block fundamental to the success of land plants has D) stress the need for polite behavior.
lack, the paucity, into a kind of being. portions of the algae. “We don’t know what it’s doing
15 roots that stretch back far deeper—and maybe there,” Martone says.
wider—through evolutionary time than was known. Martone’s working hypothesis is that the
1 “This pathway is involved in the production of other molecular pathways producing lignin emerged long
secondary metabolites like pigments in plants. A lot Which land
65 before choice provides
plants evolvedthefrombest evidence for back
green algae, the to
of to the
that is likely to passage,
be conservedthe old manfar
pretty wasback
in the to the previous
some shared withquestion?
red algae more than a
on the verandah
20 evolutionary because
history of algae,” says Patrick T. billion years ago. Molecular evidence and
Martone, the botanist who led the study. A) Lines 43-44 (“It was . . . yoghurt”)
A) he was watching cars travel down the road. comparisons of the biological gear the algae use to
Martone didn’t set out to locate lignin in algae. B) Lines
harvest 44-46
light (“theyhim
convince . . . unencountered”)
that both red and green
B) the
The two boys had
biomechanist reported
simply wanted thetovisitors
better would 70 algae descend from one
soon arrive. C) Lines 52-54 (“Oh noendosymbiotic
. . . all this”) event, when a
understand the toughness of C. cheilosporioides, eukaryote cell engulfed a photosynthesizing
25 which
C) hedwells
had heardin the harsh
what he habitat
be the zones D) Lines 58-60 (“I have . . . stop me”)
cyanobacterium and gained the ability to make its
along rocky shores.
visitors’ car. own food.
During high tides, waves pummel the alga with Karl J. Niklas, a Cornell University botanist,
D) he enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds of 6
water velocities exceeding 20 meters per second and 75 considers Martone’s evidence for lignin in
the evening.
with forces that exceed those generated by hurricane C.
description of exceptionally
Chhotomamastrong. and theBut he
30 winds. The calcified, or rigid-bodied, seaweed has thinks that red
interaction andserves
mainly green to algae evolved from separate
multiple noncalcified joints that make it flexible yet endosymbiotic events. Still, the progenitors of the
2 A) show how both
the characters diverge
strong enough to handle that setting. two algae may have carried genesinsimilar
their to
In the collaborator
passage, Jose Estevez
the yoghurt at the Carnegie
and sweetmeats are approaches to cultural practices.
80 those participating in the lignin production pathways
compared to fora Science examined the joints for B) emphasize
seen the characters’ complex relationship.
today, he says.
35 Martone with a transmission electron microscope, he
A) jewel. C) stress the characters’ misinterpretations of
saw secondary cell walls, features commonly found
B) land
cuisine. Indian history.
in plants. That prompted Martone and Estevez
to seek
C) weddingout experts
gift. in lignin, a molecule of great D) depict how the characters created gestures that
research interest right now because its toughness became routine.
D) generous donation.
40 impedes the use of some plants as sources of biofuel
and animal feed.

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Reading Test 46

The passage is primarily concerned with Which choice provides the best evidence for the
65 M I NU TES, 5 2 QUESTIONSanswer to the previous question?
narrating how a finding was arrived at and
indicating possible implications. A) Lines 7-9 (“Lignin . . . algae”)
Turn to Section 1 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
B) explaining some differences among specialists in B) Lines 13-16 (“The finding . . . known”)
different fields of science. C) Lines 23-26 (“The biomechanist . . . shores”)
C) identifying a particularly vexing phenomenon D) Lines 59-61 (“The puzzling . . . algae”)
and endorsing a single explanation.
D) describing the passageoforan
properties pair of passages
organism and below is followed by a number of questions. After reading
showing howeachtheypassage or pair, choose the best answer to47each question based on what is stated or
can be exploited.
implied in the passage or passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or
The passage indicates that the structure of
graph). C. cheilosporioides consists of components that
As presented in the passage, the conclusion that A) change density in response to external
lignin is present in C. cheilosporioides can best be conditions.
Questions 1-10 are based on the following
B) protectlistening
old man’s the cell ear, and from
to hisexposure
wife’s ear,toeven

described as interior
passage. whenseawater.
the car was relatively far away and beyond their
A) theorized
This passage previously
is adapted fromwithin the largerAscientific
Amit Chaudhuri, Strange and
range of vision. They had pondered over the sound,
Sublime Address. ©1991 by Amit Chaudhuri. A ten-year-old 30 C)
and regenerate
finally, he had as the
lit seaweed
the lantern colony matures.out.
and shuffled
boy named
B) foundedSandeep travels with
on empirical his mother,
evidence his aunt
and thus “I told
D) her,” together
operate he said, referring
to allow forto his wife. “I told her
(Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in
persuasive. that I heard the car, I knew it was the car, I told her
Calcutta, India. you were coming.”
C) certain to disprove most earlier theories of algal 48 Once they were inside, Mamima gave the pot of
Two boys were playing carrom on the steps of a
evolution. 35 yoghurt and the pot of sweetmeats to the old
small, painted shed which had the following words As used
lady. in line
“There was32,no“handle”
need,” shemost nearly
said. “Oh means
really,” she
D) supported by an abundance of conjectural
on its wall in large, black letters: NATIONAL said. “This is too much,” she insisted, with the air of
reports. A) train for.
one who has just received the Kohinoor diamond as
5 table-tennis table inside the shed could be glimpsed B) survive in.
a birthday present. “Come, come, come,” said
through the window. The boys interrupted their 40 C) engage in. with the air of someone who has just
game to give Chhotomama directions to the house givenactthe Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present,
in can
It a series of sporadic,
reasonably enthusiastic
be inferred gestures.
from the Ohthat
passage yes, D) on.
and refuses to be overawed by his own generosity.
they knew research
Martone’s the old couple.
interestAnd yes, their
in lignin sonbe
should and “It’s nothing.” It was nothing, of course, only
daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their
10 considered
first child. 49 Ganguram’s sweets and yoghurt, but they fussed and
A) “Is
unusually insightful, because it has rolling 45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something,
it a girl or a boy?” asked Mamima, Scientists
somethingwho uniquespecialized in lignin
and untasted andwere useful to
down the window. changed the way lignin is
Martone and Estevez because
The son and the daughter-in-law emerged shyly
“A girl,” said the boy. from
A) the thetoughness
anteroom.ofThey both stooped gently
C. cheilosporioides made it to
15 B) Mamima
somewhat questionable,
rolled because
up her window Martone
before the based touch Chhotomama’s feet, and Sandeep’s
difficult to analyze without the use of specializedaunt’s and
his conclusions on an atypical sample.
mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind 50 his mother’s
chemistry. feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of
C) When they
properly reached
cautious, the house,
because Martone theychecked
found that
his obeisance towards one’s elders.
the old man was
findings about waiting on the verandah
C. cheilosporioides with atimes.
multiple C. cheilosporioides
B) “Oh no no no,” saidwas found to contain
Chhotomama, features
struggling to
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round typically found in plants known to
keep the son’s hand away from his feet. “There’s no contain
D) initially secondary, because it was
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was
undertaken to He
support particular questions needlignin.
for all this.” This was half a token gesture
oblivious to them. had come out because he had 55 C) priormodesty,
towards researchand suggested that seaweed
half towards the new,species
about C. cheilosporioides.
heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. contain
“modern” molecules of asecular
India—Nehru’s particularly
free of ritual
The night had been silent except for the questioning and chemical
religion. compound.
cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine D) some unexpected measurement results from tests
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the for lignin required specialist interpretation.

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50 “I have not met you for two years, Dada,” said the 3

son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama’s
Which choice provides the best evidence for the
60 toes. “You must not stop me.” This was half a token As usedcounters
Niklas in lines 37 and 40, proposal
Martone’s “air” mostabout
gesture to the previous
towards modesty,question?
and half towards the old, evolutionary history of red and green algae by
A) atmosphere.
suggesting that the
“traditional” India—Gandhi’s
A) Line 22 (“Martone . . . algae”) India of ceremony and
custom. B) absence.
B) Sandeep,
Lines 30-32 (“The calcified . . . to
setting”) A) major molecular pathways present in red and
meanwhile, had come the conclusion C) green
algae must have been in place long before
65 C)
that Lines 33-37 (“When
the grown-ups . . . plants”)
were mad, each after his or her D) their
evolutionary lines separated.
D) fashion.
42-45Simple situations
(“John Ralph . were
. . turned into
complex, dramatic ones; not until then did everyone B) evidence uncovered in Martone’s research does
C. cheilosporioides”) not directly address the issue of when the last
feel important and happy. Will they never grow up? 4
thought Sandeep irately. He glanced around him. A common ancestor of red and green algae existed.
The characters’ behavior
C) evolutionary during
lines leading tothe
kinds of
51 single blue, fluorescent tube was burning on the wall.
It was not a big room. Despite its bareness, the mainly serves to
algae might have diverged before they acquired
As used in line
impression 76, was
it gave “strong” most nearly
of austerity rathermeans
than the ability to photosynthesize.
A) emphasize the lavish value of the gift.
poverty. It
A) compelling.made one remember that poverty meant D) process by which C. cheilosporioides produces
displacement as well as lack, while austerity meant B) inflate the significance of the gesture.
lignin might be different from the process by
75 B)
poor in a rooted way, within a tradition and C) which
indifference toward
species the gift.
of algae produced it.
C) of sparseness, which transformed even the
impervious. D) stress the need for polite behavior.
lack, the paucity, into a kind of being.
D) vigorous.

Which choice provides the best evidence for the
According to the passage, the old man was standing answer to the previous question?
on the verandah because
A) Lines 43-44 (“It was . . . yoghurt”)
A) he was watching cars travel down the road.
B) Lines 44-46 (“they . . . unencountered”)
B) the two boys had reported the visitors would
soon arrive. C) Lines 52-54 (“Oh no . . . all this”)

C) he had heard what he believed to be the D) Lines 58-60 (“I have . . . stop me”)
visitors’ car.
D) he enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds of 6
the evening.
The description of Chhotomama and the son’s
interaction mainly serves to
2 A) show how the characters diverge in their
In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are approaches to cultural practices.
compared to a B) emphasize the characters’ complex relationship.
A) jewel. C) stress the characters’ misinterpretations of
B) cuisine. Indian history.

C) wedding gift. D) depict how the characters created gestures that
became routine.
D) generous donation.
If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only.
Do not turn to any other section.

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Writing TestLanguage Test
65 M I NU TES, 4

Turn to Section 2
1 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.

Each passage below

or pair is
passages below
by ais number
a numberFor
of questions.
some questions,
After reading
will passagehow
or pair,
to to
on what
of ideas.
is stated
For or
other questions,
in the passage
you willorconsider
in any
might be edited
to (such
a table
graph). structure, usage, or punctuation. A passage or a question may be accompanied by
one or more graphics (such as a table or graph) that you will consider as you make revising
and editing decisions.

Questions 1-10 are based

Some on thewill
questions following old man’s
direct you to an underlined portion of a listening
passage. ear,
Otherand to his wife’s
questions will ear, even

passage. whenabout
direct you to a location in a passage or ask you to think the carthewas relatively
passage as afar away and beyond their
This passage is adapted from Amit Chaudhuri, A Strange and
range of vision. They had pondered over the sound,
Sublime Address. ©1991 each passage,
Amit Chaudhuri. choose the answer 30
A ten-year-old to and
eachfinally, he that
question had lit
lantern and shuffled out.
improves the quality of writing
boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt in the passage or “I
that told her,”
makes he
the said,
conform totohisthe
wife. “I told her
(Mamima), and his uncle of standard
(Chhotomama) to visitwritten that I heard
family inEnglish. Many questions theacar,
include “NOI CHANGE”
knew it was the car, I told her
Calcutta, India. Choose that option if you think the best choice is to you were
leave coming.”
the relevant portion of the
Once they were inside, Mamima gave the pot of
Two boys werepassageplayingascarrom
it is. on the steps of a
35 yoghurt and the pot of sweetmeats to the old
small, painted shed which had the following words lady. “There was no need,” she said. “Oh really,” she
on its wall in large, black letters: NATIONAL said. “This is too much,” she insisted, with the air of
Questions 1-11 are based on the following passage. 1 one who has just received the Kohinoor diamond as

5 table-tennis table inside the shed could be glimpsed

a birthday present. “Come, come, come,” said
through the window. The boys interrupted their A) NO CHANGE
40 Chhotomama, with the air of someone who has just
game to give Chhotomama directions to the house given
The inCase for Electronic
a series of sporadic, Health Records
enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes, B) prescribed; and diamond as a birthday present,
the Kohinoor
and refuses to be overawed by his own generosity.
they knew the old couple.
The US health-care system has madeAnd yes, their son and
significant C) prescribed:
“It’s nothing.” Itand
was nothing, of course, only
10 daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their
D) prescribed
Ganguram’s and, and yoghurt, but they fussed and
the implementation of systems that manage
45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something,
“Is it a girl or a boy?” asked Mamima, rolling something unique and untasted and unencountered.
down health records, which include information
the window. The son and the daughter-in-law emerged shyly
such as “A girl,” said
a patient’s the boy.
medical history, medications currently from the anteroom. They both stooped gently to
15 Mamima rolled up her window before the touch Chhotomama’s feet, and Sandeep’s aunt’s and
1 prescribed,
mosquitoesand came a list
in. of
two boys From 2001 to
vanished behind 50 his mother’s feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of
them. When they reached the house, they found that obeisance towards one’s elders.
of electronic
was waiting health record
on the systems
verandah bya
with “Oh no no no,” said Chhotomama, struggling to
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round keep the son’s hand away from his feet. “There’s no
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was
need for all this.” This was half a token gesture
oblivious to them. He had come out because he had 55 towards modesty, and half towards the new,
heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. “modern” India—Nehru’s secular India, free of ritual
The night had been silent except for the questioning and religion.
cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the
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2 1
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office-based physicians
“I have 2 for
not met you began
decline only said
Dada,” in the
the 32

son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama’s
60 three years.must
toes. “You While this
not progress
stop is commendable,
me.” This was half a tokenthe Theused
As writer wants37toand
in lines complete themost
40, “air” sentence with
nearly means
gesture towards modesty, accurate and relevant information from the graph to
US health-care system needs toand halfthe
make towards the old, to
full transition A) atmosphere.
support the claim made about advances in the
“traditional” India—Gandhi’s India of ceremony and
custom. health records a high priority. B) absence.
implementation of electronic health record systems.
Sandeep, meanwhile, had come to the conclusion Which choice
C) demeanor. best accomplishes this goal?
65 that the grown-ups were mad, each after his or her Percentage of Office-Based Physicians with
D) melody.
own fashion. Simple situations were turned into Electronic Health Record Systems, 2001–2013
complex, dramatic ones; not until then did everyone
feel important and happy. Will they never grow up? 80
thought Sandeep irately. He glanced around him. A
70 single blue, fluorescent tube was burning on the wall. The60
characters’ behavior during the gift giving

It was not a big room. Despite its bareness, the 40 serves to
impression it gave was of austerity rather than A) emphasize the lavish value of the gift.
poverty. It made one remember that poverty meant 20
displacement as well as lack, while austerity meant B) inflate the significance of the gesture.
75 being poor in a rooted way, within a tradition and
C) convey indifference toward the gift.
culture of sparseness, which transformed even the 01 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013
20 the
D) stress 2 2 for
2 need 2 2 behavior.
2 polite 2 2 2 2 2 2
lack, the paucity, into a kind of being.
Adapted from National Center for Health Statistics, Data Brief
Number 143, US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers
5 for Disease Control and Prevention. Published in 2014.
A) NOchoice
CHANGEprovides the best evidence for the
According to the passage, the old man was standing answer to the previous question?
on the verandah because B) increased most dramatically between 2011 and
A) 2012.
Lines 43-44 (“It was . . . yoghurt”)
A) he was watching cars travel down the road.
C) Lines
B) increased
44-46from less. than
(“they 20 percent of physicians
. . unencountered”)
B) the two boys had reported the visitors would
soon arrive. C) to nearly
Lines 80 (“Oh
52-54 percent
noof . . physicians.
. all this”)
D) Lines
D) fluctuated
58-60from year .to. . year
(“I have stopuntil
C) he had heard what he believed to be the 80 percent of physicians were using electronic
visitors’ car. health records.
D) he enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds of 6
the evening.
The description of Chhotomama and the son’s
interaction mainly serves to
2 A) show how the characters diverge in their
In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are approaches to cultural practices.
compared to a B) emphasize the characters’ complex relationship.
A) jewel. C) stress the characters’ misinterpretations of
B) cuisine. Indian history.

C) wedding gift. D) depict how the characters created gestures that

became routine.
D) generous donation.

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2 1
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Reading Test
3 Regrettably, electronic medical records require 3

infrastructure that can be expensive to build: they don’t Which phrase most effectively sets up the examples
65 M I NU TES, 5 2 QUESTIONSin the second part of the sentence?
require physical storage space, they don’t need to be
photocopied and collated,
Turn and 4 they
to Section areyour
1 of less likely
answer to sheet to answer the questions in this section.
B) Electronic health records provide many
be physically misplaced. More importantly, electronic advantages over paper ones:
C) Researchers have weighed the benefits and
records accelerate communication between 5 different drawbacks of electronic health records:
and various health-care providers,
Each passage allowing
or pair offor more below is followedD)
passages by aTypically,
number of questions.
electronic Afterrecords
health readingneed a
each passage or pair, choose the best answer to each question staff toonmaintain them: or
what is stated
efficient patient treatment. For example, when
implied in the passage or passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or
paramedics have access graph).
to electronic records in
ambulances, they can learn what kinds of treatment they
should immediately begin on a 6 patient. Immediate
Questions 1-10 are based on the following B) man’s
old because they areear, and to his wife’s ear, even

treatment results in safer and earlier care. Even small when
C) being was relatively far away and beyond their
the car
This passage is adapted from Amit Chaudhuri, A Strange and
range of vision. They had pondered over the sound,
improvements in efficiency add up. The Veterans Health 30 D) DELETE
and finally, hethehadunderlined portion.
lit the lantern and shuffled out.
Sublime Address. ©1991 by Amit Chaudhuri. A ten-year-old
boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt “I told her,” he said, referring to his wife. “I told her
Administration, the largest integrated health-care system
(Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in that I heard the car, I knew it was the car, I told her
in the UnitedIndia.
Calcutta, States, reports that after the 5 you were coming.”
Two boysofwere
implementation playinghealth
electronic carrom on theinsteps
records 1995,ofits
a A) Once they were inside, Mamima gave the pot of
35 yoghurt and the pot of sweetmeats to the old
small, painted shed which had the following words B) different
lady. “There was no need,” she said. “Oh really,” she
productivity has increased
its wall in large, by 6 percent
black letters: NATIONALper year.
said. “This isdifferent
C) diverse, too much,” she insisted, with the air of
one who has just
D) singularly different received the Kohinoor diamond as
5 table-tennis table inside the shed could be glimpsed
a birthday present. “Come, come, come,” said
through the window. The boys interrupted their 40 Chhotomama, with the air of someone who has just
game to give Chhotomama directions to the house given the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present,
in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes, 6 and refuses to be overawed by his own generosity.
they knew the old couple. And yes, their son and “It’s nothing.” It waseffectively
nothing, of course, only
Which choice most combines the
10 daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their
sentences at the sweets and yoghurt,
underlined but they fussed and
first child. 45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something,
“Is it a girl or a boy?” asked Mamima, rolling A) patient,unique
something resultingand untasted and unencountered.
down the window.
B) Thepatient
son and the results
daughter-in-law emerged shyly
“A girl,” said the boy. from the anteroom. They both stooped
15 Mamima rolled up her window before the C) patient, and those treatments resultgently to
touch Chhotomama’s feet, and Sandeep’s aunt’s and
mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind D) mother’s
50 his patient because it results greeting and a mark of
feet, a traditional
them. When they reached the house, they found that obeisance towards one’s elders.
the old man was waiting on the verandah with a “Oh no no no,” said Chhotomama, struggling to
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round keep the son’s hand away from his feet. “There’s no
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was
need for all this.” This was half a token gesture
oblivious to them. He had come out because he had 55 towards modesty, and half towards the new,
heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. “modern” India—Nehru’s secular India, free of ritual
The night had been silent except for the questioning and religion.
cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the
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2 1
Question-and-Answer Service

[1] “I
haveconcerns, however,
not met you for twoare also Dada,”
years, problems saidfor
the 37

son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama’s
paper records.
60 toes. “You [2]mustDespite these
not stop clear
me.” Thisbenefits,
was half somea token As
A) used
NO in lines 37 and 40, “air” most nearly means
gesture towards modesty, and half towards
patients and medical professionals still harbor concerns the old, B)
A) information to provide
“traditional” India—Gandhi’s India of ceremony and C) information; providing
about the potential for error and the violation of patient
custom. B) absence.
Sandeep, meanwhile, had come to the conclusion D) demeanor.
C) information, provides
65 thatwhen electronic were
the grown-ups records areeach
mad, used. [3] his
after By noor her D) melody.
own fashion. Simple situations were
means free from errors, handwritten records are turned into
complex, dramatic ones; not until then did everyone 8
especially prone to and
feel important errors resulting
happy. Will from illegible
they never grow up? 4 A) NO CHANGE
thought Sandeep irately. He glanced around him. A
70 single blue,[4]fluorescent
Electronic tube
health record
was systems
burning on the canwall. B) Still,
The characters’ behavior during the gift giving
It was not aerrors
big room. Despite its bareness, the mainly serves
C) In this to
actually reduce by, for instance, cross-referencing
impression it gave was of austerity rather than A)
D) emphasize
In fact, the lavish value of the gift.
7 information,
drugpoverty. It made one thisremember
provides doctors with meant
that poverty
displacement as well as lack, while austerity meant B) inflate the significance of the gesture.
automatic warnings about possible adverse drug
75 being poor in a rooted way, within a tradition and C) convey indifference toward the gift.
culture of[5] sparseness, which 9
interactions. 8 Likewise, at transformed
Brigham andeven Women’sthe D) stress the need for polite behavior.
lack, the paucity, into a kind of being. A) NO CHANGE
Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, serious medical errors
B) are
decreased by 55 percent after an electronic record system 5
1 C) are,
was According
implemented. [6]passage,
Furthermore, Which
D) are;choice provides the best evidence for the
to the the oldpatient
man wasprivacy is no
standing answer to the previous question?
the verandah
moreonthreatened because records than it is by paper
by electronic
A) Lines 43-44 (“It was . . . yoghurt”)
A) he
records, was watching
which cars traveltodown
9 are—according theDepartment
the US road. 10 B) Lines 44-46 (“they . . . unencountered”)
B) the two boys had reported the visitors would To make
of Healthsoon
and arrive.
Human Services, typically accessed by at C) Linesthis paragraph
52-54 (“Oh nomost
. . . alllogical,
this”) sentence 2
should be placed
D) Lines 58-60 (“I have . . . stop me”)
150he had heard
different what he professionals.
health-care 10
believed to be the
visitors’ car. A) where it is now.
The best way to address these concerns about B) before sentence 1.
D) he enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds of 6
accuracythe privacy 11 are not to avoid adopting
andevening. C) after sentence 5.
The description of Chhotomama and the son’s
D) after sentence 6.
electronic health record systems but rather to implement interaction mainly serves to
2 effectively. The benefits of fully transitioning from
them A) show how the characters diverge in their
In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are 11 approaches to cultural practices.
paper to electronic health records far outweigh any
compared to a B) emphasize the characters’ complex relationship.
perceived disadvantages.
A) jewel. C) stress the characters’ misinterpretations of
B) have been
B) cuisine. Indian history.
C) had been
C) wedding gift. D) depict how the characters created gestures that
D) became
is routine.
D) generous donation.

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Reading Test
Questions 12-22 are based on the following passage 12

and supplementary material.
65 M I NU TES, 5 2 QUESTIONSB) vital: to the sustainability of the others
The Beaver as Ecosystem Engineer C) vital, to the sustainability of the others,
Turn to Section 1 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
[1] An ecosystem is a complex web of interactions D) vital; to the sustainability of the others
between organisms and their habitats. [2] Each
component is 12 vital to the sustainability of the others 13
Each passage or pair of passages below is followedA)by aNO
number of questions. After reading
and to the system as a whole. [3] Beavers, large rodents
each passage or pair, choose the best answer to each question based on what is stated or
B) interdependent
that use sticks, mud, and leaves
implied in to
thebuild dams
passage orin streams,and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or
graph). C) societal
are perhaps one of the best examples of the
D) associative
13 interpersonal relationship among all aspects of an
ecosystem. [4] New
Questions 1-10efforts to cultivate
are based beaver populations
on the following 14 old man’s listening ear, and to his wife’s ear, even

passage. when the car was relatively far away and beyond their
reflect a growing recognition of the vital role beaver dams To make
range this paragraph
of vision. They hadmost logical,over
pondered sentence 4
the sound,
This passage is adapted from Amit Chaudhuri, A Strange and
30 and be placed
finally, he had lit the lantern and shuffled out.
play Sublime
in combating
Address.the effects
©1991 of drought
by Amit andA preserving
Chaudhuri. ten-year-old
boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt “I
A)told her,”ithe
where said, referring to his wife. “I told her
is now.
species diversity.
(Mamima), and[5]
his Beavers fell trees to to
uncle (Chhotomama) build
in that I heard the car, I knew it was the car, I told her
Calcutta, India. B) after
you were sentence
and the ponds that form behind a dam can flood the C) Once
after they were5.inside, Mamima gave the pot of
Two boys were playing carrom on the steps of a 35 yoghurt and the pot of sweetmeats to the old
surrounding area. [6]
small, painted shedDespite
whichthe hadseeming drawbacks
the following wordsto D) after sentence 6.
lady. “There was no need,” she said. “Oh really,” she
on dams,
beaver its wallemerging
in large, black letters:
research NATIONAL
confirms that they said. “This is too much,” she insisted, with the air of
one who has just received the Kohinoor diamond as
5 table-tennis
actually table insideenvironmental
provide significant the shed couldbenefits.
be glimpsed
14 15 a birthday present. “Come, come, come,” said
through the window. The boys interrupted their 40 Chhotomama, with the air of someone who has just
game to give have called the beaver
Chhotomama an “ecosystem
directions to the house A) NO CHANGE
given the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present,
in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes, B) streams; dams
engineer” because its dams can alter the ecological and refuses to be overawed by his own generosity.
they knew the old couple. And yes, their son and C) streams,
“It’s nothing.”damsIt was nothing, of course, only
10 daughter-in-law
makeup of its habitat.had
By arrived lastwater
regulating nightflow
their Ganguram’s
D) streams—dams sweets and yoghurt, but they fussed and
first child. 45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something,
15 streams.
“Is it aDams
girl orhave ripple
a boy?” effects
asked that radiate
Mamima, to
rolling something unique and untasted and unencountered.
down the window. The son and the daughter-in-law emerged shyly
“A girl,” said the boy. from the anteroom. They both stooped gently to
15 Mamima rolled up her window before the touch Chhotomama’s feet, and Sandeep’s aunt’s and
mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind 50 his mother’s feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of
them. When they reached the house, they found that obeisance towards one’s elders.
the old man was waiting on the verandah with a “Oh no no no,” said Chhotomama, struggling to
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round keep the son’s hand away from his feet. “There’s no
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was
need for all this.” This was half a token gesture
oblivious to them. He had come out because he had 55 towards modesty, and half towards the new,
heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. “modern” India—Nehru’s secular India, free of ritual
The night had been silent except for the questioning and religion.
cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the
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“I have not
all surrounding met you for
organisms. 16 two
pondsDada,” said the
that form 16

son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama’s
as60a result of dams
toes. “You mustretain nutrient-rich
not stop me.” Thissediment,
was half a token At this
As usedpoint, the37writer
in lines is considering
and 40, addingmeans
“air” most nearly the
gesture towards modesty, and half towards the old, following sentence.
17 fostering a variety of plant life and multiplying A) atmosphere.
“traditional” India—Gandhi’s India of ceremony and
B) A beaver’s life span averages 10–12 years.
sources such as plankton. Attracted by these
Sandeep, meanwhile, had come to the conclusion Should
C) the writer make this addition here?
65 that the many different
grown-ups kinds
were of wildlife
mad, 18hisinhabits
each after or her D)
A) melody.
Yes, because it reinforces the scientists’
own fashion. Simple situations were turned into
beaver ponds. characterization of beavers as “ecosystem
complex, dramatic ones; not until then did everyone
feel important and happy. Will they never grow up? 4
thought Sandeep irately. He glanced around him. A B) Yes, because it clarifies information in the
70 single blue, fluorescent tube was burning on the wall. The previous
characters’ behavior
sentence during
about the the gift giving
impact of beavers.
It was not a big room. Despite its bareness, the mainly serves to
C) No, because the detail is not necessary for
impression it gave was of austerity rather than A) understanding beavers’
emphasize the lavish impact
value ongift.
of the their
poverty. It made one remember that poverty meant ecosystems.
displacement as well as lack, while austerity meant B) inflate the significance of the gesture.
75 being poor in a rooted way, within a tradition and D) convey
C) No, because it does not
indifference provide
toward enough
the gift.
culture of sparseness, which transformed even the explanation of the factors affecting the beaver’s
D) stress the need for polite behavior.
lack, the paucity, into a kind of being. life span.

1 17
Which choice provides the best evidence for the
According to the passage, the old man was standing A) NOtoCHANGE
answer the previous question?
on the verandah because B) adopting
A) Lines 43-44 (“It was . . . yoghurt”)
A) he was watching cars travel down the road. C) raising
B) Lines 44-46 (“they . . . unencountered”)
B) the two boys had reported the visitors would D) rearing
soon arrive. C) Lines 52-54 (“Oh no . . . all this”)

C) he had heard what he believed to be the D) Lines 58-60 (“I have . . . stop me”)
visitors’ car. 18
D) he enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds of 6 A) NO CHANGE
the evening.
B) inhabit
The description of Chhotomama and the son’s
C) are inhabited
interaction mainly serves to
2 D) show
A) have inhabited
how the characters diverge in their
In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are approaches to cultural practices.
compared to a B) emphasize the characters’ complex relationship.
A) jewel. C) stress the characters’ misinterpretations of
B) cuisine. Indian history.

C) wedding gift. D) depict how the characters created gestures that

became routine.
D) generous donation.

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Reading Test
Recent studies suggest that beaver dams not only 19

create diversely populated ecosystems but also A) NO CHANGE
65 M I NU TES, 5 2 QUESTIONSB) to preserve them
19 preserve them during times of environmental stress.
C) preserving them
A landmark 2008 study by to
Turn ecologists
1 the University
of your answerofsheet to answer the questions in this section.
D) they are preserved
Alberta found that the presence of beaver populations
can mitigate the effects of drought on wetlands. The
researchers observed that ponds in Elk Island National
Each passage or pair of passages below is followedWhich
by a number
choice of questions.
best After
reflects the reading provided
each passage or pair, choose the best answer to each
in question
figures 1 based
and 2? on what is stated or
Park in Canada that had developed active beaver colonies
implied in the passage or passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or
held significantly more water during years when beavers
graph). A) NO CHANGE
B) marked decline
were present than they did during years when beavers
C) greater increase
were absent. Furthermore, a group of ponds that had not D) man’s
gradual reduction
Questions 1-10 are based on the following old listening ear, and to his wife’s ear, even

recolonized by beavers showed a 20 smaller when the car was relatively far away and beyond their
This passage
range of vision. They had pondered over the sound,
increase in area is
ofadapted from over
open water Amit Chaudhuri, A Strange and
the same period. 30 and finally, he had lit the lantern and shuffled out.
Sublime Address. ©1991 by Amit Chaudhuri. A ten-year-old
boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt “I told her,” he said, referring to his wife. “I told her
(Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in that I heard the car, I knew it was the car, I told her
Calcutta, India. you were coming.”
Once they were inside, Mamima gave the pot of
Two boys were playing carrom on the steps of a 35 yoghurt and the pot of sweetmeats to the old
small, painted shed which had the following words lady. “There was no need,” she said. “Oh really,” she
on its wall in large, black letters: NATIONAL said. “This is too much,” she insisted, with the air of
one who has just received the Kohinoor diamond as
5 table-tennis table inside the shed could be glimpsed
a birthday present. “Come, come, come,” said
through the window. The boys interrupted their 40 Chhotomama, with the air of someone who has just
game to give Chhotomama directions to the house given the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present,
in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes, and refuses to be overawed by his own generosity.
they knew the old couple. And yes, their son and “It’s nothing.” It was nothing, of course, only
10 daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their
Ganguram’s sweets and yoghurt, but they fussed and
first child. 45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something,
“Is it a girl or a boy?” asked Mamima, rolling something unique and untasted and unencountered.
down the window. The son and the daughter-in-law emerged shyly
“A girl,” said the boy. from the anteroom. They both stooped gently to
15 Mamima rolled up her window before the touch Chhotomama’s feet, and Sandeep’s aunt’s and
mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind 50 his mother’s feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of
them. When they reached the house, they found that obeisance towards one’s elders.
the old man was waiting on the verandah with a “Oh no no no,” said Chhotomama, struggling to
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round keep the son’s hand away from his feet. “There’s no
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was
need for all this.” This was half a token gesture
oblivious to them. He had come out because he had 55 towards modesty, and half towards the new,
heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. “modern” India—Nehru’s secular India, free of ritual
The night had been silent except for the questioning and religion.
cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the
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2 1
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“I have not met you for two years,

Figure 1 Dada,” said the 3

son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama’s
toes. “You must As used in lines 37 and 40, “air” most nearly means
60 Elknot stopNational
Island me.” This wasPonds
Park half a token
gesture towards modesty,
Recolonized by Beavers the old,
and half towards A) atmosphere.
200 India—Gandhi’s India of ceremony and
custom. B) absence.
Total area of open water (hectares)

180 beavers
Sandeep, meanwhile, had come to the conclusion C) demeanor.
160 present
65 that the grown-ups were mad, each after his or her D) melody.
140 Simple situations were turned into
own fashion.
complex,120dramatic ones; not until then did everyone
feel important and happy. Will they never grow up? 4
thought Sandeep irately. He glanced around him. A
70 80fluorescent tube was burning on the wall.
single blue, The characters’ behavior during the gift giving
It was not60a big room. Despite its bareness, the mainly serves to
impression beavers
40it gave was of austerity rather than A) emphasize the lavish value of the gift.
poverty. It made one absent
remember that poverty meant
20 B) inflate the significance of the gesture.
displacement as well as lack, while austerity meant
75 being poor0in a rooted way, within a tradition and C) convey indifference toward the gift.
1948 1950 1996 2001
culture of sparseness, which transformed even the D) stress the need for polite behavior.
lack, the paucity, into a kindYear
of being.
ponds in Group 1
Which choice provides the best evidence for the
According to the passage,Figure
the old2 man was standing answer to the previous question?
on the verandah because
Elk Island National Park Ponds A) Lines 43-44 (“It was . . . yoghurt”)
A) he was watching cars travel down
Not Recolonized the road.
by Beavers B) Lines 44-46 (“they . . . unencountered”)
B) the two200 boys had reported the visitors would
soon arrive. C) Lines 52-54 (“Oh no . . . all this”)
Total area of open water (hectares)

C) he had D) Lines 58-60 (“I have . . . stop me”)
160heard what he believed to be the
visitors’ car.
D) he enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds of 6
the evening.
100 beavers The description of Chhotomama and the son’s
80 absent interaction mainly serves to
2 60 A) show how the characters diverge in their
40 thebeavers
In the passage, yoghurt and sweetmeats are approaches to cultural practices.
compared20 to a absent B) emphasize the characters’ complex relationship.
A) jewel. 0 C) stress the characters’ misinterpretations of
1950 1996 2001 1948 Indian history.
B) cuisine.
Year D) depict how the characters created gestures that
C) wedding gift.
ponds in Group 2 became routine.
D) generous donation.
Figures adapted from Glynnis A. Hood and Suzanne E. Bayley, “Beaver
(Castor canadensis) Mitigate the Effects of Climate on the Area of Open
Water in Boreal Wetlands in Western Canada.” ©2008 by Biological

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Reading Test
21 In addition to studying wildlife, researchers are 21

collaborating with local officials to promote beaver Which choice provides the best transition from the
65 M I NU TES, 5 2 QUESTIONSprevious paragraph?
populations in habitats where they might be beneficial.
Washington State’s Lands
Turn Council, a nonprofit
to Section 1 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
B) Despite the beaver’s reputation as a nuisance,
organization, has begun working with the state’s C) Spurred by these findings,
Department of Ecology to reintroduce beavers to D) Motivated by this opportunity,

10,000 miles of suitable habitat.

Each passageOfficials
or pairpredict that below is followed by a number of questions. After reading
of passages
each passage or pair, choose the best answer to22each question based on what is stated or
beaver dams could help retain more than
implied in the passage or passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or
650 trillion gallons of graph).
springtime melted snow, which
B) best—“engineering,”
could help stabilize water levels in streams during dry
C) best: “engineering”
months. This project provides a low-cost alternative to D) man’s
best, “engineering,”
Questions 1-10 are based on the following old listening ear, and to his wife’s ear, even

the construction of artificial dams, which could cost when the car was relatively far away and beyond their
This passage is adapted from Amit Chaudhuri, A Strange and
range of vision. They had pondered over the sound,
billions of dollars. Through such initiatives, beaver 30 and finally, he had lit the lantern and shuffled out.
Sublime Address. ©1991 by Amit Chaudhuri. A ten-year-old
boy named “I told her,” he said, referring to his wife. “I told her
populations areSandeep travels
doing what withdo
they his 22
best;his aunt
(Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in that I heard the car, I knew it was the car, I told her
“engineering” healthier, more stable ecosystems.
Calcutta, India. you were coming.”
Once they were inside, Mamima gave the pot of
Two boys were playing carrom on the steps of a 35 yoghurt and the pot of sweetmeats to the old
small, painted shed which had the following words lady. “There was no need,” she said. “Oh really,” she
on its wall in large, black letters: NATIONAL said. “This is too much,” she insisted, with the air of
one who has just received the Kohinoor diamond as
5 table-tennis table inside the shed could be glimpsed
a birthday present. “Come, come, come,” said
through the window. The boys interrupted their 40 Chhotomama, with the air of someone who has just
game to give Chhotomama directions to the house given the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present,
in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes, and refuses to be overawed by his own generosity.
they knew the old couple. And yes, their son and “It’s nothing.” It was nothing, of course, only
10 daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their
Ganguram’s sweets and yoghurt, but they fussed and
first child. 45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something,
“Is it a girl or a boy?” asked Mamima, rolling something unique and untasted and unencountered.
down the window. The son and the daughter-in-law emerged shyly
“A girl,” said the boy. from the anteroom. They both stooped gently to
15 Mamima rolled up her window before the touch Chhotomama’s feet, and Sandeep’s aunt’s and
mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind 50 his mother’s feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of
them. When they reached the house, they found that obeisance towards one’s elders.
the old man was waiting on the verandah with a “Oh no no no,” said Chhotomama, struggling to
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round keep the son’s hand away from his feet. “There’s no
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was
need for all this.” This was half a token gesture
oblivious to them. He had come out because he had 55 towards modesty, and half towards the new,
heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. “modern” India—Nehru’s secular India, free of ritual
The night had been silent except for the questioning and religion.
cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the
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2 1
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Questions 23-33
“I have notare
metbased ontwo
you for the years,
following passage.
Dada,” said the 23

son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama’s
60 toes. “You must not stop me.” This was half a token As
A) used
NO in lines 37 and 40, “air” most nearly means
The gesture
Giant: Michelangelo’s
towards modesty, Victory
and half towards the old, B)
A) it’s
“traditional” India—Gandhi’s India of ceremony and C) its’
Toward the end of the 1400s, as the Renaissance was
custom. B) absence.
Sandeep, meanwhile, had come tomembers
the conclusion D) demeanor.
C) their
reaching 23 its height in Florence, Italy, of the
65 that the grown-ups were mad, each after his or her D) melody.
fashion.Wool Guild
Simple were celebrating
situations were turned their
complex, dramatic ones; not until then did everyone 24
recently completedand
feel important city happy.
was never
a triumph
up? 4 A) NO CHANGE
added to Florence’s reputation 24 from sophisticationA
thought Sandeep irately. He glanced around him.
70 single blue, fluorescent tube was burning on the wall. B) for
The characters’ behavior during the gift giving
and Itbeauty,
was notyetathe
room.members were
Despite its eager tothe
bareness, C) to serves to
impression it gave was of austerity rather than A)
25 fancy it up even more. They wanted D) emphasize
with the lavish value of the gift.
poverty. It made one remember thatapoverty
series ofmeant
displacement as wellexterior,
as lack, while austerity meant B) inflate the significance of the gesture.
to adorn the cathedral’s 26 placing high on
75 being poor in a rooted way, within a tradition and C) convey indifference toward the gift.
culturesoofthat the art could
sparseness, whichbetransformed
admired from afar.
even theThe 25
D) stress the need for polite behavior.
lack, the paucity, into a kind of being. A) NO CHANGE
first result of the members’ plan brought great acclaim,
B) make it look super rich.
though not quite in the way they had anticipated. 5
1 C) increase its splendor.
D) givechoice provides
it a wow factor.the best evidence for the
According to the passage, the old man was standing answer to the previous question?
on the verandah because
A) Lines 43-44 (“It was . . . yoghurt”)
A) he was watching cars travel down the road. 26 B) Lines 44-46 (“they . . . unencountered”)
B) the two boys had reported the visitors would A) Lines
soon arrive. C) 52-54 (“Oh no . . . all this”)
B) Lines
D) they were placed
58-60 (“I have . . . stop me”)
C) he had heard what he believed to be the
visitors’ car. C) which were placed
D) he enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds of D) placed
the evening.
The description of Chhotomama and the son’s
interaction mainly serves to
2 A) show how the characters diverge in their
In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are approaches to cultural practices.
compared to a B) emphasize the characters’ complex relationship.
A) jewel. C) stress the characters’ misinterpretations of
B) cuisine. Indian history.

C) wedding gift. D) depict how the characters created gestures that

became routine.
D) generous donation.

April QAS 2017

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2 1
Question-and-Answer Service

Reading Test
In 1501, guild members began the project by 27

commissioning a statue of David, a biblical hero who had A) NO CHANGE
65 M I NU TES, 5 2 QUESTIONSB) other sculptors had previously used it,
defeated a giant named Goliath. The sculptor chosen was
C) it was used by them before,
Michelangelo, a twenty-six-year-old
Turn to Sectionartist
1 of who
answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
D) they used it previously to begin other sculptures,
had a reputation for great talent. He was directed to use
an enormous block of marble from the cathedral’s
workshop to create the statue. Nicknamed “the Giant,”
Each passage or pair of passages below is followedThe
by awriter
number of questions.
is considering After reading
deleting the underlined
each passage or pair, choose the best answer to each question
sentence. based
Should onsentence
the what is stated
be oror deleted?
the block had many problems. It had been quarried more
implied in the passage or passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or
than forty years earliergraph).
and had started to weather from A) Kept, because it provides evidence to support the
claim that Michelangelo would succeed where
exposure to the elements. Even worse, 27 they had others had failed.
previously used it, chipping away material to rough out a B) Kept, because it includes details that explain
Questions 1-10 are based on the following why the
old man’s citizensear,
listening of Florence
and to hismight
ear, been

shape but giving up midtask. 28 The marble came whencritical
the carofwas
relatively far aaway
sculptor from a their
and beyond
rangedifferent city.
of vision. They had pondered over the sound,
thepassage is adapted
Fantiscritti fromin
quarries Amit Chaudhuri,
Carrara, A Strange
a small town and 30 and finally, he had lit it
the lantern and shuffled out.
Sublime Address. ©1991 by Amit Chaudhuri. A ten-year-old C) Deleted, because adds irrelevant information
boy80 milesSandeep
named north oftravels
Florence. Michelangelo
with his was
mother, his aunt “I told
that distracts from the paragraph’s focus on her
her,” he said, referring to his wife. “I told the
(Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in that obstacles
I heard the car, I knew itfaced.
Michelangelo was the car, I told her
with trying
India.to sculpt a monumental statue out of a you were coming.”
D) Once
theybecause it failsMamima
were inside, to explain why
gave thethe
stone that wasboys were playing
generally carrom
considered on the steps of a
ruined. 35 had not already been made into
yoghurt and the pot of sweetmeats to the old a sculpture.
small, painted shed which had the following words lady. “There was no need,” she said. “Oh really,” she
on its wall in large, black letters: NATIONAL said. “This is too much,” she insisted, with the air of
one who has just received the Kohinoor diamond as
5 table-tennis table inside the shed could be glimpsed
a birthday present. “Come, come, come,” said
through the window. The boys interrupted their 40 Chhotomama, with the air of someone who has just
game to give Chhotomama directions to the house given the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present,
in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes, and refuses to be overawed by his own generosity.
they knew the old couple. And yes, their son and “It’s nothing.” It was nothing, of course, only
10 daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their
Ganguram’s sweets and yoghurt, but they fussed and
first child. 45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something,
“Is it a girl or a boy?” asked Mamima, rolling something unique and untasted and unencountered.
down the window. The son and the daughter-in-law emerged shyly
“A girl,” said the boy. from the anteroom. They both stooped gently to
15 Mamima rolled up her window before the touch Chhotomama’s feet, and Sandeep’s aunt’s and
mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind 50 his mother’s feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of
them. When they reached the house, they found that obeisance towards one’s elders.
the old man was waiting on the verandah with a “Oh no no no,” said Chhotomama, struggling to
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round keep the son’s hand away from his feet. “There’s no
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was
need for all this.” This was half a token gesture
oblivious to them. He had come out because he had 55 towards modesty, and half towards the new,
heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. “modern” India—Nehru’s secular India, free of ritual
The night had been silent except for the questioning and religion.
cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the
April QAS 2017

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2 1
Question-and-Answer Service

[1] “I
His seventeen-foot-high,
have not met you for two intricately detailed
years, Dada,” said the 29

son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama’s
figure depicts
60 toes. “YouDavid
must notin the actme.”
stop of confronting
This was halfGoliath.
a token As
A) used
NO in lines 37 and 40, “air” most nearly means
gesture towards modesty, and half towards
[2] Michelangelo had solved the problem of the awkward the old, B)
A) reflected
“traditional” India—Gandhi’s India of ceremony and C) had reflected
size custom.
and shape of the marble block by positioning David B) absence.
Sandeep, meanwhile, had come to the conclusion D) demeanor.
C) will reflect
65 thatslightly sidewayswere
the grown-ups with mad,
his weight shifted
each after hisonto one
or her D) melody.
own fashion.
leg, poised Simple
as if ready situations
to burst were turned
into action. [3] Butinto
complex, dramatic ones; not until then did everyone 30
Michelangelo took and
feel important on the GiantWill
happy. withthey
and finished
grow up? 4 To make this paragraph most logical, sentence 3
thought Sandeep irately. He glanced around him. A should be placedbehavior during the gift giving
70 statue
single in justfluorescent
blue, two years. [4]
burning form andwall.
on the The characters’
It was not athebig proportions
room. Despite its bareness, the mainly serves
A) where it istonow.
posture echoed of classical Roman
impression it gave was of austerity rather than B) emphasize
A) before sentence 1. value of the gift.
the lavish
poverty.butItits expressiveness
made one rememberand that
of detailmeant
displacement as well as lack, while austerity meant C) inflate
B) after sentence 1.
the significance of the gesture.
75 has
poor inRenaissance
a rooted way,sensibilities.
within a tradition and D) convey
C) after sentence 4.
indifference toward the gift.
culture of sparseness,
[5] Michelangelo had overcome the which transformed
limitationseven the
of the D) stress the need for polite behavior.
lack, the paucity, into a kind of being.
marble block and, moreover, had turned it into a 31
technical and artistic masterpiece. 30 5 Which choice gives a second reason and additional
Which for theprovides
main idea
the evidence
for the
Upon viewing
According thepassage,
to the stunning statue,
the guild
old man members
was standing answer to the
A) NO CHANGE previous question?
on thethe
discarded verandah
plan to because
hoist the statue to an exterior
B) Lines 43-44 (“It
and depicted was . . .biblical
a favorite yoghurt”)story of the
A) he
buttress. was far
It was watching cars travel
too beautiful ( 31 down the unlike
and was road. citizens of Florence
B) Lines 44-46 (“they . . . unencountered”)
B) the two boys had reported the visitors would C) and later would
other Renaissance depictions of David) to be placed high
soon arrive. C) Lines 52-54 (“Ohcome
no . .to. all
this”) Florence’s
defense of its civil liberties
C)itshe had heard D) Lines 58-60 (“I have . . . stop me”)
above viewers. Afterwhat he believed
meeting to officials
with city be the and D) and, at more than eight tons, far too heavy
visitors’ car.
D) he enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds of 6
the evening.
The description of Chhotomama and the son’s
interaction mainly serves to
2 A) show how the characters diverge in their
In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are approaches to cultural practices.
compared to a B) emphasize the characters’ complex relationship.
A) jewel. C) stress the characters’ misinterpretations of
B) cuisine. Indian history.

C) wedding gift. D) depict how the characters created gestures that

became routine.
D) generous donation.

April QAS 2017

Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. 27

2 1
Question-and-Answer Service

Reading Test
prominent citizens, the members agreed that the statue 32

should instead stand outside of Florence’s town hall A) NO CHANGE
65 M I NU TES, 5 2 QUESTIONSB) to symbolize and represent
32 as a symbol and representation of the city’s strength
C) as a symbol of
and independence. Thus,
Turnthe guild members
to Section achieved
1 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
D) as a representation that symbolized
their goal of enhancing Florence’s 33 prestige.

Each passage or pair of passages below is followedThe
by awriter
number of questions.
wants After
to revise the reading portion so
each passage or pair, choose the best answer to each
thatquestion based on
the concluding what issummarizes
sentence stated or the main
implied in the passage or passages and in any accompanying
ideas of the graphics
passage. (such
a tablebest
or accomplishes
graph). this goal?
A) prestige, and Michelangelo was hailed as a hero
in his own right for conquering the Giant and
Questions 1-10 are based on the following givinglistening
old man’s Florenceear,
a fitting
and tomonument.
his wife’s ear, even

passage. B) prestige,
when the car and
was Michelangelo would
relatively far away andsoon leavetheir
This passage is adapted from Amit Chaudhuri, A Strange and
rangeFlorence forThey
of vision. Rome, hadwhere he would
pondered overpaint the
the sound,
Sublime Address. ©1991 by Amit Chaudhuri. A ten-year-old 30 and ceiling
finally, of
lit the Chapel.
lantern and shuffled out.
boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt “I
C)told her,” he
prestige, said, referring
especially to his
after parts ofwife. “I toldwere
the statue her
(Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in that decorated
I heard thewith
car, gold.
I knew it was the car, I told her
Calcutta, India. you were coming.”
D) Once
wereeven though
inside, it boasts
Mamima works
gave of art
the pot of
Two boys were playing carrom on the steps of a 35 like Michelangelo’s David, Italy
yoghurt and the pot of sweetmeats to the oldtoday ranks only
small, painted shed which had the following words lady.fifth in terms
“There was noof need,”
revenue generated
she said. “Ohbyreally,”
on its wall in large, black letters: NATIONAL said. “This is too much,” she insisted, with the air of
Line ASSOCIATION OF SPORTSMEN. A single one who has just received the Kohinoor diamond as
5 table-tennis table inside the shed could be glimpsed a birthday present. “Come, come, come,” said
through the window. The boys interrupted their 40 Chhotomama, with the air of someone who has just
game to give Chhotomama directions to the house given the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present,
in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes, and refuses to be overawed by his own generosity.
they knew the old couple. And yes, their son and “It’s nothing.” It was nothing, of course, only
10 daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their Ganguram’s sweets and yoghurt, but they fussed and
first child. 45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something,
“Is it a girl or a boy?” asked Mamima, rolling something unique and untasted and unencountered.
down the window. The son and the daughter-in-law emerged shyly
“A girl,” said the boy. from the anteroom. They both stooped gently to
15 Mamima rolled up her window before the touch Chhotomama’s feet, and Sandeep’s aunt’s and
mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind 50 his mother’s feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of
them. When they reached the house, they found that obeisance towards one’s elders.
the old man was waiting on the verandah with a “Oh no no no,” said Chhotomama, struggling to
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round keep the son’s hand away from his feet. “There’s no
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was need for all this.” This was half a token gesture
oblivious to them. He had come out because he had 55 towards modesty, and half towards the new,
heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. “modern” India—Nehru’s secular India, free of ritual
The night had been silent except for the questioning and religion.
cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the
April QAS 2017

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2 1
Question-and-Answer Service

Questions 34-44
“I have notare
metbased ontwo
you for the years,
following passage.
Dada,” said the 34

son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama’s
60 toes. “You must not stop me.” This was half a token
As usedchoice
in linesprovides the “air”
37 and 40, best introduction to the
most nearly means
gesturefor towards
Success modesty, and half towards the old, paragraph?
A) atmosphere.
“traditional” India—Gandhi’s India of ceremony and A) absence.
34 The twenty-first century has presented both
custom. B)
B) demeanor.
C) Companies are always searching for new and
unique Sandeep,
challengesmeanwhile, had come
and innovative to the
solutions toconclusion innovative ways to recruit the best employees.
65 that the grown-ups were mad, each after his or her D) melody.
own fashion. issues. Bothsituations
Simple Julie Levine andturned
were Julie Rocco
into C) In 2007, two highly successful full-time
complex, dramatic ones; not until then did everyone engineers at a US car company faced the same
feel aimportant
healthier work/life
and happy. balance, butnever
Will they they were
grow up? dilemma.
thought Sandeep irately. He glanced around
hesitant to give up their managerial roles overseeing him.the
A D) According to one national survey, the average
70 single blue, fluorescent tube was burning on the wall. The characters’ behavior during the gift giving
full-time US employee works about 1,700 hours
It was notof new
a bigvehicles. In order
room. Despite itsto retain these
bareness, the top mainly serves to
per year.
impression it gave was of austerity rather than A) emphasize the lavish value of the gift.
poverty. theItcompany
made oneproposed
remember a creative 35 solution;
that poverty meant
displacement as well as lack, while austerity meant B) inflate the significance of the gesture.
job sharing. 35
75 being poor in a rooted way, within a tradition and C) convey indifference toward the gift.
As the demand
culture for flexible
of sparseness, whichworking options
transformed in the
even A) stress
the need for polite behavior.
lack, the paucity, into a kind of being. B) solution. Job
today’s marketplace has grown, job 36 sharing, an
C) solution job
arrangement in which one full-time job is split between 5
1 D) solution: job
two employees—has become more common. For Which choice provides the best evidence for the
According to the passage, the old man was standing answer to the previous question?
on the verandah because
36 A) Lines 43-44 (“It was . . . yoghurt”)
A) he was watching cars travel down the road.
A) Lines
44-46 (“they . . . unencountered”)
B) the two boys had reported the visitors would
B) Lines
C) sharing—
52-54 (“Oh no . . . all this”)
soon arrive.
C) Lines
D) sharing;
58-60 (“I have . . . stop me”)
C) he had heard what he believed to be the
visitors’ car. D) sharing:
D) he enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds of 6
the evening.
The description of Chhotomama and the son’s
interaction mainly serves to
2 A) show how the characters diverge in their
In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are approaches to cultural practices.
compared to a B) emphasize the characters’ complex relationship.
A) jewel. C) stress the characters’ misinterpretations of
B) cuisine. Indian history.

C) wedding gift. D) depict how the characters created gestures that

became routine.
D) generous donation.

April QAS 2017

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2 1
Question-and-Answer Service

Reading Test
employees, it provides an appealing alternative to other 37

forms of part-time work, which might not offer Which choice best combines the sentences at the
65 M I NU TES, 5 2 QUESTIONSunderlined portion?
comparable health benefits, salary, or stability. For Levine
A) ladder, and they weren’t having
and Rocco, who wereTurncompensated
to Sectionat 180ofpercent of theirsheet to answer the questions in this section.
your answer
B) ladder; however, they didn’t have
full-time salaries and benefits, job sharing was a way of C) ladder without having
continuing to climb the career 37 ladder. They didn’t D) ladder while still not having

have to work the longEach

hours usuallyordemanded
passage of an below is followed by a number of questions. After reading
pair of passages
each passage or pair, choose the best answer to38each question based on what is stated or
employee in a high-level position.
implied in the passage or passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or
Effective communication
graph). is crucial to the success of a A) NO CHANGE
B) there were steps taken by Levine and Rocco to
job-sharing arrangement. In determining how working ensure
time and responsibilities would be divided, 38 steps C) Levine and Rocco took steps to ensure
Questions 1-10 are based on the following old man’s listening ear, and to his wife’s ear, even

taken by Levine and Rocco to ensure that the D) Levine
when and
the car wasRocco’s steps
relatively farensured
away and beyond their
This passage is adapted from Amit
range of vision. They had pondered over the sound,
arrangement provided fluidity and Chaudhuri,
consistencyA Strange
for the and 30 and finally, he had lit the lantern and shuffled out.
Sublime Address. ©1991 by Amit Chaudhuri. A ten-year-old
39 “I told her,” he said, referring to his wife. “I told her
employees whom
boy named they jointly
Sandeep managed.
travels with “It’s his
his mother, ouraunt
job to be
(Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in that
A) NO I heard the car, I knew it was the car, I told her
seamless,” they
Calcutta, noted. 39 Nevertheless, they each
India. you were coming.”
B) Once
To this end,
they were inside, Mamima gave the pot of
plannedTwo boysthree
to work were days
playing carrom
a week, ona the
with daysteps of a
of overlap 35 yoghurt and the pot of sweetmeats to the old
C) However,
small, painted shed which had the following words lady. “There was no need,” she said. “Oh really,” she
on Wednesdays;
on its wall inthey
large,also planned
black letters:toNATIONAL
talk on the phone D) Similarly,
said. “This is too much,” she insisted, with the air of
one who has just received the Kohinoor diamond as
5 table-tennis table inside the shed could be glimpsed
a birthday present. “Come, come, come,” said
through the window. The boys interrupted their 40 Chhotomama, with the air of someone who has just
game to give Chhotomama directions to the house given the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present,
in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes, and refuses to be overawed by his own generosity.
they knew the old couple. And yes, their son and “It’s nothing.” It was nothing, of course, only
10 daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their
Ganguram’s sweets and yoghurt, but they fussed and
first child. 45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something,
“Is it a girl or a boy?” asked Mamima, rolling something unique and untasted and unencountered.
down the window. The son and the daughter-in-law emerged shyly
“A girl,” said the boy. from the anteroom. They both stooped gently to
15 Mamima rolled up her window before the touch Chhotomama’s feet, and Sandeep’s aunt’s and
mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind 50 his mother’s feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of
them. When they reached the house, they found that obeisance towards one’s elders.
the old man was waiting on the verandah with a “Oh no no no,” said Chhotomama, struggling to
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round keep the son’s hand away from his feet. “There’s no
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was
need for all this.” This was half a token gesture
oblivious to them. He had come out because he had 55 towards modesty, and half towards the new,
heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. “modern” India—Nehru’s secular India, free of ritual
The night had been silent except for the questioning and religion.
cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the
April QAS 2017

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2 1
Question-and-Answer Service

“I havetonot
each evening met you
discuss for two
the day’s years,40Dada,”
work. The jobsaid the 40

son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama’s
shared by“You
60 toes. Levine andnot
must Rocco
was half a token Which
As usedchoice
in linesbest
37 sets
and up
40,the information
“air” most nearlythat
gesture towards modesty, and half towards the old, follows in the next part of the sentence?
shared job at the company: when “you have to analyze A) atmosphere.
“traditional” India—Gandhi’s India of ceremony and A) absence.
day and share it with another brain, you show up
Sandeep, meanwhile, had come to the conclusion B) demeanor.
C) Levine and Rocco initially had doubts that the
65 next
that day ready to run,”
the grown-ups wereLevine
mad, said.
each Studies
after hishave
or her arrangement would be successful:
D) melody.
own fashion. Simple situations were turned into C) The job shared by Levine and Rocco requires
confirmed that job sharing can improve work quality by
complex, dramatic ones; not until then did everyone about 80 hours of work total per week:
feel important
encouraging and happy.
teamwork. Willsurvey
In a 2003 they never grow up?at
of employees 4 D) Both Levine and Rocco found that this
thought Sandeep irately. He glanced around him. A collaboration enhanced their job performance:
70 UK National
single Health Service,
blue, fluorescent for example,
tube was burning onmorethethan
wall. The characters’ behavior during the gift giving
It was not a big room. Despite its bareness, the mainly serves to
70 percent of job sharers felt that communicating with
impression it gave was of austerity rather than 41 A) emphasize the lavish value of the gift.
made onetheir
ability that poverty meant
to understand and
displacement as well as lack, while austerity meant B) inflate
Which thebest
choice significance of the
sets up the maingesture.
discussion of the
75 being their jobs.
poor in a rooted way, within a tradition and paragraph?
C) convey indifference toward the gift.
culture of sparseness, which transformed even the
41 Job sharing may present some challenges, D)
A) stress the need for polite behavior.
lack, the paucity, into a kind of being.
though. If job sharers have 42 discordant capabilities or B) Moreover, some workers have responsibilities
that are difficult to share.
are 5
1 unable to communicate effectively, the arrangement C) Still, only some positions are suitable for job
Which choice provides the best evidence for the
not be successful. Job-sharing
to the passage, initiatives
the old man wasmay also
standing answer to the previous question?
on the verandah because D) Flexible work arrangements can reduce stress in
involve some extra cost for companies, since the salaries A) employees.
Lines 43-44 (“It was . . . yoghurt”)
A) he was watching cars travel down the road.
B) Lines 44-46 (“they . . . unencountered”)
B) the two boys had reported the visitors would
soon arrive. C) Lines 52-54 (“Oh no . . . all this”)
C) he had heard what he believed to be the D) Lines 58-60 (“I have . . . stop me”)
visitors’ car.
B) contrary
D) he enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds of 6 C) irreconcilable
the evening.
The description of Chhotomama and the son’s
D) mismatched
interaction mainly serves to
2 A) show how the characters diverge in their
In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are approaches to cultural practices.
compared to a B) emphasize the characters’ complex relationship.
A) jewel. C) stress the characters’ misinterpretations of
B) cuisine. Indian history.

C) wedding gift. D) depict how the characters created gestures that

became routine.
D) generous donation.

April QAS 2017

Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. 31

2 1
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Reading Test

and cost of benefits for two job-sharing employees are 43
usually higher than 43 being for a single employee. A) NO CHANGE
65 M I NU TES, 5 2 QUESTIONSB) that of
However, proponents contend that the investment is
C) those for
worthwhile because 44 they
Turn to enable
Sectioncompanies to retainsheet to answer the questions in this section.
1 of your answer
D) DELETE the underlined portion.
the most talented employees. As can be seen from Levine
and Rocco’s success in developing a best-selling 2011
sport-utility vehicle, job sharing provides an effective
Each passage or pair of passages below is followedA)
by aNO
number of questions. After reading
each passage or pair, choose the best answer to each question based on what is stated or
flexible working solution when undertaken by motivated B) those enable
implied in the passage or passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or
employees and companies.graph). C) any of them enables
D) it enables

Questions 1-10 are based on the following old man’s listening ear, and to his wife’s ear, even

passage. when the car was relatively far away and beyond their
This passage is adapted from Amit Chaudhuri, A Strange and
range of vision. They had pondered over the sound,
Sublime Address. ©1991 by Amit Chaudhuri. A ten-year-old 30 and finally, he had lit the lantern and shuffled out.
boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt “I told her,” he said, referring to his wife. “I told her
(Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in that I heard the car, I knew it was the car, I told her
Calcutta, India. you were coming.”
Once they were inside, Mamima gave the pot of
Two boys were playing carrom on the steps of a 35 yoghurt and the pot of sweetmeats to the old
small, painted shed which had the following words lady. “There was no need,” she said. “Oh really,” she
on its wall in large, black letters: NATIONAL said. “This is too much,” she insisted, with the air of
one who has just received the Kohinoor diamond as
5 table-tennis table inside the shed could be glimpsed
a birthday present. “Come, come, come,” said
through the window. The boys interrupted their 40 Chhotomama, with the air of someone who has just
game to give Chhotomama directions to the house given the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present,
in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes, and refuses to be overawed by his own generosity.
they knew the old couple. And yes, their son and “It’s nothing.” It was nothing, of course, only
10 daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their
Ganguram’s sweets and yoghurt, but they fussed and
first child. 45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something,
“Is it a girl or a boy?” asked Mamima, rolling something unique and untasted and unencountered.
down the window. The son and the daughter-in-law emerged shyly
“A girl,” said the boy. from the anteroom. They both stooped gently to
15 Mamima rolled up her window before the touch Chhotomama’s feet, and Sandeep’s aunt’s and
mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind 50 his mother’s feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of
them. When they reached the house, they found that obeisance towards one’s elders.
the old man was waiting on the verandah with a “Oh no no no,” said Chhotomama, struggling to
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round keep the son’s hand away from his feet. “There’s no
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was

need for all this.” This was half a token gesture

oblivious to them. He had come out because he had towards modesty, and half towards the new,
heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. “modern” India—Nehru’s secular India, free of ritual
The night had been silent except for the questioning and religion.
cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of
25 If you in
crickets finish before
the bushes. time isofcalled,
The throbbing you may check your work on this section only.
the engine
had, therefore, travelled through the Dosilence
not toturn
the to any other section.
April QAS 2017

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1 3
Question-and-Answer Service

Math Test – No Calculator

“I have not met you for two years, Dada,” said the 3

son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama’s
60 toes. “You must not stop me.” This was half a token As used in lines 37 and 40, “air” most nearly means
2 5 M I NU TES, 2
gesture towards modesty, and half towards the old,0 QUESTIONS A) atmosphere.
“traditional” India—Gandhi’s India of ceremony and
custom. B) absence.
Turn to Section 3 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
Sandeep, meanwhile, had come to the conclusion C) demeanor.
65 that the grown-ups were mad, each after his or her D) melody.
own fashion. Simple situations were turned into
complex, dramatic ones; not until then did everyone
feel important and happy.
For Will they
questions 1-15,never
problem, choose 4 the best answer from the choices
thought Sandeep provided,
irately. Heand
glanced around him. A For questions
fill in the corresponding
single blue, fluorescent tube was burning on the wall.
circle on your
Theanswer sheet.behavior
characters’ during16-20,
the gift giving
solve the problem and enter your answer in the grid on the
mainly answer
serves to sheet. Please refer to
It was not a big room. Despite its bareness, the
the directions before question 16 on how to enter your answers in the grid. You may use
impression it gave was of austerity rather than
any available
poverty. It made one rememberspace
that in your test
poverty booklet for scratchA)
emphasize the lavish value of the gift.
displacement as well as lack, while austerity meant B) inflate the significance of the gesture.
75 being poor in a rooted way, within a tradition and C) convey indifference toward the gift.
culture of sparseness,
1. Thewhich transformed
use of a calculatoreven
is notthe
permitted. D) stress the need for polite behavior.
lack, the paucity, into a kind of being.
2. All variables and expressions used represent real numbers unless otherwise indicated.
3. Figures provided in this test are drawn to scale
5 unless otherwise indicated.
1 4. All figures lie in a plane unless otherwise indicated.
Which choice provides the best evidence for the
According to the 5.passage,
Unlessthe old manindicated,
otherwise was standing answer
the domain of a given to the
function f isprevious question?
the set of all real numbers x for
on the verandah because
which f(x) is a real number. A) Lines 43-44 (“It was . . . yoghurt”)
A) he was watching cars travel down the road.
B) Lines 44-46 (“they . . . unencountered”)
B) the two boys had reported the visitors would
soon arrive. C) Lines 52-54 (“Oh no . . . all this”)

C) he had heard what he believed to be the D) Lines 58-60 (“I have . . . stop me”)

visitors’ car. r c 2x 60° s 45° s√2
h b x
D) he enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds w of 6 30° 45°
the evening. b a s
The description of Chhotomama x√3 and the son’s
A = pr 2 A = w 1
A = bh c 2 = a2 +mainly
interaction b2 Special Right Triangles
serves to
2 C = 2pr A) show how the characters diverge in their
In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are approaches to cultural practices.
compared to a r B) emphasize the characters’ complex relationship.
h r h h
A) jewel. h C) stress the characters’ misinterpretations of
w r w
B) cuisine.  Indian history.

D) 4depict how the characters
1 created gestures that
C) wedding gift. V = wh V = pr 2h pr 3 routine.
V = became V = pr 2h V = 1 wh
3 3 3
D) generous donation.
The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360.
The number of radians of arc in a circle is 2p.
The sum of the measures in degrees of the angles of a triangle is 180.

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3 1
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Reading Test 3

A farmer sold 108 pounds of produce that consisted 5x 2 − 3(1 − x) − 2x(x + 5)
65 Mand
of z pounds of zucchini I NU TES,of5cucumbers.
c pounds 2 QUESTIONS
The farmer sold the zucchini for $1.69 per pound Which of the following polynomials is equivalent to
and the cucumbers for $0.99 per pound and collected the expression above?
Turn to Section 1 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
a total of $150.32. Which of the following systems of
equations can be used to find the number of pounds A) 3x 2 − 7x − 3
of zucchini that were sold? B) 3x 2 + 7x − 3
z + c = 150.32 2
1.69z + 0.99cEach
= 108 by 5axnumber
passage or pair of passages below is followedC) − 5x −of3 questions. After reading
each passage or pair, choose the best answer to each 5x 2 − 9x based
D) question − 3 on what is stated or
z + cimplied
= 108in the passage or passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or
1.69z + 0.99cgraph).
= 150.32
z + c = 108
0.99z + 1.69c = 150.32
z + are
Questions 1-10 c =based on the following
150.32 old man’s listening ear, and to his wife’s ear, even

0.99z + 1.69c = 108
passage. when the car was relatively far away and beyond their
range of vision. They had pondered over the sound,
This passage is adapted from Amit Chaudhuri, A Strange and 4
Sublime Address. ©1991 by Amit Chaudhuri. A ten-year-old 30 and finally, he had lit the lantern and shuffled out.
boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt “I told her,” he said, referring
x(x + 2) =to8his wife. “I told her
(Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in that I heard the car, I knew it was the car, I told her
Calcutta, India.
you of coming.”
were the following lists all solutions to the
quadratic equation
Once they above?Mamima gave the pot of
were inside,
Two boys were playing carrom on the steps of a 35 yoghurt and
small, painted shed which had the following words A) 8 and 6 the pot of sweetmeats to the old
2 on its wall in large, black letters: NATIONAL lady. “There was no need,” she said. “Oh really,” she
said. and −2
B) 4“This is too much,” she insisted, with the air of
= 10x + 4y A single one
C) −4whoand
has2just received the Kohinoor diamond as
5 table-tennis table inside the shed could be glimpsed
The formula above gives cost C, a birthday present. “Come, come, come,” said
through the window. Thethe monthly
boys interrupted in
their D) 6
40 Chhotomama, with the air of someone who has just
dollars, of operating a delivery truck when
game to give Chhotomama directions to the house the driver
works a total of x hours and when y gallons of given the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present,
in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes, and refuses to be overawed by his own generosity.
they knew arethe
old If, in a particular
couple. month,
And yes, their sonitand
cost no
more than $2,000 to operate the truck and at least “It’s nothing.” It was nothing, of course, only
10 daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their
150 Ganguram’s sweets and yoghurt, but they fussed and
first gallons
child. of gas were used, what is the maximum 45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something,
“Is it aofgirl
or athe driver
boy?” could
asked have worked?
Mamima, rolling something unique and untasted and unencountered.
A) 125 the window. The son and the daughter-in-law emerged shyly
“A girl,” said the boy. from the anteroom. They both stooped gently to
15 B) Mamima
140 rolled up her window before the
touch Chhotomama’s feet, and Sandeep’s aunt’s and
C) 500 came in. The two boys vanished behind 50 his mother’s feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of
D) 1,400When they reached the house, they found that obeisance towards one’s elders.
the old man was waiting on the verandah with a “Oh no no no,” said Chhotomama, struggling to
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round keep the son’s hand away from his feet. “There’s no
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was
need for all this.” This was half a token gesture
oblivious to them. He had come out because he had 55 towards modesty, and half towards the new,
heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. “modern” India—Nehru’s secular India, free of ritual
The night had been silent except for the questioning and religion.
cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the
April QAS 2017

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1 3
Question-and-Answer Service

5 “I have not met you for two years, Dada,” said the 37

son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama’s
60 toes. “You must not B stop me.” ThisCwas half a token As used in lines 37 andx 40,
+ 2y“air”
= 16most nearly means
115° and half towards the old,
gesture towards modesty, A) atmosphere.
“traditional” India—Gandhi’s India of ceremony and 0.5x − y = 10
custom. B) absence.
The solution to the system of equations above is
Sandeep, A meanwhile, had come to theDconclusion C) demeanor.
(x, y). What is the value of x ?
65 that the grown-ups were mad, Eeach after his or her D) melody.
own fashion. Simple situations were turned into A) −2
Note: Figure not drawn to scale.
complex, dramatic ones; not until then did everyone
B) 2
feel important and happy. Will they never grow up? 4
In the figure
thought above,
Sandeep BC and
irately. AD are parallel,
He glanced AB A
around him. C) 18
70 singleECblue,
and parallel, CDtube
are fluorescent = CE , and
was the measure
burning on the of
wall. The characters’ behavior during the gift giving
It was not a big room. Despite its bareness,
∠ ABC is 115°. What is the measure of ∠ BCD ? the D) 36 serves to
impression it gave was of austerity rather than A) emphasize the lavish value of the gift.
A) 85°It made one remember that poverty meant
B) 115° as well as lack, while austerity meant B) inflate the significance of the gesture.
75 being
C) 125° poor in a rooted way, within a tradition and C) convey indifference toward the gift.
culture of sparseness, which transformed even the D) stress the need for polite behavior.
the paucity, into a kind of being.

Which choice provides the best evidence for the
According to the passage, the old man was standing answer to the previous question?
on the verandah because
A) Lines 43-44 (“It was . . . yoghurt”)
A) he was watching cars travel down the road.
6 B) Lines 44-46 (“they . . . unencountered”)
B) the two boys had reported the visitors would
soon arrive. C) Lines 52-54 (“Oh no . . . all this”)
0.8p = t
C) a he hadaheard what he believed D) Lines 58-60 (“I have . . . stop me”)
At store, coat originally priced attopbedollars
the is on
visitors’ car.
sale for t dollars, and the relationship between p and
tD)is given in the listening
he enjoyed equationtoabove. is p inofterms
the quiet 6
of t the
? evening.
The description of Chhotomama and the son’s
A) p = t − 0.8 interaction mainly serves to
2 A) show how the characters diverge in their
In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are approaches to cultural practices.
B) p = 0.8t
compared to a B) emphasize the characters’ complex relationship.
A) jewel.0.8 C) stress the characters’ misinterpretations of
C) p = Indian history.
B) cuisine.
C) wedding D) depict how the characters created gestures that
t gift. became routine.
D) p =
D) generous
0.8 donation.

April QAS 2017

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3 1
Question-and-Answer Service

Reading Test
Which of the following is the graph of the equation y = 2x + 3 in the
xy-plane? 65 M I NU TES, 5 2 QUESTIONS
A) B) y
Turn to Section 1 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
5 5

Each passage or pair of passages below is followed by

x a number of questions. After reading
x O answer to 5each question based on what is stated or
–5 Oeach passage –5 the best
5 or pair, choose
implied in the passage or passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or
–5 –5

Questions 1-10 are based on the following old man’s listening ear, and to his wife’s ear, even

C) y D) y
passage. when the car was relatively far away and beyond their
This passage is adapted from Amit Chaudhuri, A Strange and
5 range of vision. They had pondered over the sound,
Sublime Address. ©1991 by Amit Chaudhuri. A ten-year-old 30 and finally, he had lit the lantern and shuffled out.
boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt “I told her,” he said, referring to his wife. “I told her
(Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in that I heard the car, I knew it was the car, I told her
Calcutta, India. x you
x were coming.”
–5 O 5 –5 O 5 Once they were inside, Mamima gave the pot of
Two boys were playing carrom on the steps of a 35 yoghurt and the pot of sweetmeats to the old
small, painted shed which had the following words lady. “There was no need,” she said. “Oh really,” she
on its wall in large, black letters: NATIONAL said. “This is too much,” she insisted, with the air of
one who has just received the Kohinoor diamond as
5 table-tennis table inside the shed could be glimpsed
a birthday present. “Come, come, come,” said
through the window. The boys interrupted their 40 Chhotomama, with the air of someone who has just
game to give Chhotomama directions to the house given the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present,
9 in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes, 10 and refuses to be overawed by his own generosity.

they knew the old couple. And yes, their son and “It’s nothing.” It was5nothing, 8of course, only
10 daughter-in-law had x 2 arrived last=night
− 6x + 11 y with their +
Ganguram’s sweets and yoghurt, but they fussed and
first child. x=y+1 x − 1 2 ( x − 1)
45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something,
“Is it a girl or a boy?” asked Mamima, rolling something unique and untasted andisunencountered.
downsystem of equations above is graphed in the
the window. Which of the following expressions equivalent to
The son and the daughter-in-law
the one above, where x ≠ 1 ? emerged shyly
“A girl,”
xy-plane. said the
Which boy.following is the y-coordinate
of the from the anteroom. They both stooped gently to
of an intersection pointher
Mamima rolled up (x,window
y) of thebefore
of the touch 9Chhotomama’s feet, and Sandeep’s aunt’s and
mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind A)
two equations? 50 his mother’s
x − 1 feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of
them. When they reached the house, they found that obeisance towards one’s elders.
A) old
−4 man was waiting on the verandah with a 14
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round B) “Oh no no no,” said Chhotomama, struggling to
B) −2 keepxthe− 1son’s hand away from his feet. “There’s no
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was
need for all this.” This was half a token gesture
C) 2 to them. He had come out because he had 15
55 towards
C) modesty, and half towards the new,
heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. 2x − 2India—Nehru’s secular India, free of ritual
D) 4
The night had been silent except for the questioning and religion.
cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of 21
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine 2x − 2
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the
April QAS 2017

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1 3
Question-and-Answer Service

11 “I have not met you for two years, Dada,” said the 13

son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama’s
60 For
mustreal number
not x, where
stop me.” x8 =half
This was 2, what is
a token As used in lines 37 and5(40, “air”
7t − 12cmost
) nearly means
g (t ) = − 25
gesture towards
the value of x ?24 modesty, and half towards the old, A) atmosphere. 2
“traditional” India—Gandhi’s India of ceremony and The absence.
number of people who go to a public swimming
3 B)
A) 24 can be modeled by the function g above, where
Sandeep, meanwhile, had come to the conclusion C)
B) 4 c is a constant and t is the air temperature in degrees
65 that the grown-ups were mad, each after his or her D) melody.(°F) for 70 < t < 100. If 350 people are
own6fashion. Simple situations were turned into Fahrenheit
D) 8 dramatic ones; not until then did everyone predicted to go to the pool when the temperature is
feel important and happy. Will they never grow up? 90°F, what is the value of c ?
thought Sandeep irately. He glanced around him. A A) 20
70 single blue, fluorescent tube was burning on the wall. The characters’ behavior during the gift giving
It was not a big room. Despite its bareness, the B) 40 serves to
impression it gave was of austerity rather than C)
A) 60
emphasize the lavish value of the gift.
poverty. It made one remember that poverty meant D) 80
displacement as well as lack, while austerity meant B) inflate the significance of the gesture.
75 being poor in a rooted way, within a tradition and C) convey indifference toward the gift.
culture of sparseness, which transformed even the D) stress the need for polite behavior.
lack, the paucity, into a kind of being.
Which of the following is an equivalent form of
3 f 6a k 2 , where f > 0 and k > 0 ? 5
1 Which choice provides the best evidence for the
A) f 3a k−1to the passage, the old man was standing
According answer to the previous question?
on the verandah because
1 3 A) Lines 43-44 (“It was . . . yoghurt”)
A) he
B) f 2awas
k 2 watching cars travel down the road. B) Lines 44-46 (“they . . . unencountered”)
B) the two boys had reported the visitors would
soon arrive. C) Lines 52-54 (“Oh no . . . all this”)
C) f 3a k−1 D) Lines 58-60 (“I have . . . stop me”)
C) he had heard what he believed to be the
2 car.
f 2aenjoyed
D) he k3 listening to the quiet sounds of 6
the evening.
The description of Chhotomama and the son’s
interaction mainly serves to
2 A) show how the characters diverge in their
In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are approaches to cultural practices.
compared to a B) emphasize the characters’ complex relationship.
A) jewel. C) stress the characters’ misinterpretations of
B) cuisine. Indian history.

C) wedding gift. D) depict how the characters created gestures that

became routine.
D) generous donation.

April QAS 2017

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3 1
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Reading Test 15

The boiling point of water at sea level is 212 degrees The graph of x 2 − 4x + y 2 + 6y − 24 = 0 in the
Fahrenheit (°F). For M Iincrease
of 1,000
above sea level, the boiling point of water drops xy-plane is a circle. What is the radius of the circle?
approximately 1.84°F. Which of the following
Turn to Section 1 of your answer sheet to answer
2 questions
6 in this section.
equations gives the approximate boiling point B, in
°F, at h feet above sea level? B) 11
A) B = 212 − 1.84h C) 37
B) B = 212 − (0.00184 )h
Each passage or pair of passages below is followedD)
by a number
76 of questions. After reading
C) B = 212h each passage or pair, choose the best answer to each question based on what is stated or
implied in the passage or passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or
D) B = 1.84(212graph).
) − 1,000h

Questions 1-10 are based on the following old man’s listening ear, and to his wife’s ear, even

passage. when the car was relatively far away and beyond their
This passage is adapted from Amit Chaudhuri, A Strange and
range of vision. They had pondered over the sound,
Sublime Address. ©1991 by Amit Chaudhuri. A ten-year-old 30 and finally, he had lit the lantern and shuffled out.
boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt “I told her,” he said, referring to his wife. “I told her
(Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in that I heard the car, I knew it was the car, I told her
Calcutta, India. you were coming.”
Once they were inside, Mamima gave the pot of
Two boys were playing carrom on the steps of a 35 yoghurt and the pot of sweetmeats to the old
small, painted shed which had the following words lady. “There was no need,” she said. “Oh really,” she
on its wall in large, black letters: NATIONAL said. “This is too much,” she insisted, with the air of
Line ASSOCIATION OF SPORTSMEN. A single one who has just received the Kohinoor diamond as
5 table-tennis table inside the shed could be glimpsed a birthday present. “Come, come, come,” said
through the window. The boys interrupted their 40 Chhotomama, with the air of someone who has just
game to give Chhotomama directions to the house given the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present,
in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes, and refuses to be overawed by his own generosity.
they knew the old couple. And yes, their son and “It’s nothing.” It was nothing, of course, only
10 daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their Ganguram’s sweets and yoghurt, but they fussed and
first child. 45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something,
“Is it a girl or a boy?” asked Mamima, rolling something unique and untasted and unencountered.
down the window. The son and the daughter-in-law emerged shyly
“A girl,” said the boy. from the anteroom. They both stooped gently to
15 Mamima rolled up her window before the touch Chhotomama’s feet, and Sandeep’s aunt’s and
mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind 50 his mother’s feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of
them. When they reached the house, they found that obeisance towards one’s elders.
the old man was waiting on the verandah with a “Oh no no no,” said Chhotomama, struggling to
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round keep the son’s hand away from his feet. “There’s no
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was need for all this.” This was half a token gesture
oblivious to them. He had come out because he had 55 towards modesty, and half towards the new,
heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. “modern” India—Nehru’s secular India, free of ritual
The night had been silent except for the questioning and religion.
cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the
April QAS 2017

Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. 2

1 3
Question-and-Answer Service

“I have not met you for two years, Dada,” said the 3

son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama’s
60 toes. “You must not stop me.” This was half a token As used7 in lines 37 and 40, “air” most nearly means
Answer: 12 Answer: 2.5
gesture towards modesty, and half towards the old, A) atmosphere.
“traditional” India—Gandhi’s India of ceremony and Write
For questions 16-20, solve the problem and
custom. answer 7 B) / 1absence.
2 2 . 5
enter your answer in the grid, as described in boxes. / / Fraction / /
Sandeep, meanwhile, had come to the conclusion C) demeanor. line
below, on the answer sheet.
65 that the grown-ups were mad, each after his or her . . . . . . . . Decimal
D) melody. point
own fashion. Simple situations were turned into 0 0 0 0 0 0
1. Althoughdramatic ones; notituntil
not required, then didthat
is suggested everyone 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
feel important and happy. Will they never
you write your answer in the boxes at the top grow up? 24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
thought Sandeep
of the columns irately.
to help Heyou
fill in around him. A Grid in 3 3 3 3
the circles 3 3 3 3
70 single blue, fluorescent The characters’ behavior during the gift giving
accurately. You will tube wascredit
receive burningonlyon the wall.result.
if the 4 mainly
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
It was not aarebigfilled
room. serves to
circles in Despite
correctly.its bareness, the 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
impression it gave was of austerity rather than A) emphasize the lavish
2. Mark no more than one circle in any column.
poverty. It made one remember that poverty meant 6 6 6 6 6 value
6 6of the 6 gift.
3. No question has a negative answer. 7 B) 7 7inflate7 the significance 7 7of the7 gesture.
displacement as well as lack, while austerity meant
4. Some problems may have more than
75 being poor in a rooted way, within a tradition and
one 8 C) 8 8convey 8 indifference8toward 8 8 the8 gift.
culture answer. Inwhich
of sparseness, such cases, grid only
transformed onethe
even 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
D) stress the need for polite behavior.
the paucity, into a kind of being.
5. Mixed numbers such as 3 1 must be gridded 2
Acceptable ways to grid 3 are:
1 as 3.5 or 7/2. (If 3 1 / 2 is entered into the
/ / 2Which
/ 3choice. provides
6 6 the 6 best .evidence
6 6 for 7 the
According to the passage, the old31 man was 1standing / / / /
answer to the previous question? / /
grid, it will be interpreted as , not 3 .)
on the verandah because 2 2 . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. Decimal answers: If you obtain a decimal A) Lines 43-44 (“It was . . . yoghurt”)
A) he was watching cars travel down the road. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
answer with more digits than the grid can 1 1B) 1 Lines 1 44-46 1 (“they
1 1 . 1. . unencountered”)
1 1 1 1
B) the two boys had
accommodate, reported
it may the visitors
be either rounded would
soon arrive. 2 2C)2 Lines 2 52-54 2 (“Oh
2 2 no2. . . all 2this”)
2 2 2
truncated, but it must fill the entire grid.
3 3D)3 Lines 3 58-60 3 (“I 3 3. . . stop
3 have 3 3 3
3 me”)
C) he had heard what he believed to be the
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
visitors’ car.
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
D) he enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds of 6 66 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
the evening.
7 7The 7 description
7 7 of 7 7
7 Chhotomama 7 and 7
7 son’s
7 the
8 8interaction
8 8 8 8 serves
mainly 8 8 to 8 8 8 8
2 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Answer: A) 201
show how the
– either characters
position diverge in their
is correct
In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are approaches to cultural practices.
compared to a
1 2 the 0 characters’
1 complex
may start relationship.
A) jewel. / C) / stress the characters’
/ / answers in
misinterpretations anyof
column, space
B) cuisine. . . . Indian . history.
. . . .
C) wedding gift. 0D)0 depict
0 how the0 characters
0 0 created gestures
Columns you that
1 1 1 became 1 routine.
1 1 1 1 don’t need to
D) generous donation.
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 use should be
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 left blank.

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Reading Test 19

5−x =4 7π
65 M I NU TES, 5 2 QUESTIONSAn angle with a measure of 6
radians has a
The value of one solution to the equation above is 1.
What is the value of the other solution? measure of d degrees, where 0 ≤ d < 360. What is the
Turn to Section 1 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
value of d ?

Each passage or pair of passages below is followed by a number of questions. After reading
each passage or pair, choose the best answer to each question based on what is stated or
implied in the passage or passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or
If f (x) = x 2 − 4x + 10 and c is a positive integer less
than 5, what is one possible value of f (c) ?
Questions 1-10 are based on the following Theman’s
old function f is defined
listening by tof (his
ear, and r ) =wife’s
(r − 4ear, + 1)2. If
)(r even

passage. when
f (h − the
3) =car
0, was
whatrelatively far away
is one possible andofbeyond
value h ? their
This passage is adapted from Amit Chaudhuri, A Strange and
range of vision. They had pondered over the sound,
Sublime Address. ©1991 by Amit Chaudhuri. A ten-year-old 30 and finally, he had lit the lantern and shuffled out.
boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt “I told her,” he said, referring to his wife. “I told her
(Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in that I heard the car, I knew it was the car, I told her
Calcutta, India. you were coming.”
18 Once they were inside, Mamima gave the pot of
Two boys were playing carrom on the steps of a 35 yoghurt and the pot of sweetmeats to the old
Students painted shed which
in a science had
lab are the following
working in groupswords lady. “There was no need,” she said. “Oh really,” she
on its wall
to build in large,
both a smallblack
and letters:
a large NATIONAL
electrical circuit. said. “This is too much,” she insisted, with the air of
A large circuit uses OF4SPORTSMEN.
resistors and 2 A single
capacitors, one who has just received the Kohinoor diamond as
5 table-tennis table inside
and a small circuit uses 3the shed could
resistors and 1be glimpsed
capacitor. a birthday present. “Come, come, come,” said
There arethe 100window.
andboys interrupted
70 capacitors their
available, 40 Chhotomama, with the air of someone who has just
and eachto give
groupChhotomama directions
must have enough to theand
resistors house given the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present,
in a series of
capacitors to sporadic,
make oneenthusiastic
large and onegestures. Oh yes,
small circuit. and refuses to be overawed by his own generosity.
Whatknewis thethe old couple.
maximum And yes,
number their son
of groups thatand
could “It’s nothing.” It was nothing, of course, only
10 daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their
work on this lab project? Ganguram’s sweets and yoghurt, but they fussed and
first child. 45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something,
“Is it a girl or a boy?” asked Mamima, rolling something unique and untasted and unencountered.
down the window. The son and the daughter-in-law emerged shyly
“A girl,” said the boy. from the anteroom. They both stooped gently to
15 Mamima rolled up her window before the touch Chhotomama’s feet, and Sandeep’s aunt’s and
mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind 50 his mother’s feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of
them. When they reached the house, they found that obeisance towards one’s elders.
the old man was waiting on the verandah with a “Oh no no no,” said Chhotomama, struggling to
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round keep the son’s hand away from his feet. “There’s no
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was
need for all this.” This was half a token gesture
oblivious to them. He had come out because he had 55 towards modesty, and half towards the new,
throbbingbefore timeinisthecalled,
of the engine distance.you may check yourIndia—Nehru’s
“modern” work on this section
secular India, freeonly.
of ritual
The night had been silent except for the questioning
cry of an owl and the continual orchestralDo notsound turn of to any other section.
and religion.
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the
April QAS 2017

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1 4
Question-and-Answer Service

Math Test – Calculator

“I have not met you for two years, Dada,” said the 3

son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama’s
60 toes. “You must not stop me.” This was half a token As used in lines 37 and 40, “air” most nearly means
5 5 M I NU TES, 3 8
gesture towards modesty, and half towards the old, QUESTIONS A) atmosphere.
“traditional” India—Gandhi’s India of ceremony and
custom. B) absence.
Turn to Section 4 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
Sandeep, meanwhile, had come to the conclusion C) demeanor.
65 that the grown-ups were mad, each after his or her D) melody.
own fashion. Simple situations were turned into
complex, dramatic ones; not until then did everyone
feel important and happy.
For Will they
questions 1-30,never
problem, choose 4 the best answer from the choices
thought Sandeep provided,
irately. Heand
glanced around him. A For questions
fill in the corresponding
single blue, fluorescent tube was burning on the wall.
circle on your
Theanswer sheet.behavior
characters’ during31-38,
the gift giving
solve the problem and enter your answer in the grid on the
mainly answer
serves to sheet. Please refer to
It was not a big room. Despite its bareness, the
the directions before question 31 on how to enter your answers in the grid. You may use
impression it gave was of austerity rather than
any available
poverty. It made one rememberspace
that in your test
poverty booklet for scratchA)
emphasize the lavish value of the gift.
displacement as well as lack, while austerity meant B) inflate the significance of the gesture.
75 being poor in a rooted way, within a tradition and C) convey indifference toward the gift.
culture of sparseness, which transformed even the
1. The use of a calculator is permitted. D) stress the need for polite behavior.
lack, the paucity, into a kind of being.
2. All variables and expressions used represent real numbers unless otherwise indicated.
3. Figures provided in this test are drawn to scale
5 unless otherwise indicated.
4. All figures lie in a plane unless otherwise indicated.
Which choice provides the best evidence for the
According to the passage, the old man was standing to the
5. Unless otherwise indicated, the domain of a given answer
function f isprevious question?
the set of all real numbers x for
on the verandah because
which f(x) is a real number. A) Lines 43-44 (“It was . . . yoghurt”)
A) he was watching cars travel down the road.
B) Lines 44-46 (“they . . . unencountered”)
B) the two boys had reported the visitors would
soon arrive. C) Lines 52-54 (“Oh no . . . all this”)

C) he had heard what he believed to be the D) Lines 58-60 (“I have . . . stop me”)

visitors’ car.
r c 2x 60° s 45° s√2
h b x
D) he enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds w of 6 30° 45°
the evening. s
b a
The description of Chhotomama x√3 and the son’s
A = pr 2 A = w 1
A = bh interaction
c =a +b 2 mainly
2 serves to
Special Right Triangles
2 C = 2pr A) show how the characters diverge in their
In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are approaches to cultural practices.
compared to a r B) emphasize the characters’ complex relationship.
h r h h
A) jewel. h C) stress the characters’ misinterpretations of
w r w
B) cuisine.  Indian history.

D) 4depict how the characters
1 created gestures that
C) wedding gift. V = wh V = pr 2h pr 3 routine.
V = became V = pr 2h V = 1 wh
D) generous donation. 3 3 3
The number of degrees of arc in a circle is 360.
The number of radians of arc in a circle is 2p.
The sum of the measures in degrees of the angles of a triangle is 180.

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Reading Test

If m = 3, how much greater is 10m than 6m ?
A) 3
B) 4
Turn to Section 1 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
C) 12
D) 30

2 Each passage or pair of passages below is followed by a number of questions. After reading
The temperature,each passage
in degrees or pair,
Celsius choose
(°C), of a the
hot best answer
object placedtoineach
a question based on what is stated or
implied in the passage or passages and in
room is recorded every five minutes. The temperature of the objectany accompanying graphics (such as a table or
decreases rapidly at first, then decreases more slowly as the object’s
temperature approaches the temperature of the room. Which of the
following graphs could represent the temperature of this object over
Questions 1-10 are based on the following old man’s listening ear, and to his wife’s ear, even

passage. B) 300 when the car was relatively far away and beyond their
Object temperature (°C)

A) 300
Object temperature (°C)

This passage 250 and range of vision. They had pondered over the sound,
250is adapted from Amit Chaudhuri, A Strange 30 and finally, he had lit the lantern and shuffled out.
Sublime Address. ©1991 by Amit Chaudhuri. A ten-year-old
200 “I told her,” he said, referring to his wife. “I told her
boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt
(Mamima), 150 150
and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in that I heard the car, I knew it was the car, I told her
Calcutta, 100
India. 100 you were coming.”
50 were playing carrom on the steps 50 Once they were inside, Mamima gave the pot of
Two boys of a 35 yoghurt and the pot of sweetmeats to the old
small, painted0 shed which had the following words 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
on its wall in large, black letters: NATIONAL 0 5 10 15 20 lady.
25 30“There was no need,” she said. “Oh really,” she
said. “This is too much,” she insisted, with the air of
(minutes) A single Time (minutes)
one who has just received the Kohinoor diamond as
5 table-tennis table inside the shed could be glimpsed a birthday present. “Come, come, come,” said
through the window. The boys interrupted their 40 Chhotomama, with the air of someone who has just
game to 250 give Chhotomama directionsD) to the house
Object temperature (°C)

Object temperature (°C)

given the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present,

in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh 250yes, and refuses to be overawed by his own generosity.
they knew the old couple. And yes, their son and
200 “It’s nothing.” It was nothing, of course, only
10 150
daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their Ganguram’s sweets and yoghurt, but they fussed and
first child. 150
100 45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something,
“Is it a girl or a boy?” asked Mamima, rolling 100
something unique and untasted and unencountered.
down the50 window. 50 The son and the daughter-in-law emerged shyly
“A girl,”0 said the boy. 0 from the anteroom. They both stooped gently to
15 Mamima 0rolled 5 10up her window
15 20 25 30before the 0 5 10 15 20 touch
25 30Chhotomama’s feet, and Sandeep’s aunt’s and
mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind
Time (minutes) Time (minutes)
50 his mother’s feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of
them. When they reached the house, they found that obeisance towards one’s elders.
the old man was waiting on the verandah with a “Oh no no no,” said Chhotomama, struggling to
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round keep the son’s hand away from his feet. “There’s no
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was need for all this.” This was half a token gesture
oblivious to them. He had come out because he had 55 towards modesty, and half towards the new,
heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. “modern” India—Nehru’s secular India, free of ritual
The night had been silent except for the questioning and religion.
cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the
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1 4
Question-and-Answer Service

3 “I have not met you for two years, Dada,” said the 3

son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama’s Questions
60 toes. “You must not x stop
− 2 =me.”x +This
10 was half a token As used5 in
and 6 refer
lines to the
37 and following
40, “air” information.
most nearly means
gesture towards modesty, and half towards the old, A) atmosphere.
Nutritional Information for 1-Ounce Servings of
Which of the following values of x is a solution to the
“traditional” India—Gandhi’s India of ceremony and Seeds and Nuts
equation above? B) absence.
A) Sandeep,
−1 meanwhile, had come to the conclusion C) ordemeanor. Total fat Protein
Seed nut Calories
65 that the grown-ups were mad, each after his or her (grams) (grams)
B) 1 D) melody.
own fashion. Simple situations were turned into Pecan 198 20.2 3.0
C) 4 dramatic ones; not until then did everyone
complex, Pistachio 80 6.5 3.0
feel important and happy. Will they never grow up? 4 Pumpkin 159 13.9 8.5
D) 6
thought Sandeep irately. He glanced around him. A Sunflower 166 14.6 5.9
70 single blue, fluorescent tube was burning on the wall. The characters’ behavior
Walnut 185 during
18.5the gift giving
It was not a big room. Despite its bareness, the mainly serves to
impression it gave was of austerity rather than A) emphasize the lavish value of the gift.
poverty. It made one remember that poverty meant The table above shows the calories, grams of fat, and
displacement as well as lack, while austerity meant B) ofinflate
grams proteinthe
insignificance of theof
1-ounce servings gesture.
selected seeds
75 being poor in a rooted way, within a tradition and and C)
nuts.convey indifference toward the gift.
culture of sparseness, which transformed even the D) stress the need for polite behavior.
4 lack, the paucity, into a kind of being.
Last year, 800 students attended the career fair at 5
West High School. This year, the number of students 5 How many more grams of protein are in one pound
1 who attended the career fair increased by 5%. How of pumpkin seeds than are in one pound of
many students attended Which choice provides the best evidence for the
According to the passage,the
thecareer fair was
old man at standing pistachios? (1 pound = 16 ounces)
answer to the previous question?
West High School this
on the verandah because year?
A) 48
A) A) Lines 43-44 (“It was . . . yoghurt”)
A) he804
was watching cars travel down the road. B) 72
B) 805 B) Lines 44-46 (“they . . . unencountered”)
B) the two boys had reported the visitors would C) 88
C) soon
840arrive. C) Lines 52-54 (“Oh no . . . all this”)
D) 136
C) 1,200
he had heard what he believed to be the D) Lines 58-60 (“I have . . . stop me”)
visitors’ car.
D) he enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds of 6
the evening.
The description of Chhotomama and the son’s
interaction mainly serves to
2 A) show how the characters diverge in their
In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are approaches to cultural practices.
compared to a B) emphasize the characters’ complex relationship.
A) jewel. C) stress the characters’ misinterpretations of
B) cuisine. Indian history.

C) wedding gift. D) depict how the characters created gestures that

became routine.
D) generous donation.

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4 1
Question-and-Answer Service

Reading Test 8

Lionel purchases 1-pound bags of each of the At a snack bar, each medium drink costs $1.85 and
five seeds and nuts M IinNU
shown theTES,
table. Of5the
2 QUESTIONSeach large drink costs c more dollars than a medium
following, which best approximates the average drink. If 5 medium drinks and 5 large drinks cost a
(arithmetic mean) number of calories per bag? total of $20.50, what is the value of c ?
Turn to Section 1 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
(1 pound = 16 ounces)
A) 0.45
A) 150 B) 0.40
B) 250 C) 0.30
C) 1,500 Each passage or pair of passages below is followedD)
by a0.25
number of questions. After reading
D) 2,500 each passage or pair, choose the best answer to each question based on what is stated or
implied in the passage or passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or

Questions 1-10 are based on the following old man’s listening ear, and to his wife’s ear, even

passage. 9 when the car was relatively far away and beyond their
This passage is adapted from Amit Chaudhuri, A Strange and
range of vision. They had pondered over the sound,
30 and boughthea bus
had pass that
lit the had an
lantern initial
and valueout.
shuffled of
Sublime Address. ©1991 by Amit Chaudhuri. A ten-year-old
boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt
$90. For every bus ride Kate takes, $1.80, the cost
“I told her,” he said, referring to his wife. “I told her of
(Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in one bus ride, is subtracted from the value of the
that I heard the car, I knew it was the car, I told her pass.
you percent
were of the initial value of Kate’s bus pass is
7 Calcutta, India.
cost of one bus inside,
they were ride? Mamima gave the pot of
Two boys were playing carrom on the steps of a 35 yoghurt and the pot of sweetmeats to the old
A pool initially contains 1,385 cubic feet of water. A A) 1.8%
small, painted shed which had the following words lady. “There was no need,” she said. “Oh really,” she
pump begins
on its wall emptying
in large, blackthe waterNATIONAL
letters: at a constant rate of
B) “This
said. 2% is too much,” she insisted, with the air of
Line 20
cubic feet per minute. Which of following
A single one
C) who5% has just received the Kohinoor diamond as
5 table-tennis
functions besttable inside the shed
approximates could bev(glimpsed
the volume t ), in aD)birthday
through the window. The boys interrupted their 98% present. “Come, come, come,” said
cubic feet, of water in the pool t minutes after 40 Chhotomama, with the air of someone who has just
game to give Chhotomama directions to the house given the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present,
pumping begins, for 0 ≤ t ≤ 69 ?
in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes, and refuses to be overawed by his own generosity.
A) vknew(t ) = the
20t And yes, their son and “It’s nothing.” It was nothing, of course, only
10 daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their Ganguram’s sweets and yoghurt, but they fussed and
first vchild.
B) (t ) = 1,385 − 69t
45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something,
C) “Isv(tit) a=girl
1,385or a+ boy?”
20t asked Mamima, rolling something unique and untasted and unencountered.
down the window. The son and the daughter-in-law emerged shyly
D) “A v(tgirl,”
) = 1,385 t
+ 69boy.
said the from the anteroom. They both stooped gently to
15 Mamima rolled up her window before the touch Chhotomama’s feet, and Sandeep’s aunt’s and
mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind 50 his mother’s feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of
them. When they reached the house, they found that obeisance towards one’s elders.
the old man was waiting on the verandah with a “Oh no no no,” said Chhotomama, struggling to
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round keep the son’s hand away from his feet. “There’s no
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was need for all this.” This was half a token gesture
oblivious to them. He had come out because he had 55 towards modesty, and half towards the new,
heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. “modern” India—Nehru’s secular India, free of ritual
The night had been silent except for the questioning and religion.
cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the
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1 4
Question-and-Answer Service

10 “I have not met you for two years, Dada,” said the 3

son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama’s Questions
“You must whether
not stopresidents
me.” Thisof awas
half a token As used12inand
and to
40,the following
“air” most nearly means
would vote in favor of a ballot proposal to use information.
gesture towards modesty, and half towards the old, A) atmosphere.
$100,000 of local
“traditional” taxes for additional
India—Gandhi’s India ofplayground
ceremony and
equipment A cable
B) company
absence. recorded the percentage of households
custom. at a community park, Jennifer surveyed in the United States that had cable television from 1987
60 adults
Sandeep, visiting the parkhad
meanwhile, with theirtochildren
come during
the conclusion C) In
one week in June. She found that 45 of those to 1997. the scatterplot below, x represents the
65 that the grown-ups were mad, each after his or her D) of
number years since 1987 and y represents the
own fashion.reported
Simple that they would
situations werevote in favor
turned into of
the proposal. Which of the following statements percentage of households with cable television.
complex, dramatic ones; not until then did everyone The line of best fit for the data is shown.
must be true? and happy. Will they never grow up?
feel important 4
A) When Sandeep irately.
the actual voteHe glanced75around
is taken, percenthim. A
of the Households with
70 single blue, fluorescent tube was burning on the wall. The characters’y behavior
Cable Television
during the gift giving
votes will be in favor of the proposal.
It was not a big room. Despite its bareness, the mainly serves to
B) No prediction should be made rather
about than
the vote on 70

Percentage of households
impression it gave was of austerity A) emphasize
68 the lavish value of the gift.
poverty. It made one remember that povertytoo
the proposal because the sample size is small.

with cable television

C) The sampling
displacement method
as well as lack, is while
and maymeant B) inflate 66
the significance of the gesture.
produce 64
75 being poor inbiased results.
a rooted way, within a tradition and C) convey indifference toward the gift.
D) Theofsampling
sparseness, whichistransformed
method not flawed and even the
is likely D) stress the
60 need for polite behavior.
lack,tothe paucity, into a kind
produce unbiased results. of being.
5 54
52 provides the best evidence for the
Which choice
According to the passage, the old man was standing 0 previous question?
answer to the x
on the verandah because 0 2 4 6 8 10
A) Lines 43-44Number
(“It wasof
. . years since 1987
. yoghurt”)
A) he was watching cars travel down the road.
B) Lines 44-46 (“they . . . unencountered”)
11 B) the two boys had reported the visitors would
soon arrive. C) Lines 52-54 (“Oh no . . . all this”)
4 4 2
If x
C) he − yhad=heard whatx he
−15 and y 2 = −3, to
− believed what is the value
be the D) Lines 58-60 (“I have . . . stop me”)
2 2
+ y ? car.
of x visitors’
Which of the following is closest to the equation of
A) he
5 enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds of 6 the line of best fit shown?
the evening.
B) 4 The description7 of Chhotomama and the son’s
A) y = 54xmainly
C) 2 interaction 5 serves to
2 D) 1 A) show7 how the characters diverge in their
In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are y = x − 54to cultural practices.
B) approaches
compared to a B) emphasize the characters’ complex relationship.
A) jewel. y = the
C) stress x + characters’
54 misinterpretations of
5 history.
B) cuisine.
D) 7
C) wedding gift. D) depict
y = xhow the characters created gestures that
5 routine.
D) generous donation.

April QAS 2017

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4 1
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Reading Test 15

Which of the following is the best interpretation of Distance from Tara’s Home
65of M
the slope of the line bestI NU TES,
fit shown 5 2 QUESTIONS
for these data?

Distance from home (miles)

A) The actual increase in the percentage of
households with to Section 1 ofeach
television answer sheet to answer the4questions in this section.
B) The predicted increase in the percentage of 3
households with cable television each year
C) The actual increase in the number of households 2
with cable television each year
Each passage or pair of passages below is followed by a 1number of questions. After reading
D) The predictedeach passage
increase or pair,
in the numberchoose
of the best answer to each question based on what is stated or
households with cableintelevision
implied the passageeach
or year 0
passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or
graph). 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

Tara rode her bicycle along a straight road from

Questions 1-10 are based on the following her man’s
old home to a restaurant
listening andtoate
ear, and hislunch.
wife’s She

passage. continued
when along
the car wasthe same road
relatively to a movie
far away theatertheir
and beyond
to see of
range a movie.
They had shepondered
returned over
This passage is adapted from Amit Chaudhuri, A Strange and
Sublime Address. ©1991 by Amit Chaudhuri. A ten-year-old 30 samefinally,
and road after
he hadthelit
movie. Tara’sand
the lantern distance from
shuffled out.
boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt home
“I toldduring
her,” hethe 4 hours
said, she was
referring outwife.
to his is shown
“I toldinher
(Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in graph
that above.the
I heard How car,many
I knewtotal miles
it was thedid she
car, rideher
I told her
Calcutta, India. bicycle?
you were coming.”
14 Once they were inside, Mamima gave the pot of
Two boys were playing carrom on the steps of a A) 5
35 yoghurt and the pot of sweetmeats to the old
small, painted owner
A greenhouse shed which had the
purchases following
fertilizer words
in 60-gallon B) 10
lady. “There was no need,” she said. “Oh really,” she
on its wall in large, black letters: NATIONAL
drums. The fertilizer is mixed with water to make said. “This is too much,” she insisted, with the air of
Line several batches ofOF SPORTSMEN.
solution. Each batch A single
of solution is one who has just received the Kohinoor diamond as
5 table-tennis
made by mixingtable3inside
quartsthe shed could
of fertilizer be water.
with glimpsed D) 20
a birthday present. “Come, come, come,” said
What the maximum
is the window. The boys interrupted
number of batches oftheir
solution 40 Chhotomama, with the air of someone who has just
that to give
be madeChhotomama directionsdrum
from one 60-gallon to theofhouse given the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present,
in a series (1
fertilizer? of gallon
= 4 enthusiastic
quarts) gestures. Oh yes, and refuses to be overawed by his own generosity.
they knew the old couple. And yes, their son and “It’s nothing.” It was nothing, of course, only
10 A) 45
daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their Ganguram’s sweets and yoghurt, but they fussed and
first child.
B) 60 45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something,
“Is it a girl or a boy?” asked Mamima, rolling something unique and untasted and unencountered.
C) 80
down the window. The son and the daughter-in-law emerged shyly
D) “A 180girl,” said the boy. from the anteroom. They both stooped gently to
15 Mamima rolled up her window before the touch Chhotomama’s feet, and Sandeep’s aunt’s and
mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind 50 his mother’s feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of
them. When they reached the house, they found that obeisance towards one’s elders.
the old man was waiting on the verandah with a “Oh no no no,” said Chhotomama, struggling to
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round keep the son’s hand away from his feet. “There’s no
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was need for all this.” This was half a token gesture
oblivious to them. He had come out because he had 55 towards modesty, and half towards the new,
heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. “modern” India—Nehru’s secular India, free of ritual
The night had been silent except for the questioning and religion.
cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the
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Question-and-Answer Service

16 “I have not met you for two years, Dada,” said the 18

son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama’s
Ryan has 1,500
toes. “You mustyards of yarn.
not stop me.”HeThiswants
was to knit
half at
a token During
As usedainstorm, theand
lines 37 atmospheric pressure
40, “air” most in means
nearly a
least 2 scarves and at least 3 hats. Each scarf
gesture towards modesty, and half towards the old, requires certain location fell at a constant rate of
300 yards of yarn, and each hatIndia
requires 120 yardsandof A) atmosphere.
3.4 millibars (mb) per hour over a 24-hour time
“traditional” India—Gandhi’s of ceremony
custom. If s represents the number of scarves and B) absence.
period. Which of the following is closest to the total
h represents the number had
Sandeep, meanwhile, of hats,
come which
to theofconclusion
the dropdemeanor.
C) in atmospheric pressure, in millimeters of
65 following
that the grown-ups were mad, each after his this
systems of inequalities represents or her mercury (mm Hg), over the course of 5 hours
situation? D) melody.
during the 24-hour time period?
own fashion. Simple situations were turned into
complex, (Note: 1,013 mb = 760 mm Hg)
A) s + h dramatic
≤ 1,500 ones; not until then did everyone
feel important and happy. Will they never grow up? 4 A) 2.6
thought Sandeep irately. He glanced around him. A
h≥3 B) 12.8
The characters’ behavior during the gift giving
70 single blue, fluorescent tube was burning on the wall.
It was
B) 2snot+ 3ha big room. Despite its bareness, the
≤ 1,500 C) 17.0serves to
s≥2 it gave was of austerity rather than D) emphasize
A) 22.7 the lavish value of the gift.
h≥3 It made one remember that poverty meant
displacement as well as lack, while austerity meant B) inflate the significance of the gesture.
75 being2spoor
C) + 3hin ≤ a1,500
rooted way, within a tradition and C) convey indifference toward the gift.
s ≥ of
300sparseness, which transformed even the D) stress the need for polite behavior.
lack,hthe paucity, into a kind of being.
≥ 120
D) 300s + 120h ≤ 1,500
1 s≥2
h≥3 19 Which choice provides the best evidence for the
According to the passage, the old man was standing answer to the previous question?
On its opening day, a car dealership had an inventory
on the verandah because
A) Lines 43-44 (“It was . . 6. yoghurt”)
of 29 cars. During the first months, 18 additional
A) he was watching cars travel down the road. cars were purchased by the dealership each week, and
B) Linesteam
the sales 44-46 (“they
sold . . . unencountered”)
an average of 15 cars per week.
B) the two boys had reported the visitors would
C) the52-54
Lines first six
no . . . which of the following
all this”)
soon arrive.
C) he had heard what he believed to be the D) Lines 58-60 (“I have . . . stop me”) c, at the
equations best models the car inventory,
dealership t weeks after opening day?
17 visitors’ car.
D) he enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds of 6 A) c = − t + 29
Michael performed an experiment where he tossed
the evening.
two coins, one dime and one nickel, at the same time The description of Chhotomama and the son’s
and recorded whether each one landed on heads or interaction mainly serves to
B) c = t + 29
2 tails. His results are shown in the table below. A) show how the characters diverge in their
In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are C) capproaches
= t + 29 to cultural practices.
compared to a Heads Tails 2
B) emphasize the characters’ complex relationship.
Heads 27 26 C) stress the characters’ misinterpretations of
A) jewel. Dime D) c = 3t + 29
Tails 24 23 Indian history.
B) cuisine.
C) what percent
wedding gift. of the tosses did the dime Michael D) depict how the characters created gestures that
became routine.
tossed land on heads?
D) generous donation.
A) 47%
B) 49%
C) 51%
D) 53%
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Reading Test 21

If 2 2x = a , what is 2x in terms of a ?
2 Turn to Section 1 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in Arrangement
this section. I


a2 Each passage or pair of passages below is followed by a number of questions. After reading
C) Arrangement II
2 each passage or pair, choose the best answer to each question based on what is stated or
implied in the passage or passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or
D) 4a2 graph).

Arrangement III
Questions 1-10 are based on the following old man’s listening ear, and to his wife’s ear, even

passage. seat
when the car was relatively tableand beyond their
far away
This passage is adapted from Amit Chaudhuri, A Strange and
range of vision. They had pondered over the sound,
Sublime Address. ©1991 by Amit Chaudhuri. A ten-year-old 30 and finally,
A project he had lit the
coordinator at alantern
banquet and shuffled
hall is givenout.
boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt “I told
task of her,” he said,
arranging referring
seating for antoawards
his wife. “I told her
(Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in that I heardabove
The figure the car, I knew
shows the itfirst
the car, I told her
Calcutta, India. you were coming.”
arrangements of tables and the maximum number of
seats theyarrangement.
in each were inside, Mamima
If the numbergave the pot of
of seats in
Two boys were playing carrom on the steps of a yoghurt and thearrangement
pot of sweetmeats to the old
small, painted shed which had the following words
35 each successive is increased by 6 over
lady. “There was
the preceding no need,” she
arrangement, said.of“Oh
which the really,”
on its wall in large, black letters: NATIONAL said. “This the
is too much,” she insisted, witharound
the air of
Line ASSOCIATION OF SPORTSMEN. A single represents maximum number of seats
one who has just received the Kohinoor diamond as
n tables?
5 table-tennis table inside the shed could be glimpsed a birthday present. “Come, come, come,” said
through the window. The boys interrupted their 40 A) 6n
Chhotomama, with the air of someone who has just
game to give Chhotomama directions to the house given the Kohinoor diamond as a birthday present,
in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes, B) 2(3n + 1)
and refuses to be overawed by his own generosity.
they knew the old couple. And yes, their son and (n + 1) It was nothing, of course, only
C) 6nothing.”
10 daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their Ganguram’s
first child. D) 6(n + 3) sweets and yoghurt, but they fussed and
45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something,
“Is it a girl or a boy?” asked Mamima, rolling something unique and untasted and unencountered.
down the window. The son and the daughter-in-law emerged shyly
“A girl,” said the boy. from the anteroom. They both stooped gently to
15 Mamima rolled up her window before the touch Chhotomama’s feet, and Sandeep’s aunt’s and
mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind 50 his mother’s feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of
them. When they reached the house, they found that obeisance towards one’s elders.
the old man was waiting on the verandah with a “Oh no no no,” said Chhotomama, struggling to
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round keep the son’s hand away from his feet. “There’s no
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was need for all this.” This was half a token gesture
oblivious to them. He had come out because he had 55 towards modesty, and half towards the new,
heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. “modern” India—Nehru’s secular India, free of ritual
The night had been silent except for the questioning and religion.
cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the
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22 “I have not met you for two years, Dada,” said the 3

son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama’s
60 The
toes.graphs xy-plane
in thenot
“You must stop me.”of the
was halfquadratic
a token As used
The in lines 37
polynomial p4and
+ 4p40,
3 “air”
+ 3p2 −most
4p −nearly
4 can means
equations each have
gesture towards x-intercepts
modesty, −2 and the
and halfoftowards 4. The
old, A) 2
atmosphere. 2
written as (p − 1)(p + 2) . What are all of the roots
graph of which
“traditional” equation has itsIndia
India—Gandhi’s vertex
of farthest
ceremony from
the x-axis? B) absence.
of the polynomial?
Sandeep, meanwhile, had come to the conclusion C) demeanor.
A) −2 and 1
65 A) ythe
that = grown-ups
− 7(x + 2)(xwere− 4)mad, each after his or her D) melody.
own fashion. Simple situations were turned into B) −2, 1, and 4
complex, dramatic ones; not until then did everyone C) −2, −1, and 1
feel important
B) y= (x +and
x − 4) Will they never grow up? 4 D) −1, 1, and 2
thought Sandeep irately. He glanced around him. A
70 single blue,1fluorescent tube was burning on the wall. The characters’ behavior during the gift giving
It wasy =not (x +room.
− a big 2)(x −Despite
4) its bareness, the mainly serves to
impression it gave was of austerity rather than A) emphasize the lavish value of the gift.
poverty. It made one remember that poverty meant
D) y = 5(x + as
displacement 2)(well
x − 4as) lack, while austerity meant B) inflate the significance of the gesture.
75 being poor in a rooted way, within a tradition and C) convey indifference toward the gift.
culture of sparseness, which transformed even the D) stress the need for polite behavior.
lack, the paucity, into a kind of being. 25
Which of the following describes an exponential
5 relationship between the pair of variables listed?
A) Forchoice provides the best
every 3-millimeter evidence
increase m in for
the the
According to the passage, the old man was standing answer to the previous question?
23 on the verandah because thickness of a piece of glass, the intensity of light
A) ILines
(“It wasthe
. . .glass decreases by 20%.
A) he was watching 2cars 3y = 5down the road.
x + travel B) Lines
Each second s, a car’s C decreases at a
B) 44-46 (“they . . .speed
x + cy = the
B) the two boys had 4reported 8 visitors would constant rate of 10 meters per second.
soon arrive. C) Lines 52-54 (“Oh no . . . all this”)
In the system of equations above, c is a constant. For C) With every 33-foot increase in depth d below the
C) hevalue
had of
heard what hebe
believed to be the D) Lines
surface58-60 (“I have
of water, the .pressure
. . stop me”)
p on an object
what c will there no solution (x, y) to the
visitors’ car. increases by 14.7 pounds per square inch.
system of equations?
D) he enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds of 6 D) The depth d of water remaining in a reservoir
A) the
3 evening. decreases by 15 inches each minute m as the
B) 4 The water
description of pumped
is being Chhotomama
out at and the son’s
a constant rate.
interaction mainly serves to
C) 5
2 A) show how the characters diverge in their
D) 6
In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are approaches to cultural practices.
compared to a B) emphasize the characters’ complex relationship.
A) jewel. C) stress the characters’ misinterpretations of
B) cuisine. Indian history.

C) wedding gift. D) depict how the characters created gestures that

became routine.
D) generous donation.

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Reading Test 27

Questions 26 and 27 refer to the following
The line of best fit passes through the point
information. 65 M I NU TES, 5 2 QUESTIONS(18, −0.12). Which of the following can be concluded
A researcher is investigating the relationship between the from this?
price of a four-pack ofTurn
AA to Section
batteries at 1a of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
A) The line of best fit will not model the price well
store and the number of competitors the store has. She
for a store with a large number of competitors.
defines a store’s competitor as another similar store
within a 1-mile radius of the store she selects. She selects B) A convenience store with 17 competitors can no
32 convenience stores across a state at random, and for longer sell four-packs of AA batteries.
each store, she recordsEach
the passage
number or of pair of passagesand
its competitors below is followedC)by aAnumber of questions.
convenience After
store with 17 reading
competitors cannot
its price for a four-pack of passage
each AA batteries.
or pair,The results
choose arebest answer to each question
the decrease its price any further. or
based on what is stated
shown, along with theimplied
line of in
in the scatterplot
or passages and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or
below. D) A convenience store cannot have more than
17 competitors.
Questions 1-10 are based on the following old man’s listening ear, and to his wife’s ear, even

passage. when the car was relatively far away and beyond their
Price (dollars)

5.0 is adapted from Amit Chaudhuri, A Strange and

This passage
range of vision. They had pondered over the sound,
Sublime Address. ©1991 by Amit Chaudhuri. A ten-year-old 30 and finally, he had lit the lantern and shuffled out.
boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt “I told her,” he said, referring to his wife. “I told her
(Mamima), 4.0
and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in that I heard the car, I knew it was the car, I told her
Calcutta, India. you were coming.”
Once they were inside, Mamima gave the pot of
Two boys were playing carrom on the steps of a 35 yoghurt and the pot of sweetmeats to the old
3.0 shed which had the followingxwords
small, painted 28 lady. “There was no need,” she said. “Oh really,” she
on its wall in0 large, 1 black
2 letters:
5 6
said. “This is too much,” she insisted, with the air of
Number of
Line ASSOCIATION OF SPORTSMEN. A single competitors
one who has just received the Kohinoor diamond as
5 table-tennis table inside the shed could be glimpsed 5 come,” said
a birthday present. “Come, come,
through the window. The boys interrupted their 40 Chhotomama, y with the air of someone who has just
game to give Chhotomama directions to the house given the Kohinoor
26 in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes, 30°diamond as a birthday present,
and refuses to be overawed 30° by his own generosity.
they knew the old couple. And yes, their son and “It’s nothing.” It was nothing, of course, only
10 Another convenience
daughter-in-law store inlast
had arrived thenight
sells a 30°
four-pack of AA batteries for $4.89. If the store’s Ganguram’s sweets and yoghurt, x but they fussed and
first child. 45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something,
a girl than that predicted
or a boy?” by the line
asked Mamima, of best
fit, what is the least number of competitors the store something uniqueshows
The figure above and untasted
that the and
down the window. Thewith
son and the daughter-in-law emerged shyly
could have? region a hypotenuse of 5 centimeters (cm) has
“A girl,” said the boy. from the anteroom.
been removed from They both stooped
a rectangular gently to
tile with
15 A) Mamima
1 rolled up her window before the touch Chhotomama’s
dimensions x cm by yfeet,cm. and Sandeep’s
Of the aunt’s
following, and
mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind 50 his
B) 2 When they reached the house, they found that bestmother’s feet, athe
approximates traditional greetingcentimeters,
area, in square and a markof of
them. obeisance towards one’swaselders.
the tile before the piece removed?
C) 3 man was waiting on the verandah with a
the old “Oh no no no,” said Chhotomama, struggling to
D) 4 in his hand. Moths were shuddering round A) 15
keep the son’s hand away from his feet. “There’s no
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was
B) 43
need for all this.” This was half a token gesture
oblivious to them. He had come out because he had 55 towards modesty, and half towards the new,
heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. C) 50
“modern” India—Nehru’s secular India, free of ritual
The night had been silent except for the questioning D) 65
and religion.
cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the
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29 “I have not met you for two years, Dada,” said the 30

son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama’s
60 toes. “You must not stop me.” 4 This was half a token Which
As usedofinthe following
lines equations
37 and 40, describes
“air” most nearlyameans
gesture towards modesty, and half towards the old, with radius 10 that passes through the origin when
A) atmosphere.
graphed in the xy-plane?
“traditional” India—Gandhi’s India of ceremony and
custom. B) absence.
Sandeep, meanwhile, had come to the conclusion C) x − 5)2 + ( y + 5)2 = 10
A) (demeanor.
65 that the grown-ups were mad, each after his or her D) melody.
own fashion. Simple situations were turned into B) (x − 5)2 + ( y + 5)2 = 100
complex, dramatic ones; not until then did everyone
Thomas is making
feel important and ahappy.
sign inWill
the they
of a regular
grow up? 4
hexagon with 4-inch
thought Sandeep sides,
irately. Hewhich he around
glanced will cut him.
out A C) (x − 10)2 + ( y − 10)2 = 100
70 from
rectangular sheettube
fluorescent of metal, as shown
was burning oninthethe
wall. The characters’ behavior during the gift giving
figure mainly serves to 2
It was above.
not a bigWhat
room.is the sum of
Despite itsthe areas ofthe
bareness, the 2
D) (x − 5 2 ) + ( y + 5 2 ) = 100
four triangles
impression that will
it gave was be
of removed from the
austerity rather than A) emphasize the lavish value of the gift.
poverty. It made one remember that poverty meant
displacement as well as lack, while austerity meant B) inflate the significance of the gesture.
75 being8poor
A) 3 in a rooted way, within a tradition and C) convey indifference toward the gift.
B) 8 of2 sparseness, which transformed even the D) stress the need for polite behavior.
lack, the paucity, into a kind of being.
C) 4 2
D) 16 5
Which choice provides the best evidence for the
According to the passage, the old man was standing answer to the previous question?
on the verandah because
A) Lines 43-44 (“It was . . . yoghurt”)
A) he was watching cars travel down the road.
B) Lines 44-46 (“they . . . unencountered”)
B) the two boys had reported the visitors would
soon arrive. C) Lines 52-54 (“Oh no . . . all this”)

C) he had heard what he believed to be the D) Lines 58-60 (“I have . . . stop me”)
visitors’ car.
D) he enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds of 6
the evening.
The description of Chhotomama and the son’s
interaction mainly serves to
2 A) show how the characters diverge in their
In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are approaches to cultural practices.
compared to a B) emphasize the characters’ complex relationship.
A) jewel. C) stress the characters’ misinterpretations of
B) cuisine. Indian history.

C) wedding gift. D) depict how the characters created gestures that

became routine.
D) generous donation.

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Reading Test
Answer: 12 Answer: 2.5
For questions 31-38, solve the problem and
Turn to Section 1 of your answerin
7 / 12
to answer the questions in this section.
2 . 5
enter your answer in the grid, as described boxes. / / Fraction / /
below, on the answer sheet. line
. . . . . . . . Decimal
0 0 0 0 0 0 point

1. Although not required, it is suggested that 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

you write your Each passage
answer in theor boxes
pair ofatpassages
the top below is followed2 2by 2a number 2 of questions.2 2After 2 reading
of the columns each
to passage
help youor fillpair, choose
in the circlesthe bestGrid
in to3 each3 question
3 3 based on what 3 3is stated
3 3 or
accurately. You implied in the credit
will receive passage or ifpassages
only the result.
and in any accompanying
4 4 4 4 graphics (such 4 as 4 a table
4 4 or
circles are filled in correctly. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
2. Mark no more than one circle in any column. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
3. No question has a negative answer. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
4. Some problems may have more than one 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Questions 1-10 are based on the following old man’s listening ear, and to his wife’s ear, even

correct answer. In such cases, grid only one 9 9 9 9 9 9 and beyond their
9 9far away
passage. when the car was relatively
This passage is adapted from Amit Chaudhuri,
range of vision. They had pondered over the sound,
5. Mixed numbers such as 3 1 must beA griddedStrange and
and finally,
30 ways to had 23lit are:
hegrid the lantern and shuffled out.
Sublime Address. ©1991 by Amit Chaudhuri. 2 A ten-year-old
boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt “I told her,” he said, referring to his wife. “I told her
as 3.5 or 7/2. (If 3 1 / 2 is entered into the that I heard the car, I knew it was
(Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama)
/ / to visit family in 2 / 3 . 666 . the
6 car,
67 I told her
Calcutta, India. / /you were coming.” / / / /
grid, it will be interpreted as 31 , not 3 1 .) Once they were inside, Mamima gave the pot of
Two boys were playing carrom on the steps of a 2 . . . . . . . . . . . .
35 yoghurt and the pot of sweetmeats to the old
6. Decimal answers:
small, painted shed which had the following words
If you obtain a decimal 0lady. 0
0 “There 0 0 she said.0“Oh
was 0no need,” 0
0 really,” she
on itsanswer
wall inwith
large, black
more letters:
digits thanNATIONAL
the grid can 1 1said. 1
1 “This is too much,” she insisted, with1the air of
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
accommodate, OFitSPORTSMEN.
may be either rounded A single or 2 2one 2 who2 has just 2 2received2 2 the Kohinoor2 2 2 diamond 2 as
5 table-tennis
it mustthefillshed could grid.
the entire be glimpsed
3 3a birthday
3 3 present. 3 3 “Come, 3 3 come, 3 come,”
3 3 said 3
through the window. The boys interrupted their
4 404Chhotomama,
4 4 4 with4 the4 air 4 of someone
4 4 4who 4 has just
game to give Chhotomama directions to the house given the Kohinoor diamond as
in a series of sporadic, enthusiastic gestures. Oh yes, 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5present,
a birthday
6 6 6 6and refuses to be overawed
6 6 6 6 by his
6 own6 6generosity.
they knew the old couple. And yes, their son and “It’s nothing.” It was nothing, of course, only
10 daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Ganguram’s sweets and yoghurt, but they fussed and
7 7 7
first child. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something,
“Is it a girl or a boy?” asked Mamima, rolling 9 9
9 9something 9 9
unique and untasted9and9 unencountered.
9 9 9 9
down the window. Answer: 201 – either position is correct
The son and the daughter-in-law emerged shyly
“A girl,” said the boy. from the anteroom. They bothNOTE: stooped You
gently to
15 Mamima rolled up her window before the 2 0
touch 1 2
Chhotomama’s 0 1 feet, andmay start your
Sandeep’s aunt’s and
mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind 50/ his/mother’s feet,/a traditional answers
greetingin anya mark of
them. When they reached the house, they found that column, space
the old man was waiting on the verandah with a . . obeisance
. . towards . . one’s . .elders.
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round 0 0“Oh 0 no no no,” 0 said
0 Chhotomama,
0 struggling to
keep the son’s hand away fromColumns his feet. you
“There’s no
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 don’t need to
need for all this.” This was half a token gesture
oblivious to them. He had come out because he had 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
55 towards modesty, and half towards the new,
use should be
heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. 3 3“modern” 3 3 3 3 secular
3 3 India—Nehru’s left blank.
India, free of ritual
The night had been silent except for the questioning and religion.
cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the
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31 “I have not met you for two years, Dada,” said the 33

son, struggling to get his hands near Chhotomama’s
60 In the“You must the
xy-plane, not graph
stop me.”
of y This
= (x was 2
− 6)half
+ 3a istoken
the Century
As used in linesand Region
37 and of United
40, “air” mostStates
nearly means
gesture towards modesty, and half
2 towards the old, Presidents’ Births as of 2014
image of the graph of y = (x + 5) + 3 after a A) atmosphere.
“traditional” India—Gandhi’s India of ceremony and Century
translation of how many units to the right?
custom. B) absence.
18th 19th 20th
Sandeep, meanwhile, had come to the conclusion C) demeanor.
Northeast 5 6 3
65 that the grown-ups were mad, each after his or her South
D) melody. 9 4 3
own fashion. Simple situations were turned into Midwest 0 9 2
complex, dramatic ones; not until then did everyone West 0 0 2
feel important and happy. Will they never grow up? 4
thought Sandeep irately. He glanced around him. A The
70 single blue, fluorescent tube was burning on the wall. The table above behavior
characters’ shows theduring
the giftofgiving
United States presidents
mainly serves to according to the century
32 It was not a big room. Despite its bareness, the and the region of the country in which they were
impression it gave was of austerity rather than A) emphasize
born. Based on the lavish value of
information inthe
table, what
When 9 is
poverty. It increased
made oneby 3x , the result
remember is greater
that poverty meant fraction
B) inflate the significance of the gesture. in the
of presidents who were not born
than 36. Whatasiswell
displacement the least possible
as lack, while integer
austerity meant nineteenth century were born in the South?
value for
75 being poorx in
? a rooted way, within a tradition and C) convey indifference toward the gift.
culture of sparseness, which transformed even the D) stress the need for polite behavior.
lack, the paucity, into a kind of being.

Which choice provides the best evidence for the
According to the passage, the old man was standing answer to the previous question?
on the verandah because 34
A) Lines 43-44 (“It was . . . yoghurt”)
A) he was watching cars travel down the road. ⎛ 1 ⎞
B) Lines
If x ≠ 44-46is(“they
−1, what . . . unencountered”)
the value of ⎜⎜ ⎟(2 + 2 x ) ?
B) the two boys had reported the visitors would ⎜ + 1 ⎟⎟⎠
soon arrive. C) Lines 52-54 (“Oh no . . . all⎝ xthis”)

C) he had heard what he believed to be the D) Lines 58-60 (“I have . . . stop me”)
visitors’ car.
D) he enjoyed listening to the quiet sounds of 6
the evening.
The description of Chhotomama and the son’s
interaction mainly serves to
2 A) show how the characters diverge in their
In the passage, the yoghurt and sweetmeats are approaches to cultural practices.
compared to a B) emphasize the characters’ complex relationship.
A) jewel. C) stress the characters’ misinterpretations of
B) cuisine. Indian history.

C) wedding gift. D) depict how the characters created gestures that

became routine.
D) generous donation.

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Reading Test

Ticket Prices by Row Number Questions 37 and 38 refer to the following
65 M ITicket
Row number NU TES,
price 5 2 QUESTIONS
1–2 $25
An instrument shows the number of revolutions per
Turn to Section
$201 of your answer sheet to answer
3–10 minutethe
madequestions in this section.
by each tire of a car. In each revolution, the
11–20 $15 car travels a distance equal to the circumference of one of
its tires. The circumference of each tire is equal to 2πr ,
The price of a ticket to a play is based on the row the where r is the radius of the tire.
seat is in, as shown in the table above. A group wants
to purchase 10 ticketsEach for
passage or pair of passages below is followed by a number of questions. After reading
the play.
each passage or pair, choose the best answer to each question based on what is stated or
They will purchase 3 tickets
implied in the for seats or
passage in passages 37
row 1. and in any accompanying graphics (such as a table or
They will purchase 2 tickets for seats in row 3. If the radius of each tire on Maria’s car is 0.30 meter,
what is the approximate speed of Maria’s car, to the
They will purchase 2 tickets for seats in row 4. nearest kilometer per hour, when the instrument is
They will purchase 3 tickets for seats in row 12. showing 779 revolutions per minute?
Questions 1-10 are based on the following oldkilometer
(1 man’s listening
= 1000ear, and to his wife’s ear, even

passage.is the average (arithmetic mean) ticket price, in when the car was relatively far away and beyond their
dollars, for the 10 tickets? (Disregard the $ sign when range of vision. They had pondered over the sound,
This passage is adapted from Amit Chaudhuri, A Strange and
gridding your answer.) 30 and finally, he had lit the lantern and shuffled out.
Sublime Address. ©1991 by Amit Chaudhuri. A ten-year-old
boy named Sandeep travels with his mother, his aunt “I told her,” he said, referring to his wife. “I told her
(Mamima), and his uncle (Chhotomama) to visit family in that I heard the car, I knew it was the car, I told her
Calcutta, India. you were coming.”
Once they were inside, Mamima gave the pot of
Two boys were playing carrom on the steps of a 35 yoghurt and the pot of sweetmeats to the old
small, painted shed which had the following words 38 lady. “There was no need,” she said. “Oh really,” she
on its wall in large, black letters: NATIONAL said. “This is tootires
much,” shecar.
insisted, with the air ofof
Maria gets new for her The radius of each
365 table-tennis table inside the shed could be glimpsed one
her who
old has
tires just
is received
0.30 meter, the
and Kohinoor
the radiusdiamond
of each ofas
a birthday
her new tirespresent.
is 11%“Come, come,
larger than thecome,”
of one of
A fashionthe window.
buyer for a The
retailinterrupted their
store purchased Chhotomama, withisthe
40 her old tires. What theair of someone who
circumference has new
of each just
315 items directly from the manufacturer forhouse
game to give Chhotomama directions to the a total giventothe
tire, theKohinoor diamond
nearest tenth as a birthday present,
of a meter?
in $6000.
of a seriesSome
of sporadic, enthusiastic
of the items gestures.
were dresses Oh yes,
purchased and refuses to be overawed by his own generosity.
they knew the old couple. And yes, their
for $25 each, and the rest were shirts purchased son andfor “It’s nothing.” It was nothing, of course, only
10 daughter-in-law had arrived last night with their
$10 each. How many more dresses than shirts did the Ganguram’s sweets and yoghurt, but they fussed and
first child.
buyer purchase? 45 fussed and created the illusion that it was something,
“Is it a girl or a boy?” asked Mamima, rolling something unique and untasted and unencountered.
down the window. The son and the daughter-in-law emerged shyly
“A girl,” said the boy. from the anteroom. They both stooped gently to
15 Mamima rolled up her window before the touch Chhotomama’s feet, and Sandeep’s aunt’s and
mosquitoes came in. The two boys vanished behind 50 his mother’s feet, a traditional greeting and a mark of
them. When they reached the house, they found that obeisance towards one’s elders.

the old man was waiting on the verandah with a “Oh no no no,” said Chhotomama, struggling to
lantern in his hand. Moths were shuddering round keep the son’s hand away from his feet. “There’s no
20 and round the lantern, though the old man was
need for all this.” This was half a token gesture
you finish
to them.before
He had cometime outisbecause
called, you may check
he had 55 towardsyour workand
modesty, onhalfthis section
towards the new,only.
heard the throbbing of the engine in the distance. “modern” India—Nehru’s secular India, free of ritual
The night had been silent except for Dothenot turn to any other
questioning section.
and religion.
cry of an owl and the continual orchestral sound of
25 crickets in the bushes. The throbbing of the engine
had, therefore, travelled through the silence to the
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The essay gives you an opportunity to show how effectively you can read and
comprehend a passage and write an essay analyzing the passage. In your
essay, you should demonstrate that you have read the passage carefully,
present a clear and logical analysis, and use language precisely.

Your essay must be written on the lines provided in your answer booklet ;
except for the Planning Page of the answer booklet, you will receive no other
paper on which to write. You will have enough space if you write on every line,
avoid wide margins, and keep your handwriting to a reasonable size. Remember
that people who are not familiar with your handwriting will read what you write.
Try to write or print so that what you are writing is legible to those readers.

1. Do not write your essay in this booklet. Only what you write
on the lined pages of your answer booklet will be evaluated.
2. An off-topic essay will not be evaluated.

You have 50 minutes to read the passage and write an essay in response to the
prompt provided inside this booklet.

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As you read the passage below, consider how Todd Davidson uses

• evidence, such as facts or examples, to support claims.

• reasoning to develop ideas and to connect claims and evidence.
• stylistic or persuasive elements, such as word choice or appeals to emotion,
to add power to the ideas expressed.

Adapted from Todd Davidson, “Government Must Preserve National Parks.”

©2014 by Capitol Hill Publishing Corp. Originally published in the Hill,
September 18, 2013.

1 The world has an enduring love affair with America’s national parks. Conceived
nearly 100 years ago, national parks connect us with our shared heritage and tell our
nation’s stories. Who among us has stared into the deep blue caldera of Crater Lake,
looked up at Half Dome as the special time of winter approaches in the Yosemite
Valley, or witnessed the spectacular October fall colors of red maples, oaks and
hickories in the forests of the Great Smoky Mountains and not been overcome by
the incredible, almost magical grandeur that has been preserved for us and future

2 Collectively, our national parks, monuments, seashores, recreation areas, historic

sites, military parks, battlefields and heritage areas represent the very best our nation
has to offer. Along with their intrepid and iconic Park Rangers, they embody the true
spirit of our country, bringing our nation’s history to life.

3 In addition to being stunning and educational, national parks are immensely

affordable destinations for American families and are top U.S. tourist attractions.
Each year, nearly 300 million people visit one or more of America’s 401 national
parks, ranging from educational Civil War battlefields to awe-inspiring places like
Yellowstone, Acadia National Park and the Grand Canyon. These park visitors are
a significant component of the U.S. tourism economy. They stay in nearby hotels,
rent cars, dine at local restaurants, buy at retail shops and visit other neighboring
attractions, generating more than $30 billion in spending and supporting a quarter-
million jobs. National parks are clearly a winning economic scenario for visitors, the
economies of nearby towns and communities and ultimately our nation.

4 But now, these prolific economic engines are at risk. Over the last decade, national
park budgets have seen a steady decline in funding, and currently suffer from an
annual operations shortfall of more than $500 million. The National Park Service
budget for construction and maintenance is only half of the amount necessary to
maintain park sewer systems, roofs, foundations and road surfaces.

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5 The sequester1 cut another $153 million to national park budgets. Before Congress
left for recess, each chamber shared a funding proposal with completely opposite
visions for our national parks: one that cuts even deeper, affecting rangers, visitor
centers and campgrounds, and another that would get our parks on the road to
recovery. Through the across-the-board sequester cuts, parks have fewer rangers to
protect and maintain historic sites and greet visitors, minimized visitor center hours,
closed campgrounds, restrooms and picnic areas and reduced road and trail
maintenance that is essential for park accessibility and enjoyment.

6 There is an irony to all this, because national parks are one of the best investments
this country has ever made. In addition to supporting the U.S. travel and tourism
industry, which is a cornerstone of the U.S. economy that represents $1.8 trillion in
economic output and supports 14 million American jobs, every dollar invested in the
National Park Service generates $10 in economic activity. National parks are veritable
economic engines critical to supporting the livelihood of businesses and communities
across the country.

7 Last year, President Obama called for a national travel and tourism strategy to make
the United States the world’s top travel and tourism destination, as part of a
comprehensive effort to spur job creation. The White House released the strategy just
over a year ago—an important step that officially elevates the travel and tourism
industry to what it should be: a national priority. It also recognizes the industry for its
fundamental contribution to our economy, national security and public diplomacy.

8 Our national parks can play an important role in making the U.S. a top travel
destination. As the National Park System approaches its centennial in 2016, there
should be a robust national park centennial initiative to help attract international
visitors and provide needed support for our national parks to flourish into the next

Write an essay in which you explain how Todd Davidson builds an argument
to persuade his audience that the US government must continue to fund
national parks. In your essay, analyze how Davidson uses one or more of the
features listed in the box above (or features of your own choice) to strengthen
the logic and persuasiveness of his argument. Be sure that your analysis
focuses on the most relevant features of the passage.

Your essay should not explain whether you agree with Davidson’s claims, but
rather explain how Davidson builds an argument to persuade his audience.

1 A cut in spending by the federal government

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As you read the passage below, consider how Patrick T. Harker uses

• evidence, such as facts or examples, to support claims.

• reasoning to develop ideas and to connect claims and evidence.
• stylistic or persuasive elements, such as word choice or appeals to emotion,
to add power to the ideas expressed.

Adapted from Patrick T. Harker, “Student Athletes Shouldn’t Unionize.”

©2014 by The New York Times Company. Originally published April 1, 2014.

1 Last week’s ruling by a regional director of the National Labor Relations Board that
players on Northwestern University’s football team were school employees, and thus
eligible to unionize, has been celebrated by those who believe that it will benefit
student athletes everywhere.

2 It won’t. Player unions would be a disaster for universities, for college sports fans
and, most important, for student athletes themselves. The prospect of college football
players bargaining to exchange scholarships for salaries is still remote, but if it comes
about, even the most valuable athletes would be worse off.

3 Turning student athletes into salaried employees would endanger the existence of
varsity sports on many college campuses. Only about 10 percent of Division I college
sports programs turn a profit, and most of them, like our $28 million athletic
program at the University of Delaware, lose money. Changing scholarship dollars
into salary would almost certainly increase the amount schools have to spend on
sports, since earnings are taxed and scholarships are not. In order just to match the
value of a scholarship, the university would have to spend more.

4 We are among the many schools that have already had to trim varsity sports in recent
years. Should costs increase, we and many other schools would face pressure to cut
back further.

5 Without question, some big schools have lost their way. On some campuses the
pursuit of athletic dominance has eroded the ideal of the student athlete. Players at
these schools have every right to complain, particularly when the demands of
competition effectively prevent them from being students. But the answer is not to
organize and essentially turn pro. This would only further lessen the priority on
learning. If scholarship athletes already find it hard to balance schoolwork with team
commitments, under arrangements that obligate educational opportunity, think how
much harder it would be if they were being paid to play.

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6 The answer for young athletes who want to be paid to play is not to target
universities, which have a different mission, but professional sports leagues like the
National Basketball Association and the National Football League, which still bar
high school athletes from turning pro. If players are good enough to earn a living at
that age, I say, let them. Very few, however, are that good. At the college level, even
the highest-ranked teams field relatively few players who will ever play a day of
professional sports.

7 Strong athletic departments do two things well. They afford young athletes the
chance to reach their full potential, and they prepare them for life when the cheering
stops. For the vast majority of student athletes, that life begins at graduation. For the
exceptional ones who make it to the pros, post-sport life begins soon enough. The
average length of a pro football career is only about three years.

8 Valuing education doesn’t have to compromise an athlete’s potential. Here at the

University of Delaware, Elena Delle Donne played women’s basketball from 2009 to
2013, earning top collegiate honors and helping the team become one of the best in
the nation. She was a top pick in the Women’s National Basketball Association draft
and was later named rookie of the year. In college, she maintained a 3.6 G.P.A.,
earning a degree in human services.

9 My own experience as a student athlete was more typical. I was a good student in
high school, and a good football player. My options at graduation were greatly
multiplied by my success as an athlete. I accepted financial help to play at the
University of Pennsylvania, where I majored in engineering. An injury in my junior
year brought my football career to an end. Then I discovered my passion for research,
went on to earn a Ph.D. in engineering and embarked on a path that has taken me
places I never imagined when playing on a defensive line.

10 This is the reality for most college athletes, even in the five major conferences. If the
football players at Northwestern think they will do better for themselves by collecting
a salary in college, they’re wrong.

11 My advice, even to those talented enough to turn pro straight out of high school, is
the same: Play ball but be smart. Earn a degree.

Write an essay in which you explain how Patrick T. Harker builds an argument
to persuade his audience that college athletes should not be allowed to form
unions. In your essay, analyze how Harker uses one or more of the features
listed in the box above (or features of your own choice) to strengthen the logic
and persuasiveness of his argument. Be sure that your analysis focuses on the
most relevant features of the passage.

Your essay should not explain whether you agree with Harker’s claims, but
rather explain how Harker builds an argument to persuade his audience.

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