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AWS Partner Network

AWS Business Professional

Capacity planning and licensing assessment

Example Corp. and Any Company met to discuss the requirements for migrating off-the-shelf Windows
Workloads applications and custom applications to AWS Cloud. The team agreed that this is a multi-
phase project, given the many workloads Example Corp. is using and intending to migrate to AWS. The
multi-phase project will follow the plan outlined in this document.

Project: Migrate Windows Workloads

The project is divided into three phases.
Phase 1

 Define the phases

 Provide guidance with migrating Windows Workloads
 Implement Active Directory and SharePoint
 Assess whether the Bring Your Own License (BYOL) model would be possible for some licenses
Phase 2

 Migrate Exchange, migrate .Net apps on Microsoft SQL Server, and provide virtual desktop for
Phase 3

 Modernize .Net apps

Phase 1 is priority, and this document focuses solely on Phase 1.

Phase 1: Migrate Active Directory and SharePoint

After applying the Cloud Adoption Framework, the AWS Simple Monthly Calculator estimate, and the
Estimating AWS Deployment Costs for Microsoft SharePoint Server guidelines, the following capacity
planning decisions were made for the phase 1 processes.

 AWS Region—U.S. East (North Virginia) only. The client dealer network users are located in
the U.S. Region.
 High-level diagram—Example Corp’s technical team and Any Company’s solutions architect
met and discussed the reference architecture, as shown here (also available at After discussing the capabilities and
limitations of the reference solution, Example Corp. approved using the reference design, and
plans to use each server and load balancer as designed in the reference configuration.

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AWS Partner Network
AWS Business Professional

 Instance types—After reviewing the On-Demand and Reserved Instance options, the team
agreed with the recommendation from Any Company’s solutions architect to use Reserved
Instances for the following reasons:
o The user base is fairly static, with a quarter-over-quarter change of no more than 10 percent
due to attrition.
o Using Reserved Instances with automatic scaling will result in significant savings over using
On-Demand Instances.
Example Corp. decided to use Reserved Instances for all servers. The capacity planning
assessment determined that a reference configuration--based on the Simple Monthly Calculator
with instance types--will address their needs. Details are shown in the following Simple Monthly
Calculator figure.

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AWS Partner Network
AWS Business Professional

 Licensing assessment—The team reviewed the licenses in their on-premises solution. All
licenses have Microsoft License Mobility through Software Assurance and can be transferred,
except for the Windows Server used for Active Directory for single sign-on with their dealer
network. This license cannot be transferred with the migration. The customer agreed to purchase
the Windows Server license through AWS.
 EBS Volume assessment—The initial sizes of the Example Corp.’s on-premises solution are as
o SQL database—Initially 50 GB. Example Corp. estimates this will grow by 10 percent each
month, as records are generated by users.
o Client data—Initially 4,000 GB. Example Corp. estimates this will grow by 2 percent (80
GB) per month.
Based on Example Corp.’s initial requirements and growth, Example Corp. and the solutions
architect agreed that the following reference configuration will work for the migration, with an
understanding that the Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes can grow as needed.

 S3 assessment—Example Corp. plans to use Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for
snapshots with a policy to back up solution servers.
 Total data transfers—The estimate of total data transfers, as shown in the implementation
guide, are calculated as follows:
Total data transfers = Monthly data transfers per user x number of users
Example Corp’s Estimate
Number of users = 200

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AWS Partner Network
AWS Business Professional

Average monthly transfer per user =200

Total data transfers = 40,000

 AWS Direct Connect or VPN—Neither will be used.

 Support—Example Corp. and Any Company assess that the default level of support (the
Business Support plan) will meet the necessary service level agreement.

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