The Christian Messenger: Vacation Bible School

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The Christian Messenger

Fifth Avenue Church of Christ

115 W. Fifth Ave. Lancaster, OH 43130 740-654-0626 e-mail:

June 14, 2011

Vacation Bible School

June 20 24, 2011 Meal at 5:00pm Classes 5:30 8:15pm

Brad Seevers Senior Minister (740-550-9882) David Tingler Associate Minister Glen Shady Youth Minister (740-438-5257)

Sunday Services 1st Worship 8:00 a.m.

FOOD FOR HAITI We will bag food on June 23rd in the Fellowship Hall. It will start at 4:30pm and continue until all 2 pallets of food are bagged, boxed, and ready to go. This is the same week as VBS. So from 6:00-7:30pm the kids and workers from VBS will be joining the effort to help get this done.

2nd Worship 10:30 a.m. Bible School 9:15 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00pm

John 6:33-35
And Jesu s said u nto them , I am the bread of life: he that com eth to me shall never hu nger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

SPIRITUAL STATISTICS (June 12, 2011) Sunday School 1st Morning Worship 2nd Morning Worship Total Morning Worship Evening Worship Family Reunion (06/08) Weekly Budget Budget Received Van Joplin 88 99 80 179 26 $ 4,471.00 $ 4,260.25 $ 10.00 $ 200.00 Shes having a little girl! All ladies are invited to a baby shower for Jessica Cox, Saturday, June 25, 2011 3:00pm in the fellowship hall of the church. Jessica is registered at Wal-Mart and Babies R Us. Bring a package of diapers and be entered in a prize drawing. R.S.V.P. to Cindy Cox (cell) 614-595-9714


At the Table 1st

Mike Cooper, Charlie May L. King, J. Hardwick, Serving 1 T. Huffman, B. Kelly Mike Cooper, Tom Puckett At the table 2nd L. King, N. Tomlinson, R. Troutman Serving 2nd Taylor Dean, D. Taylor Mike Cooper Pastor of the Week Larry King PM Deacon Offering Counters Team 1

Dorcas Society Ladies Picnic Tuesday June 21st 12 oclock noon at Linda Daubenmires home.

COMMUNION PREPARATION 1ST Worship Don and Judy Gardner 2nd Worship Nick and Tracy Hinson GREETERS 1ST Worship Dan and Janet Brown 2nd Worship Jim and Cindy Cox NURSERY Sunday School Laura Wersell, Shirley Marsh 2nd Worship Nick and Tracy Hinson Preschool Helper Ruth Andrews Early Elementary Helper Norma Holtom Upper Elementary Helper Marg Shumaker 6-8th Grade Helper Mike Cooper Visitor Center 1st Worship Janet Brown Visitor Center 2nd Worship Norma Holtom SECURITY 1st Worship Bible School 2nd Worship Evening Worship

VBS Cut and Paste Night a Success We would like to thank those individuals who came and participated in this ministry. They were Nick Hinson, Tracy Hinson, Patrick Hinson, Noah Hinson, Patrick Wersell, Laura Wersell, Esther Wersell, Eli Wersell, Deborah Will, Valerie Francisco, Cameron Spangler, and Tom Puckett. Special appreciation goes to Nick and Tracy for vacuuming the floor and Patrick Wersell for running the trash out to the dumpster. Caught Being Helpful A note of appreciation goes to Beverly and Jim Puckett who organized the supplies in the nursery Wednesday night for the team going to the tornado victims in Joplin, Missouri.
Thank you to all those who sent food, went to the viewing and funeral, and those who sent cards of sympathy after the passing of Mikes father. All of your prayers and concern were greatly appreciated. It is so good to have such good friends in times of sorrow. The Family of Loring Cooper

Paul Alexander Bill Kelly George Lambert Paul Hoagland

cannot save it, we cannot buy it. There is nothing we can do about it except to make good use of it as it passes!

Time passes quickly. We


A Note from brAd.

I am really excited and proud that we have six individuals in Joplin, Missouri right now on a mission trip serving the Lord. Their hands on approach to missions will benefit numerous families that are struggling to find someone to hope in. They arrived late Sunday evening at Ozark Christian College and began working early Monday morning at the local distribution site located on the campus of College Heights Christian Church. Some of the team worked out on location clearing debris that is still prevalent in the city. Please pray daily for Mike & Debbie Cooper, Kim Seevers, Nancy Speakman, Lori Highfield and Chris Crook. I also want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all those who contributed financially and to those who donated supplies that filled up the trailer. Great job church! If you would like to keep up with how the College Heights Christian Church is impacting its community, go to I want to remind our church family that I am beginning a new class for adults this Wednesday night entitled, HALF TIME! We will meet from 6:30-7:30 p.m. This class is open to all adults. Please join us. I want to congratulate Andrew Brown for his decision to make Jesus the Lord of his life. He was baptized at the conclusion of our second service. Please pray for Andrew in the upcoming days that God will surround him with encouraging people who will be a help to him in his decision. Quote of the week: Church isnt where you meet. Church isnt a building. Church is what you do. Church is who you are. Church is the human outworking of the person of Jesus Christ. Lets not go to Church, lets be the Church. I hope this Summer we will look for opportunities to be Jesus Christ to others.
Have a great week, Brad Seevers, Eph. 3:20-21

Sunday, June 26, 2011 will be promotion day. Children being promoted will be those entering Kindergarten, 3rd grade, 6th grade and 9th grade. This will be held in the Hosanna Room 101 in the upper basement. All are welcome.

Our Lord Added1 We welcome Andrew Brown, 348 Sheridan Drive, Lancaster, Ohio 43130, who was baptized at the close of 2nd Worship last Sunday.
Attention parents and grandparents! During VBS, Brad will be leading a class entitled: Value-Packed Parenting, by Dr. Kevin Leman. The class will meet from 6:30-7:30pm. If you have questions, contact Brad at 740-550-9882.

Two new books have been added to the library. Her Mothers Hope by Francine Rivers, a New York Times BestSelling Author, and The Lords Prayer by Richard Jesse Watson with commentary by Rick Warren. Stop in and check out all the new books that are in the library. You might just find one that you would like to take home and spend some time with!!

Security Meeting Wednesday June 22nd - 7:30pm


VBS WORKERS DINNER This is for those who are helping with Vacation Bible School. Immediately following 2nd Service in the fellowship hall

Saturday, June 18th at the church 8:00am until ????

Facility Management Ministry Meeting Monday, June 27th at 7:00pm

When God measures a man he puts the tape around his heart, not his head.

Sunday, June 26th you can bring nonperishable foods, cleaning supplies, paper products, etc., to the church to be delivered to Maywood Mission for their food pantry.

Our Prayer Requests

Jack Bowers Sharon Bloom Don Gardner LaQuita Davis Wanda Dickson Jim Hoff Thelma Mathias Tim Wykle Judy Smith (Crestview) Joplin Tornado victims Bev Puckett Jen Oehrtman Leann Perdue Daniel Queen Barbara Benadum Diane Sparks Lois Wilson Bessie Shumaker Mark Miller, Jr. Our Troops Pat Brown Mike Souders Dorothy Herman Unspoken Volunteers in Joplin


GREENVILLE, OHIO: As of this writing we have 1 vacancy left for the Wednesday, June 29 trip. Departure time is 7:00am. In Greenville, we will tour the KitchenAid plant and visit their outlet store. (The plant tour requires that all participants wear shoes that cover the entire foot. No open toes or heels.) We will, also, visit the Garst Museum which features the Annie Oakley and Lowell Thomas collections, as well as other historic items. Cost for travel and admission is just $14 per person. Lunch will be extra. (If you are paying by check, please make it payable to the church.) A sign-up sheet is posted. I still encourage those interested to sign on as stand-bys as circumstances do change. I would appreciate your payment by Sunday, June 19. THE WILDS: On Wednesday, July 27, we will journey to visit this wild animal exhibit. Due to restricted tour hours, our departure, for this trip, will be 6:30am. Cost per person will be $21, excluding lunch. Watch for sign-up sheet in early July. WEDNESDAYS: We are, currently, taking our summer break from our 10:00am and 6:30pm sessions. Watch for announcements about our new classes which will resume in September. SUNDAY EVENINGS: Our current series, from the book of Psalms, will continue through the month of July. 6/19 Dealing with Discouragement (Ps.11) 6/26 Where Are the Answers (Ps. 19) 7/03 Knowing Who You Are (Ps. 23) 7/10 Meeting and Defeating Fear (Ps. 27) 7/17 Scope of Forgiveness (Ps. 32) NOTE: Communion is available at these evening gatherings.

YOUTH - YOUTH SUMMER MID-WEEK MADNESS (Beginning June 29) Wednesday Worship: Your summer weeks will be incomplete without this mid-week activity. From July 6 through August 10, elementary students will meet every Wednesday from 6-7:30pm for singing, games, and inter-active Bible lessons. A meal will be provided. WANT TO SERVE? We are looking for the following servants: Sound booth PowerPoint for worship Nursery helpers Flower Ministry Director Guest Ministry Director

If you would like to assist with one or more of these needs, contact Brad at 740.550.9882.

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. -Hebrews 11:1

Children of God...
Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6
Our Time In Europe
It is absolutely great for Jessica and me to be home, but we definitely had a wonderful time in Europe. From May 26 June 10 we were visiting the countries of Germany, Belgium, and Austria. This trip was organized through Kontakt Mission and we were able to visit many different churches, missionaries, and other kingdom works over this 2 week period. The situation in Europe is definitely dire. Each of these three countries averages less than 2.5% evangelical Christianity. In Germany there are more people involved in the state churches (Lutheran and Catholic), but one missionary shared with us that only 20% of priests with these churches profess a belief in the virgin birth (as an example to their overall theology). So these institutions have become so liberal that it is difficult to have confidence that they are adding to the kingdom. In Belgium and Austria it is the same story, only the only presence there is the Catholic Church. Second to the state churches in all of these countries is Islam. So Islam has a stronger foothold than Evangelical Christianity right now in Europe. All in all, the harvest seems to be less than ripe, but this continent needs workers to till the soil, plant seeds, and water what is growing. We as a family are still at a point in which we need to digest and pray about everything that we experienced over these couple of weeks, but we are confident that God will make it clear over the coming month as to his will for our lives concerning Europe. We ask for you to do two things concerning Europe. One is to learn from them. Our country and churches are continually trending toward the situation that they are experiencing. Try to think about what the church needs to look like in America to stop such dwindling of the kingdom. The second is to pray for revival in Europe and for strength for the missionaries there. They have taken on a difficult calling, but we know that God is ready to bless their efforts.

DISC GOLF AND DONUTS (Beginning Thursday, June 16th)

Every Thursday morning meet at the church at 9:00am for a round of disc golf. Never played disc golf or dont want to? Still come along and hang out with us! Afterwards we will go somewhere in town to get some donuts. Everyone wanting a donut needs to bring $1.00. Expect this to last until 11:00am.

Prayer Concerns
Vacation Bible School That we would have enough workers for the food bagging on Thursday, June 23 That God would raise up workers with a heart for children and teens

A smile takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.

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