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Bode Plots

December 9, 2020 12:21 PM

• LTI system will alter only the amplitude and phase of the input. It will not alter the fundamental

• DC Gain - Gain magnitude at 0 frequency - dB

• Roll-off rate - Slope of magnitude drop of at high freq - dB/decade

Control Systems Page 1

• Roll-off rate - Slope of magnitude drop of at high freq - dB/decade

• Crossover freq - frequency at which gain is 0dB

○ Any frequency after this will be attenuate
• Bandwidth freq - upper limit at which system dynamics can be controlled
○ Defined at frequency where magnitude crosses -3dB
○ -3dB -> point where input signal is attenuated below the RMS value
○ After this point any input given will not have any detectable effect on the system

Control Systems Page 2

Control Systems Page 3

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