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Making plans

1. Student A: phone your friend, ask what he/she is doing, discuss plans for
today/tomorrow, invite him/her to go out somewhere (concert, football match,
cinema etc.)

Student B: a) Refuse invitation, give reasons

b) Accept invitation, ask some questions to find out more

2. Change your roles

1b. Making friends, keeping in touch

1. How do young people today make new friends?
2. Which means of communication do you usually use to keep in touch with
3. Which means of communication did your parents/grandparents use to use (30
years ago)?
4. Are you a member of SN sites?
5. What can members of SN sites do?
6. What do you usually do when browsing SN sites?
1c. Discussing likes and dislikes
1. Do you watch TV in your free time? Why/Why not?
2. What kind of programmes do you like watching?
3. What do you think of chat shows, talent shows and soap operas?
4. Do you watch any youtube channels? Why?/Why not? What kind of

Student A/Student B: talk about the things you like and don`t like
I`m fond of …/ I`m really into ...
How often do you…?
When do you find the time to go ….?
(films, books, sport, music)

1d. Good role models

1. What do you think of famous people(singers, actors, politicians, writers,
artists, scientists)?
2. Would you like to know more about their lives? Do you enjoy watching
programmes about them?
3. Do you have any favourite celebrity?
4. Are many of them good role models for young people?
5. What should they do to be really good role models?

1e. Friends and friendship

1. What do you think of a friendship? Is it important in our life? Why/Why not?
2. What is better: to have a lot of friends or a few, but really true friends? Give
3. Describe your friends.
4. Do you always get along with them?
5. Do you think you are a good friend?
6. How can you describe the ideal friend?

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