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So, here we are in New York and by the Grace of God Jornada do Inglês has a new
partner right now called Soulphia. And have two of the tutors here. So, could you guys start
introducing yourselves?... Who are you? Hi I'm Ki Malika! How are you? And by the Grace of
God I am glad to be here as well. Amazing! Who are you? What's your name? I am Maggie
Barlow and I'm glad to be here to meet you. Amazing! Thank you! So, let's start with the basic
stuff. What is Soulphia? What does it stand for? Where does it fit in the world. Why does it
exist? Where does it come from? Miss Maggie am I were just talking about that before we sat
down. The why is God’s will. We believe that to be so. I know I do because we are in a situation
that requires something different. And Soulphia came to us and it was an opportunity of
necessity. Why for me at that point, in the beginning God sent that. And He knew that we
needed an opportunity to work to change our situation and circumstances. Amazing! And in an
English platform... a platform to speak English to everyone was absolutely the answer for us.
okay! And how long was that? Oh, for me was 2018. Yes, the beginning of 2018. So, you've
been working for Soulphia for two years now. Yes, yes! Doing some wonderful things.

What about you Miss Maggie? How long have you been working with Soulphia? What does it
mean for you? I've been working with Soulphia about the same time as Ki Malika early 2018.

I was at a point in my life that I have just given up. I had lost two very important members in my
family to suicide and I wasn't...didn't want to live anymore. I didn't have any reason to
continue. When Sophia came to the shelter and chose me to be one of the tutors it was just
like a whole new life for me. It was like it gave me something to get up in the morning for. I have
a purpose to give back to people that had help me through the years and stuff. If it wasn’t for
Soulphia I don't know if I would still be here or not. It just gave me the opportunity to give to
somebody has has given back to me. Wow! That is so powerful! You reminded me. Let me tell
you a little bit of my point of view in the story: Last year, Joao Mendes, which is Thiago's
partner at Soulphia, he came to me in the beginning of the year, in February: “ I would like to
talk About work but... it didn't continue...” and a little bit after that me and my wife we went
through maybe the most difficult moments in our lives, where we lost hope we were betrayed
by the people we love the most and we almost lost everything we almost went bankrupt... It
was so hard and what we did was we said: we were going to go on a 100 days fasting and if
God is God he is gonna have to do something. Otherwise we don't know what we are going to
do... just like you said: like, I didn't have a reason to wake up in the morning. I was so
depressed and... on the last day of the fasting... the 100th day, we went to the church and we
finished we like... we gave the fasting back to the Lord and we prayed and we said: Lord, the
future of Jornada do Inglês is in your hands right now. After that, Joao Mendes calls me and
says: “ I was in a meeting with Thiago and the only name that I could think of was Felipe,
Felipe, Felipe...” because I'm a pastor, so, I live to bless people, that is what my life is for and
now that I am understanding the project more, things are connecting, the dots are connecting
and he had a meeting with Thiago last year and he said during the meeting my name would
always, constantly pop up in his mind and he said: “ I believe you and Soulphia, you both are
moved by a purpose so I think you should work together and here we are! That is amazing!
That is crazy! Now can you tell us a little bit about the routine or the process or the method?
The classes...How do they work? How does it usually happen? Even the way that Miss Maggie
and I... our relationship happened was based on a methodology and strategy from God, it was
something that we couldn't even explain beyond that. The bottom line was He kept saying:
“pursue what you love”. At a time that I had to get the love, also. So, you know when you are
fasting and God says: “give that away!” We don’t have the understanding of the methodology
or the strategy, we just say: “yes.”

so, my yes just landed with the yes in her heart. She and I connected. We weren't friends at all.
in the beginning. I did not like Malika at all. But God made a way for us to become friends.
There was no reason... I guess it was my heart, you know. I was so closed off and I didn't want
get close to anybody and she was just too in my face, you know. I got it. And God works things
out in that way. You were talking about methodology...He brought us together to what brought
us to the place of surrender in that place we did it in the shelter, at that shelter when we were
at last for me humbled on my face this man Felipe and Thiago came through at the last day I
was told to “go ahead on down and check them out” and I did that and from Felipe’s story I
didn't hear it until months later he said: “ Ki Malika, when you walked in was like.... oooooo...
Everything just happened and I knew what to do with you at that moment. And I was out
running through the door, didn't know raining, cold and I said God whenever you send me I will
go just let’s make it happen. And it becomes difficult because like miss Maggie and I were
saying, there were many people who started off before us and they did not continue. They are
not here with us. And we know spiritually that as many that won’t continue on the road of
improvement or getting better. But what Miss Maggie and I do understand is that the method in
which we received the students was just even in that, a God’s connection because at first we
did 101 classes. In Each of those classes everyone who said before us was just meant to be
there they were in need of something that we had to give them just likewise. It was a
reciprocity of Need and give and give and need. I'm becoming so overwhelmed right now I
need Miss Maggie to pick that up. I agree... I am not as forward as Malika I don't express
myself as well but I agree with what she is saying. And it was just at the right time. It was just
the perfect timing for us because if Soulphia hadn't come, you know... It would have been a
different world for me and I guess for Ki Malika as well. It just has been at the right place at the
right time and this is what God is planned for me... I didn't know it, but I'm glad I was opened
enough to accept it I've been pretty successful, you know, as a tutor. I have a lot of students
that like me and they think I am a good tutor which I try to be better every day. It's never good
enough because the students are so precious to me. I've learned so much from my students
their culture ... I am even starting to learn a little bit in Portuguese... not much! not as much as
Ki Malika but I'm working on and then students help me as much as I'm helping them they
help me and they teach things about myself that I didn't realize before. God is so good
because people asked me: “What do you stand for? And what does Jornada stand for? And I
say: “I believe that God chooses people with passion to change the world for the better and
fluency in English is just a way, it's never an end and it's so hard to find teachers who are more
than teachers because it's not just about teaching a language, But it's about changing lives.
That is what we are here for and to hear your the Bible says: “eyes have never seen
ears have never heard”... wow! that was powerful! That was very powerful! I wanna thank you
guys so much! We still have a lot to do, we still have a lot to record. We're going to just take a
ride and walk around New York right now, but will be back with more videos and classes. So,
this is just the beginning! Great things are coming! The best is yet to come! Thank you Miss
Maggie! Thank you Miss Malika and see you in our next video! Bye!

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