Contemporary Materialism Its Ontology An

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ars Ty ae ii a Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, pe ec CTE CL) des eras 1c TORE Ty Ueeae oes CC Leela | Materialism: Its Oe eLey RTT RCT ION Contents Contemporary Materialism . Gest E. Romero Iavier Pérez lea Line Cariprabt Edltore Introduction 1 What is Materaton? History and Concepts Javier Peree-tara, Gustavo B. Romer, and Lino Capri 1 ‘The Naturalist Revolution 12 The Creationist Tarn 13 Retwrnto Phys 1a ANew Work i LS Materiales Cysalizd From Madera Idealism to Katt Mars and Engels’ Disletcal Material, LT The Solemtic Rang 18 Varieties of Materialism : 19 Two Curreat rms of Inclusive Mateisnn e 10 The Faure of Materialism References Referensee 7 2 Systemic Materialism Gusivo E Romero 21 22 2a 24 25 27 28 Intron The concept of mater Lins. Systems 7 Emergence Mint : Spacetime Monin and mater s 3 6 %9 OL 95 20 Knowledge ofthe material work 10 Yaluos in material world 1 Consists Referens : Reternces . 3 Discontinuous Materiatism Javier Pérer fara 1 nrodaction: Discontinuous Materials in the Big Market of ‘Matera Mm 32 The Ontological Backhone of Discontinious Materia us 23 ‘The Diculty of Choosing Discontinuous Mtsralian's Most Inmportan Ontoogiel Ideas os. hie Sb The Ideas of WovtdeArubropte Univers (M4) and he Thace Genera of Materality 7 35 Theldexof Transcendental Ego (E) --0.. scectonnc 36 The Ida of Oatological-General Matter () irs 47 The Ontologkal Proloms at Physica (or the Hypesaation iM . bs 38 The Ontological Problems of Spiritual, Idealism and Psgchologism (othe Hypostaizaton of M) 126 49 The Ontological robin of Platonian fr the Hypostaization orm : bs 340 ‘The Comples interplay of Contnutcs and Discontinue in the ‘Thrse Genera of Matcrialty 130 LAL The Ontological Problems ofthe Seta Nara Bs S12 The Antropic Filtering ofthe World and the Ontological Problems of Corclationism be 413 On Meaningful, te Socted. arid God ir 314 Gonetasions a 6 References 12 References 12 4 Quantum Matter 157 Gost E. Romeo 41 Intedction sr 42. The Pocullaritis of Quantum Systems 10 443. The Formalism of Quantum Mechanics tee 44 Interpretation lot 45° Quamtum Field Thcery 167 46 Quantum Ontology : m 47 Quanta Matta the Stl of the World m 48 Summary and Conclisions 4 Reterenees a i 5 Referees us linens sccscsvvsisanvnesicocarsvinnesniansarsiesteiese References Emergent MateralisasImplies Cont Does Not Imply Contin Iidgo Ongay and Javier Pere Jara 12.1 Fiergoat Materialism Implis Continue by Faigo Ong) 122 Energeot Materialism Does Not Umply Continulss (by Saver Perez Jara) 123 Response by nige Ongsy) 124 Response (hy Javier Péez-Fra) Reterenees " References wis /Hanergent Materalisan “Materialism is False / Materialism is Not False... Gram Harman and Javier Peer-ara 13.1 Motelalism is False by Graham Harman) 182. Materilism is not False fy Tir Pstez Jar) 13.3 Response hy Graham Harman) 134 Response (hy Javier Perez) References Referenees 32 2 Mt us do uo Mo 31 as 359 350

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