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1. Think of three (3) problems that we encounter in the Philippine society today.
Enumerate these problems on the space provided on the left side of the chart
below. Write your opinion about each of them on the right side of the chart. Do
this in a whole sheet of paper.


1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

2. Read the article below and fill-in the chart that comes after it.

“Energy Use and Climate Change -Perspectives for sustainable growth?!”

The past decade of the 21stst century has witness earth-shaking changes in
technology development and scientific progress, yet the increasing energy use and
degrading of environment have posed a great threat to human race. Wildfires
destroy property and harvest in Australia, melting polar ice caps cause sea level
rise which threatens the existing of small islands, storms and floods cause million
dollar damages in Central America and South East Asia, and serious droughts drive
millions of Africans into famines, which can lead to economy instability and social
unrest in these less developed countries. As a responsible member of the African
Union and a country with global consciousness, Angola shows deep concerns
toward this issue and believes progress can be made with joint efforts.

The problem of energy consumption and its induced climate change has
been a global headache, towards which Angola has shown great concern.
Recognizing the appreciable contribution made by The Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC)and the Kyoto Protocol in tackling global warming and
sea-level rising, Angola would be willing to join hands with the global community in
face of environmental disasters. Moreover, since petroleum is one of the pillar
industries of Angola, who is also an active member of OPEC, tangible progress,
namely advanced technology, and improved energy efficiency, in energy use will
prove to be evolutional.

Confronted with the global climate degradation, Angola suggests that a

stable and reliable outline can be set to describe an outlook of the new millennium
to solve the energy problem (i.e. scarcity of non-renewable energy and extraction of
new energy). The harsh status quo involves in all the stake holders and Angola
suggest that the following approaches can be of significance.

First group would be representing developed, resources importing regions

like the European Union and Japan where either climate change has been granted
great attention or which depend on energy imports and therefore try to reduce costs
by using non-renewable energy more efficient or gain independence by subsidizing
renewable, innovative energy generation e.g. hydro wind power. This group is the
main driver of climate conferences like Kyoto in 1997 and Doha in 2012.

The second group is represented by North America and developing countries

including BRICS, which priority is to meet national demand first to promote further
growth/ development and regards anti climate change action as a subordinate
necessity. There are several developed countries e.g. U.S., Canada and China in
this group who are big greenhouse emitters but omit the Kyoto Protocol. This group
didn’t ratify, renounced the Kyoto Protocol or simply didn’t agree to binding targets.
The third group is mostly constituted by energy producing and exporting countries,
including many oil and gas rich African countries like Libya, Nigeria and Angola.
Their main interest is exploiting national resources to export them at high price.
Although the energy demand in those countries is rising as well, compared to
trading resources, national energy security is a fairly sub orientated topic.

Angola agrees that efficient energy use and renewable energies are crucial to
limit the effects of climate change and supports international efforts as long as they
do merits to Angola’s’ economic benefit and the global coprosperity as a whole.
Therefore, Angola is member to many multilateral organizations and convention e.g.
Angola is signatory to a number of UN conventions on environmental protection
and conversation. Angola believes that before signing conditional pledges for
emission values or certain restriction, countries causing significantly more
greenhouse gas and has not ratified international agreements yet, should be
involved first.




How to Write a Position Paper
What is a position paper?

Before you get to writing a position paper, it is good to understand vividly

how to define a position paper. Many individuals confuse a position paper for being
just a report like any other whereas a position paper entails the writer lying on one
side of the issue under discussion.

While writing a position paper, you need to give your position on the issue at
hand. A position paper can be written in different incidents such as in a discussion
of international challenges affecting different nations and formulation of policies to
curb the issues.

In the case of the formulation of international policies, you can even be

required by the members of the conference to forward your paper even before the
meeting so that the direction of the debate can be determined and set at an early
stage. A position paper can also be written in the case of institutions’ meetings
while addressing different issues affecting the organization.

How to write a position paper

After getting the meaning of a position paper, we can now proceed on how to
go about in writing a position paper.

Below are some of the guide before writing your paper:

• Understanding the topic given- in most cases you will be given the topic that
you are supposed to discuss, and it is your responsibility as a participant to
understand the topic first before you take a position on the matter. When
you fail to understand the topic well, you may end up giving points that do
not display your position. In the understanding of the topic, you can go
ahead and conduct some research on the topic just to be certain of the
points that you will come up with.

• Ensure your topic can easily be arguable- in some incidents, you may be
asked to pick on a topic to write on for your position paper. Many topics can
be used for argument purposes especially current trends and issues affecting
the society today. You should be able to go for a topic that has points and
can bring contradiction to arise argument. When you go for a common topic
where most people would lie on one side of your stand then that is not a
good topic,
a good topic should have almost similar points on both sides of the
argument to bring a healthy conversation of the parties involved.

• List the advantages and disadvantages for both sides of the argument- when
you list the advantages and disadvantages of two different sides of the

argument you will be able to pick the best position that you can confidently

• Pick your position and formulate your points- in a position paper you have
to take a position in the argument. Ensure that you have sufficient points to
support your position.

• Understand your audience position on the matter- it is also good to

understand where your audience is placed in the argument so that you can
design your arguments to satisfy them on the points you try to bring out.

To make your paper outstand you should:

• Design an official look for your paper- in being official you only need to be
realistic in your arguments so that the readers can easily be convinced with
your points without much questioning.

• Make it as simple as possible- in a presentation of your claims you should

ensure that you are direct to the point and avoid unclear explanations
because it makes your work tiresome to read. Be clear by using simple,
understandable language, avoid too much use of vocabulary in your work.

• Be organized in the presentation of your points- you should be able to know

which point comes first and ensure each idea is placed in its paragraph. This
will also help your paper have an official look.

• Put references for your points- citing your sources is very key as it gives your
points a higher hand over the rest given that it can be refereed hence valid.

• Go through your paper after completing- it is good to proofread your work as

it will enable you to see some common mistakes made and you can also
change the flow of points to be persuasive to your audience.

Position Paper Outline

How to organize your position paper? Follow these easy steps to develop your
position paper. This outline helps you organize your paper as easy as 123.
1. Introduction

Present your topic. Say why it is worth discussing, its history. Dwell on its
controversies. Make a thesis statement that would express your opinion in one

2. Body

Present a prevailing opinion on the issue, main arguments, what they are based

Counter the arguments with your own opinion, backed up by reliable data you
have found during the preliminary research. Keep in mind that you should present
as many counter-arguments as there are pro-arguments. So, if you have 3
statements that support an idea you disagree with, you should provide three
opposing statements and prove why they are worth considering.

3. Conclusion

Restate both opinions. Give a summary of what you argue for. Provide a strategy
that would help resolve the issue.

3. Write a three-paragraph essay stating your position on the rehabilitation of

Manila Bay. Will you consider it as a boon or bane?

(Write your own title)

Introduction: (In the introduction part you should capture the reader’s
attention, define the issue given and state your claim.)

Body: (State three arguments then cite the evidence supporting your

Conclusion: (This part includes restating your claim, summarizing reasons

and explaining why your stand/ claim is worthy to

4. Stating your claims
Do you agree or disagree in legalizing the use of marijuana in our country?
Why? Why not?

5. There are many issues today that remain unresolved, and many topics are open
to debate. Choose one issue that you are interested in and choose your position.

You cannot choose to be in the middle; you must be either be for or against a
side in a certain policy, belief, or idea. Write a position paper about the chosen

Physical punishment Homosexual marriage

for children should should be legalized
be considered a crime

Face to face classes should Uniforms should no

start ASAP longer be a
requirement in the

Legalization of Sex education in the

divorce school

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