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Test 7 Version B

Time 50 minutes

Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so.
Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully.
Answer all the questions. Write your answers on the question paper.


There are five parts to the test.
Part 1 is a listening part.
All questions carry one mark.
There are 40 questions.

© UCLES 2017

Part 1
Questions 1 – 8

You will hear eight short recordings. For each one, choose the best answer. You will hear each
recording twice.

1 You hear a man leaving a message for a friend.

Why is Sam apologising to Vicki?

A because he spoke to her in an inappropriate manner

B because of the way he handled a difficult customer
C because he made an unjustified complaint about her

2 You hear two friends talking about an awkward moment in a conversation they have just had
with the man’s brother.

How does the woman feel about what she said?

A She should have apologised immediately.

B She should have avoided that particular topic.
C She should have phrased her comment differently.

3 You hear a conversation between two friends about a train which they have just missed.

What is the woman doing?

A trying to justify her own actions

B denying she is to blame for what happened
C refusing to let her friend accept responsibility

4 You hear a man phoning his friend to apologise to her.

What does he say about his behaviour?

A It was inappropriate.
B It was untypical of him.
C It didn’t reflect his feelings at the time.

3 Turn over ►
5 You hear two college classmates having a conversation.

What is the girl apologising for?

A misunderstanding some information

B criticising the boy’s decision
C giving away a secret

6 You hear a woman leaving a voicemail for her sister, to apologise for a mistake she has made.

What does she say about her mistake?

A She already knows how to rectify the situation.

B There was a logical explanation for her actions.
C It was completely out of character for her to do this.

7 You hear a man called Simon telling a friend about a problem.

How does Simon feel now he’s apologised to Jane?

A He’s still angry about her actions.

B He’s embarrassed about his behaviour towards her.
C He thinks she should have been the first to apologise.

8 You hear a phone call between two colleagues, discussing a recent problem at work.

What is Sarah apologising for?

A being late for the meeting

B failing to complete the report in time for the meeting
C leaving the meeting before it was over

Part 2
Questions 9 – 16

Read the sentences about connections.

Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each space.

9 Some research studies have suggested that the inhabitants of cooler countries tend to be
more ............ and tolerant of people with different ideas.

A light-headed B heart-warming C half-hearted D open-minded

10 After the young couple were burgled, their ............ neighbours raised money to replace the
things that had been stolen.

A warm-hearted B heartbreaking C heart-warming D light-hearted

11 My perfect evening is to meet friends for a meal and enjoy some ............ conversation.

A hair-raising B heart-breaking C light-hearted D absent-minded

12 I get nervous and ............ when I have to give presentations in front of lots of people.

A tongue-tied B short-sighted C warm-hearted D narrow-minded

13 What Matt liked about his cottage in the mountains was its total ............ , especially when he
was writing.

A exclusion B isolation C loneliness D ostracism

14 You can get a wonderful feeling of ............ when you unsubscribe from social media.

A distribution B collaboration C exclusion D liberation

5 Turn over ►
15 Knowing that she could contact her parents easily gave Lisa a sense of ............ when she
moved away.

A materialism B exclusion C security D tolerance

16 Some people worry that social media increase our feelings of ............ because we actually
become more disconnected from one another.

A rudeness B fairness C nervousness D loneliness

Part 3
Questions 17 – 24

Read the sentences about connections. What are the missing words?
Some letters are already there. There is one space for each other letter in the word.

For questions 17 – 24, write the words.

17 Those wax statues are so l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that you could easily be fooled into thinking that
they were real.

18 The speed with which today’s social media can connect millions of people is completely
m___ b_______.

19 You are so a _ _ _ _ _ - m _ _ _ _ _ ; I bet you’d love a robot to remind you of what you
have to do.

20 This menu offers a m _ _ _ _ - w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ selection of cakes and desserts for

everyone to enjoy.

21 What’s nice about Jade is her unfailing o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; she always stays so positive.

22 I couldn’t believe the r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of that shop assistant – she didn’t say please or thank
you once.

23 There’s an i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with face-to-face relationships that you just don’t get with online

24 As soon as Tom got over his n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ about being in front of such a large
crowd, he gave a great performance.

7 Turn over ►
Part 4
Questions 25 – 32

Read the text about an artificial language.

Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each space.

An artificial language
In the modern world, people often need to learn another language in order to succeed. Today,
(25) ………… English that is the dominant language worldwide and there (26) ………… anyone
who doesn’t speak English is at a disadvantage. But what if there was a neutral language that
anyone could learn, quickly, easily and cheaply? Esperanto (27) ………… be the answer.

Esperanto was invented in 1887 by a Polish scientist, L. L. Zamenhof. In creating a new language,
what Zamenhof hoped (28) ………… that people would be able to communicate without the
political and historical weight that existing languages carried. He even believed Esperanto
(29) ………… bring about world peace. Esperanto is special because it is an artificial language,
with perfectly regular grammar and simple vocabulary. Unlike other languages that take people
years of study to reach fluency, (30) ………… is wonderful about Esperanto is that it is supremely
easy to learn.

It’s unlikely that Esperanto (31) ………… become the language of the global community any time
soon. But with free online language courses, (32) ………… could help Esperanto gain more
followers in the future, is the internet.

25 A is it B it is C there is D is there

26 A are good B is a good C chances are D a good chance

chances chance

27 A got to B is bound C may well D is likely

28 A was B is C are D were

29 A must B can C will D could

30 A this B there C which D what

31 A must B should C will D might

32 A the thing that B all that C the reason D the place where

9 Turn over ►
Part 5
Questions 33 – 40

Here are some sentences about connections.

For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence,
using the word given.
Do not change the word given.
You must use between three and six words, including the word given.
Write only the missing words.

33 Max is obviously much happier now that he’s sharing a flat with his friends.


You ……………………………………….. Max is much happier now that he’s sharing a flat
with his friends.

34 I’m sure scientists will develop robots that can express feelings in a few years’ time.


Scientists ……………………………………….. develop robots that can express feelings

in a few years’ time.

35 I think it’s likely that the project will be completed on time.


I think ……………………………………….. the project will be completed on time.

36 It seems that Jonathan didn’t find the course interesting – he didn’t bother completing it.


Jonathan ……………………….……………………….. the course interesting – he didn’t

bother completing it.

37 Now, you only need to choose a password and you can get started.


Now, all ……………………………………….. choose a password and you can get started.

38 The problem of loneliness is often worst in large cities.


It’s ……………………………………….. the problem of loneliness is often worst.

39 Kate says that she only plays tennis because her friends do.


Kate says that the ……………………………………….. because her friends do.

40 They only discovered they’d picked up the wrong books when they arrived at the lecture.


It was ……………….……………………………….. at the lecture that they discovered

they’d picked up the wrong books.



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