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Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c atau d di depan

jawaban yang dianggap benar!

1. I…… orange….
A. Am
B. Like
C. Has
2. He is…. and he wants a Coca-Cola
A. Hungry
B. Thirsty
C. Happy

3. A pig has a….

A. Trunk
B. Wing
C. Fang
4. Peguin food is ….
A. Grass
B. Leaves
C. Fish
5. Rusa makanan nya adalah …
A. Grass
B. Fish
C. Fruits
6. Look at the picture
Is it a peacock? …
A. Not, is it a monkey
B. Yes, is it a peacock
C. Isn’t a peacock and monkey
7. What a famous thing in the birthday party?

A. Birthday cake
B. Firework
C. Candle
8. Mazira has …… bike cycle.
A. A
B. An
C. The
9. Buffalo lives in …
A. Beach
B. Rice field
C. Plantation
10.The giraffe has a long….
A. nose
B. mouth.
C. Neck
11.My father painting my room use ….
A. Broom
B. brush
C. hoe
12.Jacob: hi,, bro what is your name?
Flambo: my name is Flambo
“Flambo” In spelling is….
A. /ef/ - /il/ - /i/ - /em/ - /be/ - /ou/
B. /ef/ - /el/ - /ai/ - /em/ - /bi/ - /o/
C. /ef/ - /el/ - /ei/ - /em/ - /bi/ - /ou/
13.What is correct phonetic name of this spelling
/Di:/ - /ou/ - / en/ - /en/ - /way/
A. Donni
B. Dony
C. Donny
14.What is art…
A. The imagination and creativity of human
B. The imagination of robot
C. The animal and forest.
15.The ant is small, but gorilla is….
A. Small
B. Big
C. Tail
16.When I go to Merry birthday party. I must bring a….
A. Candle
B. Present
C. Food
17.What is parrot in Bahasa Indonesia…
A. Burung bayan
B. Capung
C. Burung beo
18.I need a…. to cut the bamboo
A. Hammer
B. Hoe
C. Saw
19.What time Penuai’s school start to study?
A. 07.30
B. 08.00
C. 06.30
20.My father wants to dig the land, so he needs a….
A. Scissors
B. Saw
C. Hoe

II. Isilah titik titik di bawah ini dengan tepat dan benar …!
1. I need a … to painting my picture in the color papers
2. I need …. To invite my friends to come to my party.
3. Elephant food is ….
4. What is the animal does not have legs is …?
5. The animal who walks lowly is …

6. Bird from Papua is …

7. My floor in my room so dirty so I need … to clean it.
8. Panda food is ….
9. How many ears does a tiger have?
10.Lion and tiger eat ….

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