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Good morning ladies and gentlemen, the topic I have chosen to present on today is one that

is very important to me. Nowadays, many people are missing all around the world because of
human trafficking. What negative effects will human trafficking bring to modern society?
One may ask.In general, human trafficking is a crime of abduction, fraud, deception and trade
humans which happens all around the world. Most victims gain physical and mental damage
after they are trafficked, so a significant social and personal effect has been made by this
problem. Human trafficking is now a serious global issue. Some countries have begun to
make some solutions, but there is still a significant amount of people who are trafficked every
year. It brings a severe negative effect on society.
I have selected this topic of “human trafficking” because this is a major issue in today’s
society, also this is one of the most shameful crimes, I’ve also realize that it is affecting lives
of millions of people around the world and robbing them of their dignity. Traffickers
deceived women, men and children from all corners of the world and force them into
exploitative situations every day.
According to a article By JIS(2021) about 40 million people being trafficked globally, of
which 80 per cent are being trafficked for sexual exploitation.
One may ask what are some causes of human trafficking and how do traffickers go about
catching their preys. Well, Traffickers prey on others’ weaknesses, unfortunate
circumstances, unfamiliarity, and inexperience. Traffickers are trained to identify
vulnerability and use expert manipulation tactics to persuade and control their victims. They
identify a void and offer to fill it.
Individuals living in difficult conditions can become desperate, and that desperation makes
them vulnerable. While the following categories do not cause human trafficking, they do
create a state of vulnerability and ideal opportunities for traffickers to strike.Some causes of
human trafficking involve:
Poverty: When someone living in poverty, such as a single mother who struggles to provide
for her children, is desperate to meet a basic need, she is in a vulnerable position. A
trafficker, familiar with this scenario, might offer her a job that enables her to feed her
children. If this appears to be her only option, she may accept and be willing to do whatever
the trafficker asks of her.
Unemployment: Traffickers target unemployed individuals and often use deception to
persuade them to leave home and take a job in another city or country. The position may
initially sound promising, but once the individual arrives at the destination, it is often much
different than what was described. To keep them from leaving, traffickers may take away
their victims’ passports or IDs. They might also pay for transportation, shelter, clothing, or
food so their victims are indebted to them and feel obligated to work.
Lack of knowledge: Inexperience may lead individuals down a path that ends in exploitation.
A teenager who is approached by a trafficker may accept an attractive job offer, seeing it as a
great opportunity at such a young age. An immigrant who arrives in a foreign country may
not understand his or her rights, may be unfamiliar with the nation’s laws, or may not know
the national language. A trafficker will quickly take advantage of these types of situations.
Some other causes include displacement,cultural practices,broken families,etc

The main purpose of this research is to discuss the effects of human trafficking.
According to article written by Amy Canfield(2020), who is a Licensed Professional
Counselor, Mental Health Service Provider (LPC-MHSP) in the state of Tennessee, with a
Master’s degree in Community Counseling says the experience of being trafficked may
induce or exacerbate mental health concerns and symptoms. While those with pre-existing
mental health concerns or disabilities are also extremely vulnerable to the manipulation and
exploitation of trafficking. It was also stated that the risk of developing a mental health
disorder, as a victim of trafficking, may be influenced by multiple factors such as Past
experience of trauma/abuse,Duration of exploitation,Violence,Restrictions on movement
while being trafficked,Greater number of unmet needs,Lower levels of support following
Victims who have been rescued from sexual slavery, typically present with various
psychological symptoms and mental illnesses, including the following:Depression, Anxiety,
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),etc.When someone is trying to help a victim of
human trafficking, it may be frustrating because it might appear that the person is not
receptive to help or committed to making any changes. It is important to be aware of the
symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD and how they may impact a person’s ability to
cope, think, plan, and commit.
Trafficked people may fear disclosing information about their experiences due to threats of
harm to themselves or their family members, because of a risk of detention or deportation, or
they may be inhibited by feelings of shame or guilt (Zimmerman & Borland, 2009)

They might suffer from sexually transmitted diseases, menstrual pain and irregularities,
miscarriages, and forced abortions,diabetes,cancer and other illness
The spread of HIV/AIDS is one of the consequences of human trafficking. Trafficked women
are often not in a position of negotiate safe sex.Therefore, they can transmit the disease to the
next customers.
In conclusion the issue of human trafficking is becoming more and more severe in society
these years. There are both mental and physical damages that human trafficking brings to
victims and they are just a tiny part of this whole crime.All the information illustrated show
the seriousness of this problem, especially on females and children.. In the future, the
government should put more effort into this problem, so that society can become safer and
better,also teaching the children about human trafficking in schools could also be beneficial.
In ascertaining information for the research a number of challenges were met:
 There was a case in which I couldn’t find any new articles or journal on the theme
 I was happing internet problems which rendered me useless to gather any information
from the internet

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