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Cabaluna St., New Visayas Panabo City

Learning Module

Core Subject Teacher: Gerald Sumalo Hibaya, LPT, MAEd

Contact Information: 09672513375
Facebook Account: Gerald Sumalo Hibaya
Grade: 12
Core Subject Title: 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
Semester: 1st Semester
Number of Hours: 80 hours / Semester
Core Subject Description: Study and appreciation of the literature of the region where the
school is located in relation to the literature of the other regions of the country.


The school management gives directive to parents that they will be the one who will pick up and
will turn back the modules twice a month in the school. Also, parents will receive text or call from
the school with regards to the given dates of releasing the modules. There are attached activity
sheets which will be submitted when the time they get new sets of modules. Queries and other
concern about this subject may be entertained every Wednesday from 1pm to 5pm.


At the end of the semester, the students will be able to submit a term paper. Contents and
format will be provided and be given before first semester will end.


At the end of this module, students will be able to:

1. Explain and distinguish literature from the Philippines and the world.
2. Evaluate literature functions and values to different human aspects.
3. Know famous authors and their texts in Philippines and the world.
4. Create literary texts in different forms, types, and concepts of literature.
5. Appreciate traditional and contemporary forms of literary texts.
6. Understand literary texts from famous authors in Philippines and the world.





Nature and Meaning of Literature
● Connection of human experiences of life
● Creative representation and reproduction of what we lived in
● Describes, records, shares experiences, hopes, desires to other people
● Composing literary pieces like essay would be societal issues, novel would be re-storying memories,
and poem would be expressing one’s feelings, thoughts and emotions.
● Literature comes from the Latin word “literatura” which means writing formed with letters. It is also
talked about life experiences. People who loved literature would not just tell about the stories, they are
most interested in events, conflicts, and perspective that are timely and relevant in contemporary

Elements of Literature

Basic Elements of Literature

● Form – it is the structure of literary piece. It is an aspect of literature that really connects to the
reader. Starting from the title down to the construction of the words of the literary piece creates an
impact to the readers.
● Theme – it refers to the subject of the literature.
● Characterization – to create effective stories, there must be effective characters. These effective
characters would depend upon the wildest imagination of the writers.
Cabaluna St., New Visayas Panabo City
Learning Module
● Style – this conforms to the techniques and designs used by the writers to persuade the reader’s best

Types of Literature

● Fiction – pertains to imaginary characters, settings, and stories.

● Nonfiction – refers to reality of things, places and people, and creating on facts.
● These two main types combined in today’s popularity to create masterpiece. It is called Creative
Nonfiction Literature. It is considered as modern essay. It is based on facts, but made with creativity.
It is known in the form of memoirs (biography) and literary journalism articles.
Common Forms of Literature across Types
● Drama – it is a theater act performed by actors with costumes witnessed by the audience. It is also
divided into “acts” and “scenes” forming text with dialogues and stage directions.
● Novel – it can be extended story, commonly fictional. Novels also can be showcased with different
themes organized with chapters or volumes.
● Short Story – it is narrated in short details. Short story is creatively made, but it is less informative
● Poetry – it composed of figure of speech and creative structures in conveying message. Poetry is a
venue of the writers to express their emotions. It has meter, rhyme and rhythm.
● Essay – it consists facts and general knowledge. It focuses on analyzing and critiquing issues.
● Epic – it combines with drama and narrative story. Way back in time, most epics were sung.

Contemporary Forms of Literature - rise in the advent of new technology

● Hyperpoetry (Cyberpoetry) – it is visually used with graphical messages to convey the message.
● Blog – also known as Web Log; Today, bloggers were sprouting its number online. They make
website which contains user-made articles to publish in an immense online audience.
● Text Tula – also known as Tanaga; A Filipino poem consists of four lines with seven syllables each
with a rhyme scheme of AABB.
● Chick Lit – popularized in 1990, it shows women’s struggles in today’s society. It is humorously and
lightly treated in its themes.
● Speculative Fiction – deals with conspiracy themes, fantasy science fiction, and dystopian societies
to formulate imaginative stories.
● Flash Fiction – longest text that is said to be 1000-words.

Literary Devices - common structures applied by writers to convey message to readers

● Rhythm – recurrence of accented and unaccented syllables in pattern (in words or line of the poem)
Types of Rhythm

Foot Type Pattern Example

Lamb Unstressed/stressed Compare
Trochee Stressed/unstressed Numbers
Spondee Stressed/stressed Sunshine
Dactyl Stressed/unstressed/unstressed Marvelous
Anapest Unstressed/unstressed/stressed Metaphor
● Alliteration - repetition of consonant sound
Ex. “Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers”
● Assonance – repetition of lines of verse of the same vowel sound
Ex. on a proud round in white high night
● Rhyme – occurrence of the same sounds in words at the end of the lines
Ex. Had we world enough, and time,
This coyness, lady, was no crime.
We should sit down and think which way
To walk, and pass our long love’s day;

Figures of Speech - the use of more expressive language applying with varieties of words.

● Simile – comparison that uses the expressions like and as…as

Ex. My love is like a red red rose
That’s newly sprung in June;
My love is like the melodie
Cabaluna St., New Visayas Panabo City
Learning Module
That’s sweetly played in tune.
● Metaphor – directly compares unlike objects
Ex. Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.
● Personification – giving human qualities to inanimate or non-living objects
Ex. The wind whispers serenely through the silent night.
The boat dances when hit by large waves.
● Onomatopoeia – use of sound words
Ex. Tick-tick-tick – clock
Vrroooom – sound of engine
Boom! – Explosion
● Metonymy – use of term connected with an object to represent it
Ex. “The pen is mightier than the sword”
- Edward Bulwer Lytton
● Synecdoche – use the part of an object to represent the whole
Ex. “His parents bought him new sets of wheels.”
“I would like to have your hand in marriage.”
● Antonomasia – use of someone’s famous name to represent someone
Ex. The OFWs are today’s new Jose Rizal of our country.
My teammate is the Kobe Bryant in our basketball club.
● Allusion – use of indirect reference to people, place, thing, or idea regarding cultural, mystical, and
political concept.
Ex. Our new classmate is an Einstein during examinations. (reference to Albert
● Apostrophe – call to a person, a thing or personified idea which is not really present
Ex. O Captain my Captain! our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weathered every rack; the prize we sought is won.
● Hyperbole – express exaggeration
Ex. I’ll love you, dear, I’ll love you
Till China and Africa met,
And the river jumps over the mountain

Philippine Archipelago is rich in history, culture, and traditions that turned into pots of world-class
literature. As time travelled so fast, new forms and themes were emerged in the Philippine literature.
Examples are blogs, text tula, and flash fiction – contemporary themes were also mixed with old
values and traditions like close family ties, migration of workers, and being resilient of Filipinos around
the world.


● Merlinda Carullo Bobis – she is a Filipino-Australian writer, performer, and educator who are born and
raised in Legaspi City, Albay. She graduated at University of Legazpi with the degree of Bachelor of
Arts in Literature, got her Master’s Degree at UST, Manila, and took up her Doctorate of Creative Arts
at the University of Wollongong in Australia. She also reaped several awards in different stages of the

Knowing What Reality Is

● anywhere in the world, Filipinos are dispersed regardless of what they are doing. Most of them are
OFWs who sought better future for their family. OFWs are said to be the “New Heroes” in the modern
time. Through their remittance, our economy is getting better; they are sending money to their loved
ones to sustain daily needs. This is what we called DIASPORA – the spread of any people from their
original homeland.

Reading the Text

You are required to visit this link:
merlinda-bobis.html?m=1. Please read the short story which entitled “The Sadness Collector”. After
reading the text, you are going to answer the questions being found in the activity sheets.
Cabaluna St., New Visayas Panabo City
Learning Module

● Joel M. Toledo – he is a literary editor and educator from Silang, Cavite. He has two undergraduate
diplomas in Creative Writing and Journalism and got his master’s degree in English Studies in U.P
Diliman. He was the first Asian who won in the international stage in Bridport International Creative
Writing for Poetry for his poem “The Same Old Figurative”.

Knowing What Reality Is

● “It’s more fun in the Philippines” – a Department of Tourism slogan in the Philippines which really
shows beautiful scenery that persuades many foreign tourists around the world. Moreover, Filipino
hospitality creates good impact to the Philippine economy and gives more opportunity to every Filipino
● Moreover, Philippines is close to any natural disaster like typhoon, earthquake, plagues, outbreaks
(which is happening now the Covid19). With this, resiliency is shown to every Filipino citizen who gets
to manage and smile amidst on this crisis. Filipino people worked hand-in-hand to recover all forms of
natural disaster.

Reading the Text

You are required to visit this link:
toledo/amp. Please read the poem which entitled “The Same Old Figurative”. After reading the poem,
you are going to answer the questions being found in the activity sheets.


● Jessica Zapra – she is a columnist, blogger, fiction writer, editor, publisher, and former TV and radio
host in Metro Manila. She studied Comparative Literature in U.P Diliman. She collects essays and
columnist in Philippine Star. Her literary works have been published in many publications in the world
like New Yorker, Newsweek, The HK Standard, and The National.

Knowing What Reality Is

● Filipino people are known to be the biggest consumer of Information technology. They are the social
media capital of the world. Thus, this made Filipinos became creative when it comes to posts or memes
on social media. Through sharing posts online, this became a new form of bayanihan in modern

Reading the Text

You are required to visit this link:
weather-report.html?m=1. Please read the blog/online column which entitled “Emotional Weather
Report” | Updated August 7, 2011. After reading the blog/online column, you are going to answer the
questions being found in the activity sheets.


Datu, P.A., Pascua, P.J.A., Olayres, W.D. (2017). 21st Century Literature from the Philippines
and the World: Redefining Literature Across Nation and Time. (pp. 1 – 27).





Philippine literature has blended with traditional and contemporary styles, techniques, and
themes as time passes by. The advent of modern technology has changed it, but it is still embedded
with values and traditions in the Philippine culture. You have already learned the nature and meaning of
literature to where it was originated. Next, the elements of literature that creates connection between
the writer and the reader. Moreover, types of literature and its contemporary forms are mentioned and
found. Finally, literary devices are also learned in which writers used different creative structures in
writing to convey their message.
Cabaluna St., New Visayas Panabo City
Learning Module
Lesson Exercise
Activity Sheets
Activity 1 Explaining Literature

Name: ________________________________
Grade level: ____________________________ Section: ____________ Score: ________

Task: To accomplish the K-W-L Chart about Philippine Literature

1. Fill out the templates provided below with your answers that correspond to what is asked in
each box.
2. In your own words, explain briefly and make sure that your answers will NOT exceed to three
3. You can use extra sheets if you want.

What you KNOW What you WANT to know What you LEARNED

Activity 2 Recognizing and Explaining Figurative Language in Literature

Task: To identify and explain the figure of speech used in poem excerpts below.

1. Identify what figure of speech being used in each excerpt.
2. After identifying, explain with your own words about what is the message of the author that each
excerpt means.
3. Write your answers on the templates provided below. You can use extra sheets if you want.

Poem Excerpts What Figure of Speech it is What is the Message of the


1. “Sea nymphs hourly ring

his kneel:
Hark! Now I hear them –
Ding, dong, bell.” By
William Shakespeare

2. “Oh! Stars and clouds

and winds, yea are all
about to mock me; if you
really pity me, crush
sensation and memory;
let me become as
nought; but if not, depart,
depart, and leave me in
darkness.” By Mary

3. Life is broken-winged
bird that cannot fly. Hold
fast to dreams for when
dreams go. Life is a
barren field frozen with
Cabaluna St., New Visayas Panabo City
Learning Module
snow. By Langston

4. Parting is such sweet

sorrow. Working in a coal
mine is living death. By
William Shakespeare

5. “Then come, sweet

death, and rid me of this
grief.” By Christopher

6. And like the flowers

beside them chill and
shiver, Will like the
flowers beside them soon
be gone. By Robert

7. “Resentment is like
drinking poison and
waiting for it to kill your
enemy.” By Nelson

8. A host, of golden
daffodils; Beside the
lake, beneath the trees,
fluttering and dancing in
the breeze. By William

9. The wrinkled sea

beneath him crawls. By
Alfred Lord Tennyson

10. “Friends, Romans,

countrymen: lend me
your ears” By William

Activity 3 Giving Value to Literature

Task: To fill out the templates on valuing the literature in different aspects.

1. Fill out the templates below. Provide functions and values of literature to humans.

Personal Socialization Education Cultural Growth National/Economic

Growth Progress

Activity 4 Creating Fictional Literature

Cabaluna St., New Visayas Panabo City
Learning Module

Task: To test your own creativity in making fictional short story.

1. Create your own fictional short story with unique title.
2. Make sure that it is your own piece to avoid plagiarism.
3. You can use extra short bond paper/s.

Activity 5 Employing Contemporary Forms of Literature

Task: To make your own piece contemporary forms of literature.

1. Choose among contemporary forms of literature that you would like to have.
2. Make your own title of your piece to avoid plagiarism.
3. See to it that your piece is readable and understandable.
4. You can use extra sheets if necessary.

Activity 6 Using Literary Devices

Task: To employ literary devices in making poems.

1. Create a poem with unique title employing among literary devices you wish to use.
2. See to it that your poem consists of ten (10) stanzas.
3. You can use extra short bond paper if necessary.

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