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Units 1-2 (Book 7-8)

Activity 1 10 points
Individual work


1. Complete the exercises on pages 96 and 97 and check. Then prepare your submission.

2. Write a Job Application form (check page 96) about your degree/job. What question will be required when you
apply for a job?
Write 6 questions. Then answer. Include the following.
 2 Present Simple questions.
 2 Present Continuous questions.
 2 “Can” questions.
 Answer all the questions, write full answers.
 Include 3 vocabulary words (at least): clothes, colors, activities, etc.
 Check spelling and highlight the aspects according to the instructions.
 Include the checklist.

Interviewer: -Hi Rodrigo, good morning… oooh you look good! how are you?

Rodrigo: - Hi, good morning, I´m fine, thank you. My shirt gives me a good presentation

Interviewer: what color is your shirt?, is that green or yellow?

Rodrigo: I think both, sometimes it is green or yellow

Interviewer: let´s start!. What are you doing now? …are you studying or working?

Rodrigo: I am studying

Interviewer: Ok, where are you studying?

Rodrigo: I am studying at the Instituto Tecnologico de Merida

Interviewer: Do you live in the city?

Rodrigo:, yes, I do. I live in the Castilla Camara neighborhood

Interviewer: Ok, do you have previous experience?

Rodrigo: No, I don’t have previous experience

Interviewer: Can you tell me your weaknesses?

Rodrigo: yes, I Can. I am nervous and shy….and Sometimes I can´t say “no” to a person.

Interviewer: Ok. Finally, can I test your knowledge with an exam?

Rodrigo: yes, you can

Interviewer: Let´s star.

Units 1-2 (Book 7-8)

3. Complete the exercises C, D and F on pages 112-113. Include your answers only. Check the layout below.

Video Journal “A dress with a story”

Exercise C and D (take a picture, clear and easy to understand)

Exercise C

Exercise D
Units 1-2 (Book 7-8)
Exercise F

Personal Object Why is it important in your life?

1. A photo of my 1.- Because with that I can remember the face of my parents
2. Book of arts 2.- Because that inspires me in the life

3. An action figure 3.- Because that makes me happy when I am sad

Name _Luis Rodrigo Can May____________________________________________ .

The Application Form is correct in general, it is easy to Mandatory
understand. Questions are answered.
Video Journal is included. De no incluirse, se penalizará
con 3 puntos.
3 Present Simple questions included correctly. ___/2
2 Present Continuous questions included correctly. ___/2
2 “Can” questions included correctly. ___/1
3 Vocabulary words: clothes, colors, activities, etc. ____/1
included correctly.
Video Journal exercises included correctly. No more ___/2
than 3 mistakes found. It is easy to understand.
Grammar mistakes (no more than 3) ___/1
Spelling/punctuation mistakes (no more than 3) ___/1
TOTAL _____________/10 points

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