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Diane L. Ramento Prof. Sharwin C.


BSED Filipino 2A Educ 204: Values Education

Assignment no. 1: Ethics of Conscience

1. What is Ethics of Conscience?

Ethics of conscience drew upon St. Aquinas's theory, the Natural law. It firmly roots
the objective of morality derived from the aspect of divine providence and God's wisdom.
Also, it binds universally by nature. In other respect, ethics of conscience consider the
individual practical rationality to act reasonable or unreasonable, which is precepts the
particular natural law principles.

2. What is the importance of moral values and ethical in our lives?

Engaging in moral and ethical acts fulfill our lives, either with peace or happiness.
A life surrounded by it makes our human beings glow and grow beautifully. Hence, it is
crucial to have it as our behavior, enabling us to be better in justifying decisions and
applying it through all life, and guiding us to act genuinely. Above all, a life planted with
ethical and moral values would harvest an endless abundance of goodness.

3. What is the importance and effects of morality in your everyday life?

Morality brought essential factors into my everyday life, specifically in evaluating

right and wrong. Discerning the two helps to apply an action towards settling situations.
As for its effect, morality tends to develop my behavior driven by moral choice that is
accountable all through life. As I do good, my heart gains fulfillment of joy and peace,
which reversely in choosing impermissible acts. Foremost, morality navigates my life to
select a timeline that would benefit my inner ground along with others.

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