Merchant of Venice Act 1 Scene 2

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Kend the Lahatts

DDhuen the A1PAinnAhat _nlleou
Nerussa Youn Jathen
Lwhathos u t said inesporsele_ubuh Nerssa
sheaks thse uwrds ?
AulPonua enhluns o NthuBa about
behund Ihe hans fsu taugh at is to Awe
Qne' dead
Toe athen wull and ha
wll hith heslhuelh ne
hepec to euen thoose
man hbm ne
whom ne has heueh ALen Angl COne
has do end hein tnlue e th fun

Desyrbe thelotteynerhdt inhe culaact

AA IlTh Latfeny uas d in lonlia's dcacl Jaaheh_udl
slald hat uuhasotuuen ampngontia sAularsuguld shaose ahaose
the dasket L amarg the leadAiue ng galstaskds)that
toniauned henlaut g a uauld mahha_nd heyhauld
LMOALL tha hiey auled ihey uaul nee lalk lo a
mashlae n hein Uhe

the healoa
dhe lslery
Al Porla Jutle QulFiaged and duofhauakd ahaut
heh Jathen'suil due Te e retudlan not bene

Able te thense the nn hen hauie uwhde

NehLBAA LUDLS _only Pantua 'a qood
occendung LLuhe
she maihi ed mAn

Shuly Latued hen

IVhue the meann MeMeh be thasenhy ny uy>

hd One uhe hall ughtlyloue
AAl-t meany that yaL hauld thopse the Lehson uham
uglyloue t n t n a l by anulottery

U Ponlia melanthalui inhe beginnung the Aene

O us the tase h Aalonie Jn heuuaus
bene lwhat h e d ehene betusen Aalsnis 's melontholy
Anel tg that Pontuu
Antonte melanchol he i nmmenke has o
inantialApsisdnd wmbentabl hemses whh he has
Tnken uhon hunsel And Poria meloncholi uhule hunkuiu
Abo hen dend Jpthen'h wA and Ahat whom she
Luld he mahhien Zo She A abaud dhe Jale
that uhon he

Neusa hen is -fhee ue

Whene ahe Postta AndNthussa 7 Wha ane hey qenenally

dicussungahout in hat mod Portia
n the ene 2
MAL Porda and Nehussa
hey Ahe
dbeuna oom in etia house
talkung sbgut aboul the ulo uha haue Lome
yhein uk Jon2hhyug
melantholc but nbo ahthyuy
humoheus An -Jntultuemaod bhe u
melancholu abud
hen okle to
thoose hen husband.

Whe the eula LoudyPalalre why has heLAme

allourly Palatne hich un omhe teny
PalnlnalsH ha Aome
PontiaHte loul ulen 0h ngbleman

whe ast
hehunue dethubed by ola 1 What doe she
ahout hum
Aal he desthubed by Ponta Ias the Neahaltan
Luham she desrhed dolt humsel ond
hat he uwRuld Aluays talk nhe haise tus
fese He bhansabout hiu mehd thathe tansho humsel

VWho the whur phulesehben 1 Jn uhih ontah is he

helrted t o n the eabzt 7 bwe the
death's hend ith
bonebone in hi mouth
Ana A ourdy Paleilune theuzhngjhulokafhen_ 4ejenhed
hene due tohu nalure Puen

1he merpiet the 7alesAAdathahead uth

smkng t
hiu hmaulh her mepns thot lanlaLan aso
tlead hensan but na1 laundy Palntne
h a
doe Pola have
Palalune Qlhet
akout hun7
AusY- auctyPalalsne
ALAAhch huch Lount ngen
he Launty
lalatnatete has a e mguunngnaluhe and
clees na daugh d the unniest 4akes
Says that he thakedorda
hhulas chhen he eld and she
te he ALtpla
mahhued dead man halheh ran
getiung mahhëd Lulth Laud Yalatie

Nenissa Heu Aay
equike hum
What haa
asthaAaid easlieh ahoui
Niaholitan fpeunte
And his hanse lhieh thotarlest LOmmanbetiween
Manuieun Ban nd the aund Palalina
Aral- Pontia said
that the Neahglutan hhunce
abad 4nd tanstk that
nluays tolked
he sha hi hanke
humsel Sumilahudy beiueen Launt
Bron Palatuneond Hansieuh
that he betena dhe hadhakit
ihan Lgunt lalaline

giue dhe mennung he ehy manAn noman

Arall" Jn no mcan means ha
he ha Aeuthal mdanzi pebsoaalute ku
LL Heu dees heFhenth ond ead to thenau o
the A thnuh?
he Fhenth londusuldstant dantungughtuL
the Bong thhush

VWhatt uLOuld
Ponta ULehe e manhy the lount7
Porlua wAehe the tount she upul umayine
mahthyaa4- to tuenly husbands

b he wehe e despie lortua

#4 he wehe te deshuie lorta he would 4ahuehun

Poatha hassionalely
he Iwere Aoue fevde pauianlely, PonLia wauld
helusn hi allechan

hhe ntgaliut aLualles o the henchlard what

does Yortin Aay Abaut hun 1
AsVhe Pnench haunedegrethan the lounl lalalne
He hlked abaui houL hus Abeleh han that
hhunebnd mudalispehdanalilues ut has na
herksnaliy humael ortia Mid thod sheupuld neM
she does she l neen
mahhy hims Joue
be able etiho

Elhnrt 4
Nerussa Whal tu neu4hboun)

Hou the yeryolurg bahan Pxfenaldhhehorne

destrabesl the passage What hight dots hhau
on the natidnal hotebn tlathes Englhshnen1
AuaLAcowrelurg o Yorda the Bahon 4hheahs as
he has bought hujicbt 9haly
hus sacks
rion ante hu hat harn hthmany hu hehsubi
euehyuhehe Aeschuhes had he clsthna 8
Cagluhmen minlune Luethur

What shus h a t the Englih lahd has hoonknduuledlge

the unohtan languages 2 Why Aoes Ponla und
duliult wndennst uuith hun
ArallPonlin'A wwrels He a hahen man's huctuhe bud atta
alay wheCOn LgnuRhAe dumb shau 7and
4 hath nelthes
Latun Ehenth hah haluan houu
that he Englah Ahd hud hoah knQuuledae he
Euhopuan language Pohtia Jaund diljuult te ntsart
MLth hin aA Ahe kneu A
utle inglish

ilL he he mepning

fHte a hohen man udusete

b-Hau gddly he u suted l@u
lanks ike apnohen man
Mhang hus clethat

helehted a dumb shou 2 why is khe baaen
be adumh shau7
falconbridlae n bahen Jsom énglocrd hletaedto
gA a dumb- shou he bahon said Se be a dumb-
shau' he dees nad knou the angutge whuh
Pontua spenks

/|Gunabedesciuhtan the Se6stish lare Whad tape

0ontemhohay helalorshihamon_bnghrd Statlond antl keanee 4
hellueted in thedeswiyhliman The Scotih Lard
he cottih Lond unhhessue otua sheaks abaut

LRahtdue n a sObcaseuay by talung hum kind-

heantedl he did bnglshmnkblauu
slge- fhe


The deateuhdan Ahe Scotihlard is hesphenceto the

peauent alllanoes hetuweenthe Scad,_tnd he Ernde Enenth
ingarnd_srtte tttan radushanraz safred-5zntish
the tretereAn betk- Rethen thata
hen ycotland uasa LOh tgaunsl England

Potua Uey uilelu shange

Houu d o s t h e oung hehaue when he i otoe

boben and uhenhe drunk 1 the und tahhens to
Porta uhich dnhel hen 1o manhy hum, whaf uauld
Lshe do khen 7
AnWhen he yong hennan SAbth e daes nat
hehae quuk man a n d uhenhehe iAhunk
Jey thanAbea TheuONs
hahhns Poiia uhih Lenpels hen t e maihhy
huin Jhe wQLulaak Nebuusa lo plate a
n he Uhong tnket al he
Ltnnly thonbe Tuune uwh orla

l1ape the mennnq

he uont he tilebdten thana heast
When he i dhunk, he n les than a henst

bA A deeh la Rheish anhe Lerlbasy

Plate glass U n B he uwraing tnsket

LWhat lan does Pastua make lo_hreent the

hehman hm hoourq hewhang tasket 7
AusLll Yostua Alezyisc pud a
thewhAng Lnsket 4 Lerlbun that
the hutman wduld shodb

Why the
y6ungGernn helehhed a aspange
Ara-feta tallel the young thman A shangp sJut Like

Aspange kezha Abiarbuisuale the busce kep

VAltelerta's 2peesh what does Nerussa say o Console
Nen about the Aulns 1 What Lonclusuenan ya _dau
akout Neussa sheechin the Lantat?
Alten Lortia 's peech, Nenuha Sald hen that the
Sulgis Alapnn4 to heluhn hack 1o heuhhames
that ihey Ulpuuld hotheh hen anymane

hey wguld @nly mahty Poiua snly hen Jathen s

Lpktery Ulpuld be 4 i d e And

Jaupun them Nenisa s Lontthn Jen llha Apnes

arth AheAhe nues 1o Aonth Yortua 's thaubled_ mund
Ane to hen ununprthu lers
he salled

Whed Parlua'sJalhen's uill A Jah A mahsiag

Aancerheol 2

Aa Porta's hthen s u u l l suted that all heSul bsugule


91 A thande shoosig sne Lnskel o n hnee

And ne ladand
goa e luen
the whethooses
hooseshepugh skelLaalauuy
Pard Poatuas paatrat Auuld marhy heh nd ihehes
uwuld Aayonethu enle l

ILWhe Subylla and uhe Duana 1 Why ADeht

helehened to nthe orlex 7
And ndnKsman mthalagy 5uhylla uuts phohheless She_wA gponled
LuLah A hod named Ahgalle, hat she woud Juse
Jon many the haind sdnd Ahe held in
Ten fand Dona o the goddes t h e maoh ang

huntng in Koman mulhalagu

hey Ane helerhedlo heht, lo explain oala 'seolue Unlas

chgosesthe LObhed asket and wwk he
mahty hen she
Lguld hemanunnatthied
Jatery to
fika Pen sh

does leriua stuy

wha eling
d o e sAWenzua
Ahaduebasanie 1 LuhatLuthe
Porla Ontstm Basanis in tha stene2
An lL Alenuasca Ulngduce Bassanuao lonluaa nela
schalun and saldieh whe Jhane alangudh
the Manauis of MonlehhalBasanuounaanly ne
all the 1mCn uhon Partha hanked o he
phauied leausba hensely

In uuhat Anse Man Ady hathegheruy the

Tug Act I uet heplols he play 1
A V We An Aay- thed dhe henung the Jist uM
Acl 11gut thehlots ethE blay anlhoduced
uayAs almasl the
Mun thahacters he Ohe to and
the maun Morylune hos beaun uuth Basanio deudog
wOD Lonta and Pohlia hen Auuton
hejeclng all

Alamt theA Auilgng 4uuenin thus

thu enehiue ue
thahaclerstus Any Tuuo Aulansdesehabed uy lolua
AalLhe sin Autansuehe he_Punte, ofNahles Lount Palalne,
Mansieun le bon talcanbrudge Lhe b40ttuh land and
the hman

lue chahodebstus o
launt Yalatine 0 f had a wy
aouunung ngdune D ull molie tnesa

1ue chanackhsins iheYaLung_hehran

IL When fe He isduakand
drunk he
than beast
isalaaibeart ne

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