The Differences Between Knowledge and Wisdom

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The Differences Between Knowledge and Wisdom

Have you ever thought of the differences between knowledge and wisdom? Or, you
just thought these are just the same? Which is more important of these two? And, why
do we need these two? Students and visitors, this is Jed Adrian Cuaton and I will
answer these questions in a way that you all will be enlightened. May you all have a
pleasant morning.

First of all, let us define knowledge and wisdom. According to the Merriam-
Webster dictionary, knowledge is the information, understanding or skill that you get
from experience or education, while on the other hand, wisdom is the ability to
understand things that most other people cannot understand, it can be gained through
having many experience in life. Well, it sounds like both of them share the same
definition, but heir purpose were very different from each other. Knowledge is just a
way to gain wisdom, because through information, experience and understanding you
become wise. Being wise can secure your life, can give light to your life and it gives
fulfillment to your overall being. Having greater know;edge reduce your confusions
and ignorance in your life. Knowledge is the way to wisdom, because without
knowledge you will not become wise, and there will be confusions and questions in
your mind, it will be difficult for you to think deeply and understand things around
you. In the Story of the Allegory of the Cave by the Greek Philosopher Plato, the
young guy who had seen the shadows of the Earth’s materials did a way to see the
materials, he found a way to see the light, when the glimpse of the sunlight reached
his eyes, he was enlightened and was able to see the beautiful things of the world now
he knew that the shadows in the cave were beautiful things. Wisdom is like food,
without it we will not live longer. Without it our lives will be useless. Knowledge can
be measured through human experiences, interaction and thinking. In the time when
Adam and Eve were created by God, he gave them the gift of wisdom and the humans
created the knowledge by knowing what is bad and right and knowing the things on
their surroundings. They work hard to gain it. If there is a great gift that God gave to
us, it is wisdom.

Men always seek ways to find knowledge, but wisdom is a gift from God, therefore
he already obtained it since birth. Wisdom and knowledge will always be here in the
world as long as there are people who choose the good path and who use these two in
good doings. We admit to ourselves that without these two needs we cannot live. We
must always remember that learning never end, that knowledge makes us a bright
person, but bearing great wisdom makes us brilliant. Thank you and God bless us all.

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