FOCUS 2 - O-NET Preparation

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O-NET Preparation
แบบฝึกหัดเพื่อเตรียมตัวสอบ O-NET

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O-NET Preparation
แบบฝึกหัดเพื่อเตรียมตัวสอบ O-NET

ออกแบบโดยอิงค�ำศัพท์ ไวยากรณ์ และบทอ่านกิจกรรม Reading ในหนังสือเรียน FOCUS

ฝึกเทคนิคการท�ำข้อสอบแนว O-NET โดยเฉพาะทักษะ Reading Comprehension
ซึ่งเป็นทักษะส�ำคัญในการใช้สอบ O-NET (ฝึกเทคนิคการหา Main Idea, Inference,
Facts & Details, Reference, Vocabulary)
แนวข้อสอบหลากหลายตามแบบ สทศ. (สถาบันทดสอบการศึกษาแห่งชาติ) พร้อมเฉลยเพือ่

1. ใช้เป็นกิจกรรมฝึกทักษะค�ำศัพท์ ไวยากรณ์ และการอ่านเพิม่ เติมนอกเหนือจากกิจกรรม
ในหนังสือเรียน FOCUS
2. ใช้แบบฝึกหัด Reading Comprehension เพื่อประเมินกิจกรรมการอ่านในหนังสือเรียน
3. ใช้เป็นแบบฝึกทดสอบเพือ่ เตรียมความพร้อมผูเ้ รียนก่อนเข้ารับการทดสอบทางการศึกษา
ระดับชาติ รวมถึงการเข้ารับการคัดเลือกเข้าศึกษาต่อในระดับอุดมศึกษา

หมายเหตุ บทอ่านบางบทอ่านอาจจะมีส่วนที่เว้นว่างไว้เพื่อให้นักเรียนท�ำกิจกรรมเติมประโยค
ขยายที่เหมาะสม (gapped text) ในหนังสือเรียน FOCUS อย่างไรก็ดี ส่วนที่เว้นว่าง
Reading Comprehension ในแบบฝึกหัดชุดนี้แต่อย่างใด

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FOCUS 2 Unit 1 4
FOCUS 2 Unit 2 8
FOCUS 2 Unit 3 12
FOCUS 2 Unit 4 16
FOCUS 2 Unit 5 21
FOCUS 2 Unit 6 25
FOCUS 2 Unit 7 29
FOCUS 2 Unit 8 33

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FOCUS 2 Unit 1
Choose the correct response to f ill in the blanks. 

1. He is   . He gets angry very easily. 
1. cheerful 2. dull 3. bad-tempered 4. modest

2. The   grandmother gave the children some food. 
1. positive 2. mean 3. irresponsible 4. generous

3. I’m sick and   . I feel bad and can’t do anything. 
1. adorable 2. miserable  3. brave 4. cheerful 

4. She is   me for failing the exam. 
1. inspired by 2. disappointed with
3. keen on 4. involved in

5. The   people in the park have no place to stay. 
1. hoodie 2. unf it 3. homeless 4. loyal

1.    German? 
1. Do they speak 2. Do they speaks
3. Do they to speak 4. Do they speaking

2.    on Facebook? 
1. Who like posting 2. Who likes posting 
3. Who likes to posting 4. Who liking posting

3.    ?
1. What he doing 2. What is he doing
3. What he do 4. What is he do

4.    lunch?
1. Who had eaten 2. Who has ate
3. Who has eaten 4. Who had ate

5. We   buy a new computer. 
1. cannot affording to 2. can’t afford to
3. can’t afford 4. can’t affords to


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6.    travel this summer?
1. Do they hoping to  2. Do they hope to 
3. Do they hopes to  4. Do we hope for 

7. My mother really   my grandmother. 
1. need to see 2. needs to saw
3. needs to see 4. needing to see 

8.    people.
1. He love helping 2. I loves to helping
3. They love helping 4. They love help

Choose the best choice to f ill in the blanks to show interest or that you are similar. 
1. A:  I hate doing my homework.
1. Me neither.  2. I do. 
3. Me too. 4. I like swimming.

2. A:  I got a new phone.
1. I got an old phone. 2. Really? That’s cool. 
3. I think phones are great. 4. I don’t.

Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read each passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each
question. You will gain one mark for each correct answer.
What Are Teenagers Really Like?
(From: Focus Student Book 2, Unit 1, page 16-17, Reading)


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1. What is the main idea of this passage?
1. All teens are alike.  2. Teens are different.
3. Teens are lazy and bad-tempered.  4. Teens are very friendly. 

2.    get(s) up early in the morning. 
1. Sarah and Janet 2. Mel 3. Andrew 4. Ryan

3.    think(s) not all teenagers are the same.
1. Sarah and Janet 2. Mel 3. Andrew  4. Ryan

4.    want(s) to learn about other cultures. 
1. Sarah and Janet 2. Mel 3. Andrew  4. Ryan

5. Many teens   .
1. need more sleep
2. should spend more time on their phones
3. do a lot of housework
4. are brave

6. Which sentence is true?
1. Some teenagers are grumpy because they sleep too much.
2. Some teenagers are bad-temperd because they go online all the time.
3. Some teenagers want to work in a developing country because they want to help 
4. Some teenagers play musical intruments because they do not want to do their 

7. Which sentence is not true?
1. Janet likes to spend time outside.
2. Andrew is very responsible with his homework.
3. Ryan thinks teenagers are different.
4. Mel wants to work in a developing country because it pays well.

8. What does “them” refer to?

1. teenager children 2. parents
3. computer games 4. phones

9. What does Andrew think about his teenager life?

1. It’s a happy life.
2. He works very hard and needs more time to sleep.
3. He has a lot of free time.
4. He enjoys meeting friends.


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FOCUS 2 Unit 2
Choose the correct response to f ill in the blanks. 

1. In the future   will help us clean our homes. 
1. GPS 2. radar 3. antibiotics 4. robots

2. Please   your email, so we can see what you look like. 
1. click on 2. attach a photo to
3. go online 4. on board

3. I wish more people would   me   twitter. Then I would be more popular.

1. hang ... up 2. follow ... on
3. scroll ... up  4. carry ... out

4.  study how plants and animals interact. 
1. Mathematicians 2. Physicists
3. Geologists 4. Ecologists 

5. The pilot jumped out of the plane with a  , so he didn’t get hurt. 
1. chemist 2. mission control
3. parachute 4. black hole

1. He   TV when I came over to see him. 
1. was watching 2. had watching
3. watching 4. were watching

2. My   and my   a bike this morning. 

1. sisters were walking / mom was riding
2. sisters was walking / mom was riding
3. sisters walking / mom riding
4. sister were walking / mom riding

3. A: What was your dad doing?
B:  the yard.
1. He cleaning 2. He was cleaning
3. He were cleaning 4. He had cleaning


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4.    on YouTube last night?
1. When were you watching 2. What had you watching
3. What was your watching 4. What were you watching

5. I   less conf ident. 
1. use to be 2. was be 3. used to be 4. were be

6. We   , but now we do. 
1. didn’t used to like travelling 2. didn’t use to like travel
3. did not use to like travelling 4. didn’t like to travelling 

7.    her grandparents every summer. 
1. She used to visiting 2. She is used to visit
3. She was use to visiting 4. She used to visit

8.    new digital watch last weekend. 
1. I use to got a 2. I was get a
3. I got a 4. I was getting

Choose the best choice to f ill in the blanks to show you are listening.
1. A:  It was the worst day of my life.
1. Really?  2. That’s great. 3. Yes. 4. Me too.

2. A:  I couldn’t believe he was still there.
1. I like can. 2. I can’t. 
3. Yes, I think so. 4. That’s a great story.

Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read each passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each
question. You will gain one mark for each correct answer.
“Houston, We have a problem”
(From: Focus Student Book 2, Unit 2, page 29, Reading)


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1. What is the main idea of this passage?
1. The voyage of Apollo 13 
2. How astronauts went to the moon in 1970
3. Why Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong are heroes
4. What NASA does

2. Reg Turnill was a/an   .
1. astronaut 2. NASA worker
3. journalist  4. movie star

3. What problems did Apollo 13 have?
1. There was an explosion.
2. There was not much fuel.
3. There was not much oxygen and water.
4. All of the above.

4. Where did Apollo 13 land?
1. On the moon 2. In Huston
3. At NASA  4. Near Tonga

5. Who was on Apollo 13?
1. Buzz Aldrin  2. NASA
3. Three astronauts  4. Reg Turnill

6. Which sentence is true?
1. Apollo 13 was the f irst mission to the moon.
2. The explosion ruined the fuel tanks.
3. Everyone thought the astronuats would come back safely.
4. Apollo 13 left the earth on April 13.

7. Which sentence has the same meaning as “Supplies of oxygen and water are 
running out…”.
1. There were a lot of oxygen and water left.
2. They were gaining oxygen and water.
3. Oxygen and water were hard to f ind.
4. There would be oxygen and water left soon.


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FOCUS 2 Unit 3
Choose the correct response to f ill in the blanks. 

1. There is a new _________________ at the museum about famous artists.
1. landscape 2. portrait 3. street artist 4. exhibition

2. The painter painted a   of my grandmother. 
1. sculpture 2. landscape 3. portrait 4. photo

3. We watched a   about Brazil. It looks very interesting. I’d like to 
go someday. 
1. thriller 2. war f ilm 3. horror  4. travel guide

4. She can’t perform tonight because she forgot her   at home. 
She has nothing to wear. 
1. costume 2. dialogue 3. scene 4. storyline

5. The movie was very   . It reminded me of many other movies 
I have seen. 
1. brilliant 2. unoriginal 3. emotional 4. amusing

1.    street art? 
1. Have you ever see 2. Have you ever seen
3. Have you ever saw 4. Has you ever seen

2. We have   Korean food. 
1. never eat 2. never eaten
3. never ate 4. ever eaten

3. My brother won the contest.   he has become very popular. 
1. Never 2. Since then 3. Yet 4. Already

4. I   yet.
1. haven’t win any awards 2. haven’t won no any awards
3. have won any awards 4. haven’t won any awards


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5. He   than Johnny Depp.
1. more famous 2. is most famous
3. is more famouser 4. is more famous

6. I am   in our class, but I am   enough to play basketball. 

1. tallest / not tall 2. the taller / not tallest
3. the tallest / not taller 4. the tallest / not tall

7. You are   her. 
1. most attractive than 2. more attractive 
3. more attractive than 4. attractiver than

8. This   expensive. 
1. is to 2. is too 3. is no to 4. is enough

Choose the best choice to f ill in the blanks to match the functions for describing photos.
1.    . (Begin a description)
1. He kind of looks like he is … 2. In this photo, there are…
3. In my opinion,… 4. Next to the …. is the …

2.    . (Speculating)
1. He kind of looks like he is… 2. In this photo, there are…
3. In my opinion,… 4. Next to the …. is the …

Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read each passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each
question. You will gain one mark for each correct answer.
F ilm Club Favourites
(From: Focus Student Book 2, Unit 3, page 40-41, Reading)


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1. The main character of this story has leukemia?
1. Sherlock Holmes  2. 127 hours
3. The Proposal  4. My Sister’s Keeper 

2. Colin F irth is in this movie.
1. Sherlock Holmes  2. 127 hours
3. Let Me In 4. The King’s Speech 

3. This is a romantic comedy.
1. Sherlock Holmes  2. 127 hours
3. The Proposal  4. My Sister’s Keeper 

4. This movie might scare you.
1. Sherlock Holmes  2. 127 hours
3. Let Me In 4. The King’s Speech 

5. What does “moving” mean? (line 57)

1. Makes you feel strongly 2. Interesting
3. Unusual 4. Boring

6. Which sentence is not true?
1. There is only one leading character in 127 Hours. 
2. You may cry from watching My Sister’s Keeper.
3. The King’s Speech is based on the story of an Australian king.
4. The leading lady in The Proposal is not an American citizen

7. If you want to see a movie that makes you laugh, what movie will you pick?
1. My Sister’s Keeper 2. The King’s Speech
3. Let me In 4. The Proposal


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FOCUS 2 Unit 4
Choose the correct response to f ill in the blanks. 


1. I love this green   . It has so many plants, solar panels, and it is great 
for the environment. 
1. houseboat 2. bungalow
3. detached house 4. eco-house

2. They live in the   , so they don’t go into town too often. 
1. city centre 2. housing estate
3. suburbs 4. countryside

3. This room is very   . I’m sure I can f it everything in here. 
1. traditional  2. modern 3. spacious 4. busy

4. We got on the ship when it came into the _________________. 
1. harbor 2. rainforest 3. island 4. slums

5. Don’t   . I’ve just cleaned up the kitchen. 
1. make your bed 2. do the gardening
3. make a decision 4. make a mess

1.    my last birthday, I   a lot of shoes. 
1. Since / has bought 2. Since / have bought
3. Since / bought 4. For / have bought

2. My sister has been washing dishes   30 minutes. 
1. for over  2. for more 
3. since over  4. for

3. My uncle   this job   11 years now. 

1. had had / for 2. has had / since 
3. has had / for 4. have / since

4. A:  How long have you worked here?
B:  I have worked here   20 years now. 
1. since about 2. for about
3. for since 4. about


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5. I __________________________ with my mom this afternoon. 
1. were shop 2. am shopping
3. was shopped 4. is shopping

6. It’s hot. I think I   on the air conditioning. 
1. am going to turn 2. going to turn
3. is going to turn 4. am going to turning 

7. A:  What would you like to drink?
B:   a glass of milk, please. 
1. I will has 2. I will having 3. I’ll have 4. I will had 

8. A:  My dad is going to travel alone.
B:  I didn’t know that.   with him. 
1. I go 2. I’ll go  3. I went 4. I to go 

Choose the best choice to f ill in the blanks.
1. A:   
B:  Not really. We went there last week.
1. Why not!  2. Do you fancy going swimming?
3. I don’t really like skiing. 4. That sounds great!

2. A:  What about going swimming?
1. Why not!  2. Do you fancy going swimming?
3. I don’t really like skiing. 4. That sounds great!

Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read each passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each
question. You will gain one mark for each correct answer.
F ive Places To Visit Before You Die
(From: Focus Student Book 2, Unit 4, page 52-53, Reading)


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‘Awesome’ is how people describe the Grand
A Canyon! But words cannot describe it. You have to
see it to believe it. The Grand Canyon in northwest
Arizona, USA, is 446 kilometres long, 29 kilometres
wide and about 1,800 metres deep. Scientists
believe the canyon is 17 million years old. It is not
the deepest or the longest canyon in the world.
However, it is probably the most beautiful. The
rocks change colour depending on the time of day,
from red and orange to grey and ochre brown. The
best view of the Grand Canyon is from a helicopter.
But for a real adventure, you need to take a boat
along the valley of the river Colorado.


B 15
The ‘floating city’ in northeast Italy is famous for
its unique beauty and wonderful architecture. The
city consists of around 117 islands and 409 bridges.
You can walk through the narrow streets for hours
and then sit in a square and admire the impressive
buildings. St Mark’s is the most famous square and
20 the central point of the city. The public transport

system is fantastic. For example, the famous

vaporetto (river bus) only costs about 5 euros.
It takes you all the way down the Grand Canal.
Alternatively, you can pay around 150 euros to do
25 the same trip on a gondola!



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CHRIST THE REDEEMER, RIO DE JANEIRO, It is one of the most amazing natural wonders of the
BRAZIL world. It is located in the Coral Sea and covers 2,600
kilometres along the northeast coast of Australia. It
The statue of Christ the Redeemer is 38 metres high
consists of around 3,000 coral reefs and hundreds of
and dominates the city of Rio de Janeiro. It is one of 40
tropical islands. It is a popular destination for scuba
the best-known sights of this lively city. When visitors
divers. They love the clear and shallow sea water and
go to the top of the Corcovado mountain to visit the
all the different types of fish. The golden sands of the
30 statue, they get a breathtaking view of the city. From
tropical beaches attract about 1 million tourists each
there you can see other famous sights: the Sugar Loaf
mountain, the Atlantic Ocean, the harbour and the
long sandy beaches. As you drive up the narrow road
to the top of the mountain, you pass favelas (slums),
35 rich neighbourhoods and green rainforest.


45 The lost city of Petra is located in the rose-coloured mountains of
southwestern Jordan. This ancient city was once a busy trading centre and
the capital of the Nabataean empire. It had a population of around 20,000.
They made spectacular monuments from the pink limestone rock. The city
was ‘lost’ for centuries. Nobody knows exactly when or why people left the
50 city. Luckily, European travellers ‘found’ it again in the nineteenth century.

Today you can visit the spectacular ruins on foot, on horseback or by camel.


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1. What is the main idea of this passage?
1. You should visit some interesting places.
2. Travel is great.
3. Don’t travel to America. 
4. You should see natural wonders.

2. Which place is the longest?
1. The Grand Canyon 2. The Great Barrier Reef
3. Petra 4. Venice

3. Which place is an ancient city?
1. Christ the Redeemer  2. The Great Barrier Reef
3. Petra 4. Venice
4.    is in Europe.
1. Christ the Redeemer  2. The Great Barrier Reef
3. Petra 4. Venice

5. What does the word “spectacular” mean? 
1. expensive 2. interesting
3. modern 4. natural beauty

6. Which part of the world was not mentioned in this story?
1. Europe 2. Southeast Asia
3. South America 4. North America

7. If you want to study about lost culture, you want to go to this place.
1. Venice 2. The Grand Canyon
3. The Great Barrier Reef 4. Petra

8. Which is true about The Grand Canyon?
1. The time of the day effects the color of the rock.
2. It is the longest canyon in the world.
3. The only way to see the canyon is by helicopter.
4. It is in Europe.


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FOCUS 2 Unit 5
Choose the correct response to f ill in the blanks. 

1. We took a   to the museum this week. 
1. revision 2. timetable 3. f ield trip 4. mark

2. We have to wear a   to school. I hate it. 
1. swipe card 2. diploma
3. gap year 4. school uniform

3. Will you take the   this year?
1. entrance exam 2. tuition fee
3. drop a subject 4. academy

4. The doctor said take some medicine and you should soon   . 
1. chill out 2. get better
3. get to the station 4. get nervous

5. He made a large   to our school so we can now buy some computers. 
1. donation 2. literature 3. subject 4. canteen

1. If you   , you   the exam.
1. don’t studying / will not pass 2. don’t study / won’t pass
3. don’t study / will not passes 4. do not studying / won’t pass

2. Our mom   mind if we   the dishes right now. 

1. do not / don’t do 2. doesn’t / don’t do
3. don’t / don’t doing 4. doesn’t / do not

3.    your art classes, you   more time to study science. 
1. If you drop / will has 2. If you drop / will has
3. If you drop / will have 4. If you dropping / have

4.    to Singapore if   money.
1. I travel / I have enough 2. I will go / I have
3. I will travel / I enough 4. I will traveling / I have no


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5.    some voluntary work   the time. 
1. I do / if I have 2. I did / if I have
3. I will do / if I have 4. I’ll do / if I has

6. That is the artist   painted the walls of our school.
1. which 2. who
3. both of the above 4. none of the above 

7. Is this the pizza   you made for us?
1. who 2. what 
3. that 4. all of the above 

8. That is the boy   perfect English. 
1. who speaks 2. who speaking
3. who speak 4. that speak 

Choose the best choice to f ill in the blanks to complete the function.
1. A:   (Give an opinion)
B:  I totally agree!
1. I really believe we should buy some. 2. I’m not sure. 
3. I couldn’t agree more. 4. I can see what you mean.

2. A:  If you ask me, I think we shouldn’t go there anymore. 
B:   (To agree and disagree)
1. I like it. 2. Not me. 
3. Oh come on! 4. I couldn’t agree more. 

Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read each passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each
question. You will gain one mark for each correct answer.
The Man Who Moves Mountains
(From: Focus Student Book 2, Unit 5, page 64, Reading)


O-NET_Focus 2_E5.indd 22 9/24/2562 BE 15:50

The man who moves
Afghan girls at the secondary
school in Afghanistan

by Louis Stevenson
Greg Mortenson hates to be called a He could see that the children were thirsty
hero, but in the mountains of Pakistan and for knowledge and were doing their best to
Afghanistan, that is what people call him. learn, even in such difficult conditions. So
He has helped them to build more than sixty 35 he promised to return and build a school for

5 schools and this has changed the lives of them.

many young people, especially the girls. But Back in America he started a programme
what first brought a white American man to called Pennies for Pakistan. School children
this remote part of the world where tourists asked their friends and families to donate
rarely go? 40 pennies and the pennies became dollars.

Greg Mortenson was born in the United After three years of fundraising, he went back
States, but grew up in Africa, where his to Korphe.
parents were teachers. His hobby was The villagers were amazed when he kept
mountain climbing. He climbed his first his promise and built Korphe School for
mountain, Mount Kilimanjaro, when he 45
Girls. It was a simple building with eight
was only eleven. Many years later, when his classrooms and a small playground. Most
younger sister died suddenly, he decided of the girls who attend the school will be
to climb Pakistan’s K2 in her memory. K2 is the first literate women in their families.
the second highest mountain in the world. Their mothers never had the opportunity to
He didn’t reach the summit of K2 and after 50
learn to read and write. He explains that it is
seventy-eight days at high altitude, he was important to provide an education for girls. In
exhausted. On his way back he got lost the developing world, girls often get married
and eventually, unable to walk properly, he at the age of twelve and have children by
stumbled into the tiny village of Korphe. fifteen. But if a girl stays in school, it makes
The villagers looked after him and nursed him 55 a big difference to her life – she’ll marry
25 back to health. He soon realised how poor later, have fewer and healthier children; she
these people were. When he asked to see the can earn an income and invest in her family.
village school, they took him to the village Greg Mortenson likes to quote an African
square. But there was no school – instead, the proverb: ‘If you educate a boy, you educate
children were sitting on the ground outside, 60 an individual. But if you educate a girl, you

30 without a teacher, writing in the sand with educate a community.’



O-NET_Focus 2_E5.indd 23 9/24/2562 BE 15:50

1. What is the main idea of this passage?
1. It’s the story of Greg Mortenson.  2. It is about women in Pakistan.
3. It is about K2. 4. It is about the Korphe School for Girls.

2. Greg Mortenson   .
1. is a teacher 2. lived in Africa
3. lives in a village square  4. climbed K2

3. Greg helps   in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
1. teachers 2. his sister
3. girl 4. mountain climbers

4. The word “literate” means to be able to   .
1. climb mountains 2. read and write
3. teach  4. get married

5. Some girls in Pakistan get married   .
1. when they are too old 2. when they are 12
3. when they are 15 4. in a village square

6. What  is not true about Greg Mortenson?
1. He traveled to the place where few people went.
2. He was not successful with climbing K2.
3. He raised money to help building a school in America.
4. He kept his promise to the villagers.

7. Which sentence is not true?
1. Greg grew up in Africa because his parents were teachers there.
2. He climbed K2 because his sister died.
3. They did not have a school in Korpes because they were very poor.
4. He believed that girls get married young because they wanted to have children.

8. If girls go to school,   .
1. they will get married when they are young
2. they will be able to work and earn money
3. they will have strong children
4. they will leave their village


O-NET_Focus 2_E5.indd 24 9/24/2562 BE 15:50

FOCUS 2 Unit 6
Choose the correct response to f ill in the blanks. 

1. The   made a beautiful table out of wood for my mother. 
1. actor 2. carpenter 3. DJ 4. hairdresser

2. I love to write newspaper articles. I think I want to be a   . 
1. interpreter 2. journalist
3. receptionist 4. plumber

3. I don’t have any money. I guess I need to   . 
1. be on my feet all day 2. take time off
3. earn low wages 4. look for a job

4. My grandmother is going to   this year. She is getting too old to work.
1. sum up 2. have a shave
3. retire 4. enclose

5. She worked very hard this month. So, she got a   . 
1. bonus 2. holiday job
3. manual job 4. conference call


1. If I   , I   engineering. Engineers make good money. 

1. is poor / would study 2. poor / would study
3. were poor / would study 4. were poor / study

2. If my brother left home at 07:00, he   for school every day. 
1. would late 2. be late
3. wouldn’t be late 4. was late

3. If you   speak English well, you   get this job. 

1. can / can 2 could / would
3. can / could 4. would / could

4. I   to the party if   . 
1. wouldn’t go / I were you. 2. would going / I was you
3. wouldn’t go / I am you 4. wouldn’t go / I was you


O-NET_Focus 2_E5.indd 25 9/24/2562 BE 15:50

5. It’s not a formal meeting, so you   a dress. 
1. didn’t need to wear 2. don’t need to wears
3. don’t need to wear 4. don’t need to wearing

6. You   anywhere on the college grounds. 
1. must to smoke 2. mustn’t smoke
3. mustn’t to smoke 4. mustn’t smoking 

7. I   to school on time or I can’t take the test. 
1. need get 2. need to get
3. need to getting  4. am need to get 

8. You   until you f inish your homework. 
1. couldn’t leave 2. can leave
3. cannot leaving 4. can’t leave

Choose the best choice to f ill in the blanks.
1. A:   
B:  Thanks, that’s really helpful!
1. It’s a good idea to f inish it now.
2. I’m not sure that’s a good idea. 
3. That’s great advice.
4. What do you think I should do?

2. A:   
B:  You should stop doing it for now and return to it later when you are not tired. 
1. It’s a good idea to f inish it now.
2. I’m not sure that’s a good idea. 
3. That’s great advice.
4. What do you think I should do?

Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read each passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each
question. You will gain one mark for each correct answer.
Moneyless man
(From: Focus Student Book 2, Unit 6, page 77, Reading)


O-NET_Focus 2_E5.indd 26 9/24/2562 BE 15:50






“ “


O-NET_Focus 2_E5.indd 27 9/24/2562 BE 15:50

1. What is the main idea of this passage?
1. It is about the Freeconomy Community.
2. It is about the Freeconomy philosophy.
3. It is about how Boyle lived without money for a year. 
4. It is about how Boyle made a lot of money by writing a blog. 

2. The Freeconomy Community   .
1. is only in Ireland 2. comes from the movie Gandhi
3. is in many countries 4. writes books

3. Boyle   . 
1. grew his own food 2. travelled to Ireland
3. watched a lot of TV 4. makes his own chairs and tables

4. Boyle used   . 
1. an art exhibit 2. a solar-powered computer
3. clean drinking 4. food bins

5. What did he do with fennel seeds?
1. He took them to the library.
2. He took them to music events.
3. He used them to buy electricity.
4. He cleaned his teeth with them.

6. Which sentence is not true?
1. He got his inspiration from Gandi.
2. He was in good shape because he cycled a lot.
3. He got electricity from a solar panel.
4. He has proven that living without money is possible.

7. What  is not true about his philosophy?
1. People throw away a lot of food.
2. People like to change their furniture.
3. There is a lot of waste in the water.
4. People consume less than forty percent of their food.

8. “Be the change you want to see in the world” means   . 
1. If you want to see the world, you should change the way you look at it.
2. If you want to change something, you should start by doing it yourselves.
3. If you want to change something, you should travel the world.
4. If you want to see the world, you should travel the world.


O-NET_Focus 2_E5.indd 28 9/24/2562 BE 15:50

FOCUS 2 Unit 7
Choose the correct response to f ill in the blanks. 

1. My f ingernails look horrible. I need to get a   . 
1. wedding chapel 2. jar of jam
3. manicure 4. bottle of perfume

2. My tooth hurts. I’m going to see a   later today. 
1. greengrocer 2. dentist
3. butcher 4. newsagent

3. Go try these on in the   . 
1. toy shop 2. changing room
3. wedding chapel  4. pet shop

4. I don’t have any money, so I’m just going to go   . 
1. window shopping 2. get a refund
3. pay attention to 4. attract attention

5. My brother   by helping older people. 
1. exchange something 2. pick up a bargain
3. makes a living 4. shops online

1.    in southern Thailand. 
1. Coffee is not grow 2. Coffee not grown
3. Coffee is not grown 4. Coffee is not growed

2. I   a new car for my birthday. 
1. were given 2. was given
3. was give 4. is gave

3. These iPhones   in China. 
1. was make 2. were make
3. were making  4. were made

4. Letters   by post any longer. 
1. cannot be sent 2. can’t be sending
3. cannot be send 4. can be sent


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5. How   money do we need? 
1. much less 2. much more
3. more 4. many

6.    my friends no longer come here. 
1. Much  2. A lot 
3. No many 4. A lot of

7. Have you got   coins?
1. any much 2. any more
3. any is 4. any much more 

8. I’ve got   milk left.
1. very little 2. no much
3. some little 4. no many 

Choose the best choice to f ill in the blanks.
1. A:   
B:  Yes, I’m looking for a coffee pot.
1. Do you have your receipt?  2. What’s wrong with it?
3. Do you have this in size 14? 4. Can I help you?

2. A:  I’d like to return this. It’s broken.
1. Do you have your receipt?  2. What’s wrong with it?
3. Do you have this in size 14? 4. Can I help you?

Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read each passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each
question. You will gain one mark for each correct answer.
Colours And The Consumer
(From: Focus Student Book 2, Unit 7, page 88-89, Reading)


O-NET_Focus 2_E5.indd 30 9/24/2562 BE 15:50


O-NET_Focus 2_E5.indd 31 9/24/2562 BE 15:50

1. Which colour do children like?
1. Yellow  2. Pink  3. Orange  4. Purple

2.    is romantic and sweet.
1. Yellow  2. Pink  3. Orange  4. Purple

3.    is used by banks.
1. Yellow  2. Blue 3. Red 4. Purple

4. Westerners think green is   .
1. a passionate colour 2. a lucky colour
3. a warning sign  4. used in Glasgow

5. What does the phrase “impulse buyers” mean?
1. someone who buys things
2. someone who likes cheap things
3. someone who buys without thinking
4. someone who doesn’t like to buy things

6. Which sentence is not true?
1. Orange is associated with lower prices.
2. If you are feeling depressed, yellow will cheer you up.
3. Expensive products usually use purple in their packaging.
4. A “Sale” sign in pink will make your customers buy quickly. 

7. Green often associates with   .
1. passion 2. ecology 3. trust 4. youth

8. What does “they” refer to?
1. shops 2. colours 3. customers 4. emotions

9. What does “them” refer to?
1. shops 2. colours 3. customers 4. emotions


O-NET_Focus 2_E5.indd 32 9/24/2562 BE 15:50

FOCUS 2 Unit 8
Choose the correct response to f ill in the blanks. 

1. I have to   because I won the contest. But I’m scared of speaking. 
1. discriminate 2. break into
3. run a campaign 4. make a speech

2. How much is the   in this country?
1. tax 2. burglary 3. vote 4. gang

3. Teens need to be careful of   because they often don’t use the 
internet safely. 
1. police off icers 2. cyberbullying
3. vandalism 4. unemployment

4. My cousin got in trouble for   . I don’t know why she took those 
1. hacking 2. community service
3. arson 4. shoplifting

5. The old man was   . The police arrested the wrong person. 
1. innocent 2. guilty
3. convincing 4. boring


1. When the police   the thieves, they   many homes.

1. catch / had already burglarized
2. caught / have already burglarized
3. caught / had already burglarized
4. caught / have already had burglarized 

2. Our mom   to sleep before I   last night. 

1. has gone / came home 2. had gone / came home
3. went / come home 4. went / had come home

3. He   TV, so he   what would happen. 

1. hadn’t watched / didn’t know 2. had not watch / didn’t know
3. hadn’t watched / didn’t known 4. hasn’t watched / did not know


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4.    with the watch before you sold it?
1. What has you done 2. What had you done
3. What have you done 4. What had you did

5. He said, “The police   for the thieves.”
1. are look 2. are looking
3. were look 4. are looked

6. She said   very successful. 
1. the fundraiser were 2. the fundraiser
3. the fundraiser was 4. the fundraiser be

7. Last night, he told us   his homework yet. 
1. that he hadn’t f inished 2. that he hasn’t f inished
3. that he hadn’t f inish 4. that he is not f inished

8. Peter said   with us next time. 
1. which he could go 2. that he could go
3. that he could went 4. that he can go

Choose the best choice to f ill in the blanks.
1. A:   
B:  Yes, that makes sense.
1. I really like this one. 
2. I prefer the one with the little yellow spots. 
3. I think it’s important to remember that we have to save money.
4. I don’t f ind it very interesting. 

2. A:  What do you think of this one?
1. I really like those. 
2. I prefer the one with the little yellow spots.
3. I think the main advantage is the price.
4. I prefer it.

Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read each passage carefully and choose the correct answer to each
question. You will gain one mark for each correct answer.
The American Civil Rights Movement
(From: Focus Student Book 2, Unit 8, page 101, Reading)


O-NET_Focus 2_E5.indd 34 9/24/2562 BE 15:50


O-NET_Focus 2_E5.indd 35 9/24/2562 BE 15:50

1. What is the main idea of this passage?
1. It is about Martin Luther King Jr. 
2. It is about how African-American got their equal rights.
3. It is about how Abraham Lincoln helped African-Americans. 
4. It is about riding busses in America.

2.    went to prison.
1. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  2. Abraham Lincoln
3. Linda Brown  4. Rosa Parks

3.    declared the end to slavery. 
1. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  2. Abraham Lincoln
3. Linda Brown  4. Rosa Parks

4.    travelled 6 million miles. 
1. The Civil Rights Movement 2. The Noble Peace Prize
3. The leader of the Civil Rights Movement  4. Lincoln Memorial

5. What does the word “tragically” mean?
1. Something happy 2. Something bad that happened
3. An important event 4. Someone who is famous

6. Which sentence is true?
1. In the 1950s black and white people could go to the same school.
2. Linda Brown fought for her rights.
3. The black community was inpired by Abraham Lincoln.
4. Martin Luther King was the leader of the Civil Rights Movement

7. Why did Martin Luther King become the leader of the movement?
1. Because he wanted to receive the Nobel Prize.
2. Because he wanted to f ight for justice.
3. Because he wanted to travel to different states.
4. Because he wanted to end slavery.


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