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Azi is writing his essay on his mobile device at the library.

While his writing his documents, Crow

at home is also editing the same document. They are exhibiting: Technology Literacy

Blogs are high reliability but slow delivery media False

Angel saw a misleading tweet on Twitter from Rapler; she immediately checked out Inquirer's
account to compare. Angel shows, Information Literacy

Key characteristics of new media include interactivity, social presence, media richness,
autonomy, playfulness, privacy, and personalization True

Professionals often trace back to the sources to expand their understanding, and to use those
sources in their research is one reason why sources should be cited True

Is this Traditional or New Media? - Online Forums New

Wikipedia falls under the category of what new media? Collective Participatory Media

When you takes a passage from something you have read, but the content is re-written using
your own words, it is called ____ Paraphrasing

The ability to recognize when information is needed and locate, evaluate, and effectively
communicate information in its various formats. Information Literacy

The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of forms Media Literacy

It is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate, and compute using
printed and written materials associated with varying contexts Literacy

The original text of Romeo and Juliet is a ______ type of Information primary

Also known as press, this type of media refers to materials that are written and distributed Print

Briefly explain what is Indigenous knowledge (5pts)

Talking to a friend on the telephone falls under the category of what new media? Interpersonal

A diary is a _____ type of information Primary

In new media, audiences are involved bla bal true

Pinterest, a book-marking website, falls under the category of what new media? Collective
Participatory Media

Information Literacy enables people to interpret and make informed judgments as users of
information sources, False

How do you evaluate the authority of a page? (3pts)

Is this Traditional or New Media? – Radio Traditional

Is this Traditional or New Media? - Video Conferencing New

GPS, digital railway system, smart fridge, and Apple watch belongs to the _______ Information

This is the ability to use digital technology, communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate,
use, and create Information. Technology literacy

The television was the first electronic mass medium. False

Cave Paintings, Papyrus, and woodblock printing were widely used during the ____ pre-

Wikipedia is a legitimate source false

This generally is considered household media since it can be found in practically any corner of a
home. Broadcast media

This era is the time where humans' start to heavily rely in the use of computers to run major
industries and information was utilized based in personalized needs and motivations. Electronic

It’s broad term can cover data, knowledge derived from study, experience, or instruction, signals,
or symbols. Information

Social Media is good at grouping information true

IK stands for Indigenous Knowledge

Generally, objective Information can be found in scientific papers whatever

This publication type contains / uses language easily understood by a general audience.
Popular sources

What makes an individual literate in media and Information? essay

Almanacs, bibliographies, and directories are some of the examples of what type of Information?

Video reactions on Youtube is a _______ type of information secondary

Philippine Daily Inquirer, Time Magazine, and Candy Magazine are what media types? PRINT

Is this Traditional or New Media? – Newspaper traditional

Book carries a few environmental issues. True

Which of the following is NOT an example of new media films

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