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VII Simposio Internacional sobre

Optimal Flood Control of a Hydroelectric
Reservoir: a Genetic Algorithm Approach
V. H. Bedoya Restrepo and J. M. López-Lezama, Member, IEEE

The consequences for Colombia caused by “La Niña”

Abstract--Raining season in Colombia has caused negative phenomenon during years 2010 and 2011 were devastating to
effects on inhabitants, infrastructure and economy. Additionally, the population and the economy. The World Bank estimated
hard to predict weather phenomena such as “La Niña” have the economic losses in 8.6 billion of Colombian pesos and 2.2
worsened the consequences of raining season. The Colombian million of people affected[3]. Phenomena of this magnitude
electrical infrastructure has several hydropower reservoirs, require actions to mitigate the impact on the population and the
which optimum management of resources such as minimization economy.
of water spilling and prevention of flooding downstream would
decrease the negative impact of raining season on inhabitants. This paper presents a didactic exercise that illustrates flood
The aim of this paper is to describe a didactic exercise in which control with a hydroelectric reservoir. The objective of the
flood control of a hydroelectric reservoir is performed by a paper is to perform the management of the hydraulic resources
genetic algorithm with local search. The proposed modeling was and to evaluate the economic impact of a hydropower plant due
applied to a Colombian hydropower plant during “La Niña” to flood control over dense populated areas. A genetic
phenomenon. The results show the management of the hydraulic algorithm combined with a local search was implemented in
resources and the economic impact for a hydropower plant due order to perform such control.
to flood control.
Index Terms—Genetic algorithms, local search, flood control,
reservoir. A Basic model of a hydropower plant is composed by a
reservoir, an inflow and an outflow. A reservoir system can be
I. INTRODUCTION used for many activities such as hydropower generation, water
supply, irrigation, upstream and downstream flood control,
W EATHER phenomena in Colombia such as “El Niño”
and “La Niña”, characterized by raining lack and raining
excess respectively, have caused negative effects on
ecological issues and navigation control [4][5][6]. Figure 1
shows a basic model of a hydropower plant.
inhabitants, infrastructure and economy.
Colombia supplies its electric load with hydraulic, thermal
and wind power plants. The installed power capacity in 2013 is
about 13.690 MW and it is composed by 68% hydraulic, 31%
thermal and 1% other technologies power plants. The hydraulic
power plants are composed by 21 reservoirs for power plants
witch capacity is greater than 20 MW with a total capacity
volume of 11.200 Mm3.[1]
In Colombia there is a regulated electricity market with a Figure 1. Basic model of a hydropower plant
dispatch granted by economic merit. Electricity market
promotes competition among all power plants[2]. During dry
season the market must increase the thermal generation to meet Figure 1 depicts a reservoir system, with an inflow Q1, a
the expected load, but during rainy season the market increases reservoir, two outflows that represent water spill (Qspilled) and
the hydropower generation to avoid overflowing reservoirs due water flow for hydropower generation (Q2), respectively, an
to raining excess. external water flow (Q3), two imbalance flows (Evaporation
and Filtration) and a flooding zone. In this case flood control
is only necessary downstream and the reservoir is the main
element for such control. The mass balance for a day of the
The authors would like to thank the Sustainability Program 2013-2014 of reservoir system is shown in equation (1):
the University of Antioquia for financial support.

+  −   −  
Victor Hugo Bedoya is with XM -Compañía de Expertos en Mercados-
Programming operation department. (e-mail:
Jesús María Lopez Lezama is with GIMEL (Research Group on Efficient
Energy Management) Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Where:
Engineering, University of Antioquia, Street 79 No 52-21 Medellín,
Colombia. (e-mail:
V = Reservoir Volume at the end of the day.

Noviembre 2 7, 28 y 29
Medellín Colombia

Vi = Initial Volume at the beginning of the day.

VII Simposio Internacional sobre

Initial Population: Generate
VQ1= Volume of Q1 for a day.
random dispatches
VQ2= Volume of Q2 for a day.
VEvap+filt= Volume of evaporation and filtration for a day.
VQspilled= Volume of Qspilled for a day.
Selection of parents through
In equation (1) only volumes VQ2 and VQspilled can be
controlled by the reservoir. VQ3 is an external flow that does
not depend on the volume management of the dam. VEvap+filt is Recombination and
obtained with the average evaporation in the study zone and Offspring Mutation
the average filtration in the reservoir for a day. Both values Iterations
depend on the superficial area and the volume in the reservoir,
Selection of the best
The system shown in Figure 1 must account for the constraints
represented in equations (2)-(5): Local Search
 ≤   ≤    (2) Local

 ≤  ≤  (3)
New Solution
!!"! =  + # + 
!! "! ≤ $_ !!_"! (5)
Best Solutions

Equation (2) stands for the minimum and maximum limits of

water flow due to hydropower generation; equation (3) Figure 2.Genetic Algorithm Structure
represents the limits of the reservoir’s net volume; equation
The Genetic Algorithm uses as objective function the
(4) stands for the balance of water inflow in the flood zone
monetary profit maximization of the hydropower plant. The
and equation (5) allows performing flood control by limiting
the water inflow in the flood zone. In this case QMax_Flood_zone is algorithm was implemented for modeling a deterministic case.
the maximum flow level that can pass through the populated
area without causing inundation. IV. STUDY CASE

III. GENETIC ALGORITHM STRUCTURE A Colombian hydropower plant was taken to evaluate the
A Genetic Algorithm (GA) is a metaheuristic technique performance of the GA illustrated in Figure 2. The principal
inspired in the natural process of evolution. The GA is started characteristics of the plant are shown in Table 1.
with a set of randomly generated solutions. This set of
solutions is also called population. Every individual of the TABLE I
Principal characteristics of the hydropower plant [1]
population is represented by a string of binary numbers
(known as chromosome). Solutions from one population are Description Value
taken and used to form a new population. For this, the Maximum Reservoir Volume [Mm3] 1863,54
individuals must go through a set of steps known as selection, Minimum Reservoir Volume [Mm3] 358,97
recombination and mutation. Maximum Volume by Power Generation
for a day [Mm3]
In the selection process the fittest individuals are chosen to Minimum Volume by Power Generation
generate new individuals. Such selection is performed by for a day [Mm3]
tournament. Then, new individuals are created by a process Maximum Reservoir Height [m.o.s.l] 130,5
called recombination. In this step two strings are combined in Maximum Volume of discharge by
a randomly selected point to generate two new individuals controlled spilling for a day [Mm3]
(offspring). Once the offspring is generated the new solutions Total Reservoir Area [Km2] 77
must go through the mutation step. In this step a small change
in the string (changing one to zero or vice versa) is performed Figure 3 shows the real situation in the year 2010 during
with a given probability. In addition to the common GA the phenomenon of “La Niña” in Colombia, when the
operators a local search was implemented. The local search is hydropower plant lost its ability to perform water control
performed in every iteration in order to find better solutions using its spiller and the capacity for performing flood
and escape from locally optimal solutions. The main objective control[7].
is to find the optimal dispatch for every day in Mm3 avoiding
spill flow and downstream flooding through penalties in the
objective function. The algorithm structure is shown in Figure

Noviembre 2 7, 28 y 29
Medellín Colombia

The objective function is shown in equation (7)

VII Simposio Internacional sobre

Real Case in Reservoir [Mm3]

∗ *,
∗ -_./0ℎ234
− -_/5
∗ 647_/5
&' ( )−-_08294 ∗ 547_08294 − - ;

!! ∗ 547_:--

150 (7)
100 Where:
Ci= Cost of the Energy [COP/GWhD]
CFi= Factor of conversion [GWhD/Mm3]
1-nov-10 8-nov-10 15-nov-10 22-nov-10 29-nov-10 6-dic-10 13-dic-10 20-dic-10 27-dic-10

Vol_Discharge Vol_Spill Vol_Input Vol_Available

Pen_spill= Penalty for spill water [COP/Mm3]
Vol_Max_Discharge Vol_gui_max vol_gui_min Pen_curve= Penalty for each Mm3 outrange of the rule
Figure 3. Real Case year 2010
curves [COP/Mm3]
Pen_flood= Penalty for flood in the flood zone control
Figure 3 shows the available reservoir’s volume for two [COP/Mm3]
months. Vol_gui_min and Vol_gui_max are the minimum and COP= Colombian Pesos.
maximum rule curves for reservoir operation respectively. In
figure 3 Vol_gui_max is located below Vol_gui_min because Figure 4 shows the results obtained using the proposed
both values were obtained for the available reservoir’s model. The available volume is located out of the rule curves
volume. The rule curves are an indicative signal to the range due to the fact that the reservoir is preparing its capacity
reservoir operation in real time. The Vol_Input curve is the to avoid spilling. It is worth to mention that the rule curves are
real input of water flow obtained for a day. Vol_Discharge only a guide for the reservoir operation, they are not
curve is the real water flow discharged by power generation obligatory to be followed by the hydropower plant. That
for a day. Vol_Spill is the real water flow discharge by spilling means, that the rule curves do not represent a real physical
for a day. constrain for the reservoir system, rather, the rule curves are
just a guide.
The rule curves have multiple purposes for the reservoir
operation constrained by the environmental license[8]. The Simulate Case in Reservoir [Mm3]
minimum rule curve has several environment objectives to 500

achieve such as: maintaining the historical river level to avoid 450
severe changes in the ecosystem, supply the aqueducts and 350

maintaining the river navigability. The maximum rule curve is 300

the one that is responsible for downstream flood control. 200
Figure 3 shows that the upper and lower rule curves are very 150

close, which results in a small operation margin for the 100

reservoir. 0
1-nov-10 8-nov-10 15-nov-10 22-nov-10 29-nov-10 6-dic-10 13-dic-10 20-dic-10 27-dic-10

During the months of November and December, the Vol_Discharge Vol_Spill Vol_Input Vol_Available

reservoir was operating in the vicinity of the range between Vol_Max_Discharge Vol_gui_max vol_gui_min

both rule curves, but the operation strategy was not enough to Figure 4. Simulated Case avoiding spill flow
dam the inflow. The importance to maintain the control of the
inflow is to avoid uncontrollable downstream over flows that The phenomenon of “La Niña” in Colombia produces
can affect populated areas. raining excess in much of the country[9][10], for that reason,
the reservoir systems must be prepared in advance for severe
The model performed by the algorithm proposes an external changes in the pattern of the input water flow. Figure 4 shows
variable to complement the reservoir system for flood control. that the available volume is not located into the range between
That variable must contain the information about the external the rule curves.
input water flow to the flood zone as shown in Figure 1 (Q3).
The model contains the same variables, parameters and rule During the phenomenon of “La Niña”, flood control must
curves as the real case, additional is included VQ3 curve. be a priority for the reservoir system. In the case study, the
volume VQ3 is not controlled by the reservoir, but the volumes
The Genetic Algorithm uses as objective function the VQ2 and VQspill are the complement for the QFlood Zone as
monetary profit maximization of the hydropower plant. The shownin equation (8).
algorithm penalizes the objective function when there are the
following deviations:  !! "! =   +  
 +  # (8)

• Reservoir operation out of the rule curves range. Figure 5 shows the situation when the reservoir is
• Spilling of water. controlling VQ2and VQspill for avoiding flood in the study
• Flood in flood zone control (populated area to be zone.

Noviembre 2 7, 28 y 29
Medellín Colombia

This study shows that food control during the phenomenon

VII Simposio Internacional sobre

Flood Control Case in Flood Zone [Mm3]
of “La Niña” is feasible, and could be implemented in the near
future. Several benefits could be achieved by flood control, the
main of which is the protection of the downstream population.
The flood control produces a variation around the range
between the rule curves, for that reason the profit obtained by
the power plant is not uniform. However, in the long term the
averages are similar, but certainly it could not be said if the
1-nov-10 8-nov-10 15-nov-10 22-nov-10 29-nov-10 6-dic-10 13-dic-10 20-dic-10 27-dic-10
profit for both cases (with and without flood control) would be
Vol_Available Vol_gui_max vol_gui_min
the same.
Vol_Flood_Max Vol_Flood Vol Discharge

Figure 5.Flood control in the flood control zone This work is the initial effort of an ambitious project that
aims to develop hydro-meteorological models able to predict
Vol_Flood_Max is the maximum volume allowed in the and give operational tools to face the phenomenon of “La
zone of flood control for a day, and Vol_Flood is the flow in Niña” in Colombia. Such models would be used in order to
such zone. Figure 5 shows that the reservoir discharge mitigate negative effects in infrastructure and inhabitants
depends on the flow by the flood zone. without causing a major impact on the economic performance
of the Colombian energy market.
The model associates a cost to the reservoir operation for
the monetary profit maximization. Figure 6 shows the
percentage of benefit received by the hydropower plant with VI. REFERENCES
and without external variables to flood control.
[1] PARATEC, “Embalses del SIN Embalses del SIN,” vol. Embalses
d, 2013.
Flood Control costs [%] [2] C. de Colombia, “Ley 143 de 1994,” vol. 1994, no. 41, 1994.
150 [3] F. R. C. y E. D. Ana Campos G., Niels Holm-Nielsen, Carolina
100 Díaz G., Diana M. Rubiano V., Carlos R. Costa P., “Análisis de la
gestión del riesgo de desastres en Colombia,” 70103, vol. V2, 2012.
[4] R. Beilfuss, “Modelling trade-offs between hydropower generation
0 and environmental flow scenarios: A case study of the Lower
-50 Zambezi River Basin, Mozambique,” International Journal of River
Basin Management 8 (3-4)., vol. 03, pp. 331-347, 2010.
[5] C. Fortier, A. L. I. A. Assani, and M. Mesfioui, “Comparision of the
-150 interannual and interdecadal variability of heavy flood
1-nov 8-nov 15-nov 22-nov 29-nov 6-dic 13-dic 20-dic 27-dic characteristics upstream and downstream from dams in inversed
Simulated Case Real Case Average Simulated Case Average Real Case
hydrologic regime: Case study of Matawin River,” River Research
and Applications, vol. 1289, no. June 2010, pp. 1277-1289, 2011.
Figure 6. Flood control costs. [6] J. W and Labadie, “Reservoir system optimizations models.pdf,”
In the real case the cost was impacted by the spilling as a datos de NEON (Servicio de Información sobre el Mercado de
lost opportunity to generate electric power. The flood control Energía Mayorista Colombiano). En Internet:
produces a variation around the range between the rule curves,” .
for that reason, the profit is not uniform. However, in the long [8] M. del M. Ambiente, “Resolución 838 de 1999,” 1999.
[9] G. Philander, “El Niño and La Niña,” Journal of the Atmospheric
term the averages are similar, but certainly it could not be said Sciences, vol. 5, pp. 451-459, 1985.
if the profit for both cases would be the same. It poses a new [10] D. IGAC, IDEAM, “Reporte de áreas afectadas por inundaciones
challenge regarding which economic approach model to 2010 – 2011,” 2011.
follow in case the profit of the power plant is lower due to
flood control. In order to turn the flood control as an
economically feasible option, the economic benefit value VII. BIOGRAPHIES
generated by the plant when it is controlling floods should be
estimated as the economic value of the avoided losses and Victor Hugo Bedoya Restrepo studied electrical engineering at Colombia’s
damages. National University; currently he is pursuing a Master Degree in the
University of Antioquia. He works with XM -Compañía de Expertos en
Mercados- Programming Operation Department in Medellin, Colombia.
Jesús María Lopéz Lezama studied electrical engineering at Colombia’s
The phenomenon of “La Niña” in Colombia produces National University, where he also obtained a Master Degree. He obtained a
Ph.D degree from the UNESP in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Currently he works at the
raining excess in much of the country, for that reason, the Department of Electrical Engineering in the University of Antioquia in
reservoir systems must be prepared to perform changes in the Medellin, Colombia.
pattern of the input water flow.

Noviembre 2 7, 28 y 29
Medellín Colombia

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