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On-Farm Rice Drying Energy Use

Lalit R. Verma, Lyle Jacobsen


ABSTRACT A study was conducted with the following objectives:

1. To determine the energy used in on-farm drying of
A N on-farm rice drying facility in southwest Louisiana
was monitored for six years to determine the total
energy used in 63 rice drying tests. Gas and electric
medium and long grain rice.
2. To evaluate the quality of the rice samples dried
meters were installed on four 8.23 m diameter bins with on the farm and compare with rice dried in the
11.2 kW centrifugal fans and natural gas burners. About laboratory.
90% of the total energy was required in heating the 3. To evaluate an energy saving device to reduce the
ambient air to 38°C during drying. No adverse effect on gas heating energy during drying.
rice quality was observed at this drying temperature.
INTRODUCTION Energy used in a large on-farm drying operation in
Large amounts of energy are used to dry rice on southwest Louisiana was monitored for the 1980 through
Louisiana farms. Louisiana produces about 15 % of the 1985 drying seasons. The facility is comprised of six large
U . S . rice crop and a third of the rice farmers in the state storage bins four of which were monitored for this study.
use on-farm drying. Drying accounts for 7.7 % of the Each 8.23 m diameter bin had a perforated floor with an
total energy required for rice production in Louisiana 11.2 kW centrifugal blower (Aerovant model CCD-270-
(Rutger and Grant, 1979). 15XL*), and a natural gas burner to heat the drying air.
Drying rough rice is different from drying some other Three phase electric utility meters and household gas
crops as the rice kernel is covered with husk during meters were used to monitor energy use of the blowers
drying. The weather conditions in rice growing areas are and burners. An additional electric meter was installed
also different and it is critical not to overheat the rice on the stirring device used in one bin primarily to level
grain during drying to preserve milling quality. the rice. Stirring was not used during drying.
Determining the energy used in drying rice and Operation of the drying facility was not influenced
investigating ways to reduce the energy input could because of this study. Cooperation of the farmer was
benefit the rice industry and farmers. sought in obtaining the necessary information. Gas and
The energy requirements in fixed bed and crossflow electric meter readings were recorded as soon as the
rice driers were 3.96 MJ and 5.31 MJ/kg of water drying operation began, usually just after a truckload of
removed, respectively (Singh et al., 1981). High air rice was emptied into the bin. The date and time when
temperature and low air flow increased the energy drying began were recorded as well as the weight and
efficiency of a concurrent flow rice drying simulation moisture content of each load to compute the weighted
whereas the grain flow had only a marginal effect average moisture and total rice in the bin. Depth of rice
(Walker and Bakker-Arkema, 1978). in the bin, airflow and static pressure were calculated
A study by Velupillai (1977) reported that a kerosene from the amount of rice in the bin and the blower fan
powered LSU type commercial dryer used 7.9 MJ/kg of data. Ambient temperature range was recorded for each
water removed. The energy used in a LSU type model lab drying test.
dryer for rice was 16.5 MJ/kg of water removed (Verma Drying air was maintained at about 38°C as far as
and Thomas, 1981). possible by the farmer. On a typical August day, gas flow
Unheated air is recommended by Kunze and was manually increased at night and cut back when the
Calderwood (1979) for on-farm rice drying in a storage sun came out and ambient temperature approached
bin except during prolonged periods of high humidity. 32.2°C. Whenever a prolonged daytime rain shower
They suggest heating the air by no more than 7°C. Rice occurred, gas flow was manually increased accordingly to
was dried using solar heated air in round bins by heat the air in the plenum. A dial type temperature
Calderwood (1979). Drying time and energy probe was present in the plenum of each bin.
consumption were reduced compared with unheated air In 1982, temperature and relative humidity of the
drying with almost no difference in the milling yields of ambient air and the exhaust air from one of the bins were
rice samples. recorded. This was to determine the drying potential of
the system. Drying potential is defined here as the actual
water removal during drying as compared to the
Article was submitted for publication in November, 1985; reviewed
and approved for publication by the Electrical and Electronic Systems
Div. of ASAE in October, 1986. *Trade names are used solely to provide specific information.
The authors are: LALIT R. VERMA, Professor, and LYLE A. Mention of a trade name does not constitute a warranty by the
JACOBSEN, Research Associate, Agricultural Engineering Dept., Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station of the LSU Agricultural
Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, Louisiana State University Center of the product nor an endorsement to the exclusion of other
Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge. products mentioned.

Vol. 3(l):May, 1987 © 1987 American Society of Agricultural Engineers 0883-8542/87/0301-0079$02.00 79

maximum possible, determined from the data and TABLE 2. COMPARISON OF RICE DRYING ENERGY
A gas modulating control valve was installed on the
gas line of one of the drying bins in 1984. This valve Modulating
regulated the gas flow into the burner by monitoring the control
drying demands and ambient conditions and adjusting kj/kg H2O Conventional burners
Year removed kj/kg H2O removed
accordingly. The other drying units were either on or off
and regulated by the operator. 1984 1980 3808 3120 3830
When drying was completed (moisture of 14 to 12% as 2914 4069 3976 2575
determined by the farmer using a Motomco moisture 1866 2291 2529
meter), the final moisture content, date, time, and meter 4510
readings were recorded. A Motomco moisture meter was Averages 2253 3389 3534 3202
also used in the laboratory. A sample of the dried rice
was taken with a probe from the bin for lab analysis of 1985 3495 3912 9850 7976
dockage, test weight, mill yield (total milled white rice) 2369 4411 2989
3056 5644 4242
and head yield (whole rice grains). In 1982, 1983, and
1985 samples of rice were taken from the top and bottom
of the bin to observe the effect on quality of overdrying in Averages 2887 4656 5694 7976
the lower portion of the rice batch. Samples of rice before
drying were obtained in the 1981 through 1983 and 1985
seasons. These were dried in the lab at room (C.V. = 0.255) in 1984 and 2.89 MJ/kg water removed
temperature. These samples were analyzed to determine (C.V. = 0.171) in 1985. All the other bins had average
if bin drying caused any change in rice quality. Natural energy consumptions of 3.41 (C.V. = 0.234) and 5.57
gas energy used was computed at 33.525 MJ/m 3 (900 (C.V. = 0.443) MJ/kg water removed for the same
Btu/ft 3 ) and electricity at 3.6 MJ/kWh. The total energy years, respectively (Table 2). The control valve resulted
used was the sum of these two and was calculated per kg in energy use one-third to one-half less than the
of water removed during drying. consumption without the valve in 1984 and 1985
respectively. The difference was statistically significant
RESULTS at the 0.1 % level. Two tests in 1985 with the
conventional burners resulted in abnormally high energy
The energy used to remove excess moisture from the consumption, possibly due to hurricanes. The energy use
rice is shown in Table 1. The six year average for drying
long and medium grain rice was 3.63 MJ/kg of water
removed. However, large variations were observed from ON-FARM RICE DRYING
year to year. A low energy input of 2.4 MJ/kg water
removed for medium grain rice in 1981 and a high of 4.9 Mill Head Test
Year Tests % M.C. yield yield Dockage weight
MJ/kg water removed for long grain rice in 1985 were (w.b.) (C.V.) (C.V.) kg/m 3
observed. The energy required to heat the ambient air 1980/b 5 12.08 70.4 56.6 3.34 575.8
ranged from 86.5 to 94.8 % of the total energy. (0.018) (0.140)
The drying potential for the system was generally in 1981/1 7 11.1 75.0 66.4 2.4 579.5
(0.012) (0.047)
the range of 40 to 80 % depending on the time of day and 1981/b 9 11.1 74.5 69.4 2.5 591.6
weather conditions. Higher drying potential was (0.011) (0.037)
1982/1 11 12.3 73.9 62.07 2.13 588.7
oberserved for lower ambient temperatures, typically in (0.033) (0.068)
the morning, when the air was higher in humidity but 1982/b 13 11.7 71.74 64.46 2.58 596.3
(0.011) (0.067)
was heated. The average potential was 63 % (C.V. = top 12.12 71.74 62.70 2.03 597.9
0.148). (0.021) (0.113)
bottom 11.47 71.82 65.94 3.09 596.6
Average energy consumption for the bin with the gas (0.017) (0.040)
modulating control was 2.25 MJ/kg water removed 1983/1 10 N.A. 72.15 66.23 2.11 590.7
(0.012) (0.036)
1983/b 11 12.13 72.19 65.39 2.27 586.6
(0.017) (0.054)
top 12.56 71.92 65.68 2.50 586.0
GRAIN RICE. bottom 12.01 72.30 65.91 1.89 592.4
(0.019) (0.073)
Year Grain Tests kj/kg H 2 0 (C.V.) Heating 1984/b 12 12.19 72.98 67.96 2.12 582.4
removed % (0.027) (0.058)
1985/1 9 N.A. 62.55 54.80 3.09 603.7
1980 long 3 2513 (0.158) 92.0 (0.089) (0.103)
medium 3123 94.8 1985/b 13 13.50 70.86 64.80 2.53 599.0
1 — (0.076) (0.105)
1981 long 1 3364 - 91.4
top 14.38 69.85 63.17 2.62 601.7
medium 8 2370 (0.393) 89.0
(0.088) (0.121)
1982 long 4 4120 (0.134) 92.6 bottom 12.61 71.86 66.43 2.44 595.9
medium 9 3996 (0.161) 91.7 (0.062) (0.084)
1983 long 1 3672 - 92.5
medium 10 3956 (0.159) 90.6 Average
1984 long 7 3385 (0.224) 88.3 lab 11.83 70.87 62.54 2.41 591.1
medium 5 2754 (0.371) 86.5 in-bin 12.18 72.16 65.44 2.48 590.2
1985 long 6 4947 (0.532) 88.9 top 13.08 71.13 63.75 2.38 592.7
medium 5 4178 (0.528) 87.1 bottom 12.03 71.98 66.10 2.50 595.1

Average long 22 3780 90.2 Remarks: The / l and /b indicate whether the sample was dried in the laboratory
medium 38 3481 89.6 or on the farm in the bin.
N.A. indicates data not available.


without these values was 32% lower for the modulating temperatures during each test, quality results and energy
valve. The large Coefficient of Variation (C.V.) noted use breakdown.
here and in Table 1 reflects the deviation from the mean In drying a tonne of rough rice from 22 % (w.b.) to
of each batch and is due in part to operator decisions 13.5 % (w.b.), 98.3 kg of water must be removed. At an
regulating the gas heating and to abnormal ambient average of 3.75 MJ/kg of water removed for on-farm
conditions such as extended rain showers and periods of drying, it will take 368.63 MJ of energy. If 90 % of this
high humidity. (331.76 MJ) is from natural gas and 10 % (36.87 MJ)
The results of the milling quality analysis of the rice from electricity, each tonne will require 9.90 m3 of
samples are given in Table 3. Samples taken from the top natural gas and 10.24 kWh of electricity. Considering
and bottom in 1982, 1983, and 1985 gave the following gas at $0.21/m 3 ($0.60/100 ft3) and electricity at 8 cents
average results, respectively: mill yield, 71.13 and 71.98 per kWh, the cost of gas is $2.08 and electricity is $0.82,
%; head yield, 63.75 and 66.10 %; dockage, 2.38 and a total of $2.90, per tonne of wet rice. Or the energy cost
2.50 %; and test weight, 592.7 and 595.1 kg/m 3 . The of drying 1 kg of wet rice from 22 to 13.5% moisture is
average moisture content for the top and bottom samples 0.29 cents.
were 13.08 and 12.03 %, respectively. The assumed
overdrying effect due to the depth of the rice in the bin
did not significantly affect the resulting rice milling CONCLUSIONS
quality (p<0.05). The low temperature in-bin drying operation of this
Over the time of the study, the laboratory and on-farm study was an efficient one requiring less than 4.0 MJ/kg
bin drying showed the following averages, respectively: of water removed on the average though variation was
mill yield, 70.87 and 72.16 %; head yield, 62.54 and observed from test to test and year to year. A gas
65.44 %; dockage, 2.41 and 2.48 %; test weight, 591.1 modulating control saved 34% in 1984 and 48% in 1985
and 590.2 kg/m 3 ; and average moisture content, 11.83 of the total rice drying energy. Generally 90% of the total
and 12.18 %. The in-bin drying operation did not energy input was used to heat the ambient air. The rice
adversely affect the rice milling quality and no significant milling quality was not adversely affected by the in-bin
difference was noted when compared to the samples drying operation nor was there any significant quality
dried in the lab (p<0.10). Detailed data on individual effect due to over dying of rice sampled from the bottom
drying tests are presented in Tables 4 through 9 for 1980 of a bin. At the prices assumed, the average cost of
to 1985, respectively. These include moisture values, rice drying a tonne of rice from 22 to 13.5% moisture was
depth, airflow, static pressure, range of ambient $2.90.


Start date of test 8-5 8-9 8-15 8-17 8-28

1. Variety Mars Lebonnet Lebonnet Lebonnet Lebonnet

medium long long long long

2. Initial moisture,
% (w.b.) 19.97 20.77 19.98 20.70 21.14

3. Final moisture,
% (w.b.) 13.50 11.20 11.70 10.90 13.10

4. Weight of rice, kg 81,066 81,719 81,086 27,634 118,925

5. Rice depth in bin,, m 2.64 2.66 2.64 0.90 3.87

6. Airflow, x 10-3 4.34 4.30 4.34

7. Static pressure,
cm of H2O 12.85 12.90 12.85 —
8. Ambient temperature
range, °C 21-34 22-33 22-34 22-34 18-34

9. Mill yield, % 69.8 70.9 69.1 70.0 72.4

10. Head yield, % 58.4 56.4 48.0 51.4 68.8

11. Dockage, % 1.6 2.6 3.8 5.0 3.7

12. Test weight, kg/m 3 566.4 561.3 — 599.7

13. Energy in drying, kj/kg 0 f H 2°

-Gas 2960 1923 2393 2618
- Electricity 163 149 232 223 307
- Total 3123 2072 2625 2841

-Data not available.

Vol. 3(l):May, 1987


Start date of test 8-1 8-21 8-21 8-26 9-1 9-5 9-6 9-8 9-8

1. Variety Lebonnet Nato Nato Nato Nato Nato Nato Nato Nato
long medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium

2. Initial moisture,
% (w.b.) 20.53 23.08 20.76 21.81 22.22 20.91 20.00 20.31 20.07

3. Final moisture,
% (w.b.) 13.70 14.10 13.30 11.10 12.15 12.50 12.20 12.50 12.30

4. Weight of rice, kg 89,322 64,461 64,216 70,748 64,461 65,481 68,176 67,114 42,171

5. Rice depth in bin, m 2.91 2.10 2.09 2.31 2.10 2.13 2.22 2.19 1.37

m^/min ~
6. Airflow, x 10"J 3.88 5.72 5.75 5.03 5.72 5.62 5.35 5.46 9.65

7. Static pressure,
cm of H2O 13.21 11.81 11.79 12.19 11.81 11.94 12.06 12.01 8.36

8. Ambient temperature
range, C 22-34 20-34 20-34 19-34 23-32 19-32 18-34 15-34 15-34

9. Mill yield, %
- lab dried sample 76.4 73.5 75.3 75.0 75.5 75.3 74.3
- bin dried sample 74.8 73.0 75.5 73.8 75.1 74.9 75.3 74.1 73.8

10. Head yield, %

- lab dried sample 67.7 66.0 69.9 69.4 63.4 61.4 67.2
- bin dried sample 66.4 64.3 69.0 69.2 71.1 71.8 71.1 69.8 71.6

11. Dockage, %
- lab dried sample 3.3 2.3 3.0 1.1 2.4 2.4 2.2
- bin dried sample 2.7 2.2 3.4 1.8 4.1 2.0 3.3 1.4 2.0

12. Test weight, kg/m3

- lab dried sample 579.2 601.3 594.0 586.9 565.8 565.8 563.2
- bin dried sample 584.3 593.3 600.0 587.6 588.8 590.8 580.5 598.8 593.1

13. Energy in drying, kj/kg of H2O

-Gas 3076 1677 4586 1402 1849 2053 2681 2837 2414
-Electricity 288 223 393 140 205 319 349 372 339
-Total 3364 1900 4979 1542 2054 2372 3030 3209 2753

Data not available.

References accounting of a rice dryer. ASAE Paper No. 81-6017, ASAE, St.
1. Calderwood, D. L. 1979. Rice drying with solar heat. Joseph, MI 49085.
TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE. 22(6): 1435-1438. 5. Velupillai, L. 1977. Report on the rice mill complex at
2. Kunze, O. R., and D. L. Calderwood. 1979. Systems for drying morkeytiya. RPDC No. Rl/77. Rice Processing Development Center,
of rice. In: Drying and storage of agricultural crops. C. W. Hall. AVI Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka.
Publishing Co., Westport, CT. p. 230. 6. Verma, L. R., and M. D. Thomas. 1981. Laboratory
3. Rutger, J. N., and W. R. Grant. 1979. Energy use in rice measurement of energy use in rice processing. ASAE Paper No.
production. In: Handbook of energy utilization in agriculture, edited SWR-81-402, ASAE., St. Joseph, MI, 49085.
by D. Pimental. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL. Pp. 93-98. 7. Walker, L. P., and F. W. Bakker-Arkema. 1978. Energy
4. Singh, R. P., P. K. Chandra and C. A. Zuritz. 1981. Energy efficiency in concurrent flow rice drying. ASAE Paper No. 78-3540,
ASAE, St. Joseph, MI, 49085.

(Tables 6 through 9 follow.



Start date of test 7-30 8-2 8-4 8-5 8-13 8-12 -14 8-19 8-20 8-21 8-26 8-27 8-28
End date of test 8-5 8-9 8-9 8-17 -18 8-23 8-22 8-24 9-1 9-3 8-31

1. Variety Lebonnet Leah Lebonnet Lebonnet Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Saturn Saturn Saturn
long long long long medium medium medium mediun medium medium medium medium medium

2. Initial moisture
% (w.b.) 21.19 21.19 16.93 21.64 23.0 17.09 21.36 22.31 20.3 19.12

3. Final moisture
% (w.b.) - 13.21 12.22 - 12.22 10.6 - 11.11 12.22 13.67 12.22 15. 10.55

4. Weight of rice, kg 93,168 86,337 77,528 82,336 92,165 81,746 91,276 83,652 39,902 64,338 83,103 84,649 68,801

5. Rice depth, m 3.02 2.80 2.52 2.67 2.99 2.65 2.96 2.72 1.30 2.09 2.70 2.75 2.23
m min
6. A i r f l o w , '
x 10-3 & 3.68 4.00 4.55 4.23 3.70 4.23 3.75 4.16 1.43 5.72 4.23 4.13 5.26

7. Static pressure,
cm o f H 2 O 13.41 13.21 12.83 13.00 13.41 13.00 13.36 13.06 7.67 11.86 12.8 12.95 12.04

8. Ambient temperature
range, °C 22-34 21-34 21-34 21-34 21-33 21-33 22-33 21-34 21-34 21-34 19-36 20-36 22-36

9. Mill yield, %
— lab dried sample 73.89 74.3 73.83 73.09 75.80 77.28 75.8 69.7 76.79 70.65 71.79

T 69.75 71.91 70.18 74.14 71.85 70.67 69.44 72.96 71.98 72.56 71.30 73.86
bin dried sample
B 70.55 72.47 71.7 71.17 72.70 71.30 72.92 71.73 73.64 70.78 73.40 69.72

10. Head yield, %

—lab dried sample 65.31 56.1 66.3 59.94 64.26 70.25 64.07 60.48 65.87 64.32 56.92
T 63.51 47.71 57.97 65.67 52.84 62.46 61.66 68.27 69.76 64.63 64.85 73.11
—bin dried sample
B 64.62 64.51 67.04 66.29 60.20 68.89 63.19 67.23 67.25 64.70 .22 69.19

11. Dockage, %
—lab dried sample 2.0 3.3 1.88 1.8 1.7 1.73 1.6 2.38 2.5 2.36 2.2
T 3.27 0.82 2.12 1.73 3.39 2.25 0.9 1.73 0.65 3.88 1.80 1.87
—bin dried sample
B 3.43 3.62 5.79 4.22 1.79 1.85 1.51 4.65 1.67 3.85 3.20 1.54

12. Test weight, kg/m^

—lab dried 600.7 585.7 589.5 555.4 576.7 593.1 601.1 584.4 571.5 619.8 597.9
T 579.9 611.0 588.6 591.: 606.3 583.1 621.7 600.7
—bin dried
B 588.2 594.7 587.0 602.4 599.8 604.3 598.5

13. Energy in drying KJ/kg of H2O

-Gas 3230 4448 4131 3479 4110 3978 4348 4063 4393 3300 2870 3095 2871
-Electric 301 294 272 327 289 361 277 423 345 212 276 476 279
-Total 3531 4742 4403 3806 4399 4339 4625 4486 4738 3512 3146 3571 3150

-Data not available. T — Top sample. B — Bottom sample.


Start date of test 8-14 8-15 8-11 8-13 8-16 8-19 8-21 8-21 8-24 8-25 9-3
End date of test 8-20 8-15 8-18 8-18 8-24 8-28 8-28 8-31

1. Variety Mars Mars Lebonnet Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars
medium medium long medium medium medium medium medium medium medium medium

2. Initial moisture
% (w. b.)

3. Final moisture
% (w. b.) - - - - 12.17 12.54 - 13.14 -

4. Weight of rice, kg 80,876 79,161 55,706 74,648 42,025 62,931 96,860 99,219 62,224 52,140 32,241

5. Rice depth in bin, m 2.58 2.50 1.79 2.38 1.35 2.00 3.05 3.08 1.96 1.66 1.05
„ .. ~ mJ/min ,-3
6. Airflow, - ~ x 10 4.38 4.50 6.82 4.82 9.76 5.92 3.57 3.48 6.01 7.36

7. Static pressure
cm of H2O 12.70 12.57 10.90 12.37 8.28 11.48 13.44 13.46 11.38 10.54

8. Ambient temperature
range, °C 22-33 22-33 21-33 22-33 22-33 21-35 21-35 21-35 21-35 21-35 20-35

9. Mill yield, %
—lab dried sample 71.38 71.56 73.01 72.24 72.06 73.19 72.53 72.9 72.13 70.48
72.78 72.3 68.3 71.92 72.5 72.76 73.39 71.45
—bin dried sample
71.81 73.68 70.81 72.73 70.76 74.04

10. Head yield, %

—lab dried sample 67.94 66.74 65.19 66.0 60.63 67.33 68.71 68.91 64.96 65.93
T 68.15 66.65 54.5 69.31 68.01 69.39 62.84 66.56
—bin dried sample
B 59.61 70.55 62.58 71.68 67.76 63.27
r 1 1 . Dockage, %
m —lab dried sample 1.8 1.8 1.47 2.59 1.77 1.69 1.36 3.3 2.65 2.63
D T 2.12 1.82 3.24 2.11 2.3 2.28 3.99 2.13
m —bin dried sample
'Z B 3.37 1.84 2.32 1.0 2.0 0.81
m 12. Test wt
m —lab dried sample 589.5 593.8 584.0 589.1 585.7 592.5 596.4 605.0 596.0 575.0
3 T 578.3 566.4 594.3 592.1 582.2 593.8 594.7
o —bin dried sample
B 598.9 586.0 582.2 590.4 603.7 593.0
o 13. Energy in drying, KJ/kg of H 2 O
o -Gas 3859 3397 3396 3140 4577 3102 3920 3379 3358 3091 3863
r —Electricity 214 297 276 301 320 323 220 315 227 335 1321
H -Total 4073 3694 3672 3441 4897 3425 4140 3694 3585 3426 5184
— Data n o t available. T — T o p sample. B — B o t t o m sample.

Start date of test 7-27 7-28 7-30 8-10 8-12 8-13 8-14 8-16 8-17 8-17 8-26 8-27
End date of test 8-1 8-2 8-5 8-14 8-15 8-17 8-23 8-23 8-23 8-30

1. Variety Bond Bond Bond Lemont Lemont Lemont Lemont Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars
long long long long long long long medium medium

2. Initial moisture medium medium medium

% (w. b.) 20.81 21.05 20.79 18.11 13.38 18.37 17.28 21.82 21.19

3. Final moisture 21.16 20.59 21.67

% (w. b.) 12.0 12.5 12.0 12.3 12.3 12.0 12.8 12.2 13.3

64,156 62,682 59,339 62,573 72,769 77,450 12.5 12.4 12.3

4. Weight of rice, kg 71,395 77,020 65,884

5. Rice depth in bin, m 2.33 2.45 21.9 2.12 2.06 1.98 1.98 2.33 2.45 72,928 43,576 76,235
, .. „ m^/min „ _ _a 2.28 1.39 2.44
5.06 4.65 5.55 5.74 5.90 6.28 5.96 4.96 4.62
6. Airflow, x 10 ^
kg 4.97 9.32 4.70
7. Static pressure
12.27 12.47 11.94 11.81 11.66 11.40 11.43 12.27 12.47 12.14 8.64 12.45
cm of H2O
8. Ambient temperature
range, °C 19-34 19-34 19-34 21-34 21-33 21-33 21-34 21-36 22-36 22-36 22-36 21-36

9. Mill yield, % 71.1 70.9 68.3 73.9 72.6 73.8 72.6 74.6 74.5 74.2 74.9 74.3

10. Head yield, % 64.8 62.2 59.1 70.4 68.5 69.2 67.9 71.8 71.1 71.8 68.8 69.9

11. Dockage, %
—bin dried 3.0 3.0 3.36 2.7 2.3 2.7 1.6 1.87 1.8 .73 1.4 1.0
12. Test weight, kg/m
—bin dried 575.6 590.2 565.7 569.4 571.2 565.2 593.4 586.7 593.5 600.5 588.9 589.0

13. Energy in drying, KJ/kg of H2O

-Gas 1660 3444 2785 2479 3710 3602 3370 1537 1965 2183 4079 2251
—Electricity 320 364 335 435 359 374 460 329 326 346 431 324
1980 3808 3120 2914 4069 3976 3830 1866 2291 2529 4510 2575
— Data not available.
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